Emanuel Deda Seran (0103518077) Eng
Emanuel Deda Seran (0103518077) Eng
Emanuel Deda Seran (0103518077) Eng
1. Introduction
Science literacy is the ability to interpret science in everyday life, not just understanding theory
but can do and provide solutions to problems faced (Hariadi, et al, 2015: 2). According to Norris
& Philips (2003) in Hariadi, et al (2015; 2) scientific literacy is a term used to understand
science and the ability to think critically in solving problems using scientific expertise. There
are three dimensions of scientific literacy according to OECD (2009) in the Progress for
International Student Assessment (PISA) research, namely scientific concepts, scientific
processes, and scientific situations or application areas. The level of scientific literacy in
students can be achieved through a learning process that makes students use critical and logical
Natural Sciences learning in elementary schools has not fully used scientific literacy as a
benchmark for learning success. This causes the literacy ability of students in elementary school
to be at the lowest level. Learning science in elementary school only focuses on students' ability
to fulfill academic goals (get good grades during the exam) and material completion without
regard to the scientific process and the application of science concepts in everyday life. For
example, when a daily test was held there were questions relating to the problems in the
community students were unable to solve the problem because what they often did was
memorize the material and science concept. Students cannot think critically to relate the
concepts of science that they have to solve these problems. This will certainly have an impact
on students' poor literacy skills in elementary school. Therefore, a learning method is needed
that can prepare students to have good competence and literacy in science and technology, able
to think logically, critically, creatively, argue correctly, can communicate and collaborate. One
example of learning that is meaningful for students in improving critical thinking skills and
scientific literacy in natural science learning is constructive learning. By learning constructivism
students are given the opportunity to use their minds in building their own knowledge.
Yuyu Yuliati's research (2017) said that in developing and developing scientific literacy skills
teachers can implement active student-oriented learning in understanding and applying the
concepts that have been learned to solve problems experienced by students in daily life. The
learning model that can be implemented by teachers in improving students' scientific literacy
skills is through Problem Based Learning Learning (PBL). Another study was also conducted
by Hariadi (2015), the results of the study stated that the use of PBL-based scientific literacy
learning devices had a significant effect on students' critical thinking skills. Based on the results
of the two previous studies, it can be said that learning using the Problem Based Learning (PBL)
model can improve students' critical thinking skills in scientific literacy.
However, there are also other studies which state that learning models that can improve
students' scientific literacy are STS learning models (Science, Technology, and Society).
According to Gusfarenei's research (2013), the Science Technolog and Society (STS) learning
model can be used by teachers to train students' ability to interact socially such as discussing
and working with peers. In addition, students can also practice learning critical thinking,
contribute to expressing opinions and solving emerging scientific and social problems. In
addition, Rahayuni's research (2016) shows that STS is more effective than PBL in improving
students' critical thinking skills and scientific literacy. From the description of the research
above, it can be concluded that the STS and PBL models are very influential to improve
scientific literacy skills and students' critical thinking skills in overcoming existing problems.
However, from these studies not specifically described how to implement STS and PBL models
in science learning. Besides, the syntax of the two learning models has not been integrated with
the indicators of critical thinking and aspects of scientific literacy. This is very necessary for the
teacher to know how to implement the STS and PBL learning models to improve students'
critical thinking skills and scientific literacy simultaneously. By knowing how to apply the STS
and PBL models well, the teacher will know which model is the most effective to improve
scientific literacy skills and students' critical thinking skills in science learning in elementary
Based on the descriptions above, in this study will be integrated indicators of critical thinking
and aspects of scientific literacy into the syntax of STS and PBL. With this integration, clearly,
it will be known how to implement the STS and PBL models to improve scientific literacy skills
and students' thinking ability in science learning in elementary school. With the new syntax
compilation of STS and PBL models, it will be known which model is effective for use in
science learning. With the creation of effective science learning, it will improve students 'critical
thinking skills and students' scientific literacy to overcome various problems around their
2. Methods
Based on the results of observations at elementary school during the science learning process
and from the results of the daily students' tests on the previous sub-theme, half of the students
did not reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) set by the school, the teacher had
never implemented the STS model and PBL in science learning. Of these two things, it has an
impact on scientific literacy skills and students' critical thinking skills when faced with
problems that exist in the community. Homogeneity test is performed on the daily test scores on
the previous sub-themes, the test results state that all students from both classes are in the same
state. In addition, to create varied learning, the two different models will be implemented in
each class by taking into account the steps or syntax of STS and PBL models that have been
integrated with critical thinking indicators and aspects of scientific literacy. Thus, it will be seen
how the teacher in implementing the STS and PBL models in natural science learning and
which models are more effective in improving critical thinking skills and literacy skills of
students in elementary school.
Arends (2008) in (Nugraha, 2017: 38) explains PBL is a learning model designed to help
students develop thinking skills and problem-solving skills, learn adult roles, and become
independent students. PBL is a learning model that applies cognitive and constructivist theories
because it constructs the knowledge and skills that already exist in itself with new information
in order to solve problems. In the following table will be presented the syntax of Problem Based
Learning (PBL) model according to Ibrahim Nur (2000) in Trianto, 2014: 72.
Stage 1 Student The teacher explains the learning objectives, explains the logistics
orientation to the needed, proposes phenomena or demonstrations, or stories to raise
problem problems, and motivates students to participate in problem-solving.
Stage 2 Organize The teacher helps students to define and organize learning tasks
students to learn related to the problem.
Stage 3 Guiding The teacher encourages students to gather appropriate information,
individual-group carry out experiments, to get explanations and problem-solving.
Stage 4 Develop and The teacher assists students in planning and preparing work, in the
present the work form of reports, videos, and models and helps them to share
assignments with their friends.
Stage 5 Analyze and The teacher helps students to reflect or evaluate their investigations
evaluate the problem- and the processes they use.
solving process
In the sections above it has been explained in relation to scientific literacy abilities and critical
thinking abilities as well as two models of constructivism principles namely the Science,
Technology, and Society (STS) and Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning models. The next
part will integrate elements of scientific literacy and critical thinking indicators into both the
STS and PBL learning model syntax. Integration is done by taking into account the original
syntax described in the previous section. The syntax of the Science, Technology, and Society
(STS) learning model that has been integrated with elements of scientific literacy and critical
thinking indicators will be described in the following table. This integration is done so that
teachers can find out how to implement STS and PBL learning models to improve students'
scientific literacy and critical thinking skills.
The following table will also describe the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model
syntax by integrating indicators of critical thinking and sains literacy.
By knowing the steps of STS and PBL learning that has been integrated with the elements of
scientific literacy and indicators of critical thinking, it will be easier for the teacher to assess
critical thinking skills and the ability of students to play scientific science literacy. In addition,
students will know the things that will be done when learning takes place. An effective model is
a model that can improve students' critical thinking skills and scientific literacy (according to
the elements of scientific literacy and critical thinking indicators).
4. Conclusion
The implementation of the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) and Problem Based
Learning (PBL) models by integrating elements /aspects of scientific literacy and indicators of
critical thinking into the learner's steps/syntax is considered very important. By interfering the
teacher can find out the steps in applying the STS and PBL models, and determine the most
effective models in improving scientific literacy and students' thinking ability in solving
problems around the community by using the science concept. besides that, with these two
models will create meaningful learning for students. students not only understand the science
concept, but students are also able to develop scientific attitudes, the ability to communicate
science and apply the science concept to overcome problems in society. Students will develop
the ability to think critically in determining decisions in solving problems related to science in
society. Thus, through the application of the STS and PBL models will improve scientific
literacy skills and thinking of students in elementary school.
5. References
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