X2 X1 Z2 E+ E-0V 110 220 380 Z1: Installation and Maintenance

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X2 Z1 X1 Z2 E+ E- 0V 110 220 380



Installation and maintenance
Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


This manual concerns the alternator AVR which you have just purchased.
We wish to draw your attention to the contents of this maintenance manual.


Before using your machine for the first time,

it is important to read the whole of this
installation and maintenance manual. All servicing or repair operations
performed on the AVR should be
All necessary operations and interventions undertaken by personnel trained in the
on this machine must be performed by a commissioning, servicing and main-
qualified technician. tenance of electrical and mechanical
Our technical support service will be pleased
to provide any additional information you
may require.

The various operations described in this

manual are accompanied by recom- When the generator is driven at a
mendations or symbols to alert the user to frequency below 28 Hz for more than 30
potential risks of accidents. It is vital that seconds with an analogue AVR, its AC
you understand and take notice of the power supply must be disconnected.
following warning symbols.
WARNING This AVR can be incorporated in a EC-
marked machine.
Warning symbol for an operation capable This manual is to be given to the end
of damaging or destroying the machine user.
or surrounding equipment.

© - We reserve the right to modify the

characteristics of this product at any time in
order to incorporate the latest technological
developments. The information contained in
Warning symbol for general danger to this document may therefore be changed
personnel. without notice.

This document may not be reproduced in

any form without prior authorisation.
All brands and models have been registered
and patents applied for.
Warning symbol for electrical danger to

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j



1 - SUPPLY...............................................................................................................................4

1.1 - AREP excitation system................................................................................................4

1.2 - PMG excitation system..................................................................................................5
1.3 - SHUNT or separate excitation system...........................................................................5

2 - R438 AVR............................................................................................................................6

2.1 - Characteristics.............................................................................................................. 6
2.2 - Frequency compared with voltage (without LAM)..........................................................6
2.3 - LAM (Load Acceptance Module) characteristics...........................................................6
2.4 - Typical effects of the LAM with a diesel engine with or without a LAM (U/F only)........... 7
2.5 - R438 AVR options......................................................................................................... 8

3 - INSTALLATION - COMMISSIONING..................................................................................9

3.1 - Electrical checks on the AVR.........................................................................................9

3.2 - Settings.........................................................................................................................9
3.3 - Electrical faults............................................................................................................ 12

4 - SPARE PARTS.................................................................................................................. 13

4.1 - Designation................................................................................................................. 13
4.2 - Technical support service............................................................................................13

Disposal and recycling instructions

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


1 - SUPPLY to that of the alternator (characteristic

1.1 - AREP excitation system Shunt), the second has a voltage in
proportion to the stator current (compound
For both AREP & PMG excitation systems, characteristic: Booster effect).
the alternator voltage regulator is the R438. The power supply voltage is rectified and
With AREP excitation, the R438 electronic filtered before being used by the AVR
AVR is powered by two auxiliary windings monitoring transistor. This principle ensures
which are independent of the voltage match that regulation is not affected by distortions
circuit. generated by the load.
The first winding has a voltage in proportion

STATOR : 6 wires (marked T1 to T6)

MAIN FIELD STATOR : 12 wires (marked T1 to T12)
AREP SYSTEM Aux. windings
T1 T7 T2 T8 T3 T9

5+ 6-
T4 T10 T5 T11 T6 T12
10 Yellow
11 Red
12 Black
9 Green

according voltage

140 mm

X2 Z1 X1 Z2 E+ E- 0V 110 220 380 4 x holes Ø 5.8 x

F1 Slow fuse
125 mm

115 x 100 mm
250V 8 A

with LAM without LAM Quad

Frequency 50Hz 60Hz ST9

ST10 T.I. S2 P2
LAM 13 % 25 %
S1 Ph.1
P5 ceiling
ST4 Option

ST11 open
knee-point: 65 Hz
External potentiometer
for adjusting the voltage

ST2 Response
fast ST1 P2 Option

Single- Voltage R731 3-ph. detection

P3 Stability phase
detection in 3-ph. detection ST1 open

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


1.2 - PMG excitation system alternator winding. As a result the machine

has a short-circuit current capacity and
This excitation system consists of a «PMG»
good immunity to distortions generated by
(permanent magnet generator). This is fitted
the load.
at the rear of the machine and connected to
The AVR monitors and corrects the
the R438 AVR.
alternator output voltage by adjusting the
The PMG supplies the AVR with constant
excitation current.
voltage which is independent of the main
- 50/60 Hz selection via the ST3 jumper.
STATOR : 6 wires (marked T1 to T6)
MAIN FIELD STATOR : 12 wires (marked T1 to T12)
T1 T7 T2 T8 T3 T9


5+ 6-
T4 T10 T5 T11 T6 T12

according voltage
14 15 16
140 mm

X2 Z1 X1 Z2 E+ E- 0V 110 220 380 4 x holes Ø 5.8 x

F1 Slow fuse
125 mm

250V 8 A 115 x 100 mm

with LAM without LAM Quad

Frequency 50Hz 60Hz PMG

ST10 T.I. S2 P2
LAM 13 % 25 %

ST4 Option

ST11 open
knee-point: 65 Hz
External potentiometer
for adjusting the voltage

time fast P2 Option

Single- Voltage R731 3-ph. detection

P3 Stability phase
detection in 3-ph. detection ST1 open

1.3 - SHUNT or separate excitation system

AVR can be operated with SHUNT supply (with a transformer / secondary 50V or a 48V battery).

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


2 - R438 AVR 2.1.2 - Setting potentiometers function

2.1 - Characteristics Delivrery
Pot. Function
- Storage : -55°C ; +85°C position

- Operation : -40°C ; +70°C 0 P1 Quadrature droop ; // operation with C.T.

- Standard power supply: AREP or PMG. 400V P2 Voltage
- Rated overload current: 8 A - 10 s Centre P3 Stability
- Electronic protection (overload, short-
Maxi P5 Excitation current ceiling
circuit on opening of voltage sensing circuit):
excitation overload current for 10 seconds
then return to approximately 1A. The
alternator must be stopped (or the power 2.2 - Frequency compared with
switched off) in order to reset the protection. voltage (without LAM)
- Fuse : F1 on X1, X2. 8A ; slow - 250V
- Voltage sensing : 5 VA isolated via trans- Voltage Bend 57.5 Hz
48 Hz
former ; 100 %
• 0-110 V terminals = 95 to 140 V, U/UN 50 Hz
• 0-220 V terminals = 170 to 260 V, 60 Hz
• 0-380 V terminals = 340 to 520 V.
- Voltage regulation ± 0.5%. Frequency
- Normal or rapid response time via ST2 50 Hz 60 Hz Hz
jumper (see below).
- Voltage adjustment via potentiometer P2.
other voltages via adapter transformer 2.3 - LAM (Load Acceptance
- Current sensing (parallel operation): C.T. Module) characteristics
2.5 VA cl1, secondary 1 A (optional). 2.3.1 - Voltage drop
- Quadrature droop adjustment via
potentiometer P1. The LAM system is integrated in the R438
- Max. excitation current adjustment via P5 AVR as standard.
(see below). Role of the «LAM» (Load Adjustment
Module) :
2.1.1 - Configuration jumpers function On application of a load, the rotation speed
of the generator set decreases. When it
passes below the preset frequency
Pot. Position Function
Open Closed
threshold, the LAM causes the voltage to
Open for module drop by approximately 13% or 25% and
ST1 3-ph. Mono
installation tri detection consequently the amount of active load
ST2 Fast Normal Response time applied is reduced by approximately 25% to
ST3 50 ou 60 Hz Frequency selection 50%, until the speed reaches its rated value
ST4 poten­- Without Potentiometer
tiometer Hence the LAM can be used either to reduce
ST5 Without With LAM the speed variation (frequency) and its
AREP Supply duration for a given applied load, or to
LAM voltage drop
increase the applied load possible for one
ST10 13% or 25%
amplitude speed variation (turbo-charged engine).
ST11 65 Hz
48 or U/f function bend To avoid voltage oscillations, the trip
58 Hz position threshold for the LAM function should be set
approximately 2 Hz below the lowest
frequency in steady state.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


- LAM : action eliminated by cutting the ST5 2.4 - Typical effects of the LAM with
jumper. a diesel engine with or without a
Voltage LAM (U/F only)
Underspeed and LAM
ST5 disconnected
UN Voltage 2.4.1 - Voltage
Transient voltage drop
U/f UN
0.85 UN LAM

48 or 57.5 Hz 50 or 60 Hz with without LAM
0 0,8

0 1s 2s 3s

2.3.2 - Gradual voltage return function

2.4.2 - Frequency
During load impacts, the function helps the
genset to return to its rated speed faster Max speed drop with
thanks to a gradual increase in voltage fN LAM

according to the principle:

- If the speed drops between 46 and 50 Hz,
the rated voltage follows a fast gradient as it without
is restored. 0,8
- If the speed drops below 46 Hz, since the
0 1s 2s 3s
engine needs more help, the voltage follows
a slow gradient as it returns to the reference
2.4.3 - Power

Load on the

Drop N ≤ 46 Hz
shaft (kW)

Variation in the load

Drop N > 46 Hz
0 Load shedding due to "LAM"

0 1s 2s 3s

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


2.5 - R438 AVR options - Voltage control: with an isolated

D.C. current source applied to the terminals
- Current transformer for parallel operation used for the external potentiometer:
of ....../1A. 5 VA CL 1. • Internal impedance 1.5 kΩ.
• A variation of ± 0.5 V corresponds to a
- Remote voltage adjustment voltage adjustment of ± 10%.
potentiometer: 470 Ω, 0.5 W min:
adjustment range ± 5% (range limited by
internal voltage potentiometer P2). Remove
ST4 to connect the poten-tiometer. (A 1 kΩ
potentiometer can also be used to extend
the adjustment range).

For wiring up the external potentiometer;

the “earth” wires must be isolated as
well as the potentiometer terminals
(wires at the same voltage as the power).

- R731 external module: sensing of

3-phase voltage 200 to 500 V, compatible
with parallel operation. Disconnect ST1 to
connect the module; set the voltage via the
module potentiometer.

- R734 module: detection of 3-phase

current and voltage for parallel operation on
unbalanced installations (imbalance >

- R726 module: 3 functions (mounted

P.F. regulation (2F) and voltage sensing
circuit before paralleling (3 F).

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


3 - INSTALLATION - COMMISSIONING a) Initial potentiometer settings (see table

3.1 - Electrical checks on the AVR below)
- Remote voltage adjustment potentiometer
- Check that all connections have been : centre (ST4 jumper removed).
made properly as shown in the attached
wiring diagram. Action Factory setting Pot.
- Check that the ST3 frequency selection
jumper is on the correct frequency setting. Voltage 400V - 50 Hz
- Check whether the ST4 jumper or the minimum fully anti-clockwise
0 - 380 V) P2
remote adjustment potentiometer have
been connected. Not set
- Optional operating modes. Stability
(centre position)
• ST1 jumper : open to connect the R731or
Voltage quadrature droop Not set
R734 3-phase (// operation with C.T.) (fully anti-
sensing module. - 0 quadrature loop fully clockwise) P1
• ST2 jumper : open if rapid response time anti-clockwise.
used Excitation ceiling
• ST5 jumper : open to suppress the LAM Limit of excitation and 10 A
function. short-circuit current, maximum P5
minimum fully anti-clockwise.

3.2 - Settings
Stability adjustments in standalone
b) Install a D.C. analogue voltmeter (needle
dial) cal. 50V on terminals E+, E- and an
A.C. voltmeter cal 300 - 500 or 1000V on the
The machine is tested and set at the alternator output terminals.
factory. When first used with no load,
make sure that the drive speed is correct c) Make sure that the ST3 jumper is
and stable (see the nameplate). After positioned on the desired frequency (50 or
operational testing, replace all access 60 Hz).
panels or covers.
The only possible adjustments to the d) Voltage potentiometer P2 at minimum,
machine should be made on the AVR. fully anti-clockwise.
e) Stability potentiometer P3 to around 1/3
3.2.1 - R438 settings (AREP or PMG of the anti-clockwise limit.
f) Start the engine and set its speed to a
WARNING frequency of 48 Hz for 50 Hz, or 58 for 60 Hz.
g) Set the output voltage to the desired
Before any intervention on the AVR,
value using P2.
make sure that the ST9 jumper is closed - Rated voltage UN for solo operation (eg.
with AREP excitation and disconnected 400 V)
with PMG or SHUNT or separate - Or UN + 2 to 4% for parallel operation with
excitation. C.T. (eg. 410 V)
If the voltage oscillates, use P3 to make
adjustments (try both directions) observing
the voltage between E+ and E- (approx. 10V

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


The best response times are obtained at the 3.2.2 - Max. excitation setting (excitation
limit of the instability. If no stable position ceiling)
can be obtained, try disconnecting or
Depending on
replacing the ST2 jumper (normal/fast). Max. excitation the mains frequency
(50/60 Hz supply)

h) Check LAM operation : ST5 closed. ST3

48 V
i) Vary the frequency (speed) around 48 or 50Hz 60Hz Z1
58 Hz according to the operating frequency, X1
and check the change in voltage from that Field
observed previously (~ 15%). P3 R 438 E+ – + ~ 5 ohms
E- A
10 A CC/DC
j) Readjust the speed of the unit to its rated 110 V
no-load value. P2
ST4 220 V
Adjustments in parallel operation 380 V
110/220/380 V D

Before any intervention on the alternator, Voltage

make sure that the speed droop is
identical for all engines. Static adjustment of the current limit,
potentiometer P5 (factory setting: 7.5 A,
k) Preset for parallel operation (with C.T. fuse rating: 8 A - 10 seconds).
connected to S1, S2) The maximum factory setting corresponds
- Potentiometer P1 (quadrature droop) in to that of the excitation current required to
centre position. obtain a 3-phase short-circuit current of
Apply the rated load (P.F. = 0.8 inductive).
approximately 3 IN at 50 Hz for industrial
The voltage should drop by 2 to 3%. If it
power, unless otherwise specified(*).
increases, check that V and W and also S1
and S2 have not been reversed. A static method can be used to reduce this
value or adapt the Isc to the actual operating
l) The no-load voltages should be identical power (derated machine), which is safer for
for all the alternators intended to run in the alternator and the installation.
parallel. Disconnect power supply wires X1,X2 and
- Couple the machines in parallel. Z1,Z2 and the voltage reference
- By adjusting the speed, try to obtain 0 KW (0‑110V-220V-380V) on the alternator.
power exchange.
- By altering the voltage setting P2 on one of Connect the mains power supply using a
the machines, try to cancel (or minimise) the transformer (200-240V) as indicated
current circulating between the machines. (X1,X2 : 48V). Install a 10A D.C. ammeter
- From now on, do not touch the voltage in series with the exciter field. Turn P5 fully
settings. anti-clockwise and activate the power
supply. If there is no output current from the
m) Apply the available load (the setting is only AVR, turn potentiometer P2 (voltage)
correct if a reactive load is available) clockwise until the ammeter indicates a
- By altering the speed, match the kW (or stable current. Switch the power supply off,
dividetheratedpoweroftheunitsproportionally) then on again, turn P5 clockwise until the
-Byalteringthequadraturedrooppotentiometer required max. current is obtained (no more
P1, match or divide the currents. than 8 A).

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


Checking the internal protection : The exciter is switched off by disconnecting

Open switch (D) : the excitation current the AVR power supply (1 wire on each
should increase to its preset ceiling, remain auxiliary winding) - contact rating 16 A -
at that level for ≥ 10 seconds and then drop 250V A.C.
to < 1A. Connection is identical for resetting the AVR
To reset, switch off the power supply by internal protection.
opening switch (A).
Note: After setting the excitation ceiling as
described, adjust the voltage again (see
section 2.1.1)
(*) In some countries it is a legal requirement
to have a short‑circuit current of 3 In, so as
to offer selective protection. In case of using the de-excitation,
provide a forced excitation.
3.2.3 - Special type of use - R438 field forcing
WARNING (400V - 10A) Diode
Excitation circuit E+, E- must not be left Z1 t - +
open when the machine is running : AVR X1 Battery (B Volt)
damage will occur. Z2
E+ - R438 field weakening (SHUNT) E-
Exciter field

X2 Forced excitation
Z1 B Volt

X1 t
Z2 Time
Applications B volts Time t
The exciter is switched off by disconnecting
the AVR power supply (1 wire - X1 or X2). Guaranteed voltage build-up 12 (1A) 1-2 s
Contact rating 16 A - 250V A.C. Parallel operation, de-energized 12 (1A) 1-2 s - R438 field weakening (AREP/ Parallel operation, at standstill 12 (1A) 5 - 10 s

PMG) Frequency starting 12 (1A) 5 - 10 s

Sustained voltage on overload 12 (1A) 5 - 10 s


Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


3.3 - Electrical faults

Fault Action Effect Check/Cause
The alternator builds up and its
voltage is still correct when the - Lack of residual magnetism
battery is removed.
Connect a new battery The alternator builds up but its - Check the connection of the voltage
No voltage at of 4 to 12 volts to voltage does not reach the rated reference to the AVR
no load on terminals E- and E+, value when the battery is - Faulty diodes
start-up respecting the polarity, removed. - Armature short-circuit
for 2 to 3 seconds - Faulty AVR
The alternator builds up but its
- Field windings disconnected
voltage disappears when the
- Main field winding open circuit - check the
battery is removed
Check the AVR connections (AVR may be
- Field windings short-circuited
Correct speed
- Rotating diodes burnt out
Voltage too - Main field winding short-circuited - Check
Check the drive speed
low the resistance
Increase the drive speed

(Do not touch the AVR voltage pot. (P2)
Speed too low
before running at the correct speed.)
Voltage too Adjust AVR voltage
Adjustment ineffective Faulty AVR
high potentiometer
- Check the speed : possibility of cyclic
Voltage Adjust AVR stability If no effect : try normal / fast - Loose connections
oscillations potentiometer recovery modes (ST2) - Faulty AVR
- Speed too low when on load (or U/F bend
set too high)
Voltage between E+ and E-
- Check the speed (or U/F bend set too
Voltage SHUNT < 20 V
Run at no load and high)
correct at no AREP / PMG < 10V
check the voltage
load and too - Faulty rotating diodes
between E+ and E- on Voltage between E+ and E-
low when on - Short-circuit in the main field. Check the
the AVR SHUNT > 30V
load (*) resistance
AREP / PMG > 15V
- Faulty exciter armature.
(*) Caution : For single-phase operation, check that the sensing wires coming from the AVR are correctly connected to the
operating terminals
Check the AVR, the
Voltage - Exciter winding open circuit
surge suppressor, the
disappears The voltage does not return to the - Faulty exciter armature
rotating diodes, and
during rated value. - Faulty AVR
replace any defective
operation (**) - Main field open circuit or short-circuited
(**) Caution : Internal protection may be activated (overload, open circuit, short-circuit)

Warning : after operational testing,

replace all access panels or covers.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j


4.1 - Designation
Description Type Code
AVR R438 AEM 110 RE 017

4.2 - Technical support service

Our technical support service will be
pleased to provide any additional
information you may require.

For all spare parts orders or technical

support requests, send your request to
service.epg@leroy-somer.com or your
closest contact, whom you will find at
www.lrsm.co/support indicating the type
and the code number of the AVR.

To ensure that our products operate correctly

and safely, we recommend the use of
original manufacturer spare parts.

In the event of failure to comply with this

advice, the manufacturer cannot be held
responsible for any damage.

Electric Power Generation Installation and maintenance 3971 en - 2018.01 / j

Disposal and recycling instructions
We are committed limiting the
environmental impact of our activity. We
continuously monitor our production
processes, material sourcing and products
design to improve recyclability and minimise
our environmental footprint.
These instructions are for information
purposes only. It is the user’s responsibility
to comply with local legislation regarding
product disposal and recycling.

Waste & hazardous materials

The following components and materials
require special treatment and must be
separated from the alternator before the
recycling process:
- electronic materials found in the terminal
box, including the automatic voltage
regulator (198), current transformers (176),
interference suppression module (199) and
other semi-conductors.
- diode bridge (343) and surge suppressor
(347), found on the alternator rotor.
- major plastic components, such as the
terminal box structure on some products.
These components are usually marked with
information concerning the type of plastic.

Service & Support

Our worldwide service network of over 80 facilities is at your service.

This local presence is our guarantee for fast and efficient repair, support and
maintenance services.
Trust your alternator maintenance and support to electric power generation experts.
Our field personnel are 100% qualified and fully trained to operate in all environments
and on all machine types.
We have a deep understanding of alternator operation, providing the best value
service to optimise your cost of ownership.
Where we can help:
•Consulting & specification

Life Extension
•Reconditioning Start-up
•System upgrade

•Monitoring Operation
•System audit •Genuine spare parts
•Repair services

Contact us:
Americas: +1 (507) 625 4011
Europe & Rest of the world: +33 238 609 908
Asia Pacific: +65 6250 8488
China: +86 591 88373036
India: +91 806 726 4867
Middle East: +971 4 811 8483 Scan the code or go to:

service.epg@leroy-somer.com www.lrsm.co/support


3971 en - 2018.01 / j

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