Tajweed Book Part 1 Final PDF
Tajweed Book Part 1 Final PDF
Tajweed Book Part 1 Final PDF
1-The Qur’an.
2-Brief notes on the Ten Qira’at.
3-What is Tajweed?
4-Mistakes in Tajweed .
4- Seeking refuge and Saying the Basmalah
5-Articulation point of letters (Makharij) .
6-Characteristics of letters .
7-Tafkheem and Tarqeeq.
Used in parts 1 & 2
• Tajweed Rules of the Qur’an by Kareema Carol
• www.about Tajweed.com
• Chart of the ten Qira’at copied from www.Tajweed.com
• Attajweed Almusawar By Dr.Ayman Suaied
• Pictures Attajweed almusawar , www.heesbees.wordpress.com
• Audios of Shaykh Al-Husary, Shaykh Ayman Suwaied, & Tardeed- Makharij ,
Brother Wissam Shareef ,shaikh Furqan (lesson isti’adha and basmalah),
Brother Mustafa Isma’il (reading words)
• Quranic webinar (heavy letters) .
• www.tardeed.com (Alqa’idah An-nouraniyah)
• Parts of introduction from sites as islamic-awareness, idealmuslimah
• Reach the goal via tajweed rules by Maha Rashed
• Tajweed Course Makharij
• Tayseer Ar-rahman book
• Guide of the princibles of Tajweeed by Khalifa Ezzat
• Tajweed rules for Qur’anic recitation by Hafs AlGazzi
(Indeed those who recite the Book of Allah (this Qur'an), and
perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and spend (in charity) out of
what We have provided for them, secretly and openly, hope for a
(sure) trade-gain that will never perish. That He may pay them their
wages in full, and give them (even) more, out of His Grace. Verily! He
is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (good deeds and to
recompense) (Qur‟an 35:29,30)
The messenger of Allah salla Allah alihi wa sallam said “recite the
Qur‟an ,for it will come on the day of judgment as an intercessor for
its companion “ (Muslim).
Also he said salla Allah alihi wa sallam“ Whoever recites a letter
from the book of Allah ,will get a good deed , and good deed is
rewarded tenfold .I am not saying that alif lam meem are counted as
one letter ,rather alif is counted as one letter ,lam is counted as one
letter and meem is counted as one letter.”(bukhari and muslim)
- Reciting the Quran is the duty of every good Muslim on a daily
basis. Whether in congregation or separately, every literate
believing man, woman and child should be reading, learning and
sharing from the Book of Allah.
ُ ) َقا َل َربِّ لِ َم َح َشرْ َتنًِ أَعْ َمى َو َق ْد ُك ْن124(ش ُرهُ ٌَ ْو َم ْال ِق ٌَا َم ِة أَعْ َمى
ت ُ ْض ْن ًكا َو َنحَ ض َعنْ ِذ ْك ِري َفإِنَّ لَ ُه َمعٌِ َش ًة َ َو َمنْ أَعْ َر
)126 ( ك ْال ٌَ ْو َم ُت ْن َسى َ ك أَ َت ْت
َ ِك آَ ٌَا ُت َنا َف َنسِ ٌ َت َها َو َك َذل َ ِ) َقا َل َك َذل125( بَصِ ٌرً ا
Surah Ta-Ha : (124,125,126)
-But whosoever turns away from My Reminder (i.e. neither believes
in this Qur'an nor acts on its orders, etc.) verily, for him is a life of
of (hardship, and We shall raise him up blind on the Day
Resurrection. (124)
- He will say:"O my Lord! Why have you raised me up blind, while I
had sight (before).“ (125)
- (Allah) will say: "Like this, Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, verses,
lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) came unto you, but you
disregarded them (i.e. you left them, did not think deeply in them,
and you turned away from them), and so this Day, you will be
neglected (in the Hell-fire, away from Allah's Mercy). (126)
Note that the Qur‟an was revealed to Muhammad Salla Allah Alihi
Wa sallam in Arabic only. So, any Qur‟anic translation, either in
English or any other language, is neither a Qur‟an, nor a version of
the Quran, but rather it is only a translation of the meaning of the
Qur‟an. The Qur‟an exists only in the Arabic in which it was
Among the next generation of Muslims referred to as Tabi‟oon,
there arose many scholars who learned the various methods of
recitation from the Sahabah (companions) and taught them to
others. Centers of Qur'anic recitation developed in al-Madeenah,
Makkah, Kufa, Basrah and Syria, leading to the evolution of
Qur'anic recitation into an independent science. By mid-eighth
century CE, there existed a large number of outstanding scholars
all of whom were considered specialists in the field of recitation.
Most of their methods of recitations were authenticated by chains
of reliable narrators ending with the Prophet peace be upon him .
Those methods which were supported by a large number of reliable
narrators on each level of their chain were called Mutawaatir and
were considered to be the most accurate.
In the sixth century of the hijrah ,a shaykh of the science of
Tajweed, Abu al-Qasim ash-Shatibi Alandalusi , Imam Shātibī was
born in Shātibah in 538 A.H. ,Ibn ,al-Jazarī and many others
narrate that he was born blind, there are reports which mention that
Imām Shātibī was not born blind, but rather that he became blind
later in his life. It is reported that if someone who did not know that
the Imam was blind sat down to converse with him, he would never
realize that the Imam was actually blind. became so prominent that
scholars of recitation all embraced his Shatibiyyah which he called
( Hirz alamani wa wajh attahani )in which he formulated the features
of the seven Qira‟at in 1173 verses of poetry. He died at the age of
52 in (590 AH).
After him scholars of this science succeeded one another in every
era carrying the banner of the glorious Qur‟an ,safeguarding its
sciences, both in term of recitation and application .They spent
their lives serving it in different ways.
الدُّوري (أبو ابن ذكوان هشام ًالسوس الدُّوري
َخ ََّّلد َخ َلف حفص شعبة قنبل البزي ورش قالون
Ad- )الحارث Ibn- Hisha As- Ad-
Khallad Khalaf Hafs Shu’ba dhakwan Doori
Qunbul Albuzzi Warsh Qaloon
Al- m soosi
The three Qira’at from the way of Ad-Durrah القراءات السبع من طرٌق الد َُّّرة ال ُمضٌة
The Three Imams
Each Imam has 2 narrators (( راوي, or two known imams who have passed on reading from a
particular Imam .
-Imam Hafs:
Hafs Ibn Sulayman Ibn Almughirah Ibn Abi Dawud Alghadiri Alasadi
AlKufi born 90 Al-Hijrah (d.180 AH) was a companion and student of
Aasim .He studied and perfected recitation with Aasim and scholars
acknowledged his talents as an Imam of recitation .He had many
followers who went on to become scholars in this science.
What is Tajweed?
• LINGUISTIC DEFINITION: „Proficiency‟ or Betterment
• APPLIED DEFINITION: Articulating every letter from
its articulation point and giving the letter its rights
and dues of characteristics.
Rights of the letters ) (حق الحرفare its required
characteristics that never leave it. The dues of the
letters ) (مستحق الحرفare its presented characteristics
that are present in it some of the times, and not
present at other times. i.e. the madd, idgham
The words of the Glorious Qur'an and some said
Honorable Hadiths also.
It preserves the tongue from mistakes in pronunciation of
the Glorious Qur'an during reciting. 11
What is Tajweed? (cont..)
It is one of the most honored of sciences and one of the
best of them due to its relation to Allah‟s words.
It is one of the Islamic Law sciences that are related to the
Glorious Qur'an.
The rule setter from the practical point of view is the
Messenger of Allah (SAWS/Allah‟s peace be upon
him) because the Qur'an was revealed to him from Allah,
the most High, with tajweed, and he, was instructed on it
from the Trust worthy, Jibreel (A.S/May Allah‟s peace be
upon him) and taught it to his companions, who then
taught it to their followers and so on until it came to us by
these chains. The rule setters from the scientific point of
view are the scholars of Qur'anic sciences, such as
Abu 'Ubaid Al-Qasim bin Sallaam 12
What is Tajweed? (cont..)
Knowledge of tajweed is Fardh Kifayaah فرض كفاٌة, a group
of people who are enough for the Muslim community must
know it, and its application is Fardh „Ain فرض عٌن, required
by all Muslims (men and women) who have the complete
Qur‟an or part of it memorized, even if only one surah.
Guarding the Glorious Qur'an and preserving it from
distortion. The Arabs mixed with non-Arabs after the
spread of Islam, and the Muslims feared that the Arab
tongue would become corrupted with this intermixing .It
then became mandatory for rules to be put down that
would preserve the recitation of the Qur'an from mistakes,
and guarantee the reader of the Qur'an integrity of
What is Tajweed?(cont..)
The knowledge of tajweed is contingent on four matters:
Mistakes/Errors in Tajweed
Mistake (Lahn) َلحن
The scholars have divided the types of mistakes one
might fall into when reciting the Qur‟an into two types :
َل ْحن
ًلحن جل ًلحن خف
• The ruling on Hidden/ unobvious
is lighter and the recitation of a
person falling into this type of
• The Clear mistakes must be mistake is regarded as lacking in
avoided by all and to avoid completeness.
them one must know the rules • A mistake that although does not
of Tajweed. change the meaning of Quranic
• If a person falls into the Clear words but the beauty of the
Mistakes, this is considered a words diminishes
sin and Ibn Taymiyyah even • Reading against the rules of
regarded it undesirable for a different letters falls under this
Student of Knowledge (i.e. category.
someone who knows Tajweed) • This mistake is “makrooh”
to pray behind a person who (disliked) Also it could be Haram
makes clear Mistakes in their if done intentionally.
Salaah. Examples : -To overlook the rules of
• Very Obvious and can be felt the thick / full mouth (tafkheem)
• Changes the meaning of letters and the thin / empty mouth
Quran‟s Words (tarqeeq) letters.
• Must Avoid it at every Cost • Not to adhere to the rules of
• These mistakes are Haram ith'har, idghaam and ikhfaa in
their respective places whilst16
reciting the Qur'an.
TYPES OF ًلحن جل
4. Changing a
2. Adding a 3. Dropping a
letter letter (vowel)
5. Changing
1. Changing ًلحن جل Mutaharik to
a letter Clear mistake sukoon
7. Adding or 6. Changing
Dropping Sakeen to
Shaddah Mutaharik
Seeking refuge and Saying the Basmalah
االستعاذة والبسملة
(and when you read the Qur‟an seek refuge with Allah from the
rejected Satan) An-Nahl 98.
(Seeking refuge)
Silently Loudly
-If the reader is -If the reader reads the
reading alone. Qur’an loudly and
-If one is about to others are present who
pray the seeking will be able to hear the
refuge is done silently. recitation.
-If the reading is done -If the reading is done
by turns, except the by turn (as in Qur’an
first reader everybody class room situation)
else does it silently. the first reader read
isti’adha loudly.
ِ الرح
َّ من
ِ الر ْح
َّ هللا
ِ ِب ْس ِم
“ In the Name of Allah the Most
Beneficent & Most Merciful”
It is necessary to read it before the beginning of every surah of the
Qur'an with the exception of "At-Tawbah" which is also called
Four Ways of Seeking refuge when
starting recitation with the basmalah
and with the beginning of a surah
1-Cutting all three off from each other.
Meaning seeking refuge, stopping, saying the basmalah, stopping,
then starting the surah.
3-Joining the basmalah and the beginning of the surah.
This means seeking refuge, then stopping, then saying the
basmalah and the beginning of the surah in one breath.
Note: In the middle of the surah say “Isti’adha”, then stops then recite the Ayah,
Or join Isti’adha with the Ayah.
But if this ayah starts with Allah or His attributes or Muhammad
(Peace be upon him), then it should not be joined with “Istiadha” alone.
The Basmalah between two surahs
we read the basmalah before starting the next consecutive surah when
reading the Qur‟an, except between Al-Anfal and At-Tawbah. There are four
ways of completing a surah and continuing on reading to the next surah with
the basmalah in between them.
Three of them are allowed, and one not allowed.
1-Cutting off all from each other
The reader finishes the surah, then stops and takes a breath, reads
the basmalah, stops and takes a breath, then reads the beginning of
the next surah.
Basmmalah First
verse of
4- Not Allowed: Joining the basmalah with the end of the surah, then
stopping, then starting the next surah.
This incorrect way leads the listener to imagine that the basmalah is the
last aayah of the surah that was just finished. Here, the reader would
join the end of the surah with the basmalah, then stops and takes a
breath, then starts reading the next surah. This is not allowed.
1- Cutting of all
The reader finishes the surah, then stops and takes a breath,
reads the basmalah, stops and takes a breath, then reads the
beginning of the other surah.
1- The reader finishes the surah,of Al-Anfal then stops and takes a
breath, then reads the beginning of surat At-Tawba (without
3- The reader will join the last verse of surat Al-Anfal without
stopping in the same breath and proper vowels with the
beginning of surat At-Tawba.
Jiim Thaa Taa Baa Alif
Ghayn Ayn
AL- JAWF الجوف
The ya' with sukoon The wow with sukoon The Alif with a sukoon
preceded by a letter preceded by a letter preceded by a letter
with kasrah with Dammah with Fathah
خ غ ح ع هـ ء
The deepest part of the throat ( أقصى الحلقmeans the farthest
part from the mouth and closest to chest) from here two
letters are articulated ء هــ.
are from letters that have Tafkheem or from heavy letters.
What is Tafkheem
This lesson of velarization and attenuation (Tafkheem and
Tarqeeq) will be explained in details later but now in brief.
Tafkheem: Fattening-Thickening
Tarqeeq: Thinness
AL-LISAAN اللسان
To study the Tongue Makhraj, you have to know about your
From the deepest part of
From the deepest part of
the tongue what lies the tongue what lies
opposite to it of roof of opposite to it of roof of
the mouth (the soft and the mouth (the soft
the hard palate). palate).
ق ك
The kaf is under the qaf a little, meaning
closer to the mouth and farther from the throat
than the Qaf.
Three letters are articulated from here, they are:
Non lengthened yaa
Touching area
Front edges
Pressing area
Posterior edges
ذ ظ
These letters are pronounced from the top ت
side of the tip of the tongue and the gum line
(root) of the two front upper incisors.
The gum line is exactly where the gum meets
the teeth.
This group is called الحروف النطعٌةdue to their articulation
position close the elevated area above the gums.
It is a letter that has
tafkheem (heaviness), A far
greater portion of the tongue
adheres to the roof of the
mouth when pronouncing
this letter It is the strongest
of all the letters of the Arabic
These three letters are emitted from the tip of the tongue and the plates of
the two lower incisors, the sound passes above the two front lower incisors
between the upper and lower incisors. There is a little space left in between
the tip of the tongue and the plates of the teeth when pronouncing these
letters. 59
-N.B: The term “plate” refers to the long axis of the tooth, and in
this case, the long axis that is on the internal side, rather than the
external side of the teeth.
-These letters called الحروف األسلٌةdue to their emerging from the tip
of the tongue, also called letters of الصفٌر, which means “whistle”.
They are called because they accompany with whistle type sound
when they are emitted properly.
These letters are articulated from between the tip of the tongue
(from the top side of the tip) and the edges of the two top front
Care should be taken to make sure the top of the tip is really
colliding or separating (depending whether there is no vowel or a
vowel) with the edges of the teeth and not the plates of the teeth.
ظ is one of the tafkheem (heavy) letters
The back part of the tongue rises up to the roof makes the letter
sound heavy.
These three letters are grouped as الحروف اللثوٌةbecause their
articulation point is some what close to the gums. 62
AL-SHAFATAYN الشفتٌن ف
م ب
1-The Faa is articulated between the
inside of the lower lips and the tips of
the two front incisors.
)التجوٌف األنفً )الخٌشوم
The Nasal cavity (passage):
The hole in the nose that continues back towards inside the mouth.
Ghunnah is articulated from this place.
Ghunnah is a nasal sound not a letter written coming from the nasopharynx
without any influence from the tongue. If you hold your nose closed you will
not be able to produce the ghunnah sound, but the letters Noon and Meem
themselves that have this associated sound with them are not articulated
from the nose.
Ghunnah is a characteristic of Noon and Meem prevalent more when they
have a shaddah on them.
The length of Ghunnah differ according to the rule applied of Noon or Meem.
-we will learn in next chapter in sha ’Allah rules of Noon and Meem sakinah.
The Characteristics of the Arabic
(Sifaat Al-Hroof)
The study of the characteristics of the letters and their application
is a very important part of tajweed.
ْ # The Forbidden
Note: The Fluency اإلذالق The Qalqalah (shaking) ال َق ْل َقلَة
ْ ِ( اإلRestraint)
These two characteristics have more to do The Ghunnah ال ُغ َّنة
with the Arabic language and has no effect on the
Characteristics have opposites
The Whisper (Al-Hams) ال َهمس
The letters that have this characteristic are the letters found in
the group: ) ش ْخصٌ (س ك ت ف ح ث هـ ش خ ص َ ت َف َح َّث ُه
َ َس َك
All of these 10 letters are pronounced with a running of breath. 73
The opposite of Al-Hams ال َهمْسis: Audibility (Al-Jahr) الجهْر
is defined linguistically as: the apparent.
The applied definition in tajweed of الجهرis: Imprisonment of running
on of breath when pronouncing a letter due to strength in its origin
when strengthening reliance on it at its articulation point. We can
see then that the imprisonment of the running of breath is a strong
characteristic since the letter that does not have breath running
with it, relies on the articulation point more than one that does. The
letters that have jahr جهرare all the rest of the Arabic letters that do
not have Hams همس
(letter kaf)
2- Running of breath 1- Imprisonment of
Letter Taa and running of breath (hams) sound (shiddah) 76
(hams) after characteristic of
shiddah (imprisonment of sound)
Ar-rakhawa (Softness) الرخاوة
is defined linguistically as: softness
In applied tajweed is defined as: Running on of sound with the
letter to weaken the reliance on the articulation point. The
letters that have this characteristic are all the rest of the Arabic
letters after the letters of الشدة أ ج د ق ط ب ك تand letters of
توسط ل ن ع م رSince there is a weakening of the reliance on
the articulation point with the running of the sound in the
characteristic of رخاوةit is considered a weak characteristic.
Letter shiin
Attawasut ال َّت َوسُط- ال َب ٌْ ِنٌَّة
Is defined linguistically as: moderation and is the second of three
characteristic in this “pair” of opposites.
It is the moderate of the three characteristics and is in between the
two other characteristics of strength and softness.
Its applied tajweed definition is: between strength and softness so
that the sound is partially imprisoned and partially running when
pronouncing the letter. The letters of التوسطare those found in the
ُ ْ ل ن ع م ر )لِن.
group )ع َم ُر
Partial running of sound when pronounce Partial running of sound when pronounce
lam due to the presence of the tip of the Raa due to the presence of most tip of the
tongue as barrier from passing the sound tongue as barrier from passing the sound
from the front side from the front side 78
Partial running of sound when
pronounce Ain due to returning the
epiglottis back
The Elevation and The Lowering
Al-Isti’laa’ and Al-Infitah ستِفال
ْ ِاالِ ْست ِْعَّلء واال
The Elevation (Al- Isti‟laa‟)االستعالء
Is defined linguistically as: Elevation
applied tajweed: is defined as: Directing pressure of the letter to
the roof of the mouth due to an elevation of the deepest part of
the tongue when pronouncing an elevated letter.
The letters that have this characteristic are those in the group
ض ْغطٍ ق ِْظ
َ َّ( ُخص7 letters) )(خ ص ض غ ط ق ظ
These seven letters are also known as the letters of tafkheem
(Heavy letters) When pronouncing any of these seven letters, the
posterior portion of our tongue needs to elevate up to the roof of
the mouth (in the soft palate area).
The mouth should be filled with an echo when these sounds are
Letter Qaf
Al-Istifaal )The Lowering (الالستفال
The linguistic definition: dropping or lowering
The applied tajweed definition of Al-Istifaal االستفالis: The absence
of pressuring the letter to the roof of the mouth due to the lack of
raising the deepest part of the tongue when pronouncing a letter
of istifaal استفالWe are talking about the position of the posterior
portion of the tongue, in both of these opposite characteristics All
letters except 7 letters of Isti‟laa‟ are letters of Istifaal.
Al-Infitah االنفتاح
Defined linguistically as: Separation.
In applied tajweed is defined as: The absence of compression of
the sound of the letter of between the tongue and the roof of the
The letters of Al-Infitah االنفتاحare the remaining letters in the Arabic
alphabet after the four letters.
Notes: Letters have Isti‟laa and Infitah characteristics three letters
غ خ ق
Letters have Isti‟laa and Itbaaq characteristics four letters:
ص ض ط ظ
So letters of Isti‟laa and Itbaaq more heavier than letters have
Isti‟laa and Infitah.
Fluency اإلذالق
is defined linguistically as: fluency or purity of language.
(fluency) present in a four or five letter root for the word to be
Arabic in origin.
If none of the letters are from the fluency group then the word
is not an Arabic word Its letters )ب (ف ر م ن ل ب ِّ َُف َّر مِنْ ل
Refusal اإلصمات
is defined linguistically as: desisting, refusal
The letter that has this characteristic is considered heavier
because it doesn‟t rely on the tip of the tongue.
The rest of the Arabic Alphabet.
Characteristics have opposites
4-Itbaq(adhering) Infitah(separation)
ط ض ص ظ The remaining letters in the Arabic
alphabet after the 4 letters of itbaq
The Characteristics without opposites
The Whistle (As-safeer) الصَّفٌر
Its linguistic definition: Sharpness of sound
Its applied tajweed meaning: Sharpness in the sound of the letter
produced from it traversing through a tight passage.
Its letters: There are three letters that have this
characteristic: ز ص س
This sound is not a forced sound, but one that
should come out naturally with the letters.
Some may have difficulty producing this
characteristic if they have a large over bite of the
teeth. This can be overcome if the lower jaw is
protruded so that the upper and lower teeth align.
Another reason for the incorrect muting of this
characteristic is if the tip of the tongue is pressed
up with force on the plates of the teeth.
If a small space remains between the tongue and
the plates, the whistle can be emitting easily.
sound of whistle strong in سmore than ز ص
The arrangement according to the strength of
whistle س ز ص.
The Ease (Al-leen) اللٌِّن
The linguistic definition: Easiness
Its applied tajweed definition: Emitting the letter from its articulation
point with ease without effort from the tongue.
its letters ٌاء واوwith a sukoon preceded by a fat-ha
Letter Letter
Lam Lam
Cont. The deviation االنحراف
letter راءsticks at the left and right of the very tip to the second
part of the articulation point ie. the gums of the two front teeth as
in (sheddah) then A small space at the very tip of the tongue is
made so the sound can escape out the mouth as in (rakhawa) and
trillilng التكرارis therefore avoided, The tip of tongue is somewhat
cupped for this small space to occur in the middle of the tip.This
is the reason both of these letters have the characteristic of
Tawasut توسطinstead of Rakhawa or Sheddah ((رخاوة أو شدة.
Repetition (At-takreer) ) التكرٌر- (التــكرار
ِّ ال َّتـ َف
Diffusion (At-tafashi) ًش
Letter Shiin
Elongation(Al-Istitalah) اإلِ ْستِطالة
Its linguistic definition: Lengthening
Its applied tajweed Definition: It is the pushing of the tongue
forward after it collides at its articulation point, and this is due to
the influence of the compression of sound on it (the tongue) until
the tip of the tongue lightly touches the gum line of the two top
front incisors.
Pressing 91
Al-Qalqalah ال َق ْل َقلَة
Its linguistic definition: shaking, disturbance
Its applied definition: Disturbance of the letter when it is in the
state of being non-voweled until a strong accent is heard when it is
articulated by parting of the two components of the articulating
parts, not by collision, without accompanying it any opening of the
mouth, or circling of the lips, or lowering of the jaw.
The letters of qalqalah are in the group ( قطب جد (ق ط ب ج د
All these letters are letters of (sheddah) شِ َّدةstrength If we attempt
to say one of these five qalqalah letters with a sukoon, we would
find that the articulation point closes completely, and that it causes
an annoyance in the articulation mechanism. This is due to
imprisonment of the sound behind the articulation point. When
these same five letters have vowels, we do not find this annoyance
because voweled letters are pronounced parting of the two
components of the articulating parts )(تباعد.
Scholars divided the Qalqalah is divided into two classes:
The Lesser and Greater Qalqalah
This occurs when the qalqalah in is This happens when the qalqalah is
the middle of a word, or at the end of the last letter of a word, and we are
a word, and we are not stopping on stopping on that word. For example:
that word. In this case we say the
qalqalah, and immediately proceed to
the next letter, or word, Examples:
Divisions of Characteristics According to Strength and the
The Strong Characteristics:
Jahr, sheddah, isti‟laa, itbaq, safeer, qalqalah, inhiraf, takreer,
tafashi, istitalah, ghunnah.
Hamza ء Aqsa al-halq (the deepest part) Jahr, sheddah ,istifal, infitah ,ismat moderate letter
Haa هـ Aqsa al-halq Hams, rakhawah, istifal, infitah,ismat weakest letter
Ain ع Wasat al-halq (the middle part) Jahr, tawasut,istifal, infitah,ismat weak letter
Haa ح Wasat al-halq Hams, rakhawah, istifal, infitah,ismat weakest letter
Ghain غ Adna al-halq (the closest part) Jahr,rakhawah,isti’laa, infitah ,ismat moderate letter
Qaaf ق The deepest part of the tongue(Aqsa allisan) what lies Jahr, sheddah , isti’laa, infitah, qalqalah,ismat strong letter
opposite to the soft palate
Kaaf ك The deepest part of the tongue what lies opposite to the Hams, sheddah, istifal, infitah,ismat weak letter
soft and hard palate
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue( its middle) Sifaat Notes
jiim from the middle of the tongue( wasat allisan)and the roof Jahr,sheddah ,istifal, infitah ,ismat,qalqalah
ج strong letter
of the mouth that lies opposite to it.
sheen شfrom the middle of the tongue( wasat allisan)and the roof Hams, rakhawah, istifal, infitah,ismat,tafashi weak letter
of the mouth that lies opposite to it.
yaa يfrom the middle of the tongue( wasat allisan)and the roof Jahr,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat ,leen weak letter
of the mouth that lies opposite to it.
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue(its sides) Sifaat Notes
from one of the sides of the tongue(aqsa Hafat allisan)
Daad ضand what lies opposite to of the upper molars left or right Jahr,rakhawah,isti'laa, itbaq ,ismat ,istitala strong letter
or both
from the nearest part of the sides(adna hafat allisan) of
laam لthe tongue and the end of its tip, and what lies opposite Jahr, tawasut,istifal, infitah,idhlaq,inhiraf moderate letter
to it of the gums of the first two upper premolars 98
characteristics(Sifaat) of Arabic letters
Cont.Articulation points(Makharij) of Arabic
The strong sifaat written in red and the week
sifaat written in blue ,moderate in black
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue (its tip) Sifaat Notes
Noon ن from the tip of the tongue and what lies opposite to Jahr, tawasut,istifal, infitah,idhlaq,ghunnah moderate letter
it of the gums of the two top front incisors
Raa رfrom the tip of the tongue with the gums of the two Jahr,tawasut,istifal,infitah,idhlaq,inhiraf,takreer strong letter
front top incisors after the makhraj of Noon.
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue (its tip) Sifaat Notes
Taa ط from the top side of the tip of the tongue and the Jahr,sheddah,isti'laa, itbaq ,ismat ,qalqalah strogest letter
gum line (root) of the two front upper incisors.
Daal دfrom the top side of the tip of the tongue and the Jahr,sheddah,istifaal, infitah ,ismat ,qalqalah strong letter
gum line (root) of the two front upper incisors.
Taa تfrom the top side of the tip of the tongue and the Hams, sheddah, istifal, infitah,ismat weak letter
gum line (root) of the two front upper incisors.
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue (its tip) Sifaat Notes
saad صfrom the tip of the tongue and the plates of the two Hams,rakhawah,isti'laa,itbaq ,ismat,safeer strong letter
lower incisors,
Zaa زfrom the tip of the tongue and the plates of the two Jahr,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat,safeer weak letter
lower incisors,
Seen سfrom the tip of the tongue and the plates of the two Hams,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat,safeer weak letter
lower incisors,
Letter Makhraj (Al-Lisan)the tongue (its tip) Sifaat Notes
Dhaa ظ from the tip of the tongue (from the top side of the Jahr,rakhawah,isti‟laa,itbaq ,ismat strong letter
tip) and the edges of the two top front incisors
Dhaal ذfrom the tip of the tongue (from the top side of the Jahr,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat weak letter
tip) and the edges of the two top front incisors
Thaa ثfrom the tip of the tongue (from the top side of the Hams,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat weakest letter
tip) and the edges of the two top front incisors
characteristics(Sifaat) of Arabic letters
Cont. Articulation points(Makharij) The strong sifaat written in red and the week
sifaat written in blue ,moderate in black
Letter Makhraj (Ash-shafatain)the lips Sifaat (characteristics) Notes
Faa ف between the inside of the lower lips and the tips Hams,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,idhlaq weakest letter
of the two front incisors.
Meem مclosing the two lips together Jahr,tawasut,istifal,infitah,idhlaq,ghunnah moderate letter
Baa ب closing the two lips together, stronger closing Jahr,sheddah,istifaal, infitah ,idhlaq,qalqalah strong letter
than meem.
un lengthened wow is articulated by forming a
Waaw وcircle of the two lips. Jahr,rakhawah,istifal, infitah ,ismat,leen weak letter
Letter Makhraj (Al jawf)oral and throat cavity Sifaat (characteristics) Notes
Tafkheem and Tarqeeq
Velarisation and attenuation
ال َتفخٌِم وال َت ْرقٌق
The Arabic letters are divided into three groups as to
tafkheem and tarqeeq:
خغص ضط ظ ق
These letters do not all have the same degree of tafkheem, instead
there are differences according to the letter‟s characteristics, and
the strength or weakness of these characteristics.
The stronger the characteristics of the letter the stronger is the
The ranking of the elevated letters from the strongest
الطاء (ط) الضاد (ض) الصاد (ص) الظاء (ظ) القاف (ق) الغٌن (غ) الخاء
ط ض ص ظare stronger in tafkheem than the rest of other heavy letters
due to the adhesion of the tongue to the roof of the mouth in conjunction
with the elevation of the tongue.
During pronouncing letters of tafkheem the epiglottis moves backward
involuntary movement.
Levels of Tafkheem
two different schools of thought when it comes to tafkheem
1-The alif
The alif is not characterized as having tafkheem or tarqeeq,
but instead it is known to follow the letter preceding it as to
tafkheem or tarqeeq. If a tafkheem letter precedes it then it
also has tafkheem.
If the alif occurs after a letter with tarqeeq, the alif also then has
tarqeeq, as in:
2-The lam of the name of The Majesty اسم الجَّللة
Light Lam
If what precedes the name of Allah is saakin and what is before that
has a fat-h or a dhammah. An example of this is in:
The Lam of the Name of Allah Has Tarqeeq in the Following States:
If it was preceded by an original kasrah or presented kasrah even
if it is connected to it (the name of Allah) or separated from it. For
6- 4-
3-If it is saakinah and the letter before it has a sukoon, and the
letter before that has a fat-h, as when stopping on the word
8- If the raa is saakinah and before is a kasrah, and after the raa a lette
of Isti‟laa (heavy letter) that does NOT have a kasrah meaning it has
any vowel (including the sukoon) except a kasrah and only came with
Fat-ha in five words:
An-Naba‘:21 Al-'An`ām:7
The Four Cases in Which the raa راhas Tarqeeq
2-If the raa is saakinah, and a kasrah precedes it, such as:
3-If the raa is saakinah, and the letter before it is saakin, and the
letter before that has a kasrah. This would occur when stopping, as
The Cases Where Both Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are Allowed of the
raa را
1- If raa is saakinah, and it is preceded by a kasrah, and it is followed
by a letter of Isti‟laa group (heavy letter), and this letter has a kasrah.
There is only one example of this in the Holy Qur‟an, and that is the
Surat Ash-Shūraá: 63
Tafkheem and Tarqeeq are allowed of the raa when continuing the
reading, not when stopping on Qaf.
On stopping on Qaf the raa has tafkheem, according to the eighth
case in which the raa has tafkheem.
2-If the raa is saakinah and it is preceded by a saakin letter, which is
preceded by a kasrah, and the saakin letter which precedes the raa is
a letter of isti‟laa group.
There are two words in the Qur‟an that have these circumstances
when stopping on them. These two words can be read with tafkheem
or tarqeeq of the raa, They are the words
Surat Al-Fajr: 4
These words originally with yaa at the end but due to grammatical
rules the yaa was removed and we stop on raa.
When pronouncing these words the priority to pronounce Raa with
What are the letters that have tafkheem sometimes
and tarqeeq other times ??
Don’t forget to download part 2