Pos Malaysia 2017 (Part 1) PDF
Pos Malaysia 2017 (Part 1) PDF
Pos Malaysia 2017 (Part 1) PDF
Annual Report
for the digital era
The theme for Pos Malaysia’s Annual Report 2017 centres on our transition
into the digital and e-Commerce era. To get our message across, we draw
inspiration from Pos Malaysia’s traditional and core role as the sole
provider of postal services to the nation. Hence, the iconic postbox is
featured on the cover. Given that our concept is also based on transitioning
into the digital era, the iconic postbox is portrayed as branching out
digitally. In doing so, it now resembles a tree that is expanding outwards
from a strong foundation and which is branching out into all areas of the
e-Commerce ecosystem. Similarly, as a transformed forward-thinking
organisation, Pos Malaysia is today steadfastly moving beyond the box,
expanding its capabilities and propelling towards a bright future.
Mail (Standard & Non-Standard) • Postcard • Mel Rakyat • Pos Daftar
• Small Packet • Flexi-R • Direct Mail • Pos Solutions • Data Pos •
Periodicals • Bulk Mailing • Business Reply Service • Franking • Pos
Dokumen • Admail • Corporate Postal Solutions
Stamps & Philately • Insurance & Takaful • Road Tax & Driving License
Renewals • Remittance • Will & Estate Administration Services • Shared
Banking • Assessment Tax & Quit Rent • Loan Repayment • Zakat &
Wakaf • ASNB • Bills & Utilities • Summons • Vehicle Shipping • Pos
Shop • Pos Automated Machine (PAM) • Pos-On-Wheels (POW) • Pos
Sea & Air Freighting Services • Haulage Services • Warehousing &
Transportation (Non-Haulage) Services • Automotive Logistics • Project
Logistics • Aviation & Defense • FMCG • General Logistics
Air Logistics Operations • Ground Handling • Cargo Handling • Inflight
Catering • Aircraft Maintenance & Engineering • Facilities, Equipment &
Maintenance • Scheduled Charter Flight • Adhoc Full Charter / Partial
Charter & Diversion Flight
04 Some Facts About Us
06 Our Vision, Mission & Brand Values
10 Group Financial Highlights
12 Business Highlights
13 Share Price Performance
14 Chairman’s Statement
20 Management Discussion & Analysis
32 Awards & Accolades
34 Corporate Events
38 News & Media
40 Corporate Information
42 Group Structure
46 Board of Directors
48 Directors’ Profile
55 Group CEO’s Profile
56 Our Chiefs
60 Corporate Responsibility
63 Corporate Governance Statement
80 Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control
85 Directors’ Responsibility Statement
86 Additional Compliance Information
92 Audit Committee Report
98 Financial Statements
217 Top 10 Properties
220 Analysis of Shareholdings
224 Notice of 25 th Annual General Meeting
231 Proxy Form
321 counters
Deliver to more than
8.5mil addresses
Deliver up to
More than
A network of
More than
More than
95,849 PO Boxes 6,958 delivery routes
1,162 touch points Flexipack International
items delivered worldwide annually
Process over
198 mil
transactions annually
10.7 mil kg
696 post offices of international mail and parcels
handled at the Pos Malaysia
30 Pos-on-Wheels (PoW)
27 4,700 tonnes
of e-Commerce items
Pos Automated Machines (PAM) handled and delivered
29 post offices
worldwide annually
We connect all the people and businesses of Malaysia, at work
and at home, both online and offline
Malaysia is, and always will be, our home and our
principal place of business
We need to understand our customers and do more than just hear
them. Our business then delivers what they need, and why they
need it
We treat all others the way we would want to be treated ourselves
– with decency, dignity and respect
We act in everything we do in an open and honest manner, beyond
reproach and with utmost sincerity
We hold ourselves, and expect to be held, accountable individually
and as a team, at all levels of the organisation, for our actions and
We constantly search for new and better ways to satisfy our
customers, willing to question and unafraid to try
10 Group Financial Highlights
12 Business Highlights
13 Share Price Performance
14 Chairman’s Statement
20 Management Discussion & Analysis
32 Awards & Accolades
34 Corporate Events
38 News & Media
40 Corporate Information
42 Group Structure
Profit Before Tax (RM million) 131.4 92.5 181.3 223.4 191.9
Profit Before Tax Margin (%) 6.3 5.4 12.1 15.7 15.1
Balance Sheet
Staff Information
Revenue per Employee (RM ‘000) 89.2 93.6 81.3 81.5 78.1
181.3 181.4
1,270 131.4
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
157.5 29.6
2.09 2.07
1.93 1.94
84.0 1.76
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
779.5mil 684.6mil 192.8mil 327.6mil
8 4.50
1 0.50
0 0.00
Apr 2016 May 2016 Jun 2016 Jul 2016 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017
2016 2017
Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar
Total Monthly 18,059 8,967 13,363 20,867 63,303 36,926 42,964 31,493 21,614 12,861 19,951 39,606
Volume (’000)
Monthly High 2.90 2.92 2.94 2.92 3.47 4.01 4.17 4.17 3.99 4.10 4.51 4.78
Monthly Low
2.61 2.45 2.45 2.60 2.80 3.18 3.66 3.76 3.78 3.83 3.94 4.25
Month End
2.90 2.45 2.81 2.85 3.30 3.85 4.00 3.80 3.91 4.03 4.40 4.64
Closing (RM)
Dear Valued Shareholders,
The year in review was one in which Pos Malaysia proved its mettle and accelerated closer towards fulfilling
its ambition of becoming the key end-to-end logistics player in the domestic marketplace. Despite a highly
challenging operating environment, I am pleased to say that the Group maintained its growth momentum to
turn in a commendable performance on the financial front while making solid headway on the operational front.
From a financial point of view, I am delighted to report that Pos Malaysia maintained consecutive year-on-
year growth to touch record revenue of RM2.1 billion in FY2017 – this being the first time that the Group has
surpassed the RM2.0 billion revenue mark. We also grew our profit after tax (“PAT”) by 33% to RM84.0 million
for FY2017 as compared to a contraction in PAT in the preceding financial year.
On the operational front, we made solid inroads by rolling out the transformation strategies under SCORE 2.0,
our five-year strategic blueprint, while steadfastly putting in place the building blocks necessary for the Group’s
sustainable growth. Given that we are just slightly more than a year into our five-year transformation plan, many
of our strategic initiatives are at various stages of implementation. However, exciting digitalisation initiatives like
our innovative Digital Mailbox service are nearing completion and will be launched nationwide in September
Tailor-made for the digital generation, the Digital Mailbox service will shift the Group’s mail services to the
digital space by leveraging on our unique position as the nation’s sole postal service provider. It will help
customers lower the cost of mailing documents electronically and will direct online traffic to Pos Malaysia
thereby according us the opportunity to introduce our new digital services to the public.
In mid-September 2016, we also legally completed the acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group (previously known
as the KL Airport Services or KLAS Group) thereby giving us a substantial presence in domestic ground handling
and multi-modal logistics services. Although the operational integration process is still ongoing (in terms of
human resource harmonisation, financial systems integration and other fundamental activities), we are pleased
to report that from a managerial perspective, the new logistics business has been fully integrated into the Pos
Malaysia Group.
In 2016, the global economy registered lacklustre growth of 3.2% as GOOD SHAREHOLDER VALUE CREATION
compared to 3.1% growth in 2015. The year 2016 was characterised
In line with the Group’s policy of delivering sustainable returns to our
by low commodity prices, a long drawn out downturn in the oil and gas
shareholders, your Board of Directors’ is recommending a first and final
industry, slowing growth in China and a subdued US economy. This was
single tier dividend of 10.7 sen per ordinary share with respect to the
further compounded by major political developments such as Brexit
financial year ended 31 March 2017 (FY2016: 11.7 sen). This is subject
and the US presidential elections that cast a cloud of uncertainty upon
to shareholders’ approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting.
the global economic landscape.
The first and single tier dividend of 10.7 sen per ordinary share
Despite considerable external and domestic headwinds, Malaysia’s
amounts to a total dividend pay-out of RM83.76 million, representing
GDP grew in 2016 but at a slower pace, dropping to 4.2% against 5%
approximately 100% of Pos Malaysia’s consolidated PAT for FY2017,
GDP growth in 2015. Domestic demand continued to anchor growth,
similar to a payout ratio of 100% for FY2016 (or a payout of RM63.0
supported mainly by private sector spending. Private consumption
million for FY2016).
growth, in particular, was sustained at 6.1% (2015: 6.0%), buoyed by
continued employment and wage growth following the increase in REMAINING RELEVANT IN A FAST CHANGING WORLD
minimum wage and civil servant salaries.
The perennial challenge for postal businesses the world over is the
Inflationary pressures in the economy remained low over the course of structural decline in traditional mail volume arising from the fast
the year with headline inflation averaging 2.1% in 2016, in line with the growing adoption of digital and mobile communication platforms. The
preceding year’s 2.1% headline rate. Despite a much weaker Ringgit, proliferation of smart phones and social networks has rendered the use
domestic fuel prices and input costs remained low due to relatively low of letters less and less relevant as digital communication platforms
global energy and commodity prices. This certainly helped mitigate the now provide customers with near instantaneous and interactive
impact of adjustments to administered prices and higher food prices communication. Business mail, which accounts for the vast majority of
caused by the El Niño phenomenon. letters (in the form of bills and statements), is also declining in volume
as businesses look for alternative channels to lower their operating
Despite the moderating economic backdrop, I am pleased to report
To ensure we remain relevant in the digital era and in line with our
that Pos Malaysia’s revenue grew by about 21% to hit a record RM2.1
aspiration to be a full-fledged integrated logistics solutions provider, we
billion in FY2017 from RM1.7 billion previously. This commendable
continue to look to our SCORE 2.0 blueprint to transform ourselves. To
growth was primarily attributable to higher contributions from our
recap, SCORE 2.0 has three key strategic thrusts.
courier business as well as the inclusion of six months revenue from
The first key thrust calls for us to enhance the productivity and With regard to our logistics business, the key challenge is to improve
efficiency of our existing postal infrastructure via the use of technology our logistics assets in light of excess capacity in the logistics industry,
and automation. particularly in the business-to-business or B2B segment. To this end, we
have obtained a freight-forwarding license to channel more business
In line with this, as well as efforts to transform the local courier for our haulage assets. Previously, we were dependent on third-party
business and take the customer experience up several notches, we are freight forwarders to give us business but we now have more flexibility
offering customers secure automated lockers, self-service machines in channelling more business to our fleet of prime movers.
and kiosks at strategic locations. This enables them the convenience
of dropping off and self-collecting items as and when they want. To As a result of these initiatives, our customers can now readily tap
date, our touch points include 60 Pos Laju Ezibox Parcel Lockers, 40 Pos into our products and services in a convenient and seamless manner.
Laju Ezidrop Self-Service Machines and 21 Pos Laju Kiosks. The Pos Laju Ultimately, our aim is to help our customers connect with others to
Kiosks which are strategically located at MRT stations have proven to accomplish more in a world that is more networked than ever before. In
be quite popular and we shall increase their numbers in stages. doing so, we are ensuring we remain top of mind and relevant to them.
As part of our efforts to enhance operational efficiency and shorten UPHOLDING RESPONSIBLE CORPORATE PRACTICES
delivery time, we have begun work on the expansion of our parcel
sorting facilities to ensure fast and accurate sorting of courier items. In For over 200 years, Pos Malaysia has been serving the nation in a
addition, we have invested in technological platforms to enable more responsible manner and we remain committed to doing so today
efficient routing of delivery beats as well as to provide value added with the highest levels of transparency, integrity and accountability.
services such as bill payments via mobile gadgets. The Group is also Your Board of Directors is deeply dedicated to upholding and
embarking on data analytics for more informed decision-making within implementing strong standards of corporate governance as well as
Pos Malaysia. robust risk management and internal control measures as fundamental
components of our business. These elements are not only ensuring the
Our second strategic thrust calls for us to diversify our revenue streams sustainable, long-term growth of our business, they are helping boost
into businesses that can leverage on Pos Malaysia’s existing assets, investor’s confidence, protecting our corporate reputation and ensuring
namely Pos Malaysia’s postal network of about 696 post offices continued shareholder value creation.
The acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group has been a step in the right
direction. It has also enabled us to have a larger presence in the
e-Commerce fulfilment space through the provision of a wider range
of e-Commerce related services, including warehousing, fulfilment and
integrated logistics.
As part of our efforts to uphold the highest corporate governance RECOGNISED FOR OUR COMMITMENT TO EXCELLENCE
standards, the Group continues to subscribe to the principles, guidelines
and recommendations as set out in the Second Edition of the Corporate Pos Malaysia continues to garner a host of awards and accolades on the
Governance Guide issued by Bursa Malaysia Berhad and the Malaysian domestic and international fronts for its commitment to excellence.
Code on Corporate Governance 2012. We emerged triumphant from the 2017 Frost & Sullivan Excellence
Awards event with a string of awards for the ninth consecutive year.
With regards to the Group’s risk management practices, we continue to These included the Malaysia Excellence Awards for Domestic Express
implement the necessary measures to strengthen our risk management Service Provider of the Year 2017; Malaysia e-Commerce Logistics
practices. Following the acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group, the Group Service Provider of the Year 2017; and a new category, Malaysia Project
established a dedicated Risk Management Committee at Pos Aviation Logistics Service Provider of the Year 2017. These awards underscore
and its subsidiary, Pos Logistics, respectively to provide oversight on the strength of Pos Laju’s diversified service offering to its customers.
risk management matters pertaining to these companies. These
committees are tasked with elevating updates to the Risk Management Pos Laju was also accorded the titles “Superbrands’ Brand of the Year
and Compliance Committee (“RMCC”) of the Pos Malaysia Group on a 2016” and “Top courier partner for SMEs”. It was also awarded the
quarterly basis. “Reader’s Digest’s Trusted Brands Gold Award” in the Airfreight/Courier
Services category 2017. These accolades bear testament to the strong
Meanwhile at the Group level, disclosure and coverage of the key risks brand presence and good reputation that Pos Laju has steadfastly built
for the Group now encapsulates the details of each significant risk that up over the years.
may happen at any of the Pos Malaysia Group’s four major entities,
namely Pos Malaysia (the Company), Pos Aviation, Pos Logistics, and At the Universal Postal Union (“UPU”) Congress 2016 in Istanbul, we
Pos ACE. The RMCC is responsible for providing a consolidated risk attained a Level A-Star for Quality Management Certification and the
management report to the Board Risk Management and Compliance Gold Award for our International Express Mail Service.
Committee or BRMCC as well as to the Board of Directors on a quarterly At the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission
basis. E-Commerce Delivery Awards event, Pos Malaysia was recognised for
Amidst the evolution of postal services and the transformation that achieving the following: Most Outstanding Achievement Award (based
is taking place within Pos Malaysia, the business of delivering mail on our attaining the Level A-Star for Quality Management Certification
and connecting people remains an integral part of what we do. Being at the 26th UPU Congress 2016); Best Rider and Driver; Best Courier
“postmen”, we are accountable to our customers to deliver every one Company; and Best Corporate Social Responsibility via the Posmen
of their items safely, come rain or shine, to their respective addresses, Komuniti Programme.
be this in an urban centre or rural area. As we evolve, our commitment Our branches too emerged winners at the PNB Starz Awards Nite
to the business of delivering mail remains intact as does our promise 2016, an event by Permodalan Nasional Berhad (“PNB”) recognising
of keeping the public connected through new and improved products achievements by PNB agents. Our Kuching branch was ranked No. 1 for
and services that will serve all levels of society as well as help foster the “Highest Number of New Accounts for All Amanah Saham Nasional
personal and commercial ties. Berhad (“ASNB”) Products” and the “Highest Number of Transactions”,
while our Kota Murudu and Kota Kinabalu branches were ranked No. 2
and No. 3 respectively for the “Highest Number of New Accounts for All
ASNB Products”.
While the business landscape offers opportunities for the Pos Malaysia
Group, there are also marketplace challenges that we have to face in
our aspiration to become the premier fully integrated e-Commerce
fulfilment and logistics services provider in Malaysia. The execution of
the strategic initiatives under our SCORE 2.0 programme will be the key
to achieving our aspiration. The disciplined execution of these strategic
thrusts will put Pos Malaysia in a strong position to reap the benefits of
the rapid rise in e-Commerce, domestically and eventually, regionally.
A big thank you also to my colleagues on the Board, for their astute
insights and for helping guide Pos Malaysia through both challenging
and opportunistic times. I would like to take this opportunity to
welcome En Ahmad Suhaimi bin Endut, an alternate director to Dato’
Sri Dr Mohmad Isa bin Hussain, a non-independent non-executive
director and an appointed director and representative of the Minister
of Finance (Incorporated) on our Board. En Ahmad Suhaimi assumed
his role on 7 December 2016 and we look forward to this contributions.
Dear Shareholders,
Pos Malaysia not only remained resilient for the financial year
under review but turned in a steadfast performance on the
financial and operational fronts amidst challenging market
conditions. Looking beyond the perennial issue of declining mail
volumes and the high cost of maintaining a nationwide network of
post offices, especially in the sub-urban and rural areas, we took
the opportunity to capitalise on several positive developments,
particularly in relation to e-Commerce fulfilment and logistics
This certainly helped reinforce our position as the key end-to-end e-Commerce fulfilment and
logistics services provider while enabling us to remain relevant to our target audiences. I am
pleased to present the Management Discussion and Analysis section that outlines the details of
Pos Malaysia’s business as well as our financial and operational performance for the financial year
ended 31 March 2017 (“FY2017”).
To meet the needs of a digitally enabled marketplace, Pos Malaysia has been steadily transforming its businesses and moving beyond the boundaries
of the traditional postal business. Today, Pos Malaysia’s key businesses are structured as follows:
There were several functional changes in FY2017, one of which was the consolidation of our Pos Mel and Retail businesses to form our Postal Services
segment as these businesses leverage on our nationwide postal network of about 696 post offices. Another was the introduction of the Logistics and
Aviation business segment subsequent to the acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group.
In mid-September 2016, we completed the acquisition of the Pos the productivity of existing postal assets. It addresses the future of
Aviation Group (formerly the KL Airport Services Sdn Bhd Group), thereby the Group in a holistic manner through its laser-focused approach
cementing our transformation into a fully-integrated e-Commerce on these aspects of our business: Solutions Driven by Technology;
fulfilment and logistics solutions provider. The Pos Aviation Group has Customer Centricity; Operational Efficiency; Revenue and Geographic
within its stable, Pos Logistics (one of the nation’s largest logistics Diversification; and Enabler Capabilities.
solutions providers) and Pos Asia Cargo Express (better known as Pos
ACE), thereby according us the ability to provide our customers total SCORE 2.0 has these three key strategic thrusts:
supply chain management solutions throughout Malaysia. Today, 1. To maximise the productivity and efficiency of our existing assets by
through our newly formed Logistics and Aviation segment, Pos Malaysia leveraging on the use of technology and automation;
has a significant competitive edge over other logistics players in that we
are now able to provide our domestic customers end-to-end fulfilment 2. To diversify our income streams into services that can leverage on
and logistics services – from the first mile to the last mile. In time to existing assets, namely Pos Malaysia’s postal network; and
come, we will expand our range of services to the region.
3. To build up our e-Commerce fulfilment and logistics capabilities,
OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES either organically or through acquisitions.
As we venture forth as a fully-integrated e-Commerce fulfilment Our blueprint initially called for the implementation of 13 strategic
and logistics solutions provider, we continue to look to our five-year initiatives within the e-Commerce, Logistics, Postal and Courier as
strategic blueprint, SCORE 2.0 with its 19 Strategic Initiatives, to guide well as Corporate components on four Core Offerings of our business.
us. Introduced on 1 April 2016, SCORE 2.0 aims primarily to expand Pos Following the acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group, we added another
Malaysia’s presence in the e-Commerce value chain and to improve six strategic initiatives to give us 19 strategic initiatives in total under
SCORE 2.0.
• Shift Pos Malaysia to digital services riding on its unique position as the sole postal
Digital Mailbox service provider.
• Generate new digital service revenue streams.
• Create Pos Malaysia’s e-Commerce platform with new revenue streams from
Trade • Offer a simplified export service for micro, small and medium enterprises that is easily
Facilitation accessible via Pos Malaysia’s postal infrastructure.
Supply • Develop total supply chain and fulfilment solutions to support e-Commerce businesses.
Chain and
Fulfilment • Expand market share in the B2B market.
Smart • Leverage on digital platforms to enhance the range of services offered by our delivery
Postman staff at the customers’ doorsteps.
• Enhance the per-square-foot productivity of the post offices while simultaneously
providing value to consumers.
• Develop post offices as one-stop centres for e-Commerce customers to conduct
e-Commerce activities.
Delivery • Centralise and optimise operations for more efficient delivery and to improve delivery
Optimisation staff productivity.
• Consolidate Pos Mel and Pos Laju common processes and processing centres within the
same geographical area to optimise manpower and machine utilisation.
• Position Pos Malaysia as the “largest doorstep remittance, insurance and bill payment
service provider”.
• Establish a comprehensive roadmap for managing all Pos Malaysia’s properties.
Value of Key
Big Data
• Unlock the commercial value of data and information captured by Pos Malaysia.
Redevelopment • Create flexible terminal design to improve future market adaptability.
Pos ACE • Provide niche solutions for time sensitive, perishables, skidded and dangerous goods
Expansion cargo.
Last Mile
Delivery • Enhance Pos Malaysia’s commercial approach, operations efficiencies and IT structure.
Cross Border
• Collaborate and create strategic alliances to tap the cross-border e-Fulfilment business.
• Collaborate and create strategic alliances to establish an international postal hub.
Postal Hub
• Provide special logistics services for infrastructure projects.
Other income was higher against the previous year by RM24.9 million
mainly due to the gain on fair value adjustment of RM3.8 million,
gain of disposal of property, plant and equipment of RM7.4 million
and reversal of litigation expenses of RM4.0 million. Our finance costs
The Group’s objectives in managing capital is to maintain a strong In line with the efforts to alleviate declining mail volumes, Pos Mel
capital base and safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going continues to leverage on the strength of its physical delivery network
concern, so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to provide innovative services and customised solutions that meet
to sustain future development of the business. The Directors monitor customers’ diverse needs.
and are determined to maintain an optimal debt-to-equity ratio that
complies with regulatory requirements. The year in review saw Pos Mel successfully launch FlexiPrepaid, an
economical and affordable product targeting e-Commerce merchants
The Group’s total capital commitments authorised for property, plant who sell low value items. Taking the form of a prepaid self-service
and equipment amounted to RM343.3 million as at 31 March 2017, of sticker label that is applied to light weight items, FlexiPrepaid provides
which RM324.3 million of capital expenditure had been contracted for, customers the flexibility to use their own packaging and to send items
but not incurred. The remaining capital expenditure of RM19.0 million at a cost as low as RM3.60 to any destination in Malaysia. Together with
has not been contracted for. The approved and contracted amount its track and trace as well as proof of delivery features, this innovative
for capital commitments mainly relates to PNSL (a subsidiary of Pos product effectively addresses the needs of customers who are looking
Logisitcs), on the acquisition of vessels amounting to RM164.0 million at reliability and cost efficiency for their delivery needs.
in relation to the bulk coal transportation project with TNB Fuel Sdn
Bhd. The remaining balance relates to commitments for structure and Pos Mel has also taken measures to diversify its MyDistribution or MyD
renovation, plant and machinery, computer peripherals, purchase of offering which is now available in Basic, Premium and Premium Plus
motor vehicles, warehouse rectification, etc. packages. This service involves the collection and distribution of bulky
items (with a minimum weight of 30 kg) to multiple delivery points.
Tapping the hub-to-hub or point-to-point delivery and pick-up concept,
the service is available on an inter-state or intra-state basis.
In FY2017, Pos Mel collaborated with Legoland Malaysia Resort for the
POSTAL SERVICES Legoland Stamp Booklet Campaign. With every purchase of the booklet
The Group’s Postal Services today encompass our Mail business under sold at RM4.80 per piece, customers enjoyed a RM50 discount off the
Pos Mel and our Retail business under Pos Niaga. Pos Mel’s product entrance fee to Legoland. Another achievement was the successful
and service offering covers mail services and customised solutions conclusion of the Zoo Negara Stamp Booklet campaign whereby the
such as mailroom management and direct mail for commercial stamp booklet incorporated a RM5 discount off the entrance fee to the
customers, while Pos Niaga enables customers to perform traditional zoo. The campaign which ran from 30 October 2015 to 31 December
postal service transactions as well as offers the broadest range of over- 2016, saw some 80.2% of the booklets sold.
the-counter transactional services in Malaysia. For FY2017. Our Postal Moving forward, our Mail business is continuing with its efforts to
Services business posted revenues of RM779.5 million but registered mitigate the decline in traditional mail volume through developing
an operating loss of RM146.5 million due to lower revenues, arising innovative offerings that add value to commercial customers and
from lower mail and counter transaction volumes, coupled with higher individuals. To this end, Pos Mel has been exploring the option of
costs of maintaining the nationwide postal network. combining the elements of technology and physical mail for advertising
Mail Business and greeting cards. Today, the Mail business is offering its Direct
Mail customers a host of creative Augmented Reality (“AR”) features
Pos Mel’s network today includes the mail business hub at the embedded in mail or physical samples to promote customers’ products
national automated mail sorting facility in Shah Alam that branches and services in a more attractive manner.
out to 25 other mail processing centres, 332 delivery branches and an
international gateway at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport. This May 2017 saw the introduction of the first AR postcards to the public.
delivery network also incorporates more than 8,000 postmen who Taking the form of Hari Raya greeting cards, the postcards incorporated
deliver mail to some 8.5 million addresses daily throughout Malaysia’s simple messages from recipients amidst the exciting and nostalgic
urban, sub-urban and rural areas. embedded AR content. Recipients were able to view the AR content
within the postcards by downloading the “AR Postcard” app from
In FY2017, Pos Mel’s revenue dropped by about 3.0% to RM619.7 Google Play or the App Store.
million from RM639.1 million in the preceding financial year. While
the Mail business has been a substantial revenue contributor over For some time now, Pos Mel has been offering the Corporate Postal
the last few years, the decline in mail volume has affected Pos Mel’s Service (“CPS”) better known as its Mail Management Service. With
contributions. As a result, Pos Mel’s contribution to total Group revenue clients looking for more economical mail management solutions, Pos
dropped to 29.8% for FY2017 from 37.2% for FY2016. Mel will look to introduce a variation of this service, namely the CPS
Retail Business
This development opens up the way for Pos Malaysia to manage the
entire supply chain process, including customs clearance, product
handling, pick and pack as well as last-mile delivery. Meanwhile,
Tigers will support our operations through continuous investments in
technology. The collaboration will also result in the establishment of a
regional e-Fulfilment hub at the Low-Cost Carrier Terminal (“LCCT”) in
Sepang that will cater to local and international e-Commerce players
and customers in 30 countries throughout the region. Through the
provision of reliable parcel delivery services at competitive prices The haulage industry is currently experiencing excess capacity due to
together with high-level support for warehouse management, packet the large number of competitors. As such, Pos Logistics’ key strategy
and parcel preparation, Pos Malaysia expects to generate a sustainable is to develop the e-Commerce logistics segment together with the
new revenue stream. relevant businesses within the Pos Malaysia Group, particularly in
the area of warehousing and fulfilment facilities. Pos Logistics is also
Moving forward, Pos Malaysia International will also look to tap into the setting its sights on further developing its project logistics business.
outbound (out of Malaysia) e-Commerce segment with its offer of more Currently Pos Logistics has contracts with TNB Fuels Sdn Bhd and Rapid
economical postal solutions. Pengerang for its project logistics business. The infrastructure building
initiatives by the Government are expected to open up new avenues of
opportunity that will help drive the project logistics business forward.
The Group completed the acquisition of the Pos Aviation Group in mid-
September 2016, thereby bolstering our newfound position as a fully
integrated e-Commerce fulfilment and logistics solutions provider. ArRahnu
The Pos Aviation Group brings to the table three key businesses – air
cargo and ground handling services under Pos Aviation Sdn Bhd (Pos Pos ArRahnu Sdn Bhd has over the year successfully transformed itself
Aviation); air freight services under Pos Air Cargo Express Sdn Bhd (Pos from a group of Syariah-compliant pawnshops to a network of one-
ACE); and haulage and general logistics services under Pos Logistics stop gold centres. Today, customers are able to pawn, buy, sell and
Berhad (Pos Logisitcs). keep their gold safe at any of our Pos ArRahnu outlets. As these outlets
co-exist with our post offices, their cost structures and overheads are
For FY2017, the newly absorbed businesses of the Pos Aviation Group kept low. The outlets continue to successfully leverage on cross-selling
contributed six months of revenue amounting to RM327.6 million to activities to grow their revenues. These include the sale of the Pos Gold
Pos Malaysia. Limited Edition series, the sale of investment precious metals, namely
gold bars and the Dinar, plus the purchase of gold from customers. To
Today, Pos Aviation’s air cargo and ground handling activities are part
date, our Pos ArRahnu outlets have sold a total of 10,000 gold wafers
of a concession business that leverages on operational efficiency as
and continue to make strong strides forward.
its key strategy for profitability. Pos Aviation has also been tasked with
spearheading the Group’s efforts in relation to the redevelopment of In FY2017, the Pos ArRahnu business continued to grow steadily
the old LCCT to cater for future growth. registering revenue growth of 43.3% to RM35.3 million from RM24.7
million previously and remained profitable. In line with the growth
Pos ACE’s primary business is the delivery of postal and courier items
registered for FY2017, we reopened five outlets and added one new
from Peninsular Malaysia to Sabah and Sarawak on a daily basis.
outlet, bringing the total number of outlets to date to 71 outlets.
This business’ key strategy is to increase asset utilisation (essentially
two leased aircrafts) by securing additional clients domestically and Moving forward, Pos ArRahnu intends to open five new outlets in
regionally. FY2018 as part of our expansion plan, especially into East Malaysia.
Pos Digicert continued to strengthen its core digital certificate business The various efforts undertaken in previous years to establish Pos
and support major clients such as the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia Malaysia as a High Performance Organisation appear to be bearing fruit.
or Lembaga Hasil Dalam Negeri (“LHDN”), the Immigration Department This is evident today in our highly engaged workforce whose concerted
of Malaysia, Bank Negara Malaysia and other financial institutions. By efforts line up very well with the Group’s business goals. In FY2017, our
virtue of the LHDN e-filing project alone, Pos Digicert has more than people development efforts focused on ensuring our workforce made
3.03 million active subscribers. Pos Digicert also provides public-key the paradigm shift towards embracing a more dynamic, technology-
infrastructure services to the Immigration Department of Malaysia to savvy and customer-oriented Pos Malaysia that is in tune with the
facilitate border security. In line with this, Pos Digicert is continuously digital era. As the Group prepares to leverage on a host of initiatives
building the necessary infrastructure and knowledge-base to support including new technological platforms to improve efficiency, introduce
the smooth running of the Immigration Department’s e-Passport new services and enable superior customer experiences, the existence
functionality. of a high performance culture will be the key component that will
determine the outcome of these initiatives.
For FY2017, Pos Digicert’s revenue grew by 9.2% to RM28.4 million. The
improved performance came on the back of a 14.5% volume growth in To this end, the Human Resources Division has been implementing
digital certificates to 9,258,893 certificates from 8,084,912 certificates various initiatives with the aim of sustaining a high performance culture.
previously. Pos Digicert also chalked up a 99.8% rate for resolving One of these initiatives, the organisational restructuring that took place
problems within eight hours (FY2016: 98.0% within eight hours). in FY2017, aimed to enhance operational efficiency throughout the
organisation by reinstating the State Manager positions. I am pleased
In FY2017, the company successfully obtained the WebTrust Seal to report that this did much to strengthen the spirit of teamwork and
of Assurance for CA from the American Institute of Certified Public unity throughout our organisation. On top of this, we implemented
Accountants and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants. It awareness programmes on the importance of ensuring good customer
also successfully renewed its ISO27001:2013 certification (relating to experiences for our frontliners while extending this to our Posmen
Information System Management Services) as well as its ISO9001:2015 Komuniti. This certainly went down well with our community postmen
certification (relating to the Quality Management System) from SIRIM, who tirelessly serve rural communities in Sabah and Sarawak to ensure
both with zero non-conformance. the rakyat get to enjoy basic postal facilities.
Moving forward, Pos Digicert will be offering the market a host of The year also saw us rolling out numerous talent management
innovative solutions. These will include the new value-added Date Time and leadership development activities aimed at strengthening our
Stamping service in collaboration with national timekeeper SIRIM, as leadership team whom play a major role in driving the transformation
well as an Online Certificate Status Protocol service which will highlight of the Company. Several internal processes and measures too
the real-time status of digital certificates that are revoked. underwent re-engineering. This included the re-engineering of the
DataPos internal recruitment process which led to enhanced cost-efficiencies
through reduced dependency on external recruitment sources. The
The Group’s DataPos business provides total mailing solutions, addition of new subsidiaries to the Pos Malaysia Group helped facilitate
ranging from data processing (formatting and sorting) to bulk printing, the manpower rationalisation process which further contributed to the
envelope inserting, e-Presentment, record storage and mailing services. efficiency of the internal recruitment process. In the area of employee
Its hybrid mail business strategically complements the assortment of engagement, we continued to roll out townhall sessions, conventions
services offered by Pos Malaysia. and regular staff briefings and updates to maintain the esprit de corps
and unity among Pos Malaysia’s employees.
For FY2017, DataPos recorded revenue of RM30.8 million, an increase
of 12.8% from the previous financial year. This growth was attributable Today, our Human Resources division continues to work together with
to the increase in the number of new customers, as well as higher our postmen to equip them with new competencies that include data
e-Presentment volumes (the process of electronically transmitting collection and the ability to offer mobile digital services. In this new
traditionally paper-based documents). financial year, customer-centricity and operational efficiency will
continue to be the central focus of Human Resource activities and will
Moving forward, DataPos will focus its efforts on enhancing its internal be driven through a culture change programme.
processes to bring about higher operational efficiency. At the same
time, it will increase its productivity and operational capacity through
continuous investment in the latest technology and solutions.
With regards to Strategic Risk, we face the possibility that the execution Moving forward, these key risk management initiatives will be
of our Strategic Initiatives may prove ineffective. To mitigate this, we implemented in FY2018:
have established the SCORE 2.0 Steering Committee to closely track
and monitor the execution of each Strategic Initiative. The Committee • The review and rejuvenation of the key risks register for the Pos
is also tasked with making periodical updates to the Board on the Aviation Group including the establishment of the Group’s risk
progress of SCORE 2.0. appetite and the introduction of new measures to further mitigate
Our Operational Risk includes the challenge we face in ensuring the
availability and readiness of resources to support business growth as • The updating of the key risks register for the business and support
a result of the booming e-Commerce sector. To mitigate this, we are functions within Pos Malaysia (the Company); and
expanding the Integrated Parcel Centre (“IPC”) at Pusat Mel Nasional
• The review, updating and testing of the established business
and developing a new IPC at KLIA. We are also embarking on a service
continuity plans.
quality improvement programme to improve end-to-end service
performance within our Postal Services and Courier operations.
More details of our risk management and internal control measures are As we focus our efforts becoming the premiere fully integrated
spelt out in the Statement on Risk Management and Internal Control e-Commerce fulfilment and logistics services provider in Malaysia,
found on pages 80 to 84 of this Annual Report. we will continue to diversify and strengthen our product and service
offering to meet the demands of the fast-evolving consumer and
OUTLOOK AND PROSPECTS business landscape. We will also work hard to ensure we meet customer
For 2017, global economic activity is expected to touch 3.4% growth in expectations for improved service quality and convenience. We will
comparison to 2016’s lacklustre 3.2% growth. The advanced economies continue to leverage on technology and automation to maximise the
are projected to make small steps up, while activities in emerging returns on the Group’s assets and operations, as well as maintain a
markets and developing economies will continue to drive global disciplined approach towards managing operating expenses.
growth. However, at the same time global risks remain significant and IN APPRECIATION
difficult to predict.
In closing, I wish to express my deep gratitude to our Board of Directors
In Malaysia, domestic demand is expected to remain the anchor of and our regulators for their wise counsel and guidance. My heartfelt
economic growth in 2017. While ongoing investments into sizeable thanks to our shareholders for your invaluable support and to the rest
long-term infrastructure projects in both the public and private sectors of the Pos Malaysia community for their unwavering cooperation and
are expected to provide a certain degree of resiliency, private investment trust in us. To the customers that we serve and who are the reason why
growth will likely be limited by the lack of investment in the oil and gas we exist – our utmost appreciation for their continuing patronage and
industry, the relative slowdown in the property market, rising business confidence in Pos Malaysia.
costs and Ringgit volatility. On the whole, economic growth is projected
to rise between 4.3% and 4.8% in 2017 (2016: 4.2%) on the back of Our good progress to date would not have been possible without the
improvements in global growth, a recovery in global commodity prices hard work of our dedicated workforce of about 23,000 employees.
as well as the continued growth of resilient domestic demand. I applaud the diligence and commitment to excellence that our
dedicated postmen continue to display as they journey far and wide
The strong growth in e-Commerce in Malaysia and improving economic on their daily assignments. I also applaud the thoroughness of our
fundamentals bode well for the Pos Malaysia Group. Favourable customer-facing staff who facilitate more than 100 million over-the-
demographics, competitive pricing and increased reliability of the counter transactions throughout our nationwide network of 696 post
fulfilment functions by marketplace platforms are expected to spur the offices and various other touchpoints. As we embrace a new financial
increase in online purchases, especially of consumer goods in Malaysia year, I call upon our people to continue stepping up to the plate in
and the region. In tandem with this, fulfilment and last mile delivery their respective roles to strengthen Pos Malaysia’s new role as a fully
services providers such as Pos Malaysia will benefit from the growth of integrated e-Commerce fulfilment and logistics services provider.
e-Commerce. In addition, initiatives such as the establishment of the
Digital Free Trade Zone and a host of Regional Distribution Centres will As we move closer towards achieving our vision of connecting Malaysia
serve as catalysts for e-Commerce growth in Malaysia. and beyond, today and tomorrow, we call upon all our stakeholders
to continue supporting us in our mandate. On Pos Malaysia’s part,
The Malaysian Government’s continued emphasis on new investments rest assured that we remain committed to delivering value to our
in transportation infrastructure is broadly supportive of the Group’s shareholders by becoming the best at what we do through leveraging
haulage/logistics agenda. In addition, the Group’s concession-based on operational excellence, superior customer service and continuous
businesses will continue to provide stable revenue streams going innovation. Thank you.
forward, primarily driven by sustained but moderate growth in air
passenger and cargo traffic. Based on the foregoing, we believe that
notwithstanding the headwinds buffeting Pos Malaysia’s traditional Dato’ Mohd Shukrie bin Mohd Salleh
mail business, the Group’s prospects remains positive for the near to
medium-term. Group Chief Executive Officer
As Pos Malaysia steps into its new role as fully integrated e-Commerce
fulfilment and logistics services provider, we will continue to strengthen
our capabilities and reach to remain relevant to our target audiences in
the digital era. I am confident that as we successfully execute the 19
strategic imperatives under SCORE 2.0, we will take a significiant step
towards long term sustainability.
20 – 28 APRIL 2016
26 APRIL 2016
16 – 21 MAY 2016
6 JUNE 2016
24 JUNE 2016
4 AUGUST 2016
9 AUGUST 2016
18 AUGUST 2016
18 OCTOBER 2016
20 DECEMBER 2016
18 JANUARY 2017
Pos Malaysia launched its FlexiPrepaid sticker, a product catered
for individual customers or business clients that have an
online business platform. It allows customers, especially online
merchants to send goods up to 2kg per delivery within Malaysia.
20 MARCH 2017