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Item Item Description Quantity UNIT Tender Rate Amount

Number (only figures) (upto 50 ( Upto 2 ( Upto 2

(upto 200 characters) Decimals ) Decimals )
1 Clearing and grabbing of 15.288 Hacter 0.00 0.00
road length including
uprooting vegetable grass,
bush, shrubs, saplings and
threes of girth up to 300
mm removal of stumps,
disposal of unserviceable
material and stacking of
serviceable material to
100 Mt. From road
boundary as per most
specification clause 201 in
(C) Area of light jungle.

2 Box cutting the road 41911.00 Cum 0.00 0.00

surface to proper slop and
camber for making a base
of road work including
removing the excavated
stuff and depositing on the
road side slope as
directed with all lead and
3 Excavation for foundation 15288.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
upto 1.5 m depth
including sorting out
and stacking of useful
materials and disposing
off the excavated stuff all
lead and lift. (A) Loose or
soft soil
4 Earthwork for 138991.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
embankment including
breaking clods, dressing
with all lead and lift
including watering, rolling,
and consolidation of sub
grade in layer and
consolidation of sub grade
in layers at O.M.C. to
required dry density
including filling the
depress up to All lead &
5 Rolling & watering of 57199.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
earthwork in layers with
power roller including
filling in depressions which
occur during the process.

6 Providing and laying 27188.00 Cmt. 0.00 0.00

spreading and compacting
150 mm thick sub grade
layer using sand of
approved quality C.B.R.
not less than 10% and
confirming to technical
specification including
mixing the material at
OMC at site & spreading
in uniform layer and
complete on site.
7 Construction of 150 mm 24166.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
thick compacted Granular
sub base ( Grade-I ,
Crushed B T materials of
53 mm to 26.5 mm @ 35
%, 26.5 mm to 4.75 mm
@ 45 %, Below 2.36 mm
@ 20 % ) by providing
close graded matrial ,
mixing in a machanical
mix plant at OMC, carriage
of a mix material to work
site, spreading uniform
layers with motor grader
on prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory
power roller to achieve
desire density , complete
clause as per 401.

8 Providing and Laying 23358.00 Cum 0.00 0.00

compacted W.B.M. 150
mm thick of machine
crushed B.T. metal of size
40 to 63 mm including
spreading using 25 %
sand as filler in one layers
of 150 mm including
spreading, watering and
consolidation using
vibratory roller etc.
9 providing and laying 22334.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
spreading and compacting
machine crushed black
trap stone aggregate 150
mm thick wet mix
macadam in the material
with water to OMC in
mechanically mix (pug
mill) carriage of mix
material by tipper to site
laying, spreading and
compacting in sub base,
base course on well
prepared under base of
compacting with power
vibrator roller to achieve
the desired density (
Mechanically laid)

10 providing and laying 151422.00 SqM 0.00 0.00

evenly priming coat with
emulation bitumen at rate
of 7.50kg. / 10sq. M. etc.
complete as directed
11 Providing & Laying 22476.00 MT 0.00 0.00
bituminous grout 75.00
mm thick compacted with
asphalt of VG-30grade @
1.99% by weight of mix for
mixing and 2.5 kg / 10
sqm. of rapid curing
emulsion for tack coat and
using B.T. chips of
required gradation
including cleaning and
heating asphalt premix
materials by hot mix
process in proper
gradation and laying with
sensor paver finisher and
consolidation work as per
MOST specifications
including cost of materials
labours labour equipment
and plant fuel oil
12 providing and laying 50 36284.00 MT 0.00 0.00
mm thick compacted
Bituminous Macadam
using B.T. chips ( As per
MOST required gradation)
and mixing binder asphalt
grade 60/70 at the rate of
3.5 % by total weight of
premix and using emulsion
asphalt for tack coat @
2.5 kg / 10sq.m. and
mixing by contractor own
drum mix plant &
machinery process and
consolidation with
vibratory roller etc. and
providing and operating
plant & machinery fuel, oil,
lubricant, cost of all
materials and labour
charges including flushing
stone dust as directed
etc... complete..
13 Providing and Laying 25mm 10737.00 MT 0.00 0.00
thick Semi dence Bituminous
concrete using B.T. chips as
per required gradation by
Drum mix laid process using
asphalt of grade VG-30
(60/70) for mixing 1% by
weight of total mix Sailane
Neno Technology Modify
Bituminous including heating
the asphalt and aggregates
by Contractor's own
continuous Drum mix plant &
machinery, transporting the
mix and spreading the same
with paver finisher and
consolidation as per MORTH
specification including
providing and laying uniformly
tack coat, operating plant and
machinery equipment
including cost of asphalt,
aggregate, fuel, oil,
lubricants, labour charges
and flushing of stone dust
etc. complete..

14 Providing and laying 4002.00 CMT 0.00 0.00

Compacted 200 mm thick
of Specified quarry Spall in
side shoulder including
carraige of material and
spreading on prepared
base including compacting
as per MOST Specification
etc... complete.
15 Cement Concrete Pavement 4500.00 CMT 0.00 0.00
(Construction of un-
reinforced, dowel jointed,
plain cement concrete
pavement over a prepared
sub base with 53 grade
cement @ 410 kg per cum,
coarse and fine aggregate
conforming to IS 383,
maximum size of coarse
aggregate not exceeding 25
mm, mixed in a batching and
mixing plant as per approved
mix design, transported to
site, laid with a fixed form or
slip form paver, spread,
compacted and finished in a
continuous operation
including provision of
contraction, expansion,
construction and longitudinal
joints, joint filler, separation
membrane, sealant primer,
joint sealant, debonding strip,
dowel bar, tie rod, admixtures
as approved, curing
compound, finishing to lines
and grades as per drawing )

16 Providing and filling in 2525.00 CMT 0.00 0.00

foundation with ordinary
Cement concrete M-100
mix and providing
necessary vertical pin
headers including
formwork, vibrating,
ramming and curing
(more than 10 ton)
17 Providing utility duct 460.00 Rmt 0.00 0.00
across the BT road with
3.60 mt length of head
wall 1.50 x 0.45 mt clear
size IN M10 both the side
base concrete 1:4:8 150
mm thcik 3.75 x 0.60
meter using reinforced
concrete heavy duty non
pressure pipes of I.S.
Class NP3 of 450

18 Providing and fixing 2.00 No. 0.00 0.00

overhead high intensity
grade retro reflective
Informatory / Destination
Boards 8 (Eight) Nos.
made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet; size
180x120 cms rectangle as
per the design of IRC-67-
1977. Pre-treated with
Phospheting process and
acid-etching coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint,

18 Conti. reflectorised with retro 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

reflective sheeting as per
latest MOST
specifications. Letters and
numerals should be as per
IRC-30-1968. The details
of symbol of inscription/
numerals for each board
shall be as per the
instruction of engineer in
charge. The boards shall
be mounted on high level
over head type portal
frame (Gantry)
18 Conti. made out of MS section of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
suitable size as per
detailed drawing / design
including cost of erection
and painting.3.10 m long
(2 Nos) stand post and
frame fabricated from
suitable size iron angle of
35 X 35 X 3 mm , 75 x 75
x 6 mm painted with best
quality epoxy coating in
black and white bends .
The details of symbol or
incription / numerals for
each boards shall be as
per the instruction of
engineer in charge .

18 Conti. The fixing at site shall be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

in 1:2:4 C.C. block of size
45 x 45 x 60 cms. for each
leg including excavation ,
curing etc. complete under
the supervision of
warranty for 10 years for
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 Year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting (SOR
Item 26094-C)
19 Providing and fixing High 70.00 No. 0.00 0.00
Intensity Grade Cautionary
Warning Sign Board made
out of 2 mm aluminium
sheet, size 90 x 90 x 90
cms equilateral triangle, as
per the design of IRC-67-
1977. Pre treated with
phospheting process and
acid etching coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint,

19 Conti. refloctrorized with retro 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

reflective sheeting as per
the latest M.O.S.T.
specification, 3.1 Mt. long
stand post and frame
fabricated from suitable
size iron angle of 35 x 35 x
3 mm, 75 x 75 x 6 mm;
painted with best quality
epoxy coating in black and
white bends. The details of
symbol for each board
shall be as per the
instruction of engineer in
19 Conti. The fixing at site shall be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in 1:2:4 CC block of size
45 x 45 x 60 cms for each
leg, including excavation
curing etc. complete under
the supervision of
warranty for 10 years for
the retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting.( SOR
Item No.26092-C)

20 Providing and fixing high 30.00 No. 0.00 0.00

intensity grade Village
name / Bump ahed sign
board made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet; size 90 x
60cms rectangle, as per
the design of IRC-67-1977
pre treated with
phospheting process and
acid etching coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
qualtiy epoxy paint,
refloctrorized with retro
reflective sheeting as per
the latest M.O.S.T.
20 Conti. Letters and numerals 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
should be as per IRC-30-
1968. 3.1 Mt. long stand
post and frame fabricated
from suitable size iron
angle of 50x50x5 mm ;
painted with best quality
epoxy coating in black and
white bends. The details of
symbol or
inscription/numarals for
each board shall be as per
the instruction of engineer
in charge.

20 Conti. The fixing at site shall be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

in 1:2:4 CC block of size
45 x 45 x 60 cms for each
leg, including excavation
curing etc. complete under
the supervision of
warranty for 10 years for
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 Year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting (SOR
Item 26101-C)
21 Providing and fixing high 84.00 No. 0.00 0.00
intensity grade Direction /
Junction board made out of 2
mm aluminum sheet size 244
x 122 cms. Rectangle as per
the design of IRC 67-1977
pre treated with Phosphering
process and acid etching,
coated with one coat of epoxy
primer and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint,
reflectorised with retro
reflective sheeting as per
laters M.O.S.T. specifications

21 Conti. Letters and numerals should 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

be as per IRC 30-1968, 3.10
m long (2 fabricated from
suitable size iron angle of 50
x 50 x 5 mm & 75 x 75 x 6
mm painted with best quality
epoxy coating in black and
white bends . The details of
symbols or instructions /
number for each boards shall
be as per the instructions of
engineer in charge.

21 Conti. The fixing at site shall be in 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

1:2:4 C.C. block of size 45 x
45 x 60 cms. for each leg
including excavation curing
etc.. complete. under the
supervision of engineer-in-
charge. A warranty for 10
years for the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 Year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor. (A)
Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting (SOR
Item 26098-C)
22 Providing and fixing sign 60.00 No. 0.00 0.00
boards made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 4mm
ACP (Aluminum
composite Panel); size 80
x 60 cms rectangular as
per design of IRC-67-
2012. Pre treated with
phospheting process &
acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint ;
22 Conti. reflectorised with Micro 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Prismatic Grade retro
refiectivesheeting of Type-
11 as per ASTM D-4956
and latest
3.6mtr long stand post of
75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as
required and frame
fabricated from suitable
size iron angle of 35 x 35 x
22 Conti. painted with bestquality 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
epoxy coatings in black
and white bends. The
details of symbol foreach
board shall be as per
theinstruction of engineer
in charge. The fixing at
site shall be in 1:2:4 CC
blockof size 45 x 45 x 60
Cms. for each
leg.including excavation,
curing etc.complete under
the supervision of
engineer in charge.
22 Conti. A warranty for 10 years for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C Type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting.

23 Providing and fixing 70.00 No. 0.00 0.00

overhead high intensity
grade retro reflective
Place identification sign
board made out of 4 mm
aluminium sheet; size
150x90 cms rectangle as
per the design of IRC-67-
1977. Pre-treated with
Phospheting process and
acid-etching coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint

23 Conti. reflectorised with retro 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

reflective sheeting as per
latest MOST
specifications. Letters and
numerals should be as per
IRC-30-1968. 3.10 m long
(2 Nos) stand post and
frame fabricated from
suitable size iron angle of
50 X 50 X 5 mm , 75 x 75
x 6 mm as required,
23 Conti. painted with best quality 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
epoxy coating in black and
white bends . The details
of symbol of inscription/
numerals for each board
shall be as per the
instruction of engineer in
charge. The fixing at site
shall be in 1:2:4 C.C. block
of size 45 x 45 x 60 cms.
for each leg including
excavation , curing etc.
complete under the
supervision of engineer-in-

23 Conti. A warranty for 10 years for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 Year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting (SOR
Item 26100-C)\
24 Tree guard sign board :- 200.00 No. 0.00 0.00
Providing & fixing sign
board made out of 2mm
aluminium sheet / 3mm
ACP (Aluminum
composite Panel) , size
30cms diameter circle,
pretreated with
phospheting process and
acid etching, painted with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint
reflectorised with retro
reflective sheeting as per
latest M.O.S.T.
24 Conti. A warranty for 10 years for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C Type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting
25 Road marking with Hot 8390.00 No. 0.00 0.00
applied Thermoplast
compound with
reflectorising glass beads
on bitumineous surface
and laying of hot applied
thermostatic compound
2.5mm thick including
reflectorised glass beads
@ 250 grams /
area, thickness of 2.5mm
is exclusive of surface
applied glass beads as per
IRC 35. The finished
surface to be level uniform
and free form streaks &

26 Supplying and fixing Cat 3237.00 Sqm 0.00 0.00

Eye (Stimsonite) made out
from Acrilo beautile sterine
injuction high compressed
molding with reflector
made of MMC (prismatic
type size 12cm x 6cm x
2.5cm) provided with
bituminous adhesive 100g.
with each unit for fixing.
(High Intensity Grade)

27 Providing and fixing 5th 4.00 No. 0.00 0.00

kilometer stone of precast
C.C. 1:2:4 including
necessary reinforcement
as per I.R.C. type design
in C.C. 1:4:8 including
painting and lettering etc.
28 Providing and fixing 18.00 No. 0.00 0.00
ordinary Kilometer stone
of precast C.C. 1:2:4
including necessary
reinforcement as per
I.R.C. type design in C.C.
1:4:8 including painting
and lettering etc.
29 Providing and fixing 88.00 No. 0.00 0.00
Hectometer stone of
precast C.C. 1:2:4
including necessary
reinforcement as per
I.R.C. type design in C.C.
1:5:10 including painting
and lettering etc.
30 Providing and fixing 550.00 No. 0.00 0.00
Indicator stone of precast
C.C. 1:2:4 including
necessary reinforcement
as per I.R.C. type design
in C.C. 1:5:10 including
painting and lettering etc.

31 Providing and fixing guard 1760.00 No. 0.00 0.00

stone of precast C.C.
1:2:4 including necessary
reinforcement as per
I.R.C. type design in C.C.
1:5:10 including white
washing etc. complete.
32 Type-A, "W" : Metal Beam 4360.00 Rmt 0.00 0.00
Crash barrier (Providing
and erecting a "W" metal
beam Crash barrier
comprising of 3 mm thick
corrugated sheet metal
beam rail,70 cm above
road /ground level, fixed
on ISMC series channel
vertical post, 150 x 75 x 5
mm spaced 2 m center to
center, 1.8 m high, 1.1 m
below ground/road level,
all steel parts and fitting to
be galvanised by hot dip
process, all fittings to
conform to IS : 1367 and
IS 1364, metal beam rail
to be fixed on the vertical
post with a spacer of
channel section 150 x 75 x
5 mm, 330 mm long
complete as per clause

33 Providing and casting 10520.00 Rmt 0.00 0.00

central verge of M-250 as
per detail drawing
including scarifying,
excavation & PCC as
directed and casting M-
250 kerb as per drawing
and painting black & white
patta as directed and
making good the road
surface etc. complete.
34 Hazard marker Sign: 48.00 No. 0.00 0.00
Providing and fixing sign
boards made out of
1.5mm aluminum sheet /
3mm ACP (Aluminum
composite Panel); size
90x30 cms. rectangular as
per design of IRC-67-
2012. Pre treated with
phospheting process &
acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint ;
reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro
reflective sheeting of Type-
11 as per ASTM D-4956
and latest M.O.S.T.
34 Conti. 1.8mtr long stand post of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as
required and frame
fabricated from suitable
size iron angle of 35 x 35 x
3mm; painted with best
quality epoxy coatings in
black and white bends.
The details of symbol
foreach board shall be as
per the instruction of
engineer in charge. The
fixing at site shall be in
1:2:4 CC blockof size 45 x
45 x 60 Cms. for each leg.
including excavation,
curing etc. complete under
the supervision of
engineer in charge.
34 Conti. A warranty for 10 years for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C Type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting

35 Kerb Giard Sign Board 48.00 Sqm 0.00 0.00

providing and fixing sign
board made out of 2MM
aluminium sheet size
240x30cms. In “U” shape,
as per the attached
drawing. Pretreated with
phospheting process and
acid etching : coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint :
reflectorised with retro
reflective sheeting as per
latest M.O.S.T.
specification :
35 Conti. stand post and frame 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
fabricated from suitable
size iron angle of
50*50*5mm &10 mm Sq.
bar as required; painted
with best quality epoxy
coating. the fixing at the
site shall be in 1:2:4 CC
block of size 45*45*60
cms for each leg: including
excavation curing stc.
Comp. under the
supervision of engineer-in-
charge (B) engineer grade

35 Conti. A warranty for 10 years for 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 Year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting (SOR
Item 26113-C)
36 Around the best island / 24.00 Sqm 0.00 0.00
Road direction sign board
(Big) : -Providing and
fixing sign boards made
out of 2mm aluminium
sheet / 4mm ACP
(Aluminum composite
Panel); size 180x60 cms.
as per design of IRC-67-
2012. Pre treated with
phospheting process &
acid etching; coated with
one coat of epoxy primer
and two coats of best
quality epoxy paint
;reflectorised with Micro
Prismatic Grade retro
refiectivesheeting of Type-
11 as per ASTM D-4956
and latest

36 Conti. 3.3 mtr long stand post of 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
75 x 75 x 6mm / 65NB
Circular MS Pipe as
required and frame
fabricated from suitable
size iron angle of 35 x 35 x
3mm; painted with
estquality epoxy coatings
in black and white bends.
The details of symbol for
each board shall be as per
theinstruction of engineer
in charge.
36 Conti. The fixing at site shall be 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
in 1:2:4 CC blockof size 45
x 45 x 60 Cms. for each
leg.including excavation,
curing etc.complete under
the supervision of
engineer in charge. A
warranty for 10 years for
the Retro reflective
sheeting from original
manufacturer & a certified
copy of 3 year outdoor
exposure test report from
third party test lab for the
product offered shall be
submitted by contractor.
(A) Class-C Type-11 Retro
Reflective sheeting

37 Providing & fixing of Road 4620.00 No. 0.00 0.00

stud 100x100mm, dia.-
cast in alluminium,
resistance to corrosive
effect of salt and grit, fitted
with lense reflectors,
installed in concrete or
asphatic surface by drilling
hole 30mm upto a depth of
60mm and bedded in a
suitable bituminous grout
or epoxy mortar, all as per
BS 873 part 4:1973
(MoRT&H databook Item
No.8.35/ Chap.8) (As per
38 Supplying and installation 1136.00 No. 0.00 0.00
of Delineators (Road way
indicators, hazard makers,
object makers), 80-100 cm
high above ground level,
painted black and white in
15 cm eide strips, fitted
with 80 x 100 mm
rectangular or 75 mm dia
circular reflectorised
panels at the top, buried or
pressed into the ground
and conforming to IRC-79
and the drawings.
(MoRT&H databook item

39 Supplying of solar road 1000.00 No. 0.00 0.00

studs (solar K tie)
construction aluminium
alloy steel 100 DC water
proof design confirmed to
IP67 dimension 140 mm x
128 mm x 82 mm + 1 mm
height of shank + 54 mm
+ 0.5 mm diameter of
shank, 42.5 mm + 0.5 mm
Plastic unbreakble,
skretch resistant,
polycarbonate for
maintanace free operation
solar panel high efficiency
monocrytline 3V/50 Mah
bettary XTSRS .02 super
capacitor 2.7 V/220 F 6
super bright LED with
18000 mcd view distance
upto 800 meter flash rate
1H2 according to
customer requirement
39 Conti. resist compression and 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
take the load of 25 tonnes
vehicle colour red and
yellow working time 80 to
100 hour continusly after
the betrry fully charged
and complete fixing will be
drilling holes on the road
for the shank to go inside
with out nail and using
epoxy resin based
adhesive as per
recommondation and
complete as directed by
the Engineer in charge.

40 Made out of 62.5mm Dia 1223.00 No. 0.00 0.00

/25 mm Dia Circular
Hollow Section Close
From Top End & Hieght 18
cm Fabricated As Per
Drawing Painted With
Epoxy Coating Color Black
With Protective Grill
Reflectorised With Retro
Reflective Sheeting
Specified With MORTH
Intensity Grade
41 Bus shelter RCC frame 14.00 No. 0.00 0.00
structure, slab & brick wall
(3m x 2.5m x 2.1) plinth is
0.3 m height from ground
level and the seating shall
be 0.4 m from floor level.
the shelter structure shall
be aesthetically pleasing,
structrually safe and
functional so as to protect
the waiting passengers
from sun / rain etc. Bus
shelter shall be designed
to provided for safe and
convenient use by
physically challenged
passengers as well.

42 Planting Flowering plants 9.60 Km 0.00 0.00

and shrubs in Central
Vergr (200 plants and 800
shrubs in one rows in One
km Length

43 Providing and fixing 3100.00 Rmt 0.00 0.00

post and pipe railing as
per detailed drawing
including 3 coats of
painting to steel works
complete. (upto 10 ton)
Padesreian Guide pipe
Railing in Urban Area
44 Supplying and erecting 120.00 Nos. 0.00 0.00
LED Solar street lights
with High power White
LEDs wattage of 1Watt
and above assembled on
single MCPCB, efficiency
more than 130 lm/w and
corrosion free High
pressure die cast
aluminum housing with
smooth finish powder
coated and heat sink
extruded aluminium with
diffuser and Polycarbonate
optics/ lenses with
company mark/name
engraved or embossed
with 36 hours battery
backup & MPPT 24V,7.5 A
charge controller with 12
hours automatic switch
on/off with wind speed
resistance 44 m/s as per
IEC 61215(a) 12W, IP-65,
PV Module – 60W and 4
mtr poles complete

45 Demolition including 2824.00 Cum 0.00 0.00

stacking of servicable
materials and disposal of
unservicable materials
with all lead and lift (i)
RCC work
46 Excavation for foundation 17966.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
in sand, greval, clay, soft
soil and murrum etc.
including shorting struting
and dewatering as
necessary and disposing
of the excaveted stuff with
all lead and lift as directed
for all depth
47 Providing and casting in 1630.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
situ ordinary cement
concrete M. 150 mix and
procvidng necessary pin
headers including
shuttring scaffolding laying
vibrating curing and
finishing complete.
Without V-Grooves.(A)
Height from 0.0 M to 5.0.
48 Providing and laying 900.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
controlled cement
concrete M-250 and curing
complete excluding the
cost of form work and
reinforcement for
reinforced concrete work
in : Walls from top of
foundation level up to floor
two level.

49 Providing and casting in 3254.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00

situ controlled cement
concrete M. 250 for R.C.C.
soild slab including
centering scaf folding
curing and finishing
50 Providing and casting situ 36.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
controlled cement
concrete M.250 for averge
75 mm. Thick wearing
cost laid as directed
including tamping vibrating
finishing curing and filling
in joints with bitumen
51 Providing ISI mark T.M.T 1170.70 MT 0.00 0.00
bar 500 D Fe
reinforcement for R.C.C.
work including
bending,binding and
placing in position
complete up to floor two
52 Providing & laying rubble 711.00 Cum 0.00 0.00
for apron (each stone
weight not less than 40
Kg.) including packing &
filling in the interstices with
quarry spalls.
53 Providing and laying weep 8779.00 Nos. 0.00 0.00
hole in abutmemt and
returns by using A.C.
pipes of 100 mm.
Diameter including laying
in proper grade and joining
the complete as per
detailed specifications.

54 Providing and laying filter 7448.00 Sq.Mt. 0.00 0.00

media 600 mm. Thick as
directed at the back of
abtuments returns and
wing walls as per detailed

55 Providing P.V.C. 100mm 128.00 No 0.00 0.00

diameter water spouts
including necessary iron
gratings as per
drawings.(More Than 10
56 Providing 12 mm. Thick 1354.00 Sq.Mt. 0.00 0.00
premoulded asphalt filler
joint as per drawings.
57 Providing and casting 619.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
in situ controlled cement
concrete M-200 for Kerb/
kerb blocks including
formwork curing and
finishing, complete (more
than 10 ton)

58 Credit of wastage Steel 55426.00 Kg. 0.00 0.00

Bar received after the
dismentaling of RCC Slab

59 Providing and casting in 13104.00 Cu.Mt 0.00 0.00

situ controlled cement
concrete M-250 for R.C.C.
return as per drawings
including centering
shuttering, scaffolding
where necessary, laying
vibrating, curing and
finishing complete.(A)
Height from 0.0 to 5.0 M.
(1) Piers (2) Ab

60 Providing and casting in 562.00 Cu.Mt. 0.00 0.00

situ ordinary cement
concrete M 250 mix for
R.C.C. work in pier cap
abutment cap and dirt wall
incluing controlled cement
concrete M250 bed block
or pedstals of required
size below bearings as per
detailed drawings,
centering shuttering,
scaffolding wherever
necessary incl. laying Tar
paper vibrating curing and
finishing complete.
61 Providing and fixing in 140.00 No 0.00 0.00
position Mild steel dowel
bars in pier caps or
abutment caps for
anchorage in fixed end as
per detailed drawings
including cutting, bending
and welding complete.

62 Providing and fixing in 140.00 No 0.00 0.00

position Mild steel dowel
bars in pier caps or
abutments caps for
anchorage in free end as
per detailed drawing
including cutting, bending
and welding complete.

63 Providing and casting situ 914.00 Cu.Mt. 0.00 0.00

Design Mix Concrete-DMC
concrete M.250 for averge
75 mm. Thick wearing
cost laid as directed
including tamping vibrating
finishing curing and filling
in joints with bitumen

64 Filling available 10851.00 No. 0.00 0.00

excavated earth
(excluding rock) in
trenches. plinth, sides of
foundations etc. in layers
not exceeding 20 cm. in
depth consolidating
each disposited layer
by ramming and watering.

65 Numbering the C.D. work 14.00 No. 0.00 0.00

with approved paint
including all materials for
painting etc. complete.
66 Providing and filling in 744.00 Cu.Mt. 0.00 0.00
foundation with ordinary
cement concrete M-100
mix and providing
necessary pin headers
including formwork,
vibrating, ramming and
curing etc. complete.
67 Providing and filling in 9254.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00
foundation with ordinary
cement concrete M-200
mix and providing
necessary pin headers
including formwork,
vibrating, ramming and
curing etc. complete.
68 Filling in plinth with sand 4200.00 Cu.M 0.00 0.00
under floors including
watering ramming,
consolidating and dressing
etc complete.
69 Excavation for foundation 1728.00 Cu.M 0.00 0.00
upto 1.5 m depth
including sorting out
and stacking of useful
materials and disposing
off the excavated stuff
upto with average lead
and lift Soft soil.

70 Providing and laying 22.5 1080.00 Cu.M. 0.00 0.00

cm thick dry rubble stone
pitching on side slope on
existing earthwork on
murrum bed 7.50 cm thick
& filling interstic with
murrum & providing flush
pointing in CM 1:3 etc.
complete including curing
& preparing slope in Earth
work as directed by
Engineer in charge.
71 Construction of 876.00 Cu.M 0.00 0.00
compacted granular sub
base ( Grade-III ,
Crushed B T materials of
9.5 mm to 4.75 mm @ 66
%, Below 2.36 mm @ 34
% ) by providing close
graded matrial , mixing in
a machanical mix plant at
OMC, carriage of a mix
material to work site,
spreading uniform layers
with motor grader on
prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory
power roller to achieve
desire density , complete
clause as per 401
72 Providing and Laying 20 322.00 Mt. 0.00 0.00
mm thick mix Seal Surface
for patch work (paver
patta) using B.T. stone
aggregate chips at the
rate of 0.66 cum/M.T. as
per gradation of MORTH
and emulsion for tack coat
at the rate of 2.50
Kg/10Sqm and asphalt VG-
30 for mixing at 5.09%
(i.e.50.90 kg./M.T.) of total
mix heating & mixing by
continuous batching of
drum mix plant and
transporting, spreading,
laying the same by paver
finisher and consolidation
with vibratory power roller
including cost of fuel,
kerosene, lubricant, labour
charges etc. comp. using
contractor's own drum mix
plant, necessary
equipments, tools and
plants etc. complete.

73 Supplying and fixing 1120.00 R.Mt. 0.00 0.00

reinforced concrete heavy
duty non-pressure pipes
with collars for culverts
carrying heavy traffic as
per IS 458-1991
specifications including
setting the pipes in C.M.
1:2 watering and laying (to
level or slopes) of class
NP3 of following internal
diameters.(v) 900mm dia.
(More than 10 Ton).

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