Common Prepositional Phrase Examples Include
Common Prepositional Phrase Examples Include
Common Prepositional Phrase Examples Include
for, from, in, of, over, past, to, under, up, and with.
(With is the preposition, and with him is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adjective phrase, modifying boy.)
(In is the preposition, and in the storefront window is the prepositional phrase. The
prepositional phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying bracelet.)
(By is the preposition, and by the river is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adjective phrase, modifying cabin.)
(At is the preposition, and at the corner is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adjective phrase, modifying store.)
you can use the broom behind you to sweep the floor.
(Behind is the preposition, and behind you is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional
phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying broom.)
(With is the preposition, and with white paws is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional
phrase functions as an adjective phrase, modifying cat.)
(To is the preposition, and to the sign is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adverb phrase, modifying get.)
We climbed up the hill to see the view.
(Up is the preposition, and up the hill is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adverb phrase, modifying climbed.)
(During is the preposition, and during movies is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional
phrase functions as an adverb phrase, modifying talk.)
Hannah looked under the bed to see if she could find her necklace.
(Under is the preposition, and under the bed is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional
phrase functions as an adverb phrase, modifying looked.)
(After is the preposition, and after school is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional phrase
functions as an adverb phrase, modifying meet.)
(Over is the preposition, and over the mountain is the prepositional phrase. The prepositional
phrase functions as an adverb phrase, modifying rose.)