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(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Solution : Winter 2016

Subject: Highway Engineering (17602) Subject Code- 17602

Page No: 1 /22
Important Instructions to examiners:
1) The answers should be examined by key words and not as word-to-word as given in the model
answer scheme.
2) The model answer and the answer written by candidate may vary but the examiner may try to
assess the understanding level of the candidate.
3) The language errors such as grammatical, spelling errors should not be given more
importance. (Not applicable for subject English and Communication Skills.)
4) While assessing figures, examiner may give credit for principal components indicated in the
figure. The figures drawn by the candidate and those in the model answer may vary. The
examiner may give credit for any equivalent figure drawn.
5) Credits may be given step wise for numerical problems. In some cases, the assumed constant
values may vary and there may be some difference in the candidate’s answers and the model
6) In case of some questions credit may be given by judgment on part of examiner of relevant
answer based on candidate’s understanding.
7) For programming language papers, credit may be given to any other program based on
equivalent concept.

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1 a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
i) State the importance of Road Development Plan.
Ans : The road development plans of twenty years are important for the
following :
a) To increase the kilometerage of major roads and minor roads
across the country. 1
b) To bring every village in a developed and semi developed mark 4
agricultural area. each
c) To construct and maintain several types of roads to accelerate (Any
the pace of economic progress. four)
d) To increase the pavement thickness of existing roads for
rapidly increasing vehicles.
e) To access traffic problems and execute remedial measures like
road diversion, subway, flyover etc.
f) To increase social development through connectivity between
rural and urban areas.
g) To increase industrial development through transportation of
goods, fisheries, dairy, products etc.
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1 ii) State the characteristics of road transport.
Ans : Characteristics of road transport :
1. Road transport gives quick and easy transportation of men,
machineries, materials etc. 1
2. Road transport serves the agricultural area by transporting of goods. mark
3. It plays a vital role in development of natural resources. each
4. The road transportation always a key in transportation of medical 4
and educational facilities (Any
5. Road transport is a basic need in case of fire and police protections. four)
6. It gives door step connectivity even in case of rural area or villages.
7. It promotes development of railways, waterways and airways.

iii) State purpose of different types of engineering survey for road

Ans : Different types of engineering survey for road project are-
a) Desk study – To study the information and statistical data of
existing roads in proposed are using various drawings
b) Reconnaissance survey –To know general characteristics of
proposed area and to finalize three most feasible routes or 1
alignments of road. mark 4
c) Preliminary survey –To examine detail characteristics of each
proposed alignments and to finalize one most feasible
alignment based on detailed survey.
d) Location survey – To locate or fix the alignment of proposed
road on ground.

iv) State the contents of the drawings required for road project
Ans : The contents of various drawings prepared for a highway project are
as follows:
1)Key map: The map which shows the proposed road, existing roads
and important places to be connected is known as key map.
The size of map generally should exceed 240 x 330mm (A4).
The size of this map is chosen depending on the area to be covered.
2) Index map: The locality map also called key map drawn to a scale
1:250,000. It shows the location of the road with respect to
important towns, industrial centers, etc. In short it provides bird eye
view of the project.
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1 iv)
3) Preliminary survey plan: These plans show the details of the
various alternate alignments and other information collected during
preliminary survey. The size of these plans varies from 240x330mm
to 880x1230mm and their scale may also be varied
from 10cm=1km to 20cm=1km.
4) Detail location survey plan and longitudinal section: The plan 1
should be drawn at the top and longitudinal section at the bottom. mark 4
The general scale for horizontal length is 1:2500 and for vertical each
distances 1:250 naturally for hilly stretches this scale could be (Any
changed. four)
5) Detail cross section of road: The cross section should be drawn
serially along the continuous chainage. This cross section should
show existing road level/ground level, and the proposed road level,
area of cut and fill involved and type and thickness of different
pavement courses
6) Land acquisition plans: These maps are required for land
acquisition proceedings. Generally they are prepared on existing
village maps, or settlement maps giving the details of property and
their survey number so that the land acquisition proceedings could
be smooth.
7) Drawings of cross drainage and masonry structures: A separate
drawing is given when there is typical and different design for the
cross drainage structure. For small cross drainage work, standard
designs are adopted.
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1 v) Define and state values of following terms with IRC standard for
plain areas.
1) Camber 2)Super-elevation
Ans : 1.Camber –
It is the transverse slope provide to the carriage way. 1
It is the surface joining crown point to the road edge point.

IRC values of camber for different roads in plain area:

1)Earth road : 3 to 4 % 4
2)Water Bound Macadam road : 2.5 to 3 % 1
3)Bituminous road : 2 to 3 %
4)Cement concrete road : up to 2 %

The inward inclination provided to the cross-section of road at sharp 1
curve, so that outer edge is raised with respective inner edge of road,
is called as super elevation.
IRC value for plain area -7 % 1

b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 6

i) Draw a cross-section of state highway in embankment and label
all its components and give approximate values of the same.

Ans :

6 6

( Note- 3 marks for sketch and 3 marks for labeling)

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1 ii) Design a super-elevation for a National Highway with design
speed 80 Kmph and horizontal curve of radius 150 m. Consider
co-efficient of friction f = 0.15.
Ans : By formula of super-elevation
e + f = V2 /(127×R) 2
e + 0.15= 802/ (127×150)
e + 0.15=0.335 6
e = 0.185 for 1 meter carriage way width of road 2

The super elevation required for 7 m wide road

e = 0.185 ×7
= 1.295 m or 129.5 cm 2

2 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

a) State four factors affecting road alignment.
Ans : Factors affecting alignment of roads:
1.Need of traffic
2.Purpose and class of road
3.Obligatory points 1
4.Curve mark
5.Gradient each 4
6.Sight distance (Any
7.Number of CD works four)
10.Availability of labour and material

b) Describe procedure to fix alignment of road.

Ans : Procedure for fixing alignment of road-
1. Transferring centerline from map to ground –
In this centerline marked in plan is transferred on ground using transit
theodolite. While transferring the stakes are fixed at 20m and 50m 1
intervals for hilly and plain terrain respectively. All intersection angles mark
between successive alignments are plotted using theodolite by double each
reversal method. 4
2.Fixing reference points –
The reference points on both side of alignment are marked
permanently on ground, which helps during construction.
3.Plotting curves in alignment –
The circular or transition curve are plotted using long chord or
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2 b) deflection angle method very accurately. The start and end points are
also marked with references.
4. Measuring the length of alignment –
The total length of alignment as per design is finally checked either by
using tape or transit theodolite. It is measured in parts for straight
alignments while the chord length for curved alignments.

c) Explain term “Design speed”.

Design Speed:
The maximum safe speed of vehicle assumed for geometrical 1
design of highway of know as Design Speed.
The overall geometric design of any road depends on design speed.

The following factors affects design speed. 4

a) Class and condition of road surface - If road is of higher
class and good condition, design speed is kept more and vice
b) Traffic characteristics - If traffic intensity is more in a
particular locality, design speed should be minimum.
c) Sight distance requirement – If sight distance requires is 3
more, design speed is kept lesser.
d) Nature of terrain - If the road has more steeper gradient on
particular terrain, design speed should be lesser.
e) Type of road curve – If alignment has more number of sharp
curves, overall design speed should be lesser.
f) Type of road sub-structure – If pavement is flexible type
with weak sub layers, design speed will be low for it.

d) Explain the significance of gradient in road alignment.

Ans: The gradients to a road are of prime importance as it plays significant
role as explained follows:
i) Gradient are responsible to decide equal cutting and filling
of earthwork and hence to reduce material cost of road 1
project. mark
ii) Gradient are beneficial to connect roads at different levels. each
iii) Gradients plays a vital role for effective drainage of (Any
rainwater from road surface. four) 4
iv) Gradients are helpful to reduce maintenance cost of road
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2 surface by avoiding wear and tear of road.
v) Gradients are useful to increase or decrease the design speed
as per requirement.

e) State methods of soil stabilization and explain any one.

Ans : Methods of soil stabilization are -
i. Mechanical soil stabilization
ii. Soil-lime stabilization
iii. Soil-cement stabilization 2
iv. Soil-bitumen stabilization marks
v. Stabilization by beating (Any
vi. Stabilization by grouting four)
vii. Stabilization by freezing
viii. Stabilization by chemicals.
Mechanical soil stabilization –
i. Excavation of subgrade soil should be done by JCB.
ii. Pulverization should be done to form fine particles.
iii. A specific size of aggregate as per IRC are added in soil to
improve soil particles. 2
iv. Then suitable compaction should be done using heavy compaction marks
roller followed by curing.
v. After alternate curing and compaction for minimum 7 days, The
road is said to be stabilized
(Note-Any other relevant method should be considered )

f) Describe procedure of cement concrete pavement construction.

Ans : Procedure of cement concrete pavement construction
i. Preparation of subgrade- The corrugations are made on
subsurface inclined to centerline of road followed by sprinkled
on this subgrade for 6-20 hr. before placing concrete
ii. Provision of sub base- The well graded gravel of specified
size is laid over compacted subgrade to improve bearing
capacity, It is property compacted as per gradient and camber
iii. Erection of formwork –The channel section are provided up 4 4
to width of road. The height of sections is kept exactly equal to
depth of concrete slab required.
iv. Placing and compaction of concrete – The concrete mixture
is placed using RMC vehicles up to height slightly more than
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2 f) slab thickness. The concrete can be placed by alternate or
continuous bay method. It is then compacted using screed
board or vibrating machine. The wooded or steel float is used
to make leveling of concrete.
v. Brooming of concrete surface – The leveled surface is then
broomed using steel broom or steel brush to increase skid
resistance of surface.
vi. Curing of concrete road- The prepared concrete slab is
allowed to dry for 24hr and then curing is done by ponding
method for 7 days continually. Then after sufficient curing,
road is allowed for traffic.

3. a) Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

Calculate the stopping sight distance for one way road having
design speed 60 kmph and breaking efficiency of vehicle 75 %
Ans : V = 60 kmph, f = 75% = 0.75
Find, SSD=?
By formula of stopping sight distance for one way traffic on a single
lane road.
SSD = (0.278 v.t) + (V2/254.f) 2
Assume reaction time of driver, t = 2.5sec 4
SSD = (0.278X60X25) + (60 2/254X0.5)
= 41.7+28.34
SSD = 70.04 m 1

b) Calculated the overtaking sight distance for two lane one way
traffic road with design speed 80 kmph. The rate of acceleration
of fast moving vehicle is 0.75 m/s 2. the speed of slow moving
vehicle is 40kmph.
Ans : Given :
V1 = 80 kmph V2 =40 kmph a = 0.75 m/s2
Find OSD =?
By formula of overtaking sight distance for one way traffic on two
lane road,
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3 b) OSD = D1+ D2+ D3
D1=distance travelled during reaction time
D 1 = Vb.t
Where V0=design speed of overtaken vehicle B
Vb = V2/3.6
= 40/3.6
Vb =11.1 m/s
D1=11.1 X 2 = 22.2m 1
Now, D2 =distance travelled during overtaking time
D2 = Vb.T + 2S
S = 0.7Vb + 6
= 0.7 X 11.1 + 6 = 13.8m
T = 4.5
D2= (11.1 X 8.57)+(2 X 13.8) = 122.72m 1
Now, 4
D3= distance travelled by opposite vehicle
D3 = V.T
Where V = Design speed of overtaking vehicle A
V = V1/3.6
= 80/3.6
= 22.22 m/s
D3 = 22.22 X 8.57 = 190.42m 1
OSD = 22.22+122.72+190.42
= 335.34m
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3 c) Explain the Difference between Hill road and Roads in plain.
Hill Road Roads in plain
The roads which are constructed The road which are construed on
by cutting hill rocks is known as fairly leveled ground without
hill roads cutting (but with embankment)
is known as road in Palin
Catch water drain and side drains Side gutters are provide on both
are provided on hill top side only sides of alignment for effective 1
for drainage. drainage mark 4
Retaining wall with parapet is Side slope or side embankment (Any
necessary for its stability. with shoulder are required for its Four )
The types of hill roads curves are The types of curves for roads in
hair pin bend curve , salient plain area are horizontal and
curve and re- entrant curve vertical curves

Construction of hill roads tedious Construction of roads a plain is

and required more time comparatively simple and quick

More maintenance is required for Periodic maintenance is

hill roads throughout the year sufficient for road in plain areas

Hill roads may pass through Ordinary machines are sufficient

tunnels and hence required to complete road construction
special cutting machines
Landslides, settlements, cracks No such common problems
are the common problem in hill occurred in well-constructed
roads plane roads

d) Explain the procedure of penetration Macadam for Bituminous

Road Construction
Ans : The construction procedure of bituminous road is summarized as
1. Preparation of sub-grade – The existing ground is made
clean to remove dust and other unwanted particles using
ordinary and steel brooms. A thin layer of bitumen is sprayed
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3 d) on this clean surface.
2. Preparation of base course – The hard stone aggregate of
specified size is spread approximately along the width of road.
These stones are then compacted using vibratory roller of 6-10
tonne capacity. Now a thin layer of bitumen as prime coat is
spread manually or mechanically
3. Application of surface dressing courses – The surface
dressing includes application of stone chipping and key 4 4
aggregate, which are binded together using tack coat followed
by roller compaction as per design camber on both sides.
4. Laying of wearing course – The wearing surface is laid over
one layer of surface course of bituminous mix. The final layer
of wearing surface is applied over thin layer of seal coat
followed by necessary compaction as per gradient of road. The
30 nos. undulations of maximum 12 mm height are allowed in
30 m length of prepared wearing surface.

e) Explain the procedure of WBM road construction

Ans : Procedure of WBM road construction is -
i. Preparation of Subgrade- The natural ground is corrugate
with JCB at 45˚ to the alignment of road. It is then competed
by sprinkling water on it.
ii. Preparation of base Course- The stone aggregates of
specified size as per IRC are land over course sand followed 1
mark 4
by roller compaction of 6-10 tonnes capacity. The compaction
should be done from road edge towards crown by overlapping
compaction width.
iii. Application of screenings – The Screening material in the
form of stone chips or smaller size aggregates is spread evenly
using steel brooms. These screenings is applied to fill void of
stone aggregate.
iv. Application of filler material- the soft murum is spread on
the screening in one or two layers. It is then competed by
sprinkling water on it. After certain days of casing road is
opened out for traffic.
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4 a) Attempt any THREE of the following: 12
i) State objectives of pavement
Ans : objective of pavement -
1. To carry superimposed moving or dynamic loads of vehicles
2. To distribute the vehicular load in different sub layers without 1
exceeding bearing capacity of subgrade soil mark
3. To absorb the shocks and vibrations exerted by dynamic loads each
4. To dispose off rainwater away from road surface by avoiding (Any 4
entry of water in road substructure. Four)
5. To avoid ground water table rise in if for keeping road in dry
6. To provide the passage of actual movement of vehicle on it.
ii) Define following terms
1) PCU 2) Traffic capacity
Ans :
1. PCU :-
Practically, the passenger car is considered as standard vehicle
to convert the other vehicle classes is known as “Passenger Car 2
Unit”. 4
2.Traffic Density:-
It is the number of vehicles occupying a unit length of a road
way at a given instant, usually expressed as vehicles per 2
kilometre. is known as traffic density.
State traffic characteristics
Ans :
1.Traffic characteristics or Road user characteristics
1. Vision of road user
2. Hearing ability of road user
3. Strength of road 2
4. Psychological condition of driver
2. Vehicular characteristics
1. Height of drivers eye level 2
2. Length of vehicles
3. Gross weight of vehicles
4. Breaking distance of vehicle
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4 iv) State necessity of maintenance of roads
Ans : Necessity of maintenance of roads -
1. To avoid various defects occurring in roads i.e. Potholes
,cracks etc. 1
2. To minimize road accidents takes place due to road defects mark
3. To help in safe and smooth vehicular movements on road each 4
surface (Any
4. To keep road features in good conditions on as per geometric four)
design suggested by IRC
5. To increase ultimate life of road structure.

b) Attempt any ONE of the following: 6

i) Differentiate between rigid pavements and flexible pavements
with neat sketch
Ans :
Sr. Flexible pavement Rigid pavement

1 It undergoes the change It does not undergo such

its shape before is failure change, but fails due to
rupture under load
2 Temperature variation Temperature variation exerts
does not produce stresses stresses mark
3 The load is transferred The total load is taken by top each
through layer by layer most wearing surface. (Any 6
4 Construction cost is less Initial cost is more
5 Maintenance cost is high Maintenance cost is low
6 It requires strong sub- It may adjust comparatively
grade weak sub-grade
7 Requires less time to Requires more time for
construct, hence no delay construction, hence delays
in traffic traffic
8 More tractive resistance Less tractive resistance

9 Poor visibility at night Good visibility at night

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4 i) 10 Less durable More durable



Describe with neat sketch CBR Test on soil as a subgrade material

ii) CBR Test on subgrade soil -
Ans : 1. Take the soil sample of size 4.75mm to 20mm and add water
required for it MDD i.e. Optimum Moisture Content of that
2. Fill this wet soil in inverted CBR mould by compacting each
layer with 56 blows of 2.6 Kg hammer.
3. Place CBR mould in regular fashion under CBR Test
apparatus with spacer disc at top. And apply seating load with
50mm ϕ plunger.
4. Now apply a constant load at a rate of 1.25 mm/min and
observe test loads for each 0.5 mm penetration up to maximum 6
12.5 mm.
5. Finally, draw a graph of load Vs penetration as shown in Fig.3 4
to note test load at 2.5 mm penetration.
6. Calculate % CBR value as ( Test load/Standard load) x 100
7. Depending upon calculated % CBR value, Stiffness of given
subgrade soil can be judged as follows.
CBR values % Stiffness (MN/m2)
2 2080
3 2770
4 3460
5 4160
7 4840
10 5540
20 6920
50 13850
100 22160
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4 ii) 8. It indicate that more % CBR shows more stiffness of subgrade


5 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16

Draw the signs for the following- i) Compulsory turn right
a) ii) right hair pin bend iii) one way iv) height limit (3.5)
Ans :

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5 b) Describe prevention techniques of landslides
Ans : Preventive measures for land slide :
1) Providing effective drainage system using catch water drains. 1
2) Providing appropriate slopes to minimize erosion of soil. mark
3) Providing jute netting and wire netting for stability of slopes each 4
4) Application of asphalt mulch treatment to slopes for stability (Any
5) Removal of vegetation to avoid growth of cracks Four)
6) Using chemical treatment for ground surface
7) Relocation of highway in unavoidable landslide regions

c) Draw the cross section of highway in cutting and label its

Ans :


(Note-2 marks for sketch and 2 marks labeling)

d) State types of maintenance of roads and explain one in detail.

Ans : Types of maintenance -
i) Routine repairs
ii) Periodical repairs
iii) Special repairs ½
iv) Special repairs to monsoon damage marks
v) Resurfacing each
vi) Renewals
vi) Repairs to bridges and culverts.
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5 d) Routine repairs- It includes repairing of road patch work, earth work
.The repairing of shoulder, drainage system of road comes under
routine repairs. The routine repairing also includes repairing of road
furniture, road signs and arboriculture. The routine repair is made 2 4
frequently (say twice in a month ) and requires in heavy traffic roads.
( Note -Any other relevant method should be considered)

e) Draw Layout of Hot mix bitumen plant.

Ans :

4 4

(Note-2 marks for sketch and 2 marks labeling)

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5 f) Name and draw sketch of suitable equipment for the following
road construction activity
i) Excavation up to 1 m depth in soft murum
ii) Compaction in soft clay soil
Ans :

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6 Attempt any FOUR of the following: 16
a) State four compacting equipment’s and its suitability.
Ans : Compacting equipment and its suitability
i) Smooth wheeled rollers -for compaction of earth roads, WBM
roads, bituminous concentrated layers
ii) Sheep foot rollers -for consolidation of earth embankments mark
(cohesive soil), earth filling each
iii) Pneumatic tyred rollers- for compaction of cold laid bitumen, (Any
soft soil bases Four) 4
iv) Vibratory rollers- for compaction of granular base course,
asphaltic concrete work.
v) Rammers or Hand operated compactors- for compaction of
trenches, slopes, behind bridge abutments

State use of following equipment’s-

1. Bulldozer 2. Scraper 3. Grader 4. JCB
Ans : Bulldozer -
1. For clearance of shrubs and small trees.
2. Backfilling of trenches and spreading of earth fill.

1. To scrap the ground at specific level
2.To remove excessive undulations in earthwork
Grader- mark
1. To construct earth road quickly. each 4
2. To give proper shape to the road subgrade.

1. To excavate the earthwork for construction of foundations.
2. To collect and dispose of excavated material.
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6 c) Describe the alignment survey for hill roads.
Ans : The alignment of hill road is fixed and translated on ground
through following operations-
a) Reconnaissance – It is done through aerial and ground
mediums to know physical ground features of proposed
alignments of hill road. Aerial photographs taken are verified
physically through site visit . The various probable alignments
and its data is collected separately
b) Preliminary Survey- In this each alignments are studied very
carefully to get information of traffic , construction materials,
slope , drainage conditions. This information is taken such that
design features like length , width , slope etc. for all
alignments will be helpful. Trace cut 1 to 1.2 m wide are 4
made by pegging the boundaries , the permanent features are 1
marked using offsets and maps are prepared of larger suitable mark
scales each
c) Determination of final center line – in this l/s and c/s contour
maps of alignment are studied for satisfying aesthetic,
engineering, economic and environmental requirements.
Earthwork , curves , obstructions , protective works are
considered simultaneously . the grade line is marked on ground
using abney level and control points are marked for horizontal
and vertical curves for alignment
d) Final location of alignment- The marked center line on
prepared map is then studied in office for estimate and
theodolite survey. It is then marked by pegs at 20 m intervals
along center line and cross sections. Sometimes the said
marking are made with paints . the stakes are marked using
theodolite at 10 m at curved alignment of hill road
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6 d) Explain maintenance of bituminous roads
Ans : Maintenance of bituminous road→ The bituminous road surface
should be maintained through following repair works
i) Pot hole repair or patch repair- potholes or patches can be
repaired by using sand premix, open grade premix or dense graded
premix. It is the rolled or compacted by hand tamping.
ii) Sealing of weared surface- various sealing compounds like liquid
seal, fog seal, slurry seal are useful to repair cracks, loss of aggregates
iii) Surface treatment- It the bituminous surface is weared in large
amount, then one or more layers of bituminous mix is applied as 1
surface treatment followed by heavy roller compact mark 4
iv) Repairing of waves and corrugations- The melted bitumen due
to temperature variations results in wavy road. The corrugations may Four)
be formed due to iron wheels. It can be removed by cutting and filled
by premix with tack coat.
v) Repairing of side drains -prior to monsoon, side and vegetation if
any for effective carriage of rainwater
vi) Resurfacing- When bituminous road is worn out drastically, New
bituminous mat layers are provided to renew the surface.

Explain working of JCB with suitable line sketch

Ans :

(ISO/IEC - 27001 - 2005 Certified)
Model Solution : Winter 2016

Subject & Code: Highway Engineering (17602) Page No: 22 /22

Que. Sub. Total

Model Answers Marks
No. Que. Marks
e) The working of JCB is explain as under
i) Initially JCB is made fixed firmly on ground by lowering
rear end stabilizers. As shown in fig. 7 below.
ii) Then the deeper arm having excavator bucket attached to
its end; is stretched up to target ground surface.
iii) By gear arrangement, it is pressed against ground to
excavate material and then bucket is turned upward to
avoid falling of excavated material.
iv) The filled excavator bucket is raised in closed (folded) 2
position and then boom is turned away from excavation
area and material is dropped in truck or dumper by opening
face of excavator bucket.
v) Similarly, front bucket is useful to level the ground
separately it’s cutting edge cuts the ground in uniform
leveled position.
vi) The cut material is then raised in position and drop away
from working area. Thus, JCB works on movement of
front and rear bucket powered by cylinder diesel engine.

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