Project Report Colgate Palmolive
Project Report Colgate Palmolive
Project Report Colgate Palmolive
PMIR 2004-06
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The two months summer training at Colgate Palmolive India Baddi Facility has been an
incredible learning experience. I thank Colgate Palmolive for giving me this opportunity
to work and learn with complete freedom and constant guidance.
This project could not have been completed without the constant support and guidance of
my project guide Ms. Poonam Sharma who always gave me her valuable time despite the
pressures of her job. I’m grateful to her for arranging meetings, sometimes at short
notices, with the HR managers of various factories operating in the region to aid in
effective benchmarking which was critical to the completion of this project.
I’m also thankful to Mr Pramod Pedgaonkar, Technical Training Manager, for sharing his
insights and vast experience in the field of Performance Management Systems. The final
project could not have shaped in this way without his encouragement, support and
A special note of thanks for Mr. Manu Mehrotra, Facility Head and Mr. V Sriram,
Operations Manager, for their timely interventions that provided structure and direction
to the project.
I thank the entire Colgate Palmolive India Baddi Team for their support and
encouragement all through the project. There was never a moment where I felt like an
Lastly, I thank Mr Debashish Roy, VP HR and Ms. Sonali Mathias, Manager – Training,
for the constant support and encouragement from the Head Office.
Kushagra Saxena
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It was a great pleasure and incredible learning experience working with Colgate
Palmolive India on this project of “Developing Performance Management System” for
technicians and team members at the newly set up Baddi Facility.
The overlaying aim of this project was to develop a Performance Management System
that is easy to understand and simple to implement and at the same point of time is highly
structured, unambiguous and measures all competencies expected out of Colgate
Employees. The Performance Management System is aided by a variety of tools that
facilitate the smooth and structured functioning of the system.
I hope I have been able to match the expectations of Colgate Palmolive with regard to my
work and attitude during the internship. I look forward to feedback regarding the project
and my performance during the period of my internship.
Kushagra Saxena
PMIR 2004-06
XLRI, Jamshedpur
Phone: 9431302747
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Step IV – Designing the Performance Appraisal System
After benchmarking the primary target was to create a Performance Appraisal System
that would be highly structured, unambiguous and will measure various competencies
expected from a Colgate Employee.
The Performance Appraisal System was broadly based on the international format
followed by Colgate with modifications to simplify and adapt it to Indian conditions. The
rating was reduced to three levels instead of four levels followed by Colgate to ensure
Various tools such as ranking meeting, skill inventory etc were designed to eliminate
rater bias. Concepts like Gating were introduced to ensure consistency in all aspects of
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changes required to the Performance Management System were noted down. These
changes were then incorporated in the Performance Management System.
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Performance Appraisal Criteria 11
Performance Appraisal Frequency 12
Number of Appraisers 13
Performance Appraisal Tools 13
Critical Incident Diary 13
Performance Appraisal Form 14
Evaluation Manual 14
Calculation Sheet 14
Skill Inventory 14
Ranking Meeting 15
Improvement Statement 15
Counseling Session 15
Review Session 15
Performance Appraisal Methodology 16
Performance Appraisal Feedback System 19
Scope for Future Modification 20
Benchmarking 21
Performance Reward 21
Performance based Wage Increment 21
Productivity Bonus 22
Performance Reward System – Salient Features 23
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Team of the Month 25
Thank You Slips 27
Innovator Employee 27
Annexure 1 – Critical Incident Diary 31
Annexure 2 – Performance Appraisal Form 35
Annexure 3 – Evaluation Manual 39
Annexure 4 – Ranking Meeting Guide 45
Annexure 5 – Skill Inventory 49
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Performance Management System is critical to functioning of any organization. In
Colgate Palmolive India Baddi Facility it is of paramount importance to measure the
performance of the technicians and team members as these are the people who will
actually drive the production from the front. The performance so measured and appraised
will then form basis of various other HR functions like compensation & benefits, career
growth, training and development etc.
This performance management system covers the following areas:
1. Performance Appraisal System
2. Linking PA to Training & Development
3. Linking PA to Performance Pay/Bonus
4. Recommendations on viability and need of Grading System within
technician/team members
5. Linking PA to Grade System, if recommended
6. Other Performance Enhancing Measures – Recognition Schemes
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Performance Appraisal System measures the performance of workers on variety of
parameters; document it on an easy to understand form, establish clear guidelines to
perform the appraisal and finally, institute a feedback mechanism to communicate the
results of appraisal and suggestions to the employees. The Performance Appraisal will
lead to the banding of the technicians/ team members into “Below Expectations”,
“Meets Expectations” or “Exceeds Expectation” on the basis of final percentage score
attained by them.
2. Quantitative Measures:
The quantitative measures represent that part of the Performance Appraisal
System which will constantly change as the factory evolves. In the beginning the
quantitative measures will consist of the attendance and punctuality record of the
technicians/ team members. Once the desired level of attendance and punctuality
is achieved and is stabilized, the quantitative measures can be changed to include
some other critical factor that needs reinforcement. (For Example, if adherence to
safety standards is not up to the mark, PPE compliance can be introduced as a
quantitative measure.)
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Quantitative Measures carry a weightage of 25% in the Performance Appraisal
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All performance appraisals of technicians and team members will be carried out jointly
by two appraisers – the team leader of the appraisee and the PMS Facilitator. The PMS
Facilitator will be part of the process only for the first few years to guide the appraisal
process in the right direction. Once the Performance Appraisal System has stabilized, the
team leader will carry out the appraisal alone.
Annexure 1
Annexure 2
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The performance appraisal form has been designed to make the process of appraisal
uncomplicated, easy to understand and less time consuming. The form is divided into the
following six parts:
1. Functional Competence
2. Quantitative Measures
3. Following Our Guiding Principles
4. Final Rating
5. Improvement Statement & Comments
6. Signatures
The exact procedure of arriving at the rating is detailed under Evaluation Manual.
The evaluation manual details the exact procedure of filling up the Performance
Appraisal form and arriving at the rating of the employee. It explains the contents of
appraisal form and the way to fill each section in a lucid and objective language. It will
be essential for the appraisers to understand the evaluation manual and conduct the
appraisal only as described in the evaluation manual so as to maintain uniformity and
fairness in the appraisal.
The calculation sheet is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which aids the team leaders to
calculate the rating of the employee once the scores have been determined. The sheet is
semi automated and gives the percentage score and pre-gating rating for each individual
once the raw scores of all components have been entered.
The skill inventory is a detailed document containing the list of various functional
competencies required by technicians/ team members in different departments. It lists
down the functional descriptor, i.e. statements describing what constitutes
Annexure 3
Annexure 5
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Exceeds/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectation for each functional competency. The skill
inventory will aid in bringing uniformity in ratings and removing rater bias.
The ranking meeting will take place one all the Performance Appraisal forms have been
filled up and the preliminary ratings have been assigned. The ranking meeting will bring
uniformity in the ratings and will ensure that all S&C members and team leaders agree
with the ratings given to the technicians/ team members. This will go a long way in
establishing the credibility of the Performance Appraisal process. The exact procedure of
conducting ranking meeting is detailed under Ranking Meeting Guide5.
The improvement statement is a part of the Performance Appraisal Form which lists
down the various areas of improvement of the appraisee agreed upon between the
appraiser and appraisee during appraisal. Improvement statement is dealt with in great
depth in Evaluation Manual.
Counseling sessions will be held before the ranking meeting. Both the appraisers and the
appraisee will attend the session and discuss the performance of the appraisee. The
improvement statement will be filled during this session. The ratings will be decided but
not revealed to appraisee during this session.
Review session will be held after the ranking meeting. This session will be attended by
the HR Manager, Function Head and the Appraisee will involve reinforcement of
counseling session, revealing the final rating and brief discussion on performance and
improvement statement of appraisee.
Annexure 4
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The primary aim of this Performance Management System is to make it easy to
understand while maintaining its objectivity and exhaustive nature. The appraisal process
needs to be extremely concise and less time saving to ensure its effective implementation.
The following are the steps to be followed for the Performance Appraisal mechanism:
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3. Filling Performance Appraisal Form
The procedure of filling up the Performance Appraisal form is detailed in the
evaluation manual that would be provided to each appraiser for reference. The
following guidelines must be complied with while filling the form:
a. Team leaders must thoroughly go through the evaluation manual
provided with the appraisal form and fill the form exactly in the manner
described in the manual.
b. All team leaders should thoroughly go through the Critical Incident Diary
once the Performance Appraisal Forms are distributed and fill in the rating
on the form on the basis of such critical incidents.
c. The rating should not be affected by the personal judgments of the team
leaders. Each rating must be backed by clearly written down critical
incidents. The facility head and/or manufacturing/production/HR
Managers can ask team leaders to justify the rating given on the basis of
written down critical incidents.
d. During the form filling exercise the appraiser will keep the skill
inventory6 and as a reference guide to decide on the rating of employee on
various functional parameters.
e. Last year’s improvement statement should be kept as a reference to track
targeted improvements.
f. Gating Concept:
The gating concept, as explained in the evaluation manual, states: No
employee will get an overall rating greater than or equal to “Meets
Expectation” unless the ratings in all three components are at least
“Meets Expectation”
This concept ensures that no employee will get a favorable rating due to
his exceptional performance in one component of Performance Appraisal
Form when the performance in some other component is dismal.
Annexure 5
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4. Counseling Session
Once the appraisers have finalized the ratings, the counseling session will be held
and the performance will be discussed with the appraisee. The counseling
session will be conducted as described in the following section on feedback tools.
5. Form Submission:
Completed form (with improvement statement & signatures of appraisers and
with final rating in pencil) should be forwarded to the HR department. The HR
department will then collate all data and make necessary preparations for the
ranking meeting.
6. Ranking Meeting:
Once all appraisals have been completed and the data has been submitted, the HR
department will convene a Ranking Meeting. In the ranking meeting all
relevant S&C members will discuss the ratings assigned to technicians and team
members and seek clarifications and make the necessary corrections. This meeting
will ensure the consensus of all relevant S&C members on the ratings and will
reduce rater bias. The procedure to conduct the ranking meeting is detailed in the
Ranking Meeting Guide7.
8. Signatures:
Annexure 4
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At the end of the review session the appraisee and the function head will sign the
form and submit it to HR Department for compilation and declaration of various
Performance Management System results.
2. Improvement Statement:
A written statement will be prepared by the technicians/ team members in
consultation with the team leader & PMS Facilitator detailing how they intend to
improve their performance in the next appraisal period. This improvement
statement will be noted down in the space provided in the form.
3. Review Session:
The review session will be attended by appraisee, the HR Manager and the
Function Head. The HR Manager and the Function Head will briefly discuss the
achievements and the shortcomings of the appraisee and will also discuss the
special points raised in the ranking meeting, if any. Thereafter the ratings will be
revealed to the appraisee and the form will be duly signed by all concerned. The
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purpose of this session is to reinforce the feedback given in the counseling session
and to discuss things beyond performance appraisal. The ratings assigned in the
ranking meeting will not be changed during this review. Once the Employee
Satisfaction Survey has been instituted in the factory, its findings can also be
discussed at this stage.
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A detailed study was carried out in the Baddi Industrial Area to understand the practices
followed to link performance with compensation. The performance pay policies of other
Colgate Plants in the country were also studied. Broadly two conclusions can be drawn
from the study:
1. All companies have some component of pay linked to performance
2. The performance pay is of two types:
a. Performance Bonus linked to appraisal results or overall plant productivity
b. Performance based wage increments
Low Performers High
Performers Performers
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• Middle Band gets the pre decided average increment
• Top and bottom Bands get higher and lower increments respectively
• Overall decided average maintained
The performance based wage increment is based on the following rationale:
• Results in permanent change in Income Level – Strong Motivator
• Clear difference in pay level of consistent performers & non performers in long
• Helps recognize & retain the best talent
The second component of performance reward system, Productivity Bonus, will be linked
to the overall plant performance. It will be decided as follows:
• Flat rate of bonus for all technicians and team members on basis of Plant AU
• Certain minimum acceptable AU level will attract zero productivity bonus
• Every percentage point over such level leads to increasing productivity bonus
For example,
Asset Utilization (%) Productivity Bonus
>= 65 0
66 500
67 525
68 550
69 575
… …
88 1450
89 1475
90 1500
The productivity bonus is based on the following rationale:
• Links overall performance to reward
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• Promotes overall teamwork
• Sets clear motivation for increasing productivity
• Peer Pressure – Performers will automatically check non performers
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The performance appraisal results so obtained will be used to determine the training and
development needs of employees. The following three step process will be followed to
ensure that Performance Appraisal results are actively linked with Training &
2. The forms so filtered out will then be analyzed to establish any possible trend in
lack of competencies. If more than 10 people exhibit the lack of same competency, a
mass training need exists. For example, if 13 people are scoring “Below Expectation”
in the Making department, there exists a specific need for refresher training in the
making concepts.
3. The list of the employees in need of training along with established trend, if any,
will be forwarded to the Training & Development department for further action.
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The following schemes aim at giving due recognition to the employees who exhibit
desirable functional and behavioral competencies. Apart from driving the BFAs and
Guiding Principles, these schemed will prove to be positive motivation tools and will aid
in preventing monotony on the shop floor.
• Reinforce the concept of team work
• Motivate employees to perform better
• Addresses the need for recognition
• Will ultimately lead to increased individual & team performance
Every month the employees will be rated individually on the following
parameters and the cumulative score of each team will be calculated to determine
the team of the month:
Criteria Weightage
Attendance 15 Marks
Punctuality 15 Marks
EOHS Compliance 15 Marks
Adherence to BFA, Guiding Principles 25 Marks
Team Work (Same for all team members) 30 Marks
Total 100 Marks
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Punctuality: Every employee will start at a score of 15 and a score of –2 will be
awarded for every incidence of late coming.
EOHS: Every employee will be judged by his team leader on the EOHS standards
followed by him, including safety violations if any. Critical incidents must be
noted down to substantiate the rating.
Team Work: Every team will be judged by its team leader on the team work
displayed by it. Critical incidents must be noted down to substantiate the rating.
Note: The absolute value of all the positive and negative scores assigned to
various critical incidents for the last three parameters will be decided by the team
leader on the basis of its importance and gravity.
1. Display the name and photographs of all team members at prominent place for
one month
2. Public announcement of result – Applause & Appreciation
3. Lunch with the facility head, production manager and team leader
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“Spread a Smile” box. At the end of the month the box will be opened and the
person with highest number of slips to his credit will get an appreciation gift.
• Promote culture of team work beyond teams
• Promote spirit of helpfulness
• Recognize and reward people who go out of the way to help others
• Motivate employees to display desired behavior
• Simple counting of thank you slip.
• The team leader will keep a track of the reasons stated and prevent any
carteling/foul play.
1. Gift pack containing toothpaste/toothbrush etc and an exclusive “spread a
smile” keychain
2. Display the name and photographs of the winner at prominent place for one
3. Public announcement of result – Applause & Appreciation
3. Innovator Employee
Employees develop certain skills as they gain work experience. It may be an
innovative way of doing the same job or any other activity that enhances the
speed or productivity. An innovator employee would be one who has developed
such unique skill and trains the other employees on the same.
• Sharing of useful knowledge
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• Reinforce the core value – continuous improvement
• Avoidance of “reinventing of wheel”
• Recognizing and appreciating the employee who develops such unique skills
The employee will first explain the skill/method to the team leader. If team leader
is convinced that it indeed is helpful to increase productivity and/or reduce time,
he will christen the employee as “Innovator Employee” and schedule training
• Recognition as “Innovator Employee” & opportunity to showcase their learning
• Display the name and photograph of the innovator employees along with their
contribution at prominent place for one month
• “Innovator Employee” key chain
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A detailed study on the grade system prevalent in various industries in Baddi, Colgate
plants in the country & some other FMCG plants across the country was carried out. The
results of the study are summarized below:
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Merits Demerits
• Provides clear Growth Path • Problems in Team Work
o Positive Motivator o Higher grade dominating lower
o Drives Performance grades
o Retaining Employees o “Status Difference”
• Addresses need for recognition • Rationale? (Same Work across grades)
On the basis of the benchmarking study, relative merits and demerits and discussions
with Baddi Management, the following recommendations are made on the feasibility of
grade structure in the Colgate Palmolive India Baddi Facility:
• Premature to introduce grade system
o Will hamper teamwork
o Unnecessary hierarchy
o At this point performance pay should be the only driver
o Let the need for grade system evolve
• Review: August 2007
o Review the situation
o Assess motivation and aspiration levels of technicians and team members
o Alter performance reward system OR introduce grade system as the need be
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Critical Incident Diary
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Employee Name: ________________________ Employee Code: ______
• We are business focused and strive for
high standards of individual, team and
organization performance
• We are responsive and committed to
delivering cost competitive products
that meet high standards of quality and
customer satisfaction
Our Values
• We will demonstrate our fundamental
values of caring, global teamwork and
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continuous improvement in our day to
day interactions
• Integrity in all personal and business
interactions is the foundation of our
Our Environment
• Everybody is responsible and
accountable for creating and sustaining
a safe, healthy and clean environment,
both inside and outside the plant
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1. Critical Incident Diary will be primarily maintained by Team Leaders. S&C members can also record entries in Critical
Incident Diary whenever they notice a critical incident.
2. All significant instances of deviation from the standards must be recorded in the Critical Incident Diary.
3. All deviations – Negative as well as Positive must be noted down. The Performance Appraisal System is not only corrective;
it is also meant to recognize high performers.
4. Efforts should be made to record the deviation against the relevant guiding principle however in case it is difficult to link it to
guiding principle, the incident should be noted in any row.
5. All critical incidents should be recorded in real time. i.e. The observer should record the incident as soon as it occurs. The
Critical Incident Diary updating should not be a day end activity.
6. All fields in the Critical Incident Diary should be filled up. Incomplete entries do not solve any purpose and will result in
confusion while filling up the Performance Appraisal Form.
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Performance Appraisal Form
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Scoring Key:
Below Expectation – 2 Points Meets Expectation – 3 Points Exceeds Expectation
– 4 Points
(Weightage - 50%) |------------------Tick One---------------------|
Below Meets Exceeds
Core Skills Expectatio Expectatio Expectatio Comments
n n n
F1 -
F2 -
F3 -
F4 -
F5 -
(Weightage – 25%) |------------------Tick One---------------------|
Below Meets Exceeds
Measure Expectatio Expectatio Expectatio Comments
n n n
Guiding Principles Rating (Tick One)
Percentage Score: [Score/4] x 100 = [(___)/4]*100 Below 65% : Below Expectation
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Evaluation Manual
This evaluation manual seeks to provide step by step explanation to fill up the Colgate
Palmolive India Baddi Facility performance review form so that there is consistency in
approach and complete understanding of each component. Both appraisers should go
through his manual thoroughly before appraising the performance of the employee.
The first four parts will constitute the Performance Appraisal evaluation. Each employee
will be rated on these parts and their sub components on a three level Rating scale:
Rating Points
Below Expectation 2
Meets Expectation 3
Above Expectation 4
The method for arriving at the rating is described in detail in the following pages.
1. Functional Competency
• Functional Competency will carry a weightage of 50% in the Performance
• Functional Competency will consist of Five Key Competencies that are essential
for performance of the job.
• Each department will have its own different set of five competencies.
• The employee will be given rating from 2 to 4 on each competency based on his
performance as judged by his team leader.
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• The team leader will maintain the critical incident diary throughout the appraisal
period and use the inputs noted there in consultation with the rating description
given in Annexure 18 to arrive at the rating of the technicians and team members.
• The overall functional score (in percentage) will be determined by the following
Percentage Score: [(F1+F2+F3+F4+F5)/20] x 100 =
A= %
F1, F2…F5 = Scores in Functional Competencies
20 = Maximum Score
• The overall functional rating will be determined using the following key:
2. Quantitative Measures
The quantitative measures consist of Attendance & Punctuality and carry a weightage
of 25% in the Performance Appraisal. The rating will be determined according to the
following guidelines:
1. Attendance:
Below Expectation Meets Expectation Above Expectation
• Leave is excessive • Leave is not above site • Rarely takes leave
(above site av.) average • Goes out their way to
• Is poor at providing • Early notification of provide coverage
reasonable notice absence or lateness where required
2. Punctuality:
Below Expectation Meets Expectation Above Expectation
• Punctual start and • Is punctual with start • Starts early and
finish times are an and finish times finishes late where
issue required to ensure
smooth handovers
• The overall quantitative measures score (in percentage) will be determined by the
following formula:
Annexure 1
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Percentage Score: [(Q1+Q2)/8] x 100 = [(__+__)/8]*100
Q1, Q2 = Scores in Attendance & Punctuality respectively
8 = Maximum Score
• The overall functional rating will be determined using the following key:
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G1 = Score in “Following Our Guiding Principles”
4 = Maximum Score
• The overall functional rating will be determined using the following key:
4. Overall Rating
Once the overall functional, quantitative and guiding principles’ scores & ratings
have been assigned, the overall Performance Appraisal percentage score and rating
will be determined in the following manner:
• The overall quantitative measures score (in percentage) will be determined by the
following formula:
(A x 0.5) +(B x 0.25) + (C x 0.25)
D = %
A = Score in Functional Competency
B = Score in Quantitative Measures
C = Score in “Following Our Guiding Principles”
• The overall Performance Appraisal rating will be determined using the following
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5. Improvement Statement
After arriving at the overall percentage secured by the employee and the rating assigned
to him as described above, the appraiser will discuss in detail the positive and negative
attributes with the appraisee and they will jointly list down the areas where there is
scope/need for improvement. The appraisee will list down all such areas of improvement
in this section.
Once the improvement statement has been written down, the Appraiser, Function Head
and the PMS Facilitator will enter their comments (if any) on the overall appraisal.
6. Signatures
This section will consist of the signatures of the appraisee, appraiser, function head and
the PMS Facilitator. The duly signed form will be submitted to the HR department for
further use.
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Ranking Meeting Guide
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This document will provide step by step guide to hold a ranking meeting. It is essential to
follow the steps described here to attain the objective of ranking meeting.
Ranking meeting is a meeting between all relevant S&C employees to:
1. Validate the rating of all technicians and team members arrived at by the
2. Eliminate rater bias by analyzing ratings of all technicians and team members
3. Discuss and arrive at the final ranking list of technicians and team members.
The meeting will be held jointly for operations and support departments.
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e. Components of Performance Appraisal Form
Step II
• Participants will make a list of technicians/ team members with the suggested
change (up or down) in ranking
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• The convener will go round the room and collect one name from each participant.
Only one name is taken at a time to avoid repetition of names given by various
Step III
• Each name so collected will raised and the participant who gave the name will
explain the reason for his suggested change in ranking
• The appraiser of that technician/ team member will clarify reason for the rating
• All participants will discuss and arrive at a decision on the ranking of that
technician/ team member.
• In such a way all names collected in round 1 will be discussed
Step IV
• Once all names of round 1 are completed, steps II and III will be repeated till all
names noted down by all participants have been discussed and decided upon.
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Skill Inventory
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Skill Inventory Below Expectation Meets Expectation Above Expectation
2 3 4
Demonstrates complete familiarity with all
Understand sequence and steps of core
Does not fully understand the changeover aspects changeover process, tools & line
aspects of Changeover process; Completes
Change-Overs process; Does not complete work in an
changeover timely, in right sequence, with
adjustments; Consistently contributes to
accurate and timely manner reducing changeover times without
the right tools
compromising safety and quality
Does not fully understand the C&S process; Understand sequence and steps of core
Demonstrates complete familiarity with all
Does not understand the C&S SOP and aspects of C&S process; Completes C&S
aspects C&S process; Understands and
Cleaning & Sanitization visual clean standards. Does not complete timelyand accurately. Understands and
trains others in C&S SOP and visual clean
work in an accurate and timely manner, follows C&S SOP and visual clean
standards. Needs virtually no supervision.
Needs constant supervision. standards. Needs minimal supervision
Does not appriciate the need for Takes initiatives to ensure that self and team
documentation and data collection; Lacks Completes required data collection & documentation is completed timely &
Documentation complete understanding of documentation documentation timely and accurately; accurately ; Adresses & Corrects all issues;
process; Has had issues with timely and Reports errors in documentation Identifies need for additional value adding
accurate completion of documentation documentation
Does not understand the manufacturing Takes initiative to be involved and build
Understands the manufacturing operation
Cross Functional process and how his work links to operations relationships with the operations teams;
and how his work links to operations
Knowledge performance; Has not made effort to become Leverages understanding of operations to
involved outside own work area identify improvement oppurtunities
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Does not fully understand and appreciate the Understands the product quality standards;
Proactively identifies and takes steps to
quality standards, inspections and Completes all quality tests, inspections and
Quality documentation; Has had issues in meeting all documentation; Immediately addresses
rectify quality issues; Suggests and
implements ways to improve quality
quality expectations and/or raise the alarm about quality issues
Does not fully comply with PPE Identifies unsafe practices and condtions;
requirenments; Demonstrates unsafe work Follows all PPE requirenments; Provides feedback to otherts on safety
Safety practices; Does not implement safety Demonstrates safe work practices requirenments; Identifies improvement
feedback opportunities
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