Edu 1803 Key Terms 2018
Edu 1803 Key Terms 2018
Edu 1803 Key Terms 2018
These terms are in no particular order; however all must be defined as a part of the set-exercises assessment
Term Definition
2D Shape Flat shape and each shape have different number of
1 sides and it has two dimensions.
3D Shape Solid shape we can see it in our surrounding also it
2 has three dimensions.
5E Model Model based learning and it can be used for any level
3 of learning.
4 accommodation Students wants and needs of the information.
assimilation When they hear the same sound every day, they will
5 what to do or what will happen.
6 cardinality The same amount of number in each set.
7 centration The focus attention in one thing.
8 classification (Science process skill) But the information in order.
cognitive constructivism Each person needs to develop their own knowledge
9 and learn through experience.
10 communicating (Science process skill) Discussing about the topic that given to them.
11 concept Abstract idea.
12 conceptual subitizing How many numbers in each group.
13 conclusion (Scientific method) Summarize what did they understand from the topic.
14 concrete operational stage Gain new abilities and solve problems.
concrete pictorial abstract learning Teaching math concept and solve math problem.
15 progression
16 conservation learning through natural resource.
17 constructivist method The student learns through the environment.
controlling variables (More complex science Learning by doing.
18 process skill)
19 data Collecting information.
20 disequilibrium Not balance items.
21 equilibrium Balance items.
22 estimation Approximate time.
23 Formal Operations Stage Wide thinking and they can make reasons.
24 hypothesis (Scientific method) How two variables can correspond together.
hypothesizing (More complex science process Guess the topic for the lesson.
25 skill)
26 inferring (science process skill) Summarize at the of the lesson.
27 informal experience Try to learn new things by our self.
28 inquiry-based learning (IBL) Thinking to make meaning.
29 learning cycle Using the 5E.
30 logical grouping Giving new information to other people.
31 measuring Unit or standard.
32 measuring (science process skill) Describe an element.