Choose Your Career Wisely: Final Project Report On
Choose Your Career Wisely: Final Project Report On
Choose Your Career Wisely: Final Project Report On
Choose Your Career Wisely
(A web application)
Prepared By
Supervised By
Ms. Raheela Shehzadi
Our Parents and Teachers all who’ve given us their support during the development of
this project and for giving good ideas to prove ourselves as intellectuals in front of our
Respected Teachers.
Choose your Career Wisely
Praise to Allah Almighty, Lord of the worlds, the Merciful and the Beneficent,
who gave us strength, thoughts and co-operative people to enable us to accomplish
this goal and fulfill the required functionalities.
This was all not possible without the guidance, continuous appreciation and moral
support by “Ms. Raheela Shehzadi”. She was always there whenever we need her
help and ideas. We are really thankful to her who made our concepts clearer.
At last, we would like to acknowledge all of the assistance and contributions of
COMSATS University for supporting us with all that is needed starting from the
books, and ending with the full care that it is providing us with, to help us to be
professionals in the field of Information Technology.
Choose your Career Wisely
We hereby declare that we have developed this application and accompanied report
entirely on the basis of our personal efforts. Not any of the portions of the
application work presented has been submitted of any application for any other
qualification or degree of this or any other university or institute of learning.
_______________ ________________
Choose your Career Wisely
It is to certify that the final year project of BS(CS) “Choose Your Career Wisely
(A web application)” was developed by Umer Farooq , Zohaib Irshad under the
supervision of “Ms. Raheela Shehzadi” and that in her opinion, it is in scope,
fully adequacy and quality of the degree of Bachelors of Science in Computer
______________________________ ____________________________
Head of Department
CU, Sahiwal
Choose your Career Wisely
Student does not need to go to the specific university and not even every university site one by
one. She/he goes to “Choose your career wisely” and every information about his domain is
there. This is “choose your career wisely” website and application to provide the facility of
choosing your domain easily. Also all information of your domain is there. You can easily check
what you can do after intermediate. All information about top universities of Punjab is available.
This online application can be easily accessed from any computer/laptop or android phones with
internet access and depends upon the bandwidth and device capacity, thus removing any
constraint of places. It is a client server based application. It’s secure web application. The
“choose your career wisely” has a user-friendly and responsive interface that is suitable for all
Choose your Career Wisely
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................2
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Table of Figures
Figure 1.1: About career counselling .............................................................................................. 4
Figure 2.1: Login (use case).......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 2.2: Register Member (use case) ....................................................................................... 12
Figure 2.3: Manage Members (Use Case) .................................................................................... 13
Figure 2.4: Change Password (Use Case) ..................................................................................... 14
Figure 2.5: Logout (Use Case) ...................................................................................................... 15
Figure 2.6: Use Case ..................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 3.1: Adopted Methodology................................................................................................ 20
Figure 4.1: Activity diagram (login) ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 4.2: Sequence Diagram (search data) ................................................................................ 23
Figure 4.3: Sequence Diagram (field recommendation) ............................................................... 24
Figure 4.4: Flow diagram (user panel) .......................................................................................... 25
Figure 4.5: Class diagram (choose your career wisely) ................................................................ 26
Figure 5.1: Sign Up (Screenshot).................................................................................................. 29
Figure 5.2: Log In (Screenshot) .................................................................................................... 30
Figure 5.3: Admin Log In (Screenshot) ........................................................................................ 30
Figure 5.4: Home Page (Screenshot) ............................................................................................ 31
Figure 5.5: Latest Admission (Screenshot) ................................................................................... 31
Figure 5.6: Comment Box (Screenshot) ....................................................................................... 32
Figure 5.7: Institutes detail (Screenshot) ...................................................................................... 32
Figure 5.8: Admin detail (Screenshot) .......................................................................................... 33
Figure 5.9: Users detail (Screenshot) ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 5.10: Send email to user (Screenshot) ............................................................................... 34
Figure 5.11: Institute detail (Screenshot) ...................................................................................... 34
Figure 5.12: Latest Admission (Screenshot) ................................................................................. 35
Figure 5.13: Form for recommendation (Screenshot) Fields Recommendation........................... 35
Figure 5.14: Fields Recommendation (Screenshot) ...................................................................... 36
Choose your Career Wisely
List of Tables
Table 4-1: Project Plan & Key Milestones ................................................................................... 27
Table 6-1: Testing Cases ............................................................................................................... 39
Table 6-2: Testing Result ............................................................................................................. 41
Choose your Career Wisely
In this chapter, we will introduce this application, software tools, problem statement, objectives,
scope of this application, proposed application, motivation of this proposed solution, relevance to
courses and tools & techniques which are used to implement this application
Today very tough time student have no guidelines about their domain. Student has some specific
knowledge about their domain. They don’t know best field according to their interest and study.
In Pakistan students face many problems in choosing their domain according to their interest.
They have poor knowledge about their specific field. For example, if a student does FSC (pre-
medical) he/she don’t know about any other domain except M.B.B.S. No one provide them such
kind of information. Even he/she face problems related institutes that which institutes are
offering programs related to his specific domain. “Choose your career wisely” is domain finding
website. Basically we are going to design this web site to overcome the problem of students to
selecting their domain. After intermediate most of students don’t know what will they do. They
don’t know which domain is related to their education.
“Choose your career wisely” solve the problem of student of finding their domain. Student visit
this web site and put their cv. Make your carrier check
His previous education record and recommend him that which field he/she should choose. All
information about domain is available in one platform. “Choose your career wisely” also provide
all information about universities.
“CHOOSE YOUR CAREER WISELY” is combination of two things website and Database.
We will design web application which is used by a user and connect to database for user data.
Our goal is to facilitate students with finding domain according to their interest and qualification
where they can easily find their domain. Also find all information about universities where they
can apply.
Choose your Career Wisely
We know students are not aware of opportunities, what different kinds of tasks they can perform
according to their interest and related domain. They have no idea which fields are related to their
interest. They face a lot of problems in choosing their career after intermediate. We are going to
build an online “choose your career wisely” website to facilitate student with finding domain
according to their interest. Where they can easily find their domain .Students needs to upload
their CV and recommendations will be provided to them according to their interest.
They can also find all information about universities where they can apply.
“Choose your career wisely” website basically overcomes the problem of finding your domain
and checking every university site. You can easily check all information you need about your
1.3 Objectives
This project is designed to help the students and youth for the guidance and assistant in their
career. CCW is a process that aims at helping the individual discover inner resources, develop
them, and use them to the best of his or her ability. It is a process through which youth are given
relevant information to help realize their education. As a caregiver, we will need to prepare our
children and youth for this reality. The system establishes an automated process similar to a one-
to-one interact with counselor’s and aids to ‘plan’ a career true to the student’s marks, and
different types of interests. Students can later determine a career from the proposed options.
Choose your Career Wisely
1.5 Motivation
Students, after passing their inter examination; face too much confusion about the selection of
their further studies. They don’t know which study area is best for them. Most of the students
don’t even know different fields of studies other than engineering and medical due to lack of
study and career counseling. They get admission to these programs and then don’t get good
marks. That’s when they can’t get admission to medical or engineering colleges, and become
upset thinking about their career [1].
“Choose your carrier wisely” is helpful for student to find their domain. It is time saver
application. It will recommend you that which field you should choose based on your interest
and subjects. Information about every domain and university is available in one website. You
don’t want to visit universities pages and universities for information. You just upload your C.V
information about your domain and university will be provided to you.
According to our survey which we have done to check the feasibility of this project, the modules
that are selected to be implemented in this web application (choose your career wisely) are the
modules that are found as a prior need of student. This application can fulfill the requirements of
every type of students. Using this system we are creating awareness in the youth choose career
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely is Web based Project consists of software and hardware tools.
Net bean
Xamp server
1.8.1 Eduvision:
Eduvision is a website which provides you every Information About all fields and courses
offered in Pakistan. It provides you the information about all programs after Intermediate. It
provides Engineering Programs, Medical Programs, and Social Sciences Programs etc. By
following the stages of SDLC (System development life cycle), an effective system was
developed for a real-world environment.
ILm Ki Dunia is also a platform in Pakistan which provides you every Information About all
fields and courses offered in Pakistan. It provides you the information about all programs after
Intermediate. . By following the stages of SDLC (System development life cycle), an effective
system was developed for a real-world environment. It also provides Information of all institutes
offering those courses at bachelor’s level [3].
Choose your Career Wisely
There are some necessities for this website conduct assistance is as follows:
CHOOSE YOUR CAREER WISELY must provide the facility of better communication
Choose your Career Wisely
In this chapter requirements analysis is discussed. For developing any project, the major problem
is requirement gathering. Asking questions from clients is straight forward than collecting
requirements. We will also focus on functional and non-functional requirements.
The procedure for gathering requirements has its own defined procedure according to the
complexity of the application. To define project schedule and processing, different models and
techniques also focused on this chapter.
The techniques we have used to collect requirements are observations and interviews.
Requirements analysis is the process of planning, forecasting and studying the overall former
needs of the application requirements. Requirements analysis is further divided into two parts:
1. Functional Requirements
2. Non-Functional Requirements
Choose your Career Wisely
different situations and how it will react to a particular input. Functional requirements of the
CCW are as follows: The main functions of our project are following
Non-functional requirements are the constraints or checks on the services and functions
provided by an application such as constraints on the development standards/process and
constraints of time etc.
2.2.1 Availability
Choose your Career Wisely
2.2.2 Maintainability
Making changes or upgradeability in the site will not be that much difficult. By having some
knowledge of programming, some features of the application might be converted to a new
2.2.3 Consistency
2.2.4 Portability
In this section, the database requirements for this application are mentioned:
Actors play the role that is played by the application users. Use cases define the application
behavior when one of the actors sends any particular motivation. This type of behavior can be
described by text. It describes the motivation nature that activates use case, the inputs and
outputs to some other actors and the behavior of conversion of inputs to the outputs. Usually the
use case describes everything that can go wrong during the detailed behavior and what will be
helpful action taken by the application.
Choose your Career Wisely
1. For the member, he/she must have registered already in application by the administrator.
2. User must enter correct Email address and password for login.
Basic Path:
1. If provided email address and password are incorrect or invalid, application redirect to main page.
Non-Functional Requirements:
Choose your Career Wisely
Actor: Administrator
1. UC1
2. The administrator must provide complete mandatory details of a member.
Basic Path:
1. The administrator should be logged in to admin panel application to perform this activity.
2. The administrator enters user information.
3. The administrator clicks for create account.
4. The application verifies the valid entered inputs.
5. After verifying provided information; the application will generate the member account.
Alternative Path:
1. On wrong entries of mandatory fields, the application displays particular message for invalid
entry or required fields.
Choose your Career Wisely
Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Better response
2. Robustness
3. Reliable
Actor: Administrator
Basic Path:
1. The administrator view the member’s detail and then select a particular member to perform these
2. Update information of specific member by entering updated information and click on update
3. The application verifies the valid entered inputs and updated.
4. For deleting information of specific member, applications display the message of confirmation.
5. Administrator clicks on delete button for deleting that member.
Choose your Career Wisely
Non-Functional Requirements:
1. Better response
2. Easy to use
3. Secure
4. Availability
5. Short response time.
Actor: User
3. UC1
Basic Path:
Choose your Career Wisely
1. User must enter valid inputs for password.
Actor: User
1. UC1
Basic Path:
Choose your Career Wisely
3. Clicks on logout to close the connection with the application and application move the user
towards main page of the application for login again if he/she wants to.
1. Secure
2. Reliable
3. Better performance
4. Short Response Time
Choose your Career Wisely
2.5.2 Signup
The admin must be signup with application before using application portal.
Choose your Career Wisely
In this chapter, we will discuss that what are the existing methodologies and which one we have
chosen for implementation of this project in an effective way, also we will discuss advantages of
adopted methodology.
Whenever a small or large project has started to develop, first thing all of programmers required
is methodology. Methodology is a way of developing a project, in which all of the programmers
gather the user’s requirements, design the project, implement it, and after all this testing and
maintenance of the project, in a satisfaction of user and according to the project requirements.
Incremental model is used to develop this project, in which we divided our work in multiple
modules. All these modules are further divided into more easily managed modules which made
up the actual implementation of the requirements.
Generates working software quickly and early during the software life cycle.
This model is more flexible – less costly to change scope and requirements.
It is easier to test and debug during a smaller iteration.
In this model customer can respond to each built.
Lowers initial delivery cost.
Easier to manage risk because risky pieces are identified and handled during it’d
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
The procedure for gathering requirements has its own defined procedure according to the
complexity of the application. To define project schedule and processing, different models and
techniques also focused on this chapter.
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities and actions
with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modeling Language, activity
diagrams are intended to model both computational and organizational processes (i.e.,
workflows), as well as the data flows intersecting with the related activities [4].
Choose your Career Wisely
A parallel vertical line on sequence diagram is called lifeline. Different objects or processes that
live simultaneously, and, on horizontal arrows, the messages exchanged, in the order in which
processes occur. This allows some specification of some simple runtime scenarios in a graphical
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the "flow" of data through
an information system, modeling its process aspects. A DFD is often used as a preliminary step
to create an overview of the system without going into great detail, which can later be elaborated.
DFDs can also be used for the visualization of data processing [5].
Choose your Career Wisely
The class diagram is the main building block of object direct modeling. It is used both for
general conceptual modeling of the systematic of an application, and for detailed modeling
translating the models into programming. Class diagrams can also be used for data modeling.
The classes in a class diagram represent both the main objects and or interactions in the
application and the objects. In the class diagram these classes are represented with boxes which
contain three parts
Choose your Career Wisely
A Gantt chart is a scheduling technique that is used commonly in project management. It is one
of the useful and common ways of representation of activities displayed in contrast to time. On
the vertical side of the chart activities list is displayed and on the top a time scale which is
appropriate. A bar represents each activity’s length and also shows the start date, end date and
duration of the activity. This shows following information.
Choose your Career Wisely
In this chapter, we’ll focus on an implementation of “Choose your Career Wisely” application.
Where administrator and user can perform many activities on android application and as well as
on web application.
5.1 Introduction
The most important goal of this phase is to develop the application. The work in this phase
should be much more straightforward as a result of the work done in the planning and design
phases. This phase involves changing design specifications into executable programs. When the
design is there, developers can have an idea on looks of application. All that is needed by
developers is to put them at one place to understand about the intended project.
5.2 Screenshots
Sign up page
This is sign up page for making an account. User gives information about him like name, email,
and password and creates an account.
Choose your Career Wisely
This the login page of the users. User need to enter correct username and password for login.
This is admin log in page. Admin add, remove, delete courses and universities see your detail.
Choose your Career Wisely
Home page
This activity is a home page or menu page for user. User see programs, institute detail and also go
for career recommendation.
Latest Admission
Latest admission shows on home page. University name, last date and for more detail link of
university page available.
Choose your Career Wisely
Comment box
In comment box you can comment anything .it will show with your name. In comment portion
all of comments shown.
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
User fills and submits form. According to his previous education and interest recommendation
shown to user.
Choose your Career Wisely
In this chapter, we will discuss the testing phase of developed application “Choose your Career
Wisely” in different manner to know that how much efficient and effective application is?
6.1 Introduction
A process of performing as application or program with the intention of finding errors and
whether the application is fulfilling user needs. It can also be defined as the ability of a program
in meeting the required or desired results.
In many methodologies of software engineering, a separate phase is called phase of testing which
is performed after the completion of the implementation. There is a benefit in using this approach
that it is hard to see one's own mistakes, and a fresh eye can find observable errors much faster
than the person who has read the material many times.
The software units in an application are modules and routines that are assembled and
integrated to perform a specific function. Unit testing focuses first on modules, independently of
one another, to locate errors. This enables, to detect errors in coding and logic that are contained
within each module. This testing includes entering data and ascertaining if the value matches to
the type and size supported by php. The various controls are tested to ensure that each performs
its action as required.
Commonly used method is White-Box Testing method. Every time a component of the program
is changed, it can be run for testing that is the biggest and famous benefit of this testing phase.
Issues that are arise during this phase, allowing to be resolved as quickly as possible. Unit testing
is familiar by software developers. It allows them to test their application units before move them
to testers for formal testing.
Choose your Career Wisely
To test the complete application as a whole, system testing has been used. It is beneficial to
check whether the application meets its requirements and fulfill Quality Standards.
Integration testing allows the software developers to integrate all of the components/ units of the
application within a program and then test them in a group. Basically, this testing level is used to
catch the defects in the user interface between the functions/ modules. It is useful to determine
how logically and efficiently all the units/ components are running together.
Here the streaming module and encoding module options are integrated and tested. This testing
provides the assurance that the application is well integrated functional unit with smooth
transition of data.
User acceptance of an application is the key factor for the success of any application. The
application under consideration is tested for user acceptance by constantly keeping in touch with
the application users at time of developing and making changes whenever required.
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
Choose your Career Wisely
7.1 Conclusion
“Choose your Career Wisely (website)” is developed for provide education assistance, career
guidance .This application provide a platform to student which is best for him. What opportunity
they have. What they can do after inter.
This application provide such environment this is more efficient and user friendly. It will
improve the performance of such organizations (schools, colleges and universities) and protect
users from selecting wrong career. It is professionally beneficial.
Choose your Career Wisely
1. Sana wajid ,lack of career councling,2012,mail,Pakistan