Lillehammer, Grete
Lillehammer, Grete
Lillehammer, Grete
Arqueología de la infancia
Museum of Archaeology, University of Stavanger. 4036 Stavanger, Norway.
Recibido: 08-10-2009
Aceptado: 08-01-2010
Archaeology of children is a relatively new field of research within archaeology. This article gives an
overview of the advancement of the subject and discusses theoretical and methodological approaches
applied to the study of children in the past, such as terminology and theory of childhood, and proposes an
alternative approach to children and childhood. The many-faceted worlds of children and children’s mate-
rial culture are reconsidered from the perspective of phenomenology. Nature-culture relationships and spa-
tial dimensions in the archaeology of children are explained with long-term perspectives for archaeology.
KEY WORDS: Epistemology. Theory and method. Multi-dimensional approaches. Children’s worlds.
La arqueología de la infancia es un campo de investigación relativamente nuevo en nuestra disciplina.
Este artículo pretende ofrecer una visión general de los avances en esta temática y de las discusiones teó-
ricas y aproximaciones metodológicas aplicadas al estudio de los niños y niñas en el pasado, tales como
la terminología y la teoría sobre la infancia, y propone una mirada alternativa a la infancia y a los niños.
El mundo de los niños tiene múltiples facetas que se reconsideran desde una perspectiva fenomenológica.
Las relaciones entre naturaleza y cultura y las dimensiones espaciales de la arqueología de los niños se
intentan explicar con la perspectiva a largo plazo para la arqueología.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Epistemología. Teoría y método. Aproximación multidimensional. El mundo de los niños.
I wish I could see a wishing star. problems of children as cultural constructions, and
I wish that I had magic in my hands, upon the presence and absence of children within
that I was a real magician. archaeology, rather than upon material evidence;
Yamikani, 7 years old, Zimbabwe i.e. those archaeological remains in the form of
(Youngwood et al. 1999) artefacts and constructions which could indicate
the presence of children (Högberg 1999). In some,
the criticism emphasises the children themselves
1. Exploring children in archaeology and their experiences as the active agents (Sofaer
1994a, 2000, 2006a; Högberg 1999, 2001; Kamp
The presence of children in the archaeological 2001; Wilkie 2000; Baxter 2005; Rogersdotter
record is widely accepted (Scott 1999, Sofaer 2008). In others, criticism is directed at the theo-
2000). Despite the fact that children are complete- retical and methodological implications in per-
ly ignored in the survey of key ideas in archaeolo- ceiving children as little adults rather than human
gy and that they have little impact on archaeologi- beings and individuals living in a present
cal thinking and methods (Renfrew and Bahn (Roveland 2000; Rogersdotter 2008; Mejsholm
2005), there is an on-going discussion on what, 2009). These views have been important as they
how and where to take steps towards the archaeo- are proof that the subject has matured to become
logy of children (Callow 2006), and to encourage an independent field of study on the academic
the study of children in archaeology amongst scene.
scholars (Crawford and Lewis 2008). In order to Even so, there is still much to be said about the
come to terms with what was evidently out there exploration of children in the archaeological
for everyone to see, and then to start acting upon it record on the whole in academic research. This
through academic research, the first calls for work type of research needs trans-discipline awareness
on child-centred analyses in Scandinavia and and inter-disciplinary working (Crawford and
beyond were heard, making archaeology aware of Lewis 2008). As this requires multi-cultural, mul-
children in the past. The response was global tidimensional and multi-disciplinary endeavours
(Bacvarov 2008). In theory and practice, many that go beyond the discipline of archaeology
pre- and protohistoric studies have been engaged (Lillehammer 2002, 2005, 2008a), advancing the
in developing theoretical frameworks and methods topic of children in archaeology in this manner is
and have discussed the archaeological evidence, time-consuming. Progress is dependent on the
contexts, settings, backgrounds and horizons for advancement of other disciplines to lead or support
exploring children as well as the material culture of archaeological data and interpretation, and is there-
children in the archaeological record. fore a patient process of waiting and co-operation.
A major step in this direction was the founda- There is, however, no way of return from the gate-
tion, in 2005, of the Society for the Study of way of triumphal accomplishment of initiated
Childhood in the Past (SSCIP), an international, works back to the sentimental heartland of uncer-
multidisciplinary society intended to promote and tainty. In the following section, I offer an overview
advance the field ( Under of the archaeology of children from the theoretical
the umbrella of childhood studies, and covering a and methodological perspective of phenomenolo-
broad range of academic disciplines from all areas gy. In particular, I will discuss if there is such a
of study, the SSCIP may also touch upon the thing as the theory of childhood in archaeology and
immature phase of the human lifecycle in the past propose a structural working framework based on
(Crawford and Lewis 2008: 5). The founding of the accumulated knowledge production gained so
the SSCIP has opened the way for dialog and sup- far in the subject.
port for research worldwide. There is a certain
degree of consistency in the use of the terms
“child” and “childhood”, yet obstacles to commu- 2. Phenomenological approaches to children
nication and potential for confusion have also aris-
en (Crawford and Lewis 2008: 7-8). To clarify my point of departure, the first
In archaeology, critics have highlighted the ten- “archaeological child” I thought to have stumbled
dency in many studies to focus on the theoretical upon was randomly in a museum collection during
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Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
exhibition work. My curiosity had risen because of 2010; the section is an extended and revised ver-
the small size of some of the pieces of Viking jew- sion of Lillehammer 2002 and Lillehammer 2005),
ellery found in an inhumation burial. The lack of we will de-centre the state of archaeology of chil-
human bones and the way in which archaeological dren from a non-place perspective (Augé 1995;
finds from prehistoric burials are normally pre- Lillehammer 2000) and reconsider children and
served in Norway made me call upon the public to childhood from the partial and incoherent position
collect information on the archaeological context in archaeology. In this presentation, to combine
and circumstances of the objects (Lillehammer reflexivity and narrative, and before I bring togeth-
1972, 1975). This led me to question children’s er the worlds of children and children’s world, we
material culture, and to think about how I may will firstly look at some of the main trends in the
have come across children’s contexts but not advancement of archaeological knowledge about
noticed the traces while trawling the excavation children in the past and at the terminology of chil-
fields or processing archaeological objects in dren and childhood and the application of a theory
museum collections. Later, when I began to look of childhood in archaeology. From the children’s
directly at archaeology from the children’s per- perspective of the world in general, we will then
spective (Lillehammer 1979a, 1979b, 1982, 1986, consider the worlds of children and children’s
1987[1979]), I applied a holistic approach to the worlds, and what and how the perspective con-
child’s world (Lillehammer 1989). As children tributes to the study of children and children’s
form the link between past and future, in this proj- material culture of the past. In this procedure, liter-
ect I continued to work theoretically and method- ature references are used to exemplify theoretical
ologically in parallel with my research projects on and methodological perspectives, tensions and
liminality, marginality and de-centring worlds, as I arguments about the archaeological evidence that
did in the studies of burial rituals, gender, and cul- has emerged from diverse research in the field. In
tural heritage (Lillehammer 1996, 1999, 2006, spite of the critique, and in order to recapitulate
2007). these issues, we will start by returning to the things
The theoretical approach of analytical thinking themselves and to what the basic problem is in
about worlds grew naturally out of a feministic crit- finding the material evidence of children in the
ic (Bertelsen et al. 1987[1979]; Lillehammer 1987). archaeological record.
Influenced also by complementary thinking about
the interplay between nature-culture to explode
interdisciplinary boundaries (Lillehammer 1982) 3. Gateway of no return
and the debate on processualism versus postproces-
sualism in archaeology, my way of thinking about Some years ago in Benin, I stood under the blaz-
material culture developed gradually into interpre- ing African sun looking up on a huge triumph arch
tative archaeology (Lillehammer 1996, 1999) and in the midst of a sandy beach. To a Norwegian, the
led to the phenomenological approach, i.e. Maurice sight of the arch was as exotic and overwhelming,
Merleau-Ponty’s works on the phenomenology of as were the palms swaying in the wind. Behind me
perception (Merleau-Ponty 1994) and the works of was the Portuguese fort outside the small town of
Emmanuel Levinas on the humanism of the other Ouidah, the centre of Voodoo belief, on the West-
(Levinas 1996). In the studies of cultural heritage, African coast. In front of me was the green and
as a researcher, I decided to practice the phenome- warm Atlantic Ocean raising and falling on the
nological method (Lillehammer 2007, 2009a). In horizon, endlessly it would seem, although I
this process, the concept of child’s world was con- expected the waves would carry me with the winds
sidered (Lillehammer 2000) and reconsidered to Brazil if I set out westward to cross the sea for
(Lillehammer 2005, 2008a) to emphasise the South America. My mind was distracted elsewhere
worlds of children and children’s worlds. by the thought of what I had experienced at my
In the following section, as a summary of work visit to the fort. The efforts I made to get there in
on the archaeology of children I have carried out the first place in order to gather information about
over the past years (Lillehammer 1979a, 1979b, the origins and history of the place, and in particu-
1982, 1986, 1987, 1989, 1990, 1996, 2000, 2002, lar about archaeology and children, had it all been
2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2009b, in vain?
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The standing fort was the result of archaeologi- Then, suddenly, I spotted something different in
cal excavation and architectural reconstruction and amongst the lines of human figures, and my curios-
rebuilding that had been carried out with the aim of ity rose. Between two large and clean casted adults
turning the place into a cultural heritage centre and there was a child at last.
a museum featuring the history of the African slave The child had drawn itself and stood erect at the
trade in these parts of the continent. My thoughts side of a male adult who had stretched out one arm
were tainted by what I had learned from the muse- to protect the minor’s head. Spotting this child
um exhibition. I imagined the sailing ships, which amongst the group of sculptures prompted me
had anchored in the calm waters beyond the surf. make yet another round, but no more children
They had waited for new shiploads of slaves to could be found on the premises. This child was the
turn up on the beach. In leaving the fort I was only one among the adults in the line of figures. It
struck by what I had seen outside the building. A formed part of a scene situated at the far end of the
deep moat surrounded the high walls. Originally, slave story. At first sight, the small shape was hid-
the ditch had been filled with fresh water to help den amongst the larger figures thronged together.
nurture the crocodiles kept there to prevent cap- The adults in this section had broken the chains on
tives from escaping. Now the moat was dry and their hands and feet, but the child had none of
empty. During the excavation no archaeological these. The child’s mere existence made it stand out
finds of interest had been retrieved from the ditch, as a material symbol of endurance and termination.
and only a few finds, fragments of chains and nails It was free to go out and make a mark on the world.
of iron, had been found inside the fort. These The striking message of the arch at Ouidah is in
pieces were displayed among other exhibits in the its name, “The Gateway of No Return”. The mon-
showcases in the cool rooms of the stone edifice. I ument erected by the UN and UNESCO in 1998
discovered no information that could inform me was to commemorate the human suffering that
about the historical relationship between children went on for more than 350 years during the
and slavery. The lack of archaeological finds was European colonisation of the two continents of
striking, as no evidence could verify if children Africa and America. The arch stands at the end of
were ever uncovered in the fort and moat. a slave route that formed part of the African slave
Outside, in the heat, I made my way down a trade, a fact to which attention was drawn in the
mile-long bumpy dusty pathway towards the sea. museum exhibition at the fort. In representing a
Standing in the refreshing wind on the beach I took worldview where humans are treated as objects to
a closer look at the monumental arch in front of be exchanged as commodities for commercial use,
me. A row of huge bronze figures lined up at each the visit to the museum informed me about African
side of the arch caught my attention. I recognized tribal war and conflict, and explained how the
the artistic composition, a band of human sculp- arrival of European merchants benefitted from the
tures chained together to narrate the story of the slave trade that already existed on the continent.
African slave trade. Their physical form of artwork The African slave trade story is bound to move
was made austere and heavy by the bronze casting us if we were to approach this aspect of human his-
used to imitate the traditional style of African tory as heritage that hurts (Uzzell and Ballantine
craftsmanship. While pondering on what I had read 2007). Humanitarian concern serves to value
about the West African coast and the environment human beings in their own right. The humanistic
years ago, something about the history of slave perspective has shown to influence the develop-
ships came to mind. Besides the Portuguese, ment of fields such as the fine arts and sciences.
British, Dutch and French forts on the African The difference between these two approaches to
coast, the Dano-Norwegians had also kept a fort in history and archaeology is striking. In expressing
this area during the union of Denmark and Norway deep sentiments spoken through the senses of
in 1536-1814. It is possible that the ruins still human body and heart, visual artworks make the
remained in the red-yellowish earth which covered transcendence and transformation of the history of
the surrounding area in the landscape behind me, enslavement beyond scientific knowledge and
but to search for the location was not on my agen- inference possible. Science refers to a system of
da. My aim was to search for children, so I made a acquiring knowledge based on scientific method,
round of the sculptures and took in the scenery. and to the organized body of knowledge gained
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Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
through objective research. However, lack of cards of children learning the technique of tool
knowledge seems to be a recurring problem in making (Högberg 1999, 2008; Grimm 2000). If at
efforts to increase awareness of and continue work the fort of Ouidah the Portuguese themselves had
on children’s experiences in the past. Significant not recorded with high precision the historical
numbers of people enslaved through-out world his- events of the slave trade in the annals, how could
tory have been children and the child slave trade the archaeologists digging in the remains of the
existed in many regions throughout the world. The fort have acquired information about the age and
role of children in slavery is often ignored gender relations of the peoples that had temporari-
(Montgomery 2001; McKeown 2007) and the nar- ly passed through the place? Seeing the fort from
ratives concentrate on adult males whose strong this non-place perspective (Augé 1995;
bodies and labouring capacities preoccupied the Lillehammer 2000), how could they have come to
masters of the modern Americas (Campbell et al. associate the appearance of scattered finds with
2009). enslaved children on the basis of few fragments of
There is a lack of knowledge about the history chains and nails?
of child slavery, and this is also so in archaeology In thinking critically about the history of slavery
in general. With respect to research and interpreta- from the perspective of phenomenology, and to
tion, while emphasis on adult enslavement and focus on adult slaves and not their childhood or
enslaved peoples as active agents are verified in children, the self-evident thought of what comes
the written records, the archaeological evidence of natural to enslavement is the awareness of adult
children ― enslaved or not enslaved ― is less bodies. Therefore, the attitude of mainstream
readily obtained. The examination of children and thinking of enslavement in this fashion is an obsta-
childhood is a matter of academic scepticism and cle to the classification and interpretation of mate-
speculation in the process of archaeological rial culture, as it leads away from children and to a
research (Lillehammer 1987, 2008a: 101-103). state of uncertainty and confusion about the reality
The crucial point in the advancement of scientific of slavery. It is however this state of ambiguity that
knowledge is how to make a discovery that leads to has encouraged some archaeologists to conduct
innovation and to posing the relevant questions. By further research and has made others reticently
applying the phenomenological method, we begin withdraw their interest in exploring children and
with the questions of what appears in the natural childhood in the archaeological record.
attitude of the researchers. Then we proceed by
entering into phenomenological reflexion about
how the object appears before us. In our natural 4. Appearances of children
attitude as researchers we head directly toward the
object, but then from the reflective stance of the Women’s issues and feministic critique in the
phenomenological attitude we withdraw to look at Western world has influenced age- and gender-
the object. We contemplate the object to make it based and feminist archaeology within archaeolog-
thematic by focusing on the manifold of appear- ical theories. As a whole, Scandinavian and Anglo-
ances through which the object is given to us American researchers have published various
(Sokolowsky 2000: 49-51). reports on the studies of children and childhood
Archaeology has come to recognize children studies (Lillehammer 1989, 2002, 2005; Baxter
and to include childhood studies in mainstream 2005; Crawford and Lewis 2008; Dommasnes
currents of archaeology, but the process of asking 2008). In twenty years, from the 1970s onwards,
questions directed at the material record has been the topic has emerged as sidestep of mainstream
slow. Firstly, due to the fact that unexpected finds archaeology based on scientific and popular
keep turning up from time to time, the advance- approaches. At the beginning, studies were con-
ment of scientific knowledge in archaeology is ducted following other more prestigious projects in
based on the unforeseen which appears randomly areas that dominate archaeology. Gradually, the
by chance (Lillehammer 2000: 21-22). Secondly, it focal point of departure changed in archaeological
is indeed a matter of qualified argumentation to narratives of the past. Three out of the four differ-
prove beyond reasonable doubt that the flint chips ent types of awareness of children in the archaeo-
retrieved at archaeological excavations are the dis- logical record have contributed to the advancement
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Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
of archaeological knowledge in the field. They are time, in a short period many questions were asked,
distinguished in literature as follows: pioneering works appeared and terminology was
· The non-centred child narrative: The archaeo- introduced. With respect to achievements in acade-
logical evidence of children is not seen or noticed. mia, the subject went through two preliminary
· The random child narrative: The archaeologi- stages, one initial stage (1970-90) and one estab-
cal evidence of children is understood immediate- lishing and collecting stage (1990-2005), which
ly but does not seem very clear and obvious in the ended with the foundation of the SSCIP in 2005.
first place. These stages overlap one another, because research
· The associated-child narrative: The archaeo- on children rapidly went from the odd and occa-
logical evidence of children is understood and con- sional find to becoming the main objective of
nected by similarities or by a common source, but research (Lillehammer 2002, 2005).
not as the main object of research. In the 1980s, a theoretical shift took place in
· The child-centred narrative: The archaeologi- archaeology, from the archaeology of scientific
cal evidence of children is the main object of practice following the prescription of processual-
research and attention is paid to what is understood ism that placed importance on culture process
as significant. It deserves systematic attention and (Johnson 1999: 30), to what was to become post-
needs to be classified, recorded and analysed. processual archaeology, with emphasis on diversi-
All four types of narratives are simultaneously ty and on a way of looking at and thinking about
at work in archaeology at present. The non-centred the world (Johnson 1999: 101-102). However, ini-
child narrative represents mainstream thinking on tiatives in child-centred analyses progressed inde-
the awareness of children, and is the longest stand- pendently on the international scene (Hammond &
ing in archaeology. The random-child narrative Hammond 1981; Lillehammer 1982, 1986, 1987,
forms part of the dawn of children emerging in 1989; Weber 1982; Crawford 1991; Sofaer 1994a;
archaeology, before scholars proceeded to take Roveland 1997; Gräslund 1998; Ylönen-Peltonen
advantage of what was evident in the material 2000; Kamp 2001). The term ‘child’ was included
record. On the basis of publication frequency, the as a bibliographic reference in the Nordic
associated-child and child-centred narratives have Archaeological Abstract. In the 1990s, children
partly been interconnected from early on, and the were commonly included in topics associated with
child-centred narrative has partly been standing on gender and life course studies and studies of ritual
its own feet for the last 20 years. The two analytic (Gero and Conkey 1991; Bolen 1992; Claassen
approaches to children and childhood in the past 1992, Moore and Scott 1997; Sofaer 1997a, 1997b,
are relatively novel for scholars, as they are inno- 1997c, Gilchrist 1999; Johnsson 1999; Sørensen
vative subjects in established sub-disciplines in 2000). Publication dates show that in a short peri-
archaeology. od the archaeological contexts of child burials and
From the perspective of bibliography, the first settlement areas were examined (Sofaer 1997a;
child-centred narrative appeared randomly in Gräslund 1998; Welinder 1998; Crawford 1999;
Scandinavia and beyond mainly as the result of Scott 1999; Ylönen-Peltonen 2000), as is also the
personal interest and engagement in children’s case with anthologies on children (Sofaer 1994a,
issues (Bonnichsen 1973; Gräslund 1973, Rolfsen 2000; Johnsen and Welinder 1995). The subject
1978; Baggøien 1979; Lillehammer 1979a, 1979b; was included in lexical publishing in Germany
Vinsrygg 1979). These efforts partly coincided (Lohrke 2000) and in gender studies in Great
with such events as the UN Year of the Child in Britain (Gilchrist 1999) and the United States
1979. In Norway, an exhibition was staged and a (Hays-Gilpin and Whitley 1998). The international
popular anthology published about the hidden and breakthrough came at the stroke of the new millen-
forgotten children in the past (Myrvold 1979). In nium.
Norwegian archaeology, these commitments In the last decade, the topic has generated
formed part of an increased interest in gender increased scholarly research and is discussed at
research (Bertelsen et al. 1987 [1979]), which in conferences, seminars and workshops. In 2005,
the first stage followed processual prescriptions this led to the foundation of the SSCIP, to the
(Dommasnes 1992; Sørensen 2000: 18). organisation of SSCIP conferences and seminars,
Notwithstanding these collective initiatives at the and to the periodic issuing of a serial publication,
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Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
the international journal “Childhood in the Past” in studies of children and childhood responded to
2008. In depth analyses have, however, been research aims considered important to post-proces-
claimed as few and far between (Finlay 1997, sual archaeology, such as ideology, religion, sci-
Rogersdotter 2008: 21). We are working with chil- ence and social conditions, as well as to the analy-
dren and childhood in small-scale archaeology sis of material evidence most evident in the archae-
(Lillehammer 1987), in which a variety of different ological record, such as child burials (Lillehammer
dimensions and perspectives have influenced the 2006b, fig. 2a-b, 2008a). As the outpour of litera-
advancement of archaeological knowledge about ture has been constantly growing, the scope of
the material culture of children and childhood in research has been labelled social archaeology
general. To mention some, overviews and hand- (Gilchrist 2004; Gowland and Knüsel 2006) and
books on the study of archaeological theories, bioarchaeology (Gowland 2006; Sofaer 2006a,
methods and practice associate children and child- 2006b; Halcrow and Tayles 2008), which could
hood with age (Whittle 1996), gender (Bolger also jointly represent osteology, palaeopathology
2003; Nelson 2004); gender, age, identity and eth- and funerary archaeology. Inter-disciplinary efforts
nicity (Diaz-Andreu et al. 2005), funerary remains, to approach the child-centred narrative beyond
footwear and lamps (Adkins and Adkins 1998), archaeology were launched in Germany (Alt and
death and mortuary practice (Parker-Pearson Kemkes-Grottenthaler 2002) in the first European
2003), infanticide (Trigger 2003), violent death, interdisciplinary research project on archaeologi-
childbirth, learning process, flintknapping, and cal childhood initiated by Swiss researchers. An
physical attributes (Renfrew and Bahn 2004). important stage in this project was the discussion
Similar to this incoherent state of archaeological on an idealistic interdisciplinary working model of
knowledge, child-centred analyses include studies research approach (Hug 2008; Röder 2008, Fig.
of age, gender, and identity, and social, economic 2a-2d). New research developments are seen in
and cultural studies (Sofaer 1994a, 1997a, 1997b, current moves to the past, such as in crime scene
1997c, 2006a, 2006b, Crawford 1999, 2000; investigation (Lewis 2007), cultural heritage in the
Baxter 2005; Svedin 2005; Vik 2007; Halcrow and landscape (Lillehammer 2007), museum displays
Tayles 2008; Lewis-Simpson 2008; Sánchez (Roberts 2006, Lillehammer 2009b), and media-
Romero 2008; Thedéen 2004, 2008), studies of life tion in books and literature (Röder 2002;
course (Gilchrist 2000, 2004; Thedéen 2004), bur- Galanidou and Dommasnes 2007; Galanidou
ial studies (Larje and Johansson 1997; Molin 1999; 2008).
Ylönen-Peltonen 2000; Lohrke 2000; Gustafsson In the process of emerging as child-centred
and Lundin 2004; Callow 2006; Gowland 2006; archaeological research of children and childhood
Bacvarov 2008; Mejsholm 2009), studies of tech- in the past, the subject has gone from the stage of
nology (Högberg 1999, 2008; Grimm 2000), musi- being exotic to becoming an academic field of its
cal studies (Sharpe and Gelder 2004, 2006; Stapert own. Altogether, a two-sided approach to the
2007), studies of cultural heritage and identity archaeology of children has developed as studies
(Galanidou and Dommasnes 2007; Dommasnes in the field have advanced. The subject is con-
and Wrigglesworth 2008), museum studies cerned with children in the past and with modern
(Roberts 2006), forensic studies (Lewis 2007), children as a reference to the past in the present
human anthropological studies (Ulrich-Bochsler (Lillehammer 2008a). The results of these endeav-
1997, 2000; Mays 2000; Sellevold 1997; 2008a, ours on the subject are apparent in the accumula-
2008b), phenomenology and micro-historical stud- tion of archaeological knowledge and contribution.
ies (Sánchez Romero 2008), and historical studies To some extent, the variation and richness of theo-
of literature (Callow 2007). All in all, these analy- retical perspectives and methods seem to over-
ses cover several areas depending on the applica- shadow the children themselves, and to result in
tion of theoretical and methodical approaches and the difficulty in finding a proper place for the sub-
the archaeological material under study. ject in academic circles. The particular approach of
A comparative analysis of the research issues of exploring children and childhood has run parallel
general knowledge production of archaeology in to the development of gender studies. To some
1978-1986 and child archaeology in 1994-2002 extent the outcome has also influenced the grand
show that the subject has a specific character. The archaeological narratives of the past. Though the
21 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
archaeological baby has been nurtured carefully, sona by others, which could vary and develop in
accomplishments have not made the same impact contradistinction to dominant models in society
in archaeology as they have in gender studies, and (Moore 1994: 29-35). This perspective includes
one may wonder why this has not happened. both the biological process of conception, birth and
It took some years for the subject to grow out of growth of the individual, and the socio-cultural
the shadowland of gender research and to be expectancy of conformity or the autonomous
brought together with the foundation of the SSCIP. behaviour of the individual as a potential member
When it was deemed useful to enlarge the scope of of society by others (Lillehammer 2000: 21).
archaeological knowledge in general, many want- Subjectively and inter-subjectively, the awareness
ed to see an increase in children’s studies. also holds cultural memories that adults share of
However, in archaeology importance is placed on their childhood experience of living in a world as
adult society and not children (Lillehammer children, a period of life which is then left to histo-
2006a). The attention given to the research cate- ry (Lillehammer 1989: 90). The period ends in
gories of children and childhood as integral to loosing something familiar and gaining something
archaeological study depends on the status and different. As noticed in the English language struc-
competitive working relationships of sub-disci- ture of “child-hood” and “adult-hood”, traditional-
plines in the academic hierarchy, whether they sit ly the biological change of the human body was
at the bottom levels of academic politics or shift marked by a cultural transition in altering the cus-
upwards or downwards on the ladder. Despite tomary dress from children’s hoods to the hood of
efforts to break disciplinary and interdisciplinary adults.
boundaries, the marginal position of these studies From a theoretical and methodological point of
in academic circles (Kamp 2001: 1) may account view, three main areas concern the difficulties and
for the difficulties in creating a university lecture- tensions in the approaches towards the archaeolo-
ship on the subject (Crawford and Lewis 2008: 6). gy of children. There is the difference between the
Has the subject managed to grow out of the moth- history of children and the history of childhood
erchild relationship pointed out earlier, and (Thomas 1989; Crawford and Lewis 2008: 8).
become a main subject in archaeology There is the disciplinary divide between nature and
(Lillehammer 2000)? It is timely to ask about the culture in archaeology based on social theory and
development of theoretical and methodological biological theory. There are also the obstacles to
platforms. And if the variations in research studies communication and inconsistencies in the use of
have resulted in shortcomings or confusing states, the terms “children” and “childhood”, which
how and where should children be approached in archaeologists have used confusingly (Crawford
archaeology? and Lewis 2008: 7-8). Below we will look into the
second and third issues.
Analysing the situation from an epistemological
5. Reconceptualising children and childhood position, theoretical and methodological discours-
es show how archaeological research has
Children do not write history, they make it! approached the terms by defining concepts of age
Having a child is the experience of a new arrival – and gender categories and discussing the notions
which is the child itself – challenging the bound- of “child” and “childhood” as central to the classi-
aries of old establishments. Being a child is differ- fication and interpretation of early human life in
ent to having a child. It is not an experience objec- the past (Lillehammer 1989, 2002, 2005, 2008a;
tively seen from the outside, from the history of Sofaer 2000, 2006a; Scott 1999; Kamp 2001;
childhood narrated by parents or carers. On the Baxter 2005; Lucy 2005; Crawford and Lewis
contrary, it is the inter-subjective experience of 2008; Lally and Ardren 2008). The variations and
being human and becoming someone – but being discrepancies in understanding and explaining the
and becoming what? terms are partly due to the possibilities and barriers
Being human and becoming someone is the cul- of language, as discourse partly reflects efforts to
tural and local experience of growing self-con- decide on the appropriate use of and on a common
sciousness and awareness of the world, and the ground for theoretical framework and method
recognition or rejection of that someone or per- (Lillehammer 2006a, b, 2008a). The concern is
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 22
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
also linked with the understanding of different 2001: 118). The English term “child” refers to a
ontological statutes between children and adults being that is essentially human, but who differs
(Wartofsky 1981), and the question about who is from other humans in being young and someone’s
the actor and who is the constructor in the available gendered offspring, and who is someone subordi-
world between them (Qvortrup 1994: 4). nate that imitates or is the creation or object of oth-
In archaeology children and childhood have ers. Consequently, a child is someone not far
been studied from universal, general, local and advanced in life, development or existence and
individual perspectives (James et al. 1998; therefore not yet old, but immature and inexperi-
Mejsholm 2009: 27-29). From a feminist view- enced (Elliot et al. 2001: 897).
point one may agree or disagree on the usefulness In the Scandinavian languages such as
of a common epistemological platform of research Norwegian, the term “child” is synonymously con-
with reference to those pasts and epistemologies nected to a nature-culture relationship in the repre-
(Dommasnes 2008: xvii-xix). As data builds on the sentation of human or animal. “Child” refers either
local conceptualisations in ancient cultures around to a fish or to a minor and underaged person, to a
the world, we have to be specific in our deploy- foetus and abortion, to human offspring of the first
ment of metalanguages, of who is speaking (Lally generation, to an heir, and to a person who has a
and Ardren 2008: 74). As the subject has devel- subordinate obedient and loyal relationship to
oped internationally, we have been given great someone/body (Landrø and Wangensteen 1986:
opportunities to analyse the terms of “child” and 41, my translation). As the Norwegian term also
“childhood” from a variety of angles and scopes refers to “child” as a person who is a minor, this
and from many different languages as well as his- means somebody under full legal age in English
tories about the past. (Elliot et al. 2001: 475). Respectively, both the
However, in order to carry out scientific analy- English and Norwegian terms associate “child”
ses and syntheses that could lead to conclusions, with gender, offspring, family, generation and
and to communicate the results and partake in aca- authority. As such, a child is a member of a clan,
demic discourse, as current-day adults and tribe or religion and is therefore linked with the
researchers we have to make our theoretical and legal, social, economical, political and religious
methodical points of departure clear to the audi- concerns of the society. However, what is in reali-
ence. To lessen epistemological confusion, from a ty the essence of “child”? How does it appear in
phenomenological viewpoint our natural attitudes these relationships?
of the world are different and are related to imme- Seen from the ontogeny of human bodies
diate experience, but as researchers we have to (Sofaer 2006a, 2006b) and from the blood relations
detach ourselves from this, theorize, and distin- that exist between children, parents, offspring, sib-
guish and describe both the subjective and the lings, etc., in the broadest sense the term “child” is
objective correlates that make it up (Sokolowsky related to culturally constructed ideas about the
2000: 43-44, 50). Analysing the structural implica- appearance of somebody minor by others.
tions of theoretical and methodological frame- Biological and social relationships connect the
works from a child-centred perspective, a recon- child’s body with the state of being accepted in a
sideration of the concepts of “child” and “child- place or group in belonging to the life world of
hood” is necessary in this stage of research. direct experience. In social anthropology, a child is
linked with agency, alterity and liminality and
5.1 Child-concept and being in-between worlds called the paradigmatic “other”. Its attributes and
identity is something constructed in dialectic rela-
In the innovative phase of the subject, a simplis- tionship to adult senses of world and self as some-
tic working definition was introduced in thing becoming (Rapport and Overing 2000: 29,
Scandinavian archaeology (Kanvall 1995: 10-12, the italics are mine). Accordingly, with the refer-
fig. 1), which combined children with biological, ence to perspectives of the Norwegian nature-cul-
osteological and sociological development. A child ture relationships, the concept of child as agency
(plural: children) is in English by definition a could be associated with nature-culture, as liminal
young human being, and one’s son or daughter, with somebody in-between nature and culture, and
descendant, follower or product of one (Elliot et al. as alterity with nature. The elaboration of these
23 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
relationships could further indicate the notion of and adulthood. In terms of social theory, “child-
“child” to exceed both biological and social cate- hood” has been defined as the life period during
gories, while a combination of these aspects in which a human being is regarded a child, and the
reality could result in complete disorder (bio- cultural, social and economic characteristics of that
social). In considering that the body of a child is period. Therefore, the perspective of socialisation,
not understood in terms of chronological age, but which emphasizes the process of growing up and
in terms of ontogeny, and therefore in terms of the children’s future status as adults, is often implicit
origin and development of an individual organism in discussions of childhood (Frønes 1994: 148,
from embryo to adult, the child is thus placed in 146). For that reason, we have to bear in mind that
the children’s minority, somewhere in between the meaning of “childhood” is an autonomous con-
adults and the environment. ceptual entity of form (Qvortrup 1994: 4), and that
Thus a child could easily be relegated to an “in- the dual relationship between nature and culture is
between” position or to the outside, rather than an analytic tool used to describe, classify and
being at the world’s centre (Lillehammer 1989, examine:
2000, 2002, 2005, 2008b, in press). In this case, a · Human aging from dependency to increased
child is treated like an object, which humans autonomy: i.e. the biological and psychobiological
manipulate amongst themselves and their environ- changes of human development, in which children
ment to reach goals or to make ends meet. To some could reach the milestones at different times from
humans, this life experience never ends as they are norm
constantly being little adults and treated as grown · Children’s experiences of the parts of con-
up children. This phenomenon is widely found in sciousness accessible to others (Green and Hogan
literature on minority groups such as women and 2005: 4-5)
slaves and, conversely, it is also the case when · Adult perceptions of children, as created by
adults behave like children. The “in-between” others by the order and control of the social and
position equally refers to the social dislocation of legal system and organisation in a given society
children’s cultures, the changes in people’s percep- (James and James 2004).
tions of different ages and generations, and the In Norwegian, the meaning of the term “child-
blurring of roles between children and adults and hood” is “the time/period then, the time of being a
their worlds (Meyrowitz 1985; Lillehammer 2000: child” (Knudsen and Sommerfelt 1937: 207-208,
22). Therefore, the archaeology of children com- my translation and italics). From the phenomeno-
prises analyses of the fluid and hybrid inter-rela- logical perspective, this position seems relevant for
tionships between adults and minority groups and the researcher who starts to look at childhood in
their relationships to the greater society. Due to the the archaeological record. The meaning indicates
immature and subordinated character in the biolog- the notion to refer to one’s childhood in the retro-
ical and social representations of children, and in spect of remembrance and not to one’s immediate
order to keep focus directed towards the appear- experience as adults in the present. Memory com-
ance of children in the world in general as a con- prises both short-term memory and long-term
crete and actual whole (Sokolowsky 2000: 44), we memory, and much recent work suggests that
have to clarify and emphasize our points of infer- memory and the process of remembering and
ence and conclusion, and to reconsider children’s learning is partly based on embodied activity
agency, alterity and liminality in relation to the life (Gibbs 2005: 142, 156). In order to analyse chil-
world of adults, parents or carers. dren in the sense of their physical and mental
capacity, we would have to include cognitive
5.2. Childhood concept and cultural memory development to support the idea that the mind is
embodied. Nevertheless, unless records were made
Earlier I pointed out that the concept of child- in the past, the memory of someone’s experience
hood is passively and temporally constructed of being a child is gone when the person dies.
(Lillehammer 2000: 24). In broad terms “child- Researching the intimacy of children’s cultural
hood” is applied in English to a state or period of memory of early life in the remote past may seem
being a child (Elliot et al. 2001: 118), or to the too farfetched as an objective to be reached in
phase of development in humans between infancy archaeology. However, we could study those parts
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 24
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
of children’s cognitive development and social As the question of theory is elementary to sci-
experience accessible to others in children’s social- ence, and if we want to fully understand and
isation to material culture and their adaptation to explain the extension of its application in archaeo-
the environment, such as tools and playthings. logy, the inquiry about a theory of childhood has to
We could also examine adult’s behaviour be taken seriously. There is the concern of ancient
towards children. In general procedure, an archae- children’s voices being muffled (Sofaer 1997a,
ological study of childhood would examine the 2000, Crawford and Lewis 2008: 10). At present,
human bodily remains and the cultural construc- we would expect that the topic of childhood is a
tions associated with pre-adolescence, infants, speciality, with a theory and/or method that sets it
newborn and aborted foetuses in relation to ideals apart from other subjects in academia. According
and practices towards living or dead born children to the usage of the term “theory” in the empirical
and unborn foetuses in the society expressed in the sciences and not in philosophy, we could search for
archaeological record (Mejsholm 2009). The uni- an analytic structure designed to explain a set of
versal fact that women and men want children, that empirical observations of material culture that
women carry, labour and mother them (Bolen identifies this set of distinct observations as a class
1992; Beausang 2005), that men father them, and of phenomena, and makes assertions about the
that all grown-ups were once themselves children underlying reality that brings about or affects the
(Lillehammer 2000), indicates some of the struc- class.
tural complexities in the relationships between If we start by defining the class of phenomena
individuals and generations of caretakers regarding as altogether representing the archaeological
children and childhood. Owing to the existing sim- remains of immature human bodies including foe-
ilarities and differences between children and tuses, newborns, and infants, as well as the archae-
childhood in the meaning of biological, social and ological artefacts, contexts and circumstances
time/periodic terms, we will have to take a closer associated with human remains, we have a general
look at the theory of childhood from an archaeo- set of data on which to build a theory based on
logical perspective. empirical observations. In addition, to meet the
structural requirements of analysis, a theory of
childhood has to explain material culture as a rep-
6. Thinking about a theory of childhood in resentation of a specific character of cultural mem-
archaeology ory of preadolescence years common in humans,
and must embody children’s development and
The question of a theory of childhood was experience of the world and learning from the
brought forward by an Inuit student in the plenary environment. If it does not do this, we have to con-
discussion at the second SSCIP conference sider why.
“Childhood in the Past –Recent research” in 2008 The answer may be that a theory of childhood
(Lillehammer 2010).The questions concerning the- has to include more than the archaeological
ory drew a blank in the audience, and the immedi- remains of immature human bodies and the arte-
ate impression was that few scholars currently con- facts, contexts and circumstances related to the
ducted research on the subject of childhood on a material culture of children in the archaeological
regular basis. However since then, and at a second record. What the material record of children and
look into this relationship, it has to be noted that childhood consists of is, however, a matter for dis-
there is an impressive list of contributions from a cussion. We would have to proceed by considering
variety of research interests stating that they many disciplines in the social sciences, the human-
focused expressly on childhood within archaeolo- ities and the behavioural sciences in which investi-
gy (among others Crawford 1999; Sofaer 2000; gation is based on the examination of archaeologi-
Kamp 2001; Baxter 2005; Callow 2006, 2007; cal remains of children and where childhood is the
Wileman 2005; Ardren and Hulton 2006; Roberts object at study. If we accept childhood to represent
2006; Crawford and Sheperd 2007a; Crawford and a period or state of being a child, or the develop-
Lewis 2008; McKerr 2008; Mygland 2008; Röder mental phase between infancy and adulthood as
2008; Sánchez Romero 2008; Tedéen 2008; stated above, the definitions nevertheless exclude
Mejsholm 2009). unborn or prenatally aborted ones from the analy-
25 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
sis. We also have to consider the paradoxes of muf- experience in the very cradle of human life, the
fled children and that one of the main sources in search for a theory of childhood in archaeology is
the archaeological record for the study of child- essentially a humanistic endeavour about under-
hood is dead children recovered in their funerary standing humankind (Renfrew and Bahn 2004).
remains. The broad scope of inquiry involves a wide range
of academic disciplines and draws upon cross-cul-
6.1. A childhood place in-between two cultures tural and interdisciplinary research on a multi-
dimensional scale. Therefore our concern about
Since we started by asking a basic question, I where to look would seem to go beyond the criti-
think it appropriate to reconsider and give the the- cal matter of updating the latest trends in archaeo-
ory of childhood a second thought. It may be that logy and focus on finding theories and methods
the answer lies somewhere in between. There is appropriate enough to work in our case.
considerable difference and dispute across disci-
plines as to the proper usage of the word theory, 6.2. Social theory and the epistemological gap
and consequently our choice in the matter depends
on where we stand in academia. Since our dis- In the following section, we will choose
course is evidently one of archaeology, we may between archaeological sub-disciplines character-
decide to leave aside some usages in preference for ized by specific methods and/or types of materials.
others. The inquiry into the terms “child” and “child-
When reconsidering applications, the most rele- hood” has revealed that nature-culture relation-
vant usage describes theory as a means of repre- ships and biological, social and time/periodic
senting a supposition or a system of ideas that development and experience are implicit in the
explain something based on general principles or meanings of the terms. While human anthropology
the exposition of the principles of a science (Elliot looks at childhood as a period, and at biological
et al. 2001: 800). But is archaeology a science, a development in the growth, health and stress con-
social science, an art, a subset of human anthropol- ditions of children’s skeleton (Katzenberg and
ogy, or what? The theoretical and practical Shelley 2008), from the perspective of social
approaches to childhood outside archaeology are development, the representation of childhood is
made up of variety fields which could include foremost about socialisation. According to sociol-
social anthropology (Schwartzman 1978, 2006; ogy, childhood is a social phenomenon (Crawford
Gottlieb 2004; Stearns 2006; Levine and New and Shepherd 2007b: 2; Hug 2008), a social con-
2008; Montgomery 2009), sociology (James et al. struction related to children’s agency that puts con-
1998; James and James 2004), classical studies straints on what children do (James et al. 1998;
(Rawson 2003), art history and classical studies James and James 2004; the italics are mine). In the
(Neils and Oakley 2003), social history following section, we will take a closer look at the
(Cunningham 2005; Orme 2003, 2008), world his- social representation of childhood.
tory (Lancy 2008) history of religion (Bakke Foremost as a research field of the social sci-
2005), ethno-psychology (Hug 2008), and human ences and the humanities, outside Scandinavia it is
anthropology (Katzenberg and Shelley 2008). linked with programmes on children and child-
The reason for posing the questions about the hood studies, among others, as is the case in
theoretical implications of childhood is to demon- Canada (York University, Toronto) and the US
strate the difficulties in defining what theory is (Rutger University, New Jersey and Brooklyn
from an archaeological perspective. We have to College, New York). To quote from the Canadian
decide on where we stand. Our search for a theory program:
has to be based on a long list of requirements rang- “The Program explores the experiences of chil-
ing from sound arguments, assumptions and expla- dren and adult constructions of childhood through-
nations, to hypotheses, ideas, notions and views as out time and across cultures, adopting a “childist”
well as laws, principles and rules depending on the (child-centred) and children’s rights approach that
disciplinary approach, the material under study and recognizes children as subjects in their own cul-
the direction of our inquiry. Since we are con- ture” (, accessed
cerned with issues that focus on development and 03/13/10)
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 26
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
In the text, the program draws a line between (Diplomatarium Norwegicum). Here the term
the experiences of children as subjects and the “barndómr” refers to one’s own (“minum”) and
adult construction of childhood as the object. other people’s (“sinum”) childhood (Fritzner 1973:
Seemingly, modern children according to the text 115), which confirms how adults referred to them-
do no have childhoods that are innate; rather, they selves and others. Seen from historic evidence of
only have the childhoods ascribed to them by 13th century Iceland, chronological age was of
adults. They do however exist, and they are expect- concern to the social progression of children into
ed to have rights and experience being a child in adult society (Callow 2007: 54). This was particu-
their own culture. In the socio-cultural relationship larly important for boys between the ages of 12-15
between children’s subjective experiences of their (Tillhagen 1956, Lillehammer 1989, Callow 2007)
own culture and adults’ objective constructions of and less so for girls. Therefore it would be appro-
childhood, there is an epistemological gap or logi- priate to ask ourselves if gender transition from
cal shortcoming based on differences in ontologi- childhood to adulthood was concerned with gender
cal statuses between children and adults. What are differences between females and males in relation
we to call the gap, but a hybrid space where argu- to biological and/or social age. In a cautionary
ments could twist and turn into confusion and mis- manner, Callow reports that marriage status rather
leading conclusions about children (Lillehammer than chronological age accounted for the gender-
2000)? The term represents an analytic category of ing of females in the Icelandic society (Callow
ontological and epistemological divide between 2006, 2007).
children and adults. An essential question in the Consequently, in the study of childhood it has
relationship is the situation, whether this is an been found that knowledge gaps exist between
advantage or a disadvantage to the study of chil- children and adults and that there is not one theory
dren in the past. At least it demonstrates the impor- of childhood. Childhood can be analysed from a
tance in clarifying research approaches and the number of different perspectives, each leading to
theoretical and methodological points of departure different interpretations, sometimes also to differ-
to answer the essential question: Did children in ent conclusions (Frønes 1994). The fluid and con-
the past have a childhood? textual embodied state of being a child or adult
Comparative and cross-cultural analyses reveal (Toren 1993) make the distinctions between cate-
that there are a variety of childhoods, and that gories difficult to approach (Lillehammer 2008a:
childhood is not a single or universal phenomenon 101). Frønes reported that from the position of the
(James and Prout 1990; Crawford and Shepherd social sciences, the study of childhood needs to be
2007b: 2). Applications of ethnographic evidence based on a series of perspectives representing dif-
indicate problems in defining the term childhood; ferent ways of interpreting the phenomenon
partly because the nature of childhood is diverse, (Frønes 1994: 147-148).
elastic and heterogeneous due to gender, age, birth Despite the debate of childhood versus children
order and ethnicity, and partly because childhood in archaeology (Crawford and Lewis 2008: 11),
has been overlooked as an object of research how we think about childhood is deeply inter-
(Montgomery 2009: 3, 8). Carsten reports that woven with how we think about children. What are
domestic issues such as maternity and the bond we studying when we are analysing childhood and
between mother and child have been neglected when we are analysing children? The reference to
from the study of kinship (Carsten 2003). Hug drew muted children would seem to be more than a
attention to the epistemological difficulties of inter- rhetorical question, which could account for why
disciplinary work in defining children and child- archaeology seems reluctant to develop a theory of
hood, but states that this has also led to a wider childhood. What would the theory be based on?
scope of perception by proving the cultural related- The list of associated and child-centred works on
ness of thinking about children (Hug 2008: 93). children and childhood shows that approaches vary
From the Scandinavian perspective of the Old greatly in the archaeology of children. Instead of
Norse language, in the Viking and Medieval Ages, adding and stirring new subspecialties into the pot
and before 1350 AD (Heggstad 1958), children when needed, we could ask for alternative perspec-
must indeed have had a childhood ascribed to them tives and approaches to children’s development
since the term is mentioned in medieval literature and experience as active agents.
27 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
7. An alternative approach to the archaeology of precisely, the notion refers to what children do
children with their bodies (Sofaer 2006a, 2006b), and
where they move their bodies around in the land-
From an analytical point of view, and as archae- scape and the environment. The nature-culture and
ologists in the present, rather than despairing at the child-adult relationships refers to spaces and
mixture of both integrated and divided relation- places where children are born, live, die or grow up
ships in the construction of childhood, we could (Lillehammer 2000, 2005), and where they play
decentre our way of looking at individuals and and trawl around inside or outside dwellings
generations of children in the past, and establish a (Lillehammer 1987, 2007). Indeed, it asks about
third position. We could conduct research on chil- what, where and how children are being acted
dren and the multifaceted nature of childhood from upon by others in their inclusion or separation from
two different ontological statutes of being in the the living society (Lillehammer 2008b, in press).
world in general: the child-centred and adult-cen- The spatial dimension of the worlds of children
tred positions of the past. comprise therefore children’s cultures as in the
Structural similarities and differences exist in representation of “the children’s worlds” which are
the nature of the experiences of children as “human opposed to and separated from adults and adult
beings” (Qvortrup 1994: 4) and adult perceptions worlds (Lillehammer 1989, 2007, 2008a).
of children as “human becomings” (Qvortrup By using general models based on both com-
1994: 4). The experience of being a child is mon sense and scientific knowledge about how
revealed in their bodies (Sofaer 2006a, 2006b), and children in the environment behave in contact with
in the stream of consciousness and insights into and without adults (Lillehammer 1989: 102;
who they are, what they think and what they feel Karlsson 1999: 25), the presence and absence of
(cr. Gibbs 2005: 239). A fundamental question is children in the archaeological record has become
how children’s development and experience and constructive. The structural character of the worlds
adult’s perception of children, where the mutual of children and children’s worlds as part of the
ground of experience is cultural memory, could world in general could bridge the ontological and
function as a theoretical and methodological plat- epistemological gaps that span troubled waters. In
form for current-day researchers that are asking offering opportunities for an alternative approach
questions about children in the past. Depending on to the children versus childhood debate, and to the
the type of archaeological material under study, divides between children’s development and expe-
and on the focal points of interest about children, rience and adult perceptions of children and child-
in alternating the methodical search between chil- hood, a link is created to many spaces and places
dren’s development and experience as human in the landscape which integrate or separate chil-
beings and adult’s perception of children as dren and adults. Children and adults negotiate the
humans becoming, our scope of research is proper places for children in both social and spatial
enlarged. Subsequently, this method leads to the terms (Olwig and Gulløv 2003). Therefore, the
turning upside down of the search for children in inquiry into terminology and the study of child-
the archaeological record and of the approach to hood has opened discussion on the relationships
children and their life worlds, the worlds of chil- between human and social developments of child-
dren and children’s worlds. hood, and on focusing on children’s experiences as
By focussing on the development of children’s being humans and of becoming social and cultured
bodies and their experiences in their life worlds, beings that belong somewhere in the environment.
we recognize children as individuals in their own The study of children and adults as processes of
constructions (Qvortrup 1994: 4), and in the pow- human life cycles living in a present rather than
ers and contradictions of their capacity of vitality being classified into fixed chronological categories
and active behaviour as beings in the world in gen- indicates how and where we can proceed in this
eral (Lillehammer 2008b). The meaning of “the endeavour.
worlds of children” is a notion differently con- In following this perspective, archaeology is
structed from “childhood” as it includes a spatial incorporating the dualism of the natural (ontogeny)
dimension of children’s activity and agency and the cultural (socialization) (Baxter 2005: 3).
(Lillehammer 1989, 2000, 2008a). To put it more From the aspects of regulating and encouraging
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 28
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
order in the access to origin of time and space, and standing of the process of biological change in
in the relationships between the structure of the relation to the variability in cultural change in past
cosmos, family and generations, children in the societies. In this relationship, the biogenetic and
past were considered powerful and the carriers of socio-environmental factors in human develop-
vitality (Helms 1998; Lillehammer 2008b). We ment are broadening the chronological range of
need to develop a closer understanding of the link subjects available for the archaeological study of
between the culturally structured bodies of chil- children, childhood and the environment (Levine 1998).
dren and the material culture of children’s own Knowledge of children is gained through differ-
choice and making (Sofaer 1997, 2000, 2006a; ent archaeological material, contexts and circum-
Rogersdotter 2008: 23-24). This prospect needs stances and a variety of approaches are used.
data on how interactions, concepts, behavioural Despite criticism of the theoretical approach, ini-
forms and meaning are created, recreated and tial studies should be regarded as having suffered
acquired, and how individuals become committed the stress of childbirth, as they were the efforts of
to their acquisitions (Rapport and Overing 2000: a subject working hard to find its place in the cur-
23). In our aim to explore the worlds of children rents of archaeology and beyond. Research efforts
and children’s worlds as part of or opposed to adult show that children contribute to the archaeological
worlds in the past, archaeology represents but one record whether we are able to recognise them or
of several fields that could be applied to the study not (Chamberlain 1997; Sofaer1997a; Scott 1999).
of ancient children. We would have to ask what has A paramount objective is to develop theoretical
been done and how far the archaeology of children frameworks and methodological approaches so
has reached this task. that we can critically examine children as more
than little adults or incomplete and subordinated
members of society. From an anthropological point
8. Approaches to the worlds of children and of view, we would expect variation and difference
children’s worlds in children’s conditions (Montgomery 2009).
Children’s lives are conditioned across natural and
The archaeology of children is based on the cultural patterns. Swedish archaeology has demon-
study of material culture. The archaeological data strated that there is a great variety in the lives of
is extracted from source material in landscapes and children through time (Welinder 1998), which is of
museums. The chronological perspective of this biological and cultural significance to the under-
discourse is enormous. It spans from the time of standing and explanation of material culture in past
children living in The Ice Age of the Palaeolithic societies.
era to Modern times, but thinking critically in a It has been pointed out that the discussion of
long term perspective the periods and chronologi- children as active agents and as having contributed
cal orders have not been the main object of to past social organisations, material culture, site
research. The studies focus upon the direct contex- formation processes and site destruction have been
tual evidence of children from skeletal remains of lacking in archaeology (Wilk and Schiffer 1979;
their bodies found anywhere in the landscape, and Hammond and Hammond 1981; Lillehammer
upon the indirect evidence from all those known 1982, 1987, 1989; Claassen 1992; Sofaer 1994a;
and unknown physical traces left by their doings in Baxter 2005; Rogersdotter 2008). This situation
the environment. Research pays special attention constitutes possibilities as well as restrictions in
to the interrelationship between the remains of the search for children in the worlds of children
children and the natural and cultural environment, and children’s worlds in the material record. To be
which includes the study of their use of tools and a child is to be both a phenomenon of local diver-
toys. sity in the world and one of global generality
The archaeology of children is a field where (Rapport and Overing 2000). Therefore it is not
geographic collaboration on a wide scientific scale always easy to distinguish between children and
is formidably strong, and today collaborative adults in archaeological contexts such as settle-
archaeology is well developed. Generally, the the- ments and graves, which confirms the reflections
oretical debate underway in current archaeology and questions I have made about the archaeologi-
adds to the possibility of gaining a wider under- cal excavations at the slave fort in Ouidah.
29 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
The distinction between children and adults is (Lillehammer 2007, 2008a).To give adults some
hampered or made difficult by the destruction or relief from their care and distress, the search for
lack of bone material in burials deposited in acid the different realms of expression of children’s
soils, as well as natural disturbance by animals or worlds is therefore in the opposition to
mechanical processes in the soil (Lillehammer autonomous culture of spare time were they can
2000, 2005; Lally 2008). A variety of cultural fac- learn creatively from one another and associate
tors could explain the disturbance or under-repre- with their peers (Lillehammer 1989, 2000).
sentation of children’s bodies in the archaeological Irrespective of the cultural patterns that exist in
evidence. The excavation of an abandoned past societies, in the patterns which adults impose
medieval churchyard in Norway is characteristic of and children imitate, there are elements of non-cul-
this situation at a general level. Archaeological tural courses of events in a child’s development
finds of many small children (newborn) were dis- (Högberg 1999: 102). Play and the character of
covered among dispersed bone material on the site. play are such processes (Högberg 1999).
This could have been caused by later surface dis- The small stones discovered in the earth by a
turbances as no special area was reserved for chil- modern child watching the excavation of a prehis-
dren. The babies’ graves, which may have been toric house close to a mountain lake in Norway,
shallower than the adults’ graves, were more like- and which were identical to the pebbles picked up
ly to have been obliterated (Sellevold 2008b: 82). and thrown across the water daily during the
In the following section, we will use archaeo- child’s play at the beach, how could we but specu-
logical data and evidence on a wide scale to late about the identity as to the stone skipping of
demonstrate some of the steps that lead to the ancient children (Fig. 1) (Lillehammer 1982)?
archaeology of children. On the basis of nature- Many toys were made by using natural and organ-
culture relationships, we will search for children in ic materials such as bones, wood, and stones,
three main areas and critically review some of the which is a matter of concern to the limitation of the
theoretical and methodological issues at hand from archaeological evidence (Callow 2006: 67).
two opposite perspectives of intentionality and Nevertheless, looking for children in the medieval
look at the interplay of relationships between them. countryside, and their games and plays and special
We will look at: places in the environment, is one way of approach-
· The development and experience of children ing children’s worlds (Lewis 2009). Toys were
and their worlds made by children themselves, and can reflect their
· The relationships between worlds – the worlds own views and interests (Wileman 2005: 178;
of children and adults Rogersdotter 2008). While only a few of the cul-
· Adult constructions of the worlds of children tural activities of children are generally visible in
the archaeological record (Löndahl et al. 2002:
8.1 The development and experience of children 141), and discrepancy in theory and practice in the
and their worlds relationships between model and site investigation
could exist (Bonnichsen 1973), altogether these
In the social sciences such as social anthropolo- approaches shed light on the relationship between
gy, the approach to children is to let them literally children’s worlds and the worlds of children in
speak for themselves while we listen to their voic- learning from the environment.
es (Goldman 1998). Despite the approaches of
bridging the time gap between the present and the 8.2. The relationships between worlds – the
past, as seen from the combined efforts of ethnoar- worlds of children and adults
chaeology and historicalarchaeology, this is not
generally the case in archaeology. Nevertheless, Were we to study the physical stress suffered by
heritage studies have made this possible by inter- children due to the workloads given to them,
viewing adults in the present about their play- examine the skeletal implications and establish a
grounds of children’s worlds in the landscape. A relationship between this and objects or events
study indicates that the places visited are distrib- (Sofaer 2006a: 141), we would widen the scope of
uted marginally in the cultivated landscape and in investigation into children’s development and
the environments far away from the adults’ worlds experience in their growing up in past societies.
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 30
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
Rogersdotter 2008; Sánchez Romero 2008; Lewis worlds and their expectancy of children’s potential
2009). The kid-sized toolkits of flint, or the small capacity and limitation, we have started by asking
ceramic vessels discovered in the archaeological about the material worlds of children. Children are
record, are these tools or toys (Fig. 2)? Were they a minor part of human life, a group that is regard-
made by children or by adults to be used by chil- ed as not having authority and whose living condi-
dren (Daw 1997; Lillehammer 2000, 2005; tions are determined by adults, and also indirectly
Sanchez-Romero 2008, Mejsholm 2009)? by adult ways of life (Barth 1976; Lillehammer
Rogersdotter suggests that the toy concept is elu- 1989). Ethnography has provided sufficient mate-
sive and cannot be used as it is difficult to distin- rials to indicate real diffusionary processes
guish between toys and tools. Toys could exist as between adult and child dimensions of culture
‘in-between’ objects in the daily activities of (Goldman 1998: 260).
everyday life and express social strategies interact- Results from the archaeology of children could
ing on multiple levels (Rogersdotter 2008: 143- testify to this. In our approach to the material cul-
147). Sánchez Romero has reported that the small ture of the past, the premise of adults is both an
ceramic vessels in burials represent apprenticeship advantage and a disadvantage. An advantage is the
(Sánchez Romero 2008). Based on lipid analyses, archaeological knowledge of adult worlds in repre-
Mejsholm reported the small ceramic vessels in senting the theoretical and methodological frame-
infant burials of infants to be the containers for work that is helping us to locate evidence of chil-
food consisting of deer’s milk and not human dren in the archaeological record. But this type of
breast milk (Mejsholm 2009: 182-184, fig. 8.8.). knowledge is also a disadvantage, because it is de-
Because play is not always fun, it requires inter- centred from the worlds of children and children’s
pretation and the researcher must fully adapt to the worlds and acknowledges the adults, and not the
nature of the subject and not the reverse children, and what the children are in this relation-
(Schwartzman 1978: 326-329). From a theoretical ship. Consequently, and as pointed out earlier,
and methodological point of view in archaeology, research on children in past societies could lead to
and in order to go beyond the boundaries of adult misleading scientific analyses (Lillehammer
2000). In this respect we have to examine more
closely the factors that constitute the interrelation-
ships between age and gender in past societies and
the material culture of children.
research on children in particular explores the rela- In others, the cultural transmittance of unwritten
tionship between natural and cultural factors that knowledge brings perspectives to the contradictory
condition, threaten or lead to the death of children and powerful relationship between life and death.
in particular. The unwritten knowledge in preliterate societies
Because of the extensive use in archaeology of and the absolute dependence on the wise words of
evidence from mortuary remains, we have to con- the older generation on detailed natural and cultur-
sider the worlds of children and adults in a life and al knowledge is essential to survival (Diamond
death perspective of human life cycles (Gilchrist 2001). Similarities or differences in a child’s and
2000, 2004; Gowland 2006; Thedéen 2004). Given an adults’ artefacts used in burial rituals, as com-
the theoretical perspective of burials as represent- pared to artefacts reflecting the performance of
ing ideological contexts where social images are social and practical skills in everyday life, may in
concealed, embellished or justified by the living past societies symbolise the idealisation of adult-
society (Levi-Strauss 1973: 243; Lillehammer hood (Lillehammer 2000: 22-23) in the division of
1996), the remains of children may be looked at potentiality based on children’s cognitive develop-
from a variety of angles. Despite the high rate of ment, knowledge capacity and cultural initiation in
mortality of 50% for ancient children in general the society (Lillehammer 2006b).
(Chamberlain 1997: 249), the wide variations in Some Scandinavian studies explain the back-
mortality rates among human populations ground for the apparent social or religious change
(Chamberlain 2000), and the problem in interpret- in burial rituals. The study of social relations
ing child mortality in earlier populations between generations and ritual practices in Bronze
(Brothwell 1986-87), differences exist in the way Age landscapes in Sweden show the expression of
in which uncertain factors of survival affect the cultural construction of age in spatial terms. Adults
social recognition of children. Age roles may be (men and women) with special abilities and eso-
differently constructed, negotiated and renegotiat- teric knowledge related to passage rituals were
ed across time, space and structure. buried in cairns. Infants, whose relationships with
In some studies this is seen in the practice of these adults were special, were buried in heaps of
infanticide (Scott 1999; Callow 2006; Lillehammer firecracked stones (Thedéen 2004). In an analysis
2008b, in press) and the treatment of infants (Lally of pre-historic child burials from the Early Iron
and Ardren 2008). Despite changes in religious Age in Norway, the under-representation of child
beliefs, there was no difference in the way burials burials was examined in the archaeological record.
were treated in the Prehistoric and Middle Ages, yet The results from the study indicate that burial evi-
differences could be seen according to the age and dence represents socio-cultural selection and rank-
circumstances of birth and death, which led to chil- ing based on the stratification of social status, posi-
dren being buried at home or close to dwelling tion and worth of children in the society (Vik 2007:
places – deserted or not deserted – and outside and 114-115). An analysis of the cultural construction
inside churches (Ulrich-Bochsler 1997, 2002; of girlhood in Viking Age Gotland, Sweden, indi-
Crawford 2008; Mejsholm 2009). In cemeteries cates that the question of acquired or inherited sta-
their marginal locations and identification with the tus is relevant for the interpretation of archaeolog-
host site often enhanced their ambiguous and limi- ical evidence from girl’s burials. An intermediate
nal character (Finlay 2000). In many prehistoric position (5-15 years) in the status between girl-
mortuary rituals children are included in the worlds hood and womanhood has been suggested as the
of the living and the dead (Crawford 2007, 2008; representation of maidenhood (Thedéen 2008: 89-
Beilke-Vogt 2008), and this occurred in these set- 91). A general pattern of child burials has been
tings among cave dwellers in huntergatherer com- reported for the Pre-Christian and Christian ceme-
munities as early as 27 000 years ago (Einwögerer teries in Iceland and Scandinavia between the
et al. 2006). Conversely, they are also separated or Viking Age (Pre-Christian) and Medieval Age
excluded from the burial world of society as seen in (Christian). Child burials are rare in cemeteries
evidence from latrines, ditches, mountains and bogs where grave goods are common (Callow 2006:
(Cueni 1995; Ceruti 2004; Lillehammer 2008b, in 59). This could indicate social changes in the
press;), because their place lay within other realms apparent religious rituals assigned to the worth of
of social expression (Crawford 2000: 177). children at death (also Mejsholm 2009).
33 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
9. Archaeology of children on a long-term scale long gone, together with their parents and carers.
Neither the archaeologist nor the anthropologist
The study of children in the past has led to the can overlook the problem of time gap. With the
theoretical development of the archaeology of age exceptions of historical archaeology (Wilkie
(Lillehammer 2000; Welinder 1998; Lucy 2005; 2000), classical archaeology (Golden 1990; Lee
Sofaer 2006a). Children approached adult worlds 1994; Beaumont 2000; Verhoeven 2002; Vogel
through their vitality, ability and capacity to cope 2002; Neils and Oakley 2003) and ethno-archaeo-
and adapt, which were set by the limits of their logy (Sillar 1996; Greenfield 2000), where written
potentiality as members of the society. As seen records support the evidence, when dealing with
from the material evidence of Stone Age burials in questions that relate to the material culture of chil-
Sweden (Welinder 1997: 75-76), their age was not dren in the past, direct observations are not possi-
a chronological age measured in calendar years, ble. Interdisciplinary approaches have been point-
but a cultural age based on a well-defined pattern ed out as necessary to examine the material culture
of ritual significance. of children (Lillehammer 1989, 2000, 2005,
Analyses of the long-term structural history of 2008a; Sofaer 2000; Högberg 2001; Crawford and
culture and change of late Neolithic and Bronze Lewis 2008; Röder 2008). Inferences about the
Age organisation and structure from 6000 BC to material culture of ancient children have to consid-
the birth of Christ in Central Europe, indicate that er and reconsider theories and models, which draw
female children and women of the warrior elite on information from a diverse range of sources on
were often slightly underrepresented and the non- a long-term scale. This point of departure was clear
elite disappeared in the record. In reality, very lit- early on (Lillehammer 1989), and is reflected in
tle is known of the basis and the kind of power the employment of the notion “the worlds of chil-
early elites relied on (Vankilde 2007: 89). The dren” (e.g. Ballantyne 1996: 108; Lillehammer
result differs from what emerged in the Swedish 1989, 2000, 2008a).
study of long-term changes in passage rituals and The post-modern experience of cultural plurali-
mortuary practices in the Bronze Age. In the late ty has opened up a variety of approaches to the
Bronze Age and Pre-Roman Age, children become interpretations of material culture. As part of this
visible both in burials and/or at rock-carving sites, experience, research questions, data and interpreta-
signalling shifts in power relations between gender tion are regarded as value-laden and influenced by
and generations in favour of women and younger the cultural perception, theoretical position and
people (Thedéen 2004: 204-205). geographical location of the archaeologist. In the
Therefore, I believe the focus on children local- recognition of material culture as the practice of
ly is a challenge to archaeological research in a communicating meaning through experience and
radical manner, given the variety of archaeological use (Hodder 1989: 258-259), objects are under-
evidence on a global scale. Every child is an stood as tools that are important to learn from and
expression of the arrival of the new in society with (Sörensen 2000: 78; Bourdieu 1977). In par-
(Lillehammer 2000, 2008b). In this respect, a child ticular, these propositions are reflected in the
represents more than the biological and social fac- establishing phase of 1990-2000, as demonstrated
tors of age, sex and gender. Children are the cre- by indexes on “children” in archaeological litera-
ators of their own worlds, the children’s world ture on gender and children (Table 1). The indexes
(Lillehammer 1989, 2000, 2008a), and have comprise themes most common or generally relat-
always had the potential to trigger reproduction or ed to the subjects of gender and children, and
to initiate cultural innovation, variation and change themes specific to gender or children, respectively.
in time and space. From the perspective of short Three (Table 1: B-D) out of the four groups (Table
generation gaps in pre-modern and traditional soci- 1: A-D) include the study of objects or their asso-
eties of the past, to acknowledge the quality of ciated features, such as burials, figurines, flintk-
potentiality for cultural innovation and change is napping, footprints, grave goods, and hearths. In
the main impetus which research on children con- particular, the group specific to children (Table 1:
tributes to archaeology (Lillehammer 2000). D) consists of themes that are closely related to the
The study of ancient children comprises the practical aspect of material culture, and as such
material evidence of individuals that are dead and those that reflect the empirical core of archaeolog-
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 34
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
sciences of having to speak about people whilst pretation of archaeology together with other scien-
trying not to speak for them? This is an example of tific data can critically answer the questions why
the split between theory and practice (Moore 1994: children did or did not reject their parents or carers,
9). The problem of subjectivity is related to the or why adults did or did not reject their offspring in
question of how actions of individuals lead to cul- the past. Apparently it may seem that the written
tural innovation and change. It is necessary to con- historical sources in this field are in abundance.
front archaeology with the question of “material
culture shock” reflected in behaviour contradictory
to the images of modern children (Sofaer 2000). 10. Conclusion
The children of the Western world have gained
insight into the past through information available It is possible to reach ancient children through
to the public in children’s books and curricula in archaeology. Though not much research has been
schoolbooks and museums (Lillehammer 1990; carried out on programmatic goals, the number of
Röder 2002; Roberts 2006; Galanidou and theoretical and methodological studies on archaeo-
Dommasnes 2007, Galanidou 2008). Their images logy and children has grown in many directions,
of past life are based on scientific facts, which which has helped advance archaeological knowl-
could turn into myths in the way history is con- edge in general. As a result, the subject has gained
veyed by the public (Lowenthal 1998). The prob- strength. However, despite the valuable work car-
lem of material culture shock (Sofaer 2000) leads ried out by those who have fulfilled their research
us to distinguish between the following questions: aims, the subject is marginalized (Schwartzman
What is the material culture of children? What is 2006: 127) and little attention is paid to it in aca-
the material culture of childhood? What is the demic circles. The archaeology of children seems
material culture of the worlds of children and chil- to be divided between social archaeology and
dren’s worlds? While the second question repre- bioarchaeology with respect to topics of sex, gen-
sents a retrospective category of objectification der, age and identity. “Women’s issues” and the
that links material culture to period and memory “mother-child” relationship are possibly still asso-
and to the biological and social process of chil- ciated with the subject (Lillehammer 2000). It is
dren’s development and socialisation, the first and necessary to ask why “male issues” and the
last correspond to the material culture produced by “father-child” relationship appear to be uninterest-
the activities of children as active agents set on edly withdrawn from or rejected by the subject.
mastering worlds in a living present of the past. Whether this is the impression gained from selec-
The distinction between the three approaches to tively reading archaeological handbooks looking
children in the past brings about new questions for key ideas and indexes, or whether it has no hold
worth considering further in the selection and clas- on archaeology in general, the impact this has on
sification of archaeological data. How do chil- the subject can be described as an asymmetrical
dren’s toil and labour mark stress on their physical relationship between children and adult worlds and
bodies compared to gender tensions resolved in a shadowland of uncertainty about children in the
adults (Sofaer 2006a: 105-116; Röder 2008: 79)? past.
How do children’s experiences of living in the The natural link between children and adults has
world in general lead to support from adults, or to been verified through academic research conduct-
opposition, resistance and contradictory behaviour ed so far. Analyses have demonstrated that
towards adults? Compared to what can be seen in approaches to the relationships between the worlds
modern children, is it possible to recognise resist- of children and adults and the adult construction of
ance to domination in the material culture of chil- childhood appear far more ahead of those directed
dren’s worlds in the past? In what way could child towards children’s worlds. However much we
resistance lead to innovation and change in the define children in the archaeological record, we
material culture of the past? It is highly probable could describe the problem in this way: if the con-
that the question of children’s contribution in tribution of adults, and in particular the elders,
changing the world echoes myths and slogans were esteemed as the highest authority of knowl-
embedded in modern society. Only an examination edge and experience in preliterate societies
of these general questions in relation to the inter- (Lillehammer 2000, 2006b), would this keep chil-
Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45 36
Archaeologý of Children Grete Lillehammer
dren from creatively innovating their own worlds? lems of linking theoretical work with scientific
It is a matter of great concern that the important practice. In our modern views of children as weak
debate on the representation of childhood and vulnerable beings in need of special support,
(Crawford and Shepherd 2007b: 1-2) is not exam- we may easily overlook the variety of powers and
ining the nature-culture relationship and spatial contradictions assigned to children in past societies
dimension of children’s development and experi- (Lillehammer 2008b). We may neither like the par-
ence in contributing to cultural reproduction, inno- ents nor their substitutes, nor their approaches and
vation and change in the past. Rather, it would be our own conclusions about their behaviour towards
positive if the children versus childhood debate children of the past. Regardless of our point of
went hand in hand with these aspects in theory and departure, it is important to point out that we can-
practice. In archaeology there is optimism and not exclude material that would weaken the work-
scepticism concerning data and analyses from the ing hypothesis or invalidate the evidence. Neither
perspective of bioarchaeology of the physical and can we stop asking questions and circling the
cognitive impact of special duties and chores only archaeological record. The cry for data of children
children can do with their bodies (Sofaer 2006a: to be tested against archaeological evidence has to
128-129), and from the elusive perspective of play, be continued to be heard in archaeology and
as children’s playthings are also children’s (play) beyond. As part of our research aims, our working
things (Rogersdotter 2008: 148). hypotheses and interpretations have to be tested
The search for what comes natural in children’s against the material evidence for analysis, and our
challenge or disobedience to the natural and cultur- theoretical and methodological positions and
al boundaries of the world in general is complicat- social world views have to be made explicit as part
ed. Therefore, the challenge for the archaeology of of our research aims. From this perspective, the
children is to overcome obstacles in the approach- archaeology of children has shown itself to be
es to all the three worlds. Cognitively, children’s innovative in its own right.
own logic and creativity in constructing things in We have humbly to remind ourselves of phe-
their own worlds as consistent or contradictory to nomenology’s critique of science (Sokolowsky
the adult worlds, and expressed in the dual charac- 2000: 149-150). In archaeology, knowledge is
ter of their material culture, should be of para- made up of scientific constructions, idealisations
mount interest to study in archaeology. The shift- projected to the past where things are thought to
ing in the populations’ evaluation of different have “truly” been there in their perfect exactness.
activities (Kelly 2000), as compared to the impor- As long as children are perceived as immature and
tance of age difference, appears in this analysis to incomplete human beings, they are relegated to a
be a constructive approach to the archaeology of subordinated position in the society. So far, the
children. From the long-scale perspective of cul- small-scale archaeology of children would seem a
tural reproduction and change in the past, what minor approach to the study of past societies, but
would seem natural to notice in archaeology is a on the contrary, the cultural variations in the mate-
search for the relationships between short and long rial evidence of children in the past may seem to
generation overlap and rapid or slow change in the form an infinite number. The call for multidiscipli-
material culture of prehistoric societies. nary collaborations is challenging more than the
The standing of theoretical and methodological academic field of archaeology. In forming poten-
advancements is a matter of multiple choice and tial links to the study of children and material cul-
preference to what qualifies as the best material ture, the contribution of these disciplines in shed-
and proper research strategy for archaeological ding light on children in the past is at theoretical
study and investigation. As long as the younger and methodological levels.
generations of archaeologists pay attention to inde- The results extracted from a vast and varied sci-
pendently learning critical thinking about theory entific record give insight into how natural-cultur-
and method in archaeology, they will contribute by al relationships and spatial dimensions are signifi-
pushing frontiers and challenging the range and cant to the study of material culture of children in
scope of archaeological analyses. The multidisci- the long-term perspective. In this research, the
plinary study of children has to be based on archaeologist can neither depart from the fact of
approaches that pay critical attention to the prob- being confronted with a diversity of views on
37 Complutum, 2010, Vol. 21 (2): 15-45
Grete Lillehammer Archaeology of Children
humanity differing from her or his own, nor with society’s behaviour towards children is to reveal
exposing the nature of societies in their ways of the understanding and explanation of cultural
treating children in human life. In current-day soci- reproduction and transformation at the innermost
ety, concern for minorities has led to a focus on age core of human history. It is of great importance and
groups worldwide. This commitment is evident in concern to keep the subject alive and going in
UNICEF’s 2009 report on newborn children and archaeological research and teaching at an interna-
maternal health (Unicef 2008). To acknowledge tional level.
Thanks to my colleagues Sveinung Bang Andersen and Lotte Selsing for keeping me up-to-date on the subject, to
Arne Johan Nærøy for granting me time to complete the work, to Harald Jacobsen, Mads Ravn and all other collea-
gues for giving support to the archaeology of children.
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