Project Monthly Performance
Project Monthly Performance
Project Monthly Performance
BS Information
1 Mission Statement 2
2 Rationale 2
3 Program Objectives 2
4 Program Design 3
5 Eligibility Criteria 3
6 Program Template 4
7 Program Layout 5
8 Scheme of Studies 9
9 Detail of Courses 14
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BS Information Technology
Mission Statement:
The primary aim of the program is to prepare students with broad, integrated IT
knowledge and teaching skills including programming, computer networking, database
management, software development and software engineering.
BSIT program is designed to equip the students with firm foundations of Information
Technology to face the challenges and evolution of Information Technology in
organizations. It also fulfills the need of professional teachers in the field of Information
Program Objectives:
2. To hone the skills that facilitates learning and integrating new tools and
7. To prepare students for graduate studies, as well as for careers in the industry.
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Program Design:
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Program Template
Sr. No. Categories No of Courses Credit Hours
1 Compulsory Courses 10 28
3 Foundation Courses 10 33
4 Major Courses 12 35
5 IT Elective Courses 7 21
6 IT Capstone Project 1 6
Total 45 138
* IT Elective courses will be chosen from the list of elective courses depending upon the
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Program Layout
Compulsory Courses
Sr. No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 Functional English 3
2 Communication Skills 3
4 Calculus-1 3
7 Electronics 3
9 Pakistan Studies 2
10 Islamic Studies 2
Total 28
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General Courses from other Disciplines
1 Foundations of Education 3
3 Educational Assessment 3
Total 15
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Foundation Courses
Sr. No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 Information Systems 3
2 Programming Fundamentals 4
3 Discrete Mathematics 3
4 Software Engineering 3
7 Database Systems 4
8 Operating Systems 3
10 Technology Management 3
Total 33
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Major Courses
Sr. No. Course Title Credit Hours
1 Web Engineering 3
9 IT Project Management 3
10 Professional Practices 2
11 Network Security 3
12 Cloud Computing 3
Total 35
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Scheme of Studies
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ENGL1114 Functional English 3 0 3 14
MATH1111 Calculus-1 3 0 3 19
5 PHYS1113 Electronics 3 0 3 20
Total 17
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ENGL1119 Communication Skills 3 0 3 23
Total 18
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Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ENGL2115 Technical Writing and 3 0 3 30
Presentation Skills
2 EDUC3143 Educational Assessment 3 0 3 32
Total 19
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 EDUC2118 Curriculum Design and Instruction 3 0 3 39
Total 19
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Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ITEC3111 Web Engineering 2 1 3 50
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ITECXXXX IT Elective I 3 0 3 69-98
5 ITEC3118 3 0 3 60
IT Project Management
Total 15
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Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
1 ITECXXXX IT Elective III 3 0 3 69-98
Total 17
Credit Hours
Sr. No. Course Code Course Title Page. No.
Theory Lab Total
Total 15
Note 1: Six credit hours teaching practice (Non-Creditable) will be mandatory to fulfill the
requirements of the degree.
Note 2: Teaching practice comprising of three weeks will be mandatory before the start of third
and fifth week.
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IT Elective Courses
Sr. No. Course Code Course Titles Credit Hours Page No.
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Detail of Courses
Course Title: Functional English
Course Code: ENGL1114
Credit Hours: 3
Objectives:To enhance language skills and develop critical thinking
Course Outline:
Use of grammar in context: Parts of speech, Tenses: meaning and use, Use of active
and passive voice, Use of articles and prepositions, Different sentence patterns,
combining sentences
Oral Communication Skills (Listening and Speaking): Express ideas/opinions on
topics related to students' lives and experiences, Participate in classroom discussions on
contemporary issues.
Reading and Writing Skills: Skimming, Scanning, Identifying main idea/topic
sentence, Inference and prediction , Recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices, Note
taking and note making, Generating ideas using a variety of strategies e.g. brainstorming
.Developing a paragraph outline (topic sentence and supporting details): Vocabulary
building skills
To develop the ability to use a dictionary
Recommended Books:
Collins COBUILD Students' Grammar. London: Longman
Eastwood, J. 2004. Oxford Practice Grammar.New Ed., with tests and answers. O UP
Fisher, A. 2001. Critical Thinking. C UP 16
Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London:
Taylor & Francis
Hacker, D. 1992. A Writer's Reference. 2nd Ed. Boston: St. Martin's
Hewing, M. Advanced Grammar in Use. New Ed. C UP
Murphy, Raymond. Grammar in Use. C UP
Swan, M. and Walter C. How English Works. Oxford: O UP
Thomson & Martinet. Practical English Grammar. O UP
Wallace, M. 1992. Study Skills. C UP
Yorky, R Study Skills
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Course Title: Islamic Studies
Course Code: ISLA1111
Credit Hours: 2
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Islamic Culture & Civilization: Basic concepts of Islamic culture &civilization,
Historical development of Islamic culture &civilization, Characteristics of Islamic
culture &civilization, Islamic culture &civilization and contemporary issues.
Islam & Science: Basic concepts of Islam &science, Contributions of Muslims in the
development of science, Quran&science.
Islamic Economic System: Basic concepts of Islamic economic system, Means of
distribution of wealth in Islamic economics, Islamic concept of Riba, Islamic ways of
trade &commerce
Political System of Islam: Basic concepts of Islamic political system, Islamic concept of
sovereignty, Basic institutions of Govt. in Islam.
Islamic History: Period of Khlaft-e-Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period of
Social System of Islam: Basic concepts of social system of Islam, Elements of family,
Ethical values of Islam.
Recommended Books:
Nawaz, M. TafheemIslamiyaCompulsory.Qureshi Brothers Publishers.
Akhtar, H. M. MehyariIslamiyat Compulsory.
DrTahir-Ul-Qadri, Minhajussavi.
Prof GhulamRasulIslamkaTaleemiNizam.
Dr Khalid Naqvi, Islamic Social System.
Prof Khursheed ,Islamic Nazria Hayat.
Hafiz Jalundri ,Shahnama Islam.
Hameedullah Muhammad, Emergence of Islam, IRI,Islamabad.
Hameedullah Muhammad, Muslim Conduct of State.
Hameedullah Muhammad, Introduction to Islam.
Hussain Hamid Hassan, An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law, leaf
Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
Ahmad Hasan, (1993). Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence, Islamic Research
Institute, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Mir Waliullah, (1982) Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes,
Islamic Book Service.
H.S. Bhatia, (1989).Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society, Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi.
Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, (2001).Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia.
AllamaIqbal Open University, Islamabad.
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Course Title: Foundations of Education
Course Code: EDUC3111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand and analyze the elements and the processes of Education.
Comprehend the process of education in philosophical, psychological, sociological
and economical perspectives.
Discuss the philosophical thoughts of educational thinkers.
Discuss the significant educational initiatives from 2002 to date.
Course Outline:
Concept, Types and Process of Education: Concept of education meaning, Scope and
importance, Modes of education informal, Formal and non-formal, Elements of the
process of education, Aims and objectives, Curriculum, Pedagogy, Evaluation.
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Recommended Books:
Ahmed, K. (1972). Principles of Islamic Education. Islamic Publications Ltd.
Canestrari, A. (2009). Foundations of Education. New York: Sage Publications.
Goldblatt, P.F., & Smith, D. (2005). Cases for teacher development. New York: Sage
Gutek, G. L. (2004). Philosophical and Ideological Voices in Education. Boston:
Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Education (2002). Education Sector Reforms
Action Plan. Islamabad.
Government of Pakistan. (2009). National education policy. Islamabad.
Mangal, S.K. (2012). Advanced Educational Psychology.PHI learning: New Delhi.
Ornstein, A.C and Levine, D.U (1995). An Introduction to the Foundations of
Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
Semel, S. F. (2010). Foundations of education: The essential texts. USA: Routledge.
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Course Title: Calculus-I
Course Code: MATH1111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Apply the definition of limit to evaluate limits by multiple methods and use it to
derive the definition and rules for differentiation and integration.
Use derivatives to analyze and graph algebraic and transcendental functions.
Apply the definition of definite integral to evaluate basic integrals.
Course Outlines:
Recommended Books:
Anton, H. (2012). Calculus. Laurie Rosatone
Stewart, J. (2015). Calculus.Cengage Learning
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Course Title: Electronics
Course Code: PHYS1113
Credit Hours:3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Recommended Books:
Kasap, S. O. (2006). Principles of electronic materials and devices. McGraw-Hill.
Floyd, T. L. (2008). Electronic devices: conventional current version. PEARSON
Prentice hall.
Peebles, P. Z., Read, J., & Read, P. (2001). Probability, random variables, and
random signal principles (Vol. 3). Boston, Mass, USA: McGraw-Hill.
Ryder, J. D. (1980). Electronic fundamentals and applications. Prentice-Hall.
Boylestad, R. L., &Nashelsky, L. (2002). Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory,
Eight Edition. Prentice Hall (Pearson Education Inc.).
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Course Title: Information Systems
Course Code: ITEC1111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Explain to students why information systems are so important today for business
and management.
Evaluate the role of the major types of information systems in a business
environment and their relationship to each other.
Assess the impact of the internet and internet technology on business electronic
commerce and electronic business.
Identify the major management challenges to building and using Information
Systems and learn how to find appropriate solutions to those challenges.
Define an IT infrastructure and describe its components.
Learn the core activities in the systems development process.
Cultivate skills and experience in the development and implementation of
information systems projects.
Course Outline:
Systems Theory and IT Concepts:
Introduction to information systems, Information System Resources, Fundamental role of
I.S. in Business Types of information systems, Components of IS, System processing
and hardware Input devices, Output devices, Understanding Systems and application
softwares, Elements of computer based information system (CBIS),Telecommunication
and networks, devices and structure, The internet, Intranet and extranet, Systems
performance and standards.
Roles of Information and Information Technology:
Decision Making, Marketing and Business Growth, Customer Support and Satisfaction,
Resource management and globalization.
Information Systems and Organizational System:
Understanding organizations and their environment. Management levels of organization,
Structure of organizations, Organizational pressures and responses, System model of
organization. Role of MIS in enterprise, Value of MIS function, Competitive advantage,
Understanding MNC Integrating IOS and GIS in organizations. Value chain models,
Supply chain management, End user computing. Knowledge management Decision
making and problem solving. Strategic planning for information resources.
IS planning and Change Management: Change management, Implementation,
Information systems, Organizational changes, Organizational culture.
Electronic Commerce:
Electronic Commerce and its infrastructure,. Types of Ecommerce, Scope of e-commerce
in businesses, Understanding Internet structure and internet services, Introduction to M-
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commerce, URL, protocols and IP addresses, Infrastructure of e-commerce.
IS Development Process:
System users and system development. System development life cycle, Prototyping.
System oriented and problem oriented approach of system development.
Evaluation of System Performance: Types and levels of monitoring and evaluation
activities, What are indicators, Methods and tools for monitoring and evaluation, System
monitoring and evaluation process.
Organizing data in organization:
Database Management,Dimensions of information, Understanding File system and
DBMS, Business intelligence, Database types centralized and distributed database
concepts, Data ware housing and data mining, ER-Modeling ,Relational database model,
Creating Database in MS Access,
Information systems in action:
Decision Support systems, EIS, TPS, FIS, AIS, HRIS and Expert systems, MKIS,
Customer relationship management systems. Executive information systems. Intelligent
systems and office automation systems (OIS)
Strategic planning for information resources:
Introduction,Wiseman’s strategic perspective view.
Information system security:
Understanding Information security, types of IS security, Elements if IS security,
Objectives of IS security, Types of threats on information and their countermeasures,
Risk management, Backup process and RAID, Information security policy.
Cryptography. IPR, Copyrights, privacy and protection, Access control,
Societal and Ethical Issues related to IS design and Use:
Moral ethics and laws, piracy and infringement, Software patent and legislation.
Professional responsibility. Ethics and the information services, Codes of Ethics, Some
Global issues.
Recommended Books:
Raymond Mcleod . Management Information Systems 10th Edition.
Laudon, Kenneth C. & Laudan Jane P. Management Information System: (latest
Kelly. R., Rainer, J. & Turban,. F, Introduction to Information Systems: Supporting
and Transforming Business, Publisher: Wiley; 2ndedition, 2008.
Lewis.P, Information Systems Development, Pitman Publishing.
Jessup.L, & Joseph.V, Information Systems Today: Managing in the Digital World,
Prentice Hall; 3rdedition, 2007.
Note: in addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor may
also be included
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Course Title: Communication Skills
Course code: ENGL1119
Credit Hours: 3
The main objective of this course is to enable the students to meet their real life
communication needs.
Course Outline:
Oral presentation skills (prepared and unprepared talks)
Preparing formal letters
Writing different kinds of applications (leave, job, complaint, etc.)
Preparing a Curriculum Vitae (CV), (bio-data)
Writing short reports
Recommended Books:
Ellen, K. 2002. Maximize Your Presentation Skills: How to Speak, Look and Act on
Your Way to the Top
Hargie, O. (ed.) Hand book of Communications Skills
Mandel, S. 2000. Effective Presentation Skills: A Practical Guide Better Speaking
Mark, P. 1996. Presenting in English. Language Teaching Publications.
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Course Title: Pakistan Studies
Course Code: PAKS1111
Credit Hours: 2
Course outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: General Methods of Teaching
Course Code: EDUC1112
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Describe the importance of the efficient teaching methodology in the overall
teaching learning process.
Appreciate the characteristics of various methods of teachings.
Select a suitable method or strategy to make his/her teaching effective in local
Apply various teaching methods and strategies during teaching of their subjects.
Course outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Discrete Mathematics
Course Code: MATH2113
Credit Hours: 3
Course Outline:
Recommended books:
Rosen, K. H. (2012). Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications. New York,
McGraw-Hill Companies.
Ross, K. A. and Wright C. R. B. (2003). Discrete Mathematics. Englewood
Cliffs, Prentice Hall,
Lipschutz, S. and Lipson, M. (2007). Discrete Mathematics. New York,
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Course Title: Digital Logic and Design
Course Code: PHYS4129
Credit Hours: 2+1
The students will be able to understand:
Digital circuits using Boolean algebra and to implement digital circuits with
different logic gates and capable of designing both sequential and combinational
circuits for microprocessor based systems.
Design considerations for the telecommunication systems using analog integrated
Course Outline:
Review of number systems: Binary, octal and hexadecimal number system their inter
conversion basic logic gates.
Sequential logic circuit: Flip- flop, latches, J, K T and D flip flops, Master- slave flips-
IC logic families: Basic characteristics of a logic family. (Fan in/out, Propagation delay
time, dissipation, noise margins etc. Different logic based IC families (DTL, RTL, TTL,
List of Experiments:
1. Design and study of a half and full with different Boolean expression
2. Construct and study RS, JK, T, D Flip Flops by using IC’s
3. To construct and understand an operation of arithmetic logic unit and study
different operation of it.
4. Design and study the application of operational amplifier (current to voltage
converter, voltage clamp, integrator and differentiator)
Recommended Books:
Nashelsky, L. (1972). Introduction to digital computer technology.
Debenham, M. J. (2013). Microprocessors: principles and applications. Elsevier.
Mano, M. M. (1988). Computer engineering hardware design. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Tokheim, R. (2007). Digital Electronics. 7th ed McGraw Hill.
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Course Title: Programming Fundamentals
Course Code: COMP1112
Credit Hours: 3+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduce students with the concepts of programming using the industry standard
Understand fundamentals of programming such as variables, conditional and
iterative execution, methods, etc.
Have the ability to write a computer program to solve specified problems.
Use the selected programming language to create, debug and run programs.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Programming: Problem solving, Introduction to programming and
programs, Types of languages, Compiler vs. Interpreter.
Overview of Programming: Structure of Program, indentation and coding conventions,
Program output, Syntax rules, Common errors, Language keywords.
Data Types: Identifiers, Constants, Types of variables, Type conversion and casting,
Type promotion rules.
Operators: Arithmetic operators and punctuations, Precedence, Associations, Equality
and relational operators.
Control Statements: Selection structure (if/, if/else), Multiple selection structure (switch
and break), break and continue, Loops.
Arrays: Declaring arrays; Initialization, Multidimensional arrays, Two dimensional
array, Example (Matrix manipulation), Assignments, Mini Project.
Methods/Functions: Library functions, Modular Approach, Functions, Function
definitions. Function prototypes.
Class Fundamentals: Class syntax, General form of class, Object declaration.
Recommended Books:
D.E. Stevenson. (2006). Programming Language Fundamentals by Example,
Auerbach Publications; 1st edition.
Herbert Schildt. (2010).The java 2 Complete Reference. JBD Press.
Donald E. Knuth, (1997). Art of Computer Programming, -Wesley Professional; 3rd
Note: in addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor may
also be included
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Course Title: Technical Writing and Presentation Skills
Course Code: ENGL2115
Credit Hours: 3
The main objective of this course is to:
Enhance language skills and develop critical thinking
Course Outline:
Presentation skills : Elements of an effective speech, Getting ready for presentation
(organizing data), During the Presentation. (gaining attention, presenting data, working
with visuals etc.), After the presentation (revision, question answer session, feedback),
Presentation ethics
Essay writing: Descriptive, narrative, discursive, argumentative, Parts of essay
Academic writing: How to write a proposal for research paper/term paper, How to write
a research paper/term paper (emphasis on style, content, language, form, clarity,
Report Writing: Types of Reports, Formats
Note: Extensive reading is required for vocabulary building
Recommended books:
Technical Writing and Presentation Skills
Essay Writing and Academic Writing
Writing. Advanced by Ron White. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Third
Impression 1992.ISBN 0194354073 (particularly suitable for discursive,
descriptive, argumentative and report writing).
College Writing Skills by John Langan. McGraw-Hill Higher Education. 2004.
Patterns of College Writing (4th edition) by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R.
MandelLSt.-Martin's Press
The Mercury Reader. A Custom Publication compiled by norther Illinois
University. General Editiors: Janice Neulib; Kathleen Shine Cain; Stephen
Ruffus and Maurice Scharton. (A reader which will give students exposure to the
best of twentieth century literature, without taxing the taste of engineering
Advanced Academic Writing
Advanced writing skills and strategies building on English I & II in semesters I and II:
Writing summaries of articles
Report writing
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Analysis and synthesis of academic material in writing
Presenting an argument in assignments/term-papers and examination answers
Recommended Readings:
Aaron, J. 2003. The Compact Reader. New York: Bedford
Axelrod, R. B and Cooper, C.R. 2002. Reading Critical Writing Well: A Reader
and Guide
Barnet, S. and Bedau, H. 2004. Critical Thinking, Reading and Writing: A Brief
Guide to Writing. 6th Edition.
Behrens & Rosen. 2007. Reading and Writing Across the Curriculum.
Gardner, P. S. 2005. New Directions: Reading Writing and Critical Thinking
George, D. and Trimbur, J. 2006. Reading Culture: Context for Critical Reading
and Writing. 6th Edition
Goatly, A. 2000. Critical Reading and Writing: An Introductory Course. London:
Taylor & Francis
Grellet, F., Writing for Advanced Learners of English. CUP
Jordan, K. M. and Plakans, L. 2003. Reading and Writing for Academic Success
Jordon, R. R. 1999. Academic Writing Course.CUP.
Smith, L. C. 2003. Issues for Today: An Effective Reading Skills Text
Withrow J., Effective Writing. CUP
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Course Title: Educational Assessment
Course Code: EDUC3143
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand different concepts used in educational assessment.
Differentiate between the various forms of assessment.
Understand classification of the types of assessment and their usability.
Design and construct assessment that measures a variety of learning outcomes.
Apply principles of assessment in planning a classroom assessment.
Apply strategies to construct valid and reliable test items.
Recognize both the potentialities and the limitations of the various types of tests &
assessment procedures used in the schools.
Interpret assessment results effectively.
Course Outline:
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Interpreting Test Scores: Functions of grading and reporting,Types of grading and
reporting, Relative vs.absolute scoring, Assigning letter grades, Record keeping and
grading software, Use of feedback of assessment.
Teaching Learning Strategies: Lecture method followed by discussion and question
answer method, Cooperative learning, Students are required to prepare and maintain
course portfolio, Assignments and presentations / quizzes based on the content of the
course outline and project using “do-it-yourself” or “learner-centered” methods,
Development of test items.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Introduction to Statistics and Probability
Course Code: STAT2111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand the statistical models graphically and mathematically.
Realize the handling of data and to manipulate the data as per the requirements.
Illustrate the averages, i.e., mean, median, mode, variance and standard deviation
Understand the concept of basic probability and probability distribution.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Elementary Linear Algebra
Course Code: MATH2114
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Set up and solve systems of linear equations.
Perform matrix operations as appropriate Evaluate determinants and use their
Understand and use linear transformations.
Perform LU decompositions.
Evaluate and apply eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Course Outline:
Vectors in Rn and Cn: Vectors in Rn, Linear combination of Vectors, Dot (Inner)
Product, Angle Between Vectors, Projections, Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality, Minkowski
Inequality, Hyperplanes, Lines, Vectors in R3(Spatial Vectors), Cross Product,
Lagrange’s Identity, Solving Vector Problems using a Computer Algebra System (CAS):
Maple, Mathematica or Matlab
Algebra of Matrices: Matrices, Squares of Matrices, Trace, Powers of Matrices,
Polynomials in Matrices, Invertible Matrices, Orthogonal Matrix, Normal Matrix,
Hermitian Matrix, Unitary Matrix, (Complex) Normal Matrix, Block Matrices; Dealing
Matrices with Maple, Mathematica or Matlab.
Systems of Linear Equations: System of Linear Equations and Its Solutions, Equivalent
Systems, Elementary Operations, Gaussian Elimination, Echelon Matrices, Row
Equivalence, Homogeneous System of Linear Equations, Elementary Matrices, LU
Decomposition; Solving Linear Systems with Maple, Mathematica or Matlab
Determinants: Determinants, Properties of Determinants, Minors and Cofactors,
Classical Adjoint, Cramer’s Rule, Principal Minors, Block Matrices and Determinants
Recommended Books:
Lipschutz, S. and Lipson, M. (2009). Linear Algebra. New York, McGraw-Hill
Kolman, B. (2007). Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications. Toronto,
Anton, H. (2005). Elementary Linear Algebra. John Wiley & Sons
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Course Title: Object Oriented Programming
Course Code: COMP2111
Credit Hours: 3+1
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Herbert Schildt. (2010).The java 2 Complete Reference, JBD Press.
Stanley B. Lippman (2000); “Essential C++”, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0-201-
Budd, Addison Wesley. Understanding Object Oriented Programming. Addison
Deitel and Deitel, (2009). Java: How to Program, 5/e, Prentice Hall, International
Deitel and Deitel. C++: How to Program, 4/e, Pearson.
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Course Title: Software Engineering
Course Code: COMP2112
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Build understanding about various aspects of software engineering.
Acquire knowledge required for building anddelivering high-quality maintainable
Deliver software projects on time and within budget.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Curriculum Design and Instruction
Course Code: EDUC2118
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Explain the concept of curriculum and instructions.
Understand models of curriculum.
Know the existing school curriculum components.
Implement curriculum in real context.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
Oliva, P. F., & Gordon II, W. R. (2012). Developing the curriculum. Pearson Higher
Marsh,C.J.(2010).Key Concepts for Understanding Curriculum( 4thedition.)
London: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group.
Prattg D.(2009). Curriculum Design and Development. New York: Harcourt Brace
Jovandovich, INC.
Chaube, S.N.( 2011).Curriculum Planning And Instruction. NEW Delhi Wisdom
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Course Title: Data Structures and Algorithms
Course Code: COMP2113
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Develop student’s knowledge & skills about different data structures that help them
to write programs to efficiently manipulate, store, and retrieve data.
Learn about the concepts of time and space complexity of computer programs.
Familiar with basic techniques of algorithm analysis.
Familiar with writing recursive methods, linked data structures,advanced data
Familiar with several sorting algorithms. Graph algorithms such as shortest path and
minimum spanning tree.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
Frank M. Carrano, (2006). Data Abstraction & Problem Solving with C++, Addison
Wesley; 5thedition.
Ellis Horowitz, SartajSahni and D. Mehta(1995), “Fundamentals of Data Structures
in C++”, 2nd /ed., Computer Science Press, ISBN: 0716782928.
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Adam Drozdek (2008), Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, Cengage Learning
Asia; 3rd edition.
Tenenbaum, M. Augenstein, and Y. Langsam (1999), “Data Structures using C and
C++”, 2nd /ed., Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0130369977.
D. Samanta. (2001) “Classic Data Structures”, 2nd /ed., Prentice Hall.
H. Deitel, P. Deitel (1999) “C++ How to Program”, 3rd /ed., Prentice Hall.
Lafore, Sams(1999). Data Structures and Algorithms (SAMS teach yourself,
Standish, (2000) ,Data Structures in JAVA, Addison Wesley.
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Course Title: Database Systems
Course Code: COMP2114
Credit Hours: 3+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Equip the student with the knowledge related to a variety of design, implementation
of relational databases.
Course Outline:
Introduction to Databases: Introduction, Application &history of database systems,
Traditional file system, The database, Database environment, Database management
System (DBMS), User roles in database environment, Advantages &disadvantages of
Database Environment: Three level ANSI-SPARC Architecture, Schemas, Mappings
and instances, Data independence, Database languages, Data models & Conceptual
modeling, Functions of DBMS, Mutli-user DBMS architecture.
The Relational Model: History of Relational Model, Basic terminologies, Entity,
Attribute, Relationship, Relational data Structure, Mathematical relations, Database
relations, Relations properties, Relational keys, Integrity constraints, Nulls, Entity
Integrity, Referential integrity, General constraints, Views.
Relational Algebra: Unary operations, Set operations, Join operations, Division
operations, Aggregation &grouping operations.
Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling: Entity types, Relationship types, Attributes &type
of attributes, Strong &weak entities, Structural constraints, One to One (1:1) relationship,
One to many (1: N) Relationship, many to many (M: N) relationship, Cardinality
&multiplicity constraints, ER Notations, UML notation, Chen notation, Crow’s Feet
Enhanced Entity Relationship (EER) Model: Specialization, Generalization,
Superclass, Subclass, Attribute inheritance, Aggregation, Composition.
Mapping of Entity Relationshipto Relational Model: Relational database design
UsingER-to-Relational mapping, Mapping of regular entity types, Mapping of weak
entity types, Mapping of binary 1:1 relationship types, Mapping of binary 1: N
relationship types, Mapping of binary M:N relationship types, Mapping of multivalued
attributes, Mapping of n-aryrelationship types.
Normalization: Purpose of normalization, Data redundancy and update anomalies,
Insertion anomaly, Deletion anomaly, Modification anomaly, Functional dependency,
Page 43 of 98
Inference rules for functional dependencies, Identifying the primary key for a relation
using functional, dependencies, Process of Normalization, First Normal Form (1NF),
Second Normal Form (2NF), Third Normal Form (3NF), Boyce Codd Normal Form
Introduction to SQL: Introduction to SQL, History &Objectives of SQL, Simple
queries, Sorting, Grouping, Aggregate functions, Sub-queries, Join, Inner Join, Left join,
Right, Full join, Set operations, Union, Intersection, Except, Database update queries,
SQL Data Definition: Table creation, Data types, Views.
Introduction to Commercial DBMS: Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Express Edition/ MY
SQL/ Microsoft Access 2012
Security Concepts: Security Threats, Authentication &authorization, Users &roles
Transaction Management: Basic concept of transaction, Transaction properties.
Distributed Database Management System (DDBMS): Introduction, Concepts of
DDBMS, Advantages &disadvantages of DDBMS.
Object Oriented Database Management Systems (OODBMS): Introduction, concepts
of OODBMS, Advantages &disadvantages of DDBMS.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Operating Systems
Course Code:COMP2115
Credit Hours: 3
Course Outline:
History and Goals: Introduction about computer system structure, Introduction about
process management and memory management activities.
Evolution of multi-user systems: Introduction about OS activities, System call, OS design
and its implementation, Introduction about VM architecture.
Process Management: Process states, Process scheduling, Process control block.
CPU Management: Process scheduling techniques, Introduction about CPU scheduler and
Multithreading: Multithreaded server architecture, Multithreading models, Process
synchronization, Introduction to critical section problem and its solution.
Kernel and User Modes: Protection, OS services, User OS interfaces.
Problems of Cooperative Processes: Systemprogram and communication in client service
Synchronization: Introduction about sockets and socket communication.
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File systems: File attributes, File operations, I/O systems, Interrupts, Direct Memory
Access, Blocking and non-blocking I/O, I/O protection.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Computer Communications and Networks
Course Code: COMP3112
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Gain general understanding of the principles and concepts of data
Communication Network.
Help students to acquaint the analog and digital communication, TCP/IP layer
and OSI reference model.
Develop understanding about transmission media, types of networks,
multiplexing techniques and error detection as well error correction techniques.
Develop understanding about IP addressing, circuit and packet switching.
Course Outline:
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Data Link Control and Protocol: Flowcontrol, Error control.
Network Layer and Network Addressing: TCP/IP Overview, Network Layer (IP),
Addressing, Sub-Netting TCP and UDP.
Network Layer Protocols:ARP, ICMP, IPv4, IPv6.
Transport Layer Protocol: TCP &UDP, Client server model.
Application Layer Protocol: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP); SNMP; HTTP;
WWW; WLAN, Bootstrap Protocol (BOOPT) and Dynamic Host Configuration
Protocol (DHCP); Domain Name System (DNS); Telnet; FTP; Trivial File Transfer
Protocol (TFTP).
Recommended Books:
William Stallings, Data and Computer Communications, Prentice Hall; 8th Edition,
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, (2002).Computer Networks, Prentice Hall PTR; 4th
Behrouz A. Forouzan, Data Communications and Networking, McGraw-Hill Higher
Education, Latest Edition.
James F. Kurose and Keith W. Ross,(2007).Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach (4th Edition), Addison Wesley; 4 edition.
Gilbert Held (2000), Understanding Data Communications: From Fundamentals to
Networking, 3rd /ed., Wiley.
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Course Title: Technology Management
Course Code: ITEC2111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduce basic management functions with focusing on technology management
Get knowledge of business change and technology challenges, technology strategy,
technology goals and objectives.
Get understanding about hurdles to deploy technology and technology transfer
Understand IT as a change enabling technology, technology assessment, change
management issues and case study to appraise student’s real problems.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Web Engineering
Course Code: ITEC3111
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduce the methods and techniques used in Web-based applications development.
Understand the concepts, principles, strategies, methodologies and processes involve
in Web applications development.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
Marty Hall, Larry Brown. Core Servlets and Java server Pages: Core Tech.
Perl,Web enabled Commercial Application Development Using…HTML, DHTML,
JavaScript, CGI. BPB Publications.
Guy W. Lecky-Thompson, Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and
MySQL, Course Technology PTR; 1st edition, 2008.
Dana Moore, Raymond Budd, Edward Benson, Professional Rich. Internet
Applications: AJAX and Beyond (Programr to Programr).
Wrox, Chris Bates, Web Programming: Building Internet Applications, Wiley,
3rd edition.
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Course Title: Database Administration and Management
Course Code: ITEC3112
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Give the database administrator (DBA) a firm foundation in basic administrative tasks.
Gain the necessary knowledge and skills to setup, maintain, and troubleshoot of latest
versionof ORACLE database server.
Course Outline:
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Managing Data and Concurrency: Manage data using DML, Database transactions,
Executing SQL statements, Transactioncontrol, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVEPOINT,
Monitor and resolve locking conflicts.
Managing Undo Data: Explain the purpose of undo, Understand howtransactions
generate undo, Manage undo, Flashback Query, Creating and managing undo table
Implementing Oracle Database Security: Database security and principle of least
privilege, Work with standard Database auditing.
Database Maintenance: Use and manage optimizer statistics, Use and manage the
automatic workload repository, Use the advisory framework, Manage alerts and
Performance Management: Use automatic memory Management, Use memory
Advisors, Troubleshoot invalid and unusable objects.
Backup and Recovery Concepts: Types of failure, Ways to tune instance recovery,
Importance of checkpoints, Redo log files, Flash recovery area.
Performing Database Backups: Create consistent Database backups, Backup your
Database without shutting it down, Create incremental backups, Automate database
backups, Managebackups, View backup reports, and monitor the flash recovery area.
Performing Database Recovery: Overview of data Recovery advisor, Use data
Recovery advisor to perform recovery.
Moving Data: Describe and use methods to move data (SQL Loader, Directory objects,
External Tables), Explain the general architecture of Oracle Data pump, Use data pump
export and import to move data between Oracle Databases.
Recommended Books:
John Watson, (2008) OCA Oracle Database 11g: Administration I Exam Guide,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media,1st edition.
Craig S. Mullins (2002), Database Administration: The Complete Guide to
Practices and Procedures, Addison Wesley, ISBN: 0201741296 .
Donald K. Burleson(2002),Oracle9i UNIX Administration Handbook, McGraw-Hill,
ISBN: 007222304.
C. J. Date (1994), Database Systems, Addison-Wesley.
Korth and Silberschatz (2007), Database Systems Concepts, McGraw Hill.Peter
Rob, Course Technology; 8th edition.
Page 52 of 98
Dan Wood, Chris Leiter, Paul Turley, (2006).Beginning SQL Server 2005
Administration, Wrox.
Peter Rob, Carlos Coronel.(2007). Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and
Management, Course Technology, 8th edition.
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Course Title: Human Computer Interaction
Course Code: COMP3113
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduces the human issues of usability and its importance.
Consider the implications of human understanding on the usability of computer
systems and the importance of understanding the context of use.
Describe guidelines for use of different media and interface styles.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: System and Network Administration Windows Based
Course Code: ITEC3114
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Guide studentsstep-by-step in creating custom build windows server based network from
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Course Code: ITEC3115
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Teach Unified Modeling Language (UML), software development methodologies,
requirements gathering and analysis, system architecture and design, implementation,
testing, and deployment.
Expose students with other proven OOAD practices.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: System and Network Administration Linux Based
Course code: ITEC3116
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Guide you step-by-step in creating your own custom build Linux system from
scratch, using nothing but the sources of software that are needed.
Learn more about the inner workings of Linux and how the various pieces of the
operating system fit together.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Internet Architecture and Protocols
Course Code: ITEC3117
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Provide students basic concepts of Internet architecture, Internet technologies, ISP
architecture, TCP/IP protocol suit, QoS techniques, multimedia concepts, real time
interactive application, bridging and switching and wireless LAN.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: IT Project Management
Course Code: ITEC3118
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Define and highlight importance of software project management.
Describe the software project management activities.
Train software project managers and other individuals involved in software project,
planning and tracking and oversight in the implementation of the software project
management process.
Course Outline:
Page 60 of 98
Project Time Management: Schedules, Activity definition, activity sequencing, Project
network diagrams, CPM, PERT,ADM and PDM, Task dependency.
Project Cost Management: Cost, Cost management, Direct cost, Indirect cost, Fixed
cost, Variable cost, EV, PV, AC, CV, SV, EAC, BAC, CPI, SPI, Basic principles of cost
Management, Cost estimation, Cost estimation tools and techniques, Cost budgeting and
cost control.
Project Quality Management: Theimportance of Project Quality Management, Quality
Management Processes ( Quality planning, Quality assurance, Quality control).
Project Procurement Management: What is procurement? Why we outsource?
contracts, Project procurement management process.
Project Human Resource Management: Human resource management? Extrinsic and
intrinsic motivation, Maslow hierarchy of need, Power and its type, Resource
assignments, Resource loading and resource leveling, Coveys 7 Habits, Human resource
planning, Acquiring the project team, Developing the project team, Managing the project
Project Risk Management: Risk, Risk management process, Risk management cycle,
Why IT Project fail?
Project Management Body of Knowledge: Overview and basic understanding.
Introduction to MS Project 2010:WBS creation tools, Calendaring features,
Scheduling abilities, Work authorization tools, Quality control charts ( PERT charts,
Gantt charts, and other calendaring features), Calculations for the critical path, EVM,
target dates based on the project schedule, resource tracking and leveling, reporting
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Network Security
Course Code: ITEC4111
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduce computer and network security concepts.
Understand basic cryptography concepts.
Get the knowledge about VPNs,Firewalls, Viruses.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
Page 63 of 98
Course Title: Human Resource Management
Course Code: BUSA2115
Credit Hours: 3
Objectives:The main objectives of this course are to:
Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of the activities and decisions that inform the
employment relationship and management.
Develop and design different forms and memos for recruitment, selection, TNA and
performance appraisal of employees.
Identify and discuss ethical implications of situations and decisions, and develop
appropriate professional stances.
Participate in selection of personnel using psychometric assessment techniques.
Conduct internal research on HR-related problems at work, and communicate results
effectively to colleagues and peers.
Understand the difference between HRM theories, their relevance and application
from indigenous context.
Course Outline:
Human Resource Management: A Strategic Function: Definition, Types of HR
managers, Human resource functions, Who performs HR functions, Organizational
performance and HR manager, Communicating HR programs.
Job Analysis and Job Design: Definition, Products of job analysis, Job analysis
methods, Problems with job analysis, Job design, Job scope and depth, Socio technical
approach, Alternative work schedules and arrangements, Assignment case study.
Human Resource Planning: Definition, Strategy linked HRP, Steps in HRP process,
Tools and techniques of HRP, HRIS intro only.
Recruiting Employees: Definition, Personnel requisition form demo, Sources of
qualified personnel, Effectiveness of recruitment methods, Job preview Organizational
inducements EEO and recruitment intro only, Assignment case study, Selecting
employees, Complete selection process, Validation of selection procedure.
Orientation and Training: Definition, Orientation responsibility, Orientation length
timing, Follow up, Training definition, Steps in training process, Methods of training,
Evaluating training, Assignment case study.
Management Development Definition: Needs assessment, Methods used in
management development, Evaluation of management development, Assessment center,
Organizational development steps defined only
Page 64 of 98
Career Development: Definition, Who is responsible, Implementing career
development, Reviewing career progress, Career development continued, Dealing with
career plateaus, The impact of dual career couples, Outplacement, Breaking the glass
ceiling, Student presentation on case.
Performance Management System: Definition, Determinants of performance,
Environmental factors as performance ,Obstacles, HRs responsibility,
Performance Appraisal: Definition, Performance appraisal methods, Student
presentation case, Potential errors in performance appraisal, Overcoming errors,
Providing feedback through performance appraisal interview, Developing improvement
The Organizational Reward System: Definition, Selection of rewards, Compensation
defined, Compensation policy, Paysecrecy, Impact of comparable worth, Pay equity, Pay
satisfaction model, HRs role defined briefly
Recommended Books:
Human resource management by Lloyd L. Byars and Leslie W. Rue (Latest
Human resource management, by Gary Desler(Latest Edition)
Note: In addition to the above, any other text or book referred by Instructor can
also be included
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Course Title: Professional Practices
Course Code: ITEC4112
Credit Hours: 2
The main objectives of this course are to:
Determine and identify ethical procedures and behaviors in the organization.
Get the information about computer and internet crimes.
Understand the issues related to intellectual freedom, intellectual property, and
copyright law.
Understand the ethical issues associated with gathering, storing and accessing
information in databases.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
M.F. Bott et al. (2000). Professional Issues in Software Engineering. CRC Press.
Todd G. Shipley. Investigating Internet Crimes.
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Course Title: IT Capstone Project
Course code: COMP4111
Credit Hours: 6
The main objectives of this course are to:
Plan and develop a real and substantial project related to computer science.
Provide an opportunity to the students to crystallize their acquired professional
competence in the form of a demonstrable software product.
Course Outline:
The final project report should generally contain the following deliverables:
Deliverable 1: Project Proposal.
Deliverable 2:Software Requirements Specification
Deliverable 3:Methodology and Work Plan
Deliverable 4:Design Document 1
Deliverable 5:Design Document 2
Deliverable 6: Final Project Report
The above organization is a general guideline. With approval of the faculty supervisor,
the student may alter this structure to best meet the Capstone Project goals.
Textbooks, Software, Resources, and Required Materials: Reading materials and
resources will be determined by the student’s capstone supervisor. Materials may include
selected textbooks or their chapters, periodicals, government reports, company reports,
online databases, Web resources, and other reading and case studies. In consultation with
the instructor, the student will design a reading and research program.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Cloud Computing
Course Code: ITEC4113
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand cloud computing.
Course Outline:
Cloud Computing Challenges &Evolution: Challenges for the cloud. The evolution
ofcloud computing.
Cloud Computing Services: Web services delivered from the cloud, Communication-
as-a-Service (CaaS), Infrastructure-as-a-Service, Monitoring as-a-Service (MaaS),
Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), Software-as-a-Service(SaaS), Infrastructure as a Service
(IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS),Software as a Service (SaaS).
Recommended Books:
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Course Name: Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
Course Code: ITEC4114
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Prepare students to understand this vastly important technology.
Examine enterprise software in general and learn how ERP software can improve
the functions of a company, how it can streamline operations, and how the
functional areas of any package relate to each other.
Course Outline:
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems: The evolution of software systems for
planning and control in manufacturing companies, Material requirements planning,
Manufacturing resource planning, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, Basic
methods and common features of ERP Systems, The market for ERP Systems, Selected
functions of the SAP system.
Supply Chain Management (SCM) systems: Basic methods and common features of
SCM systems,The market for SCM systems selected procedures of the mySAP SCM
system APO.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems: Basic methods and common
features of CRM systems,The market for CRM systems, Selected functions of the
mySAP CRM system, Information warehouses Architectures, interfaces, and integration
issues, Present state of ERP, SCM, and CRM applications and possible developments in
the near future case studies.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Formal Methods in Software Engineering
Course Code: ITEC4115
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Introduce formal methods in software engineering.
Get knowledge about formal mechanisms for specifying and verifying the
correctness, reliability and efficiency of software systems.
Introduce the concepts related to finite state machines, regular expression,
assertions, algebraic and model based specification techniques including case
Course Outline:
Introduction to formal methods: Developing and acquiring formal methods, Using and
applying formal methods, Brief introduction to logic and set theory,
Introduction to Hoare's Logic: Logic and theorem proving, Modeling software
systems, Sequential, Concurrent and reactive systems, States, State spaces, Transition
systems, Combining state spaces, Fairness, Partial order view.
Modeling formalism: Formal specifications linear temporal logic, Automata on infinite
words, Specifications using Buchi-automata, completeness of specification;
Types of verification: State space verification, Representing states, Automata
framework, Combining buchi-automata, Checking emptiness, Translating LTL into
Model checking: Checking examples, checking complexity of model checking, safety
properties, state space explosion problem. Z-Specification, Structure and schema
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Advance Web Application Development
Course Code: ITEC4116
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Describe the Microsoft web technologies stack and select an appropriate technology
to use to develop any given application.
Describe how to develop and deploy an ASP.NET MVC web applications
Course Outline:
Page 71 of 98
Using Windows Azure Web Services in ASP.NET MVC Web Applications:
Introducing windows Azure, Designing and writing windows Azure Services,
Consuming windows Azure Services in a web application.
Implementing Web APIs in ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Developing a web
API, Calling a web API from mobile and web Applications.
Handling Requests in ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Using HTTP modules and
HTTP handlers, Using Web sockets.
Deploying ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Deploying a Web Application,
Deploying an MVC 4 Application.
Recommended Books:
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Course Name: Network Design and Management
Course Code: ITEC4117
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Focus on the technological aspects of existing business needs, routing protocols
concepts, and technology and device selection.
Understand LAN and WLAN designing strategies, Network monitoring, traffic
metrics, performance Management, fault Management, network security
management, Network management protocols and broadband network management.
Course Outline:
Network Design: Business goals and needs , Characterizing QoS, Selection of bridging,
switching and routing protocols, Physical layer network design, Network design
methodology, Network structure models, Enterprise LAN design, Designing basic
campus and data centre networks, Designing remote connectivity,VLSM, Designing IP
Network Management: Need for monitoring and management in an IP network design,
Understanding through router delay and packet congestion, Traffic matrices, inferences,
modeling and estimation using SNMP link counts, Network performance, Fault, Security
accounting, Management, RMON services estimating traffic caused by network
management, Introduction to routers, Routing basics, Network management
Protocols(ICMP, SNMP, RIP, IGRP, NDP, GDP, EIGRP), Broadband network
Management. Access control lists: MPLS, Network management tools: MRTG, PRTG,
Wireshark, Port Scanner.
Recommended Books:
Anthony Bruno, CCIE; Steve Jordan, CCIE, CCDA 640-864 Official Cert Guide,
Premium Edition eBook and Practice Test, 4th Edition.
P. Oppenheimer, (2011), Top-down Network Design, CISCO Press, 3rd ed.
J.D. McCabe, (2003)Network Analysis, Architecture, and Design, Morgan-
Kaufmann,2nd ed.
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Course Title: Distributed Database Systems
Course Code: ITEC4118
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand concepts and technical issues of distributed database systems.
Understand the principles of distributed database systems within the framework of
distributed data processing.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Name: Artificial Intelligence
Course Code: ITEC4119
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Have an appreciation for and understanding of both the achievements of AI and the
theory underlying those achievements.
Have an appreciation for the engineering issues underlying the design of AI
Have an understanding of the basic issues of knowledge representation and blind
and heuristic search.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Electronic Commerce
Course Code: ITEC4120
Credit Hours: 3
Course Outline:
Page 78 of 98
consumer acceptance of electronic auctions, Discuss the significance of virtual
Environment of Electronic Commerce: Legal, Ethical, and Tax Issues: Examine
laws that govern Electronic Commerce activities, Examine laws that govern the use of
intellectual property by online businesses, Discuss online crime, terrorism, and warfare,
Discuss ethics issues that arise for companies conducting electronic commerce, Examine
the conflicts between companies desire to collect and use data about their customers and
the privacy rights of those customers, Discuss issues concerning the taxes that are levied
on electronic commerce activities, Discuss the increasing pressure by States to regulate
and issue taxes based on e-commerce
Web Server Hardware and Software: Examine the equipment used with web servers,
Examine and discuss software packages for web servers, Discuss email options, Discuss
spam and methods for controlling spam, Discuss internet and web site software packages
Electronic Commerce Software: Web-hosting services, Electronic commerce software.
Electronic Commerce Security: Define and discuss security issues surrounding online
activities, Examine security techniques for securing client computers, Examine security
techniques used for securing communication channels between computers, Examine
security techniques for securing server computers, Evaluate organizations that promote
security for computer, network, and Internet.
Payment Systems for Electronic Commerce: Discuss electronic payment issues,
Contrast the different e-payment options, Identify on-line payment services, Explain
activities performed by a transaction-processing service.
Planning for Electronic Commerce: List some international issues that must be
addressed for on-line international sales, List at least three pros and cons regarding
electronic signatures.
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Data Warehousing
Course Code: ITEC4121
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Manage large database systems.
Monitor the processing of database system.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
PaulrajPonniah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.
W.H. Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse,(Second Edition), John Wiley & Sons
Inc., NY.
Ralph Kimball &Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit,(Second Edition), John
Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.
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Course Title: Software Quality Assurance
Course Code: ITEC4122
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand quality assurance.
Assure and verify quality using different techniques.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Geographical Information System
Course Code: ITEC4123
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand the fundamental concepts of Geographical Information System(GIS)
Understand data formats, structures, functions, importance and applications of GISs
in various fields like environmental monitoring, vehicle navigation.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Data Mining
Course Code: ITEC4124
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand Data Mining(DM) principles and techniques:
Introduce DM as a cutting edge business intelligence method and acquaint the
students with the DM techniques for building competitive advantage through
proactive analysis, predictive modeling, and identifying new trends and behaviors.
Course Outline:
Data-Mining Concepts: What is data mining and knowledge discovery process? Data
mining and the business intelligence, Data mining functions.
Preparing the Data: Data objects and attribute types; nominal, ordinal, binary etc,Data
cleaning, Data integration and handling redundancy by binning and correlational
analysis, Data transformation by normalization.
Basic Statistical Descriptions of Data: Mean, Median, Mode, Variance, Standard
Deviation, Quartile, Preparing the five number Summery.
Visualization Methods: Box Plot, Histograms, Scattered plots, Pixel oriented
visualization techniques, Geometric visualization projection.
Data Reduction: What are the methods of data reduction? Cube reduction,
Dimensionality reduction,etc.
Decision Trees: Decision trees, Building a decision tree
Association Rules: Building association rules, multilevel association rules, Apriority
algorithm, FPtree growth.
Clustering: Supervised vs. Unsupervised learning, What is clustering? Types of
clustering, K mean algorithm, Visualization of clustering
Classification: Classification process, Bayesian classification, Decision tree induction,
Visualization of classification.
Other Related Terms and Technologies: Artificial neural networks, Ensemble
learning, Web mining and text mining, Genetic algorithms, Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic,
Data Mining Tools: Weka, CBA and Yale, etc.
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Design Patterns
Course Code: ITEC4125
Credit Hours: 3
Course Objectives:
The main objectives of this course are to:
Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the different design patterns.
Draw a high level class diagram in UML for each Pattern.
Course Outline:
Recommended Books:
Page 86 of 98
Course Title: Business Process Management
Course Code: ITEC4126
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand BPM, Business process lifecycle, flow between different processes.
Course Outline:
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Course Title: Software CASE Tools and Applications
Course Code: ITEC4127
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Understand CASE tools.
Explain three different perspectives for CASE tools classification.
Evaluate existing CASE tools.
Compare and contrast the fitness of existing CASE tools to the needs of specific
software development context.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Computer Graphics
Course Code: ITEC4128
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Have a basic understanding of the core concepts of computer graphics.
Be capable of using OpenGL to create interactive computer graphics.
Understand a typical graphics pipeline.
Understand the core concepts of computer graphics.
Create interactive computer graphics.
Course Outline:
Page 90 of 98
Course Title: Software Design and Architecture
Course Code: ITEC4129
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Design and motivate software architecture for large-scale software systems.
Recognize major software architectural styles, design patterns, and frameworks.
Identify and assess the quality attributes of a system at the architectural level.
Course Outline:
Page 91 of 98
Recommended Books:
Kai Qian, Xiang Fu, LixinTao, Chong-Wei Xu, Jorge L. Diaz-Herrera, Jones &
Bartlett, (2009), Software Architecture and Design Illuminated(1st Edition).
Christopher.F.,(2006), Introduction to Software Engineering Design: Processes,
Principles and Patterns with UML2,Addison-Wesley.
Carlos, O., (2012),Software Engineering Design: Theory and Practice,CRCPress.
Sacha .K.,(2006),Software Engineering Techniques: Design for Quality, Springer.
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Course Title: Mobile Application Development
Course Code: ITEC4130
Credit Hours: 2+1
The main objectives of this course are to:
Develop mobile applications on a popular mobile platform.
Evaluate development with another mobile platform.
Explain mobile devices, including their capabilities and limitations.
Use current mobile platforms and their architectures.
Course Outline:
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Recommended Books:
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Course Title: Distributed Computing
Course Code: ITEC4131
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Get the knowledge of the principles and practice underlying the design of distributed
Course Outline:
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Course Name: Computer Architecture
Course Code: ITEC4132
Credit Hours: 3
The main objectives of this course are to:
Get a deeper understanding of how computers work.
Understand working knowledge of various subsystems and the general principles that
affect their performance.
Course Outline:
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Course Title: iOS Applications Development
Course Code: ITEC4133
Credit Hours: 2+1
Build iOS native applications for iPhone and iPad using different frameworks.
Course Outline:
Creating an iOS App: Understanding Xcode, Using the Xcodeinterface builder, Using
the Xcodeobjects library, Understanding view hierarchy, Creating a custom app icon,
Creating a custom splash screen.
Outlets, Actions, and Views: Understanding outlets and Actions, Using text fields,
Buttons, Labels, WebViews, and page controllers, Using Views along with sub Views,
Creating Views using code.
Using ViewControllers: Working with the single View template, Exploring the app
delegate, Adding new View Controllers, Transitioning between multiple View,
Controllers, Using animations.
Application Templates: Working with the tabbar application, Template, Understanding
the masterdetail, Application template.
The iOS Keyboard: Customizing the iOS keyboard for different inputs, Adjusting text
field behaviors, Methods for dismissing the keyboard, Detect keyboard activities with the
notification center, Using the scroll view, Responding to keyboard activities
programmatically using scrolling views.
Working with Different iOSDevices; iPhone & iPad: Programmatically detecting
device hardware, Dynamically adjusting graphical layouts, Working with multiple
devices, Creating apps that work universally.
Using TableViews: Understanding the UITable View, Using UITable ViewCell Classes,
Working with UITable View datasource and delegate, Using Table View and
TableViewCell, The masterdetail template, Creating drill-down menus, Navigation to
other views, Using Property lists for data persistence, Creating multisection tables.
Supporting Screen Rotations: Portrait &landscape modes, Handling device rotation
setting preferred device orientation, forcing specific orientation usingno Rotations,
Dynamically adjusting graphical layouts based upon rotation.
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Working with Databases: Importing the sqlite3 library. Creating a database, writing
tables and inserting records into tables, Bundling a database with your app. Checking for
database existence. Reading and displaying database data.
Using Animations &Video: Using the NSTimer Class. Animating objects on the screen
using transformation, Rotation, Scaling and Translation, Animating image arrays
Playing video within an app.
Accessing integrated iOS Apps: Using the email appaccessing Safari. Sending SMS
text messages, Working with the camera, Using with the Photo Library.
Using Web Services within an iOS app: Consuming a Web Service, Parsing XML
consuming and parsing JSON, Web Services, Integrating common Twitter and
Facebook with iOS apps.
Working with iOS Maps and Location Services:Using the MapKit and UIMapView
getting and displaying user location, Getting directional information, Displaying map
annotations. Displaying disclosure buttons onannotations performing reverse Geocoding.
Working with iCloud: Storing documents in iCloud, Setting project entitlements,
Managing iCloud documents, Using the UIDocument Class, Storing Key Value files in
Working with the Accelerometer:
Using the Gyroscope, Using the Accelerometer, Outputting Sensor Data, Using the
Shake API.
Recommended Books:
Keur, C. &Hilllegass, A., iOS Programming:The Big Nerd Ranch,(5th ed.)
Nahavandipoor, V.,iOS 7 Programming Cookbook,(1st, ed.), Vandad.
Ray, J. iOS 7 Application Development in 24 HoursSams Teach Yourself,(5th ed.).
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