Phantom Men
Phantom Men
Phantom Men
Anthropometry often want to compare the size of two body parts ( such as upper and
lower arm) , or to compare the size of one body part to some general measure of body
size ( such as mass or height) or to relate some function ( such as strength ) to overall
body size. The study of comparative size is known as allometry.
Theoretical model for relating anthropometric variables: The theoretical model relates
one dependent variable ( y) with an independent variable (x). In anthropometry, three
models are being used-ratio model, regression model and general allometric equation.
Ratio models:
The simple ratio model is
Y:X = k or y = kx , where k is a constant.
For example , limb length are considered to be more or lss constant fractions of body
height ( within ethnic subpopulations, once bone growth has stopped).
Regression models :
A slightly more complex and more general model is the linear regression model .
The regression model is with the form
y = mx + c,
where m and c are constant.
where x is the size of some body part or general measure of body size ( usually height or
mass). And y is the size of another body part or body function. The equation is known as
the general allometric equation.
When a =0, y equals to b. This would be in the case, when size of some body aprt is not
dependable on the size of the animal. For example, the size of the red blood cell ( RBCs)
is much the same in all mammals, no mater how large the animal is. The RBC varies in
size between 4 and 9.4 m in diameter for body masses ranging from 2 g to over 4000 kg
. In other words, RBC size ois independent of body size . In fact , mice and horses have
similarly sized RBCs ( Weibel 1984).
When a=1 , the size of the two body parts ( or the size of the body part and the whole
body) are linearly related. For example, leg length usually increases pari passu as body
height increases. Another example, blood volume increases in proportion to body mass
( i.e. in proportion to the cube of height). The larger the animal, the more blood it will
When a=2, the body part size increases with the square of body size. The cross sectional
area of muscle and body surface area are the examples of body characteristics which
increase approximately with the square of height.
When a=3, the body characteristics increase with the cube of body size. For example,
volume would be expected to increase approximately with the cube of height.
When a = -1, y decreases inversely as x increases. It has been suggested that ( Ford
1984), that acceleration decreases as height ( i.e. limb length ) increases. For example, the
mean height of sprinters increases as sprint distance increase from 50 m to 400 m. Over
longer distance , acceleration is much less important than in short sprints.
The general allometric equation has proved to be useful because it is flexible ( by
varying a and b we can describe a lot of different relationships) and because it is easy to
manipulate mathematically. The equation has not been without its critics over the years
( tanner 1949, Smith 1980). However, it has proved to be very powerful analytical and
conceptual tool.
It turns out that for a large number of body characteristics, different-sized humans are
much like different-sized cubes ( See the figure). If the length ( L) of the side of a cube
doubles, its surface are ( L2 ) quadruples , and its volume ( L3 ) increases eight times. In a
similar way, human lengths, girths and breadths generally increase linearly with height,
surface areas increase with the square of height and masses and volumes increases with
the cube of height.
This process can’t go forever. From an engineering viewpoint, machines ( including
animals ) must change form as they get bigger if they are to remain functional.
2 Elastic similarity
Geometric similarity is not the only similarity system which has been proposed. Thomas
McMahon ( 1983) has proposed a system of elastic similarity. This is based on the
reasonable premise that he size and shape of animals are determined by the forces they
are subjected to. The main forces largish animals are subject to inertia and gravity.
McMahon concluded that the lengths of the limbs and bones of animals measured in the
direction of muscle forces increases at a relatively slowe rate than the diameters or
breadths of those limbs and bones ( measured perpendicular to the muscle force ).
Specifically, he suggests that bone diameters increase proportionately to lengths raised to
the power 1.5. His analysis is well supported by empirical evidence. Table 1 contrasts
geometric and elastic similarity systems.
Similarity systems are models of reality. They describe actual size measures only to the
extent that the fundamental assumptions or axioms underlying the models apply to the
real world. Both geometric and elastic similarity systems are interesting because their
assumptions do seem to apply to the real world over a broad range of size variables.
However there are many cases where the real world does not live up to the expectations
of these similarity system. Clearly, competing similarity systems cannot all always be
Yet, departures from expected relationships are often as interesting as strict compliance
with the model. When size variable do not follow the patterns suggested by the models, it
is often very fruitful to ask ourselves why. This may lead to further opportunities for
research and investigation.
Scaling anthropometric variables:
In order to make inter-individual comparison and intra-individual comparison across
periods of growth, it is useful to be able to scale anthropometric variables to a common
stature. Imagine two individuals. One is 180 cm tall with a triceps of 15mm and another
160 cm tall with a triceps skinfold of 12 mm. Is it reasonable to compare the absolute
value of the skinfolds ? Would not we expect the larger individual to have larger skinfolds
? To get around this problem , we scale both measures to a common height ( for historical
reason, variables are scaled to a common height of 170.18 cm or 5 feet 7 inch ).
To compare we must assume a similarity system. Most frequesntly , geometric similarity
is used. Although it is clear that other similarities systems could also be used. In
geometric similarity systems, skinfolds would be proportional to height, There fore , we “
shrink down ” the taller individual to the “ baseline” height ( 170.18 cm). Their adjusted
skinfld is now 15 170.18 /180 mm or 14.2 mm. Similarly, we “ blow up” the shorter
individual to the base line height , The adjusted height of the short person is 12 170.18 /
160 mm or 12.8 mm.
Similar operations can be performed with girths, breadths, lengths, masses, volumes,
surfaces and cross- sectional areas. Imagine that the 180 cm individual has a fat mass of
10 kg while the shorter individual has a fat mass of 7.5 kg. To rescale these masses we
multiply by (170.18/180) 3 for the taller person with 180 cm height and ( 170/160) 3 for
the shorter individual with 160 cm height. The exponent 3 being used because geometric
similarity states that masses are proportional to the cube of height. The resulting values
are 8.5 kg for the taller individual with 180 cm height and 9.0 kg for the shorter
individual with 160 cm height.
The general scaling procedure is as follows :
a. Determine a raw score ( V) for the indivudual
b. Adjust V for height to yield V adj . V adj is obtained by multiplying V by ( 170.18
/Ht )d , where d Ht is the height of the individual and d is the appropriate
exponent for the similarity system being used. For geometric similarity, d=1 for
girths, skinfolds, lengths and breadths. D=2 for surface areas and cross sectional
areas. D=3 for masses and volumes.
The O-scale
The O –scale ( Ross and Ward 1985) is a scaling system using geometric similarity which
arrives at estimates of adiposity ( based on skinfolds) and proportional weigth ( based on
mass). By comparig adioposity and proportional weight ratings, judgments can be made
about the nature of body composition in the individual (i.e. relative contributions of Fat
and non-fat mass).
In its simples form, the O –scale adiposity rating uses six skinfold measures ( triceps,
subscapular, supraspinale, abdominal, front thigh and medial calf ) . The sum of these
skinfolds ( 6 Skinfolds ) is calculated, and corrected for height. The height-corrected
values are compared to age-and gender-specific norms based on extensive North
American data. The height- adjusted sum of skinfolds is then assigned a “ stanine” rating
( a stanine or “ standard nine “ category is a percentile band based on the normal
distribution ). Proportional weight is simple height-corrected mass. The calculated value
is again compared to tables of age-and gender- specific norms and a stanine rating
A more detail version for O-scale can be obtained in computerized form ( Whittingham
Ward and Ross 1992).
The Oz Scale :
The OzScale is a method based on the O-scale, with the following differences:
a) Australian population data have been used .
b) Some scaling procedures differ slightly. Corrected arm girth , for example,
accounts for the average of the biceps and triceps skinfolds ( rather than just the
triceps, as in the O-scale). Also skinfolds are corrected for minimal skin thick
c) Results are expressed as age-and gender-specific percentiles.
Currently, data on the following variables are available in the OZScale : triceps,
subscapular, biceps, supraspinale, abdominal and calf skinfolds, sum of 6 skinfolds,
height, mass, relaxed arm girth, hip girth, waist girth, skinfold corrected relaxed arm girth
and skinfold corrected waist girth.
“Reference ” human :
The use of a model or “ reference” human is not new. Normative models of the body
based on supposed “ ideal” proportions have been proposed since Classical Antiquity.
They are embodied in Renaissance studies of anatomy, as seen in the well-known
Vitruvian Man of Leonardo da Vinci. Congruence with the normative ideal yield
descriptive models of the typical human. Perhaps, the best-known are Behnke’s “
reference ma” and “ reference woman ”.
The “ Phantom” :
The “ Phantom” is a different kind of model, which its originators, Ross and Wilson,
describe as a “ metaphorical model”. It is arbitrary unisex reference human with specified
anthropometric characteristics such as height ( 170.18 cm) , mass ( 64.58 kg), percent
body fat ( 18.87 %), fat and muscle mass, girth, skinfold thicknesses , and breadths. The
primary use of the Phantom model is to scale anthropometric variables ( refer to 4.2
above). Like the O-scale and OzScale , it uses geometric similarity and scales to a
baseline height of 170.18 cm.
Ross and Wilson actually based the Phantom’s anthropometric characteristics on large
population surveys. Girths were taken from the data of Wilmore and Behnke
( 1969,1970), skinfold thicknesses from the unpublished data Yuhasz and other measures
from Garrett nd Kennedy ( 1971). It was assumed that in the population of Phantom
models each of these characteristics was normally distributed bout the Phantom value ( p)
with a standard deviation ( s) which was constructed as the average coefficient of
variations of male and female values. A full list of Phantom means and standard
deviations can be found in Ross and Marfell-Jones ( 1991).
Phantom z-scores:
The originators of the Phantom do not claim that anthropometric data are normally
distributed in the population. They imagine a population of Phantoms whose
characteristics are normally distributed about the mean values. This allows us to describe
an individual’s anthropometric characteristics as belonging to a Phantom so many z-
scores from the mean Phantom. To calculate the z-score associated with an individual
measure, we use the usual z-score formula.
Z= ( Vadj - p ) / s,
Where, p is the Phantom mean value and s is the Phantom standard deviation.
The Phantom value (p) for subscapular skinfold thickness is 17.2 mm, with a standard
deviation (s) of 5.07 mm. If a particular individual of 180 cm height has a measured
subscapular skinfold thickness ( V) of 12 mm, we can calculate the z0score as follows:
First, calculate Vadj
Vadj = V ( 170.18 /Ht ) = 12 ( 170.18 /180 ) = 11.35 mm
M adj = z s + p
e ) The individual is then scaled back up ( or down) to their original height. Since mass
is proportional to the cube of height, the appropriate equation to use is :
M = M adj ( Ht/170.18) 3
Where M is the fractional mass of the subject.
Table 1 : Example of the calculation of fractional masses for a subject with a bodymass
( M ) of 72.2 kg and a height ( Ht) of 180.1 cm.
Fat mass:
Phantom mean = 12.13 kg, Phantom s = 3.25 kg
M adj = z s + p = -2.41 3.25 + 12.13 = 4.3
Residual mass:
Phantom mean = 16.41 kg , Phantom s = 1.90 kg
Bone mass
Muscle mss
Phantom mean = 25.55 kg, Phantom s = 2.99 kg
The original paper presenting the Drinkwater –Ross fractionation method ( Drinkwater
and Ross 1980 ) found that when one added up the fours masses ( fat, muscle, bone, and
residual ), the sum was nearly the same as the measures total body mass ( note that total
body mass is not used in calculating fractional masses ). In a sample of 939 subjects, the
authors reported a correlation coefficient of r = 0.97 between actual body mass and the
sum of the four fractional masses , with a mean differences of only 0.3 %. However, these
figures conceal some large and systematic discrepancies. Withers and coworkers ( 1991)
found mean absolute differences of 2-3 % between the sum of the fractional masses and
measured body mass, but much larger absolute differences ( 20 % for males and 30 % for
females) between fat mass estimated by densiometry and fat mass calculated by
These errors may be due to
i) the assumption of geometric similarity as a scaling procedure
ii) the equal weighing of each of the measures contributing to each fractional mass
iii) the use of a unisex model, which disregards gender-specific distributions of fat
mass amongst subcutaneous depots, and between subcutaneous and visceral
depots, and
iv) the validity of Phantom means and standard deviations for the fractional masses.
The last point is of particular concern. Clearly, if the means and standard deviations for
the masses were difficult, we would arrive at different predicted fractional masses for
individuals. How were the means and standard deviations arrived at in the first place ?
This has never been made clear but they may originally have been based, at least in part,
on small sample cadaver analysis.
Recently a revised fractionation procedure has been developed ( Kerr 1988), using a
five-compartment model ( i.e. skin, adipose tissue, bone, muscle and residual masses).
This method also differs from the Drinkwater – Ross method in that fractional masses
can be scaled according to any chosen dimension, and not just stature. When validated
using data from several cadavers, adiposity was slightly underestimated for females ( 3-
4 %) and overestimated for males ( 6 %).
Similarity systems are useful tool in anthropometry when making inter- and intra
individual comparisons, establishing descriptive or prescriptive norms, and uncovering
underlying mechanisms. However, they are ideal models which are valuable only to the
extent to which they correspond to reality. Therefore competing similarity systems
should be considered when scaling is required. The most commonly used similarity
system is geometric similarity and a large amount of empirical evidence suggests that it
describe a range of performance and functional variables quite well. The fractionation of
body mass using the Drinkwater –Ross procedure is an interesting approach., but
should be treated with caution due to occasionally large and systematic errors and
unclear methodological assumptions.
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