Lec 1
Lec 1
Lec 1
Lecture – 01 Part a
Basic Terminologies
Welcome to this class on the Mechanics of Human Movement. So, if you are a
mechanical engineer interested in how the human body moves, how we make various
movements with our limbs, or if you are a biomedical engineer or a physiotherapist or
you know a clinician, you may be interested in this course because the purpose of this
course is to apply the principles of mechanics to study human movement. So, to do that
we have to first learn some anatomy; we have to be able to speak the same language as
biologists and medical professionals.
We have to learn some of the terminology that is associated with the human body. We
will learn some key anatomical structures that are responsible for movement such as
mainly the musculoskeletal system. In this course, we will not be looking at the neural
aspects of movement; we will only be focusing on the musculoskeletal aspects of the
movement. We will learn how to apply the principles of mechanics to study you know
what kind of forces are induced in the anatomical structures because of the movements
that we do and what causes movement.
So, if you look at statics, we will be looking at the human body different postures, we are
we are looking at cases of static equilibrium, where we will apply the principles of statics
to study the system. When we talk about system in the context of the human body it
could be the entire body in some cases or it could be specific segments or specific
portions of the system that we are focusing on.
When we talk about dynamics, we can talk about kinematics which is basically just the
geometry of the motion, we are looking at motion and its time derivatives without regard
to how that motion is being caused; that study the study of the forces that cause the
motion becomes a part of the study of kinetics. So, when we apply the principles of
kinetics, then we are looking at how are what are the forces that are causing some
motions to happen.
So, when I say body it could be the whole body. In biomechanics, body could refer to the
whole body or any of its parts or segments under consideration. So, if you are looking at
forces in the arm for instance or if you are studying the arm then if I say that you know if
I talk about the body there I am only talking about the arm itself not the entire body.
When we talk about positions or movements they always happen with we always talk
about it in terms of it with reference to some plane of reference. You have to have
something with which you are making the measurements. So, in the case of the human
body, we have something called the, an anatomical reference planes.
(Refer Slide Time: 05:50)
So, movements and reference locations are expressed with respect to reference
anatomical planes which are defined with respect to what is known as with respect to the
anatomical position. So, this anatomical position is a specific position. So, it is your if
you are standing straight with your feet you know hip width the part and you keep your
arms by your sides with your palms facing forward that position is defined as the
anatomical position ok.
So, the anatomical position is like this is your anatomical position. So, you have the
person standing straight palms facing forward. So, in the anatomical position, the palms
are facing forward. And there are three principal are cardinal planes defined with
reference to this anatomical position. So, if you look at these planes, if you imagine a
plane that cuts the body into left and right halves that plane is called the sagittal plane.
So, the sagittal plane bisects the body into left and right parts the frontal plane also
known as the coronal plane it divides the body into front and backs halves back halves.
And then the third, so these are perpendicular planes the sagittal plane is perpendicular to
the frontal plane and the third plane is your transverse plane which divides the body into
top and bottom halves. Say, if you imagine the at the origin where these three planes
intersect, if you imagine this, this, this, these three planes will be located, this would be
the center of mass of the whole body. If you imagine that has a sphere then each of these
planes divides it into two equal parts ok. So, you have the center of mass of the body
located at the origin of this three reference planes now any planes that are parallel to
these planes are also called like a plane parallel to a sagittal plane is also called a sagittal
plane. But the principal plane is the one that will bisect the center of mass.
So, these planes are used. So, these planes move with the body. So, if I am standing like
this in the anatomical position, then that defines where my sagittal plane, frontal plane
and transverse plane are. And if I turn then the planes turn with me ok, so they are not
they are with reference to the human body. They are not independent of the human body.
Now, these planes are used to locate various parts of the body relative to one and other
and also relative to these planes. So, for instance, so this we will also define the axis that
are perpendicular to these planes. So, because the frontal plane divides the body into
front and back parts, whatever is in front of the plane is called anterior and what is
behind is posterior.
So, this axis that is perpendicular to the frontal plane is called the anterior posterior axis
posterior or AP axis. So, when we talk about the AP axis, we are talking about an axis
that goes from the front to the back that is the so that is the axis perpendicular to the
frontal plane. Similarly, the axis perpendicular to the sagittal plane is called the
mediolateral axis.
So, the mede when we say medialm when we say something is medial so this is ML axis
the mediolateral axis. When I say something is medial implies, it is closer to the midline
of the body. And lateral implies that it is farther from the mid line. Now, take your eyes,
your eye is medial to your ear right. Eye is closer to the midline than the ears, is or in
other words I can say the ear is lateral to the eye ok. So, I can say the eye is medial to the
ear or the ear is lateral to the eye that is the with reference to the midline of the body.
Then if I am talking so the third axis is what is called the, this is the axis that is
perpendicular to the transverse plane and that axis is the longitudinal axis ok. So, the
longitudinal axis you have you can say something is superior or inferior ok. So, this is
this direction is superior; this direction is inferior. So, when you talk about something
with reference to the longitudinal axis, then you are talking about a location that is
superior or inferior. So, by the same token, the eye is superior to the nose the eye is are
superior to the nose. And the ears sorry the or I could say the nose is inferior to the eyes
So, this is just the superior inferior here are technical terms and not used in the way its
typically used in English. We need our eyes and our nose. So, just to be clear one is not
superior or inferior to the other that is purely in biomechanical terms we use to describe
the relative location ok.
So, I can say my hip the hip is in if I am talking about location in the longitudinal axis, if
I talk about the hip joint, the hip joint how is it located with respect to the knee, the hip
would be superior to the knee because it is located higher it is located higher than the
knee. So, it is superior to the knee joint. So, in addition, for the limbs, we also have
another set of terms that are so for when we talk about the limbs upper and lower limbs
the arms and the legs, we also talk have two more terms we use the terms proximal and
distal. So, for the limbs we say when we say something is proximal, proximal means
closer to its point of attachment to the body because the limbs are like.
So, if you think about this part of the body, your you know your central portion of the
body the limbs are kind of attached to that. So, when we talk about the limbs, we talk
about things that are proximal or distal, distal is when it is farther from the point of
attachment. Again example so actually for the hip, you would say the hip is proximal to
the knee ok. The hip is proximal to the knee. The knee is proximal to the ankle or you
would say the ankle is distal to the knee and the knee is also distal to the hip ok.
So, now think about this for a minute in the frontal plane ok. So, now, when I talk about
these planes I will start using the terms frontal, sagittal and transverse plane. In the
frontal plane, how is my thumb located with respect to my little finger; my thumb how is
it located with respect to my little finger. If I want to describe the location of my thumb
what would I say, would I say it is medial or lateral to the little finger? I have my thumb,
I have my hand here. So, would I say the thumb is medial or lateral to the little finger?
He says that the little finger is medial to the thumb. But I was showing you like this
right, here the thumb, but he is correct because you are always talking with reference to
the anatomical position where your palms are facing forward. So, in the anatomical
position, the little finger is medial to the thumb or the thumb base lateral to the.
So, when can you say that you can make you know you can assume something is rigid,
you assume a body is rigid when the motion that it undergoes is larger typically much
larger than the deformation that it undergoes ok. So, because of the forces on it; in the
human body the muscles are the actuators like in a mechanical system, you may have
motors or hydraulic actuators something to apply forces. In the human body the muscles
are the actuators of the system. They provide they apply the internal forces in the system.
You have ligaments so which basically connect with soft tissue that connects bone to
bone. So, ligaments the primary purpose of ligaments.
So, where the bone where two bones meet they form a joint ok. And the motion at that
joint is typically controlled partly by the structure of the joint itself, the shape of the
bones that are coming together at the joint, but mainly by flexible structures around the
joint called ligaments which attach the bone to bone. And their purpose is to sort of limit
the motion at the joint. And then you also have tendons which connect muscle to the
bone. The tendons connect muscle to bone and they function so they transmit the force
from the muscle to the bone and in some cases they also have the ability to act as springs
the equivalent the mechanical equivalent of tendons is springs.
So, these are the basic components of the skeletal system and that we will the
musculoskeletal system, that are responsible for movement either they restrict movement
or they cause movement. So, the muscle applies a force to the bones to which it is
attached, and because the bones are connected by joints they have the ability to move
because otherwise the bones are rigid. If there were no joints between the bones, it would
essentially be a structure there would be no movement possible, but because bones are
come together at places where move movement is allowed you have a very you have a
system that is both rigid and flexible you and that will allow movement to happen.
So, again we have looked at the three principal planes the sagittal plane, the frontal plane
and the transverse plane and correspondingly the three axis. So, the axis perpendicular to
the sagittal plane is your ML axis perpendicular to your frontal plane is the AP axis. And
then the axis perpendicular to the transverse plane is your longitudinal axis. Now, a lot of
movements that we will be describing in the body if you can see a lot of movement that
happens is kind of rotational movement and they will be described as rotations about
these different axis. So, gross body movements are typically described in terms of you
know whether they are predominantly in the frontal plane, the sagittal plane or the
transverse plane.
For instance, if I am doing jumping jacks most of the motion that happens in the various
segments can be looked, can be described in the frontal plane ok. If I am doing a
cartwheel, if I am doing a somersault ok, or if I am go walking most of the movements
can be seen if you see the movements at the joints the map most of the movements
happen in the sagittal plane. So, some motions you would describe in the sagittal plane,
but if you do a more or you know a bowling action ok, you can look at it and describe it
in the sagittal plane.
Of course, most movements are combinations, they are not exclusively in one plane, but
you can you talk about it predominantly in a particular plane. If I am a figure skater, and
I am doing spins then that motion is happening in the transverse plane, so that is how you
would describe the various movements.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:07)