Revit MEP calculates the wire sizes for power circuits based on the size specified for circuit protection, voltage
drop calculation, and correction factor.
The voltage drop for each circuit is reported as line-to-line for 2-pole (single phase) and 3-pole (three phase)
circuits. The voltage drop is reported as line-to-neutral for 1-pole circuits.
In this example, the following wire type settings are specified for two circuits created in the project, carried in
steel conduit.
Feeder Circuit 1
1. The circuit rating (50A) and wire type (THHN, Copper, 90C) determine the basic sizing for the hot
conductor size. The basic wire size table, without considering the ambient temperature, calls for 2-#8
hot conductors for circuit 1.
2. The neutral conductor is sized as 1.5 times the cross sectional area of the hot conductors. A #8 hot
conductor has a cross sectional area of 0.0129686799 sq. in. Applying the 1.5 multiplier (1.5 *
0.0129686799 = 0.01945301985 sq. in.), the basic wire size table calls for a #6 wire (area of
0.0206119720 sq. in.), which provides the minimum area that satisfies the neutral conductor
requirement. The Neutral conductor is sized as 1-#6.
3. The ground conductor size table for a 50A copper conductor calls for a #10 ground conductor (#10 is
adequate for up to 60A).
Preliminary sizing for the wiring package for circuit 1 is 2-#8, 1-#6, and 1-#10. However, the sizing
must consider the correction factor (based on the ambient temperature) and support less than a 2
percent voltage drop at the furthest fixture from the source.
4. Assuming the #8 hot conductors at an ambient temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit (correction factor
=1), the voltage drop calculation is VD = (L * Z * I)/1000:
o Length (L) = 100 ft.
o Impedance (Z) = 1.326 from Wire Impedance table for #8 in steel conduit at 80 degrees
o Load (I) = 50A
6.63/240 = 0.027625 = 2.7625% which exceeds the 2 percent allowable voltage drop.
5. Assume #6 hot conductors (wiring package is adjusted to 2-#6, 1-#6, and 1-#10) and calculate the
voltage drop again.
6. The neutral conductor is sized, 1.5 * 0.020611972 = 0.030917958 sq. in. The basic wire size table calls
for a #4 wire (area of 0.0327813057 sq. in.), which provides the minimum area that satisfies the
adjusted neutral conductor requirement. The Neutral conductor is resized as 1-#4.
7. The ground conductor must be changed in proportion to the change in the hot conductors:
o Cross sectional area of #8 = 0.029686799 sq. in.
o Cross sectional area of #6 = 0.0206119720 sq. in.
o Ratio = 1.5893
o 1.5893 * 0.0081552613 sq. in. = 0.01296115 sq. in. The ground conductor must be resized to
Feeder Circuit 2
1. The circuit rating (70A) and wire type (THHN, Copper, 90 C) determine the basic sizing for the hot
conductors. The basic wire size table calls for #6 hot conductors.
2. The neutral conductor is sized as 1.5 times the cross sectional area of the hot conductors (1.5 *
0.0521172118 sq. in. = 0.0781758177 sq. in.).
3. The ground conductor size table for a 70A copper conductor calls for a #6 ground conductor.
Before considering voltage drop and ambient temperature, the wiring package consists of 3-#6, 1-1/0,
and 1-#6.
Working in reverse from the 2 percent allowable voltage drop and solving for impedance:
8. The neutral conductor is resized to #4 wire (1.5 * 0.0206119720 sq. in. = 0.030917958 sq. in.).
9. The #6 ground conductor (0.0206119720 sq. in.) must be changed in proportion to the change in the
hot conductors:
o Cross sectional area of original #2 hot conductor = 0.0521172118 sq. in.
o Cross sectional area of new #1 hot conductor = 0.0657664432 sq. in.
o Ratio = 1.26
o 1.26 * 0.0206119720 sq. in. = 0.02597108472 sq. in. = #4 wire
For the purposes of Voltage Drop calculations, Revit MEP always assumes Copper conductors. The volt loss
tables below are consistent with the Cooper Bussmann® Selecting Protective Devices Handbook. The values
indicate the line-to-line voltage drop per 1000 Amp Feet for three phase and single phase circuits. For line to
neutral voltage drop on three phase systems, divide by 1.73; for single phase systems, divide by 2.
Wire Types
The wire types table lists wire types that are provided with Revit.
Wire Sizes
Revit MEP specifies hot wire sizes according to the following table of basic wire sizes.
Wire Sizing Correction Factors
The circuit rating is adjusted according to the correction factors below (circuit rating * correction factor). Then
the correct size for the selected wire type is found in the Wire Sizes table.
Neutral Wire Sizing
When a Neutral Multiplier is specified, Revit MEP calculates the neutral conductor size based on the cross
sections listed in the following table:
The overall length of wiring in a circuit is calculated and displayed as the value for Length in the Properties
The Length is calculated as the sum of the distances along the X, Y, and Z axes.
The distance between the receptacle and the panel along the X axis is 10'. However, the panel and the
receptacle are at different elevations. The panel is at 4' 0" and the receptacle is at 1' 6", a difference of 2' 6"
along the Z axis.
The sum of distances along the X, Y, and Z axes is 12' 6", which is close to the 12' 11 7/64" length value
displayed in the circuit instance properties on the Properties palette. The difference can be accounted for as the
distance to the connector within the components and the measurements that were extended to the center of each
In the previous example, the calculation is straightforward because the geometry of the circuit is aligned parallel
to the X, Y, and Z axes. In the following example, the distance between the panel and receptacle is still 10',
however, the length is still calculated as the sum of the distances along the X, Y, and Z axes.
The length is along the X, Y, Z axes is 7' 0" + 7' 1 7/8" + 2' 6" = 16' 7 7/8" and the computed length shown in the
circuit properties is 16' 6 13/256".
Total connected load = the sum of all loads attached to the panel (directly or to subpanels) from
connectors assigned to that load classification
Demand Load = the result of the specified demand factor being applied to the sum of all loads attached
to the panel (directly or to subpanels) from connectors assigned to that load classification
Note: The demand factor is specified in the Load Classifications dialog. See Create a Load
Total connected load = the sum of all loads attached to the panel (directly or to subpanels) from
connectors specified as part of that load classification group
Demand Load = the sum of the demand loads for each load classification for connectors specified as
part of the load classification group
Total connected load = the sum of all loads attached to the panel (directly or to subpanels)
Demand Load = the sum of all demand loads (for all load classifications) on the panel
For Panel C
LC Bob
LC Mary
LC Frank
LC Group Lights
Total Demand Load (Panel C) = DFBob * (4) + DFMary * (5) + DFFrank * (6+7)
For Panel B
LC Bob
LC Mary
LC Frank
LC Group Lights
Total Demand Load (Panel B) = DFBob * (4+8) + DFMary * (5+9) + DFFrank * (6+7+10)
For Panel A
LC Bob
LC Mary
LC Frank
LC Group Lights
Total Connected Load = (1+2)
Total Demand Load = DFBob * (1+2)
Total Connected Load = 3
Total Demand = DFMary * (5+9)
Total Connected Load = 0
Total Demand Load = 0
Total Connected Load = 0
Total Demand Load = 0
LC Bob
LC Mary
LC Frank
LC Group Lights
Total Demand Load (Panel MCB) = DFBob * (1+2+4+8) + DFMary * (3+5+9) + DFFrank * (6+7+10)
Calculations are performed per panel. There are two types of load: Total Connected, and Total Estimated
Demand. For each of these types, the desired calculations can be per panel (all loads), per load classification, or
per load classification group.
For Total Connected Load on a panel, all loads of the same load classification connected below that panel (to
either the panel directly, or to any child or grand-child panels connected up to the panel) are summed.
Revit calculates a demand load once a demand factor for an electrical device/panel is available.
Demand Loads On
In this example, a lighting plan contains a panelboard called LP-3 that is connected to twenty circuits.
The lighting demand factor has been specified as calculated by load with the total calculation at one percentage.
If the Load is greater than 10000VA, the demand factor is 80%.
The Lighting demand factor has been assigned to the corresponding lighting load classification type.
The lighting load classification type has been assigned to LP-3’s connector in the Family Editor
Based on the specified demand factor (calculation method for lighting) and the loads from the connected
circuits, the panel schedule for LP-3 displays as shown. Panel schedules are displayed in the following sections:
1 - Header
2 - Circuit table
3 - Load summary
The Load Summary displays the estimated demand. Note the connected load and the demand factor
percentage which determine this calculation.
You can use the Family Editor to assign a load classification to an electrical connector family.
3. On the Properties palette, click the value for Load Classification, and the (browse button) that displays.
Use the Load Classifications dialog to manage your load classifications and assign demand factors to them.
1. Click Manage tab Settings panel MEP Settings drop-down Load Classifications.
2. In the Load Classifications dialog, specify the load classification type, using one of the following
o From the left pane, select an existing type.
o Click to add a new load classification type.
o Click to copy an existing type.
o Click to rename a load classification selected from the list.
Click to delete load classifications that are not assigned to connectors in the project.
3. Specify the demand factor to assign to the load classification. Select a type from the drop-down or click
to access the Demand Factors dialog.
In the Demand Factors dialog, create a demand factor type. Then click OK.
4. Specify the load class for use with spaces. The options are Lighting, Power, and None. (New load
classifications default to None.)
These classes are used to display sums on spaces and to export data to gbXML.
5. Click OK.
Use this dialog to specify wiring parameters, voltages definitions, distribution systems, cable
tray and conduit settings, and load calculation and circuit numbering settings.
To open electrical settings, click Manage tab Settings panel MEP Settings drop-down
Electrical Settings.
Use the Hidden Line pane of the Electrical Settings dialog to specify how hidden lines
are drawn in electrical systems.
Draw MEP Hidden Lines - Specifies whether to draw cable tray and conduit with the
line style and gaps specified for hidden lines.
Line Style - Specifies the line style for the hidden segment at the point where the
segments cross.
Inside Gap - Specifies the gap for the lines that appear within a crossing segment.
Outside Gap - Specifies the gap for the lines that appear external to the crossing
Single Line - Specifies the gap for the single hidden lines where segments cross.
Use the General pane of the Electrical Settings dialog to define basic parameters and
set default values for electrical systems.
Use the Angles pane of the Electrical Settings dialog to specify the fitting angle to use
when adding or modifying cable tray or conduit.
The settings for fitting angles can be copied to another project using the Transfer
Project Standards feature.
Use any Angle - Revit will use any angle supported by the fitting content.
Set an Angle Increment - Specifies the angle increment to use to determine the angle
Use Specific Angles - Specifies the specific angles to use.
Note: When manually creating a layout using a limited set of angles, you may notice
that the selection point will be respected and the bend angle may be different from the
When Wiring is selected in the left pane of the Electrical Settings dialog, the right
pane contains the wiring table.
When Wiring is selected in the left pane of the Electrical Settings dialog, the right
pane contains the wiring table.
The settings in the wiring table determine how Revit calculates wire sizing and how
wires are displayed in the electrical system plans in your project.
Ambient Temperature - Specifies the temperature of the environment in which the
wiring will exist.
Gap of Wiring Crossing - Specifies the width of the gap used to display non-
connected wires that cross, as shown.
Wire Tick Marks - You can select the style of tick mark that displays for Hot
Conductor, Ground Conductor, and Neutral Conductor.
Click the Value column, click , and select a tick mark style.
You can use the Family Editor to customize an existing tick mark or create
additional tick marks.
Slanted Line across Tick Marks - allows you to display the tick mark for the
ground conductor as a diagonal line that crosses the tick marks for the other
conductors, as shown.
Click the Value column, click , and select Yes to apply this feature to tick
marks. If you select no, the tick mark specified for the ground conductor displays.
Show Tick Marks - Specifies whether to always hide tick marks, always show
them, or show them for home runs only.
The Voltage Definitions table defines the ranges of voltages that can be assigned to
the Distribution Systems available in your project.
You can create Voltage Definitions and you can delete definitions that are not
currently in use with any distribution system.
Note: Revit does not prevent you from specifying unfeasible voltage values. For
example, you could configure a distribution system with a L-L Voltage value of
120 and an L-G Voltage value of 480, even though this is physically impossible.
Click Add and enter parameters to specify a new voltage definition. Click Delete
to remove a selected voltage definition.
The Distribution Systems table defines distribution systems that are available in your
parameter depends on the Phase and Wire selections. For example, L-L Voltage is
not applicable for a single-phase, 2-wire system.
L-G Voltage - After you click the value, you can select a Voltage Definition that
represents the voltage measured between a phase and ground. L-G is always
Note: Although this table allows you to specify a distribution system with a
Configuration value of Delta and a Wire value of 4, this type of system (High, Red,
or Wild leg) is currently not supported in Revit because there is no way to specify
the high leg voltage.
Click Add and enter parameters to specify a new distribution system. Click Delete
to remove a selected distribution system. You cannot delete a distribution system
that is currently assigned to a device in a project.
Use Annot. Scale for Single Line Fittings - Specifies whether cable tray fittings are
drawn at the size specified by the Cable Tray Fitting Annotation Size parameter.
Changing this setting does not change the plotted size of components already
placed in a project.
Cable Tray Fitting Annotation Size - Specifies the plotted size of fittings drawn in
single-line views. This size is maintained regardless of the drawing scale.
Cable Tray Size Separator - Specifies the symbol to be used in showing cable tray
sizes. For example, when an x is used, a cable tray that is 12 inches high and 4
inches deep would be shown as 12" x 4".
Cable Tray Size Suffix - Specifies the symbol appended to the cable tray size.
Cable Tray Connector Separator - Specifies the symbol used to separate
information between 2 different connectors.
Conduit Settings
Use Annot. Scale for Single Line Fittings - Specifies whether conduit fittings are
drawn at the size specified by the Conduit Fitting Annotation Size parameter.
Changing this setting does not change the plotted size of components already
placed in a project.
Conduit Fitting Annotation Size - Specifies the plotted size of fittings drawn in
single-line views. This size is maintained regardless of the drawing scale.
Conduit Size Prefix - Specifies the symbol preceding the conduit size.
Conduit Size Suffix - Specifies the symbol appended to the conduit size.
Conduit Connector Separator - Specifies the symbol used to separate information
between 2 different connectors.