Experiment 5 - Column and Thin Layer Chromatography
Experiment 5 - Column and Thin Layer Chromatography
Experiment 5 - Column and Thin Layer Chromatography
Organic Chemistry Laboratory
A.Y. 2018-2019
Experiment no. 5
Column and Thin Layer Chromatography
Calugay, J.J., Caparas, C.E., Dador, A.S., De Guzman, D., & De Villa, G.K.
Chromatography is a technique for separating components or solvents in a
mixture based on their relative affinities towards stationary and mobile phases. It aims
to identify, purify, analyse, and quantify the mixtures of a specific sample. In this
experiment, pigments of the Siling Labuyo, scientifically known as Capsicum frutescens,
were extracted through crushing and grinding, and then adding DCM-hexane. The
extract was introduced into the column and the eluate was collected. This process is
called the Column Chromatography (CC). The purity of the components was then
determined using thin layer chromatography (TLC). After which, the RF or the
Retardation factor was measured. Xanthophylls are the yellow pigments from the siling
labuyo which travelled the shortest distance, thus, they are considered the most polar
pigment. While the orange pigments obtained are called Carotenoids, which travelled
the fastest and furthest, thus, they are nonpolar because they were attracted to the
solvent which is also nonpolar rather than the TLC paper.
Chromatography is a powerful and mobile phases, also known as
analytical method that pertains to a “differential partitioning”.
variety of laboratory techniques that are
For example, a compound that
used for the separation of mixture by
interacts weakly with the stationary
distribution through different phases,
phase would move in the mobile phase
one being stationary phase, and the
rapidly, likewise, compounds that
remaining phase being mobile phase.
interact with stationary phase strongly
The various constituents of the mixture
will move slowly. Thus, to ensure an
travel at different paces, causing them
ideal separation, it is favorable to have
to separate. This occurs because
different partition coefficient between
different substances have different
mobile phase and the stationary phase.
partition coefficients between stationary
As a result, the different rates would The solvent moves up the plate through
result to a complete separation. capillary action, carrying it with different
components of the mixture at different
In the experiment, column and
rates. The results were series of spots
thin layer chromatography (TLC) were
on the plate perpendicular to the
used. Column chromatography was
solvent. These spots were used to
generally used as a purification
determine the Rf values of the different
technique because it was used to isolate
the desired compounds from the
mixture. On the other hand, Thin layer The objectives of the experiments
chromatography was generally used as are:
a qualitative analytic such as checking
(1) Separate the colored components
the purity of the compound or
of siling labuyo using column
determining the number of components
in the mixture.
(2) Determine the purity of the
The eluates were applied in the components using thin layer
TLC plate by spotting 10 times using a chromatography (TLC)
capillary tube, 0.75 cm from the edge of (3) Measure the retardation factor
the plate, and then the plate was placed (Rf) value of the colored
in a developing chamber, with enough components in TLC
solvent just below the point of origin.
Orange eluate
Color of Distance of
component component from 𝟐.𝟕𝟎 𝒄𝒎
origin (X) in cm Rf value= = 0.44
𝟐.𝟐𝟐 𝒄𝒎