Reservoir Geomechanics: by Mark D. Zoback
Reservoir Geomechanics: by Mark D. Zoback
Reservoir Geomechanics: by Mark D. Zoback
and porosity data obtained from geophysical pressure, rock strength, mud weight etc are
Reservoir logs. presented along with the results of some case
Part II (chapters 6-9) begins with the studies. Also, the utilization of Quantitative
Geomechanics introduction of concepts of stress indicators Risk Assessment (QRA) for predicting the
(wellbore failures), which include tensile wall probability of drilling successful wells in
By Mark D. Zoback fractures due to drilling, heavy mud weight sedimentary basins is discussed and presented
and cooling, and wellbore breakouts due to with some results.
compressive stress concentrations. It is The book includes many results and
Cambridge University Press,
followed by a detailed discussion of quality illustrations in colour from the recent works
Cambridge & New York (2007), 449 p.
ranking of stress indicators; various published by the author and others. A brief
techniques (ultrasonic borehole televiewer, discussion of some relevant topics such as
electrical imaging devices, open-hole hydraulic fracturing for well stimulation
Reservoir Geomechanics is a very hydraulic fracturing, extended leak-off tests treatment, and reservoir impoundment and its
comprehensive book spanning all aspects of or mini-frac and caliper log) for measuring effect on increase of pore pressure and
stress within the accessible earth. The topics stress orientation and calculating stress occurrence of earthquakes also should have
presented are interdisciplinary and encompass magnitude in deep wells (vertical as well as been included in the book. The book contains
the fields of rock mechanics, tectonophysics, deviated); and treatment of in-situ stress few typographical errors, and some of the
structural geology and petroleum engineering. interpretation taking into account the references do not contain all the names of the
It is divided into three parts in which the geological processes that control seismicity, authors and instead were presented as A, B,
basic principles, stress indicators and crustal deformation and sedimentary basin et al in pages 423-443.
measuring techniques, and their applications formation. It contains a chapter in which
in addressing the problems of wellbore global stress patterns and stress fields in In summary, the book can serve as a
stability, permeability of critically stressed sedimentary basins are reviewed, and also valuable guide and practical reference to
faults and reservoir depletion in sedimentary methods for estimating and extrapolation of geoscientists and engineers working in
basins are presented and discussed in detail stress magnitudes to regional-scales using petroleum and geothermal industries, and for
along with some case studies. local stress filed data. The discussion research scientists engaged in stress
presented also highlights the fact that the measurements and their application to
stress magnitudes obtained in several deep problems of faulting and fluid flow and
boreholes and wells in crystalline rock as well seismicity in the earth’s upper crust.
as sedimentary basins are controlled by the
frictional strengths of faults with coefficients M.V.M.S. Rao
of friction, m, between 0.6 and 1.0. It is an CSIR Emeritus Scientist
amazing result and found to be fully National Geophysical Research Institute
consistent with Coulomb’s faulting theory (Council of Scientific and Industrial
and Byerlee’s law developed on the basis of Research)
laboratory experiments on rock friction. Hyderabad, India
Several in situ studies, the results of
which are well documented in this book
indicate that the upper part of the earth’s crust
(depth < 9 km) is in a state of frictional-failure
equilibrium even in intra-plate areas; near
Part 1 (chapters 1-5) provides an over- hydrostatic pressures exist to great depth in
view of the key factors controlling the intra-plate crust; and the faults that are
problems in petroleum geomechanics and critically stressed maintain the crust’s high
topics that are useful for teaching rock permeability as well as its ability to sustain
mechanics and geomehanics. They include higher differential stresses. In essence, it is a
the fundamental principles of tectonic stress summary of the outstanding scientific
field; pore pressure and its variations with contributions made by Prof. M.D. Zoback
depth; relationship between pore pressure, and his associates.
effective stress and porosity; reservoir Part III (chapters 10-12) addresses the
compartmentalization; constitutive laws practical problems of wellbore instability
governing rock deformation and principles of arising during drilling and production phases
rock failure under compression, tension and of hydrocarbon reservoirs. The issues of
shear; frictional strength of rocks, critically excessive sand production; mud penetration
stressed crust and the possible range of stress and stress changes in depleting reservoirs are
magnitudes; faults, fractures and fluid flow discussed in detail. The solutions that are
in rock at depth; earthquake focal mechanisms based on the development and application of
and their use; and empirical techniques for geomechanical models with various input
estimating rock strength from elastic moduli parameters such as stress magnitudes; pore