Techlog Shale: Evaluate Shale Reservoirs With More Knowledge and Less Uncertainty
Techlog Shale: Evaluate Shale Reservoirs With More Knowledge and Less Uncertainty
Techlog Shale: Evaluate Shale Reservoirs With More Knowledge and Less Uncertainty
For oil and condensate reservoirs, computations of fluids in place are corrected HRA clustering is an unsupervised classification algorithm used to group
from the presence of bitumen that often exists in such plays. rocks with similar log responses into rock classes, which are assigned colors
for visualization purposes. These rock classes represent intervals of similar
All volumes are expressed at surface condition. Cumulative volumes per zone bulk composition and texture and form the fundamental building blocks
are delivered in a summation table and expressed in both volumes of the reservoir.
per ton and per area.
HRA tagging is a supervised classification method for identifying where
rock classes defined from a reference model appear in new wells. It also
allows for the propagation of measured properties (e.g., core analysis
or field measurements) throughout a field and for the identification
of new rock classes.
Anisotropic geomechanics
When completing the well and planning stimulation stages, it is imperative
to factor in the far field stresses to ensure the stages are placed in low stress
areas. The Anisotropic Geomechanics tool helps calculate the mechanical
properties and horizontal stresses from the static VTI elastic properties,
pore pressure, Biot coefficient, and overburden stress.
Typical input data for this workflow consists of borehole sonic compressional,
dipole fast and slow shear, and Stoneley shear slownesses. Sonic Scanner*
acoustic scanning platform measurements provide the best quality input
for this workflow as they provide directional shear. The results can be used
in conjunction with reservoir quality for optimum completion planning.
HRA clustering: Quickly define the correct number of classes through multiple
realizations and customized quality control plots.
*Mark of Schlumberger
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