Distance Protection: Electricity and New Energy

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Electricity and New Energy

Distance Protection
Courseware Sample
Order no.: 52176-10
First Edition
Revision level: 11/2016

By the staff of Festo Didactic

© Festo Didactic Ltée/Ltd, Quebec, Canada 2016

Internet: www.festo-didactic.com
e-mail: did@de.festo.com

Printed in Canada
All rights reserved
ISBN 978-2-89747-706-6 (Printed version)
ISBN 978-2-89747-708-0 (CD-ROM)
Legal Deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2016
Legal Deposit – Library and Archives Canada, 2016

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Safety and Common Symbols
The following safety and common symbols may be used in this manual and on
the equipment:

Symbol Description

DANGER indicates a hazard with a high level of risk which, if not

avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a hazard with a medium level of risk which,

if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a hazard with a low level of risk which, if not

avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury.

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© Festo Didactic 52176-10 III

Safety and Common Symbols

Symbol Description

Protective conductor terminal

Frame or chassis terminal


On (supply)

Off (supply)

Equipment protected throughout by double insulation or

reinforced insulation

In position of a bi-stable push control

Out position of a bi-stable push control

IV © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Table of Contents
Preface .................................................................................................................. IX
About This Manual ................................................................................................ XI
To the Instructor .................................................................................................. XIII

Introduction Distance Protection ..................................................................... 1

DISCUSSION OF FUNDAMENTALS ....................................................... 1
Objective of distance protection .............................................. 1
Simplified diagram of a power system ..................................... 1
Fault impedance versus load impedance ................................ 2
Distance relay .......................................................................... 3
Impedance characteristic of a distance relay .......................... 4
Basic implementation of distance protection ........................... 5
Line protection: distance protection versus overcurrent
protection ................................................................................. 6
Generator loss-of-excitation protection using an
impedance-sensing field relay ................................................. 8

Exercise 1 Distance Relay Impedance Characteristic............................... 13

DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 13
Self-polarized mho characteristic .......................................... 13
Setting the mho characteristic of a distance relay to
protect a specific line segment .............................................. 14
Effect of the fault resistance on the fault impedance............. 18
Effect of the fault resistance on the reach of a distance
relay with a mho characteristic .............................................. 20
Quadrilateral characteristic .................................................... 22
Setting the quadrilateral characteristic of a distance relay
to protect a specific line segment .......................................... 23
Relationship between the measured fault impedance and
the impedance characteristic of a distance relay .................. 25
Relationship between the line impedance and the ground
impedance ............................................................................. 27
Testing the impedance characteristic of a distance relay ..... 29
Actual circuit impedance versus measured circuit
impedance ............................................................................. 36
PROCEDURE .................................................................................. 37
Set up and connections ......................................................... 37
Settings of the distance relay ................................................ 37
Impedance characteristic of the distance relay based on
the fault impedance ZFault measured by the relay during
ground faults .......................................................................... 40
Testing the impedance characteristic of the distance
relay ....................................................................................... 44
Optional manipulations .......................................................... 53
Ending the exercise ............................................................... 54

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 V

Table of Contents

Exercise 2 Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection................... 57

DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 57
Underreaching and overreaching measuring elements
(distance zones) .................................................................... 57
Distance protection using time-stepped (time-
coordinated) distance zones.................................................. 59
Fault clearing times obtained using time-stepped
distance protection................................................................. 63
Backup distance protection of adjacent line segments ......... 66
PROCEDURE .................................................................................. 69
Set up and connections ......................................................... 69
Protected line data and settings of the distance relays ......... 70
Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a
fault in the middle of line segment AB ................................... 74
Operation of distance relays R1 and R4 ................................... 76
Operation of distance relays R2 and R3 ................................... 79
Analysis of the relay responses ................................................ 81
Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a
fault close to an end of line segment AB ............................... 82
Operation of distance relays R1 and R4 ................................... 83
Operation of distance relays R2 and R3 ................................... 85
Analysis of the relay responses ................................................ 87
Ending the exercise ............................................................... 88

Exercise 3 Distance Protection Using Communication-Assisted

Tripping Schemes ...................................................................... 91
DISCUSSION ................................................................................... 91
Introduction to distance protection using communication-
assisted tripping schemes ..................................................... 91
Permissive underreaching transfer trip (PUTT) scheme ....... 93
Permissive overreaching transfer trip (POTT) scheme ......... 96
Directional comparison blocking (DCB) scheme ................. 100
Selecting a communication-assisted tripping scheme for
a specific application of distance protection ........................ 105
PROCEDURE ................................................................................ 106
Set up and connections ....................................................... 106
Protected line data and settings of the distance relays ....... 107
PUTT scheme ...................................................................... 114
Operation of distance relay R2 ...............................................115
Operation of distance relay R1 ...............................................118
Operation of distance relay R4 ...............................................122
Operation of distance relay R3 ...............................................124
Analysis of the relay responses ..............................................125

VI © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Table of Contents

POTT scheme...................................................................... 127

Operation of distance relay R2 ............................................... 128
Operation of distance relay R1 ............................................... 131
Operation of distance relay R4 ............................................... 134
Operation of distance relay R3 ............................................... 136
Analysis of the relay responses ............................................. 138
DCB scheme........................................................................ 140
Operation of distance relay R1 ............................................... 141
Operation of distance relay R2 ............................................... 144
Operation of distance relay R3 ............................................... 146
Operation of distance relay R4 ............................................... 148
Analysis of the relay responses ............................................. 150
Ending the exercise ............................................................. 152

Appendix A Equipment Utilization Chart .................................................... 155

Appendix B Glossary of New Terms ........................................................... 157

Appendix C Introduction to the DIGSI 5 Software from Siemens ............ 161

Setting the language used in DIGSI 5 ................................. 162
Opening a project file ........................................................... 162
Displaying the single-line diagram ....................................... 164
Setting the frequency of operation of the protective relay ... 164
Setting the language used in the front panel display of
the protective relay .............................................................. 166
Accessing the settings of a specific protection function of
the relay ............................................................................... 166
Accessing the parameters of a test sequence .................... 168
Changing the ratio of current (or voltage) transformers ...... 169
Enabling/disabling fault display ........................................... 171
Loading a new configuration to the protective relay ............ 172
Restarting the protective relay in the simulation (test)
mode .................................................................................... 174
Updating the test environment............................................. 177
Starting a test sequence ...................................................... 177
Downloading a fault record from the protective relay .......... 179
Displaying the signals stored in a fault record ..................... 180
Restarting the protective relay in the process (normal
operation) mode................................................................... 183

Appendix D Protective Relay LED Identification Labels ........................... 185

Appendix E Electrical Graphic Symbols (IEC and ANSI) .......................... 187

Index .................................................................................................................. 189

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 VII

Table of Contents

Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 191

VIII © Festo Didactic 52176-10

The production of energy using renewable natural resources such as wind,
sunlight, rain, tides, geothermal heat, etc., has gained much importance in recent
years as it is an effective means of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The need for innovative technologies to make the grid smarter has recently
emerged as a major trend, as the increase in electrical power demand observed
worldwide makes it harder for the actual grid in many countries to keep up with
demand. Furthermore, electric vehicles (from bicycles to cars) are developed and
marketed with more and more success in many countries all over the world.

To answer the increasingly diversified needs for training in the wide field of
electrical energy, the Electric Power Technology Training Program was
developed as a modular study program for technical institutes, colleges, and
universities. The program is shown below as a flow chart, with each box in the
flow chart representing a course.

The Electric Power Technology Training Program.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 IX


The program starts with a variety of courses providing in-depth coverage of basic
topics related to the field of electrical energy such as ac and dc power circuits,
power transformers, rotating machines, ac power transmission lines, and power
electronics. The program then builds on the knowledge gained by the student
through these basic courses to provide training in more advanced subjects such
as home energy production from renewable resources (wind and sunlight),
large-scale electricity production from hydropower, large-scale electricity
production from wind power (doubly-fed induction generator [DFIG], synchronous
generator, and asynchronous generator technologies), smart-grid technologies
(SVC, STATCOM, HVDC transmission, etc.), storage of electrical energy in
batteries, and drive systems for small electric vehicles and cars.

We invite readers of this manual to send us their tips, feedback, and

suggestions for improving the book.

Please send these to did@de.festo.com.

The authors and Festo Didactic look forward to your comments.

X © Festo Didactic 52176-10

About This Manual

Manual objectives

When you have completed this manual, you will be familiar with distance
protection and how it is used to provide selective and fast clearance of faults on
transmission and subtransmission lines. You will know that distance protection is
based on the supervision of the power system impedance from the line ends.
You will be familiar with the operation and settings of the distance relay (ANSI
device no. 21) as well as with the self-polarized mho characteristic and the
quadrilateral characteristic used in these relays. You will be able to relate the
impedance characteristic of a distance relay to the measured fault impedance.
You will also be familiar with time-stepped distance protection and know how it
uses several distance zones to protect the whole length of each line segment.
You will know how distance protection can be used to provide backup protection
of adjacent line segments. You will understand how communication-assisted
tripping schemes are implemented to allow fast clearing of faults anywhere on
each line segment. You will be familiar with various communication-assisted
tripping schemes used in distance protection.

Safety considerations

Safety symbols that may be used in this manual and on the equipment are listed
in the Safety Symbols table at the beginning of the manual.

Safety procedures related to the tasks that you will be asked to perform are
indicated in each exercise.

Make sure that you are wearing appropriate protective equipment when
performing the tasks. You should never perform a task if you have any reason to
think that a manipulation could be dangerous for you or your teammates.


As a prerequisite to this course, you should have read the manuals titled DC
Power Circuits, part number 86350, Single-Phase AC Power Circuits, part
number 86358, Single-Phase Power Transformers, part number 86377,
Three-Phase AC Power Circuits, part number 86360, Three-Phase Transformer
Banks, part number 86379, Overcurrent and Overload Protection Using
Protective Relays, part number 52173, and Directional Protection, part
number 52174.

Systems of units

Units are expressed using the International System of Units (SI) followed by units
expressed in the U.S. customary system of units (between parentheses).

Voltage symbol

Voltages are represented using the letter “E”. In certain countries, the letter “U” is
rather used to represent voltages.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 XI

To the Instructor
You will find in this Instructor Guide all the elements included in the Student
Manual together with the answers to all questions, results of measurements,
graphs, explanations, suggestions, and, in some cases, instructions to help you
guide the students through their learning process. All the information that applies
to you is placed between markers and appears in red.

Accuracy of measurements

The numerical results of the hands-on exercises may differ from one student to
another. For this reason, the results and answers given in this manual should be
considered as a guide. Students who correctly performed the exercises should
expect to demonstrate the principles involved and make observations and
measurements similar to those given as answers.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 XIII

Sample Exercise
Extracted from
the Student Manual
and the Instructor Guide
Exercise 2

Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection

EXERCISE OBJECTIVE In this exercise, you will become familiar with underreaching and overreaching
measuring elements in distance protection. You will learn how distance
protection is implemented with distance zones. You will become familiar with
distance protection using time-stepped (time-coordinated) distance zones. You
will be able to evaluate the fault clearing times obtained using time-stepped
distance protection. You will become familiar with backup distance protection of
adjacent line segments.

DISCUSSION OUTLINE The Discussion of this exercise covers the following points:

ƒ Underreaching and overreaching measuring elements (distance zones)

ƒ Distance protection using time-stepped (time-coordinated) distance
ƒ Fault clearing times obtained using time-stepped distance protection
ƒ Backup distance protection of adjacent line segments

DISCUSSION Underreaching and overreaching measuring elements (distance zones)

The primary objective of distance protection is to provide fast and selective

clearance of line faults. This requires the distance relay to operate without delay,
but only when it is certain that the fault is located on the line segment that it
protects. In the previous exercise, we have seen that perfect selectivity is
obtained by setting the reach of the measuring element in a distance relay to a
value ensuring that it cannot overreach. For this purpose, the impedance
reach ZR of the measuring element in a distance relay with a self-polarized mho
characteristic is generally set to 80% of the magnitude |ZLine| of the impedance of
the line segment to be protected. Similarly, the reactive (X) reach of the
measuring element in a distance relay with a quadrilateral characteristic is
generally set to 80% of the inductive reactance XL Line of the line segment to be
protected. This practice, however, leaves a portion of the line segment
unprotected, which is not acceptable. This problem is solved by adding a second
measuring element whose reach covers the whole length of the line segment to
be protected plus a portion of the adjacent line segment, as shown in Figure 38.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 57

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Zone 2

Zone 1


T = TLine
ZR of zone 1 = 0.8 |ZLine|
ZR of zone 2 • 1.2 |ZLine|

Figure 38. Impedance characteristics of the zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements in a
distance relay using self-polarized mho characteristics.

In distance relays, a The impedance reach ZR of the first measuring element is generally set to 80% of
measuring element that the magnitude |ZLine| of the impedance of the line segment to be protected. This
cannot overreach is defines a first zone of distance protection, or distance zone, that covers the
commonly referred to as an major portion of the line segment to be protected. This zone is commonly
under-reaching measuring referred to as zone 1 of the distance protection. Ideally, the impedance reach ZR
element. Conversely, a of the second measuring element should be set to at least 120% of the
measuring element that can magnitude |ZLine| of the impedance of the line segment to be protected to ensure
overreach is commonly that this element overreaches (i.e., that it detects faults beyond the line segment
referred to as an to be protected). This defines a second zone of distance protection that covers
overreaching measuring the entire length of the line segment to be protected plus a portion of the adjacent
element. line segment. This zone is commonly referred to as zone 2 of the distance
protection. Together, the zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements provide
distance protection for the whole length of the line segment to be protected.

In the above example, the measuring elements have self-polarized mho

characteristics. Impedance-measuring elements with quadrilateral characteristics
can also be used, as shown in Figure 39. The reactive (X) reach of the zone 1
measuring element is generally set to 80% of the inductive reactance XL Line of
the line segment to be protected. The reactive (X) reach of the zone 2 measuring
element should be set to at least 120% of the inductive reactance XL Line of the
line segment to be protected.

58 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Zone 2
XL Line ZLine

Zone 1

X reach

TLine T

R reach

T = TLine
X reach of zone 1 = 0.8 XL Line
X reach of zone 2 • 1.2 XL Line

Figure 39. Impedance characteristics of the zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements in a
distance relay using quadrilateral characteristics.

Distance protection using time-stepped (time-coordinated) distance zones

An underreaching (zone 1) measuring element and an overreaching (zone 2)

measuring element are required to protect the whole length of a line segment.
The zone 1 measuring element is set to operate instantaneously (i.e., without the
addition of an intentional time delay) to provide fast fault clearance. On the other
hand, operation of the zone 2 measuring element, which is overreaching, is
delayed slightly to give time to the primary protection at the remote end of the
protected line segment (e.g., substation busbar differential protection, distance
protection applied to the adjacent line segment, overcurrent protection applied to
the adjacent line segment, etc.) to operate when a fault occurs in this area. For
this purpose, the time delay of the zone 2 measuring element is generally set to
about 0.4 s, as shown in Figure 40. This provides a grading margin of up to 0.4 s
between the operation of the zone 2 measuring element of the protected line
segment and the operation of the primary protection at the remote end of the
protected line segment. This method of implementing distance protection is
commonly referred to as time-stepped distance protection.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 59

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Time (s)

0.6 R1 R3
Reach of zone 2 (140%) Reach of zone 2 (140%)
0.2 margin
R1 R3
(0.4 s)
Reach of zone 1 (80%) Reach of zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Line segment Line segment

21 21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100%

R2 R4
Reach of zone 1 (80%) Grading Reach of zone 1 (80%)
0.2 margin
(0.4 s)
R2 R4
Reach of zone 2 (140%) Reach of zone 2 (140%)

Time (s)

Figure 40. Reach and time delay of the zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements of
time-stepped distance protection.

Figure 41 shows the combined response, in terms of reach and time delay, of the
zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements (i.e., the response of the distance
protection applied to each line segment) that results from the settings of
Figure 40.

Ideally, the reach of the zone 2 measuring element should extend to at

least 120% of the length of the line segment to be protected (to ensure that it
overreaches), as mentioned above. On the other hand, the reach of the zone 2
measuring element should also not exceed the reach of the zone 1 measuring
element of the adjacent line segment. The purpose of this second requirement is
to avoid the need to time coordinate the operation of the zone 2 measuring
element with the operation of the zone 2 measuring element of the distance
protection of the adjacent line segment. This, however, is not possible when the
length of the line segment to be protected is much longer than the length of the
adjacent line segment. A possible solution in this case is to keep the reach of the
zone 2 measuring element at 120% of the length of the line segment to be
protected, to ensure that it overreaches, and to increase the time delay setting of
this measuring element to let enough time for the zone 2 measuring element of
the adjacent line segment to operate. This is shown in Figure 42. In this example,
the reach of the zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R1, which is set to
the minimal value of 120%, clearly exceeds the reach of the zone 1 measuring

60 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

element of distance relay R3. The time delay of the zone 2 measuring element of
distance relay 1 is thus increased to 0.8 s to obtain a grading margin of 0.4 s with
the zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R3. Increasing the time delay of
the zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R1, however, has the
disadvantage of increasing the time required to clear faults occurring close to the
remote end of the long line segment. In certain cases, this may result in
premature aging of the protected equipment and may even jeopardize the
stability of the power network. Consequently, this solution may not be

Time (s)

R1 R3
Zone 2 (140%) Zone 2 (140%)
0.2 margin
R1 R3
(0.4 s)
Zone 1 (80%) Zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Line segment Line segment

21 21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100%

R2 R4
Zone 1 (80%) Grading Zone 1 (80%)
0.2 margin
(0.4 s)
R2 R4
Zone 2 (140%) Zone 2 (140%)

Time (s)

Figure 41. Typical response of time-stepped distance protection.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 61

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Reach of the zone 2 measuring

element of R1 exceeds the
reach of the zone 1 measuring
element of R3
Time (s)
Zone 2 (120%)
0.6 margin
(0.4 s)
Zone 2 (150%)
R1 R3
Zone 1 (80%) Zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Long line Short line

segment segment

21 21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100%

Figure 42. When the reach of the zone 2 measuring element extends above the reach of the
zone 1 measuring element of the distance protection of the adjacent line segment, the
operation of the zone 2 measuring elements of the distance protection of these two line
segments needs to be time coordinated.

The presence of a power transformer in the substation at the remote end of a line
segment protected using distance protection generally prevents the zone 2
measuring element from overreaching, even if the reach of this element is set to
at least 120% of the length of the protected line segment. This is because the
impedance of a power transformer, which mainly consists of inductive reactance,
is large with respect to the impedance of the protected line segment. The
impedance of a power transformer is generally larger than the impedance of
a 100 km (about 60 miles) line segment. When a long line segment is followed by
a short line segment and a power transformer is present in the substation at the
remote end of the long line segment, time coordination between the operation of
the zone 2 measuring elements protecting these two line segments is not
necessary. This is shown in Figure 43.

In this example, the impedance of power transformer T1 prevents the actual

reach of the zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R1 from exceeding the
substation, even if the reach setting is adjusted to 120% of the length of the long
line segment. Consequently, the operation of the zone 2 measuring element of
distance relay R1 does not need to be time coordinated with that of the zone 2
measuring element of distance relay R3. Hence, the time required to clear faults
occurring close to the remote end of the long line segment is not increased.

62 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Time (s) The actual reach of the zone 2

measuring element of R1 is
limited by T1

R1 R3
Zone 2 (120%) Zone 2 (150%)

R1 R3
Zone 1 (80%) Zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

Long line Short line
segment segment

21 21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100%

Figure 43. The impedance of power transformer T1 prevents the actual reach of the zone 2
measuring element of distance relay R1 from exceeding the substation, even if the reach
setting is adjusted to 120% of the length of the long line segment.

Fault clearing times obtained using time-stepped distance protection

The primary objective of distance protection is to provide fast and selective

clearance of faults over the whole length of each line segment. This is commonly
achieved using time-stepped distance protection which uses an
underreaching (zone 1) measuring element and an overreaching (zone 2)
measuring element for each line segment to be protected, as mentioned in the
previous sections of this discussion. The operation of the overreaching element,
however, is delayed slightly to give time to the primary protection of the next line
segment to operate when a fault occurs on this line segment. Consequently, not
all line faults can be cleared instantaneously. For instance, when time-stepped
distance protection is applied to a radial feeder, faults occurring in the first 80%
of a line segment are detected by the zone 1 measuring element of the distance
relay, which is set to operate without delay. The fault clearing time for these
faults corresponds to the actual response time of the zone 1 measuring element
plus the operating time of the circuit breaker. This generally results in a fault
clearing time of about 0.1 s. On the other hand, all faults occurring in the 20%
interval at the remote end of a line segment are detected by the zone 2
measuring element of the distance relay, which is set to operate with a time delay
of about 0.4 s. The fault clearing time for faults located in zone 2 is thus
about 0.5 s, assuming that the time delay of the zone 2 measuring element is set
to 0.4 s and the actual response time of the zone 2 measuring element and
operating time of the circuit breaker total 0.1 s. This is illustrated in Figure 44.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 63

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Time (s)

Zone 2 (140%)

Zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0%

Line segment

21 R1 21

Fault clearing
time (s)




0 20 40 60 80 100
Fault location on line segment
(% of segment length)

Figure 44. Fault clearing time along a segment of a radial feeder.

When time-stepped distance protection is applied to a power line used in a

meshed network, the distance relays at both ends of a line segment must
operate to clear a fault on this segment. All faults occurring in the middle portion
of a line segment (this portion generally represents 60% of the line segment
length) are detected by the zone 1 measuring element of the distance relays at
both ends of the line segment. The fault clearing time for faults located in the
middle portion of the line segment is thus 0.1 s, assuming that the actual
response time of the zone 1 measuring element and operating time of the circuit
breaker total 0.1 s. On the other hand, all faults occurring within 20% of either
end of a line segment are detected by the zone 1 measuring element of the
distance relay at one end and by the zone 2 measuring element of the distance
relay at the other end. Consequently, these faults are cleared in a time of
about 0.5 s, assuming that the time delay of the zone 2 measuring element is set
to 0.4 s and the actual response time of the zone 2 measuring element and
operating time of the circuit breaker total 0.1 s. This is illustrated in Figure 45.

64 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Time (s)

Zone 2 (140%)

Zone 1 (80%)

100% 0% 100% 0%

Line segment

21 21 R1 R2 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100%

Zone 1 (80%)

Zone 2 (140%)

Time (s)

Fault clearing
time (s)




0 20 40 60 80 100
Fault location on line segment
(% of segment length)
Figure 45. Fault clearing time along a segment of a power line used in a meshed network.

To summarize, time-stepped distance protection provides fast (i.e., fault clearing

time of about 0.1 s) and selective clearance of faults over the major portion (60%
or more) of each segment of a power line. However, faults occurring in the
remaining portion(s) of each line segment are generally cleared in a time of
about 0.5 s. In the next exercise, you will see that adding a
communication-assisted tripping scheme to time-stepped distance protection
enables fast and selective clearance of faults anywhere on each segment of a
power line.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 65

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Backup distance protection of adjacent line segments

Adding a second measuring element that overreaches moderately provides

distance protection over the complete length of the line segment to be protected,
as mentioned earlier in this discussion. A third measuring element that
overreaches even more can also be added to distance protection. When distance
relays with self-polarized mho characteristics are used, the impedance reach ZR
of the third measuring element should be set to at least 120% of the
magnitude (|ZLine + ZAdjacent line|) of the combined impedance of the line segment to
be protected and the adjacent line segment, as shown in Figure 46. This defines
a third zone of distance protection that covers the entire length of the line
segment to be protected, as well as the entire length of the adjacent line
segment. This zone, which is commonly referred to as zone 3 of the distance
protection, is intended for backup distance protection of the adjacent line
segment in case the primary protection of this line segment fails to operate.

Zone 3
ZAdjacent line

Zone 2

Zone 1


T = TLine
ZR of zone 1 = 0.8 |ZLine|
ZR of zone 2 • 1.2 |ZLine|
ZR of zone 3 • 1.2 |ZLine + ZAdjacent line|

Figure 46. Impedance characteristics of the zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 measuring elements in
a distance relay using self-polarized mho characteristics.

Similarly, when distance relays with quadrilateral characteristics are used, the
reactive (X) reach of the third measuring element should be set to at least 120%
of the combined inductive reactance (XL Line + XL Adjacent line) of the line segment to
be protected and the adjacent line segment, as shown in Figure 47.

66 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Zone 3

XL Adjacent line ZAdjacent Line

Zone 2

Zone 1
XL Line ZLine
X reach
TLine T

R reach

T = TLine
X reach of zone 1 = 0.8 XL Line
X reach of zone 2 • 1.2 XL Line
X reach of zone 3 • 1.2 (XL Line + XL Adjacent line)

Figure 47. Impedance characteristics of the zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 measuring elements in
a distance relay using quadrilateral characteristics.

The operation of the zone 3 measuring element has to be delayed to give

enough time to the primary protection of the adjacent line segment (generally
zone 1 and zone 2 measuring elements of distance protection) to operate when a
fault occurs on this line segment, as shown in Figure 48. For this purpose, the
time delay of the zone 3 measuring element is set to a value exceeding the time
delay setting of the zone 2 measuring element of the distance protection of the
adjacent line segment. When the desired grading margin is 0.4 s, the time delay
of the zone 3 measuring element is thus set to about 0.8 s.

a Line segments of equal length are assumed in Figure 48. Consequently, the
reach of each of the three zones of distance protection is set to the same value
in distance relays R1 to R6.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 67

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Discussion

Reach of zone 1: 80%

Reach of zone 2: 160%
Time (s) Reach of zone 3: 120% (line + adjacent line)

1.0 R3 R5
R1 Zone 3 Zone 3
Zone 3
0.6 margin
(0.4 s) R3 R5
Zone 2 Zone 2
0.4 Zone 2

R1 R3 R5
Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1

100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0%

21 21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21 21 R5 R6 21 21

0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100% 0% 100%

R2 R4 R6
Zone 1 Zone 1 Zone 1

0.4 R2 R6
Zone 2 Grading Zone 2
Zone 2
0.6 margin
(0.4 s)
R2 R6
R4 Zone 3
1.0 Zone 3 Zone 3

Time (s)

Figure 48. Reach and time delay of the zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 measuring elements of
time-stepped distance protection.

The reach of the zone 3 measuring element should extend to at least 120% of
the length of the line segment to be protected and adjacent line segment to
ensure that it overreaches these two line segments, as mentioned above. On the
other hand, the reach of the zone 3 measuring element should also not exceed
the reach of the zone 2 measuring element of the next line segment. The
purpose of this second requirement is to avoid the need to time coordinate the
operation of the zone 3 measuring element with the operation of the zone 3
measuring element of the distance protection of the adjacent line segment. This,
however, is not possible when the length of the line segment to be protected and
adjacent line segment is much longer than the length of the next line segment. In
fact, this is the same problematic as with the zone 2 measuring elements
mentioned earlier in the discussion. A similar solution can thus be used in this

68 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure Outline

case, i.e., leave the reach of the zone 3 measuring element set to 120% of the
length of the line segment to be protected and adjacent line segment and
increase the time delay setting of this measuring element to let enough time for
the zone 3 measuring element of the adjacent line segment to operate. This,
however, further delays the operation of the backup distance protection and
results in fault clearing times of about 1 s or more.

Alternatively, the reach of the zone 3 measuring element can be set below 120%
of the length of the line segment to be protected and adjacent line segment to
avoid the need to time coordinate the operation of the zone 3 measuring element
with the operation of the zone 3 measuring element of the distance protection of
the adjacent line segment. This solution does not further delay the operation of
the backup distance protection. However, the lower reach setting of the zone 3
measuring element may prevent the backup distance protection from covering
the entire length of the adjacent line segment.

To summarize, backup distance protection is a nice feature of time-stepped

distance protection. However, it is slower than primary distance protection and
may be difficult to apply. Also, fault clearance by backup distance protection is
not desirable, because it means that some primary protection failed to operate.
For these reasons, backup distance protection should be regarded only as a
means to limit equipment damage and perturbation of the power system in case
some primary protection fails to clear a fault.

PROCEDURE OUTLINE The Procedure is divided into the following sections:

ƒ Set up and connections

ƒ Protected line data and settings of the distance relays
ƒ Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a fault in the middle
of line segment AB
Operation of distance relays R1 and R4. Operation of distance relays R2
and R3. Analysis of the relay responses.
ƒ Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a fault close to an
end of line segment AB
Operation of distance relays R1 and R4. Operation of distance relays R2
and R3. Analysis of the relay responses.
ƒ Ending the exercise

PROCEDURE Set up and connections

In this section, you will set up a protective relay so that it can be programmed
and tested using a host computer.

1. Refer to the Equipment Utilization Chart in Appendix A to obtain the list of

equipment required to perform this exercise.

Install the Numerical Distance Relay (Model 3813) and the host computer on
your work surface.

Insert the LED identification label for Exercise 2 into the front panel of the
protective relay. The identification labels can be found in Appendix D.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 69

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

2. Connect the protective relay and the host computer to an ac power wall

Turn the protective relay on. Wait for the protective relay to complete its
initialization routine (this generally takes about 45 s).

3. Connect the USB port of the protective relay to a USB port of the host

4. Turn the host computer on, then start the DIGSI 5 software.

Protected line data and settings of the distance relays

In this section, you will become familiar with the protected line data and the
settings of the distance relay.

5. In DIGSI 5, open project file Time-Stepped Distance Protection.dp5v6

created for the protective relay that you are using to perform the exercise. By
default, the project files required to perform the exercises in this manual
should be located in the following folder: C:\ProgramData\Festo
Didactic\Manual 52176, Distance Protection\...

You will use this project to verify the operation of time-stepped distance
protection applied to the power line shown in Figure 49. The power line
consists of two line segments and is powered at both ends (i.e., the line is
part of a meshed network).

A B C Power
source 1 source 2
ZS1 Line segment Line segment ZS2

9.1 ȍ ‫ס‬85° 4.55 ȍ ‫ס‬85°

315 kV 315 kV
21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21

Figure 49. Power line consisting of two line segments. Conventional time-stepped distance
protection is used to protect the two line segments.

Both line segments are identical. The line data presented in Table 8 applies
to each line segment. The impedance of each line segment is thus equal
to 40.15 ȍ ‫ס‬85°.

70 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Table 8. Line data for the two line segments shown in Figure 49.

Parameter Value

Length 100 km (62.1 miles)

Reactance XL per
0.40 ȍ/km (0.64 ȍ/mile)
unit of length

Impedance angle

K0 0.8 ‫ס‬-15°

6. In DIGSI 5, display the single-line diagram showing the connection of the

protective relay to the electric power circuit. Observe that in this project, the
voltage inputs of the protective relay are connected to the electric power
circuit (a feeder in an electric power substation) via voltage transformers
having a 400 kV/100 V ratio. Also observe that the current inputs of the
protective relay are connected to the electric power circuit via current
transformers having an 800 A/1 A ratio. It is assumed that each distance
relay shown in Figure 49 is connected to the power line according to this

a In this exercise, you will program the protective relay in the DIGSI 5 project to
act, in turn, as each of the four distance relays in the circuit of Figure 49.

According to the VT ratio and CT ratio above, the relationship between

secondary impedance values and primary impedance values is as follows:

ZS = (CT ratio / VT ratio) ZP = 0.2 ZP or

ZP = 5 ZS

Therefore, the impedance of each line segment, expressed as a secondary

impedance value, is equal to 8.03 ȍ ‫ס‬85°.

7. The response (in terms of reach and time delay) of the time-stepped distance
protection desired for the power line of Figure 49 is shown in Figure 50.
Distance relays R1 and R4 have zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 measuring
elements, while distance relays R2 and R3 only have zone 1 and zone 2
measuring elements. The reach and time delay settings of each of the
measuring elements are the same in distance R1 to R4. The grading margin
is 0.4 s.

Determine the reach (either impedance reach ZR or X reach) and time delay
settings of each of the measuring elements in distance relays R1 to R4.
Express the reach settings as secondary impedance values. Record your
results in Table 9.

a The resistive (R) reach of the measuring elements with quadrilateral

characteristics is arbitrarily set to 3.0 ȍ.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 71

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Reach of zone 1: 80%

Reach of zone 2: 140%
Reach of zone 3: 120% (line + adjacent line)
Time (s)

R1 – Zone 3
R1 – Zone 2 R3 – Zone 2
R1 – Zone 1 R3 – Zone 1
0% 100% 0% 100%
Power Power
source 1 source 2
ZS1 Line segment Line segment ZS2

9.1 ȍ ‫ס‬85° 4.55 ȍ ‫ס‬85°

315 kV 315 kV
21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21

100% 0% 100% 0%

R2 – Zone 1 R4 – Zone 1
R2 – Zone 2 R4 – Zone 2
R4 – Zone 3

Time (s)

Figure 50. Response of the time-stepped distance protection.

Table 9. Reach and time delay settings of each of the measuring elements in distance
relays R1 to R4.

Measuring elements

Zone 3
Zone 1 Zone 2
(R1 and R4 only)

reach ZR (ȍ)

X reach (ȍ)

R reach (ȍ) 3.0 3.0 3.0

Time delay (s)

72 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Table 9. Reach and time delay settings of each of the measuring elements in distance
relays R1 to R4.

Measuring elements

Zone 3
Zone 1 Zone 2
(R1 and R4 only)

6.42 11.24 19.27
reach ZR (ȍ)

X reach (ȍ) 6.40 11.20 19.20

R reach (ȍ) 3.0 3.0 3.0

Time delay (s) 0 0.4 0.8

8. In DIGSI 5, access the settings related to the power line to be protected by

successively selecting (double clicking) the items below in the Project tree

Relay 3813 (Siemens 7SA82) Ź Settings ŹLine 1 Ź General

Make sure the line data in DIGSI 5 corresponds to that presented in

Table 10. The line data in Table 10 is consistent with the line data of the
power line shown in Figure 49 (presented in Table 8).

Table 10. Line data in DIGSI 5.

Parameter Value

X per length unit 0.08 ȍ/km (0.128 ȍ/mile)

Line length 100 km (62.1 miles)

Line angle 85°

K0 0.8

Angle (K0) -15°

a DIGSI 5 displays values of resistance, reactance, and impedance based on

secondary impedance values (Edit mode = Secondary).

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 73

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a fault in the middle of

line segment AB

In this section, you will analyze the response of time-stepped distance protection
to a fault in the middle of a line segment.

9. Table 11 shows the magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages
measured by distance relays R1 to R4 under normal operating conditions. It
is assumed that power flows from source 1 to source 2 and that the value of
power is about 300 MW.

a All magnitudes are expressed as primary values, i.e., the values at the primary
windings of the current and voltage transformers. Also, all phase angle values
are referred to the phase angle of voltage EAN at power source 1 (i.e., the
phase angle of voltage EAN at power source 1 is 0°).

Table 11. Currents and voltages measured by distance relays R1 to R4 under normal
operating conditions.

Relay R1 ĺ Relay R2 ĸ Relay R3 ĺ Relay R4 ĸ

Phase Phase Phase Phase

Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude
angle angle angle angle

IA (A, ‫ס‬°) 587.0 -5 587.0 175 587.0 -5 587.0 175

IB (A, ‫ס‬°) 587.0 -125 587.0 55 587.0 -125 587.0 55
IC (A, ‫ס‬°) 587.0 115 587.0 -65 587.0 115 587.0 -65
EA (kV, ‫ס‬°) 180.3 -3 179.1 -11 179.1 -11 181.0 -18
EB (kV, ‫ס‬°) 180.3 -123 179.1 -131 179.1 -131 181.0 -138
EC (kV, ‫ס‬°) 180.3 117 179.1 109 179.1 109 181.0 102

Observe that the current measured by distance relay R1 is phase shifted

by 180° with respect to the current measured by distance relay R2. Also, the
current measured by distance relay R3 is phase shifted by 180° with respect
to the current measured by distance relay R4. This is because all current
transformers are connected in such a way that current flowing toward the
protected line segment is perceived as current flowing in the forward
direction by the distance relays. This practice is common in line distance
protection. It requires the polarity of the current transformers at distance
relay R2 to be reversed with respect to the polarity of the current
transformers at distance relay R1. The same polarity arrangement applies to
the current transformers at distance relays R3 and R4.

Figure 51 shows the flow of fault currents resulting from a ground fault
located in the middle of line segment AB.

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Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Power A B C Power
source 1 source 2
ZS1 Line segment Line segment ZS2

9.1 ȍ ‫ס‬85° Fault 4.55 ȍ ‫ס‬85°

315 kV 315 kV
21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21

Figure 51. Flow of fault currents resulting from a ground fault located in the middle of line
segment AB.

Table 12 shows the magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages
measured by distance relays R1 to R4 for the ground fault shown in
Figure 51. It is assumed that the ground fault occurs on phase A of line
segment AB. It is also assumed that the fault resistance RFault is null.

Table 12. Currents and voltages measured by distance relays R1 to R4 when a ground fault
occurs in the middle of line segment AB.

Relay R1 ĺ Relay R2 ĸ Relay R3 ĺ Relay R4 ĸ

Phase Phase Phase Phase

Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude
angle angle angle angle

IA (A, ‫ס‬°) 3389 -77 1650 -107 1650 73 1650 -107

IB (A, ‫ס‬°) 684.0 -120 684.0 60 684.0 -120 684.0 60
IC (A, ‫ס‬°) 491.0 121 491.0 -59 491.0 121 491.0 -59
EA (kV, ‫ס‬°) 121.0 -4 55.6 -20 55.6 -20 166.9 -20
EB (kV, ‫ס‬°) 181.2 -124 198.5 -141 198.5 -141 180.4 -138
EC (kV, ‫ס‬°) 181.5 117 205.1 118 205.1 118 180.7 101

10. In DIGSI 5, set the frequency of operation (Rated frequency parameter) of

the protective relay to the frequency of your local ac power network.

Set the language used in the front panel display of the protective relay to the
language used in DIGSI 5.

11. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the distance protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the distance protection
function is called 21 Distance prot. 1 and is located in protection function
group Line 1.

Three measuring elements with self-polarized mho characteristics

[Z (MHO) 1, Z (MHO) 2, and Z (MHO) 3] and three measuring elements with
quadrilateral characteristics (Z 1, Z 2, and Z 3) are available in the project.
The number in the name of each measuring element corresponds to the
distance zone number.

Choose and enable the type of measuring elements you desire to implement
distance protection. Keep the Mode parameter of the other type of measuring
elements to Off.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 75

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Make sure the reach (parameter X reach or Zr impedance reach) and time
delay [parameters Operate delay (1-phase) and Operate delay (multi-ph.)] of
each measuring element correspond to the values in Table 9. If you selected
quadrilateral characteristics to implement distance protection, make sure the
R reach [parameters R (ph-g) and R (ph-ph)] corresponds to the value in
Table 9.

Make sure each measuring element is set to look in the forward direction
(Directional mode: forward), i.e., toward the protected line segment.

Operation of distance relays R1 and R4

12. In the settings of the distance protection function of the protective relay,
make sure the zone 1, zone 2, and zone 3 measuring elements are enabled
(Mode: on).

13. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R1-Fault 1. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R1 measures when a ground fault (Fault 1) occurs in the
middle of line segment AB. The test sequence consists of two steps. The first
step (step 1) has a duration of 10 s and the second step (step 2) has a
duration of 2 s.

The magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages emulated
during step 1 represent those given in Table 11 (normal operating conditions)
for relay R1. The magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages
emulated during step 2 represent those given in Table 12 (ground fault in the
middle of line segment AB) for relay R1.

a In all test sequences, the magnitudes are expressed as secondary values, i.e.,
the values at the secondary windings of the current and voltage transformers.

Note that the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated by the internal
relay test system during both steps of the sequence is set to 50 Hz.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R1-Fault 1 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

14. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R4-Fault 1. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R4 measures when a ground fault occurs in the middle of
line segment AB. Test sequence R4-Fault 1 is built in the same manner as
test sequence R1-Fault 1.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R4-Fault 1 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

15. Load the configuration to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This sets the
protective relay to operate as distance relay R1 or R4.

76 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

16. In DIGSI 5, restart the protective relay in the simulation mode to allow the
distance protection function of the protective relay (i.e., protection
function 21 Distance prot. 1 in protection function group Line 1) to be tested
using the internal relay test system.

a The Error LED on the front panel of the protective relay lights up when the unit
is in simulation mode. This is normal. Do not be concerned about this error

a During this procedure, if you notice that DIGSI 5 lags relay operation, press the
Clear list button at the top of the test environment. This should restore normal
operation of DIGSI 5.

17. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment of the protective relay. Start test
sequence R1-Fault 1, then observe the front panel of the protective relay to
see how it responds to the currents and voltages emulated by its internal
relay test system.

a You may notice that the phase angle values displayed on the protective relay
differ from those in the test sequence (presented in Table 11 and Table 12).
This is because the protective relay assumes that the phase angle of
voltage EA is 0°, the phase angle values of all other currents and voltages
being adjusted accordingly.

Table 13 provides the functions of the LED indicators of the protective relay.

Table 13. Functions of the LED indicators on the front panel of the protective relay.

indicator LED color Function

Pickup indication for a ground fault on phase A. The LED

1 Red
lights up when the distance protection function picks up.

2 Red Same as LED indicator 1 for a ground fault on phase B.

3 Red Same as LED indicator 1 for a ground fault on phase C.

Same as LED indicator 1 for a phase-to-phase fault

4 Red
between phase A and phase B.

Same as LED indicator 1 for a phase-to-phase fault

5 Red
between phase B and phase C.

Same as LED indicator 1 for a phase-to-phase fault

6 Red
between phase C and phase A.

Tripped indication for the self-polarized mho characteristic

Z (MHO) 1 or the quadrilateral characteristic Z 1 of the
7 Red
distance protection function. The LED lights up when the
measuring element of zone 1 trips the protective relay.

Tripped indication for the self-polarized mho characteristic

Z (MHO) 2 or the quadrilateral characteristic Z 2 of the
8 Red
distance protection function. The LED lights up when the
measuring element of zone 2 trips the protective relay.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 77

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

indicator LED color Function

Tripped indication for the self-polarized mho characteristic

Z (MHO) 3 or the quadrilateral characteristic Z 3 of the
9 Red
distance protection function. The LED lights up when the
measuring element of zone 3 trips the protective relay.

Relay tripped indication. The LED lights up when the

16 Red
protective relay trips.

When the protective relay picks up or trips, information (protective function

that picked up and tripped the relay, relay pickup time, relay trip time, etc.)
about the response of the protective relay to the test sequence is displayed
on the front panel display. Use the up and down arrow buttons on the relay
front panel to scroll through this information.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R1).

The zone 1 measuring element of distance relay R1 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output almost instantaneously.

The zone 2 and zone 3 measuring elements also tripped the distance relay
output (LED 8 and LED 9 lit up) a little later, because the emulated fault
current lasted for 2 s. This largely exceeds the time delay settings of the
zone 2 and zone 3 measuring elements (0.4 s and 0.8 s, respectively).

a In an actual situation, i.e., when the distance relay controls the opening of the
circuit breaker connected in series with the protected line segment, the fault
current is interrupted shortly after (generally about 0.1 s) the zone 1 measuring
element picked up and tripped the distance relay output. This causes the
zone 2 and zone 3 measuring elements to reset before their respective time
delays (generally about 0.4 s and 0.8 s) have elapsed, thereby preventing both
elements from tripping the relay output. Consequently, do not take into account
tripping of the relay output by the zone 2 and zone 3 measuring elements
observed in the manipulation.

Is the response of distance relay R1 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located right in the middle of the protected line
segment (i.e., line segment AB). This is within the reach of the zone 1
measuring element, which is set to trip the output of distance relay R1
without delay.

18. Reset the protective relay.

19. In DIGSI 5, start test sequence R4-Fault 1, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents and voltages
emulated by its internal relay test system.

78 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R4).

The zone 3 measuring element of distance relay R4 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output after about 800 ms.

Is the response of distance relay R4 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located right in the middle of the adjacent line
segment (i.e., line segment AB). This is within the reach of the zone 3
measuring element only, which is set to trip the output of distance relay R4
after its time delay (0.8 s) has elapsed.

20. Reset the protective relay.

Operation of distance relays R2 and R3

21. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the distance protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the distance protection
function is called 21 Distance prot. 1 and is located in protection function
group Line 1.

Disable the zone 3 measuring element. Make sure the zone 1 and zone 2
measuring elements are enabled.

22. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R2-Fault 1. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R2 measures when a ground fault occurs in the middle of
line segment AB. Test sequence R2-Fault 1 is built in the same manner as
test sequence R1-Fault 1.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R2-Fault 1 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

23. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R3-Fault 1. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R3 measures when a ground fault occurs in the middle of
line segment AB. Test sequence R3-Fault 1 is built in the same manner as
test sequence R1-Fault 1.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R3-Fault 1 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

24. Load the configuration to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This sets the
protective relay to operate as distance relay R2 or R3.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 79

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

25. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment of the protective relay. Start test
sequence R2-Fault 1, then observe the front panel of the protective relay to
see how it responds to the currents and voltages emulated by its internal
relay test system.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R2).

The zone 1 measuring element of distance relay R2 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output almost instantaneously.

The zone 2 measuring element also tripped the distance relay output (LED 8
lit up) a little later, because the emulated fault current lasted for 2 s. This
largely exceeds the time delay setting (0.4 s) of the zone 2 measuring

a In an actual situation, i.e., when the distance relay controls the opening of the
circuit breaker connected in series with the protected line segment, the fault
current is interrupted shortly after (generally about 0.1 s) the zone 1 measuring
element picked up and tripped the distance relay output. This causes the
zone 2 measuring element to reset before its time delay (generally about 0.4 s)
has elapsed, thereby preventing this element from tripping the relay output.
Consequently, do not take into account tripping of the relay output by the
zone 2 measuring element observed in the manipulation.

Is the response of distance relay R2 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located right in the middle of the protected line
segment (i.e., line segment AB). This is within the reach of the zone 1
measuring element, which is set to trip the output of distance relay R2
without delay.

26. Reset the protective relay.

27. In DIGSI 5, start test sequence R3-Fault 1, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents and voltages
emulated by its internal relay test system.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R3).

Neither of the measuring elements of distance relay R3 picked up, and

consequently, the relay took no action.

Is the response of distance relay R3 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The fault current flowed in the direction opposite to the direction of
current flow (forward, i.e., toward line segment BC) set in distance relay R3.

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Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

28. Reset the protective relay.

Analysis of the relay responses

29. Regroup the responses of relays R1 to R4 in Figure 52.

Substation Substation Substation

bus A bus B bus C

Relay R1 Relay R2 Relay R3 Relay R4

Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip?

________ ________ ________ ________

Trip time: Trip time: Trip time: Trip time:

________ ________ ________ ________

Figure 52. Responses of relays R1 to R4 to a fault in the middle of line segment AB.

Substation Substation Substation

bus A bus B bus C

Relay R1 Relay R2 Relay R3 Relay R4

Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip?

Yes Yes No Yes

Trip time: Trip time: Trip time: Trip time:

~ 0 ms ~ 0 ms N/A ~ 800 ms

Figure 52. Responses of relays R1 to R4 to a fault in the middle of line segment AB.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 81

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

30. Using the relay responses that you recorded, reconstitute the sequence of
events that should occur when a ground fault occurs in the middle of line
segment AB and distance relays R1 to R4 are all in operation at the same

When a ground fault occurs in the middle of line segment AB, the zone 1
measuring elements in distance relays R1 and R2 both pick up and trip the
outputs of these relays almost instantaneously. Tripping of distance
relays R1 and R2 immediately opens the circuit breakers at both ends of line
segment AB, thereby quickly interrupting the fault currents provided by power
sources 1 and 2.

When the ground fault occurs in the middle of line segment AB, the zone 3
measuring element in distance relay R4 also picks up. However, this element
resets before its time delay (0.8 s) has elapsed, because the ground fault is
cleared almost instantaneously by the trip of distance relays R1 and R2. This
prevents distance relay R4 from tripping.

Finally, neither of the two measuring elements in distance relay R3 picks up

when the ground fault occurs in the middle of line segment AB, because the
fault current flows in the direction opposite to the direction of current flow
(forward, i.e., toward line segment BC) set in this relay.

How much time is required to clear a fault located in the middle of line
segment AB, assuming that the response time of the measuring element and
the operating time of the circuit breaker total 0.1 s?

The time required to clear a fault located in the middle of line segment AB
is 0.1 s.

Response of the time-stepped distance protection to a fault close to an end

of line segment AB

In this section, you will analyze the response of time-stepped distance protection
to a fault close to an end of a line segment.

31. Figure 53 shows the flow of fault currents resulting from a ground fault
located close (10% of the line segment length) to end B of line segment AB.

Power A B C Power
source 1 source 2
ZS1 Line segment Line segment ZS2

9.1 ȍ ‫ס‬85° Fault 4.55 ȍ ‫ס‬85°

315 kV 315 kV
21 R1 R2 21 21 R3 R4 21

Figure 53. Flow of fault currents resulting from a ground fault located close (10% of the line
segment length) to end B of line segment AB.

Table 14 shows the magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages
measured by distance relays R1 to R4 for the ground fault shown in

82 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Figure 53. It is assumed that the ground fault occurs on phase A of line
segment AB. It is also assumed that the fault resistance RFault is null.

Table 14. Currents and voltages measured by distance relays R1 to R4 when a ground fault
occurs close (10% of the line segment length) to end B of line segment AB.

Relay R1 ĺ Relay R2 ĸ Relay R3 ĺ Relay R4 ĸ

Phase Phase Phase Phase

Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude Magnitude
angle angle angle angle

IA (A, ‫ס‬°) 2266 -74 2103 -106 2103 74 2103 -106

IB (A, ‫ס‬°) 630.7 -123 630.7 57 630.7 -123 630.7 57
IC (A, ‫ס‬°) 544.3 118 544.3 -62 544.3 118 544.3 -62
EA (kV, ‫ס‬°) 141.5 -3 14.79 -20 14.79 -20 162.7 -20
EB (kV, ‫ס‬°) 180.7 -124 209.3 -147 209.3 -147 180.7 -138
EC (kV, ‫ס‬°) 180.9 117 222.5 122 222.5 122 180.8 102

Operation of distance relays R1 and R4

32. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the distance protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the distance protection
function is called 21 Distance prot. 1 and is located in protection function
group Line 1.

Enable the zone 3 measuring element. Make sure the zone 1 and zone 2
measuring elements are enabled.

33. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R1-Fault 2. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R1 measures when a ground fault (Fault 2) occurs close
to end B of line segment AB. The test sequence consists of two steps. The
first step (step 1) has a duration of 10 s and the second step (step 2) has a
duration of 2 s.

The magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages emulated
during step 1 represent those given in Table 11 (normal operating conditions)
for relay R1. The magnitude and phase angle of the currents and voltages
emulated during step 2 represent those given in Table 14 (ground fault close
to end B of line segment AB) for relay R1.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R1-Fault 2 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

34. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R4-Fault 2. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R4 measures when a ground fault (Fault 2) occurs close
to end B of line segment AB. Test sequence R4-Fault 2 is built in the same
manner as test sequence R1-Fault 2.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R4-Fault 2 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 83

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

35. Load the configuration to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This sets the
protective relay to operate as distance relay R1 or R4.

36. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment of the protective relay. Start test
sequence R1-Fault 2, then observe the front panel of the protective relay to
see how it responds to the currents and voltages emulated by its internal
relay test system.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R1).

The zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R1 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output after its time delay (0.4 s) has elapsed.

The zone 3 measuring element also tripped the distance relay output (LED 9
lit up) a little later, because the emulated fault current lasted for 2 s. This
largely exceeds the time delay setting (0.8 s) of the zone 3 measuring
element. However, do not take into account tripping of the zone 3 measuring
element observed in this manipulation, as it should not occur in an actual
situation, because the fault current is interrupted before the time delay of this
element has elapsed.

Is the response of distance relay R1 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located close to end B of the protected line segment
(i.e., line segment AB) in such a way that it is beyond the reach of the zone 1
measuring element, but within the reach of the zone 2 measuring element,
which is set to trip the output of distance relay R1 after a time delay of 0.4 s.

37. Reset the protective relay.

38. In DIGSI 5, start test sequence R4-Fault 2, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents and voltages
emulated by its internal relay test system.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R4).

The zone 2 measuring element of distance relay R4 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output after its time delay (0.4 s) has elapsed.

The zone 3 measuring element also tripped the distance relay output (LED 9
lit up) a little later, because the emulated fault current lasted for 2 s. This
largely exceeds the time delay setting (0.8 s) of the zone 3 measuring
element. However, do not take into account tripping of the zone 3 measuring
element observed in this manipulation, as it should not occur in an actual
situation, because the fault current is interrupted before the time delay of this
element has elapsed.

84 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Is the response of distance relay R4 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located close to end B of the adjacent line
segment (line segment AB) in such a way that it is within the reach of the
zone 2 measuring element, which is set to trip the output of distance relay R4
after a time delay of 0.4 s.

39. Reset the protective relay.

Operation of distance relays R2 and R3

40. In DIGSI 5, access the settings of the distance protection function of the
protective relay. In the Project tree area of DIGSI 5, the distance protection
function is called 21 Distance prot. 1 and is located in protection function
group Line 1.

Disable the zone 3 measuring element. Make sure the zone 1 and zone 2
measuring elements are enabled.

41. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R2-Fault 2. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R2 measures when a ground fault (Fault 2) occurs close
to end B of line segment AB. Test sequence R2-Fault 2 is built in the same
manner as test sequence R1-Fault 2.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R2-Fault 2 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

42. In DIGSI 5, access the parameters of test sequence R3-Fault 2. With this test
sequence, the internal relay test system emulates the currents and voltages
that distance relay R3 measures when a ground fault occurs close to end B
of line segment AB. Test sequence R3-Fault 2 is built in the same manner as
test sequence R1-Fault 2.

Set the frequency of the currents and voltages emulated during both steps of
test sequence R3-Fault 2 to the frequency of your local ac power network.

43. Load the configuration to the protective relay using DIGSI 5. This sets the
protective relay to operate as distance relay R2 or R3.

44. In DIGSI 5, display the test environment of the protective relay. Start test
sequence R2-Fault 2, then observe the front panel of the protective relay to
see how it responds to the currents and voltages emulated by its internal
relay test system.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 85

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R2).

The zone 1 measuring element of distance relay R2 picked up and tripped

the distance relay output almost instantaneously.

The zone 2 measuring element also tripped the distance relay output (LED 8
lit up) a little later, because the emulated fault current lasted for 2 s. This
largely exceeds the time delay setting (0.4 s) of the zone 2 measuring
element. However, do not take into account tripping of the zone 2 measuring
element observed in this manipulation, as it should not occur in an actual
situation, because the fault current is interrupted before the time delay of this
element has elapsed.

Is the response of distance relay R2 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The ground fault is located close to end B of the protected line segment
(i.e., line segment AB). This is within the reach of the zone 1 measuring
element, which is set to trip the output of distance relay R2 without delay.

45. Reset the protective relay.

46. In DIGSI 5, start test sequence R3-Fault 2, then observe the front panel of
the protective relay to see how it responds to the currents and voltages
emulated by its internal relay test system.

Record the response of the protective relay (i.e., the response of distance
relay R3).

Neither of the measuring elements of distance relay R3 picked up, and

consequently, the relay took no action.

Is the response of distance relay R3 as expected? Explain briefly.

Yes. The fault current flowed in the direction opposite to the direction of
current flow (forward, i.e., toward line segment BC) set in distance relay R3.

47. Reset the protective relay.

86 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

Analysis of the relay responses

48. Regroup the responses of relays R1 to R4 in Figure 54.

Substation Substation Substation

bus A bus B bus C

Relay R1 Relay R2 Relay R3 Relay R4

Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip?

________ ________ ________ ________

Trip time: Trip time: Trip time: Trip time:

________ ________ ________ ________

Figure 54. Responses of relays R1 to R 4 to a fault close to end B of line segment AB.

Substation Substation Substation

bus A bus B bus C

Relay R1 Relay R2 Relay R3 Relay R4

Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip? Did the relay trip?

Yes Yes No Yes

Trip time: Trip time: Trip time: Trip time:

~ 400 ms ~ 0 ms N/A ~ 400 ms

Figure 54. Responses of relays R1 to R 4 to a fault close to end B of line segment AB.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 87

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Procedure

49. Using the relay responses that you recorded, reconstitute the sequence of
events that should occur when a ground fault occurs close to end B of line
segment AB and distance relays R1 to R4 are all in operation at the same

When a ground fault occurs close to end B of line segment AB, the zone 1
measuring element in distance relay R2 picks up and trips the relay output
almost instantaneously. Tripping of distance relay R2 immediately opens the
circuit breaker at end B of line segment AB, thereby quickly interrupting the
fault current provided by power source 2. Also, the zone 2 measuring
element in distance relay R1 picks up and trips the relay output after its time
delay (0.4 s) has elapsed. Tripping of distance relay R1 immediately opens
the circuit breaker at end A of line segment AB, thereby interrupting the fault
current provided by power source 1 and completing fault clearance.

When the ground fault occurs close to end B of line segment AB, the zone 2
measuring element in distance relay R4 also picks up. However, this element
resets before its time delay (0.4 s) has elapsed, because the ground fault is
cleared almost instantaneously by the trip of distance relay R2. This prevents
distance relay R4 from tripping.

Finally, neither of the two measuring elements in distance relay R3 picks up

when the ground fault occurs close to end B of line segment AB, because the
fault current flows in the direction opposite to the direction of current
flow (forward, i.e., toward line segment BC) set in this relay.

How much time is required to clear a fault located close to an end of line
segment AB, assuming that the response time of the measuring element and
the operating time of the circuit breaker total 0.1 s?

The time required to clear a fault located close to the end of line segment AB
is 0.5 s.

Ending the exercise

50. In DIGSI 5, restart the protective relay in the process mode to allow normal
operation of the unit. Once the restart process is completed, the display of
the protective relay no longer indicates that the unit is operating in the
simulation mode (the words Simulation mode no longer appear on the

51. Close the project open in DIGSI 5 without saving the changes you made to
this project.

Close DIGSI 5.

Turn the protective relay off, then disconnect it from the host computer.

Delete the copy of the project file that you opened at the beginning of this

88 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Conclusion

CONCLUSION In this exercise, you became familiar with underreaching and overreaching
measuring elements in distance protection. You learned how distance protection
is implemented with distance zones. You became familiar with distance
protection using time-stepped (time-coordinated) distance zones. You evaluated
the fault clearing times obtained using time-stepped distance protection. You
became familiar with backup distance protection of adjacent line segments.

REVIEW QUESTIONS 1. Explain the difference between an underreaching measuring element and an
overreaching measuring element, in terms of fault detection.

An underreaching measuring element is a measuring element that cannot

operate for faults located beyond the line segment that it protects, whereas
an overreaching measuring element can.

2. When using a single underreaching element in distance protection, a portion

of the line segment is left unprotected. How is this problem solved?

The whole line segment is protected by adding a second measuring element

(overreaching element) whose reach covers the whole length of the line
segment to be protected plus a portion of the adjacent line segment.

3. Why is it necessary to delay the operation of the zone 2 overreaching

measuring element in distance protection?

The operation of the zone 2 measuring element, which is overreaching, is

delayed slightly to give time to the primary protection at the remote end of the
protected line segment (e.g., substation busbar differential protection,
distance protection applied to the adjacent line segment, overcurrent
protection applied to the adjacent line segment, etc.) to operate when a fault
occurs in this area.

4. In a meshed network, are all faults occurring on a given line segment cleared
in a minimum time (i.e., about 0.1 s) when time-stepped distance protection
is used? Explain.

No. Faults occurring in the middle portion of a line segment (this portion
generally represents 60% of the line segment length) are detected by
the zone 1 measuring element of the distance relays at both ends of the
line segment. These faults are cleared in a minimum amount of
time (about 0.1 s).

On the other hand, all faults occurring within 20% of either end of a line
segment are detected by the zone 1 measuring element of the distance relay
at one end and by the zone 2 measuring element of the distance relay at the
other end. These faults are cleared in a time of about 0.5 s, if a grading
margin of 0.4 s is used.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 89

Exercise 2 – Conventional Time-Stepped Distance Protection  Review Questions

5. How is backup distance protection of adjacent line segments implemented?

A third measuring element that overreaches even more is added to distance

protection. When distance relays with self-polarized mho characteristics are
used, the impedance reach ZR of the third measuring element should be set
to at least 120% of the magnitude (|ZLine + ZAdjacent line|) of the combined
impedance of the line segment to be protected and the adjacent line

Similarly, when distance relays with quadrilateral characteristics are used,

the reactive (X) reach of the third measuring element should be set to at
least 120% of the combined inductive reactance (XL Line + XL Adjacent line) of the
line segment to be protected and the adjacent line segment.

The third measuring element thus protects the adjacent line segment in case
the primary protection of this segment fails to operate.

90 © Festo Didactic 52176-10

Blackburn, J. Lewis and Domin, Thomas J., Protective Relaying, Principles and
Applications, 3rd ed., Taylor & Francis Group, 2007, ISBN 978-1-57444-716-3.

Russel Mason, C., The Art & Science or Protective Relaying, Wiley, 1964.

Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Applied Protective Relaying, 1976, Library of

Congress Card Number 76-8060.

GEC Alsthom Measurements Limited, Protective Relays – Application Guide,

3rd ed., 1987.

Alstom Grid, Network Protection & Automation Guide, 1st ed., 2011,
ISBN 978-0-9568678-0-3.

Ziegler, Gerhard, Numerical Distance Protection, 4th ed., Publicis Publishing,

Erlangen, 2011, ISBN 978-3-89578-381-4.

Siemens, SIPROTEC 5 – Distance Protection, Line Differential Protection, and

Overcurrent Protection for 3-Pole Tripping 7SA82/7SD82/7SL82/7SA84/7SD84/
7SA86/7SD86/7SL86/7SJ86, V6.00, 2014, C53000-G5040-C010-6.

© Festo Didactic 52176-10 191

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