DigSilent TechRef - Logdip
DigSilent TechRef - Logdip
DigSilent TechRef - Logdip
RelLogdip, TypLogdip
Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 9
72810 - Gomaringen
T: +49 7072 9168 0
F: +49 7072 9168 88
Version: 2016
Edition: 1
Copyright 2016, DIgSILENT GmbH. Copyright of this document belongs to DIgSILENT GmbH.
No part of this document may be reproduced, copied, or transmitted in any form, by any means
electronic or mechanical, without the prior written permission of DIgSILENT GmbH.
Logic/DIP (RelLogdip, TypLogdip)
1 General Description
1.1.2 Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Logic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 Signals definition
General Description
General Description
The Logic/DIP object (RelLogdip class) is used to implement user defined trip logics, dip switch
inputs and simplified calculation of analog signals. It supports a maximum of 64 input signals.
The dialog consists of two tab pages: the Basic data page and the Logic page. It allows defining
the block behaviour and usage. Here below you can find a picture displaying the Logic/DIP Basic
data tab page with the parameters set to implement an user defined trip logic and to provide a
PUTT output signal (it can be used for an under reach distance protection scheme)
Figure 1.1: The Logic/DIP (TypLogdip class) Basic data tab page (the default Dip settings control is here not displayed)
Basic Data
Used for
The parameter (stored inside the aUsage variable) defines how the block is used. Six options
are available: Dip switch, Logic, Dip and logic, Switch logic, Dip + latched switch and Settings
group logic.
DIP Switch The block acts as a device dip switch. It can be used as input block. The dip switch
status should be set in the Logic tab page in the Logic/DIP dialog (RelLogdip class). The
inputs are connected to the outputs through the dip switches.
Logic It allows defining any kind of user defined logic. This logic is connecting the input signals
with the outputs. The dip switches inputs are disabled.
DIP and Logic When this option is activated the user can define a logic and can use the dip
switch inputs at the same time.
Switch Logic It allows the user defining a special logic using the status of the associated
breaker. At this purpose some additional pre-defined input signals are defined. SWT1
General Description
represents the status of the breaker 1, SWT2 the status of the breaker 2 etc (depending
upon the number of the selected switches).
Dip + latched switch It is a special type of Dip switch (with the additional ability to use a reset
signal): each dip switch can be set as Normally Closed or Normally Opened. Each output
signal is changed from its normal status when the relevant input signal is on and the reset
signal is off. The output signals are reset only when the reset signal is on.
Settings group logic It allows defining a logic having the purpose of changing the relay setting
Dip Commutator It allows selecting which input signal (or group of input signals) must be connected to an output signal (or to a group of output signals) .
This parameter (stored inside the aType variable)defines how to process the user defined logic.
Two different options are available: Digital and Analog.
Select Digital to evaluate digital logical expression ( AND, OR, NOT, NOR . . . )
Select Analog to evaluate analog signals. Please note that when the Analog type has
been selected the breaker can not be operated.
Breaker Event
This parameter (stored inside the itrip variable ) defines which kind of breaker event is generated
by the signals defined inside the Tripping signal parameter:
None When this option has been activated no event is created. It must be used when the user
is going to define an internal logic not operating the breaker(s).
Open This option allows creating an open breaker event when the Tripping signal becomes
Close In this case a close breaker event is created when the Tripping signal becomes true.
For instance it is used by the reclosing block of the relay models implementing a reclosing
Userdefined Settings
This parameter (stored inside the iusedef variable) defines which controls are active at the user
level in the RelLogdip dialog. It can be: None, only DIP, only Logic, Dip & Logic.
None In the Logic/DIP element (RelLogdip) dialog both the Logic tab page and the Dip settings
tab page are disabled.
only DIP In the Logic/DIP element (RelLogdip) dialog the user can change only the status of
the dip using the Dip settings tab page.
only Logic In the Logic/DIP element (RelLogdip) dialog the user can insert only the user defined logic in the Logic tab page.
Dip & Logic Both the status of the dip switches and the user defined logic can be modified by
the user inside the Logic/DIP element (RelLogdip) dialog
General Description
Figure 1.2: The TypLogdip Basic data tab page when the Default Dip setting control is visible
The Default Dip setting control contains the dip switches default values. To initialize each dip
switch a number between 0 and 3 must be inserted. A row in the table in Dip settings tab page
in the RelLogdip dialog is added for each initialization number.
Input signals
This control should contain a comma separated list of input signal names (the list is stored
inside the sInput variable); please note that semi-colons are not allowed to separate the input
signal names. Moreover it is for the input and output signal name cannot start with a number
(for instance 123I is not allowed).
Output signals
This control should contain a comma separated list of output signal names (the list is stored
inside the sOutput variable); as for the input signals control the semi-colons are not allowed to
separate the output signal names. The output signals are not used to open or close a break
Tripping signals
This control is displayed only when the Breaker event parameter is Open or Close. It should
contain a comma separated list of possible tripping signal names (which are stored inside the
sOutTrip variable). If the tripping signals set to true the logic automatically creates a breaker
event and open or close the connected breakers.
textbfReference block 1 and Reference block 2
These controls can be used to define one or two references to other block belonging to the
same model. If the name of a input signals starts with REF1 and a C is available, the block is
trying to assign to the input the value of one of the settings located inside the Reference block
1. For instance the REF1K0 input is loaded with the value of the k0 setting if a TypZpol block
is the Reference block 1.
General Description
The Logic/DIP dialog Logic tab page allows inserting an user defined logic. Here below in the
Figure 1.3 an example of user logic definition: in this case 4 logics are defined for the START,
SIGNAL1 and SIGNAL2 output signal and for the TRIP1 tripping signal.
The Check button on the right side of the dialog should be used to check the user defined
expression and detect syntax errors.
The layout of the Logic/DIP block (RelLogdip class) depends upon the Logic/DIP type (TypLogdip class) parameters. In the following pages the available tab pages will be described.
Basic data
This page provide the normal features allowing to insert the block name (Name edit box), put
the block out of service (Out of Service checkbox) and browse the relevant TypDiplog block
(type control).
When in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypLogdip class) the Breaker event parameter is Open or
Close the Breaker table is displayed (see Figure 1.4 here below). To associate a breaker to the
user defined logic a reference to a breaker must be inserted inside the Open column. More than
one line can be added; each line that has been inserted should store inside the Open column a
link to a different breaker. The empty line showed in the Figure 4 represent the default breaker :
the Logic/DIP block uses automatically the breaker located inside the cubicle where the relay is
installed. To avoid a breaker operation is possible to use the Out of Service option. A breaker
failure or a signal failure from the relay to the breaker can be simulated simply enabling the
relevant the Out of Service option.
General Description
Figure 1.4: The Logic/DIP Basic data tab page when the Breaker event inside the Logic/Dip
type dialog is Open or Close
Please note here above in the Figure 1.4 the Tripping signals listbox. This list box is displayed
only when more than one tripping signal is defined in the Logic/DIP type (TypLogdip class) in the
Tripping signals control. Inside the list box an item for each tripping signal and for each possible
combination of the tripping signals is available. In the Figure 1.4 for example the tripping signal
yTrip1 or the tripping signal yTrip2 leads to a breaker event.
The Logic table in the Logic/DIP dialog (RelDiplog class) is displayed only if the Userdefined
settings parameter in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypDiplog class) is only Logic or Dip & Logic.
Inside this page the user can overwrite the logic located inside the Logic tab page of the
Logic/DIP type dialog (TypDiplog class). It should be used to support relay models where the
user has the ability to define logical equation using internal variables (i.e. The Schweitzer SEL
General Description
The assignment of an output signal or of a tripping signal has higher priority and overwrites the
line which are defined in the logic type.
Userdefined Logic in the Logic/DIP type
User defined Logic in the Logic/DIP
element dialog
(TypLogdip class)
(RelLogdip class)
yPhase = yIg.or.yIgg.or.yIggg
yEarth = yIog.or.yIogg
yEarth = yIog.or.yIogg.or.yIoggg
yTrip = yPhase.or.yEarth
Active user defined logic
yPhase = yIg.or.yIgg.or.yIggg
yEarth = yIog.or.yIogg
yTrip = yPhase.or.yEarth
The Check button on the right side of the dialog should be used to check the logical expression
and detect syntax errors.
The Dip settings tab page allows the user configuring the dip switches status. The table is
displayed only if the Userdefined settings parameter in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypDiplog
class) is only DIP or Dip & Logic.
The dipswitch names located in the first column of the table are the first Input signals names
listed in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypDiplog class). The number of characters present inside the Default DIP settings control in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypDiplog class) defines the
number of available dip switches listed in the Dip Switch table.
General Description
Double clicking on a cell of the DIP Settings column inside the Dip Switch table the window
displayed in Figure 1.7 is opened.
Each dip switch can be set off or on or off (high) or on (high). The off (high) and the on (high)
option can be used when the relevant output signal must be set equal to 1 also when the input
signal is not connected.
When inside the Logic/Dip type dialog the Used for parameter is set equal to DIP + Latched
Switch two additional options are available: on (NC+latched) and on (NO+latched). Their meaning is the follow:
on (NC+latched) the switch is opened when the input signal is on and there is no reset signal
(or in steady state the reset signal is greater than the relevant input signal)
on (NO+latched) the switch is closed when the input signal is on and there is no reset signal
(or in steady state the reset signal is greater than the relevant input signal)
In this section more details are provided regarding the operation mode corresponding to each
value of the Used for parameter (TyLogdip class)
DIP Switch
When Used for is equal to DIP Switch the user can switch on and off the signals using the logic
represented in the following figure:
The state of the DIP switches can be entered inside the Default DIP Setting parameter (stored
inside the aDefDip variable) in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypLogdip class). For each input
signal a number between 0 and 5 should be entered. If the number of input signals is greater
than the number of the characters in the Default DIP Setting parameter, then no DIP switch is
operating between the input and the output signal. This is the case for instance for w5 input
signal in Figure 2.1.
The Default DIP setting parameter defines the default values of the DIP switch status. The
meaning of the values is listed here below:
0 = off
1 = on
2 = off(high)
3 = on(high)
The number of the input signals must be equal to the number of the output signals. Inside the
Input signals control in the Logic/DIP dialog (TypDiplog class) the signals are separated with a
comma, semi-colon are not allowed as separators.
When Used for is equal to Logic the block can be used to calculate user defined digital logics
(with Type equal to Digital) or simple operations using analog signals (with Type equal to Digital).
Type: Analog
The main purpose for the Analog type is performing simple operations like summating two
currents of two different current transformers or modifying the magnitude of a signal. Only the
basic mathematical expressions are available.
sum1 = wIn1 + wIn2
negesum2 = wIn1 - wIn2
Type: Digital
The Digital type is used to handle logical expressions, including for instance AND, OR. For
steady state calculations (load flow, short-circuit) digital signals are normally tripping times.
The parser interprets then the OR operator as min() and the AND operator as max(). The
mathematical operator + is mapped as OR and the multiplier as AND.
Trip = y1 * y2
Trip = y1 + y2
is equal to
is equal to
Trip = y1.and.y2
Trip = y1.or.y2
When Used for is equal to DIP & Logic the block is performing a combination of DIP Switch and
Logic. Each input signal is reaching the internal signal which can be used by the user defined
logic only if the corresponding DIP switch is closed. The internal signals can be evaluated by
the user defined logical expressions to figure out the output and the tripping signal values.
Switch Logic
When Used for is equal to Switch Logic the user defined logic can use the breaker status.
Accordingly with the number of selected breakers in the Logic/DIP element (RelLogdip class)
for each breaker an input signal is created internally. The name of the created input signals is
SWT1, SWT2, . . . SWTn. If the breaker is closed the relevant input signal is set to 1 (for time
domain simulations) or set to 0 seconds for steady state calculations. The user defined logic
can use these signals to set the output and the tripping signals. A typical example is to use the
Switch Logic for the reclosers, where the reclosing logic must know if the breaker is open or
When Used for is equal to DIP + Latched switch the block is working as when Used for is equal
to Dip switch but the behavior is slightly different: a reset signal can be used (it is automatically
defined as RESET, so the user doesnt have to add it manually in Input signals control) and
two additional options (on (NC+latched) and on (NO+latched)) are available in the Dip switch
table in the Switch Settings tab page of the Logic/DIP dialog (RelLogdip class).
The Default DIP setting parameter defines the default values of the DIP switch status. The
meaning of the values is listed here below:
0 = off
1 = on
4 = on (NC+latched)
5 = on (NO+latched)
the switch is open if the input signal is not connected, the output is
set to low (false or 0)
the switch is closed if the input signal is not connected, the output is
set to low (false or 0)
the switch is opened when the input signal is on and there is no reset
signal (or in steady state the reset signal is greater than the relevant
input signal)
the switch is closed when the input signal is on and there is no reset
signal (or in steady state the reset signal is greater than the relevant
input signal)
The switches are reset only when the reset signal is on (The NC+latched switches are closed
and the NO+latched switches are opened).
The number of the input signals must be equal to the number of the output signals. Inside the
Input signals control in the Logic/DIP dialog (TypDiplog class) the signals are separated with a
comma, semi-colon are not allowed as separators.
When Used for is equal to Setting Group Logic the block is evaluating an user defined logic
but instead of tripping the breaker the result is used to change the relay active setting group.
For this reason the Breaker event parameter in the Logi/DIP dialog (TypDiplog class) must be
set equal to None. In the Output signals control each setting group must be represented by an
output signal. In the Logic tab page the logical equations to activate each setting group must
be associated to the output signals.
Here below an example where the active group is controlled by 2 input signals:
Input Signals:
Output Signals:
Input1, Input2
Group1, Group2, Group 3
Group 1 = Input1.and.Input2
Group 2 = Input1.and.{.not.Input2}
Group 3 = {.not.Input1}.and.Input2
DIP Commutator
When Used for is equal to DIP Commutator the user using the dip switches can select which
input signal (or group of input signals) must be connected to the output signal (or to a group of
output signals).
The number of DIP switches is defined inside the Default DIP Setting parameter (stored inside
the aDefDip variable) in the Logic/DIP type dialog (TypLogdip class). Each number defines a dip
switch. The number of dip switches must be equal to number of inputs divided by the number of
outputs. If it is not equal a error message is displayed when the user tries to close the Logic/DIP
type dialog (TypLogdip class).
loc name
loc name
Typ id
object reference
Array of integer
Array of integer
Signals definition
Signals definition
Input Signal
Output Signal