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Overseas Chinese Physicists and Astronomers 23-27 June 2014 OCPA8 Invited Paper, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Open Educational Resources from Performance Task using Video Analysis and Modeling
- Tracker and K12 science education framework

Loo Kang WEE

Ministry of Education, Educational Technology Division, Singapore

This invited paper discusses why Physics performance task by grade 9 students in Singapore is worth participating in for two
reasons; 1) the video analysis and modeling are open access, licensed creative commons attribution for advancing open
educational resources in the world and 2) allows students to be like physicists, where the K12 science education framework is
Personal reflections on how physics education can be made more meaningful in particular Practice 1: Ask Questions, Practice
2: Use Models and Practice 5: Mathematical and Computational Thinking using Video Modeling supported by evidence
based data from video analysis.
This paper hopes to spur fellow colleagues to look into open education initiatives such as our Singapore Tracker community
open educational resources curate on as well as digital
libraries directly accessible through Tracker 4.86, EJSS reader app on Android and iOS
and EJS 5.0 authoring toolkit for computer models in Easy Java Simulation-Open Source Physics Project.
Recorded session:
Keyword: Tracker, active learning, education, teacher professional development, e-learning, open source physics, GCE Ordinary and Advanced Level
PACS: 01.50.H– 01.50.hv 45.50.Dd

educational resources in the form of the video analysis and

I. INTRODUCTION computer model, to provide open educational resources.
Commercial physics educational software, presents
In today’s technologically advanced and internet heightened barriers to adapt and use at home and schools,
connected world, free education (Caswell, Henson, Jensen, & such as requiring some payment to purchase and later on
Wiley, 2008) is the new ‘king’, possibly through efforts like possible copyright infringement of commercial products when
massive online open course (Johnson et al., 2012)(MOOC), sharing beyond the terms and conditions of use of these
aimed at unlimited and open participation via the web. commercial software.
This invited paper is largely the author’s personal Tracker on the other hand, is a free and open-sourced
reflections on an unique effort in Raffles Girls School three software and is still continually improved by Douglas Brown
hundred Grade 9 students with 3 Physics Teachers, framed and his OSP community, has allow ordinary teachers and
using the K12 Science Education Framework (Helen, Heidi, students to use the software and distribute the video analysis
& Thomas, 2012) and the video analysis and modeling tool and models resources for others to learn and benefit from such
Tracker (Douglas Brown, 2012a) , to encourage students to be as the large number of video analysis and models built by the
more like physicists. Singapore Tracker community The tracker version 4.80
II. WHAT and above files are now packaged as a single compressed *.trz
Tracker is a video analysis and modeling tool built on file with all the resources inside, usable and editable with a
the Open Source Physics (OSP) Java framework. Though it is simple mouse click on the file.
possible to run from the Web start or a 5.6 Mb
tracker_8.46.jar file, we recommend using the respective
installers found at, I found the K12 Science Education Framework (Figure 1)
especially to enable the Xuggle video engine (Douglas to be a comprehensive tool to promote and guide students as
Brown, 2012b) that can decode most video file formats. scientists and the paper reflects on how these 3 practices
Installers for Tracker version 4.86 installers are available in below (IV.A, IV.B, and IV.C) can be used to further deepen
Windows, Mac OS X as well as Linux operating systems. becoming like physicists.

The most key reason why I have used tracker extensively
is it has allows me to produce open quality physics

Overseas Chinese Physicists and Astronomers 23-27 June 2014 OCPA8 Invited Paper, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
to determine the kinematics graph of the boat of interest.

Figure 3. Practice 1: Ask Questions that are complex in tracker as a

Figure 1. K12 Science Education Framework use to situate the use of possible interesting inquiry to motivate students. Notice the velocity of the
Tracker and becoming more like scientists. boat on the right is calculated based on the difference between the boat of the
left (moving reference frame).
A. Practice 1: Ask Question situated in the real world that
are Mode-able or Complex B. Practice 2: Use Models, Easy Java Simulations(EJS)
Getting grade 9 students to ask and research on their own models?
physics questions is a difficult task thus a possible scaffold
could be guiding them to ask questions that are model-able
(Figure 2) using the tracker’s dynamics (Loo Kang Wee,
Chew, Goh, Tan, & Lee, 2012) or kinematics (Loo Kang
Wee, 2012) model.

Figure 4. Practice 2: Use Models such as existing Easy Java Simulation

models for example the sliding frictional model on the right is available

Though this particular understanding of practice 2 is not

Figure 2. Practice 1: Ask Questions that are model-able in tracker as a
possible scaffold to guide students well enacted, in the form of using existing EJS computer
models (Christian & Esquembre, 2012; L.K. Wee & Lye,
Complex questions suited for Tracker use could also be 2012; Loo Kang Wee, Goh, & Lim, 2014; L. K. L. Wee et al.,
like a moving reference frame, for example, a video footage 2012), because of the difficulties of finding models (Figure 4)
filmed on a moving boat on 2 other sailing boats (Figure 3), that can be used, one possible way to be more like scientists
while using the constant velocity boat as a moving reference as real scientists and engineers use simulations routinely to
test their questions or hypothesis.
Another possible way to strengthen practice involves
Tracker video modeling where student begin with initial
model of how the motion is govern by to later on progress and
improve the model to include and account for damping or
frictional forces the evidences suggests that it is applicable.

Overseas Chinese Physicists and Astronomers 23-27 June 2014 OCPA8 Invited Paper, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
C. Practice 5: Mathematical and Computational Thinking,
Tracker Video Modeling
The real video recorded by the student is the motion of a
tennis ball falling down under gravity (filmed using a hand
phone in portrait mode resulting in a video that the falling y
direction is horizontal), impact the water and subsequent
motion with drag and up thrust and eventually the ball bounce
out of the water surface. A kinematics model can be used to
promote Practice 5 with both mathematical thinking through
video analysis and computational thinking through the model
building process elaborated below.

1) Free Fall Model

a) Mathematical Thinking
The free fall of a tennis ball can be mathematically
determined through traditional video analysis of the y vs t
graph. In the DataTool, select the region of data that Figure 6. Tracker view of the real data (RED) and the free fall model
corresponds to the free fall, from t = 0.000 to 0.267 s and a (BLUE) from t = 0.000 to 0.267 s allows students to see how the model they
Parabola Fit allows students to determine a Fit Equation of y have proposed matches the real world data and the 3 scientific graphs of y vs
= A*t^2+B*t+C where parameter A = -2.317, B = -0.1976 and t, vy vs t and ay vs t (RIGHT).
C = 0.2310 (Figure 5). In Kinematics terms, A = 0.5 g
implying gravitational acceleration g = -4.634 m/s2 (probably
due to a video frame rate incorrectly understood as the student 2) Free Fall, Upthrust and Drag Model
could have slow the video down to 30 frame per second a) Mathematical Thinking
instead of the true frame rate), initial velocity u = B = -0.1976 After the student is convinced that the real motion can be
m/s and initial height y0 = C = 0.2310 m. represented by the free fall model proposed, the student can
be guided to look at the motion under the water surface.

Figure 5. DataTool in Tracker showing from t = 0.000 to 0.267 s the

Parabola Fit allows students to determine a Fit Equation of y = A*t^2+B*t+C Figure 7. DataTool in Tracker showing from t = 0.300 to 0.734 s the
where parameter A = -2.317, B = -0.1976 and C = 0.2310. Parabola Fit allows students to determine a Fit Equation of y = A*t^2+B*t+C
where parameter A = -0.9542, B = -0.9368 and C = 0.1733.
b) Computational Thinking
Similarly, the student will need to select t = 0.300 to 0.734
The mathematical values of the analysis can be used to build
s and a Parabola Fit to determine a Fit Equation of y =
the kinematics model by inserting the computational line.
A*t^2+B*t+C where parameter A = –0.9542, B = –0.9368 and
C = 0.1733 (Figure 7).
y = if ( t<0.29,(-2.137E0)*t^2-1.976E-1*t+2.310E-1,0)
In physics terms, the nett force Fnet is m*2A and equal to
the weight mg, minus the upthrust FUpthrust and minus the drag
It means if time t is less than 0.29 s, y = (–2.137E0)*t^2–
force, FDrag as in Equation (1).
1.976E-1*t+2.310E-1, else y = 0 , which results in a model
view shown in Figure 6.
Fnet = m(2A) = mg – FUpthrust - FDrag (1)

b) Computational Thinking
The mathematical values of this analysis can be used to build
the kinematics model by inserting the computational line.
Overseas Chinese Physicists and Astronomers 23-27 June 2014 OCPA8 Invited Paper, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
The mathematical values of the analysis can be used to
if(t<0.29,(-2.137E0)*t^2-1.976E-1*t+2.310E- build the kinematics model by inserting the computational line
This is a nested if statement for the meaning of if time t is less 1,if(t<0.735,9.542E-1*(t)^2-9.368E-1*(t)+0.17,if(t<0.902,-
than 0.29 s, y = (-2.137E0)*t^2-1.976E-1*t+2.310E-1, else if t 9.661E-1*t^2+1.592E0*t-6.479E-1,0)))
is less than 0.735 s, y = 0.735,9.542E-1*(t)^2-9.368E-
1*(t)+0.17, else y = 0 which results in a model view shown in which is a nested if statement for the meaning of if time t
Figure 8. is less than 0.29 s, y = (-2.137E0)*t^2-1.976E-1*t+2.310E-1,
else if t is less than 0.735 s, y = 0.735,9.542E-1*(t)^2-9.368E-
1*(t)+0.17, else if t is less than 0.902 s, y = 9.661E-
1*t^2+1.592E0*t-6.479E-1, else y = 0 which results in a
model view shown in Figure 10.

Figure 8. Tracker view of the real data (RED) and the free fall model,
upthrust and drag model (ORANGE) from t = 0.000 to 0.734 s ,allows
students to see how the model they have proposed matches the real world
data and the 3 scientific graphs of y vs t, vy vs t and ay vs t (RIGHT).

Figure 10. Tracker view of the real data (RED) and the free
fall+upthrust+drag+bounceup model (Green) from t = 0.000 to 0.901 s
3) Free Fall, Upthrust and Drag and Bounce up Model allows students to see how the model they have proposed matches the real
a) Mathematical Thinking world data and the 3 scientific graphs of y vs t, vy vs t and ay vs t .
Similarly to part 1) from t = 0.67 to 0.901 s and a Parabola
Clearly, Tracker’s video modeling can afford for both
Fit allows students to determine a Fit Equation of y =
mathematical and computational thinking integrated
A*t^2+B*t+C where parameter A = -0.9661, B = 1.592 and C
seamlessly and allow students to eventually progress to even
=-0.6479 (Figure 9).
propose a Dynamics Model which would involve terms in
equation (1), outside the scope of this paper.

The What – Tracker (Douglas Brown, 2012a), Why –
Open Educational Resources (2008) and How – K12 Science
Education Framework (Helen et al., 2012) are briefly
discussed in the context of using video analysis (Loo Kang
Wee & Lee, 2011) to allow students to be more like
Some ideas on how Practice 1 Ask Question, Practice 2
Use Models and Practice 5, Mathematical and Computational
The sophisticated but meaningful video modeling
pedagogy (Doug Brown & Christian, 2011; Douglas Brown,
2009), critical to the fifth practice of science (physics)
especially when driven with data from video analysis, allow
students to discover using evidences and incomplete models
proposed by themselves, to incrementally and iteratively
Figure 9. DataTool in Tracker showing from t = 0.67 to 0.901 s the improve and self-invent a better model to predict and explain
Parabola Fit allows students to determine a Fit Equation of y = A*t^2+B*t+C the motion of their chosen question.
where parameter A = -0.9661, B = 1.592 and C =-0.6479. This paper hopes to spur fellow colleagues to look into
open education initiatives such as our Singapore Tracker
b) Computational Thinking community open educational resources curate on
Overseas Chinese Physicists and Astronomers 23-27 June 2014 OCPA8 Invited Paper, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
lab.html as well as digital libraries Horizon Project Regional Analysis. Austin, Texas: directly accessible New Media Consortium.
through Tracker 4.86, EJSS reader app on Android and iOS Resources, Open Educational. (2008). Open Educational
and EJS 5.0 authoring toolkit for computer models in Easy Resources. Retrieved 02 June, 2008, from
Java Simulation-Open Source Physics Project.
Wee, L.K., & Lye, S.Y. (2012). Designing Open Source
Computer Models for Physics by Inquiry using Easy
We wish to acknowledge the passionate contributions of Java Simulation. Paper presented at the 20th
Douglas Brown, Wolfgang Christian, Mario Belloni, Anne International Conference on Computers in
Cox, Francisco Esquembre, Harvey Gould, Bill Junkin, Aaron Education (ICCE 2012) Singapore Interactive
Titus and Jan Tobochnik for their creation of Tracker video Event, Singapore.
analysis and modeling tool.
The insights for this paper is made possible; thanks to the
Wee, Loo Kang. (2012). Tracker Video Analysis: Bouncing
eduLab project NRF2013-EDU001-EL07 Becoming like
Scientists through video analysis, awarded by the National Ball. Retrieved from
Research Foundation, Singapore in collaboration with
National Institute of Education, Singapore and the Ministry of veFile.cfm?ID=11705&DocID=2583
Education (MOE), Singapore. Wee, Loo Kang, Chew, Charles, Goh, Giam Hwee, Tan,
Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations Samuel, & Lee, Tat Leong. (2012). Using Tracker
expressed in this paper, are those of the author and do not as a pedagogical tool for understanding projectile
necessarily reflect the views of the MOE, NIE or NRF. motion. Physics Education, 47(4), 448.
Wee, Loo Kang, Goh, Giam Hwee, & Lim, Ee-Peow. (2014).
REFERENCE Easy Java Simulation, an innovative tool for teacher
Brown, Doug, & Christian, Wolfgang. (2011, Sept 15-17). as designers of gravity-physics computer models.
Simulating What You See. Paper presented at the Paper presented at the Multimedia Physics Teaching
MPTL 16 and HSCI 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia. and Learning Conference Madrid, Spain.
Brown, Douglas. (2009). Video Modeling with Tracker.
Paper presented at the American Association of Wee, Loo Kang Lawrence, Lim, Ai Phing, Goh, Khoon Song
Physics Teachers AAPT Summer Meeting, Ann Aloysius, Lye, Sze Yee, Lee, Tat Leong, Xu,
Arbor. Weiming, . . . Lim, Kenneth Y T. (2012). Computer Models Design for Teaching and Learning using
pdf Easy Java Simulation Paper presented at the The
Brown, Douglas. (2012a). Tracker Free Video Analysis and World Conference on Physics Education Istanbul,
Modeling Tool for Physics Education. from Turkey. Wee, Loo Kang, & Lee, Tat Leong. (2011). Video Analysis
Brown, Douglas. (2012b). Xuggle Installers and Modeling Tool for Physics Education: A from workshop. Paper presented at the 4th Redesigning Pedagogy conference, National Institute of
Caswell, Tom, Henson, Shelley, Jensen, Marion, & Wiley, Education, Nanyang Technological University,
David. (2008). Open content and open educational Singapore.
resources: Enabling universal education. The
International Review of Research in Open and 074.pdf
Distance Learning, 9(1), 11. AUTHOR
Christian, Wolfgang, & Esquembre, Francisco. (2012, Jul 04, Loo Kang WEE Lawrence is currently
2011 - Jul 06, 2011). Computational Modeling with educational technology specialist II at
Open Source Physics and Easy Java Simulations. the Ministry of Education, Singapore.
Paper presented at the South African National He was a junior college physics lecturer
Institute for Theoretical Physics Event, University and his research interest is in Open
of Pretoria, South Africa. Source Physics tools like Easy Java
Helen, Quinn, Heidi, Schweingruber, & Thomas, Keller. Simulation for designing computer
(2012). A Framework for K-12 Science Education: models and use of Tracker. His
Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas. contributions garner awards including
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Public Service PS21 Distinguished Star
Johnson, L., Adams, S., Becker, S., Ludgate, H., Cummins, Service Award 2014 and Best Ideator
M., & Estrada, V. (2012). Technology Outlook for 2012, Ministry of Education, Best
Singaporean K-12 Education 2012-2017: An NMC Innovator Award 2013 and Excellence
Service Award 2012.


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