FEM Bits
FEM Bits
FEM Bits
20. The coordinate system used to define any point on the element by a set of dimensionless
numbers, whose magnitude never exceeds unity is ____________________
21. The size of a global stiffness matrix = ______________ (relate with nodes and DOFs)
22. The stiffness matrix is always a ________________ (symmetric /asymmetric Matrix)
23. The sum of the elements in a column of stiffness matrix is equal to _____________
24. The determinant of any stiffness matrix is______________
25. The stiffness matrix for 1D bar element is ____________
26. The sum of the shape functions is always _____________
27. For 1D linear element, the shape function N1 has a value ___at node1 and ___at node2.
28. The number of nodes in quadratic element _____
29. The size of the stiffness matrix for quadratic element is ___________
30. For 1D quadratic element, the shape functions N1=_______, N2____________,N3________
31. The strain displacement matrix for 1D-linear element _____________
32. The stiffness of 1D element is proportional to _____________and inversely proportional
to__________ of the element.
33. A linear truss element has ________DOF
34. The size of a stiffness matrix for truss element is ____________
35. The displacements and coordinate data are interpolated within the element using same
shape functions. Then it is referred as ____________
36. The transformation matrix gives the relationship between ______,___________coordinate
systems .
37. Write the stiffness for a plane truss element__________
38. The stiffness matrix for quadratic element______
49. The DoF per node for the plane frame _______
50. The frame element is combination of _______element and ___________element.
51. The difference between beam and frame element is that the frame element is subjected
to_________ in addition to transverse loads.
52. The size of stiffness matrix for frame element.
53. Write the coordinate transformation matrix for frame element ___________
54. Minimum of nodes required for any 2D element________________
55. Write the nodal force vector for distributed load for a frame element is _____________
56. The triangle element whose displacement field produces a constant strain field, then the
element is called _____________
57. The CST has __________DOF per node
58. The shape functions of a triangle element are N1 = 0.2, N2=0.3 then the N3=_______
59. A rectangular plate is discritized into 2 triangular elements. Then the size of the global
stiffness matrix is __________
60. The coordinate data of a triangular element as shown in fig. Calculate the area of the
element _________
61. The displacement function equation for CST element is _____________
62. The shape functions of a triangular element at point P are N1=0.3, N2 =0.2, N3=0.5. then
determine the coordinates of point P____________
63. Order of stiffness matrix for a plane stress model with 20 nodes is___________
64. A triangular plane strain element has _ DOF
65. Write the general expression for stiffness matrix ______________
66. Plane stress is defined to be a state of stress in which the normal stress and shear stress
directed perpendicular to the plane are assumed to be zero.
67. Plane strain is defined to be a state of strain in which the normal strains and shear strains
directed perpendicular to the plane are assumed to be zero.
68. Write the shape functions for a constant strain triangular element________________