09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
09 Chapter 4
“A transparent smart e-governance with seamless access, secure and authentic flow
of information crossing the interdepartmental barrier and providing a fair and
unbiased service to the citizen.”
Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam
4.1 Introduction
Today, citizens are becoming more and more conscious about their rights to get the
required services at their doorstep and both the state and central governments
recognize the need to deliver faster and efficient services to ordinary citizens through
e-governance which is an effective instrument of administration. India’s experience in
e-governance and ICT initiatives has demonstrated significant success in improving
accessibility, cutting down costs, reducing corruption and extending help and
increased access to un-served groups. e-governance initiatives have reached millions
of people belonging to these sections of society. It helps to improve access to
information and services because these have provided economic and social
development opportunities, facilitated participation and communication in policy and
decision-making processes and empowered the weakest groups. This has led to the
fostering of a sense of ownership and the building of social capital, which in turn,
constitutes a basis for local revitalization .
The advent of IT as a highly leveraged enabling tool for delivery of products and
services has now redefined the fundamentals and changed the institutions and their
mechanisms of delivery forever. Technology has proliferated in all spheres of life.
Accompanied by the rapid growth of the internet there has been a concomitant rise
in online transactions. This information age paradigm shift is characterized by citizen
and business integration driven as it were by the choice of service providers and
means of access. In this context the concept of public governance has not gone
unaffected. It too has seen a fundamental shift in the concept both in the manner and
method by which the e-governance initiatives are being implemented at the central,
state and local government levels through various PPP’s. This new practice of public
administration has developed into the concept of EG. It helps simplify processes and
makes access to government information more easy for public sector agencies and
agencies under the framework of ‘e-governance for development’ to catalyze the
development of e-governance laws and technologies in developing countries.
e-governance in India has reached the ‘transactional’ stage and provides various
services to citizens and business and government organizations and is dispensed by
central government agencies and different state government departments. The
National e-Governance Plan (NeGP), initiated in 2006, attempts to make all
Government services accessible to the common man in his locality, through CSCs
being set up across India. As on April 2011, about 94,786 CSCs were operational with
different brand names and delivering services to the people. The rural landscape in
India is set to take advantage of the flourishing ICT initiatives, through various
institutions, more specifically the CSCs. They will offer services in local languages
that make a difference in the lives of the rural people. The major focus of e-
governance in the www.indg.in portal is to support the ongoing e-governance
movement in India by providing a one stop information access to available online
citizen services, to state specific e-governance initiatives and to build awareness about
online legal services, mobile governance, RTI etc.
information and knowledge between government and citizens and transforming the
way in which governments and citizens interact. Governments in many parts of the
world have made huge ICT investments aimed at improving governance processes. It
goes without saying that the impact of ICT on institutional changes is fast spreading
across the boundaries of social and political arrangements of societies. e-governance
is regarded as the ICT-enabled route to achieving good governance since it
integrates people, processes, information, and technology in the service of governance
initiatives. The expected benefits of such public sector reforms have been identified as
an increase in the efficiency of government operations by strengthening democracy,
enhancing transparency, and providing better services to citizens and businesses.
IT. e-governance and ICT are seen as elements of a larger government modernization
program. Success of e-governance depends on how government works, how it deals
with information and how officials view their jobs and interact with the public.
Achieving e-governance success requires active partnerships between government,
citizens and the private sector. Leaders should also think about how to harness
technology to achieve their objectives for reform.
Rule of law: Good governance requires fair legal frameworks that are
enforced impartially. It also requires full protection of human rights,
particularly those of minorities. Impartial enforcement of laws requires an
independent judiciary and an impartial and incorruptible police force.
Transparency: Transparency means that when decisions are taken their
enforcement is done in a manner that follows rules and regulations. It also
means that information is freely available and directly accessible to those who
will be affected by such decisions and their enforcement. It also means that
enough information is provided and that it is provided in easily understandable
forms and media.
Responsiveness: Good governance requires that institutions and processes try
to serve all stakeholders within a reasonable timeframe.
Consensus oriented: There are several actors and as many view points in a
given society. Good governance requires mediation of the different interests in
society to reach a broad consensus on what is in the best interests of the whole
community and how this can be achieved. It also requires a broad and long-
term perspective on what is needed for sustainable human development and
how to achieve the goals of such development. This can only result from an
understanding of the historical, cultural and social contexts of a given society
or community.
Equity and inclusiveness: A society’s well being depends on ensuring that all
its members feel that they have a stake in it and do not feel excluded from the
mainstream of society. This requires all groups, but particularly the most
vulnerable, to have opportunities to improve or maintain their well being.
Effectiveness and efficiency: Good governance means that processes and
institutions produce results that meet the needs of society while making the
best use of resources at their disposal. The concept of efficiency in the context
of good governance also covers the sustainable use of natural resources and
the protection of the environment.
Accountability: Accountability is a key requirement of good governance. Not
only must governmental institutions be accountable to the public but also
private sector and civil society organizations must be accountable to their
institutional stakeholders. Who is accountable to whom varies on whether
decisions or actions taken are internal or external to an organization or
institution. In general an organization or an institution is accountable to those
who will be affected by its decisions or actions. Accountability cannot be
enforced without transparency and the rule of law.
Phase I: Information
In the first phase, Information, e-governance means being present on the website,
providing the relevant information to the G2C and G2B. This phase entails usage of
ICT to expand access to government information which is of importance to
individuals and businesses. An efficient utilization of internet and communication
technologies makes it possible to disseminate government information to a global
audience in a fast and convenient manner. Although, the ways and means of
disseminating this information keep on evolving further with the advancements in
technology, an ideal way for a developing nation to enter this phase would be to set
up a National Portal. This would provide a ready and comprehensive access to
information online, ranging from Profile of the Nation, Parliament, Constitution,
Executive and Judiciary to government publications, government services and
government schemes for citizens and businesses. Setting up a National Portal will
enable citizens and businesses to readily access government information without
having to travel to government offices, stand in long queues or resort to malpractices
to get the task done. This simple initiative can prove to be a revolutionary
advancement for nations wrecked by complex bureaucracy and corruption. Some
noteworthy examples of this stage with their portals include the UK Government’s
‘DirectGov’ initiative, http://www.direct.gov.uk/Homepage/fs/en, ‘Firstgov’ portal of
the US federal government, http://www.firstgov.gov, Singapore government’s,
http://www.gov.sg, Canadian government’s national portal, http://www.canada.gc.ca,
the Indian government’s ‘India Image’ portal, http://indiaimage.gov.in and the New
Zealand government’s, http://www.govt.nz.
the passport information portal of India and some Indian state government portals
such as AP and Haryana.
While in the Interaction phase, the citizen is able to exchange information online and
get details of the procedures involved. When it comes to actually conducting the
transaction, he/she has to resort to conventional means. However, in Phase 3, this
situation is amended and this phase involves establishing websites and other
applications that allow users to conduct transactions online. In other words, the user is
able to avail the service online in the complete sense. Online monetary transactions
and payments is a crucial component of this phase since the citizen can carry out the
transaction without having to even visit the government office. This phase
demonstrates the advancements of technologies such as digital certificates and
payment gateways and results in long term cost saving and improvement in
productivity. Services such as online booking and payment of travel tickets, payment
of taxes, land registration, renewal of identity cards and payment of utility bills etc.
which require monetary transactions can be effectively provided in this phase through
citizen kiosks and web-enabled applications. The examples of this phase include
projects such as the e-Sampark System, Chandigarh-India and the e-Seva project of
the AP government, India.
This phase alludes to the stage where the government has gone through the full
transformation process and all citizen services are being made available online
through a single ‘virtual’ counter round the clock. In other words, in this stage the
capacity to instantly access any service in a ‘unified package’ is provided to the
citizen. Ministerial/departmental/agency lines of demarcation are removed and
services are clustered along common needs. Providing such fully integrated services
will require broad organizational changes, aligning the organizational setup with new
capacities and integrating the back-end operations and infrastructure. Since various
countries are at different levels of maturity in terms of resources and infrastructure,
the adoption of e-government also has to be viewed in the form of different phases of
4.6 National e-governance Plan (NeGP)
The NeGP is an enormous step towards making the government accessible to citizens,
in ways that not only save huge costs to the government but also make it more
transparent and efficient in its day-to-day interactions with the common man. To that
effect, the role of the common services centers, envisaged as the front-end delivery
network for government services assumes great significance. Over the years, a large
number of initiatives have been undertaken by various state governments and central
ministries to usher in an era of e-government. Sustained efforts have been made at
multiple levels to improve the delivery of public services and simplify the process of
accessing them. NeGP takes a holistic view of e-governance initiatives across the
country, integrating them into a collective vision, a shared cause. Around this idea, a
massive countrywide infrastructure is evolving reaching down to the remotest of
villages, and large-scale digitization of records is taking place to enable easy, reliable
access over the internet. The ultimate objective is to bring public services closer home
to citizens, as articulated in the vision statement of NeGP. The government approved
the National e-governance Plan comprising of 27 MMPs and 8 components, on
May 18, 2006. The government has accorded approval to the vision, approach,
strategy, key components, implementation methodology, and management structure
for NeGP. The existing or ongoing projects in the MMP category, being implemented
by various Central Ministries, States, and State Departments would be suitably
augmented and enhanced to align with the objectives of the NeGP.
The National e-Governance Plan has been launched with the aim of improving
delivery of government services to citizens and businesses and is guided by its vision.
The vision statement clearly underlines accessibility, common service delivery outlets
and successful implementation of e-governance applications by improving quality to
satisfy its citizens. The vision has been designed keeping the rural population in mind.
The need is to reach those sections of the society which have remained tangential to
the government sphere due to various reasons like geographical challenges and lack of
awareness. At present, citizens especially those living in remote rural areas have to
travel long distances to avail a service through a government department or its local
offices. This is a time-consuming and costly affair for the common man. To overcome
this problem, as part of the NeGP, one computer and internet enabled CSC is
envisaged to be set up for every six villages so that villagers can easily avail these
services. These CSCs are envisaged to offer online integrated service delivery on
‘Anytime, Anywhere’ basis. The use of ICT will enable the government to reach
citizens thereby improving governance. This will also enable an improvement in the
monitoring and implementing of various government schemes thereby increasing the
accountability and transparency in government. e-governance helps in attaining this
vision through the provision of citizen centric service delivery at nominal cost, and
thereby providing better turnaround times and convenience in demanding and availing
Hence, the vision is to use e-governance as the route for governments to strengthen
good governance. All services provided through the various e-governance initiatives
are expected to assist the government at the Central and State levels in reaching the
yet ‘unreached’ citizenry and enable the involvement and empowerment of
marginalized groups through their participation in the government processes thereby
contributing towards poverty reduction and bridging the sharp social and economic
The Government of India has taken a pro-active role to provide e-enabled services to
citizens through e-governance. GoI has also come up with a similar model like
Gartner’s for its e-governance initiative. According to the NeGP, the e-governance
model adopted by GoI is as follows
In the first stage, information is collected and is made available to citizens in the form
of websites; this information is collected regularly and updated. Then comes the
communication stage, that is, citizens will be able to download forms, contact
officials and make appointments and requests online which previously would have
been only possible with long queues near counters. Internally the government
organizations can use LAN, WAN, intranet and e-mail to exchange information. The
third stage is the transaction stage where citizens can do transactions with the
government online, that is pay bills, reserve tickets online, finalizes decisions etc.,
without going to government offices. The fourth and final stage is the integrated stage
where a total seamless integration of e-functions and services across administrative
and departmental boundaries takes place. Now the citizen can interact with the
government at a single point and can transact with the government. Currently India is
somewhere between Stage 2 and Stage 3, that is, some government transactions can
be done online and most information about different departments is available online
for citizens.
All the information regarding the government and its transactions is available on a
central portal called “The e-India portal”. This portal is internally connected to
different Government of India portals and different state portals. All transactions
related to G2G, G2C and G2B take place through this portal. This portal is connected
through the Internet, LAN, WAN and Intranet for government organizations. The
connectivity will be through the internet, mobile telephone networks, wireless
networks, home PCs, integrated CSCs, kiosks and DTVs for citizens and businesses.
A prudent approach therefore is proposed for the NeGP is based on lessons learnt
from the past and the experiences of successful e-governance applications that have
been implemented nationally and internationally. The approach and methodology
adopted for NeGP contains the following elements:
Governance: Suitable arrangements for monitoring and coordinating the
implementation of NeGP under the direction of competent authorities have
been set up. The programme also involves evolving/ laying down standards
and policy guidelines, providing technical support, undertaking capacity
building, research and development etc. DIT strengthens itself and various
institutions like NIC, Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification
(STQC), Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), National
Institute for Smart Governance (NISG) etc., to play these roles effectively.
Centralized Initiative, Decentralized Implementation: e-governance is
being promoted through a centralized initiative to the extent necessary to
ensure citizen-centric orientation, to realize the objective of inter-operability
of various e-Governance applications and to ensure optimal utilization of ICT
infrastructure and resources while allowing for a decentralized implementation
model. It also aims at identifying successful projects and replicating them with
required customization wherever needed.
Public-Private Partnerships model: It has to be adopted wherever feasible to
enlarge the resource pool without compromising on the security aspects.
Integrative elements: Adoption of unique identification codes for citizens,
businesses and property is to be promoted to facilitate integration and avoid
4.6.4 Mission Mode Project (MMP)
The National e-governance Plan of the Indian government seeks to lay the foundation
and provide the impetus for the long-term growth of e-governance within the country.
The plans seeks to create the right governance and institutional mechanisms, set up
the core infrastructure and policies and implement a number of Mission Mode
Projects at the center, state and integrated service levels to create a citizen-centric
and business-centric environment for governance. "Mission Mode" implies that the
objective and the scope of the project are clearly defined, that the project has
measurable outcomes and service-levels, and that the project has well-defined
milestones and timelines for implementation. MMPs are owned and spearheaded by
various line ministries concerned with central, state, and integrated MMPs. The
concerned ministry/department is entirely responsible for all decisions related to their
MMPs. However, decisions impacting NeGP as a whole are taken in consultation with
DIT. Additionally, wherever required by the concerned Ministries/ Departments, DIT
provides the necessary support for project formulation and development. Every state
has the flexibility of identifying up to 5 additional state-specific MMPs. In cases
where central assistance is required, such inclusions are considered on the advice of
the concerned line ministries/ departments. The following Table No.4.1 shows some
core projects of MMP in various sectors.
Seventy percent of India's population lives in rural areas, which are underdeveloped in
terms of infrastructure. Over the last decade, GoI has taken multiple e-governance
initiatives to remove the long-existing digital divide. The NeGP of the GoI very
clearly lays out the guidelines for the roll out of such networks. The government’s e-
governance initiatives allows the State to provide various G2C services and provides a
unified communication network to all government offices across the country. Tulip
has been a preferred government partner for many years now and has completed a
large number of projects in the public sector. Tulip has completed various IT projects
with the central and state government institutions. The project has received various
national and international accolades, and has become the role model for network
deployment in rural areas. A common digital service delivery infrastructure consisting
of the SWAN, SDC, NSDG/SSDG, CSC is being created in every State and Union
Territory to ensure a seamless and single-window delivery of public services to the
common man.
State Data Centre has been identified as one of the important elements of the core
infrastructure for supporting e-governance initiatives of NeGP. Under NeGP, an SDC
will be created for the states to consolidate services, applications and infrastructure to
provide efficient electronic delivery of G2G, G2C and G2B services. These services
can be rendered by the states through a common delivery platform seamlessly
supported by core connectivity infrastructure such as SWAN and CSC connectivity
extended up to the village level. SDC provides many functionalities and some of the
key functionalities are Central Repository of the State, Secure Data Storage, Online
Delivery of Services, Citizen Information/Services Portal, State Intranet Portal,
Disaster Recovery, Remote Management and Service Integration etc. SDCs would
also provide better operation & management control and minimize the overall cost of
Data Management, IT Resource Management, Deployment and other costs.
4.7.3 National e-governance Service Delivery Gateway (NSDG)
The NeGP of the GoI aims to cooperate, collaborate and integrate information across
different departments in the Centre, States and Local Government. Government
systems are characterized by islands of legacy systems using heterogeneous platforms
and technologies. These are spread across diverse geographical locations, in varying
states of automation, making this task very challenging. The NSDG, an integrated
MMP under the NeGP, can simplify the above task by acting as a standards-based
messaging switch and providing seamless inter-operability and exchange of data
across the departments. NSDG acting as a nerve centre, would handle a large number
of transactions and would help in tracking and time stamping all transactions of the
government. The NSDG is an attempt to reduce such point to point connections
between departments and provide a standardized interfacing, messaging and routing
switch through which various players such as departments, front-end service access
providers and back-end service providers can make their applications and data inter-
operable. The NSDG aims to achieve a high order of inter-operability among
autonomous and heterogeneous entities in the centre, states or local bodies of
The CSC is a strategic cornerstone of the NeGP, as part of its commitment in the
National Common Minimum Programme to introduce e-governance on a massive
scale. The CSCs would provide high quality and cost-effective video, voice and data
content and services, in the areas of e-governance, education, health, telemedicine,
entertainment as well as other private services. A highlight of the CSCs is that it will
offer web-enabled e-governance services in rural areas, including application forms,
certificates, and utility payments such as electricity, telephone and water bills. The
scheme creates a conducive environment for the private sector and NGOs to play an
active role in the implementation of the CSC Scheme, thereby becoming a partner of
the government in the development of rural India. The PPP model of the CSC scheme
envisages a 3-tier structure consisting of the CSC operator called Village Level
Entrepreneur (VLE), the Service Centre Agency (SCA) that will be responsible for a
division of 500-1000 CSCs and a State Designated Agency (SDA) identified by the
state government responsible for managing the implementation over the entire state.
4.8 e- Readiness of e-governance
The concept of e-governance has its origins in India during the seventies with a focus
on the development of in-house government applications in the areas of defense,
economic monitoring, planning and the deployment of IT to manage data intensive
functions related to elections, census, tax administration, passports etc. e-Readiness is
the ability to use ICT to develop one's economy and to foster one's welfare. Each year,
in cooperation with the IBM Institute for Business Value, the Economist Intelligence
Unit produces a ranking of e-Readiness across countries, based on six pillars of e-
readiness: connectivity & technology infrastructure, business environment, social &
cultural environment, legal environment, government policy & vision and consumer
& business adoption. e-Readiness indices at the macro level are constructed primarily
for ranking countries and facilitating comparisons between countries over time. They
are also used to track the global digital divide, i.e. the gap between countries that have
access to ICT.
The United Nations e-Government Survey 2010 finds that citizens are benefiting
from a more advanced e-service delivery, better access to information, more efficient
government management and improved interactions with governments, primarily as a
result of an increasing use by the public sector of information and communications
technology. Most countries have published a tremendous amount of information
online, many going beyond basic websites to provide national portals that serve as a
major starting point for users to connect to government services in different
ministries. At the same time, many developing countries need to devote additional
energy to transactional services as well as to the electronic means of engaging citizens
in public consultation and decision making. The following Table No.4.2 shows the
Economist Intelligence Unit e-readiness rankings in 2010 . It includes the ranks of
the first 10 countries and other selected countries. Sweden is first with an e-Readiness
score of 8.49 out of 10 and India is 58th position with an e-Readiness score of 4.11.
Table No. 4.2: Economist Intelligence Unit e-readiness rankings in 2010 of
selected countries
e-governance is reforming the way government manages and shares information with
external and internal clients. Specifically, it harnesses ICT to transform relations with
citizens, businesses and the various arms of government. There are however,
numerous challenges. Some of the key areas needing attention are as follows:-
Public Awareness about ICTs: Although there is much hype about IT among
the younger generation, there is not a high level of awareness among the
general public about how ICTs may be useful to their lives. Also, there is a
cultural inhibition about the use of PCs in this country. From a cultural
context, people are generally not familiar with the concept of using computers.
ICTs are still generally perceived as catering to the rich and the elite. As a
result, there is no demand or pressure from the public for service delivery
through the use of ICTs.
Non-acceptability of IT systems: It is often seen that even after an IT system
is implemented in a government office, it becomes hard for government
officials to convince themselves to use it. Besides the general lack of
awareness about ICTs and the fears discussed earlier, some other factors also
play a part in the non-acceptability of IT systems. They fear that important
data may get lost or they are doubtful about the security features of computers.
Leveraging Private Capital: The experience of successful e-governance
initiatives indicates that well structured service-oriented projects can attract
private capital linked to explicit service-linked revenues from users or from
government. The current system of project formulation i.e. based on budgetary
allocation / grants places little or no pressure on departments to develop
project structures that can attract private capital, a goal that necessitates
additional rigor and complexity at the project formulation and development
Resistance to re-engineering of departmental processes: Successful
implementation of e-governance projects requires a lot of restructuring in the
administrative processes and redefining of administrative procedures and
formats. This meets with resistance in almost all departments at all levels.
Additionally there is a lack of expertise among departmental MIS executives
in exploiting data mining techniques, updatiing of and collection of real time
content in the website etc. Therefore the content collected or maintained by
various e-governance portals is unreliable or full of gaps. In such a scenario, it
is difficult for any e-governance solution to achieve its intended results.
Hence, it is essential to undertake process re-engineering as an integral part of
e-governance project implementation in order to ensure increased efficiency
and reduced costs.
Standardization: A departmental approach and the absence of a national
framework for common standards has resulted in the adoption of different
technical standards and varied architectures. This has significant implications
for designing effective integrated applications and also entails long-term costs
and sub-optimal results.
Independent Impact Assessment: In the current system, there is no
requirement or institutional mechanism for an independent assessment of
projects post-implementation to determine whether they have achieved the set
objectives, except in purely financial terms. Further, very few projects have
formal performance metrics defined at the start of the project to measure
Localization/Multi-language support: e-governance has an impact only
when the services to citizens are made available in their respective language.
However, this is a challenge that needs to be addressed by formulating clear
standards and guidelines with respect to the fonts, storage, input etc. ICT
solutions were mostly developed with an English language interface.
However, in India vast majorities (95 percent) of the citizens do not know
English and use the local language. The fact is that India has 22 official
languages; for the success of e-governance, this reality needs to be reflected in
the implementation strategy.
Internal Capacity/Project Management Expertise: Departments/ states
have limited access to any institutional mechanisms for building capacities in
the areas of e-governance project development and design, bid process
management, professional project management, development of contractual
frameworks and service level agreements.
Underutilization of existing ICT infrastructure: To a larger extent, the
computers in the department are used for the purpose of word processing only,
resulting in the under-utilization of the computers in terms of their use in data
mining for supporting management decisions. The time gap between the
procurement of the hardware and development of the custom applications is so
large that by the time the application is ready for use, the hardware becomes
Lack of coordination between the government department and solution
developers: Designing of any application requires a very close interaction
between the government department and the agency developing the solutions.
At present the users in the government departments do not contribute enough
to design the solution architecture. Consequently the solutions developed and
implemented do not address the requirements of an e-governance project and
hence do not get implemented.
Lack of infrastructure for sustaining e-governance projects on a national
level: Infrastructure to support e-governance initiatives does not exist within
government departments. The agony is that government departments are not
equipped to be in a position to project clear requirements nor are there any
guidelines for involving the private sector. Whatever efforts have been made
by various government organizations may be defined as islands of
computerization. The infrastructure creation is not guided by a uniform
national policy, but is dependent on the needs of individual officers
championing a few projects. Therefore, the required networking and
communication equipment is either nonexistent in government departments, or
if it exists at all, it does not serve any tangible purpose as far as the
requirement of a e-governance project is concerned. The use of connectivity
options provided by government agencies like NICNET etc. are used in a very
limited manner for the purpose of data transmission between various locations
viz. district, state, center etc. and are mainly utilized for e-mail and internet
purposes only.
Sharing of data across various e-governance implementations: One of the
key benefits that a citizen is looking at from e-governance initiatives is a
single window access to various government services no matter which
department is responsible for giving the service. To achieve this, there is a
need to be able to seamlessly share data across the applications.
Security Issues: While there are clear standards like ISO 27001 and ISO
20000 for IT securities and IT service management which are presently being
used by various e-governance applications, it has been seen however, that the
concerns of the respective departments with regard to data and application
security and control are still not adequately addressed. The reasons include the
lack of adequate knowledge and understanding of the various management
controls on these standards by the departments. Policies like access control
and security are not made very comprehensive, and the controls in
international standards need to be made more prescriptive for our
requirements. The RFP should also highlight the concerns of the government
department with respect to the requisite strategic controls clearly.
Lack of adequate training programs: Many e-government or
computerization projects suffer gravely from a lack of adequate training
programs. Training is of vital necessity in familiarizing users with computers
and overcoming their fears. Some officials go through unplanned ‘IT
Training’, often in another country, and then come back not getting any scope
for utilizing their newly gathered knowledge of IT and forgetting it all in due
time. The training programs are mostly not need-based. They are arranged at
arbitrary periods, and not during the implementation phase of an e-government
Lack of reliable maintenance: Another significant problem is that generally
there is no in-house maintenance personnel. It is of vital necessity that
computers get fixed as soon as they malfunction or users very easily lose
confidence in the IT systems. Most offices have contracts with local hardware
companies for maintenance, but their services are often not immediate.
[1] Flak, L.S., Olsen, D.H. and Wolcott, P (2005). “ Local E-Government in Norway”,
Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems, Volume17, No.2, pp. 41 – 48
[2] http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/un/unpan038851.pdf
[3] http://www.apdip.net/projects/e-government/capblg/casestudies/India-
Chandrashekhar.pdf (20/3/2011)
[4] http://www.it.iitb.ac.in/~prathabk/egovernance/egov_ict.html (20/6/2011)
[5] http://www.unescap.org/pdd/prs/ProjectActivities/Ongoing/gg/governance.asp
[6] More than most IT systems, e-Governance applications need to be secured by
Trivedi Pujya published in http:// www.expresscomputeronline.com (7/6/ 2008)
[7] The Working Group on E-Government in the Developing World, “Roadmap for E-
government in the Developing World, 10 Questions E-Government Leaders Should
Ask Themselves”, April 2002
[8] http://ictanddevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/06/ict-and-e-governance.html
[9] http://arc.gov.in/11threp/ARC_11thReport (10/3/2011)
[10] http://www.indg.in/e-governance (15/3/2011)
[11] http://www.indg.in/e-governance/e-governance/egov-plan (17/7/2011)
[12] http://www.mit.gov.in/content/mission-mode-projects (20/9/2011)
[13] http://www.tulip.net/Product_Service/EGovernance.htm (19/10/2011)
[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-readiness (19/11/2011)
[15] http://www.csi-sigegov.org/E-Governence/e_Governance.pdf (9/2/2011)
[16] http://omec.uab.cat/Documentos/mitjans_dem_gov/0138.pdf (17/7/2011)