One Earth Family - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Draft Concept Paper
One Earth Family - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Draft Concept Paper
One Earth Family - Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam: Draft Concept Paper
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Today, the calamitous atomization of society and the violent divisiveness of our
political, economic and religious institutions make it essential for us to reclaim and embody the
universal and unifying principle of One Earth Family. In Gandhian tradition, fulfilling the needs
of the most vulnerable and underprivileged members of this family is the touchstone on which
all our actions must be based.
One Earth Family – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam is a new social movement that is based
on this foundational principle of the oneness of all beings on earth. Its work is carried forward
through an Integral Institute that seeks to highlight both the beauty and value of the infinite
diversity of humanity and nature, and the inherent unity and interconnectedness of all life
underlying our diversity. The profound underlying conviction is that only an integrated
approach that encompasses the political, economic, ecological, social, legal, cultural and
spiritual dimensions and recognizes their inter-dependence can bring about the transformation
required today.
1. Interconnectedness – one creator – as proved by science
2. Universe belongs exclusively to no-one: sharing
3. Truth – as constant unfolding process
4. Compassion
5. Consciousness
6. Wisdom
7. Radical responsibility for our actions and their consequences
8. Justice (pursuit of justice in all its dimensions: spiritually, culturally, ecologically,
and socially (political, economic, legal)
1. A (Vaidic) Manifesto: A manuscript outlining the pressing and universal relevance
of the Vaidic Message for our times, and outlining a manifesto proposing a new
integrated paradigm for society
Our Vision:
The Vision of “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam” is a world-view where the inherent unity and
interdependence of all creation is recognized and respected, where every living soul is valued
and enabled/empowered to fulfill its potential, and where cultural, ecological and spiritual
diversity is valued.
Our Mission:
1. radical responsibility
2. Universal kinship, or unity that transcends borders and labels
3. Respect for diversity.
4. Freedom and justice for all
5. Compassion towards the weak and the vulnerable and preferential option for the poor.
Our Activities:
To fulfill its mission and strive to achieve its vision, the main activities undertaken will be to:
1. Provide a platform for integral and transformative dialogue: between leaders in
religious, political, military, economic and media institutions who are ready to address and
transform current systemic crises through new paradigms.
2. Prepare Agents of Transformation: i.e. a new generation of young leaders from diverse
cultural, religious and social backgrounds who will undertake innovative initiatives in their
communities and institutions, and conceive of new paradigms for peaceful, just and
ecological development.
3. Empower Indigenous Adivasi youth leaders, female and male, to become powerful
national voices for their diverse cultural, spiritual and ecological traditions, and their distinct
socio-political aspirations. Adivasis comprise 100 million people but renaubm despite their
millennial culture, marginalized in India. One Earth Family will highlight the valuable
contributions Adivasi culture and eco-spirituality can make to India’s socio-political,
economic and environmental progress.
4. Build National Networks to maximize Impact: For sustainability and a multiplier effect,
strong networks and coalitions will be created between all participants in the three above
activities. Leaders in Activity 1 will form a coalition for change to enhance transformative
potential. Youth in Activities 2 and 3 will establish ‘One Earth Family’ Student Associations
in their Schools, Colleges and Universities and train and empower students to multiply
5. Build a Global Co-Creative Cultural Collaborative for Transformation: by drawing
on the powerful global networks of contacts and collaborations of the founders with
visionary leaders and transformative movements and institutions around the globe to form a
nucleus that can spearhead inner and outer transformation at this time of planetary crises.
while the other half will be from other social backgrounds. India has 28 states and 7 union
Territories. Accordingly, there will be a minimum of four participants from each of the states
and one each from the Union Territories, of which two male and two female, two from
underprivileged and two from other backgrounds. In choosing the participants, attention will be
given to ensure that all religions and spiritual traditions, including the secular and the atheistic.
This will provide an opportunity for a deep integration of India’s highly diverse cultural,
religious, social diversity amongst the youth.
Location: Workshops will be held in Ashrams/Gurukuls in simple, ecological and spiritual
Agenda: The agenda will intersperse dynamic interactive teaching, group works, creative
exercises, community work, and time spent in nature and in silent meditation.
transformation. One Earth Family will serve as the nucleus for a global collaborative co-creative
and cultural network to effect transformation. This will include for example:
Right Livelihood Foundation (the Alternative Nobel Prize) and Right Livelihood Academies,