Newsletter 097
Newsletter 097
Newsletter 097
Dear Friends and Co-workers!
Nobility of character in world leaders is one of to- ture infused with the light and music of the soul.
day’s most urgent needs. The absence of integrity
and of an ethical perspective in world affairs has For that to happen, the innate capacity of people to
allowed people who pursue their aims with brutality choose and construct a better way of life based on
and disregard for anything which is not in their per- community, spiritual values, caring, kindness and
sonal interest to take over positions of power in poli- justice for all, should be nurtured at all levels and in
tics, religion, science and health. Humanity has be- all circumstances. Every person can and is called to
come a prisoner of their greed and violence. Libera- apply and manifest these values in his or her own
tion demands urgent united efforts. personal life, in the family, in his or her profession, in
the community, in his or her political choices. Also
It is time for the people to speak out and demon- on a collective level, organisations, governments,
strate what they really want. Those who see the public institutions and private corporations need to
danger of domination by ruthless and merciless learn how to make collective decisions which are
forces need to make urgent united efforts to awaken based not only on the notion of personal or corpo-
the spirit of humanity to see the reality of what is rate interest, but on an understanding of the larger
happening. Humanity is being manipulated by the picture and the concerns of all interested parties.
skillful and intentional use of direct and subliminal
propaganda, terror and insecurity, to accept a world Three great tasks face humanity to achieve a new
order based on lawlessness and the enslavement of world ruled by ethical principles such as account-
the majority of humanity and the destruction of the ability, transparency, sharing and cooperation:
natural environment for the sake of short-term profits • cooperation among the world religions
for a very few. The spark of noble character and • equitable sharing of the world’s resources
goodness in the heart of humanity needs to be among the peoples of the world, according to
fanned into a flame of truth and courage to release their needs, in order to ensure the physical, so-
the energy of liberation. Insight, love of justice and cial, mental and spiritual development and well-
solidarity need to be more strongly evoked. As it being of all;
gains in resonance, the call from the spirit of hu- • a re-orientation of the world expenses in arma-
manity, expressed through an enlightened public ments towards social and economic develop-
opinion, can pierce through the darkness of oppres- ment, for formal and informal intellectual and
sion, the cries of war, cruelty and fear. If empowered spiritual education of children, youth and adults,
with love, truth and dedication to the common good, and natural healthcare for all.
humanity can be lifted and carried out of the present
darkness, horror and chaos, forward into the light These are great tasks, but enlightened and liberated
and the noble work of building its new future – a fu- human beings have the power to accomplish them.
* * *
Urusvati knows the significance of synthesis. If this foundation is not accepted, the most useful
works will be destined for destruction. The essence of Our Abode is not properly understood
because people arbitrarily categorize. Some consider Us to be Hermits of Kailas, while others
think that We are Beings of the Subtle World. Such distinctions destroy the synthesis of Our
People refuse to accept the logical explanations that are given to broaden their knowledge, and
by refusing, they diminish the very meaning of Our existence. If Our Centre exists as the link
between the worlds, in it must be expressed the conditions of both worlds, physical and subtle.
But such a simple idea can only be understood by one who comprehends the great importance
of synthesis.
Humanity can be divided into those who accept synthesis and those who deny it. Those who
deny the benefit of synthesis do not recognize the history of the human race. The epochs of
upliftment were also the epochs of an understanding of synthesis, when each harmonization of
the centres resulted in a broadening of consciousness.
Please do not think that narrow specialization makes the glory of an era. Only benevolent, all-
embracing synthesis can give impetus to the new progress of consciousness.
Thus, let us not forget that categorizing prevents a proper understanding of Our Brotherhood.
(Supermundame – The Inner Life, Book One, § 96).
Taurus Full Moon (Wesak) and Leo Full Moon meditation with the Arcane School Group in Geneva
Group meditation on the reappearance of the Christ and Cancer Full Moon meditation with the World
Goodwill and Triangles Unit of Service in Rio de Janeiro
15-19 July 2003 – morning and evening meditations in the pyramid of Fazenda Vida, Una, Bahia, Brazil, on
various keynotes
13.05.2003 We are all flowers with positive and 01.07.2003 We share what we are, not what we have
negative seeds 12.08.2003 Meditation on Transmission of Love for
03.06.2003 Life is One and I am One with Life Humanity
10.06.2003 Relieve suffering with the light of the soul 19.08.2003 Culture of Peace and Non-violence
17.06.2003 The One Life is in all of us 26.08.2003 International Unity
22-25 May 2003 – 3 International Conference people are directed to state universal moral values
“On the Threshold of a New World: Current Models of in daily work, to realize the necessity of cooperation
Education and Healthcare”, Kiev, Ukraine with mother-nature, on the basis of old traditions and
More than 200 participants - teachers, doctors, sci- modern knowledge, establish right human relations,
entists, public leaders, representatives of numerous first of all in family life, education of new genera-
NGOs, research centres, international organizations tions, healthy way of life. We met in Kiev to share
- from different cities of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, our experiences, to outline new approaches to edu-
UK, Canada, USA discussed the following topics: cation, health, creative self-realization, improvement
• Future of the civilization: role of education and of information environment. About 100 reports were
healthcare presented, including by Rudolf Schneider, General
• Contemporary ideas and trends in education secretary of the IPS (Switzerland); Prunella Briance,
• Humanistic approach in education founder and Chairman of the National Foundation
• Man and woman in the modern world for Natural Childbirth (Great Britain); Arthur Harkins,
• New leadership models professor, the University of Minnesota, writer,
• Changing the paradigms of education and founder of a new leadership concept (USA);
healthcare: holistic approach to the person representatives of the UNDP and UNICEF programs
• Role of psychology in shaping human relations in Ukraine.
• Bio-informational medicine as a medicine of to-
morrow It was significant that the conference was held in the
• Towards a Spiritual Parenthood library of The Polytechnical University, one of the
• Bio-ethical evaluation of humans’ informational oldest and most famous Kiev universities. The Vice-
environment and informational safety. rector made a speech during the opening ceremony,
the University’s professors made some final reports,
The IPS was represented by Rudolf Schneider. The and students had an opportunity to take part in the
conference demonstrated the growing activity of the discussions and round tables to get acquainted with
civil society in Ukraine, with grassroots initiatives for new ideas and innovating projects.
change, born of the sincere will of the people to
make a difference, to take part in decision-making An original surprise was the meeting with Zinaida
on essential problems, including education and Baranova, who for the past four years has been
public health services. It was for this purpose that a leading an autotrophic regime of life, i.e. without
group of seven Ukrainian NGOs created The Public eating and drinking. The conference was held within
Council in 2000 to carry out these annual events. the framework of a festival of children and youth
In this dramatic period of our history, more and more creativity. Artists and poets presented their work. An
excursion to places of spiritual power of ancient Kiev farmhouse which has been renovated to host a fu-
concluded these three days of work in an atmo- ture centre for esoteric healing and research on
sphere of solidarity and cooperation for establishing natural therapies. It is located on partly forested
new values for the One Humanity on Earth. land, with a waterfall, pure water and air on the hills
of São Paulo State. The keynote of the meeting was
22-25 May 2003 – At the same time as the public “self-awareness”, which is the keynote of the sign of
conference was held in Kiev, an evening study Leo. The emphasis was on group meditation, which
group met during these three days for those inter- was conducted several times every day as a means
ested in the science of the seven rays, the work of to bring about group integration and as a world
the NGOs and the United Nations. service. The meditations included the meditation for
the reappearance of the Christ, the Maitreya Sangha
1-3 August 2003 – 14 th Intergroup meeting, Que- meditation, the meditations for planetary synthesis,
luz, Brazil for planetary healing, for reorienting money for hier-
This intergroup meeting was organised by the Unit archical purposes, for eliminating fear in humanity.
of Service Triangles and World Goodwill of Brazil, Most periods of meditation were followed by a period
with groups in Campinas, João Pessoa, Natal, Re- of sharing of insights. Periods of study begain with
sende and Rio de Janeiro, by the local representa- reading of a text prepared by one of the members of
tives of the IPS and of the International Children’s the group, on themes related to self-awareness and
Peace Council. The meeting was held in a beautiful the energies of Leo.
2 May 2003 – Conference “Between Heaven and Each meeting ended with a short ritual in which the
Earth” by Toni Rüttimman, who has been building candles were extinguished. The evening before and
rescue bridges in remote areas affected by natural day of the full moon were particularly potent with
catastrophes in South America and Asia since 1987. participants holding silence except for a vigil where
His e-mail address is the Great Invocation was sounded every 15 minutes
up until the time of the full moon.
6-16 June 2003 – Conclave of the World Service
Intergroup in Findhorn, Scotland The WSI has been meeting for seven years in all the
This report is taken from the newsletter of the Sun- planetary centres (London, Geneva, Darjeeling, To-
dial House Group (P.O.Box 181, Tunbridge Wells, kyo and New York) and also in Washington D.C. and
Kent TN3 9ZA, U.K., http://www.creativemeditation. Los Angeles, with the goal of building a “world ves-
sel” for the externalisation of the divine plan. The
org), one of the groups which participated in the WSI
insights received by each participant during group
Conclave. The WSI Conclave held in Findhorn, meditation were synthesised and shared with the
Scotland, was a great meeting of 180 delegates rep- whole group; plenary sessions and panel discus-
resenting 48 groups that have committed to sponsor sions were held to stimulate thought about the out-
this worldwide effort to develop a unified body of pouring of spiritual work; and practical ideas and
esoteric groups that function in unison to provide an projects were enumerated.
instrument for actively implementing the divine Plan,
building a link to planetary spiritual consciousness Plenary sessions and panel discussions included the
and preparing the way for the reappearance of the following subjects:
Christ. The conclave was held during the five-day • Meditation and intergroup work in preparing hu-
period surrounding the Gemini Full Moon, specifi- man consciousness;
cally to invoke insight and impression in group • Group work: integration, fusion and synthesis;
meditation about what we can do to actively imple- • Building the antahkarana;
ment and work for the reappearance. • Esoteric schools and programmes;
• Esoteric healing;
There was a mini-conference for the purpose of ex- • Ageless Wisdom approach to the new world or-
periencing and learning about our host organisation, der: issues of globalisation and governance;
the Findhorn Educational Trust, in which 60 people • Building the new civilisation and using money, the
participated. This was a wonderful time to get to media and the internet to facilitate the reap-
know each other and a little about the organisations pearance.
represented before the actual conference began.
It was agreed to set up 13 subjective working groups
A ceremony on the evening of June 11 in the penta- to continue building in thought in preparation for pre-
gonal Universal Hall opened the conference. Orga- cipitation and anchoring in community group pro-
nisations from 17 countries were represented, and jects. These groups are as follows: 1. Exact time full
all 48 organisations present had a chance to give a moon meditation; 2. Intercultural synthesis; 3. Inter-
one-minute synopsis of the activities and focus of net; 4. Media; 5. Outreach; 6. Planetary healing; 7.
each group. The IPS was represented by Rudolf Psychology; 8. Resources; 9. Teacher’s network; 10.
Schneider and Marion Remus. Each meeting Triangles seed group; 11. United Nations; 12. WSI
opened with a meaningful ritual of invoking the 7 energy and relationships management; 13. Youth.
rays, naming them, speaking their word of power
and lighting candles in colours that represented Reports and plans can be found on the WSI website,
each ray. This was followed by the Great Invocation, All esoteric groups are in-
which was eventually pronounced in 10 languages. vited to join in the group world service meditations to
be found on the website. 1. To publish a newsletter on Activity of RAWE and
on the next steps of our further cooperation with
21 June 2003 – International Forum “From con- the University, DGI and Association of Foreign
frontation to dialogue of cultures and civilisa- Students (AFS).
tions”, Brest, Belarus, in which the IPS was repre- 2. To ask a representative of AFS to inform the for-
sented by Rudolf Schneider. eign students who are learning in Russia about
1-5 July 2003 – International Conference “Dia- the conference.
logue of Cultures”, Ufa, Russia 3. To have the next festival in Moscow (or Moscow
The conference was organized by Ufa State Petro- region) in summer 2004 together with AFS.
leum and Technical University, Russian AWE 4. To write a book about the system of education in
Chapter and Danish Association of Gymnastics and Africa (within the framework of the project of
Sports Clubs (DGI). Its themes were: dialogue of RAWE “Education for World Citizenship”) with the
cultures as a means of mutual understanding; the help of AFS.
necessity to cultivate tolerance from early childhood, 4-6 July 2003 – “The Inner Voyage”, a series of
to understand the diversity of the world and the cul- conferences and workshops with Shailen Popat,
ture of every nation. 20 presentations were made. lawyer and teacher of Raja Yoga meditation at the
A youth seminar was also held during the confer- Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University for the
ence. The youth seminar covered the following top- past 15 years. He coordinates activities for youth
ics: DGI aims and activities; how to combine theo- groups. He talked on “How to develop your spiritual
retical and practical knowledge, what is democracy, vitality”, “building self-esteem” and “wealth and
cooperation, trust, respect and community. power of silence”.
Our proposals:
15 May 2003 – The World Development Report 28 August 2003 – Global Economic Prospects and
2004, “Making Services Work for the Poor”, by Mr. Developing Countries 2004: Realizing the
Shantayanan Devarajan, Chief Economist and Development Promise of the Doha Agenda by Uri
Director WDR 2004. Dadush, Director and Richard Newfarmer, GEP
Lead Author, International Trade Department, the
7 July 2003 – The World Bank Experience with
World Bank.
Poverty Reduction Strategies: an Update” by Mr.
John Page, Director, WB Poverty Reduction Group.
IPS representatives participated in the Committee’s,, an
meetings of the Committee on Spirituality, Values association with the motto “non-violent approach of
and Global Concerns on 29 April and 4 June. Rudolf true revolution” and dedicated to spirituality, culture,
Schneider, who is a co-chair of the Committee, health care, youth welfare, education and interfaith
participated in a Board meeting on 20 May. On 17 harmony.
June, a meeting with Acharya Meenakshi Devi was
organised as part of the series “Dialogue with On 6 May 2003, the group “Jumping the Fence” of
Religious and Spiritual Leaders”. Acharya Meenak- the Committee on the Status of Women organised a
shi Devi is the founder and Director of Vishva Shanti talk with Ms. Valentine Rugwabira, Ambassador of
Sadhana Pratishtahanam (Manohar Dham Dattapur, Rwanda, on “Reconciliation: the Road to Peace”
Wardha-442001, India. tel. +91-7152-248180, On 22 May 2003, the NGO Forum on Health and
240639, fax 248180,, Values organised a seminar on primary health care.