DSG - Feasibility Report Report
DSG - Feasibility Report Report
DSG - Feasibility Report Report
Educational Trust
Feasibility Report
June 2010
Table of Contents
2. Site Features..............................................................................................................................4
7. Electrical System.....................................................................................................................16
7.1 Power Evacuation ..........................................................................................................16
7.2 Construction Power........................................................................................................16
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Expansion
AC Air Conditioning
APH Air PreHeater
BMCR Boiler Maximum Continuous Rating
BTG Boiler Turbine and Generator
CEA Central Electricity Authority
CERC Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
CPCB Central Pollution Control Board
CRZ Coastal Regulation Zone
CT Cooling Tower
CW Cooling Water
DM Demineralised
DMCW DeMineralised Cooling Water
DP Desalination Plant
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
ESP Electro Static Precipitator
FGD Flue Gas Desulphurisation
GCV Gross Calorific Value
HEA High Energy arc
HFO Heavy Fuel Oil
IPP Independent Power Producers
LDO Light Diesel Oil
MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forest
MPa Mega Pascal
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PLF Plant Load Factor
PPA Power Purchase Agreement
SH/NH State/National Highway
SIR Special Investment Region
SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
TMCR Turbine Maximum Continuous Rating
The Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Charitable and Educational Trust, founded in the year 1994, by
Shri.A.Srinivasan, has been in the forefront of providing quality education at affordable cost
in the region of Perambalur. The trust founded out of an immense passion for contributing to
the society, strives to promote the cause of education. The trust today runs 16 instututions,
technical & non technical, in and round Perambalur catering to the educational quest of the
students. These institutions are corner stones of affordable quality education.
Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Group, is currently interested for entering into Power Generation
field and in establishing a coal based 1x250 MW Thermal Power Plant in the District of
Tuticorin, Tamilnadu
In this context, for installation of the thermal Power Project, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Group
have appointed Fichtner Consulting Engineers (I) Pvt. Ltd., Chennai as their Consultant/
Engineer for preparation of Detailed Project Report of the Project. Accordingly, site visit for
the proposed project areas was arranged and joint inspection was held. The pre-feasibility
study is intended to aid such preliminary evaluation of the project taking into consideration,
the proposed sites features and the land suitability. The details and conclusions provided
here are based on our understanding of the project site proposed, the data collected at the
project site and our experience.
Four sites were inspected near Tuticorin and are detailed below:
In and around Tuticorin, large numbers of thermal Power plants are under consideration, as
indicated below:
Bringing coal through Tuticorin Port is playing a vital role in the installation of the above
Projects and the same advantage is applicable to the proposed project also.
3.1 Access
The proposed site is very near to National Highway No.NH-45B connecting Tuticorin &
Madurai and the nearest city is Tuticorin which is 26 KM from the proposed site. The nearest
Tuticorin Airport is 40kms away from the site, Tuticorin Harbor is 34kms away and Tuticorin
Railway Station is 30kms away from the proposed site. The nearest approach road to the site
is NH-45B which is just 500m away and the source of sea water from Gulf of mannar and it is
located 22km away from the site. The Ind-Bharath Power India Ltd having a Bio-mass power
plant nearby and their coal based TPP having a capacity of 3x75MW is about 10 kM away.
The site is not having any habitant inside.
Site-2 (S.Kumarapuram):
The proposed site is very near to National Highway No.NH-45B connecting Tuticorin &
Madurai and it is located at about 8 kM away from the above site and about 17.5 kM away
from Tuticorin town. The source of sea water from the Gulf of Mannar is 17.5 km away from
the site. The site is not having any habitant inside.
Site-3 (Ottapidaram):
The proposed site is very near to National Highway No.NH-45B connecting Tuticorin &
Madurai and it is located at about13 kM away from Tuticorin Town. The source of sea water
from the Gulf of Mannar is about 7.0 km away from the site. The site is not having any
habitant inside.
Site-4 (K.Shanmugapuram):
The proposed site is very near to Kurukusalai to Vilathikulam state highway and at a distance
of 10km in the eastern direction from Kurukkusalai. The nearest National Highway No.NH-45
(East coast road) connecting Tuticorin & Ramanathapuram at a distance of 5 km from the
site. The nearest city is Tuticorin which is 11 km away from the proposed site. The nearest
Airport (35 kms), Harbor (20 kms) and Railway Station (22 kms) for the proposed site are also
Based on the above aspects and various site features of the four sites are shown below:
3. Present Land Use Waste land Partially Waste Waste land only Waste land only
land & Cultivation
5. Fuel Source- 22 Km from sea 17.5 Km from sea 7 Km from sea and 5 Km from sea
Establishing Coal
Jetty & Coal
6. Power Evacuation PGCIL have to be PGCIL have to be PGCIL have to be PGCIL have to be
(400kV) approached approached approached approached
7. Accessibility 0.5km from 1km from National Touching national 1km from National
National high way high way (NH-45B) high way (Tuticorin- high way (NH-45B)
(NH-45B) connecting Madurai) and 5Km connecting Tuticorin
connecting Tuticorin to from ECR and 13 to Madurai &
Tuticorin to Madurai & 17.5km kM from Tuticorin 17.5km from
Madurai & 26km from Tuticorin Town Tuticorin Town.
from Tuticorin Town.
11. Remarks Poor site Poor site Suitable Site Suitable Site
accessibility due accessibility due
to Coal transport- to Coal transport-
tation and Sea ation and Sea
water intake water intake
facilities (22km facilities (17.5km
away from Gulf away from Gulf of
of mannar & mannar & 34km
34km from Port) from Port)
Out of the four sites inspected site no.3 (Ottapidaram) is considered to be best suited for the
project in view of land availability and coal transportation modalities. The proposed site
comprises of mostly barren land and there is no agriculture, cultivation or buildings existing in
the proposed land to be acquired for the thermal station.
The scarcely populated villages are located outside the proposed area. Hence the identified
land will not have any rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R) issue.
Topography of the proposed site appears almost flat, requiring no major filling/cutting works.
Ponds, wells are not available / existing within the proposed site. But some leveling of the site
has to be carried out, if found necessary. There is no rock and the entire area is fine Black &
Red mixed soil type and there is no ground water available inside the plant area. One dry
water canal which is not in use for many years is available at northern side.
No preliminary works such as topography survey and soil testing have been conducted at the
proposed site to identify the soil characteristics.
b. Availability of adequate cooling water from sea (Gulf of Mannar). However pipe line
routing has to be finalized during detail engineering.
c. Availability of adequate land for locating the power plant adjacent to the national highway
from Madurai to Tuticorin and from ECR which is 5 KM from the proposed site.
f. Facility for interconnection with transmission system for evacuation of power. At present
the nearest 400 kV substation from the proposed site is at Abisekapatti Substation near
Tirunelvely which is 50kM away from the site, controlled by Power Grid Corporation of
India Limited (PGCIL). It is expected that PGCIL will have their future 400kV Substation in
and around Tuticorin, since more power projects are coming up in the vicinity and
requested for Long Term Open Access (LTOA) from PGCIL.
Considering the above, the proposed Ottapidaram site (Site No.3) is very suitable for putting
up of 1 X 250 MW Thermal power plant.
Lack of availability of sufficient electric power has always been one of the greatest deterrents
to the growth of industry in the state. To mitigate the gap between demand and supply,
installation of power projects of any capacity will help to a great extent. In this direction, the
proposal of DSG, to install 1x250MW in the district of Tuticorin, will be of immense use to the
state and to the southern Grid as well. The availability of power in Tamilnadu and the
Southern Region and the anticipated shortage are brought out in various surveys conducted
by Government of India as shown below:
In view of the above deficiency in peak demand (MW) and Energy Demand (GWhr), it is
absolutely justifiable to have the 250MW TPP installed in a location where the coal and
cooling water requirements can be made available and there is no R &R issue for locating the
plant. The total cost of the project including Interest During Construction (IDC) and Financing
Charges (FC) works out to Rs. 13190.34 Millions (Rs. 5.28 Crores/MW) and the energy cost
during first year of operation works out to Rs. 3.25 per unit.
The land required for putting up 1 x 250 MW Power Plant is summarized below;
Area in
Sl.No. Description
1 Power Block 30
2 Coal Area 60
Total 650
It is proposed to execute the project under the following four (4) major EPCs:
The steam turbine will be 3000 rpm, tandem compound, single reheat, double casing,
regenerative, condensing, horizontally split, three-cylinder machine with six (6) uncontrolled
extractions for regenerative feed water heating. The turbine will be designed for main steam
parameters of 152 kg/cm²(abs) at 540°C±5°C before emergency stop valves of HP turbine
and reheat steam parameters of 36 kg/cm² (abs) and 540°C±5°C at inlet to IP turbine. The LP
turbine will exhaust against a condenser pressure of about 0.085 kg/cm2 (abs). At turbine
valve wide open (VWO) condition the turbo-generator set will be able to operate continuously
with a throttle steam flow of about 105% turbine MCR condition.
Double pass surface condenser capable of maintaining the required vacuum while
condensing steam at the maximum rating of the turbine will be provided. Other recoverable
steam and condensate will also be routed to the condenser shells. The steam will be
condensed in the condenser by circulating water passing through the condenser tubes. The
condenser arrangement will be such that on-load maintenance of one half of the condenser at
a time is possible by isolating the same from cooling water inlet and outlet sides. The
condenser will be of divided water box design with rolled steel construction of body and water
chamber. Tubes will be of titanium and tube sheet will be of mild steel with titatnium overlay to
maintain non-corrosive character for seawater cooling. The condensers will have integrated
air cooling zone and it should be designed so as to accept 60% quantity of steam during
turbine HP and LP bypass operation without any undue vibration, thermal stress etc. The
condenser axis will be at right angle to the turbo-generator axis.
The steam generators will be drum type, natural circulation, water tube, direct pulverised coal
fired, balanced draft furnace, single reheat, radiant, dry bottom type, suitable for outdoor
installation, top supported and designed for firing 100% imported coal rated to deliver about
820 t/hr of superheated steam at 154 Kg/Cm (abs), 540°C (±5°) when supplied with feed
water at a temperature of 246°C at the economiser inlet.
The combustion system will be provided for pulverised coal firing with Low NOX type coal
burners. The steam generator will be equipped with a front, opposite or axial firing/tangential
firing system. The steam generators will be designed for continuous satisfactory operation
with the coal expected for this station without any need for auxiliary fuel oil for fire
stabilisation. The furnace will be conservatively designed for fuel to burn completely and to
avoid any slagging in the furnace and excessive fouling in the super heater sections of the
boiler. The design flue gas velocities will be carefully selected to minimise erosion of pressure
parts and other vital components on account of ash. The steam generators will be designed in
accordance with the latest provisions of Indian Boiler Regulations.
6.2.3 Chimney
A concrete chimney has been proposed for this project. A chimney height of 220 mtrs has
been considered in accordance with the guidelines given by the Central Board for the
Prevention and Control of Water Pollution. The chimney will include openings sized and
located to coordinate with the presently specified configuration of ESP and also be easily
adapted to a future configuration that includes flue gas desulphurization equipment which will
be located in the flue gas stream between the ESP and the chimney. Suitable provisions shall
be made available to fix continuously monitoring equipments for measuring pollutants as per
Pollution Control Board norms
Since the Recommended site is located nearer to sea which is about 7 kM away from Gulf of
Mannar, the choice of cooling system will naturally be sea water system. The type of cooling
system for the condenser may be either of Induced/Natural draft cooling towers or once
through system. In case of once through system the possibility of restricting the hot water
temperature with in a limit of 5 deg C is not possible. So it is necessary to consider Natural /
Induced Draft Cooling Tower to control the blow down temperature letting out to the sea, by
taking blow down from cold water. In view of sea water system being used and to save
energy consumption, natural draft cooling tower is recommended. The cold water blow down
and the desalination plant reject will be let into the sea after carrying out thermal and salinity
dispersion study.
Sea water requirement for the proposed 250 MW power plant will be met from the Gulf of
Mannar for make-up for the natural draft cooling tower and desalination plant. Cooling Tower
blow down water will be utilized for ash slurry / bottom ash system.
The unloading system shall be designed considering the receipt of coal by trucks and
Crushers shall be installed if size of coal receipt is +25mm.
Belt conveyor will feed Screens in crusher house. Over size (+) 25 mm coal will feed to Ring
granulator crushers for reducing to (-) 25mm size. Crushed coal from crushers and fines
separated from screens will be discharged on to belt conveyor which will feed to coal bunkers
through traveling trippers.
When boiler bunkers are full, the crushed coal will be diverted to stockpile through yard
Conveyor. Reversible stacker cum reclaimer will be utilized for stacking and reclaiming.
Storage capacity of stockpile will be about 45 days. Stockpile will be comprise of trapezoidal
cross section on either side of stacker cum reclaimer. The coal from stock pile will be
reclaimed by stacker cum reclaimer, to feed onto reversible yard conveyor which will be
feeding in to bunkers through conveyor.
Coal used for this project shall be 100% imported coal having the characteristics as furnished
in the appendix. It is envisaged that coal will land at Tuticorin Port by means of ships and it
will be forwarded to site through Trucks Alternatively coal can be moved to site by rail
depending upon the availability of railway lines during implementation of the project.
The coal linkage will be key to the planning of layout and ash dyke etc. and it is expected that
the proposal will be firmed up before going in for deciding the main equipments such as the
BTG, coal handling system and ash handling system.
Bottom Ash Removal System will consist of a refractory lined W-shaped, water impounded,
storage type, water-cooled bottom ash hopper located directly below the bottom water wall
header of boiler. Bottom ash (BA) will be collected continuously. BA hopper will be provided
with clinker grinders to limit the size of clinkers. Bottom ash and economiser ash slurry will be
collected in the hydrobin and further disposed by the trucks. In emergency case, i.e. non-
availability of ash utilization, bottom ash slurry will be diverted to ash slurry sump and further
to ash pond.
Fly ash collected in Air pre-heater hoppers and ESP hoppers will be evacuated by vacuum
cum pressure conveying system.
Fly ash can be disposed off in dry mode through buffer hopper. The dry fly ash collected in fly
ash silos will be transported using trucks.
In case of emergency, i.e. non-availability of fly ash utilization, fly ash will be disposed in wet
mode through collector tank and disposed to ash pond through slurry pump.
Ash Pond
For estimating the area required for ash dyke, fly ash utilization of 1 year and bottom ash
utilization of 3 years are considered for ash pond design.
Dry ash from the silos will be loaded in to trucks for utilization purpose. For the entire ash
handling system sea water can be used without any problem.
Export of Power from the proposed 1x250MW plant can be made through 400kV transmission
lines. At present nearest 400 kV substation from the proposed site is at Abisekapatti
Substation controlled by Power Grid Corporation of India Limited (PGCIL). Hence depending
upon DSEPL’s project schedule, availability of 400kV network at this nearest substation of
PGCIL has to be explored. Accordingly power evacuation voltage has to be finalized.
Moreover, DSEPL’s plan for location of consumers to be considered for connecting to the
PGCIL / TNEB grid network. Based on the above, requirement of additional transmission lines
may be required for installation.
TNEB has already proposed to construct 400kV Substation along with the coming up
2 x 500MW TTPS extension of NLC & TNEB Joint venture project. Hence the power
evacuation through 400kV network of TNEB can also be considered an option.
A clear picture will evolve only after the projects which are under proposal / erection, come to
shape and PGCIL may also participate for power evacuation in this area. However, it will not
pose a problem while this project is taken up for execution.
The major environmental concerns for putting up the proposed power station are as follows;
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Noise pollution
a) Air Pollution
The Air pollutants from the proposed units shall be controlled by selecting the appropriate
equipment/systems as listed below.
1. SOx Emissions
Presently there is no legislation or norms for limiting the SO2 emissions from coal based
thermal power plants. Currently sulphur dioxide levels are controlled by dispersing the
pollutant to atmosphere through a tall stack.
The minimum stack height to be maintained to keep the sulphur dioxide level in the
ambient within the air quality standards, as furnished below:
With this, the stack height for the 250 MW unit under consideration will be 220 metres.
Currently there is no requirement for installing any Flue Gas Desulphuring (FGD)
equipment. However a provision will be made in the plant layout for installing a FGD plant
in future if required.
2. NOx Emissions
Presently there are no limitations for NOx emissions from the coal fired power plants.
Therefore, special equipment/systems for NOx control are not envisaged.
However the power plant will use coal burners of proven, advanced design to reduce
NOX production, and the steam generator furnace will be provided with over-fire air ports
to further reduce NOX production.
3. CO Emissions
Carbon monoxide (CO) another kind of pollutant hardly exists in the modern power
stations as design of combustion control equipment and the furnace eliminates, almost
completely the possibility of incomplete combustion. The ground level concentration is
expected to be within the limit prescribed by ministry of environment and forest.
For thermal power stations, depending upon the requirement of local situation, such as
protected area, the State Pollution Control Boards and other implementing agencies
under the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, prescribe a limit of 100 mg/Nm3 for
particulate matter, irrespective of generation capacity of the plant. The efficiency of the
electrostatic precipitators which remove most of the fly ash from the flue gas, thereby
limiting the quantity of fly ash emitted to atmosphere and the height of the stack which
disperses the pollutants will be around 99.9% to meet the norms of Central Pollution
Control Board (CPCB). However, it will be ensured that particulate emission will be limited
to 50 mg/Nm3.
b) Water Pollution
As far as possible, the waste water generated in the plant will be treated and collected in
the guard pond and utilized in the plant. However in case of excess waste during rainy
season / flood water shall be discharged to the natural drainage system available. It is
envisaged to develop the guard pond to be located suitably near the water treatment
plant. The capacity of the pond would be adequate to store 24-hours design liquid
effluent discharge from the station.
c) Noise Pollution
The noise level at plant boundary during normal operation is ensured by proper selection
of the system and controlling noise level from originating equipment.
d) Green Belt
Adequate green belt would be developed in and around the project area and the ash
disposal area satisfying the requirement of state as well as Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB). Plantation near coal stacks and the ash silo area to arrest fugitive dust
are also proposed. These green belts, apart from arresting air-borne dust particles and
acting as noise-barrier, would help in improvement of ecology and aesthetics of the area.
Appendix - 1
2.2 Nearest Railway Station : Tuticorin (15 km away from the site)
2.3 Nearest Sea Port : Tuticorin Port (23 km away from site)
5.1 Zone : II
6.2 Rainfall
Appendix - 2
Typical Coal Analysis
Total Moisture % Wt 30
Volatile Matter % Wt 40
Ash 10
Grindability Index : 42
Carbon 75.06
Hydrogen 6.45
Nitrogen 0.85
Sulphur 0.84
Oxygen 16.8
Detailed Indonesian coal analysis to be obtained from the coal supplier.
Appendix - 3
Typical Fuel Oil Analysis
Appendix - 4
Indicative Seawater Analysis
PH 8.505
Conductivity mmhos/m 56385
Temperature at top surface Deg C 32.0
Turbidity NTU 15.54
Salinity psu 37.275
Suspended solids mg/l 11.55
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) mg/l <6
Calcium as Ca mg/l 429.45
Magnesium as Mg mg/l 1337.7
Sodium as Na mg/l 13230
Potassium as K mg/l 399
Ammonia as NH3 mg/l BDL
Strontium asSr mg/l 2.4885
Barium as Ba mg/l BDL
Aluminum as Al (Total and dissolved) mg/l BDL/BDL
Manganese as Mn mg/l BDL/BDL
Iron as Fe (Total and dissolved) mg/l 0.52/.26
Chloride as Cl mg/l 22142.4
Sulfate as SO4 mg/l 3565.8
Nitrate as NO3 mg/l 1.701
Nitrite as NO2 mg/l 0.042
Bicarbonate as HCO3 mg/l 147
Floride as F mg/l 1.47
Boron as B mg/l 1.449
Phosphate as PO4 mg/l 0.1995
Sulfide/sulphide as H2S mg/l BDL
Silica as SIO2 (Total and dissolved) mg/l 4.2/0.32
Other Parameters
Dissolved Oxygen mg/l 5.88
Biological Oxygen Demand mg/l 11.55
Phenols mg/l BDL
Chemical Oxygen Demand mg/l 65.1
Oil & Grease mg/l <1
Zinc as Zn mg/l 0.1
Copper as Cu mg/l BDL
Seawater Analysis near to site at Tuticorin is indicated above.
Appendix - 5
Financial and Plant Data
Residual value % 10.00%
Plant & Machinery - For first 12 years % 5.28%
Plant & Machinery - For balance years % 2.05%