Crew Resource Management Improves Decision Making
Crew Resource Management Improves Decision Making
Crew Resource Management Improves Decision Making
People make decisions, and people are fallible. So how can we make the best decisions in a particular
situation given the information available? Crew resource management techniques designed for
aircraft emergencies can help.
saved airplanes and lives.”3 The basic tenets of CRM are to avoid, errors, and helps ensure that the four CRM steps—recognizing
trap, or mitigate the consequences of errors resulting from poor that a problem exists, defining the problem, identifying probable
decisions. To do this, according to CRM, it is essential to solutions, and taking appropriate action—will be carried out
effectively. “Integration” describes the need to integrate the whole
1. recognize that a problem exists, team’s knowledge and skill into a final solution. TRIM also stands
2. define what the problem is, for terms that emphasize communication:
3. identify probable solutions, and
4. take appropriate action to implement a solution. • Talk with each other
• Respect each other
CRM techniques have been applied to other high-risk • Initiate action
situations, including the high-stress environment of the operating • Monitor results
room. Poor decisions are not simply due to surgeon error but also to
the processes and systems that allow errors to remain undetected. CRM is already a mature discipline with clear benefits in
CRM in the operating room has shown positive results due to high-risk situations that can translate to complex projects. Using
improved communication, teamwork, error reduction, and better its successful training methods, CRM seems ideal for application
training of the whole team, reducing avoidable mortality rates. to project management decision making. I believe it is important
One CRM trainer describes the CRM process as “see it, that the project management community recognize the benefits
say it, fix it.” This is a good approach to problems on complex gained by the application of the CRM/TRIM technique to
projects, including NASA projects. reduce decision errors and the consequences of those errors. CRM
is a systematic way of helping us use our collective cognitive
Applying CRM at NASA skills to gain and maintain situational awareness and develop
Flawed decision making was one of the root causes of the loss of our interpersonal and behavioral skills to establish relationships
the Challenger and Columbia Space Shuttles and their crews. It also and communicate with everyone involved, to achieve accurate
contributed to the loss of the Mars Climate Orbiter, Mars Polar and robust decisions. ASK readers responsible for managing
Lander, and problems on other projects. Despite all the seasoned complex projects can take the initiative to begin implementing the
veterans working on a project (and sometimes because they trust CRM/TRIM processes and provide feedback on their results. ●
their expertise too much), mistakes are made, omissions occur,
and clear thinking is often displaced by a false sense of knowing
what is going on. For most complex projects, the decisions are Jerry muleNburG retired from NASA in 2006 with more than twenty-five years of
not as monumental as for in-flight emergencies or surgery. But distinguished service. He held positions as assistant division
the mistakes matter and sometimes lead to the expensive and chief for Life Sciences, and division chief of the Ames Aeronautics
and Space Flight Hardware Development Division and of Wind
disappointing loss of mission or, tragically, loss of crew. Tunnel Operations. A former air force officer, he is a Project
NASA would benefit greatly from applying CRM-like Management Institute Project Management Professional and
techniques to its complex projects. One of the things CRM does a trained MBTI administrator, and he currently teaches project
management at the university graduate and undergraduate
is integrate the knowledge and experience of all team members levels. He also provides training in project management as an
to arrive at a wise and robust decision. The acronym TRIM, independent consultant.
which stands for team resource integration management, clearly
describes the process. TRIM embraces the three CRM tenets 1. Jonah Lehrer, how We Decide (New york: houghton Mifflin, 2009).
2. Alan Levin, “Pilot: ‘I was sure I could’ land in river,” usa today, February 9, 2009.
of avoid, trap, or mitigate the consequences of decision-making 3. robert J. boser, “CrM: The Missing Link,” November 1997,