5E Lesson Plan-Polygons
5E Lesson Plan-Polygons
5E Lesson Plan-Polygons
Students will be able to identify polygons and Assessment of design using a rubric
attributes with 75% accuracy.
Engage: Time
The teacher will read The Greedy Triangle by Marilyn Burns. This book is 10-15 minutes
about a Triangle that is unhappy with its shape and decides through the
help of the Shapeshifter to take on new identities. The Triangle continues
to add one more side to itself and begins to change from a triangle, to a
quadrilateral, to a pentagon and so on. The teacher will prompt students to
predict what shape is coming next and what will happen to the Triangle.
Facilitation Questions:
1. What do you predict the shape will change into next? Why?
2. What is the sequence of the Triangle’s changes?
Explore: 15-20 minutes
Teacher will explain to students that they will learn the special names for
different polygons their exploration. Students will placed in groups of
threes and be given a sheet of assorted polygons. Students will sort the
shapes into two or more groups. Then students will explain how they
sorted the shapes and describe the shapes in each group. Groups will share
how they sorted polygons to the class.
Facilitation Questions:
How did you decide to sort your polygons?
What makes a shape a polygon?
Explain: 15-20 minutes
Students will get out their math journals and create the following chart:
Special Education Students – drawing polygons on dot paper, follow IEP, and make sure students are
using ARF’s, have a copy of chart and students will glue into journal, scribe paragraph that describes
Dyslexic Students – have a copy of chart and students will glue into journal, help with spelling when
writing paragraph of design, follow modifications
Behavior/Attention Problems – close proximity when working in groups, eye-contact, follow behavior
The following shapes fell out of Ms. Mora’s school bag. Help her
identify the following polygons:
1. List the letters of the polygons that match each description. Remember some of the
shapes might be used more than once.
5. On the separate sheet of paper, create a design using the shapes above. Color your
design. Then write a paragraph that describes your design. Don’t forget to use geometric
terms to describe polygons.