Time Relay Monitoring Relay Eng
Time Relay Monitoring Relay Eng
Time Relay Monitoring Relay Eng
for more information
Asymmetric flasher Level monitoring
Multifunction timer Voltage monitoring 3~ Current monitoring
2-time multifunction timer Star-Delta timer Voltage monitoring 1~ Temperature monitoring
E1ZM10 E1YM400VS10 E3IM10AL20
E1ZI10 E3ZS20 E1UM230V01 E3LM10
E1ZMQ10 E1PF400VSY10 E1IU500mAAC01
E3ZI20 E3TF01
E1ZM10 Basic function When voltage is applied, one Window function: relay release Monitoring of supply voltage E3IM10AL20 E3LM10:
E • R • Ws • Wa • Es • Wu • Bp When power is applied the timer of the contact is triggered for a at adjusted over or under levels 24VAC; 24VDC; 230VAC. 3 measuring ranges 100mA Conductive liquid level
switches continuously between certain period to start the motor voltage. AC/DC, 1A AC/DC or 10A AC/ monitoring. Pump up or down
E1ZMQ10 on and off, both with separate in star configuration. Under function: both min and Window function: relay release DC. Start-up suppression and selectable. Control of intermittent
E • R • Wu • Bp adjustable duration. When this adjustable time is max must be set below nominal at adjusted over or under tripping delay. Galvanically operation by separate min and
elapsed the contact releases voltage. Pull in again after under voltage. separated measurement. max probe, and adjustable
7 time ranges The E3ZI20 offers additional for a transit time of a few voltage when level rises above Under function: both min and delays.
functions like a combined on milliseconds to allow contactor max-setting (Hysteresis). max must be set below nominal E1IU500mAAC01
Supply voltage through zoom and off delay or delayed single operation. Sequence function: Phase voltage. Pull in after under Under function for AC, release E3TF10:
voltage 12 or 24 to 240V AC/DC shot where both times integrated After this it pulls in the second sequence monitoring is available voltage when level rise above voltage is adjustable. Fixed level Monitoring of motor temperature
are separately adjustable. contact for the delta contactor of on both units. max-setting (Hysteresis). for pull in at 10% above adjusted with trip values can be used with
the motor. level (Hysteresis). one or up to six PTC probes.
Function E (ON delay) Periodical lubrication for To directly start up in Delta E1YM400VS10 Monitoring of single phase E3IM10AL20 E3LM10
Start equipment after blackout machines or periodical feeding configuration drains high current Monitoring of under- and over- supply voltages in building Under function indicates if the Mechanically robust probes
step by step with different time for animals. and generates an unwanted voltage protect equipment from automations or industrial switch load is in operation. Typical use allow mounting in rough or hot
delays to avoid repeated break Typically the operation period is torque peak on the shaft of the miss-operation and damage gears. The load is only switched for ventilation, heating or lights. environments.
down. shorter than the pause between. motor. In function setting UNDER the on if the monitored voltage is in Over function detect blockade of Typically used for waste water
To start with Star configuration voltage levels for on and off are a propper range. drives for example on screw or treatment (need robust probes)
Function Wu (Single shot) If pumps (for example in heating gives a smoother result. The individually adjustable. belt conveyors. or food industry (sterilization of
A singe pulse can initiate systems) are not operated for maximum load is available in Monitoring of battery backed up For Window function current probes with hot steam)
operational cycles in air long periods of times the contact the delta configuration when E1PF400VSY10 control systems (over voltage value must stay within a certain
conditioning and ventilation surfaces may corrode and stick, activated. Typically used to protect motors, caused by over charging, under range for example for heating or E3TF10
equipment. short term periodical operation pumps and compressors voltage caused by emptied light applications. Connection of temperature
controled by E1ZI10 may Typically it is used for from phase loss. Or mobile batteries). sensitive probes in the motor
Function R (OFF delay) prevent this. aggregates with a high mass equipment from wrong direction E1IU500mAAC01 coil.
Set operation periods for coin- to speed up such as ventilation of rotation Monitoring of lamps, e.g. Bimetallic trips as well as
operated machines like public sets or circular saws. e.g.: swapped phases in prevent operation of a lift if PTC resistors (with additional
vacuum cleaners for cars. extension cable sockets. illumination is defect. short circuit monitoring) are
Loadable control input. Using a flashing function or the The recommended connec- Connect the neutral wire only, The 230V circuit is designed Using a current transformer will Multiple E3LM20 may work
asymmetrical recycle function tion of the Tele star delta timer if the protected devices use for voltages supplied via the expand the measuring range of in parallel, in order to extend
The signal voltage required to needs an evaluation of the allows, due to the two CO it as well otherwise leave it National Grid. the items. controlled liquid levels, as long
trigger terminal B1 of the timer expected contact wear. contacts, a simple layout of the unconnected It is not suitable if the power as they are supplied from the
must be taken from the voltage Especially when the repetition is contactor circuit which is easy to is supplied by converters During construction please same AC supply. In this case
applied to A1, and should not within less than one minute. commission. It is possible to use the delivering anything other than double-check if maximal they must share the same
differ for more than 10%. For contact protection against E1YM400VS10 in a single sinusoidal-shaped output. expected current matches with common ground probe.
inductive surge from the phase network (L-N = 230V~) the overload capacity of the unit.
For reliable operation it is highly contactor coils, please refer to when all terminals L1+L2+L3 The E3TF10 may also be used
insensitive against interfering the contactor documentation are connected to L and terminal as a contact protection relay for
voltages. for compatible RC-Circuits or N with the N-wire. example for reed-contacts.
Type code
E 3 I M 10A L 20
Z Timer
U single phase voltage
M Multi delayed
I single phase current e.g.:
U Under L Latch 10 1 CO
G Gamma 1 17.5 mm P 3-phase voltage (delta) 230V
O Over D Digital 20 2 CO
E Enya 2 22.5 mm Y 3-phase voltage (star) 10A
W Window T Thermistor
K Kappa 3 35.0 mm J 3-phase current 400V12A
F Failure Y Asym. instantaneous
D Delta 4 45.0 mm T Temperature PTC
I Flasher S Sequence 01 1 CO
L Level PT100
S Star-Delta 02 2 CO
B true power
C Cos Phi
ON delay
R Ws Wa
OFF delay Single shot leading edge with Single shot trailing edge with
control contact control contact
R t t R t t
Es Wu Bp
ON delay with control contact Single shot leading edge voltage Flasher pause first