Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
CH.SRIKAR - 15311A0274
P.ASHOK - 15311A0282
H.ARVIND - 15311A02A3
This project report is the outcome of the efforts of many people, who have
driven our passion to explore into concepts of various electronic components
and their applications in real time. We have received great guidance,
encouragement and support from them and have learned a lot because of their
willingness to share their knowledge and experience.
Finally we thank our parents and adore Almighty God who has made us
come in contact with such worthy people at the right time, provided us with
all the necessary resources and made us accomplish this task.
The main idea of developing this project is for providing an efficient and simple method
for the control of speed and direction of DC motor using WLAN technology. Wireless
communication is the transfer of information between two or more points that are not
physically connected. Distances can be short, such as a few meters remote control, or as
far as thousands or even millions of kilo-meters.
Among the various wireless technologies like IR (Infra Red), Bluetooth and WLAN, we
have chosen WLAN technology, the main reason being it has a very long range of
2.4GHz-5.9GHZ. It is also not affected by any obstructions. Commercial applications for
wireless are door announcers, security and access systems, gate control, remote
activation, score board and paging systems.
This project uses WLAN module, ESP8266 (also known as ESP-01). The ESP8266 is a
low-cost Wi-Fi microchip with full TCP/IP stack and microcontroller capability produced
by manufacturer Espress if Systems in Shanghai, China. The module can transfer data
between a web server to the micro controller to exchange data.