Ineffective After 8 hours of Independent: Discharge Outcome:
Objective: breathing nursing intervention, Assessment
Dyspnea pattern r/to the patient will be Assess and record It is important to take Achieved:
Increased decreased lung able to: respiratory rate depth action when there is an After 8 hours of nursing
work of expansion Maintain an and respiratory effort. alteration in the pattern intervention, the patient
breathing effective of breathing to detect maintained an effective breathing
Rapid, breathing pattern early signs of respiratory pattern as evidenced by relax
shallow Have a compromise. breathing, absence of dyspnea
breathing respiratory rate and calm breathing had been
Nasal flaring and ABG level Check the patient’s It is important to be alert observed.
Vital Signs: within the normal Oxygen Saturation level. on changes on the
BP: range patient’s condition. Not Achieved:
Temp: Report feeling After 8 hours of nursing
RR: rested and a Ask if they are “short of Sometimes anxiety can intervention, the patient can
HR: feels comfortable breath” and note any cause dyspnea, so breathe normally even without the
O2 Sat: when breathing dyspnea. watch the patient for “air help of mechanical ventilator
hunger” which is a sign support.
that the cause of
shortness of breath is
Nursing Management
Elevate the head of the Position promotes better
bed. lung expansion.
Suction secretions, as To clear blockage on
necessary. airway.
Health Teaching:
Assist patient to breathe This increases
slowly and stay calm. oxygenation and
Encourage the client to prevents atelectasis.
sustained deep breaths
by explaining and
demonstrating a
technique on them.
Maintain on mechanical It helps patient to
ventilator suuport, as maintain airway.