Visvesvaraya Technological University: "Vertical Axis Wind Turbine "

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of


For the academic year 2018-2019

Submitted by


Department of mechanical engineering
Bangalore 560083


Certified that the Seminar on topic VERTICAL AXIS WIND TURBINEhas

been successfully presented at T John Institute of TechnologybyASHIQ ALI,
bearing the USN1TJ16ME402, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the VIII Semesterdegree ofBachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
Engineering of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum during
academic year 2018-2019. It is certified that all corrections/suggestions
indicated for Internal Assessment have been approved as it satisfies the
academic requirements in respect of Seminar work for the said degree.

--------------------------- ---------------------------
Prof. Dr Sourav Das Prof. Dr SRINIVAS RAO
Head of Department Project Coordinator


The satisfaction and euphoria that accompany the successful

completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention
of the people who made it possible, whose constant guidance
and encouragement crowned the efforts with success.
I would like to profoundly thank
Management of T John Institute of Technology for providing
such a healthy environment for the successful completion of
Seminar work.
It gives me immense pleasure to
thank Dr. Sourav Das Professor and Head of Department for his
constant support and encouragement.
Also, I would like to express my
deepest sense of gratitude to my guide Dr Srinivas Rao
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering for his
constant support and guidance throughout the seminar work.
Finally I express my sincere thanks to one
and all that have helped us directly or indirectly for the successful
completion of this seminar work.

Content or figure
Figure S.No
1- Introduction 5

2- Literature Survey 7

3- Wind Power 8

4- Types of Wind Turbine 9

5- Comparison Between HAWT and VAWT 12

6- Work Description 13
7- Conclusions and Suggestions 15
8- References 16


Energy markets have combined crisis recovery and strong industry dynamism.
Energy consumption in the G20 soared by more than 5% in 2010, after the slight
decrease of 2009. This strong increase is the result of two converging trends. On the
one-hand, industrialized countries, which experienced sharp decreases in energy
demand in 2009, recovered firmly in 2010, almost coming back to historical trends.
Oil, gas, coal, and electricity markets followed the same trend. On the other hand,
China and India, which showed no signs of slowing down in 2009, continued their
intense demand for all forms ofenergy. World energy resources and consumption
review the world energy resources and use. More than half of the energy has been
consumed in the last two decades since the industrial revolution, despite advances
in efficiency and sustainability. According to IEA world statistics in four years (2004–
2008) the world population increased 5%, annual CO2 emissions increased 10% and
gross energy production increased 10%. Most energy is used in the country of origin,
since it is cheaper to transport final products than raw materials.
In 2008 the share export of the total energy production by fuel was:
Oil 50%
Gas 25%
Hard coal 14%
Electricity 1%
Most of the world's energy resources are from the sun's rays hitting earth. Some of
that energy has been preserved as fossil energy; some is directly or indirectly
usable; for example, via wind, hydro- or wave power. The term solar constant is the
amount of incoming solar electromagnetic radiation per unit area, measured on the
outer surface of Earth's atmosphere, in a plane perpendicular to the rays. The solar
constant includes all types of solar radiation, not just visible light. It is measured by
satellite to be roughly 1366 watts per square meter, though it fluctuates by about
6.9% during a year—from 1412 W/m2 in early January to 1321 W/m2in early July,
due to the Earth's varying distance from the sun, and by a few parts per thousand

km2, the total energy rate is 174 pet watts (1.740×1017 W), plus or minus 3.5%. This
value is the total rate of solar energy received by the planet; about half, 89 PW,
reaches the Earth's surface.
Renewable energy is generally electricity supplied from sources, such as wind
power, solar power, geothermal energy, hydropower and various forms of biomass.
These sources have been coined renewable due to their continuous replenishment
and availability for use over and over again. The popularity of renewable energy has
experienced a significant upsurge in recent times due to the exhaustion of
conventional power generation methods and increasing realization of its adverse
effects on the environment. This popularity has been bolstered by cutting edge
research and ground breaking technology that has been introduced so far to aid in
the effective tapping of these natural resources and it is estimated that renewable
sources might contribute about 20% – 50% to energy consumption in the latter part
of the 21st century. Facts from the World Wind Energy Association estimates that by
2010, 160GW of wind power capacity is expected to be installed worldwide which
implies an anticipated net growth rate of more than 21% peryear.
Although wind has been harnessed for centuries, it has only emerged as a major part
of our energy solution quite recently. Before the 21st century, wind was primarily used
to pump water from wells and to grind grain, but over the last twenty years the cost of
wind energy has dropped by more than 80 percent, turning it into the most affordable
form of clean energy. Recent advances have allowed for sophisticated wind
technologies, which previously sat in the mind of thoughtful engineers and inventers,
to be developed into cost-effective, reliablesolutions.
For a small wind turbine to be effective, it must produce energy across a wide range of
wind speeds. It must be able to generate energy from winds that are switching
directions and gusting. It must also be very quiet, so that it will not disturb people living
nearby, and it certainly helps if it is pleasing to the eye as well.
Wind power harnesses the power of the wind to propel the blades of wind turbines.
These turbines cause the rotation of magnets, which creates electricity. Wind towers
are usually built together on wind farms.

Literature Survey

The installed wind power capacity of India is 11807.00 MW as of March 2010. It is

expected that by the end of 2012, India's wind power capacity will reach 6,000 MW.
Out of the total power capacity installed in India, wind power energy accounts for
about 6%. It generates 1.6% of India's total power. According to the estimations of
Indian Wind Energy Association, India has the 'on-shore capability to utilize 65,000
MW of wind energy for the generation of electricity. India has a huge amount of
unexploited wind resource that can help immensely in the future years to come.
The wind power capacity in India is the maximum in Tamil Nadu. As of March 2010,
the state has 4889.765 MW of wind generating capacity. Kethanoor, Gudimangalam,
Chittipalayam, Poolavadi, Sunkaramudaku, Kongal Nagaram, Murungappatti,
Gomangalam, Anthiur are the places in Tamil Nadu with the maximum wind
generating capacity. Next to Tamil Nadu is Maharashtra, which is the 2nd state in
India to generate wind power energy.
The Government of Gujarat also banks largely on the wind resources. The state has
identified Samana in the Rajkot District as the perfect place for installing 450
turbines, which would generate 360 MWof energy. In order to facilitate the
development of wind energy in the state through investments, the Gujarat
Government has come up with several incentives, which includes high tariff for wind
energy. The state of Karnataka is also not lagging behind. There are several wind
farms in the state. Chitradurga and Gadag are among the districts with the maximum
number of windmills.
Although India has a high wind power installed capacity, yet the country lacks proper
utilization of the wind resources. As per one of the studies made by the "Global
World Energy Council" India has the capability to construct wind power stations and
plants that can generate about 5 times more in comparison to the estimations made
by the Government, by the year 2030. According to the estimations of Indian Wind
Turbine Manufacturers Association, against the government's calculation 48,000 MW
from 216 sites, the wind power capacity of India can go up by 231,000 MW. The
Government of India has plans to put in 10,500 MW of wind power capacity in the
next 5 five years, that is by2012.

Wind Power
Undoubtedly, the performance and efficiency of wind power system solely dependent
on the power of wind and its availability. Wind is known to be another form of solar
energy because it comes about as a result of uneven heating of the atmosphere by
the sun coupled with the abstract topography of the earth’s surface. With wind
turbines, two categories of winds are relevant to their applications, namely local
winds and planetary winds. The latter is the most dominant and it is usually a major
factor in deciding sites for very effective wind turbines especially with the horizontal
These winds are usually found along shore lines, mountain tops, valleys and open
plains. The former is the type you will find in regular environments like the city or
rural areas, basically where settlements are present. This type of wind is not
conducive for effective power generation; it only has a lot of worth when it
accompanies moving planetary winds.

Wind Power Technology

Wind power technology is the various infrastructure and process that promote the
harnessing of wind generation for mechanical power and electricity. This basically
entails the wind and characteristics related to its strength and direction, as well as
the functioning of both internal and external components of a wind turbine with
respect to wind behavior.
As mentioned earlier the effective functioning of a wind turbine is dictated by the
wind availability in an area and if the amount of power it has is sufficient enough to
keep the blades in constant rotation. The wind power increases as a function of the
cube of the velocity of the wind and this power is calculable with respect to the area
in which the wind is present as well as the wind velocity. When wind is blowing the
energy available is kinetic due to the motion of the wind so the power of the wind is
related to the kineticenergy.

Types of Wind Turbines

Many types of turbines exist today and their designs are usually inclined towards one
of the two categories: horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWTs) and vertical-axis wind
turbines (VAWTs). As the name pertains, each turbine is distinguished by the
orientation of their rotor shafts. The former is the more conventional and common
type everyone has come to know, while the latter due to its seldom usage and
exploitation, is quiet unpopular.

a. Horizontal axis wind turbine:

Horizontal-axis wind turbines (HAWT) have the main rotor shaft and electrical
generator at the top of a tower, and must be pointed into the wind. Small turbines are
pointed by a simple wind vane, while large turbines generally use a wind sensor
coupled with a servo motor. Most have a gearbox, which turns the slow rotation of
the blades into a quicker rotation that is more suitable to drive an electrical

Fig 3- A First Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine

Since a tower produces turbulence behind it, the turbine is usually positioned upwind
of its supporting tower. Turbine blades are made stiff to prevent the blades from being
pushed into the tower by high winds. Additionally, the blades are placed a
considerable distance in front of the tower and are sometimes tilted forward into the
wind a small amount.

Downwind machines have been built, despite the problem of turbulence, because they
don't need an additional mechanism for keeping them in line with the wind, and
because in high winds the blades can be allowed to bend which reduces their swept
area and thus their wind resistance. Since cyclical turbulence may lead to fatigue
failures, most HAWTs are of upwind design.

Fig 4- Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine (HAWT)


Vertical-axis wind turbines (or VAWTs) have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically.
Key advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be pointed
into the wind to be effective. This is an advantage on sites where the wind direction
is highly variable, for example when integrated into buildings. The key disadvantages
include the low rotational speed with the consequential higher torque and hence

rotation of the aerofoil within the wind flow during each cycle and hence the highly
dynamic loading on the blade, the pulsating torque generated by some rotor designs
on the drive train, and the difficulty to model the wind flow accurately and hence the
challenges of analyzing and designing the rotor prior to fabricating a prototype.

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Fig 5- Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT)

With a vertical axis, the generator and gearbox can be placed near the ground,
hence avoiding the need of a tower and improving accessibility for maintenance.
Drawbacks for this configuration include that wind speeds are lower close to the
ground, so less wind energy is available for a given size turbine, and wind shear
more severe close to the ground, so the rotor experiences higher loads. Air flow near
the ground and other objects can create turbulent flow, which can introduce issues of
vibration, including noise and bearing wear which may increase the maintenance or
shorten the service life. However, when a turbine is mounted on a rooftop,theBuilding
generally redirects wind over the roof and these can double the wind speed at the
turbine. If the height of the rooftop mounted turbine tower is approximately 50% of
the building height, this is near the optimum for maximum wind energy and minimum
wind turbulence. It should be borne in mind that wind speeds within the built
environment are generally much lower than at exposed ruralsites.
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Energy Conversion Efficiency

Since VAWTs turn parallel with the ground, half the time its rotor blades turn against
the wind. This results in having lesser efficient energy conversion as compared to
HAWTs.Also, most VAWTs are located near the ground. Since wind speeds are
generally faster in higher altitudes, VAWTs generate less power compared to
HAWTs which are often erected high on top of a tower.

Since VAWTs can have rotor blades close to the ground, they are easier to install
compared to HAWTs that often require the rotor blades to be at a high altitude
depending on the blade length.


For the same reason as above, VAWTs are easier to maintain since most of them
are installed near theground.HAWTs should also be checked constantly so that it
faces against the wind, unlike VAWTs which require less maintenance. Automatic
yaw-adjustment mechanisms have eliminated this need of constant maintenance on
HAWTs though.

Land Area Requirement

HAWTs require a tower that can erect the rotor blades to a high enough location that
would maximize wind speeds, whilst VAWTs would require guy cables to ensure that
the machine remains stable. HAWTs require lesser land space compared to VAWTs
since tower bases occupy minimal space whilst the need for guy cables for VAWTs
would entail occupying a much larger land area.


Since VAWTs are easy to maintain, and can be installed near ground level, they are
preferred over HAWTs when it comes to home use. This way, private home owners
wouldn’t have to spend a lot of resources to get the wind turbine to work if compared
with installing a HAWT. Although the efficiency is lower, it wouldn’t really make much
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of a difference since home wind turbines are just supplemental energy generators and
aren’t really needed to supply the primary energy requirements.
For large-scale power generation, it has been tested time and time again that
HAWTs are the more efficient wind turbines. Since they can be situated on top of
towers, very high wind speeds can be gathered, producing lots of electrical power.
Also, since the land area taken up by HAWTs is small, they are ideal for large wind

Fig 8 - HAWT vs. VAWT

Work Description

We have undertaken the project which demonstrates the electrical power generation
by wind energy being the non-conventional form of energy. A blower is used to supply
the wind to the turbine blades which in turn rotates the alternator to produce the
electricity. The project has been completed in 7 different steps which described in the


In our project we are using iron rod (MS) as a shaft. We adjoin this rod with one
spring for flexible rotation of rod. The turbine blades are mounted on this shaft.


We used PVC transparent pipe in our project for showing clear working. First we
insert one bearing in the rod from top side of spring and then use PVC sheet
covering as a first support.
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Then we fixed one bevel gear mechanism for transmitting vertical rotation to
horizontal rotating.


Then we fixed one dynamo with horizontal shaft with the help of a gear train.


Two types of blades one is partial helical and other one is circular in shape are used
for quantifying the effect of the blade shape on power generation.

1. We used a rectangle PVC sheet. We curve this sheet with help of heater and
give special shape.

2. In second type of the blade we used circular blower.


Then we attach our blades with vertical rod so that the power can be transmitted to
the shaft through blade by wind energy.


We attach one multi meter with dynamo for checking dynamo output. As per our
project design our generator give 3-12v output (output may be vary according to the
wind speed)

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Conclusions and Suggestions

From our research we were able to come up with many important conclusions and
suggestions which will benefit the future development of personal vertical axis wind turbines.
We were able to design a VAWT system that improved power output by 70% as compared to
the previous project. From our results we were able to recommend new design aspects to
improve the system and efficiency.

Turbine Design
The turbine performance testing and results from the research in this project showed that the
split Savonius is the best design that has been tested to this point at WPI. The reason is due
to the large surface area of the split Savonius which enables it to capture maximum amounts
of wind. We believe that further research should be done with various Savonius designs
because of this fact. The Savonius turbine designs are simple and cheap to manufacture, and
are also not greatly affected by turbulence in the wind. The design we feel that has particular
promise is a Savonius in a Savonius design that is shown in figure 5.1. This design is an
improved version of the split Savonius that we utilized. This design increases the surface area
to capture wind energy.
Another suggestion to improve the Savonius design in our opinion would be to create a more
aerodynamic backing to the Savonius cusp. This design would reduce the energy it requires to
spin with the wind.

Turbine Shrouds and Enclosures

Our data clearly indicates that shrouds improve power output of vertical axis wind turbines.
The exponential power output gained from increasing the rotation speed of the wind turbine is
crucial in order to make an efficient rooftop wind turbine. The most important thing we
concluded is that the enclosure should be designed based on of the wind turbine design. Each
wind turbine design performs differently depending on the nature of the shroud.
Our test indicated a funnel into the turbine was not effective for our cases. The poor
performance was attributed to a pressure differential that was created inside the funnel as
compared to the pressure outside the funnel, which likely created an acceleration of the wind
around the funnel. For future work, our suggestion is to utilize a funnel that is similar to the
concepts used for Japanese ocean turbines. This concept has the funnel in reverse behind the
enclosure. This creates a vacuum like-effect, drawing extra wind into the enclosure, which in
return increases velocity inside the turbine.

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Energy Conversion and Management, 49 (2008), pp. 1652–1661

M.H. Mohamed, G. Janiga, E. Pap, D. Thévenin

Optimal blade shape of a modified Savonius turbine using an obstacle shielding the returning
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Howard, Clark National Geographic Daily News, August 20, 2012

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