Lab 6: Memory Allocation: CS 429: Fall 2018
Lab 6: Memory Allocation: CS 429: Fall 2018
Lab 6: Memory Allocation: CS 429: Fall 2018
1 Introduction
Your task in this lab is to write your own memory allocation library (malloc and free) in a
restricted scenario. The goal is to show you a little bit of allocation policies, make sure you
understand pointers, memory and data structures.
It’s important to know that the way you will implement this lab is quite different than what
operating systems do. They have a much tougher job because they don’t have “two memory
systems” as we do (will be explained later) and have to keep requesting memory from someone
when they run out of.
You are given a block of 32MB (a heap), and whenever a user requests memory, you allocate
a block from this heap and, using some data structure, mark that region as occupied. These
blocks can’t overlap, otherwise writing to a block could actually overwrite data from another
block. The user is also able to free blocks of memory, and these free regions can be reused on
later memory allocation requests.
2 Logistics
The lead TA for this lab is Henrique Fingler. I’ve written everything for this lab from scratch,
so if you feel something can be made better or find something wrong, please email me.
This lab should be tested on a UTCS lab machine (linux 64). There might be differences in
Mac and PC architectures that might give different answers, that’s why we ask that you test
on a lab machine.
This is an individual project. You may not share your work on lab assignments with other
students, but feel free to ask instructors for help (e.g., during office hours or discussion section).
Unless it’s an implementation-specific question (i.e., private to instructors), please post it on
Piazza publicly so that students with similar questions can benefit as well.
You will turn in a tarball (a .tar.gz file) containing the source code for your program through
Canvas. The file given to you is also a tar file, see the Submission section for instructions on
how to unpack it.
Any clarifications or corrections for this lab will be posted on Piazza.
After submitting on Canvas, please download your submission and unpack it to make
sure it has all the files. This time, if your submission is empty I will not give you the
opportunity to resubmit.
3 How to Start
Read and understand the code skeleton and the Makefile that was given to you, some details
CS429: Lab 6 2
• my mem.h: signatures of the functions you have to implement. Feel free to add stuff
here, like data structures you use.
• my mem.c: read this entire file first as it has some useful comments, this file is where
your code will go.
• Makefile: the Makefile. Use this to compile your code. Typing ”make” will compile your
code and link it with the main.c file. Because there are two policies, this will create two
executables with different names. Read it and you’ll see many compilation targets that
are useful.
• main.c: A main file just so you can test your code as you want, feel free to change this,
it won’t be used for grading.
• test.c: Contains a function that reads a trace file and calls your malloc to test it.
• traces/: A directory containing some memory allocation traces. You can use these with
the test binaries that are generated when you make. Run /test firstfit and /test bestfit to
see what are the parameters.
• solution*.o: Libraries that contain a correct implementation. The test binary uses these
to check if your output is correct. These files are here STRICTLY for comparison. You
are not to try to reverse engineer or use any functions there are inside.
4 First task
Understand allocation algorithms, mainly first and best fit, here’s one pointer, but feel free to
read from other sources: Memory Allocation.
Now that you know what those two policies are, you have to implement them. You are given
a “heap” (a block of memory) of contiguous 32MB and you have to implement a “malloc”
function that allocates smaller blocks of memory from this heap. It takes the same parameters
(amount of bytes) and returns the same type (a void pointer).
When a user requests memory through the my malloc function, which works the same as the
system’s malloc, you have to reserve a block of the requested size using the chosen policy (if
there’s enough memory left) and return a pointer to the start of it, so the user can use (again,
exactly like malloc). The return value of my malloc call is a pointer to a memory block inside
this 32MB heap that the user can use normally.
Important: Always allocate from the right (highest byte). For example, at the start you
have 32MB, if the user requests 1MB, you would have a unallocated block of 31MB, then the
allocated 1MB. This is important for correctness.
CS429: Lab 6 3
To implement this you will need some data structures so you can keep track of what blocks
of memory are used, not used, starting memory position and how long each block is. You’re
free to use whatever you want; There’s a simple linked list defined in my mem.h that should
be enough. The only limitation you have here is that your bookkeeping global variables can’t
be fixed size arrays, this means that all data structures that you use have to be allocated from
the system’s malloc (the point of this lab is to make sure you understand dynamic memory
Here’s an example of how your memory block would look after some operations using first-fit.
At the start, you would have:
| 32MB |
Let’s say the user calls my malloc, with a parameter of 2MB. Then we would have:
| 30MB | *2MB* |
Because we always allocate from the right (highest byte), where the memory block between
asterisks mean it is currently allocated. If the user now asks for 16MB:
Note: This may seem weird: you’re implementing my malloc, but you’re using malloc, which
are two different memory systems. Yes, that’s correct. The heap that you are managing will
ONLY contain data, no metadata (size of a block, is it occupied, etc). For example, if the user
requests 8 bytes, you will reserve 8 bytes in your heap. This is not what happens in Linux,
which needs to have some extra bytes for metadata. In your solution, the metadata will reside
in different parts of memory (using the system’s malloc). For a moment, imagine that you
didn’t do this. Whenever someone asked for a block of memory, you would have to first allocate
some bytes for your data structure in the heap, then reserve a block of memory and this would
make the assignment a lot harder. This is exactly what an OS does, it only has one heap that
it uses to maintain its data structures and user data that it has to keep expanding.
For example, if the user requests a 1MB block, and you use linked lists, you would have to
malloc a new list node, do some bookkeeping, then return a pointer to a 1MB block inside the
32MB heap given to you (byte ptr heap; in my mem.c).
Note: OS’s like linux usually do memory allocation byte-aligned by some amount. For example,
if you request 2 bytes, the amount of memory the system will reserve is the next multiple of 8
CS429: Lab 6 4
of the metadata plus 2 bytes, and the address of the first byte is also a multiple of 8. We’re
dropping this requirement from our memory system for simplicity. To make things even simpler,
assume that the user will always request a multiple of 8 bytes. If you change main.c to test
more extensively, be sure to allocate from multiples of 8 too.
Now that you can allocate blocks of memory, you have to implement deallocation. So if the
user calls my free on a pointer that the previously allocated, you have to do some bookkeeping
to mark that block as free.
Important note: if the user tries to free a pointer that is not the start of an allocated memory
block that you allocated, you should exit the problem just like the OS would (segmentation
fault). Examples where it should segfault: freeing a pointer that is not the first byte of a block;
freeing a block that is already free; freeing a block that’s not even inside the heap. The skeleton
for free already has a segfault code.
If you free an empty block, and either the block on the right or the left is also free, you have to
coalesce them, which means that they become one larger free block. For example, if you have
a 1MB free block, a 1MB allocated block and another 1MB free block and you free the middle
block, the result is one 3MB free block.
Another example; this time you are using the best fit policy:
If the user calls free on the second block, you would have:
Requesting 7MB of memory at this state would make malloc return 0, because there’s not
enough memory.
5 Second task
The second task is what will be used to grade your lab. In the previous task you did allocation
and deallocation. Any C code using my malloc and my free instead of malloc and free should
work now (as long as it doesn’t use much memory). You just wrote a simple memory system!
If you have any C code that uses malloc, add the my prefix to malloc’s and free’s and link
either firstfit lib.o or bestfit lib.o (generated by running make) with it and it will work! This
is not required, but it shows that the C functions that you use are not as hard as we think. It
also makes this memory black box that we use a little more transparent.
Back to the task. In this one you’re going to show how your heap is organized after some
operations. What you have to do is print how your heap is in a certain format that will be used
for grading. For example, let’s say your heap is organized as follows:
Where numbers between asterisks mean the block is allocated/being used. You would have to
print the following statement:
Where A stands for allocated, F for free and the numbers are block size in bytes. The format
rules are: ONE space between each entry, size of the block in BYTES, A for allocated, F for
free (only these two letters are allowed, capitalized), a line break (\n) at the end of the string.
Follow this format strictly or the grading script might think your code is wrong.
Note that you have to print this in order, from left to right, from first byte of the heap to the
last, so keeping a structure with the blocks in the order they are in memory might be helpful.
This function is called mm print heap status. It takes a FILE pointer, but you don’t need to
know files to use it. Read the comment that is there and you will know how. Basically, instad
of using printf(..), you will use fprintf(file, ...).
CS429: Lab 6 6
6 Third task
Turns out that sometimes, when the user requests some memory, let’s say 10MB, even if you
might have 20MB of free memory, you are not able to satisfy the request, why? Fragmentation.
Imagine the user requested 32 blocks of 1MB, then free’d each other block. You would have:
And that pattern repeats until the end of the 32MB. You would have 16MB of free memory,
but you can only allocate in blocks of 1MB or less. That’s bad.
In the third task of this lab, you are required to write a memory defragmentation function.
What it is supposed to do is push all allocated blocks to the right and make one big free block
on the left. So the previous example would become:
Don’t forget that this functionality will be tested using the previous part, which prints the
status of your heap, which means that you have to change the structures that maintain the
status of the heap.
Unfortunately, after running defragmentation in our heap, we will move the user’s data around,
but we will not be able to update the user’s pointers. This effectively makes the entire memory
system inconsistent and wrong. In languages that have a layer of virtualization, such as Java
and Python, this can be done without breaking everything because whenever the user accesses
a certain portion of memory, we can translate it to where we moved the data to transparently.
For this reason, when testing defragmentation for this lab, we will assume that it is the last
operation to be done; there will be no malloc, free or any use memory access after it.
This task is in this lab specifically to stress your pointer and memory moving knowledge. Some
functions from Lab 2 might be useful here (and you can use them freely), such as memcpy
and/or memmove.
Hint: You can allocate temporary memory to help move stuff around. I won’t impose a limit
on how much, use this to your advantage. This means that you don’t have to move the data
in-place (move from inside the heap to inside the heap directly).
Hint: This task becomes pretty easy if you implement a stack in C (not required).
Hint: Think of how you can reuse the code that you wrote for the first part. You can achieve
defragmentation with very few lines of code if you do this.
“I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.”
- Bill Gates.
CS429: Lab 6 7
• Keeping ordered structures makes adding/deleting a little harder, but a breeze to tra-
verse/print in an ordered manner, analyze the trade offs and choose one.
• Unlike lab 2, you have to handle weird input. Allocating more than 32MB or not enough
memory? return null. Freeing something illegal? segfault.
• Although weird inputs are fair game, you shouldn’t worry about protection of memory.
For example, in this heap, if the user requests 8 bytes of memory, it can access all the
32MB from the pointer it got back by doing some simple math, which isn’t safe. This is
fine, we are not designing an OS for now.
8 Bug Bounties
The solution executable given to you so you can compare your output was written by me
(Henrique). Sadly, I don’t write perfect code, and there might be some edge case where my
solution is wrong (I actually don’t know, I wouldn’t put bugs in the solution intentionally). If
you find one of these cases, I will give you some extra points.
If you find one, post as a private note on Piazza or email and I’ll check it out.
9 Submission
This should be done on a UTCS Linux Machine. You should search what every letter passed
as parameter does, but here’s a tldr: c for create, v for verbose, z as bzip compression and f
for saying the next parameter is the file output. The next parameter is the directory you are
compressing (like zipping a directory, just a different format).
CS429: Lab 6 8
To ensure that the tarball submission was created properly, move the tar file to a different folder
(one idea: mkdir test ; cp lab6.tar.gz test/ ; cd test) and try untarring it with the following
Almost same thing as before, except you have an x (for eXtract) instead of a c.
This should create a folder lab6 with the files you want to submit.
Please follow this part, if you don’t the grading script might break and give you a lower grade.