Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Scabies

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Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Scabies

Abstract :
Scabies remains a public health problem, especially in developing countries, with a worldwide incidence
of approximately 300 million cases each year. Prolonged skin-toskin contact is necessary to allow the
transmission of the causativemite, Sarcoptes scabiei. Classic scabies presents with burrows, erythematous
papules, and generalized pruritus. Clinical variants include nodular scabies and crusted scabies, also
called Norwegian scabies. The diagnosis is based mainly on history and physical examination, but
definitive diagnosis depends on direct visualization of the mites under microscopy.
Alternative diagnostic methods include the burrow ink test, video-dermatoscopy, newly serologic tests
like PCR/ELISA, and specific IgE directed toward major mite components.
Treatment of scabies consists of either topical permethrin or oral ivermectin, although the optimal
regimen is still unclear.

Keywords :
Sarcoptes scabiei, Scabies, Diagnosis, Video-dermatoscopy Treatment, Topical ,Oral, Permethrin,
Ivermectin ,Lindane , Crotamiton, Malation.

Introduction :
Scabies is an ectoparasitic infestation caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei variety hominis, an arthropod
of the order Acarina [1]. The name Sarcoptes is derived from the Greek word sarx, meaning flesh, and the
word koptein, which means to smite or to cut. Scabiei comes from the Latin word scabere, which means
to scratch. Aristotle was the first one to use the word Akari, although this was not S. scabiei but a mite
living in the woods [2]. S. scabiei was first described more than 2,500 years ago, but it was not until 1687
that the causative organism was identified by Bonomo and Cestoni using a light microscope [2].
The aim of this article is to review the latest scientific articles on the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment
of scabies. Additionally, we provide a summary of the epidemiology and clinical manifestations of the

Epidemiology :
Scabies occurs worldwide and is considered a significant public health problem, especially in the
developing world [3], with an incidence of 300 million cases each year [4]. It predominantly affects
children living in poor and overcrowded tropical areas [3]. This preferential distribution among younger
populations is believed to reflect both increased exposure to the parasite and lack of immunity of the host.
Scabies affects genders equally, and its ethnic differences are most likely related to variables such as
overcrowded housing and socioeconomic and behavioral factors, rather than racial variables alone. Other
risk factors include poverty, poor nutritional status, homelessness, dementia, and poor hygiene [5, 6].
Outbreaks frequently occur in institutions such as hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, and kindergarten
classrooms. In 2012, Chun-Hao et al. showed that patients who were bedridden or were living in nursing
homes, patients who had a higher clinical severity status before admission, or patients who had a
catheter inserted (including nasogastric, urinary, or intravascular catheters) were significantly more likely
to acquire scabies while institutionalized [7].
The transmission of scabies occurs when newly mated female mites penetrate the skin into the epidermis.
This is thought to be caused by the secretion of a solution that dissolves the host’s skin, rather than
digging or tearing their way into the host [8]. These fertilized adult female mites burrow into the stratum
corneum. Once there, they lay eggs at an average of 0–4 eggs per day for up to 2 months. However, fewer
than 10 % of theses eggs will develop into mature mites. The entire developmental life cycle from egg to
adult spans approximately 2 weeks. Once the mites have reached the adult stage, they leave their burrows
and emerge onto the skin surface, where they mate, thus repeating the life cycle.
Male mites do not form burrows but, rather, stay on the skin surface, seeking new females to mate with,
and die after mating. The average number of mites in an infected host is usually around 10 to 12; this
relatively low number of mites might be explained as being due to mechanical removal of the mites by
scratching, as well as the host immune response [1].
The most common source of transmission of scabies is prolonged skin-to-skin contact with an infested
individual. Mites cannot fly or jump but, rather, crawl at an approximate rate of 2.5 cm per minute on
warm skin [3–8]. Thus, it takes 15–20 min of close contact for successful direct transmission.
Furthermore, mites can survive for 24–36 h at room temperature with average humidity [8]. Studies done
by K.Mellanby showed that only two new cases of scabies (1 %) resulted from 63 experiments using
underwear and blankets from heavily infested patients [9]. Moreover, none of the 25 experiments using
blankets alone resulted in transmission of scabies [9].
The skin findings are the result of reactions to the mites, their saliva, eggs, and excrements. Findings
include papules and pruritus caused by delayed type IV hypersensitivity reaction.
Therefore, symptoms usually occur up to 4 weeks following the initial infestation. In cases of subsequent
infestation, symptoms usually reappear more rapidly within a few days. Mellanby tried to reinfest patients
who had previously been exposed to scabies [9]. He was successful in only 40 % of his subjects,
indicating development of a certain degree of protective immunity [9].
Clinical manifestations as either classic or crusted scabies are a result of the type and magnitude of innate,
cellular, and humoral immune responses to mite antigens. Current data suggest that in classic scabies, the
protective immune response is dominated by a Th1 type cytokine response associated with CD4+ T-
lymphocytes [10, 11•, 12]. On the other hand, in crusted scabies, the immune response was dominated by
Th2 cytokines with CD8+ lymphocytes, which is nonprotective [10, 11•, 12].

Clinical Manifestations
The pathognomonic signs of scabies are burrows, erythematous papules, and generalized pruritus with
nocturnal predominance; pruritus can also be present in unaffected skin. Burrows are serpinginous whitish
lines in the outer epidermis of several millimeters in length [1]. Classic locations of burrows are the
interdigital spaces of the hand, the flexural surface of the wrists, elbows, genitalia, axillae, umbilicus, belt
line, nipples, buttocks, and penis shaft [1–3]. Additionally, secondary papules, pustules, vesicles, and
excoriations are usually found.Among the pediatric population, scabies can also affect the head, neck,
face, palms, and soles [3].

Nodular Scabies
Nodular scabies is a clinical variant occurring in about 7 % of cases. In this variant, extremely pruritic
nodules 2–20 mm in size are present on the genitalia, buttocks, groin, and axillary regions. Nodules are
reddish to brown, and because they do not contain mites, they are thought to be secondary to intense
hypersensitivity reactions to mite products [13].

Crusted Scabies
Crusted scabies is also known as Norwegian scabies and was originally described by Danielson and Bock
in 1848 among patients with leprosy [14]. Currently, most cases of this variant develop in patients with
HIV or HTLV-1 infection or following immunosuppression after chemotherapy or organ transplantation
[15]. Crusted scabies also has been described in patients with Down syndrome [13]. Approximately 40 %
of cases with crusted scabies lack an identifiable risk factor, suggesting an inherited predisposition to this
variant [15].
Crusted scabies presents as psoriasiform dermatitis with an acral distribution and variable whitish scaling.
It usually involves the subungual area with extensive hyperkeratosis leading to nail thickening and
dystrophy [1]. Crusted scabies carries a high mortality rate due to secondary sepsis [6] and, historically,
has a 5-year mortality rate of up to 50 % [15].
The diagnosis of scabies rests mainly on the history and physical examination, as well as the history of
concurrent infection among household members and close contacts. A presumptive diagnosis can be made
on the basis of the history of nocturnal pruritus and a typical distribution of the skin lesions [1], although
scabies is easily mistaken for other pruritic skin conditions. The differential diagnosis is long and includes
atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, lichen planus, and papular urticaria, among others.

Definitive diagnosis relies on the identification of mites, eggs, eggshell fragments, or mite pellets. It is
recommended to get multiple superficial skin samples from characteristic lesions— specifically, from
burrows or papules and vesicles at the end of burrows. Lesions should be scraped laterally across the skin
with a blade, ideally using oil, which helps the scraped material to adhere to the blade. The specimen
should be examined under a light microscope on low power. Potassium hydroxide dissolves the keratin
and provides clear visualization of the mites and eggs but may dissolve the mite pellets. The latter may be
better visualized using saline or mineral oil [17]. Since an average of 10–12 female mites live on a host
infested with classic scabies, failure to find mites is common and does not rule out scabies. An alternative
method tomicroscopy is the burrow ink test. With this method, the burrows absorb the ink and are readily
apparent to sight [17]. Video-dermatoscopy with magnifications of up to 600 times is especially suitable
for making the diagnosis of scabies in atypical cases, like the ones seen among the pediatric population
[18]. One study showed that the diagnostic accuracy of the skin scraping technique could be increased
when combined with dermatoscopy, especially in patients in whom steroids had been used previously
[19•]. A 2011 systematic review of diagnostic methods for scabies found a positive likelihood ratio using
dermatoscopy of 6.5 and a negative likelihood ratio of 0.1, when compared with skin scraping [20].
Dermatoscopy can also be used to monitor efficacy of treatment and optimal timing of the application of
topical drugs [21, 22].
Even with all these diagnostic techniques, diagnosis of scabies is still challenging. A new approach for
diagnosis of scabies is serologic testing. One study used polymerase chain reaction followed by ELISA to
detect S. scabiei DNA from cutaneous scales in an infected patient [23•]. This same test became negative
2 weeks after treatment, indicating that this test can be used to monitor efficacy of therapy [23•]. In 2011,
Rama and colleagues developed a specific IgE antibody against a recombinant scabies antigen. In this
study, the sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing scabies were 100 % and 93.75 %, respectively [24••].
In a report from a region with a prevalence of scabies of approximately 13 %, the presence of diffuse
itching, visible lesions in at least two typical locations, or a household member with itching had
100%sensitivity and 97%specificity for the diagnosis of scabies [25]. Such data are currently lacking
from areas with lower prevalence of scabies [25].

The cornerstone of treatment is to manage infested patients and all their close contacts concomitantly,
regardless of the presence of symptoms.

Topical Agents
Permethrin and lindane are the two most studied topical agents for scabies. Permethrin is a synthetic
pyrethroid compound applied as a topical 5 % cream. It works by disrupting the function of the voltage-
gated sodium channels of the arthropods, causing prolonged depolarization of nerve cell membranes, thus
stopping neurotransmission [26]. Permethrin is selective to invertebrates, due to the structural uniqueness
of their voltagegated sodium channels [26]. Lindane is an organochloride compound that causes neuronal
hyperstimulation, leading to parasite paralysis [27]. There have been reports of neurotoxicitywith this
medication, which led to its removal from the market in several countries [28]. Another topical agent for
the treatment of scabies is crotamiton, whose antiparasitic mechanism of action is still unknown. This
drug has both antipruritic and antibacterial actions [28]. A 2010 Cochrane review on the treatment of
scabies concluded that permethrin was more effective than either lindane or crotamiton [30••].
An alternative approach to topical treatment is the use of oral ivermectin. Ivermectin works by activating
a class of ligandgated chloride ion channels, causing persistent depolarization [29]. This interaction is
well studied in nematodes, and its targets include both GABA and glutamate-gated channels [29].
However, the target of this drug in S. scabiei has not been identified yet [26].

Ivermectin Versus Permethrin

In 2000, Usha et al. compared the efficacy of oral ivermectin versus topical permethrin, showing that a
single dose of ivermectin was less effective than topical permethrin, with a cure rate of 70% versus 98%,
respectively. In the same trial, when a second dose of ivermectin was administered to patients who
did not respond to the first dose, the cure rate increased to 95 % [31]. This lack of efficacy of a single
dose of ivermectin may be due to lack of ovicidal effect of the drug. The latter is thought to be due to the
immaturity of the mite’s central nervous system, which is the target organ of ivermectin [31].
In 2011, Singal and colleagues evaluated the efficacy of topical 5 % permethrin, as compared with oral
ivermectin, at a dose of 200 ug/kg/dose (used in either a single-dose or double- dose regimen in a 2-week
interval). At the end of 4 weeks, the cure rates in all three treatment groups were equally efficacious [32•].
In 2012, Goldust and collaborators also compared topical permethrin and oral ivermectin. At 2 weeks of
followup, clinical improvement of both groups was similar [33••].

Ivermectin Versus Lindane

In 2013, Mohebbipour et al. compared oral ivermectin and topical lindane. This trial included 148 patients
randomized to receive either ivermectin 200 ug/kg/dose or two applications of 1 % lindane at a 1-week
interval. At 2 weeks of follow-up, single-dose ivermectin was as effective as two applications of lindane,
but when a second dose of ivermectin was given, the resolution of symptoms was superior than using
lindane alone [34••].

Ivermectin Versus Other Topical Agents

In amore recent trial published in 2013, Goldust and colleagues compared oral ivermectin with crotamiton
10%cream (applied twice a day for 5 days) [35••]. A total of 320 patients were included and were
followed up for a total of 4 weeks. A single dose of ivermectin was as effective as crotamiton, although a
two-dose regimen of ivermectin was superior [35••].
More recently, ivermectin has been used as a topical agent. In 2013, Goldust et al. compared topical
ivermectin with topical malation. In this trial, a total of 340 patients were randomized to receive either 1
% topical ivermectin or 0.5 % topical malation twice within a single week. At weeks 2 and 4, topical
ivermectin was as effective as malation [36••].
Most experts recommend the use of 5 % permethrin as the first line of treatment for classic scabies. It
should be applied to the entire surface of the skin, sparing the area above theneck. Tomaximize exposure
to the mites and absorption of the drug, it is recommended to apply permethrin in the evening and leave it
on overnight. A second application is usually indicated 1–2 weeks after the first application. An
alternative regimen is oral ivermectin at a dose of 200 μg per kilogram of body weight. Ideally,
ivermectin should be given with food in order to increase absorption and bioavailability of the drug. As
was stated before, ivermectin does not have ovicidal activity, so a second dose should be given 1–2 weeks
after initial treatment [13].

In many countries, complications from scabies are related to sleep loss due to intense pruritus, whereas in
developing countries, secondary infections are the main problems. The best documented complication
with scabies is superinfection caused by Staphylococcus aureus and group A Streptococcus The latter can
lead to glomerulonephritis and rheumatic fever [37]. In a study done in the Solomon Islands
(25%prevalence of scabies), 86 % of the scabies cases were colonized by streptococci, and 71 % of the
latter was Group A streptococci [38]. This same study showed that control of scabies with ivermectin was
associated with a significant reduction in both hematuria and isolation of streptococci from skin lesions
The relationship between secondary skin streptococcal infection in scabies and rheumatic fever has been
proposed on the basis of the geographical association of a high prevalence of rheumatic fever and a higher
incidence of skin streptococcal infection [39]. Another infectious complication from scabies has been
reported in Gambia where septicemia caused by S. aureus has been associated in infants with skin rash
and possible scabies. There is also an isolated report of Gram negative bacteremia in a patient with
crusted scabies and HIV infection [16].

As was mentioned earlier, the cornerstone of the management of scabies is treatment of all close contacts,
including sexual contacts, even if asymptomatic. Identification and treatment of core transmitters with
crusted scabies is also important, since this variety of scabies is very easily transmitted due to high loads
of parasites. Therefore, treatment of contacts that have been even minimally exposed to patients infested
with scabies is warranted.
Even though transmission from bed linens, furniture, and fomites is uncommon; clothes and bed linens
should either be kept in a plastic bag for 72 h (sincemites die within this period of time when they are
separated from the human host) or machine washed at >50 C [40] and dried the day after its first
treatment. Insecticides are generally reserved for material that cannot be laundered [40].
Mass drug administration offers an alternative approach to population control of scabies. Studies in
endemic areas of scabies (e.g., Panama and northern Australia) have shown that mass treatment with
topical permethrin can substantially reduce the prevalence of scabies and, also, reduce the number of
cases of impetigo [41]. Oral ivermectin has also been used for mass treatment in the Solomon Island [38];
following this intervention, there was a significant reduction of scabies from 25 % to 1%, with
concomitant decrease of impetigo and hematuria [38].

Scabies still remains a significant public health problem, especially in the developing world. Diagnosis of
the disease is still challenging. Efforts should be made to develop a standardized, reliable, and
cheapmethod for the diagnosis of scabies that can be affordable to underdeveloped countries, where most
of the cases of scabies are seen. The ideal treatment modality is still unclear, and further research on this
topic is warranted.

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