Clinical Gudline
Clinical Gudline
Clinical Gudline
Cooke ML
Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, Stellenbosch University
Correspondence to: Dr M Cooke, e-mail:
Diarrhoeal disease and its complications remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children, especially in developing countries.
Diarrhoea is characterised by an increased frequency and volume, and decreased consistency of stool from the norm. Pathogens vary between
developed and developing world settings. Rotavirus diarrhoea is the most important aetiological agent implicated in severe dehydrating
diarrhoea. Although it is important to recognise the specific microbiological causation of diarrhoea in order to target appropriate treatment, the
broader preventive aspects put forward by the World Health Organization (WHO) indicate the fundamental contributors to the massive burden of
disease in developing countries. The management of a child presenting with acute diarrhoea must include a thorough history and examination
with evaluation of hydration status, nutritional status and comprehensive clinical evaluation for any complications or associated illnesses. The
most recent advances in the area of acute diarrhoeal disease include zinc supplementation, reduced osmolarity oral rehydration solution (ORS)
and rotavirus vaccination.
Diarrhoeal disease and its complications remain a major cause of Table I: Common pathogens causing childhood diarrhoea
morbidity and mortality in children, especially in developing countries. Viruses
It is the second most common cause of death in children under five • Rotavirus
years of age worldwide and is responsible for 2.4 million deaths • Norovirus
• Enteric adenovirus
each year.1 The Medical Research Council Burden of Disease report
• Other: caliciviruses, astroviruses, enteroviruses
indicates that in South Africa, it is the third biggest killer of children
under five, responsible for over 10 000 deaths annually(10.2% of total Bacteria
deaths).2 There are approximately 1.5 billion episodes of diarrhoea • Campylobacter jejuni
• Non-typhoid Salmonella sp
per year so knowledge of aetiology and appropriate management is • Enteropathogenic E. Coli
essential for all health care practitioners. The most recent advances • Shigella spp
in the area of acute diarrhoeal disease include zinc supplementation, • Salmonella typhi
• Shiga-toxin producing E. Coli (ETEC)
reduced osmolarity oral rehydration solution (ORS) and rotavirus
• Vibrio cholera
Definitions • Cryptosporidium parvum
• Giardia lamblia
Diarrhoea is characterised by an increased frequency and volume, • Entamoeba histolytica
and decreased consistency of stool from the norm. It must be
remembered that frequency of passing stool varies with age and is
higher in infants.4 Dysentery is defined as the passage of blood and Mixed infections
mucous in diarrhoeal stools. Persistent diarrhoea occurs when the
duration of symptoms exceeds seven days and chronic diarrhoea diarrhoea cases are of viral (40% rotavirus),10–20% of bacterial and
when it lasts more than 14 days.4,5
< 10% of protozoal origin.3.5.6,7 In developing countries 50–60% of
cases are of bacterial (Enteropathogenic E. Coli 25%, Campylobacter
Causes of diarrhoea
jejuni 10–18%, Shigella spp and Salmonella spp 5% each), 35% of
The commonest causes of infectious diarrhoea are shown in Table I. viral(15–25% rotavirus) origin, and in many the cause is unidentified
The incidence of these pathogens varies between developed and or mixed.3.5.6,7,8 In developing countries the prevalence of diarrhoea
developing world settings. In developed countries about 70% of also varies widely by country. For instance, there are many more
cases of cholera in India and South east Asia, whilst in Africa aetiology of diarrhoea as management may differ, including the need
rotavirus has been shown to be the causative agent in 28-49% of for isolation and notification.3 When a child presents with diarrhoea,
cases in Ethiopia but only 14 % of cases in Tanzania.7,8 The incidence especially in chronic non-dehydrating diarrhoea,, noninfectious
of rotavirus diarrhoea varies widely even within each country with causes must also always be considered in the differential
studies from South Africa indicating a range of 14–34% of cases in diagnosis5 (Table II).
Johannesberg, 20–55% in Durban7 and 18% in Cape Town.9
Table II: Differential diagnosis in children presenting with diarrhoea
There is also a marked seasonality that is associated with the
• Infections outside the GIT, like meningitis and urinary tract infection
incidence of infectious childhood diarrhoea. This is best reflected • Surgical conditions like intussuseption and malrotation, especially if
in rotavirus infection, classically described in dry winter months in prominent/bile-stained vomiting is present
• Immunodeficiency e.g. HIV disease
temperate climates.5,7,8 This is documented in studies from Durban
• Spurious diarrhoea – faecal impaction with overflow
and Johannesberg, but not in the summer peak of diarrhoea in Cape • Side-effects of medications e.g. antibiotics
Town and other developing countries.7,9 This pattern is most likely • Primary gastrointestinal tract pathology e.g. cystic fibrosis, inflammatory
bowel disease, coeliac disease
due to the Mediterranean climate in Cape Town with wet winters and
• Toddler’s diarrhoea
hot dry summers.
GIT = Gastrointestinal tract
Table III: Features and management of shock and dehydration (modified from WHO and IMCI)4,5
No visible dehydration Some dehydration Severe dehydration Shock
Features: 2 or more signs: 2 or more signs: Signs of:
• alert with normal eyes • restless and irritable • lethargic or sleepy • depressed level of consciousness or weakness
• not thirsty • thirsty and drinks eagerly • deeply sunken eyes and fontanelle • weak or absent peripheral pulses
• normal skin pinch • skin pinch returns slowly • very slow skin pinch • a prolonged capillary refill time of > 3 seconds
• fontanelle is sunken • tachycardia of > 120 bpm
Further history should include information on the duration and bicarbonate.3 It is considered one of the most important medical
frequency of diarrhoea, presence of blood or mucous in the stool, innovations of modern times and its active promotion as part of
vomiting and whether it is bile stained, use and mixing of home the WHO Control Diarrheal Disease (CDD) programme in the 1980s
rehydration fluids, as well as other usual aspects of the paediatric halved the deaths from diarrhoea over 20 years following its
history including past illnesses, immunisation status, feeding, implementation.1,7
medications and related side effects. The Integrated Management of
A Cochrane review has documented that oral rehydration should
Childhood Illness (IMCI) has simplified the classification dehydration
be used as the first line for management of children with acute
into i) no signs of dehydration, ii) some dehydration (correlating with
gastroenteritis and some dehydration.13 When this is not feasible,
the old classification of 5% dehydration), and iii) severe dehydration
enteral rehydration by nasogastric route is as effective, if not better,
(correlating with the old classification of 10% dehydration)12 (Table
than IV rehydration (Table V), with fewer major adverse events and
III), The indications for hospitalising a child with diarrhoea are shown
shorter hospital stay. In addition, it is cheaper in terms of both
in table IV.
consumables and human resources and less traumatic for the
Table IV: Indications for hospitalisation4,5 child.4,5,13
of intravenous fluid rescue, reduced vomiting and similar rates of not change the management of diarrhoea which is supportive. Most
hyponatraemia when reduced osmolarity is compared with standard laboratories do not test for E. Coli types so the yield from stool MCS
ORS. 3,4,5
ESPGHAN in fact recommends an even lower concentration is low, and routine stool testing is not recommended.3,4,5
of sodium of 60 mmol/l for use in children with diarrhoea in Europe
There is no role for routine full blood count and inflammatory markers
due to the different aetiology of diarrhoea in European settings.4
like C-reactive protein in uncomplicated gastroenteritis but young
Multiple other modified formulations of ORS have also been extensively children under three months and children with a high fever should
studied. Rice-based ORS can be used as an alternative therapy to have a formal septic workup.3,4,5
standard ORS in cholera, as it adds additional substrate to the gut
Pharmacologic therapy
lumen without increasing osmolality, thereby providing additional
glucose molecules for glucose-mediated absorption. However, there Zinc deficiency is common in young children in the developing world
is no additional benefit in children with non-cholera diarrhoea. Other and is associated with impaired electrolyte and water absorption,
modifications include ORS-containing amylase-resistant starch, as it decreased brush border enzyme activity and impaired cellular
is postulated that the non-absorbed carbohydrates increase short- and humoral immunity. Meta-analyses have confirmed that zinc
chain fatty acids availability which enhance colonic absorption of supplementation reduces the duration and severity of acute and
sodium and water, but further trials are needed to demonstrate persistent diarrhoea and reduces the risk of a recurrent episode in the
superiority. ORS has also been combined with guar gum, a mixture next 2–3 months. WHO and UNICEF recommend zinc supplementation
of non-digestible carbohydrates, as well as with probiotics, zinc and (10 mg in children under six months and 20 mg in children over six
glutamine but there is currently insufficient evidence for any of their months) for 10–14days as a universal treatment.14,15,16 ESPGHAN
use bearing in mind the additional considerations of increased cost, however does not recommend it as a routine treatment modality in
instability and availability of additional compounds.4 European children, unless they are malnourished.4
Prevention of further dehydration by supplementing maintenance Probiotics may be an effective adjunct to the management of
fluid with ORS with each loose stool to replace ongoing loses is an diarrhoea, but it is important to prescribe those that have been
essential part of further management (50–100ml per loose stool). documented to be effective. Lactobacillus GG and Saccharomyces
The child’s hydration status must be re-assessed regularly at least boulardii have the most consistently documented efficacy data.
every four to six hours including a weight check, and fluids modified Best results have been demonstrated in young infants with viral
according to whether there is improvement or not.5 gastroenteritis when the probiotic is administered early in the
course of the diarrhoea, at a dose of 1010 CFU/day. The advantages
Maintain nutrition
include reduced duration of diarrhoea by one day thereby reducing
Consensus from WHO, ESPGHAN and the AAP based on level 1 costs of hospitalisation, reduced persistent diarrhoea and reduced
evidence is to continue breastfeeding at all times, and to continue spead through viral shedding. There are concerns however in the
normal feeds in uncomplicated gastroenteritis within four hours. developing world regarding the use of probiotics in the management
There is no role for dilution or gradual re-introduction of formula or of diarrhoea because of the high prevalence of bacterial diarrhoea in
for special formulae like soya-based or lactose free. Beverages with such clinical settings, in which probiotcs may be less efficacious and
high sugar content should not be used. An extra meal a day for at safety issues related to immunosuppression may arise.4,16
least a week following an episode of gastroenteritis should also be
encouraged to allow catch-up growth4,5,13. Management of diarrhoea is otherwise usually supportive and
non-pharmacologic. Antimotility agents like loperamide have been
Investigations associated with prolonged disease in Shigellosis, toxic megacolon in
Testing for electrolytes should be performed on hospitalised children C. difficile infection, and haemolytic-uraemic syndrome in children
with severe dehydration or shock, those receiving intravenous fluids, with Shiga-toxin producing E. Coli and are not recommended.3,4,5.
those with associated malnutrition and in any child that looks ill out The older anti-emtics are also not recommended due to risk of extra-
of proportion to their degree of dehydration.4,5 Children appearing pyramidal side-effects but some newer agents like ondansetron are
floppy or with abdominal distension must have hypokalaemia effective without side-effects.4,5 There is no evidence to support the
excluded, and hypernatraemia should be suspected in well-nourished use of prebiotics, glutamine, folic acid, kaolin-pectin, attapulgite,
children, with a rubbery feel to the skin, those with a high pitched activated charcoal or bismuth. There may however be potential
cry, and in any children with a history of incorrect mixing of ORS. benefit in the use of smectite, an aluminmagnesium silicate that
Indications for sending a stool microscopy, culture and sensitivity binds digestive mucous.4 Vitamin A does not influence the course
(MCS) include inflammatory diarrhoea with blood and pus in the of acute diarrhoea but should be given according to national
stool, high fever and systemic illness, persistent diarrhoea and in guidelines for its effect on reducing overall mortality.4 Antibiotics
hospitalised children that develop diarrhoea, including for C. difficile. are not routinely recommended in viral or uncomplicated bacterial
Routine testing for rotavirus is of epidemiologic interest but does gastroenteritis (Table VI).
Table VI: Indications for systemic antibiotics. and was introduced in the Extended Programme of Immunisation in
Indications Antibiotic regimen 2009. It is a live attenuated human rotavirus strain, with two doses
given orally foour weeks apart, not after six months. In studies in
• Bacterial gastroenteritis • Usually ampicillin and gentamicin OR
complicated by sepsis ceftriaxone middle-income countries the vaccine has a very good safety profile
• Neonates and efficacy of 85% protection. There are some concerns though
• Ill immunocompromised children
about its use in the developing world. Such concerns include
• Associated infection e.g. urinary
tract infection or pneumonia interference by high titres of maternal antibodies, interference by
gut microorganisms as well as safety and immunogenicity in HIV-
Dysentery • Nalidixic acid, fluoroquinolone or infected children. Nevertheless, the vaccine holds promise as an
• Shigella ceftriaxone
• Salmonella spp (non-typhoid) extremely important and much needed public health intervention
• Campylobacter • Erythromycin or one of above to reduce the significant morbidity and mortality from diarrhoeal
First try to exclude ETEC due to the disease.8,10,11
associated with HUS
As for the child presenting with acute diarrhoea, there should be a 6. Wilson ME. Diarrhea in Nontravelers: Risk and Etiology. CID 2005:41(suppl 8):S541–S546.
7. Cunliffe NA, Kilgore PE, Bresee JS, et al. Epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhoea in Africa: a review to assess
thorough history, including family history, and comprehensive clinical the need for rotavirus immunization. Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 1998;76(5):525–37.
evaluation including effect on nutritional status for those with chronic 8. Naghipour M, Nakgomi T, Nakagomi O. Issues with reducing the rotavirus-associated mortality by
vaccination in developing countries. Vaccine 2008;26:3236–41.
diarrhoea.17 It is important to differentiate whether this is a persistent
9. Househam KC, Mann MD, Bowie MD. Enteropathogens associated with acute infantile diarrhoea in Cape
diarrhoea following an acute dehydrating diarrhoeal episode, as Town. S Afr Med J 1988;73:83–7.
causes may include small bowel bacterial overgrowth, acquired 10. Glass RI, Parashar UD et al. Rotavirus vaccines: current prospects and future challenges. Lancet
disaccharidase deficiency, deconjugation and dehydroxylation of
11. Dennehy PH. Rotavirus vaccines: an update. Vaccine (2007), doi:10.1016/j.
bile salts which induces diarrhoea, protein sensitisation i.e clinical 12. Accessed
settings that may require additional specialised treatment.18 The 27 January 2010.
13. Bellemare S, Hartling L et al. Oral rehydration versus intravenous therapy for treating dehydration due to
clinical picture of the child is also of importance since it may be
gastroenteritis in children: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. The Cochrane Library 2006,
indicative of the cause of diarrhoea such as the classic Toddler’s issue 4.
Diarrhoea with a thriving child and stools containing undigested food 14. Hoque KM, Binder HJ. Zinc in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhoea: Current Status and Assessment.
Gastroenterol 2006;130:2201–5.
and worsening as the day progresses. The need for any specialised 15. A Meta-analysis of the Effects of Oral Zinc in the Treatment of Acute and Persistent Diarrhea. Pediatrics
investigation and treatment will depend on the clinical picture of the 2008;121(2):326–36.
16. Salvatore S, Hauser B, Devreker T, et al. Probiotics and zinc in acute infectious gastroenteritis in children:
patient and would usually include stool MC&S to exclude parasites, are they effective? Nutrition 2007;23:498–506.
stool reducing substances and elastase, and possibly sweat test or 17. Wittenberg DF ed. Gastrointestinal Disorders in Coovadia’s Paediatrics and Child Health(6th edition)
coeliac serology.17 2009:501–17.
18. Bhutta ZA, Nelson EA, Lee WS, et al. Recent Advances and Evidence Gaps in Persistent Diarrhea. JPGN
On discharge of a child with an episode of diarrhoea, advice must be
given on measures to try to prevent another episode and appropriate
home management to prevent dehydration.