Altitude Simulation For Transportation Testing of Packaging: Note # 09-24
Altitude Simulation For Transportation Testing of Packaging: Note # 09-24
Altitude Simulation For Transportation Testing of Packaging: Note # 09-24
This application note covers the use of vacuum chambers to simulate altitude for transportation testing of packaging.
Just as a high altitude mountain climber will experience lower oxygen levels due to reduced atmospheric pressure, packaging
will be exposed to pressure changes associated to high altitude transportation. Simulation testing can be done to determine
the effect on the packaging. Altitude simulation using a vacuum chamber is one form of test for the effects packaging may
experience during transportation. Altitude simulation systems may also include vibration, heating and/or cooling controls to
simulate other environmental conditions
Products transported via aircraft can experience altitudes as high as 36,000 ft (10,973 m) and up to 12,000 ft (3,658 m) for
ground transportation. When exposed to high altitude conditions, packaging may be damaged or negatively affected by
pressure changes. Transportation simulation based on vacuum technology can be used to measure the performance of
packaging material and construction exposed to environmental extremes associated with transport. A vacuum test method can
determine the effects of transport via certain modes of transport, such as non-pressurized aircraft or trucks which travel over
high mountain passes.
A simple vacuum system for transportation simulation consists of a vacuum chamber, vacuum pump, vacuum gauge, vacuum
inlet and vent valve. The vacuum chamber should be sized appropriately to hold the package with a few inches extra on all
sides to allow for expansion. More advanced systems can have automated controls that automatically sequence through the
test cycle and can even control pressurization and depressurization rates. Installing the vacuum chamber on a vibration table is
another option to enhance the testing capability of a system.
Once the packaging has been loaded into the vacuum chamber the system should be evacuated to an appropriate pressure
equivalent for the altitude to be attained. Altitude and duration of the testing may be modified as appropriate for the shipping
environment typical to what the package will encounter, but ASTM D 6653 recommends pressure of equivalent to 16,000 ft and
duration of 60 minutes (see Table 1.1 for pressure conversion for vacuum).
Table 1.1 Pressure Conversion Table
SMT-04-1018 Rev A1
Description (continued)
The use of a vacuum chamber and systems for transportation simulation reduces high costs including replacement costs of
damaged product due to package failure.
Related Products
LACO Technologies designs and manufactures standard and custom vacuum chambers and turn-key systems that can be used
to simulate transportation effects of packaging. Vacuum chambers applicable for this type of system include:
• Vertical Industrial (VI) Vacuum Chambers
• Vertical Clear (VC) Vacuum Chambers
• Horizontal Industrial (HI) Vacuum Chambers
• Horizontal Clear (HC) Vacuum Chambers
• Cube Industrial (CI) Vacuum Chambers
• Cube Clear (CC) Vacuum Chambers
• ASTM D6653 Standard Test Methods for Determining the Effects of High Altitude on Packaging Systems by Vacuum Method