Four Noble Truths
Four Noble Truths
Four Noble Truths
Compiled by
ânandajoti Bhikkhu
(mainly from Saccavibhaïgasuttaü, MN 141)
The Four Noble Truths
Cattàri Ariyasaccàni
The Four Noble Truths
1. Dukkhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of Suffering
2. Dukkhasamudayaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering
3. Dukkhanirodhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
1. Dukkhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of Suffering
1. Jàti pi dukkhà
Birth is suffering
2. Jarà pi dukkhà
Also old age is suffering
3 Maraõam-pi dukkhaü
Also death is suffering
4. Sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupàyàsà pi dukkhà
Also grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair, is suffering
The Four Noble Truths
1. Jàti:
2. Jarà:
Old age:
3. Maraõaü:
4. Soko:
The Four Noble Truths
4. Paridevo:
4. Dukkhaü:
4. Domanassaü:
4. Upàyàso:
The Four Noble Truths
The Four Noble Truths
To those beings subject to grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair,
domanassupàyàsadhammà assàma,
sorrow, and despair,
na ca vata no sokaparidevadukkha-
may grief, lamentation, pain,
domanassupàyàsa àgaccheyyun!û-ti.
sorrow, and despair surely not come to us!û
The Four Noble Truths
1. Råpåpàdànakkhandho
The form constituent group that is attached to
2. Vedanåpàdànakkhandho
The feelings constituent group that is attached to
3. Saÿÿåpàdànakkhandho
The perceptions constituent group that is attached to
4. Saïkhàråpàdànakkhandho
The (mental) processes constituent group that is attached to
5. Viÿÿàõåpàdànakkhandho.
The consciousness constituent group that is attached to.
2. Dukkhasamudayaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering
Craving for sense pleasures
Craving for continuation
Craving for discontinuation.
The Four Noble Truths
3. Dukkhanirodhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
Taõhàya asesaviràganirodho -
The complete fading away and cessation without remainder of craving -
1. Sammàdiññhi
Right View
2. Sammàsaïkappo
Right Thought
3. Sammàvàcà
Right Speech
4. Sammàkammanto
Right Action
5. Sammà-âjãvo
Right Livelihood
6. Sammàvàyàmo
Right Endeavour
7. Sammàsati
Right Mindfulness
8. Sammàsamàdhi.
Right Concentration.
The Four Noble Truths
1. Sammàdiññhi:
Right View:
1. Dukkhe ¥àõaü
Knowledge about suffering
2. Dukkhasamudaye ¥àõaü
Knowledge about the Arising of Suffering
3. Dukkhanirodhe ¥àõaü
Knowledge about the Cessation of Suffering
2. Sammàsaïkappo:
Right Thought:
1. Nekkhammasaïkappo
The Thought of Renunciation
2. Avyàpàdasaïkappo
The Thought of Good-Will
3. Avihiüsàsaïkappo.
The Thought of Non-Violence.
3. Sammàvàcà:
Right Speech:
1. Musàvàdà veramaõã
Refraining from False Speech
2. Pisuõàvàcà veramaõã
Refraining from Malicious Speech
3. Pharusàvàcà veramaõã
Refraining from Rough Speech
4. Samphappalàpà veramaõã.
Refraining from Frivolous Talk.
The Four Noble Truths
4. Sammàkammanto:
Right Action:
1. Pàõàtipàtà veramaõã
Refraining from Killing Living Creatures
2. Adinnàdànà veramaõã
Refraining from Taking what has not been given
5. Sammà-âjãvo:
Right Livelihood:
6. Sammàvàyàmo:
Right Endeavour:
1. Anuppannànaü pàpakànaü
Generating desire for the non-arising of bad
The Four Noble Truths
7. Sammàsati:
Right Mindfulness:
8. Sammàsamàdhi:
Right Concentration:
The Four Noble Truths
2. Vitakkavicàrànaü våpasamà
With the ending of thinking, and reflection,