Four Noble Truths

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The Four Noble Truths

Compiled by
ânandajoti Bhikkhu
(mainly from Saccavibhaïgasuttaü, MN 141)
The Four Noble Truths

Cattàri Ariyasaccàni
The Four Noble Truths

1. Dukkhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of Suffering

2. Dukkhasamudayaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering

3. Dukkhanirodhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering

4. Dukkhanirodhagàmanã Pañipadà Ariyasaccaü

The Noble Truth of the Practice Leading to the Cessation of Suffering

1. Dukkhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of Suffering

1. Jàti pi dukkhà
Birth is suffering

2. Jarà pi dukkhà
Also old age is suffering

3 Maraõam-pi dukkhaü
Also death is suffering

4. Sokaparidevadukkhadomanassupàyàsà pi dukkhà
Also grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair, is suffering

5. Yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü

Also not to obtain what one longs for is suffering

6. Saïkhittena paÿcupàdànakkhandhà dukkhà.

In brief, the five constituent groups (of mind and body) that provide fuel for
attachment are suffering.

The Four Noble Truths

1. Jàti:

Yà tesaü tesaü sattànaü tamhi tamhi sattanikàye

For the various beings in the various classes of beings

jàti, saÿjàti, okkanti, abhinibbatti;

there is birth, being born, appearing, turning up;

khandhànaü pàtubhàvo, àyatanànaü pañilàbho.

the manifestation of the constituent groups (of mind and body), the acquisition
of the sense spheres.

2. Jarà:
Old age:

Yà tesaü tesaü sattànaü tamhi tamhi sattanikàye

For the various beings in the various classes of beings
jarà, jãraõatà, khaõóiccaü, pàliccaü, valittacatà;
there is old age, agedness, broken teeth, greying hair, and wrinkled skin;

àyuno saühàni, indriyànaü paripàko.

the dwindling away of the life span, the decay of the sense faculties.

3. Maraõaü:

Yà tesaü tesaü sattànaü tamhà tamhà sattanikàyà

For the various beings in the various classes of beings

cuti, cavanatà, bhedo, antaradhànaü, maccu, maraõaü, kàlakiriyà;

there is a fall, a falling away, a breaking up, a disappearance, a dying, a death, a
making of time;

khandhànaü bhedo, kalebarassa nikkhepo.

the break up of the constituent groups (of mind and body), the throwing off of
the body.

4. Soko:

Yo kho aÿÿataraÿÿatarena vyasanena samannàgatassa,

For he who has some sort of misfortune or other,

aÿÿataraÿÿatarena dukkhadhammena phuññhassa,

who is touched by some sort of pain or another,

soko, socanà, socitattaü, antosoko, antoparisoko.

there is grief, grieving, the state of grieving, inner grief, great inner grief.

The Four Noble Truths

4. Paridevo:

Yo kho aÿÿataraÿÿatarena vyasanena samannàgatassa,

For he who has some sort of misfortune or other,

aÿÿataraÿÿatarena dukkhadhammena phuññhassa,

who is touched by some sort of pain or another,

àdevo, paridevo, àdevanà, paridevanà, àdevitattaü, paridevitattaü.

there are laments, great laments, lamenting, great lamenting, the state of
lamenting, great lamentation.

4. Dukkhaü:

Yaü kho kàyikaü dukkhaü, kàyikaü asàtaü,

That which is bodily pain, bodily disagreeableness,

kàyasamphassajaü dukkhaü, asàtaü vedayitaü.

pain born of contact with the body, disagreeable feeling.

4. Domanassaü:

Yaü kho cetasikaü dukkhaü, cetasikaü asàtaü,

That which is mental pain, mental disagreeableness,

vedayitaü manosamphassajaü dukkhaü, asàtaü vedayitaü.

pain born of contact with the mind, disagreeable feeling.

4. Upàyàso:

Yo kho aÿÿataraÿÿatarena vyasanena samannàgatassa,

For he who has some sort of misfortune or other,

aÿÿataraÿÿatarena dukkhadhammena phuññhassa,

who is touched by some sort of pain or another,

àyàso, upàyàso, àyàsitattaü, upàyàsitattaü.

there is desponding, despairing, despondency, despair.

The Four Noble Truths

5. Yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü:

The suffering from not obtaining what one longs for:

Jàtidhammànaü sattànaü evaü icchà uppajjati.

To those beings subject to birth this longing arises.

ßAho vata mayaü na jàtidhammà assàma,

ßOh, might we not be subject to birth,

na ca vata no jàti àgaccheyyà!û ti

and may birth surely not come to us!û

Na kho panetaü icchàya pattabbaü.

But that cannot be attained merely by longing for it.

Jaràdhammànaü sattànaü evaü icchà uppajjati.

To those beings subject to old age this longing arises.

ßAho vata mayaü na jaràdhammà assàma,

ßOh, might we not be subject to old age,

na ca vata no jarà àgaccheyyà!û ti

may old age surely not come to us!û

Na kho panetaü icchàya pattabbaü.

But that cannot be attained merely by longing for it.

idaü pi yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü.

this is the suffering from not obtaining what one longs for.

Vyàdhidhammànaü sattànaü evaü icchà uppajjati.

To those beings subject to sickness this longing arises.

ßAho vata mayaü na vyàdhidhammà assàma,

ßOh, might we not be subject to sickness,

na ca vata no vyàdhi àgaccheyyà!û ti

may old age surely not come to us!û

Na kho panetaü icchàya pattabbaü.

But that cannot be attained merely by longing for it.

idaü pi yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü.

this is the suffering from not obtaining what one longs for.

The Four Noble Truths

Maraõadhammànaü sattànaü evaü icchà uppajjati.

To those beings subject to death this longing arises.

ßAho vata mayaü na maraõadhammà assàma,

ßOh, might we not be subject to death,

na ca vata no maraõaü àgaccheyyà!û ti

may death surely not come to us!û

Na kho panetaü icchàya pattabbaü.

But that cannot be attained merely by longing for it.

idaü pi yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü.

this is the suffering from not obtaining what one longs for.

To those beings subject to grief, lamentation, pain, sorrow, and despair,

sattànaü evaü icchà uppajjati.

venerable friends, this longing arises.

ßAho vata mayaü na sokaparidevadukkha-

Ÿ ßOh, might we not be subject to grief, lamentation, pain,

domanassupàyàsadhammà assàma,
sorrow, and despair,

na ca vata no sokaparidevadukkha-
may grief, lamentation, pain,

domanassupàyàsa àgaccheyyun!û-ti.
sorrow, and despair surely not come to us!û

Na kho panetaü icchàya pattabbaü.

But that cannot be attained merely by longing for it.

idaü pi yam-picchaü na labhati tam-pi dukkhaü.

this is the suffering from not obtaining what one longs for.

The Four Noble Truths

6. Saïkhittena paÿcupàdànakkhandhà dukkhà:

In brief, the constituent groups (of mind and body) that provide fuel for attachment
that are suffering:

1. Råpåpàdànakkhandho
The form constituent group that is attached to

2. Vedanåpàdànakkhandho
The feelings constituent group that is attached to

3. Saÿÿåpàdànakkhandho
The perceptions constituent group that is attached to

4. Saïkhàråpàdànakkhandho
The (mental) processes constituent group that is attached to

5. Viÿÿàõåpàdànakkhandho.
The consciousness constituent group that is attached to.

2. Dukkhasamudayaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Arising of Suffering

Taõhà ponobhavikà, nandiràgasahagatà, tatratatràbhinandinã.

Craving which leads to continuation in existence, which is connected with enjoyment
and passion, greatly enjoying this and that.

Craving for sense pleasures

Craving for continuation

Craving for discontinuation.

The Four Noble Truths

3. Dukkhanirodhaü Ariyasaccaü
The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering

Taõhàya asesaviràganirodho -
The complete fading away and cessation without remainder of craving -

càgo, pañinissaggo, mutti, anàlayo.

liberation, letting go, release, and non-adherence.

4. Dukkhanirodhagàmanã Pañipadà Ariyasaccaü

The Noble Truth of the Practice Leading to
the Cessation of Suffering

Ariyo Aññhaïgiko Maggo:

The Noble Path with Eight Factors:

1. Sammàdiññhi
Right View

2. Sammàsaïkappo
Right Thought

3. Sammàvàcà
Right Speech

4. Sammàkammanto
Right Action

5. Sammà-âjãvo
Right Livelihood

6. Sammàvàyàmo
Right Endeavour

7. Sammàsati
Right Mindfulness

8. Sammàsamàdhi.
Right Concentration.

The Four Noble Truths

1. Sammàdiññhi:
Right View:

1. Dukkhe ¥àõaü
Knowledge about suffering

2. Dukkhasamudaye ¥àõaü
Knowledge about the Arising of Suffering

3. Dukkhanirodhe ¥àõaü
Knowledge about the Cessation of Suffering

4. Dukkhanirodhagàminiyà Pañipadàya ¥àõaü.

Knowledge about the Practice going to the Cessation of Suffering.

2. Sammàsaïkappo:
Right Thought:

1. Nekkhammasaïkappo
The Thought of Renunciation

2. Avyàpàdasaïkappo
The Thought of Good-Will

3. Avihiüsàsaïkappo.
The Thought of Non-Violence.

3. Sammàvàcà:
Right Speech:

1. Musàvàdà veramaõã
Refraining from False Speech

2. Pisuõàvàcà veramaõã
Refraining from Malicious Speech

3. Pharusàvàcà veramaõã
Refraining from Rough Speech

4. Samphappalàpà veramaõã.
Refraining from Frivolous Talk.

The Four Noble Truths

4. Sammàkammanto:
Right Action:

1. Pàõàtipàtà veramaõã
Refraining from Killing Living Creatures

2. Adinnàdànà veramaõã
Refraining from Taking what has not been given

3. Kàmesu micchàcàrà veramaõã.

Refraining from Sexual Misconduct.

5. Sammà-âjãvo:
Right Livelihood:

Micchà-àjãvaü pahàya, sammà-àjãvena jãvikaü kappento.

Having given up wrong ways of livelihood, earning a living by a right way of

6. Sammàvàyàmo:
Right Endeavour:

1. Anuppannànaü pàpakànaü
Generating desire for the non-arising of bad

akusalànaü dhammànaü anuppàdàya chandaü janento.

and unwholesome things that have not yet arisen.

2. Uppannànaü pàpakànaü akusalànaü dhammànaü

Generating desire to give up bad and unwholesome things

pahànàya chandaü janento.

that have already arisen.

3. Anuppannànaü kusalànaü dhammànaü uppàdàya chandaü janento.

Generating desire for the arising of wholesome things that have not yet arisen.

4. Uppannànaü kusalànaü dhammànaü ñhitiyà, asammosàya,

Generating desire for the endurance of wholesome things that have arisen, their

bhiyyobhàvàya, vepullàya, bhàvanàya, pàripåriyà chandaü janento.

multiplicaton, extension, development, and fulfilment.

The Four Noble Truths

7. Sammàsati:
Right Mindfulness:

1. Kàye kàyànupassã viharanto,

Dwelling contemplating (the nature of) the body in the body,

àtàpã, sampajàno, satimà, vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü.

ardent, clearly knowing, and mindful, after removing avarice and sorrow
regarding the world.

2. Vedanàsu vedanànupassã viharanto,

Dwelling contemplating (the nature of) feelings in feelings,

àtàpã, sampajàno, satimà, vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü.

ardent, clearly knowing, and mindful, after removing avarice and sorrow
regarding the world.

3. Citte cittànupassã viharanto,

Dwelling contemplating (the nature of) the mind in the mind,

àtàpã, sampajàno, satimà, vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü.

ardent, clearly knowing, and mindful, after removing avarice and sorrow
regarding the world.

4. Dhammesu dhammànupassã viharanto,

Dwelling contemplating (the nature of) things in (various) things

àtàpã, sampajàno, satimà, vineyya loke abhijjhàdomanassaü.

ardent, clearly knowing, and mindful, after removing avarice and sorrow
regarding the world.

8. Sammàsamàdhi:
Right Concentration:

1. Vivicceva kàmehi, vivicca akusalehi dhammehi,

Quite secluded from sense desires, secluded from unwholesome things,

savitakkaü, savicàraü, vivekajaü pãtisukhaü,

having thinking, reflection, and the happiness and rapture born of seclusion,

pañhamaü jhànaü upasampajja viharanto.

dwelling having attained the first absorption.

The Four Noble Truths

2. Vitakkavicàrànaü våpasamà
With the ending of thinking, and reflection,

ajjhattaü sampasàdanaü, cetaso ekodibhàvaü,

with internal clarity, and one-pointedness of mind,

avitakkaü, avicàraü, samàdhijaü pãtisukhaü,

being without thinking, without reflection, having the happiness and rapture
born of concentration,

dutiyaü jhànaü upasampajja viharanto.

dwelling having attained the second absorption.

3. Pãtiyà ca viràgà upekkhako ca viharanto,

With the fading away of rapture dwelling equanimous,

sato ca sampajàno, sukhaü ca kàyena pañisaüvedeti,

mindful, clearly knowing, experiencing happiness through the body,

yan-taü Ariyà àcikkhanti. ßUpekkhako satimà sukhavihàrãû ti,

about which the Noble Ones declare. ßHe lives pleasantly, mindful, and

tatiyaü jhànaü upasampajja viharanto.

dwelling (thus) having attained the third absorption.

4. Sukhassa ca pahànà, dukkhassa ca pahànà,

Having given up pleasure, given up pain,

pubbeva somanassadomanassànaü atthaïgamà,

and with the previous disappearence of mental well-being and sorrow,

adukkhaü, asukhaü, upekkhà-satipàrisuddhiü,

without pain, without pleasure, and with complete purity of mindfulness owing
to equanimity,

catutthaü jhànaü upasampajja viharanto.

dwelling having attained the fourth absorption.


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