Studi Kasus SCM
Studi Kasus SCM
Studi Kasus SCM
Ellen Lin, vice president of supply chain at Michael's Hardware, was looking at the financial results from
the past quarter and thought that the company could significantly improve its distribution costs, especially
given the recent expansion into Arizona. Transportation costs had been very high, and Ellen believed that
moving away from LTL shipping to Arizona would help lower transportation costs without significantly
raising inventories.
Michael's had 32 stores each in Illinois and Arizona and sourced its products from eight suppliers located
in the Midwest. The company began in Illinois and its stores in the state enjoyed strong sales. Each Illinois
store sold, on average, 50,000 units a year of product from each supplier (for annual sales of 400,000 units
per store). The Arizona operation was started about five years ago and still had plenty of room to grow.
Each Arizona store sold 10,000 units a year from each supplier (for annual sales of 80,000 units per store).
Given the large sales at its Illinois stores, Michael's followed a direct-ship model and shipped small
truckloads (with a capacity of 10,000 units) from each supplier to each of its Illinois stores. Each small
truck cost $450 per delivery from a supplier to an Illinois store and could carry up to 10,000 units. In
Arizona, how ever, the company wanted to keep inventories low and used LTL shipping that required a
minimum shipment of only 500 units per store but cost $0.50 per unit. Holding costs for Michael's were
$1 per unit per year.
Ellen asked her staff to propose different distribution alternatives for both Illinois and Arizona.
Ellen's staff proposed two altermative distribution strategies for the stores in Illinois:
1. Use direct shipping with even larger trucks that had a capacity of 40,000 units. These trucks
charged only $1,150 per delivery to an Illinois store. Using larger trucks would lower
transportation costs but increase inventories because of the larger batch sizes.
2. Run milk runs from each supplier to multiple stores in IIlinois to lower inventory cost even if the
cost of transportation increased. Large trucks (capacity of 40,000 units) would charge $1,000 per
shipment and a charge of $150 per delivery. Small trucks (capacity of 10,000 units) would charge
$400 per shipment and a charge of $50 per delivery.
Ellen's staff had three distribution altematives for the stores in Arizona:
1. Use direct shipping with small trucks (capacity of 10,000 units) as was currently being done in
Illinois. Each small truck charged 52,050 for a shipment of up to 10,000 units from a supplier to a
store in Arizona. This was a significantly lower transportation cost than was currently being
charged by the LTL. carrier. This altenative, however, would increase inventory costs in Arizona
given the larger batch sizes.
2. Run milk runs using small trucks (capacity of 10,000 units) from each supplier to multiple stores
in Arizona. The small truck carrier charged $2,000 per shipment and $50 per delivery. Thus, a milk
run from a supplier to four stores would cost $2,200. Milk runs would incur higher transportation
costs than direct shipping but would keep inventory costs lower.
3. Use a third-party cross-docking facility in Arizona that charged $0.10 per unit for this cross-
docking service. This would allow all suppliers to ship product (destined for all 32 Arizona stores)
using a large truck to the cross-dock facility, where it would be cross-docked and sent to stores in
smaller trucks (each smaller truck would now contain product from all eight suppliers). Large
trucks (capacity of 40,000 units) charge $4,150 from each supplier to the cross-dock facility. Small
trucks (capacity of 10,000 units) charge $250 from the cross-dock facility to each retail store in
Arizona. Ellen wondered how best to structure the distribution network and whether the savings
would be worth the effort. If she used milk runs in either region, she also had to decide on how
many stores to include in each milk run.
Study Questions
1. What is the annual distribution cost of the current distribution netwock? Include transportation
and inventory costs.
2. How should Ellen structure distribution from suppliers to the stores in Ilinois? What annual
savings can she expect?
3. How should Ellen structure distribution from suppliers to the stores in Arizona? What annual
savings can she expect?
4. What changes in the distribution network (if any) would you suggest as both markets grow?
Ellen Lin, wakil presiden rantai pasokan di Michael's Hardware, melihat hasil keuangan dari kuartal
terakhir dan berpikir bahwa perusahaan dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan biaya distribusi, terutama
mengingat ekspansi baru-baru ini ke Arizona. Biaya transportasi sangat tinggi, dan Ellen percaya bahwa
pindah dari pengiriman LTL ke Arizona akan membantu menurunkan biaya transportasi tanpa
meningkatkan persediaan secara signifikan.
Michael's memiliki 32 toko masing-masing di Illinois dan Arizona dan mengambil produk-produknya dari
delapan pemasok yang berlokasi di Midwest. Perusahaan dimulai di Illinois dan toko-tokonya di negara
bagian menikmati penjualan yang kuat. Setiap toko Illinois menjual, rata-rata, 50.000 unit produk setahun
dari setiap pemasok (untuk penjualan tahunan 400.000 unit per toko). Operasi Arizona dimulai sekitar
lima tahun yang lalu dan masih memiliki banyak ruang untuk tumbuh. Setiap toko Arizona menjual 10.000
unit setahun dari masing-masing pemasok (untuk penjualan tahunan 80.000 unit per toko). Mengingat
penjualan besar di toko-toko Illinois-nya, Michael's mengikuti model kapal langsung dan mengirimkan
muatan truk kecil (dengan kapasitas 10.000 unit) dari setiap pemasok ke masing-masing toko Illinois-nya.
Setiap truk kecil berharga $ 450 per pengiriman dari pemasok ke toko Illinois dan dapat mengangkut
hingga 10.000 unit. Di Arizona, bagaimanapun, perusahaan ingin menjaga persediaan tetap rendah dan
menggunakan pengiriman LTL yang membutuhkan pengiriman minimum hanya 500 unit per toko tetapi
biaya $ 0,50 per unit. Memegang biaya untuk Michael adalah $ 1 per unit per tahun.
Ellen meminta stafnya untuk mengusulkan alternatif distribusi yang berbeda untuk Illinois dan Arizona.
Staf Ellen mengusulkan dua strategi distribusi alternatif untuk toko-toko di Illinois:
1. Gunakan pengiriman langsung dengan truk yang bahkan lebih besar yang memiliki kapasitas
40.000 unit. Truk-truk ini hanya membebankan biaya $ 1.150 per pengiriman ke toko Illinois.
Menggunakan truk yang lebih besar akan menurunkan biaya transportasi tetapi meningkatkan
inventaris karena ukuran batch yang lebih besar.
2. Run milk run dari setiap pemasok ke beberapa toko di IIlinois untuk menurunkan biaya persediaan
bahkan jika biaya transportasi meningkat. Truk besar (kapasitas 40.000 unit) akan membebankan
biaya $ 1.000 per pengiriman dan biaya $ 150 per pengiriman. Truk kecil (kapasitas 10.000 unit)
akan membebankan biaya $ 400 per pengiriman dan biaya $ 50 per pengiriman.
1. Gunakan pengiriman langsung dengan truk kecil (kapasitas 10.000 unit) seperti yang saat ini
sedang dilakukan di Illinois. Setiap truk kecil mengenakan biaya 52.050 untuk pengiriman hingga
10.000 unit dari pemasok ke toko di Arizona. Ini adalah biaya transportasi yang jauh lebih rendah
daripada yang dibebankan LTL saat ini. pembawa. Namun, altenatif ini akan meningkatkan biaya
persediaan di Arizona mengingat ukuran bets yang lebih besar.
2. Run milk run menggunakan truk kecil (kapasitas 10.000 unit) dari setiap pemasok ke beberapa
toko di Arizona. Pengangkut truk kecil membebankan biaya $ 2.000 per pengiriman dan $ 50 per
pengiriman. Jadi, susu yang mengalir dari pemasok ke empat toko akan menelan biaya $ 2.200.
Pengeluaran susu akan menimbulkan biaya transportasi lebih tinggi daripada pengiriman
langsung tetapi akan menjaga biaya persediaan lebih rendah.
3. Gunakan fasilitas cross-docking pihak ketiga di Arizona yang membebankan biaya $ 0,10 per unit
untuk layanan cross-docking ini. Ini akan memungkinkan semua pemasok untuk mengirimkan
produk (diperuntukkan bagi semua 32 toko Arizona) menggunakan truk besar ke fasilitas cross-
dock, di mana ia akan berlabuh dan dikirim ke toko-toko di truk yang lebih kecil (setiap truk yang
lebih kecil sekarang akan berisi produk dari semua delapan pemasok). Truk besar (kapasitas
40.000 unit) mengenakan biaya $ 4,150 dari setiap pemasok ke fasilitas cross-dock. Truk kecil
(kapasitas 10.000 unit) mengenakan biaya $ 250 dari fasilitas cross-dock ke setiap toko ritel di
Arizona. Ellen bertanya-tanya bagaimana cara terbaik untuk struktur jaringan distribusi dan
apakah penghematan akan sepadan dengan usaha. Jika dia menggunakan milk run di kedua
wilayah, dia juga harus memutuskan berapa banyak toko untuk dimasukkan dalam setiap milk
Pertanyaan Belajar
1. Berapa biaya distribusi tahunan dari netwock distribusi saat ini? Termasuk biaya transportasi dan
2. Bagaimana seharusnya Ellen mengatur distribusi dari pemasok ke toko-toko di Ilinois? Tabungan
tahunan apa yang bisa dia harapkan?
3. Bagaimana seharusnya Ellen mengatur distribusi dari pemasok ke toko-toko di Arizona? Tabungan
tahunan apa yang bisa dia harapkan?
4. Perubahan apa dalam jaringan distribusi (jika ada) yang Anda sarankan ketika kedua pasar
Julie Williams had a lot on her mind when she left the conference room at Specialty Packaging Corporation
(SPC). Her divisional manager had informed her that she would be assigned to a team consisting of SPC's
marketing vice president and staff members from their key customers. The goal of this team was to
improve supply chain performance, as SPC had been unable to meet demand effectively over the previous
several years. This often left SPC's customers scrambling to mect new client demands. Julie had little
contact with SPC's customers and wondered how she would add value to this process. She was told by
her division man- ager that the team's first task was to establish a collab- orative forecast using data from
both SPC and its customers. This forecast would serve as the basis for improving the firm's performance,
as managers could use this more accurate forecast for their production planning. Improved forecasts
would allow SPC to improve delivery performance.
SPC turns polystyrene resin into recyclable/disposable containers for the food industry. Polystyrene is
purchased as a commodity in the form of resin pellets. The resin is unloaded from bulk rail containers or
overland trailers into storage silos. Making the food containers is a two-step process. First, resin is
conveyed to an extruder, which converts it into a polystyrene sheet that is wound into rolls. The plastic
comes in two forms clear and black. The rolls are either used immediately to make containers or put into
storage. Second, the rolls are loaded onto thermoforming presses, which form the sheet into containers
and trim the containers from the sheet. The two manufacturing steps are shown in Figure 7-11
Over the past five years, the plastic packaging business has grown steadily. Demand for containers made
from clear plastic comes from grocery stores, bakeries, and restaurants. Caterers and grocery stores use
the black plastic trays as packaging and serving trays. Demand for clear plastic containers peaks in the
summer months, whereas demand for black plastic containers peaks in the fall. Capacity on the extruders
is not sufficient to cover demand for sheets during the peak sea- sons. As a result, the plant is forced to
build inventory of each type of sheet in anticipation of future demand. Table 7-4 and Figure 7-12 display
historical quarterly demand for each of the two types of containers (clear and black). The team modified
SPC's sales data by accounting for lost sales to obtain true demand data. Without the custommers
involved in this team, SPC would never have known this information, as the company did not keep track
of lost orders.
As a first step in the team's decision making, it wants to forecast quarterly demand for each of the two
types of containers for years 6 to 8. Based on historical trends, demand is expected to continue to grow
until year 8, after which it is expected to plateau. Julie must select the appropriate forecasting method
and estimate the likely forecast error. Which method should she choose? Why? Using the method
selected, forecast demand for years 6 to 8.
SPC mengubah resin polystyrene menjadi wadah daur ulang / sekali pakai untuk industri makanan.
Polystyrene dibeli sebagai komoditas dalam bentuk pelet resin. Resin diturunkan dari wadah rel curah
atau trailer darat ke silo penyimpanan. Membuat wadah makanan adalah proses dua langkah. Pertama,
resin dibawa ke ekstruder, yang mengubahnya menjadi lembaran polistirena yang digulung menjadi
gulungan. Plastik datang dalam dua bentuk yang jelas dan hitam. Gulungan digunakan segera untuk
membuat wadah atau disimpan. Kedua, gulungan dimuat ke pengepres thermoforming, yang membentuk
lembaran ke dalam wadah dan memotong wadah dari lembaran. Dua langkah pembuatan ditunjukkan
pada Gambar 7-11
Selama lima tahun terakhir, bisnis kemasan plastik terus berkembang. Permintaan untuk wadah yang
terbuat dari plastik bening berasal dari toko kelontong, toko roti, dan restoran. Penyedia makanan dan
toko bahan makanan menggunakan baki plastik hitam sebagai kemasan dan baki saji. Permintaan untuk
wadah plastik bening memuncak di bulan-bulan musim panas, sedangkan permintaan untuk kontainer
plastik hitam memuncak di musim gugur. Kapasitas pada extruders tidak cukup untuk memenuhi
permintaan lembaran selama musim puncak. Akibatnya, pabrik dipaksa untuk membangun inventaris dari
setiap jenis lembaran untuk mengantisipasi permintaan di masa depan. Tabel 7-4 dan Gambar 7-12
menampilkan permintaan triwulanan historis untuk masing-masing dari kedua jenis wadah (bening dan
hitam). Tim memodifikasi data penjualan SPC dengan menghitung penjualan yang hilang untuk
mendapatkan data permintaan yang sebenarnya. Tanpa custommer yang terlibat dalam tim ini, SPC tidak
akan pernah tahu informasi ini, karena perusahaan tidak melacak pesanan yang hilang.
Sebagai langkah pertama dalam pengambilan keputusan tim, pihaknya ingin memperkirakan permintaan
triwulanan untuk masing-masing dari kedua jenis wadah selama tahun 6 hingga 8. Berdasarkan tren
historis, permintaan diperkirakan akan terus tumbuh hingga tahun ke 8, setelah itu adalah diharapkan ke
dataran tinggi. Julie harus memilih metode perkiraan yang tepat dan memperkirakan kesalahan perkiraan
yang mungkin terjadi. Metode mana yang harus dia pilih? Mengapa? Dengan menggunakan metode yang
dipilih, perkiraan permintaan untuk tahun 6 hingga 8.
Jackie Chen, vice president of China Imports, was looking to design a framework to select transportation
modes for various products imported from China to the United States. His basic options were to either
use air freight or ocean shipping in 20-foot containers. Air freight was faster and more reliable, but ocean
shipping was much cheaper. He decided to evaluate the shipping decision for two very different product
categories-consumer electronics, such as smartphones, and decorative hardware, such as door handles
and hinges.
China Imports provided a variety of products to its customers from a warehouse near the port of Long
Beach, California. The company incurred a holding cost of 25 percent on all inventory held and aimed to
provide a 98 percent cycle service level on its products. The high level of service aligned with the high
quality of products that the company imported
Air freight and ocean shipping were the two options available to move product from China to the United
States. Air freight charged $10 per kilogram shipped and required a minimum shipment of 50 kg. Besides
being fast, air freight was also quite reliable. The average lead time on air freight was one weck, with a
standard deviation of lead time of 0.2 weeks. Ocean shipping was much cheaper and cost S1,200 per 20-
foot container. Given that each container could hold up to 15,000 kg, the shipping cost per kilo by ocean
was more than a hundred times cheaper than air freight. Ocean shipping, however, took longer and was
less reliable. The average lcad time using ocean shipping was nine wecks, with a standard deviation of
three weeks
Product Characteristics
Weekly demand for smartphones averaged 1,000 and had a standard deviation of 400. Each smartphone
cost $300 and weighed 0.1 kg. The typical life cycle for a smartphone was about one year, it was critical
to not lose demand early in the life cycle because of a lack of product availability. Weekly demand for
decorative hardware averaged 5,000, with a standard deviation of 1,000. Each unit of decorative hardware
cost $20 and weighed 1 kg. Decorative hardware tended to have a long life cycle the company was still
selling door handles and hinges that were introduced more than a decade earlier
Study Questlons
1. What is the annual cost of using air freight to import smartphones? What is the annual cost of
using ocean ship ping to import smartphones?
2. What is the annual cost of using air freight to import decorative hardware? What is the annual
cost of using ocean shipping to import decorative hardware?
3. What other factors should be considered in the choice of transportation mode? What mode
would you recommend for each product? Suggest a general framework that Jackie can use across
all product categories.
Impor Cina menyediakan berbagai produk kepada pelanggannya dari gudang di dekat pelabuhan Long
Beach, California. Perusahaan mengeluarkan biaya penyimpanan 25 persen untuk semua persediaan yang
dimiliki dan bertujuan untuk memberikan tingkat layanan siklus 98 persen pada produk-produknya.
Tingkat layanan yang tinggi selaras dengan kualitas tinggi produk yang diimpor perusahaan
Pengangkutan udara dan pengiriman laut adalah dua opsi yang tersedia untuk memindahkan produk dari
Cina ke Amerika Serikat. Angkutan udara dikenakan biaya $ 10 per kilogram dikirim dan diperlukan
pengiriman minimum 50 kg. Selain cepat, angkutan udara juga cukup bisa diandalkan. Rata-rata lead time
pada angkutan udara adalah satu weck, dengan standar deviasi lead time 0,2 minggu. Pengiriman laut
jauh lebih murah dan biaya S1.200 kontainer 20-kaki. Mengingat bahwa setiap kontainer dapat
menampung hingga 15.000 kg, biaya pengiriman per kilo melalui laut lebih dari seratus kali lebih murah
daripada angkutan udara. Namun, pengiriman laut membutuhkan waktu lebih lama dan kurang dapat
diandalkan. Rata-rata waktu lcad menggunakan pengiriman laut adalah sembilan bilah, dengan standar
deviasi tiga minggu
Karakteristik Produk
Permintaan mingguan untuk smartphone rata-rata 1.000 dan memiliki standar deviasi 400. Setiap
smartphone berharga $ 300 dan berat 0,1 kg. Siklus hidup khas untuk smartphone adalah sekitar satu
tahun, sangat penting untuk tidak kehilangan permintaan di awal siklus hidup karena kurangnya
ketersediaan produk. Permintaan mingguan untuk perangkat keras dekoratif rata-rata 5.000, dengan
standar deviasi 1.000. Setiap unit perangkat keras dekoratif harganya $ 20 dan beratnya 1 kg. Perangkat
keras dekoratif cenderung memiliki siklus hidup yang panjang, perusahaan masih menjual gagang pintu
dan engsel yang diperkenalkan lebih dari satu dekade sebelumnya.
1. Berapa biaya tahunan menggunakan angkutan udara untuk mengimpor smartphone? Berapa biaya
tahunan menggunakan ping kapal laut untuk mengimpor smartphone?
2. Berapa biaya tahunan menggunakan angkutan udara untuk mengimpor perangkat dekoratif? Berapa
biaya tahunan menggunakan pengiriman laut untuk mengimpor perangkat keras dekoratif?
3. Faktor-faktor lain apa yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam pemilihan moda transportasi? Mode apa yang
akan Anda rekomendasikan untuk setiap produk? Sarankan kerangka umum yang dapat digunakan Jackie
di semua kategori produk.