Commerce EM PDF
Commerce EM PDF
Commerce EM PDF
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The wise
possess all
Dear Students!
There is a wonderful treasure on your hands now in the form a text book, which is going to make you a really resourceful
and an able person in future. You have to believe it first so that you can develop a multi-dimensional personality in your
own self with a thorough knowledge in Commerce.
This is for you to know, how you could make use of the book for the best understanding of various useful and valuable
knowledge sources hidden within the text. These tips would certainly make a difference in you while learning the units,
lessons and relevant concepts thereof.
Actually the book is divided into 10 Units, 33 Chapters where in there are several sections are written in a student
friendly way. An attempt is made here to explain how to use them for a better learning experience.
The units are broad heading of the book which contains several
Chapters in each of them so that you can understand the section
specific knowledge in various parts of Commerce Education.
This is the usual way of learning. There are three Chapters, for
UNITS example, in Unit I, which gives you the basic and introductory
aspects of Commerce Education. Similarly the remaining
Units give you the specialized knowledge on the different Unit
headings so required at the level of Eleventh Standard. Omission
any unit may lead to loss of knowledge continuity.
All the 33 Chapters in the book are a real treasure for one who
wants to learn the theory and practice of Commerce today. So
you have to look into these chapters as useful, informative and
CHAPTERS capacity building capsules in any individual student who wants
to learn the elements and fundamentals of Commerce. Omission
HOW TO USE of any Chapter would lead to loss of knowledge in real terms and
other related benefits.
These headings are given for you to remember the major
divisions of a chapter with conceptual clarity and information
sequence in an orderly manner so as to arrange your learning
SUB-HEADINGS method made easy. So you have to learn the subject content of a
chapter, mainly based on the ‘sub-headings’ of a chapter. This is
the simple way of learning.
As you are aware of, this section is essential to evaluate your ability
to answer specific questions, may be long answer or short answer
or fill in the blanks or choosing the correct one from among the
multiple-choice of answers. Scoring high marks is an indicator
of your knowledge level for higher studies and hence you need
QUESTIONS to prepare for these questions well in advance to the schedule of
examination time-table. You can try to find answers before your
teachers direct you to answer them. Prevention is better than cure.
We wish you a meaningful and successful learning and at the same time we want to remind you that HARD WORK
Team of Authors.
Any of the following Degree Any of the following Any of the following Any of the following Any of the Research
Programmes can be pursued professional courses/ programmes in India or professional courses/ Programme after a
by the students both on programmes. abroad after a Formal Degree programmes after Formal Post Graduation
Regular mode and Distance Programme. Anywhere a Formal Degree in Commerce/
Education mode. in colleges. Universities Programme
or Indian Institute of
Management (IIM)
• B.Com., Bachelor of • C.A., Chartered • M.Com., • Chartered • M.Phil., (Commerce)
Commerce (General) Accountant as Master of Commerce. Accountancy Master of Philosophy
• B.Com., (Hons.) an Integrated • M.Com., • Cost and • Ph.D., (Commerce)
Programme. (Accounting and Finance) Management Doctor of Philosophy
• B.Com., (Accounting &
Finance) • CMA(ICWA) • M.Com., (International Accounting (ICWA) • D.Litt., (Commerce)
• B.Com., (Corporate • ACS Business and Banking) • Associate Company Doctor of Letters
Secretaryship) • B.L., Bachelor of Law • M.Com., (Computer Secretary • UGC – National
• B.Com., (Computer – Five year Integrated Applications) • Bachelor of Loss Eligibility Test (NET)
Application) Programme. • M.Com., (Co operative (LLB) • SET – State Eligibility
• B.Com., (International • B.Com., (LLB) Management) • Union Public Sercice Test
Business) Bachelor of Law – • M.B.A., Master of Business Commission (UPSC) • B.Ed., (Bachelor of
Five year Integrated Administration • Indian Administrative Education) and followed
• B.Com., (Bank Management) Programme in India
• M.B.A., (Finance) Service (IAS) by
• B.B.A., (Bachelor of Business or Abroad
Administration) • M.B.A., (Marketing) • Indian Police Service • M.Ed., (Master of
• CIMA (Chartered (IPS) Education) Programmes
• B.B.M., (Bachelor of Bank Institute of • M.B.A., (Human Resource
Management) Management Management) • Indian Foreign • Any PG Diploma
Accountants (UK)) Service (IFS) programme offered by a
• B.A., (Co-operation) • M.B.A., (Advertisement and standard Institute
• ACCA (Association Salesmanship) • Indian Revenue
• M.Com., (Master of Service (IRS)
Commerce – Five year of Chartered Certified • M.B.A., (Hospital
Integrated programmed) Accountants (UK)) Management) • Indian Audit and
• CPA (Certified Public Account Service
• Any Diploma Programme • MHRM (Master of Human (IA&AS) etc.
offered by a Standard Institute Accountant (USA)) Resource Management)
• MLM (Master Labour
a) For self employment there are a number of Enterpreneurial Development and Training Programmes sponsored by District Industries
Centres (DIC) throughout Tamil Nadu. Any Higher Secondary student can approach DIC in their own District Headquarters to train
up themselves to start their own Agri-business, small trade, Self Help Group, Departmental stores or any General Mercantile Shop.
b) After gaining a Formal Degree Programme, the commerce graduate can gain access to Bank Finance or Institutional lending for
business start-up
c) After Higher Secondary Course, the students can appear for Group IV and after formal degree programme, they can appear for
Group I and Group II for Govt Postings through TNPSC/UPSC, including services in police to postal departments, besides bank
employees in public sector.
d) Commerce graduates can become Income Tax practitioners and GST consultants with due qualifications.
The commerce students have a wide range of scope abroad as listed below.
1. The Bachelor Degree holders in commerce can join MBA in any university in developed countries like England. The USA, Australia
and so on.
2. The commerce graduates with ‘Tally’ Accounting package can get employed in any part of world as Accountants in business
3. The Master Degree holders in commerce can join Ph.D. Programmes in any foreign University with fellowships abroad.
4. B.Ed/M.Ed/M.Phil/Ph.D holders in commerce can gain teaching jobs abroad both in schools and colleges (This is not only for younger
but also those who are retired from service in India)
5. Commerce graduates are permitted by foreign governments to start-up export business ventures in their respective Nations, If their
projects are valid.
6. Commerce graduates can become foreign exchange dealers through proper and authorised certification by the respective National
Governments in various countries.
7. Commerce graduates can become bank employees abroad after a formal selection by them. Based on required qualification.
8. Commerce graduates have great scope for Management consultancy/Export and Import consultancy/ Clearing and Forwarding
agencies/Economic Advisories/ Project consultancies/planning divisions/ share market speculators/security brokers/portfolio advisors/
Insurance advisors/ Advertisement agencies/ Secretariats of Business Tycoons/ Board personnel /Financial Advisors/Associates of Tax
consultancies/Treasury Management/Scrap Dealers/ Bullion Trader/ Advisors to various purchase committees.
• Marketing
• Management
• Finance
• Human Resource Management
• Entrepreneurship
• Retailing
• Supply Chain Mangement
• Logistic Mangement
• Financial Services
• Financial Markets
• Services Industries
• International Business
• Organisational Behaviour
• Digital Marketing
• Taxation
Institute of Chartered
Accountants Of India
The true merchandise of merchants is to guard and do by the things
of others as they do by their own.
Learning Objectives
in need or countries in demand and over
To enable the students to a period of time barter economy took the
i. gain knowledge about the historical dimension of monetary economy where
background of commerce in the sub money was used as a medium of exchange
continent of goods and services.
ii. learn the hindrances to commerce
and trade The growth of civilization witnessed the
iii. know about the features of barter rise and fall of many dynasties, but still the
system course of commerce activities continued
further and further, not only within a
country, but also between nations of the
world. However Tamil Nadu remained to
1.01 Introduction be the founder of trade and commerce both
within and outside as evidenced in various
Commerce has been in practice since time ancient literatures like Sangam.
immemorial. It is part and parcel of human
life, whether it is a king or a common man. The whole of commerce activity emerged
It emerged as an economic activity, mainly from barter system into a multi dimensional
as barter system which means exchange of and multifaceted scientific system
goods for goods. It was so comfortable for consisting of courses like Monetary system,
neighbouring villages, states, even countries Mail-order business, Hire purchase system,
to practice barter in the absence of a medium Instalment purchase system and so on. In a
of exchange in the form of money today. technology driven society today again the
However, the concept of money occupied course of commerce activities is heading
its predominance when scarce resources for a cashless system through e-commerce,
were to be either exchanged between parties which means business activities enabled
Trade in Sangam period was both internal Trade and Traders in The Pandiya
and external but it was conducted by means Dynasty
of barter (pandamattru) Trade was one of the Trade and commerce was so common to
major means of linking various regions in Pandiya Dynasty. Information collected
the medieval period. Sangam work refers to from the diaries of foreign travellers,
great traders, their caravans, security force, voyagers, mariners and adventurers of the
markets, marts and guilds of such great ancient world highlighted the prosperity of
traders. The important articles which the trade in the Pandiya country. The Hebrew
then hilly tribes offered to their neighbours and Latin literature, archaeological remains
in exchange were honey and roots and fruits in Aden, Alexandria, Java, Sumatra and
while pastoral people offered cattle, milk even China add support to the fact of
and milk products. Cattle served as money existence of trade network in the Pandiya
for sometimes during the same period. country. Trade in copper, cloth, salt, flower,
Most of the inland trade was done in salt as sandal wood, fish, paddy, cereals, pearls,
a medium of exchange under barter mode. etc flourished during their period. The
Paddy too served as a medium of exchange place where the goods were sold was called
‘Angadi’ in their period. Day market was pearls, and conches and produced salts and
called as Nalangadi while the night market built ships. Boats like ‘Padagu’, ‘Thimil’,
was called as Allangadi according to Saint ‘Thoni’, ‘Ambu’ ‘Odampunai’ etc… were
Poet Ilango in Silapathigaram, Madurai– used to cross rivers for domestic trade while
Kanchi. He described Madurai as iruperu Kalam, Marakalam, Vangam, Navai etc..
neyamath meaning sleepless city due to were used for crossing oceans for foreign
round the clock business activities. trade.
life. Main roads known as Peruvali were the chief controllers of State Trading. The
built for surface transportation. Besides profit margin allowed for traders ranged
state expanded infrastructure for shipping between 5 per cent for indigenous goods
such as ports, lighthouse, warehouse etc.. to and 10 per cent for imported goods.
promote overseas trade. Many such ports Import of foreign goods was encouraged
were developed during the Sangam period. to enhance the standard of living of people.
Kaveripumpattinam was the chief port of Kautilya gave importance for the State in
the Kingdom of Cholas while Nagapattinam, relation to treasury, taxation, industry,
Marakannam, Arikamedu etc. were other commerce, agriculture and conservation
small ports on east coast. Similarly Pandiyas of natural resources. Arthasathra focused
developed Korkai, Saliyur, Kayal, Marungaur on creation of wealth as the means to
pattinam and Kumari for foreign trade.
The State Govertments installed check posts
to collect customs along the highways and
the ports.
promote the well being of the state. He dense forest and helped traders and their
advocated maintenance of perfect balance commercial caravans to move from one
between State management and people’s market place to others. Alauddin Khilji
welfare through trading activities. brought the price to a very low ebb. He
encouraged import of foreign goods from
Commerce and Trade in North
Persia and subsidised the goods. Arabs
were dominant players in India’s foreign
India was prosperous even during the trade. They never discouraged Indian
medieval period from 12th to 16th centuries traders like Tamils, Gujaratis, etc.. The
despite political upheavals. Balban was Trade between the coastal ports were in
the first sultan who paved the way in the the hands and Marwaris and Gujiratis.
The overland trade with central and west
Asia was in the hands of Multanis who
were Hindus and Khurasanis who were
Afghans, Iranians and so on. During
Sultanate period, trade flourished due to
the establishment of currency system based
on silver and copper. Moorish traveller
described the teeming market of big cities
in the Gangetic plains, Malwar, Gujarat
and South India. The important trade
centres were Delhi, Mumbai, Ahmedabad,
POOMPUHAR Sonar, Sonargoon, Jaunpur, Lahore and
so on. The burgeoning foreign trade led
The southern Coromandel Coast mostly
to the development of market place in
within the territory of Tamilnadu state is
the towns and villages. India’s handicraft
thick with history.This history is not only
commanded a good foreign market. India
of the European colonization but goes
imported horses, dry fruits, precious
back to the ancient times when many
stones, glassware, high grade textiles, raw
places along the coast were centres of
silk, corals, scented oil, velvets, etc.. from
international trade. One such place which
Kabul, Arabia, Europe, West Asia and
is said to have flourished from 200 BC
China. Indian products were exported to
onwards is Poompuhar. The seaside town
East Africa, Malaya, China and Far East.
which was once the second capital of the
Trade was conducted through overland
Chola Dynasty and a major centre of
roots with Afghanistan, Central Asia and
international trade with both eastern and
Persia India conducted foreign trade via
western people. Silk appears to be a major
land route with Quetta, Khyber pass, Iraq
item of exports from here. The ancient
and Bukhara. The traders of Malabar,
port as destroyed and is now found by the
Gujarat and foreign settlers in the ports
archaeologists submerged off the coast for
of Calicut, Khumbat and Mangalore
up to 5 km. Erosion of land or a Tsunami
controlled a major business sector in port
was cited as possible causes.
Trade with Rome, China and handicrafts, to Great Britain. Between early
Europe 1600 and mid – 19th century, the British
Roman and Greek traders frequented the East India company led establishment and
ancient Tamil country and forged trade expansion of foreign trade all over Asia.
relationship with ancient Kings of Pandiya, Although initial interest of the East India
Chola and Chera dynasties. Cholas had a Company was aimed at reaping profits, their
strong trading relationship with Chinese single minded focus was on establishing a
Song Dynasty. The cholas conquered the Sri trade, monopoly throughout Asia Pacific
Vijaya Empire of Indonesia and Malaysia to made them heralding agent of British
secure a sea trading route to China. Colonial Imperialism.
2. Non – existence of common measure variety of services to ensure that the passage
of value of goods and services between the two, is
Barter system could not determine the value completed without any let or hindrance.
of commodities to be exchanged as they Accordingly, commerce may be defined as
lacked commonly acceptable measures to “the organized system for the exchange of
evaluate each and every commodity. It was goods and services between members of
difficult to compare the values of all articles industrial world.” It comprises all forms
in the absence of an acceptable medium of of trade, wholesale, retail, import, export
exchange. and entrepreneurial services which aid and
assist the trading activities such as banking,
3. Lack of direct contact between
transport, warehousing, insurance, and
producer and consumers
It was not possible for buyers and sellers
to meet face to face in many contexts
1.04 Elimination of Hindrances of
for exchanging the commodities for
commodities. This hindered the process of
barter in all practical sense. Business consists of all industries and
commerce. It serves to remove several
4. Lack of surplus stock
hindrances and solve many problems while
Absence of surplus stock was one of the facilitating the production and distribution
impediments in barter system. If the buyers of goods. The various hindrances removed
and sellers do not have surplus then no by business are as follows
barter was possible.
1. Hindrance of person
Invention of Money
Manufacturers do not know the place and
All the aforesaid constraints were addressed
face of the consumers. It is the retailer who
by the invention of money as medium
knows the taste, preference and location of
of exchange. Besides there are other
the consumers. The chain of middlemen
hindrances in the smooth exchange of
consisting of wholesalers, agents and retailers
goods from the place of production to the
establish the link between the producers and
place of consumption like place, time, risk,
knowledge, finance and so on. These are
addressed by various mechanisms in detail 2. Hindrance of place
in the subsequent sections of this chapter.
Production takes place in one centre and
1.03 Hindrances of Commerce consumers are spread throughout the country
Production of goods and services for the and world. Rail, air, sea and land transports
satisfaction of human wants is the main bring the products to the place of consumer.
objective of an industry. Reaching those
goods and services to the people for where 3. Hindrance of time
these are produced is the object of commerce. Consumers want products whenever they
Commerce serves as a valuable link between have money, time and willingness to buy.
the producer and the consumer. It renders a Goods are produced in anticipation of such
demands. They are stored in warehouses in which can satisfy the specific wants of
different regional centres so that they can be consumers and thus improve the standard
distributed at the right time to the consumers. of living of the people.
6. Hindrance of knowledge
Advertising and communication help in
announcing the arrival of new products and Exercise
their uses to the people.
II. Very Short Answer Questions 4. Briefly explain the coastal trade in
1. What is meant by Barter system? ancient Tamilnadu.
2. What is meant by Nallangadi? 5. What do you know about the overseas
3. What is meant by Allangadi? trading partners of ancient Tamilnadu?
Learning Objectives
To enable the students to
i. know the meaning of human activities
and its kinds
ii. learn the Economic Vs Non-Economic
iii. know the types of Economic Activities
Employment, Profession and Business
iv. understand the concept of business
v. explain the characteristics of business
vi. analyse the objectives of business
vii. elucidate the comparison of business,
profession and employment
1. Definition: Economic activities are those Non-economic activities are those activities which
activities which are undertaken to earn are undertaken for the sake of pleasure, performed
money or financial gain for livelihood. out of love, sympathy, sentiments etc.
e.g., Fruit seller selling fruits e.g., Mother cooks for her family
2. Motive: Sole motive is to earn money or Undertaken for satisfaction of social,
financial gain. psychological or emotional needs.
e.g., Working as a lawyer. e.g., Visit to a temple
3. Money Measurement: All economic Non-economic activities cannot be valued in
activities can be valued in monetary terms. monetary terms. These are an expression of a
e.g., Doctor charges ₹500 as consultation fee. thought, feeling or a gesture.
e.g., An NGO distributes free clothes to poor
4. Relationship: Economic activities are Non-economic activities do not create wealth.
related to creation of wealth. e.g., Money received as donation is spent on
e.g., Ram saved part of his salary to purchase charity work.
a house of his own.
5. Outcome: All economic activities result in The end result of a non-economic activity
production, procurement, distribution and is the mental, emotional or psychological
consumption of goods and services. satisfaction of the person doing the activity.
e.g., Nokia produces cell phones and sells e.g., Sona enjoys teaching orphans in an
across India through its distributors. orphanage.
6. Duration: Economic activities are Non-economic activities may not be
repetitive. They are done on a regular basis undertaken regularly. Usually they are done
to earn a living. during free time.
e.g., Kulfi ice cream seller sells ice creams e.g., Sankar visits orphanage in his free time.
every evening.
7. Source of Initiation: Economic activities Non-economic activities are initiated to
are initiated to satisfy human needs and wants. satisfy emotional or sentimental pleasures.
A. Employment C. Business
It refers to the occupation in which people Business refers to any human activity
work for others and get remuneration in the undertaken on a regular basis with the object to
form of wages or salaries. The one who is earn profit through production, distribution,
employed by others are called employees purchase and sale of goods and services.
and the one who employs others is called
Business may be defined as “an activity
Managers, Clerks, Bank officials, Factory involving regular production or purchase
workers etc., are examples of employees. of goods and services for sale, transfer and
exchange with an object of earning profit”.
Professions are those occupations which Business activities are connected with
involve rendering of personal services of a raising, producing or processing of goods.
special and expert nature. A profession is Industry creates form utility to goods by
something which is more than a job. It is a bringing materials into the form which is
career for someone who is competent in their useful for intermediate consumption (i.e.,
respective areas. It includes professional further use of material in order industry) or
activities which are subject to guidelines or final consumption by consumers.
codes of conduct laid down by professional &ODVVL¿FDWLRQ
bodies. Those engaged in a profession are
Business activities are classified on the basis
called professionals and they earn income
of size, ownership and function.
by charging professional fee.
1. Activities on the Basis of Size
On the basis of size, business activities may
There should be a systematic body of be broadly grouped into two categories.
knowledge. There should be formal
acquisition of knowledge by the members. a. Small Scale
There should be a code of conduct governing Small scale units require less capital. They
the conduct and behaviour of professionals. employ small number of workers and
Service motive should be uppermost in the produce the goods on small scale. Example:
minds of people rendering professional Manufacturing textiles in handlooms or
service. power looms.
(i) Extraction of edible oil from seeds like (iii)Government Company - State
groundnut, sesame, through treditional Trading Corporation (STC)
wooden churner.
c. Joint Enterprises
b. Large Scale An enterprise is said to be a joint enterprise
Large scale units require huge capital. where it is owned, managed and controlled
They employ large number of workers and by Government and private entrepreneurs.
produce the goods on large scale. Example - Maruti Suzuki
and machinery. Services refer to activities in fact, the attraction of profit which spurs
like supply of electricity, gas or water, people to do business.
transportation, banking, insurance etc. vi. Element of Risk
iv. Regularity of Dealings The profit that is expected in a business is
An isolated dealing in buying and always uncertain because it depends upon
selling does not constitute business. The a number of factors beyond the control
transactions must be regular. For example, of the businessman. For example, change
if a person buys a scooter for his use and in consumer preference, shortage of raw
later on disposes it of at a profit, he cannot materials, transport bottlenecks, power-
be said to have been engaged in business. crisis etc., may upset business calculations
The buying and selling must be recurrent to and result in loss. That is why profit is said to
constitute business. be reward for risk-taking. Thus any business
activity includes an element of risk too.
An important feature of business is profit 2.04 Objectives of Business
motive. Business is an economic activity by Every business enterprise has certain
which human beings make their living. It is, objectives which regulate and generate
B. Social Objectives
Social objectives are those objectives of Key Terms
business, which are desired to be achieved Human Activities
for the benefit of the society. Since business Economic Activities
operates in a society by utilizing its scarce Non-Economic
resources, the society expects something Activities
in return for its welfare. No activity of the Business
business should be aimed at giving any kind Profession
of trouble to the society. Employment
C. Organizational Objectives
The organizational objectives denote For Own Thinking
those objectives an organization intends
to accomplish during the course of its Do you know that there are white
existence in the economy like expansion collar, blue collar, pink collar jobs?
and modernization, supply of quality goods Collect the information and discuss.
to consumers, customers’ satisfaction, etc.
D. Human Objectives
Human objectives refer to the objectives Exercise
aimed at the well-being as well as fulfillment
of expectations of employees as also of I. Choose the Correct Answer
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Do an act after a due consideration of the (following) five, viz. money, means, time,
execution and place.
3.01 Industry
Learning Objectives
Industry refers to economic activities, which
To enable the students to
are connected with conversion of resources
i. describe the classification of business
into useful goods. The production side of
business activity is referred as industry.
ii. understand the meaning of Industry:
Generally the term industry is used for
iii. classify the industries into primary,
activities in which mechanical appliances
secondary and tertiary industries
and technical skills are involved. These
iv. compare industry, commerce and
include activities relating to producing or
processing of goods as well as breeding and
v. explain the auxiliary activities in
rising of animals.
The term industry is also used to mean group
of firms producing similar or related goods.
For example, cotton textile industry refers to all
The manufacturers produces the goods manufacturing units producing textile goods
for the consumers at one point of location. from cotton. Similarly, electronic industry
They distribute the goods to final consumer would include all firms producing electronic
through intermediaries like wholesaler, goods, and so on. Further, in common
retailers, distributors and the like. All parlance, certain services like banking and
these process taking place from the point insurance are also referred to as industry, say
of production to the point of consumption banking industry, insurance industry etc.
are collectively called as business activities.
All business activities can be classified into Kinds of Industries
two broad categories i.e., Industry and Industries may be classified into two broad
Commerce. categories,
i) Extraction i) Manufacturing ii) Construction 3.Medium
Industry 4.Large
Industry a. Analytical
b. Synthetical
c. Processing
E.g. Software development, Auditing, or users. Therefore, one who buys and
Research and Development, etc. sells is a trader. A trader is a middleman
vi. Quinary Service: New ideas are between the producer and the consumer.
generated, new technologies are evolved, Trade may be classified into internal
new policies are implemented by selected trade and external trade, wholesale trade
individual experts. Their decisions or retail trade.
influence nations, international
institutions, etc. i.e., Inventors. ii. Transportation
Selling all the goods produced at or near
B) On the basis of Size the production place is not possible.
On the basis of size or scale of operations Hence, goods are to be sent to different
industries may be classified as follows places where they are demanded. The
medium which moves men and materials
1. Micro Industries from one place to another is called
2. Small Industries transport.
3. Medium Industries and iii. Banking
4. Large Industries
Now-a days we cannot think of business
3.02 Commerce as an Economic
without bank. To start the business or to
Activity run it smoothly we require money. Banks
supply money. Business activities cannot
Commerce refers to all those activities
be undertaken unless funds are available
which are necessary for bringing goods
for acquiring assets, purchasing raw
from the place of production to the place
materials and meeting other expenses.
of their consumption. According to Evelyn
Necessary funds can be obtained from
Thomas, “Commercial operations deal with
bank. Thus, banking helps business
the buying and selling of goods, the exchange
activities to overcome the problem of
of commodities and the contribution of
finished products”. Commerce includes not
only trade but also services such as transport, iv. Insurance
warehousing, packaging, insurance, banking Business involves various types of risks.
and sales promotion which are incidental Factory building, machinery, furniture
or auxiliaries to trade. Refer to chapter 2. etc, must be protected against fire, theft
Commerce includes the following activities and other risks. Materials and goods
as briefly explained below held in stock or in transit are subject to
the risk of loss or damage. Employees
3.03 Trade are also required to be protected against
the risks of accident and occupational
i) Trade
hazards. Insurance provides protection in
Trade is an essential part of commerce. all such cases. On payment of a nominal
The term ‘trade’ is used to denote buying premium, the amount of loss or damage
and selling. It helps in making the goods and compensation for injury if any, can be
produced available to ultimate consumers recovered from the insurance company.
v. Warehousing
Usually, goods are not sold or consumed
immediately after production. They are
held in stock to make them available as and Exercise
when required. Special arrangement must
be made for storage of goods to prevent loss I. Choose the Correct Answer
or damage. Warehousing helps business
1. The industries engaged in extraction of
firms to overcome the problem of storage
iron ore are known as
and facilities the availability of goods when
a. Construction Industries
needed. Prices are thereby maintained
b. Manufacturing Industries
at a reasonable level through continuous
c. Extraction Industries
supply of goods.
d. Genetic Industries
3. Production which involves several stages II. Very Short Answer Questions:
for manufacturing finished products is 1. Define commerce.
known as 2. What do mean by industry?
a. Analytical Industry 3. What is trade?
b. Synthetic Industry 4. Write a short note on transportation.
c. Processing Industry
III. Short Answer Questions:
d. None of the above
1. Distinguish between Extractive
4. Normally high level risk involved in industries and genetic industries.
a. Industry 2. What do you mean by tertiary industries?
b. Commerce 3. Write any three characteristics of commerce.
c. Trade 4. Narrate commerce with an example.
d. All of the above
IV. Long Answer Questions:
5. Commerce is mainly concerned with
1. Explain the various kinds of industries
a. Connecting producer and consumer on the basis of size.
b. Pricing of Goods 2. Compare industry, commerce and trade.
c. Buying and Selling of goods 3. What are the characteristics of commerce?
d. Manufacturing of goods
4. Write short notes on:
a. Analytical industry
Answers b. Genetic Industry and
c. Construction Industry
1. c 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. a
5. Briefly explain the auxiliaries to trade.
Learning Objectives
According to Wheeler, “a business under-
To enable the students to understand
taking is a concern, company or enterprise
i. the Forms of Business Organisation
which buys and sells, is owned by one person
ii. the meaning of a Sole Trader,
or a group of persons and is managed under
Characteristics, Advantages and
a specific set of operating policies”.
All business undertakings are directly
or indirectly engaged in the transfer or
4.01 Introduction exchange of goods and services for value.
They deal in goods and services on a regular
A business organisation is an organisation
basis. Their main motive is to earn profits
which is engaged in some industrial or
and they are exposed to various types of
commercial activity. It represents an
institutional arrangement for carrying on
any kind of business activity. It may be Sole Trading Business
owned and controlled by a single individual
or by a group of individuals who have Sole Proprietorship is a form of business
entered into a formal or informal agreement organisation in which an individual
to jointly conduct the business. introduces his own capital, uses his own
skill and intelligence in the management
Every business undertaking is a separate of its affairs and is solely responsible for
and distinct business unit. It has its own the results of its operations. The individual
identity and separate ownership. It can be alone may run the business or may obtain the
distinguished from other undertakings on assistance of employees. It is the first stage
the basis of its ownership, management and in the evolution of the forms of organisation
control. and is, thus, the oldest among them.
Forms of Business
Non-Corporate Corporate
Enterprises Enterprises
Sole Trading
Government Private Cooperative
Firms Public Joint stock
Undertakings Companies
Joint Hindu
Family Business Public
TVS Motor Company is the third largest v. Personal Contact with the Customers
two-wheeler manufacturer in India, with Since sole proprietor knows each and every
a revenue of over 13,000 Cr ($2 billion)
customer individually he can supply goods
in 2016-17. It is the flagship company of
according to their taste and preferences.
the ₹40,000 Cr ($6 billion, in 2014-15)
Thus he can cultivate personal relationship
TVS Group. The company has an annual
with the customers.
sales of 3 million units and an annual
capacity of over 4 million vehicles. TVS vi. Flexibility
Motor Company is also the 2nd largest
The sole trader can easily adjust himself to
exporter in India with exports to over
the changing requirements of his business.
60 Countries. TVS Motor Company Ltd
(TVS Motor), member of the TVS Group,
is the largest company of the group in
terms of size and turnover, with more The following are the disadvantages of a
than 3 Cr (30 million) customers riding Sole Trader.
a TVS bike.TVS was established by Mr i. Limited Capital
TV Sundaram. He began with Delhi first
Since the capital is contributed by one
bus service in 1911 and founded T.V.
individual only, business operations have
Sundaram and Sons Limited, a company
in the transportation business with a necessarily to be on a limited scale.
large fleet of trucks and buses under the ii. Limited Managerial Skill
name of Southern Roadways Limited. Single person’s intelligence and experience
When he died in 1955, his sons took the may not help him beyond a certain stage.
company ahead with several forays in
Since he has to focus on each and every
the automobile sector, including finance,
activity, his managerial ability is bound to
insurance, two-wheelers/ three wheelers,
be limited.
tyres and components, housing, aviation,
logistics etc. The group has managed iii. Unlimited Liability
to run 97 companies that account for
The creditors have the right to recover their
a combined turnover of nearly US$6
dues even from the personal property of the
proprietor in case the business assets are not
sufficient to pay their debts.
iii. Small Capital iv. Lack of Specialisation
Small capital is an important as well as Since the business unit is small and the
specific advantage of sole proprietorship. financial resources are limited, experts
Sole proprietor can start business with small in different fields cannot be employed to
capital. secure maximum advantages.
v. Hasty Decisions
Case Study
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when a son is born in the family, he acquires existence of the business of Joint Hindu
an interest in the property jointly held by the Family. The family goes on doing its
family. Today Hindu succession Act 2005 is business.
applicable to all male and female members
vi. Implied Authority of Karta
of a HUF.
In a joint family firm, only Karta has the
Characteristics implied authority to enter into a contract
The main characteristics of Joint Hindu for debts and pledge the property of the firm
Family Business are given below: for the ordinary purpose of the businesses
of the firm.
i. Governed by Hindu Law
vii. Minor also a co-parcener
The business of the Joint Hindu Family is
controlled and managed under the Hindu In a Joint Hindu Family firm even a new
law. born baby can be a co-parcener.
All the affairs of a Joint Hindu Family are The Joint Hindu Family business can be
controlled and managed by one person dissolved only at the will of all the members
who is known as ‘Karta’ or ‘Manager’. The of the family. Any single member has no
Karta is the senior most male member of the right to get the business dissolved.
family. The members of the family have full
faith and confidence in Karta. Only Karta
is entitled to deal with outsiders. But other
members can deal with outsiders only with
the permission of Karta.
iii. Membership by Birth
The membership of the family can be Partnership
acquired only by birth. As soon as a child
is born in the family, that child becomes a
member. Membership requires no consent Partnership form of organisation is an
or agreement. extension of the sole proprietorship. It has
already been explained that a sole proprietary
iv. Liability form of organisation suffers from several
Except the Karta, the liability of all other drawbacks such as limited capital, limited
members is limited to their shares in managerial ability, concentrated risk and
the business. The amount of debt can be less chances for expansion and growth etc.
recovered from his personal property also. With the result, the sole trader is compelled
to seek the co-operation of others so that he
v. Permanent Existence
can meet the changing situations effectively.
The death, lunacy or insolvency of any Generally when a sole trader finds it
member of the family does not affect the difficult to handle the problems of growth
The main advantages of Partnership are The risk of each partner is reduced
given below: considerably since the loss sustained by the
firm is shared by all the partners.
i. Easy formation
vi. Unlimited liability and credit standing
The formation of partnership firm requires
fulfillment of lesser legal formalities than other The liability of a sole trader is unlimited.
types of organisation. What required is just Since, apart from his business assets, even
an agreement, which can be oral or written. his private properties are also available for
Registration of partnership is optional. Further, satisfying the claims of creditors. Hence,
even if a firm wants to get itself registered, the creditors may give more loans because they
registration process is very simple. can get back the loan from the personal
properties of sole traders. Thus high credit
ii. Availability of larger resources rating helps sole trader to borrow more
funds from suppliers and banks.
The combined capital of all the partners
and the greater borrowing capacity make vii. Safeguard of the Minority Interest
available larger financial resources. New
partners can also be taken into partnership For all the vital matters unanimous
to secure more capital. As a result, expansion consent of each partner is required. If
of the business unit becomes feasible. there is no unanimity, such decisions are
not accepted.
viii. Easy Dissolution
Two heads are better than one. Wise decision
The dissolution of the partnership is also
can be possible when the issues and subject
very simple. In the case of partnership at
matters are thoroughly discussed. There is
will, a 14 days notice by a partner in this
no place for hasty decisions.
connection is enough. No legal hurdle is
there for dissolving the firm.
iv. Division of Work and greater
ii. Absence of Legal Status and drafted partnership deed helps in ironing
Instability out differences which may develop among
The partnership firm has no separate legal partners and in ensuring smooth running
existence. It is inseparable from the partners of the partnership business. It should be
composing it. As a result it is terminable on properly stamped and registered.
the death or insolvency of a partner.
Contents of Partnership Deed
iii. Limited Resources
i. Name of the Firm
The maximum number of partners in a
partnership firm is 10 in the case of banking ii. Nature of the proposed business
business and 20 in other cases. In actual iii. Duration of partnership
practice the number will be well below this Duration of the partnership business
maximum because of the need for ensuring whether it is to be run for a fixed
harmonious working. In view of this, only period of time or whether it is to
limited resources are available. Modern be dissolved after completing a
large-scale enterprises which require huge particular venture.
capital outlay cannot be started.
iv. Capital contribution
iv. Limited Risk-taking The capital is to be contributed by the
In view of the danger of unlimited liability, partners. It must be remembered that
the partners tend to be overcautious. So, capital contribution is not necessary
normally they do not want to assume risks to become a partner for one who
starting new ventures. contributes his organising power,
business acumen, managerial skill etc.,
v. Risk of implied authority
instead of capital.
Every partner can bind the firm and his
other partners by his acts. Therefore all other v. Withdrawal from the firm
partners become liable to a greater extent The amount that can be withdrawn from
because of the folly and fraud committed by the firm by each partner.
a fellow partner. vi. Profit/loss sharing
YL/DFNRISXEOLFFRQ¿GHQFH The ratio in which the profits or losses
are to be shared. If the profit sharing
As its accounts need not be audited and
ratio is not specified in the deed, all the
published, it lacks public confidence.
partners must share the profits and bear
5.03 Partnership Deed and its the losses equally.
Contents vii. Interest on capital
Though a partnership agreement need not Whether any interest is to be allowed on
necessarily be in writing, it is important capital and if so, the rate of interest. If the
to have a written agreement in order to deed is silent on interest on capital, the
avoid misunderstandings; it is desirable rules for interest on capital in partnership
to have a written agreement. A carefully act will take effect.
x. Account keeping
Maintenance of accounts and audit.
xi. Salary and Commission to Partners
Amount of salary or commission payable
to partners for their services. (Unless
this is specifically provided, no partner
is entitled to any salary).
xii. Retirement
Matters relating to retirement of a
partner. The arrangement to be made for
paying out the amount due to a retired or 5.04 Rights and Duties of Partners
deceased partner must also be stated.
The mutual rights and obligations are
xiii. Goodwill valuation usually stated in the partnership deed. In
Method of valuing goodwill on the the absence of any deed, the provisions of
admission, death or retirement of a the partnership Act as stated below will
partner. apply.
xiv. Distribution of responsibility 1. Rights of a Partner
The work that is entrusted to each
i. Right to take part in business
partner is better stated in the deed itself.
Every partner has a right to take part in
xv. Dissolution procedure the management of the business.
Procedure for dissolution of the firm
ii. Right to be consulted
and the mode of settlement of accounts
Every partner has the right to be
consulted in all the matters concerning
xvi. Arbitration of dispute the firm. The decision of the majority
Arbitration in case of disputes among will prevail in all the routine matters.
partners. The deed should provide the But, where the matter is of fundamental
method for settling disputes or difference importance such as admission of a new
of opinion. This clause will avoid costly partner, change in the nature of business
litigations. etc., decision must be unanimous.
iii. Right of access to books, record and expelled except in accordance with the
document Partnership Deed.
Every partner has the right of access to
2. Duties of Partner
all records and books of accounts, and to
examine and copy them. i. Duty to carry on business
Every partner has to carry on the business
iv. Right to share profit of the firm to the maximum advantage of
Every partner is entitled to share the all the partners.
profits in the agreed ratio. If no profit-
sharing ratio is specified in the deed, ii. Duty to be true
they must be shared equally. Every partner must be true, just and
faithful to one another. There must be
v. Right to receive interest utmost good faith and fair dealings.
A partner has the right to receive interest
iii. Duty to render true accounts
on loans advanced by him to the firm
A partner is bound to keep and render
at the agreed rate, and where no rate is
true and full accounts of the partnership.
stipulated, interest @ 6% p.a. allowed.
He must produce relevant vouchers for
vi. Right to be indemnified the expenses incurred by him and hand
Every partner has the right to be over to the firm all amounts which have
indemnified by the firm for all acts of come into his hands as a partner.
other partners in the ordinary course of iv. Duty to indemnity the firm
the business. He has a further right to Every partner must indemnify the firm
receive back any amount spent by him for any loss caused by his fraud or willful
on behalf of the firm. Only thing is he negligence in the conduct of the business.
must have acted prudently.
v. Duty to share the loss
vii. Right to use partnership property for Every partner is bound to share the losses
the business in the agreed ratio in the absence of an
Every partner has the right to use agreed ratio, it must be borne equally.
partnership property for the purpose of
the partnership. vi. Duty to claim remuneration
No partner, including a managing partner
viii. Right to retire is entitled to any remuneration (salary
Every partner has a right to retire as or commission), for the work done by
per the terms of the deed or with the him, unless there is an agreement to the
consent of the other partners. In case of contrary.
partnership at will, he can retire at any
vii. Duty not to use firm’s property for
time by giving prior notice to the other
personal use
The partnership property belongs to all
ix. Right to continue partners. But a partner should not use
Every partner has the right to the partnership property for his private
continue in the firm. He cannot be purposes.
Active Partner Nominal
Minor Partner of Partner
Partner by Partner in
Holding out profit only
Partner by
is liable for all the acts and debts of the Such a partner cannot deny his liability,
firm as if he were a real partner, though if outside party lends money to the firm
he does not get any share in the firm’s supposing him to be a partner.
profit. vi. Partner by Holding out
iv. Partner in Profits only When a person is declared as a partner
and he does not deny this even after
When a person joins a firm as a partner
becoming aware of it, he becomes liable
on the condition that he is entitled to a
to the third party, who lends money or
specified share of the firm’s profit only, credit to the firm on the basis of such a
he is called a partner in profits only. It declaration.
means that he will not be called upon to
bear any portion of the losses sustained. vii. Secret Partner
He will, however, be liable to third A secret partner is one whose association
is not known to the general public. Other
parties for all the debts of the firm like
than this distinct feature, he is like rest of
any other partner. Such partners usually
the partners in all respects.
do not take part in the management of
the business. viii. Minor Partner
Under the Indian Majority Act, person
v. Partner by Estoppel
who has not completed 18 years of age
In case, a person represents himself/ is a minor. However, he will continue
herself by words or actions or has allowed to be a minor till he completes 21 years
him to be represented as a partner of the if a guardian has been appointed to the
firm, even though he is not a partner, he minor. He can be admitted to the benefits
is called partner by estoppels. of partnership.
Registration can be effected at any time. All business. If ‘A’ retires, ‘B’ and ‘C’ can continue
the disabilities automatically disappear as the business which is known as dissolution
soon as the firm is duly registered. of partnership.
Agreement Insolvency of all
except one
Compulsory partner
Without order
Dissolution Business
of count
On the
occurrence of
By notice
of Insanity
Breach of
By order agreement
of count
Transfer of
Any other just
and equitable
Key Terms
For own thinking
Karta Mitakshara Law
Dayabhaga Law Coparceners i. Write any 2 HUF run Hospitals in
Separate Legal Entity Dissolution your nearest place.
ii. How will you run a HUF for export
iii. How will you run a HUF Bus operating
For Future Learning iv. How will you organise a partnership
business with your friends according
to a law?
a) Raman with members of his extended
v. Name a Partnership firm in your town
family established a Joint Hindu
Family business of Handicrafts. Raman
being the head of family controlled the
business as ‘Karta’. He had authority
to take all decisions for the business. Case Study
Many times, he sold goods for cash
without informing other members of a) A father had self acquired agricultural
the family business. This resulted in land. He transferred the said land
lesser profits. He also sold one of the in the name of his three sons. The
family properties and gave money to revenue records reflect the names
of the three sons with 1/3rd share
his daughter as a wedding gift. What
against each name. Father died
values did karta ignored in the above
recently. However physical partition
of the said land amongst the three
brothers has not been done as they
b) Palani is an Electronics Engineer. have mutually decided against it.
He has met two businessmen who Eldest son has started managing
wish to enter into a partnership the land since fathers demise. Is the
with him for the manufacture of land in question ancestral property
tape-recorders. They are prepared of the three brothers ? Can the three
to make the investment and offer brothers claim to a HUF? If yes, then
a fourth share in profits to Palani. since when are they HUF – after
Would you have any special words fathers demise or since the date land
of advice for Palani? transferred in their names?
b) Draw a family tree diagram as you
think. Just imagine you are running
a business under the Joint Hindu
Family system.
A company as an entity has many distinct
features which together make it a unique
organization. The essential characteristics
of a company are as follows:
i. Separate Legal Entity
it acts through its Board of Directors for A company can secure large capital
carrying out its activities and entering compared to a sole trader or partnership.
into various agreements. Such contracts Large amount of capital is necessary for
must be under the seal of the company. conducting business on a large scale.
The common seal is the official signature For e.g. Reliance has invested more than
of the company. The name of the company ₹25,000 crore in its telecom venture.
must be engraved on the common seal. Raising such huge amount of funds
Any document not bearing the seal of would be utter impossible in a sole-
the company may not be accepted as tradership or partnership.
Member Nationality
Incorporation Membership Control
(v) does not prohibit any invitation to Religion, Charity or any other useful object.
subscribe for any shares or debentures of The companies limited by guarantee may
the company. be either private companies or public
(vi) does not prohibit any invitation or companies.
acceptance of deposits. (The name of c. Unlimited Company
public company should be suffixed with
ltd. Ex.National Aluminium company An unlimited company is a company in
Limited, Chennai ) which the liability of its members is not
limited by its Memorandum. In other words,
&ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI&RPSDQLHVRQWKH the liability of members is unlimited i.e.,
basis of Liability there is no limit on the liability of members.
The members of such companies may be
a. Company Limited by Shares
required to pay company’s losses from their
A company limited by shares is a company personal property. Because such companies
in which the liability of its members is have separate legal entity, its creditors cannot
limited by its Memorandum to the amount file a suit against the members directly. The
(if any) unpaid on the shares respectively creditors will have to apply to the court for
held by them. The companies limited by the winding up of the company and then
shares may be either public companies or the liquidator will direct the members to
private companies. If a member has paid the contribute to the assets of the company to
full amount of shares, then his liability shall pay off its liabilities.
be nil.
Thus two main features of a company &ODVVL¿FDWLRQRI&RPSDQLHVRQWKH
Basis of Control
limited by shares are as follows:
a. Government Companies
(i) The liability of its members is limited to
the amount (if any) remaining unpaid on A public enterprise incorporated under
the shares held by them. the Indian Companies Act, 1956 is called
a government company. These companies
(ii) Such liability can be enforced either
are owned and managed by the central or
during the lifetime of the company or
the state government. Section 617 of the
during the winding up of the company.
Companies Act, 1956 defines “Government
b. Company Limited by Guarantee Companies” as any company in which not
less than 51% of the [paid-up share capital]
A company limited by guarantee is a
is held by.
company in which the liability of its members
is limited by its Memorandum to such an 1. The Central Government; or
amount as the members may respectively
undertake to contribute to the assets of the 2. Any State Government or Governments;
company in the event of its being wound up. or
Such companies are generally formed for 3. Partly by the Central Government and
the promotion of Commerce, Art, Science, partly by one or more State Governments.
(v) The full address of the company’s company to define its relationship with
principal place of business in India. shareholders. It reveals what powers it has
and what activities the company is permitted
c. Multi National Companies to undertake. Any act of the company outside
A Multi National Company (MNC) is a huge the scope outlined in its memorandum is
industrial organisation which, said to be ultra virus and is not binding on
it. It is the constitution of the company in its
(i) Operates in more than one country relation to the outside world. It is a public
(ii) Carries out production, marketing and document and any person dealing with the
research activities on international Scale company is presumed to have sufficient
in those countries. knowledge of it. It is the primary document
(iii)Seeks to maximise profits world over. of a company.
3. Objective Clause
The objective clause requires to summarize
the main objectives for establishing the
company with reference to the requirements
for shareholding and use of financial
resources. It is required to state the ancillary
objectives; that is, those objectives that are
required to facilitate the achievement of the
main objectives. The objectives should be
free of any provisions or declarations that
continued... contravene laws or public good.
The capital clause requires to state the (ii) Rights of each class of shareholders
company’s authorized share capital, the regarding voting, dividend, return of
different categories of shares and the capital
nominal value (the minimum value per (iii) Rules regarding issue of shares and
share) of the shares. It is also required to list debentures
the company’s assets under this clause.
(iv) Procedures as well as regulations in
6. Association Clause respect of making calls on shares.
(ix) If the company carrying on business, 3. Name any 2 Private ownership with
the length of time of such businesses. Foreign participants.
Case Study
1. a 2. c 3. d 4. d 5. a
technology or adopt modern management members which may lead to disputes. Such
practices. They operate in the traditional disputes affect the functioning of the co-
mold which may not be suitable in the operative societies.
modern business environment and therefore
xii. Limited scope
suffer losses.
Co-operative societies cannot be introduced
x. Lack of secrecy
in all industries. Their scope is limited to only
Maintenance of business secrets is the key certain areas of enterprise. Since the funds
for the competitiveness of any business available are limited they cannot undertake
organization. But business secrets cannot large scale operations and is not suitable in
be maintained in cooperatives because all industries requiring large investments.
members are aware of the activities of the
enterprise. Further, reports and accounts 7.05 Types of Cooperatives
have to be submitted to the Registrar of Co- The Cooperatives can be broadly classified
operative Societies. Therefore information into two viz., Credit Cooperatives and
relating to activities, revenues, members etc Non- Credit Cooperatives. The credit
becomes public knowledge. cooperatives can be further classified into
Agricultural credit and non-Agricultural
credit coopertives. However for beginners
Cooperative societies are based on the the coopertives are classified as follows.
principles of co-operation and therefore Types of
harmony among members is important. But
in practice, there might be internal politics, Consumer Producers Marketing Credit Housing Farming
Cooperatives Cooperatives Cooperatives Cooperatives Cooperatives Cooperative
differences of opinions, quarrels etc. among Societies
A. Consumers Cooperatives
Consumer cooperatives are organized by
consumers that want to achieve better prices
or quality in the goods or services they
purchase. In contrast to traditional retail
stores or service providers, a consumer
cooperative exists to deliver goods or
services rather than to maximize profit from
selling those goods or services. They also
supply essential commodities through Public
Distribution System (PDS). Nationally, the
most widely used cooperative form is the
credit union, with some 90 million members.
Credit union assets have grown a hundred-
fold in three decades. Credit unions are
essentially cooperatives of people that use
banking services.
Cooperative weavers’ societies, Cooperative
carpenting units, Cooperative match
C. Marketing Cooperatives
Cooperative marketing societies are
associations of small producers formed for
the purpose of marketing their produce.
The marketing cooperatives perform
certain marketing functions such as
grading, warehousing, advertising etc.,
They secure better prices for their members
by transporting goods even to distant
markets. Advance is also given to members
against produce deposited with the society.
Thus they are a boon to agriculturists, small
producers and artisans, who in the absence
of these cooperatives would be forced to sell
at low prices to middlemen.
D. Credit Cooperatives
Cooperative credit societies are those
formed for the purpose of providing short-
term financial help to their members.
i. Low Cost Labour
MNC set up their facilities in low cost
countries and produce goods/service at
lower cost. It gains cost advantage and sells vii. End of Local Monopolies
its products and services of good quality
The entry of MNCs leads to competition
at low cost. This is not available to smaller
in the host countries. Local monopolies of
companies which operate at regional level.
host countries either start improving their
ii. Quality Products products or reduce their prices. Thus MNCs
The resource, experience and expertise put an end to exploitative trade practices of
of MNCs in the sphere of research and local monopolists. As a matter of fact, MNCs
development enables the host country to compel domestic companies to improve
establish its research and development their efficiency and quality.
system which helps it in producing quality In India, many Indian companies acquired
goods and services at least possible cost. ISO-9000 quality certificates, due to fear of
iii. Proper Use of Idle Resources competition posed by MNCs.
TVS Chennai
TATA Mumbai
Case Study
INFOSYS Bengaluru
Public enterprises are established to
achieve the goal of economic and social
development of the country. They are
Key Terms managed and controlled by Central or
Oligopoly Global Enterprises State Governments through ministers
Exploitation Host Country or government officials. Many times
Domestic industry their poor performance i influences the
policy formulation and running of the
enterprise into loss. Even the big business
houses use their influence and get the
For Own Thinking
policies formulated in their favour. State
1. Name any 2 Indian Multinational the role of ministers or government to
Companies in abroad?
frame the policies for the success of
2. Name any 2 Foreign Companies in
public enterprises.
• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code.
• GeoGebra Work book called “COMMERCE” will appear. In this several work
sheets for Commerce are given, Open the worksheet named “check the logos of
given organisations”
• Click on the boxes before the organisation names.
• Logos of respective organisations will appear as above.
can take bold decisions involving by the Government. As such, there is lesser
experimentation in its lines of activities, likelihood of exploitation of any class of
taking advantage of business situations. society, by the public corporation.
The Board of Directors of a public corporation Quite often civil servants, who do not
consists of representatives of various interest possess management knowledge and skills,
groups like labour, consumers etc. nominated are appointed by the government on the
Board of Directors, of a public corporation. Central Government may direct that any of
As such, managerial efficiency of public the provisions of the Companies Act shall
corporation is not as much as found in not apply to a Government company or
private business enterprises. shall apply with certain modifications.
v. Problem of Passing a Special Act List of Public Corporations and their
A public corporation cannot be formed
without passing a special Act; which is a time Company Headquarter Company Logo
consuming and difficult process. Hence, the
scope for setting up public corporations is Corporation of New Delhi
very restricted. India (FCI)
Company Headquarter
For Own Thinking
1. Name any two examples of
Coal India Ltd Kolkata Departmental undertaking business.
2. Name any two examples of Public
Steel Authority 3. Name any two examples of
New Delhi
of India Ltd Government Company.
5. The primary objective of the state 1. What are the advantages and
enterprises is to ______ disadvantages of Departmental
a) Earn profit
2. What are the features of Public
b) Provide Employment
corporation? (Any 5)
c) Serve the People
3. What are the Features of Government
d) All the Above company? (Any 5)
Answers 4. What are the advantages and
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. b 5. c disadvantages of Public corporation?
5. What are the features of Departmental
II. Very Short Answer Questions
organisation? (Any 5)
Private Sector
Scheduled Industrial Paymets
Non Agricultural Urban Cooperative Rural Cooperative
Commercial Development Bank (3)
Scheduled banks Developmen t Banks (1574) credit institutions (93,913)
banks Banks
India Post
IDBI, ICICI Short Term Long Term Payments
Indian Foreign Banks (42) NABARD IFCI (722) (Public sector)
Scheduled Non Scheduled
UCBs (52) State Cooperative
UCBs (1522) SCARDBs
banks (32)
Public Se ctor Private Se ctor
banks Banks Multi State Single State Distrct/Central
Multi State PCARDBs
(20) (1502) coperative (702)
Banks (370)
Old Private
State bank of
Sect or Banks (13)
india Primary Agriculatural
Single State Multi Single Creidt Societies
(21) District District (92,789)
Unit UCB
Regional Rural
banks (56)
Non Unit
1. “A central bank being generally
recognized as a bank which
constitutes the apex of the monetary
and banking structure of its country
and which performs as best as it can,
in the national economic interest.”
- De Kock. He gave a list of seven
functions of central bank which are
accepted by majority of economists.
2. “It may be defined as an institution
charged with the responsibility
of managing the expansion and
contraction of the volume of money
in the interest of the general public After independence, the Government of
welfare.” - Kent. India passed Reserve Bank (Transfer to
Public Ownership) Act, 1948 and took over
3. “A Central Bank is the bank in any
RBI after paying appropriate compensation
country to which has been entrusted
to the private shareholders. From January
the duty of regulating the volume of
1, 1949, RBI started functioning as a
currency and credit in that country.”
government owned central bank of India.
- Bank of International Settlement
It had three departments. The RBI was the
central bank of Burma until 1947, and the
central bank of Pakistan until June 1948.
10.06 Origin of RBI
The Imperial Bank of India carried out
the note issue and other functions of the Emblem of RBI
central bank. In 1926 the Hilton-Young
Commission or the Royal Commission on
Indian Currency and Finance (J. M. Keynes
and Sir Ernest Cable were its members)
made recommendation to create a central
bank. As a result, the RBI Act 1934 was
passed and RBI launched in operations from
April 1, 1935. RBI was established with a
share capital of ₹5 crores divided into shares
of ₹100 each fully paid up. The entire share
capital was owned by private shareholders.
Its head office was in Calcutta and moved to
Mumbai in 1937.
increase in the first three measures will ii. Marginal Requirement: It refers to the
reduce the volume of money in circulation percentage of the value of securities
in India and vice versa. submitted before issue of loans.
i. Bank Rate Policy: Bank rate refers to iii. Direct Action: The RBI takes corrective
the rate at which the RBI rediscounts the actions on any bank or banks that does
bills given by the Scheduled banks. not follow its guidelines. It is called direct
Repo rate is the repurchase rate at which iv. Moral Suasion: The RBI puts pressure
the RBI repurchases the Government
on the banks towards liberal or restricted
securities (other securities also) from
lending during certain periods.
the Scheduled banks and gives loans.
Reverse repo rate is the rate at which the 5. Lender of the Last Resort
RBI borrows money from Commercial
banks by giving back those Government In times of emergency any bank in India can
securities. approach RBI for financial assistance. RBI
provides them credit. When other sources
ii. Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR): It is the ratio of getting credit are exhausted, all banks can
of Cash reserves with the RBI kept by obtain loan from RBI and hence it is called
Scheduled banks in proportion to the lender of last resort.
total Time and Demand Liabilities with
6. Clearing House Services
RBI acts as clearing house and maintains
iii. Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR): It is the
ratio of money and money equivalents a clearing system for all commercial banks
kept within the bank in proportion to the in India. The aggregate amount of cheques
total Time and Demand Liabilities with presented by a bank on other banks
them. represents the claim by that bank on other
banks. Similar claims are made by all the
iv. Open Market Operations: The RBI
banks on every other bank in the clearing.
directly buys or sells the securities and
A net settlement is arrived at the clearing
bills in the money market either to
house and accordingly the debit or credit
decrease or to increase the total volume
entry is made in their current accounts.
of money.
The cash reserves kept by the banks with
4.2 Qualitative Credit Control Measures: RBI is utilised for this purpose. Clearing
system saves time and eliminates paperwork
These methods influence the volume of
and other difficult (otherwise tasks) tasks
money in selected or particular sectors of
involved in inter-bank settlement. Though
the economy.
the RBI maintains the clearing house system
i. Rationing of credit: Maximum limit is only 14 clearing houses are owned by the
fixed for lending to certain sectors or RBI, 840 are managed by SBI and 6 by
specific purposes. nationalised banks (total 860).
1. (a) 2. (d) 3.(b) 4.(a) 5. (b)
I. Choose the Correct Answer
1. Which bank has the
II. Very Short Answer Questions
power to issue bank notes?
(a) Central bank 1. What are the services included in Service
(b) Commercial bank businesses?
(c) Co-operative banks 2. Write the meaning of ‘Bank.’
(d) Foreign banks 3. Briefly explain about Central Bank.
1. Gordon E and Natarajan. K, 2013,
“Banking Theory, Law and Practice”,
23rd ed., Himalaya Publishing House
Private Limited, Mumbai-4
2. Kandasami K. P. and others, 2016, “
Banking Law and Practice”, S. Chand &
Company Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-55
3. Machiraju. H. R, 2013, “Indian Financial
System”, 4th ed., Vikas Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi-14
4. Indian Institute of Banking and Finance,
2015, “Principles and Practices of
Banking”, 3rdedn. Macmillan Publishers
India Private Limited, Chennai-2
Learning Objectives
agriculture, industries, transport, etc. in
To enable the students to order to earn profit. Their lending is in
i. understand the various types of banks comparatively small amounts and mostly
ii. describe the activities of various types for short and medium period. They also
of banks provide other services like remittance of
iii. compare one type of bank with funds, safe keeping of valuables, collection
another one of cheques, s, issue of letters of credit, etc.
They operate with a head office and a
network of branch offices spread throughout
11.01 Introduction
the country. They also issue guarantees
There are different types of banks to businessmen. When a businessman or
performing different sets of functions. industrialist buy machinery on credit or
Though all types of banks deal in money, apply for a big contract bank guarantees that
each type cater to the needs of different in case the customer fails the bank will make
sectors. Therefore a study of all these types the payment.
of banks is essential. Different types of banks
can be understood by a glance at the chart Examples:
given in the chapter 10.
i. State Bank of India
11.02 Types of banks ii. Karur Vysa Bank
iii. Standard Chartered Bank
Banks can be classified as follows.
3. Development Banks
A. Based on the functions of banks
Huge finance required for investment,
B. Based on the status given by the RBI -
expansion and modernisation of big
Reserve Bank of India
industries and others are granted by a
C. Based on the ownership pattern separate type of banks called development
Banks. They are also called industrial banks.
A. Based on the functions of banks The objective of development banks is not
1. Central Bank – Refer to Chapter 10 profit. Their aim is to develop the country
and create employment opportunities.
2. Commercial Banks
Finance is provided by them for medium
Banks which accept deposits from the public and long terms ranging from five to twenty
and grant loans to traders, individuals, years. Development banks do not accept
deposits from the public. They subscribe and agricultural development and not
the shares and debentures of the industries. profit earning. They are set up in towns and
They provide technical and managerial villages rather than cities. Compared to the
consultancy services to industrialists. IDBI commercial banks they offer less variety
Bank established as the apex development of services as the bye laws do not permit
bank in I964 and was transformed into public all commercial bank activities. National
sector commercial bank in 2004. Currently Cooperative Development Corporation
it performs both development bank and (NCDC) established in 1963 is providing
commercial bank functions. Its name loans and grants to State Governments
changed into IDBI Bank Limited in 2008. for financing cooperative societies.
When a development bank is established NCDC concentrates on projects like water
for the development of agriculture industry conservation, irrigation, agri-insurance,
it is called agricultural development bank. rural sanitation, etc.
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development is such a bank Examples:
All about LDBs and Cooperative
Credit Societies i. Bank of America - The USA
1. In 1920, first Land Mortgage Bank ii. Barclays Bank - The UK
(LMB) was established in India. Land iii. Deutsche Bank - Germany
Mortgage Act was passed in 1930. 6. Regional Rural Banks - RRBs
These banks provided long term loans
The RRBs were formed under the Regional
to farmers mainly for redemption
Rural Bank Act 1976, jointly by the
of debt. After 1960 LMBs started
Central Government, State Government,
financing productive projects like and a sponsor bank. Their share capital is
digging of wells, installation of pump contributed by these sponsors in the ratio
sets, etc. Thereafter they were called of 50:15:35. They are established as low cost
Land Development Banks. In view of institutions in rural areas. Their objective
the broader role of LDBs they are now is to develop rural economy and play
known as SCARDBs. Under the RBI supplementary role to cooperative societies.
control there is no land development They mobilise deposits from the rural public
in India today. and provide finance to rural artisans, small
entrepreneurs and farmers and try to avoid
2. First Cooperative Societies Act
their dependency on money lenders. As on
was passed in 1961 by Tamil Nadu 31.3.2016, there were 56 RRBs in India with
Government. In 1983, it was repealed 14,494 branches. They are regulated and
and a new Act was passed. All supervised by NABARD.
Cooperative banks in Tamil Nadu are
controlled by this Act. Examples:
provided by the RBI to deposits are not Some banks are created for special purposes
available for them from the Deposit by the Government. Export and Import
Insurance and Credit Guarantee Bank of India was set up through Export-
Corporation. Import Bank of India Act, 1981. Its main
objective is to facilitate international trade of
Indian businessmen. EXIM Bank provides Deficiencies are found in the original
finance for import of technology, export model of LABs. There are practical
product development, pre-shipment and difficulties in the operation of these
post-shipment and overseas investment. banks. Even after 20 years (1996-2017)
National Housing Bank was established LABs could not make an impact in rural
under the National Housing Bank Act, 1987. development. Therefore further licensing
It is a wholly owned subsidiary of the RBI. to LAB has been stopped.
The objective of NHB is to promote housing
9. Small Finance Banks
finance institutions at local and regional
levels in India. Small Finance Banks (SFBs) are private sector
banks set up in unbanked and underbanked
Example: regions of the country to achieve financial
(i) Export - Import Bank of India inclusion. Their objectives are;
(EXIM Bank) a. mobilising rural savings (accepting
(ii) National Housing Bank (NHB) deposits) and
b. providing credit to
8. Local Area Banks
Local Area Bank (LAB) scheme was i. small and marginal farmers
introduced by the RBI in August 1996. LABs ii. to micro and small industries and
are small private sector banks established iii other unorganised sector entities.
in rural and semi-urban areas. Each bank In September 2015, RBI granted
serves two or three adjoining districts only. provisional licenses to 8 Non-Banking
Their main objective is to mobilise rural Finance Companies (NBFCs) already
savings (accept deposits) and invest them engaged in microfinance to be converted
in the same areas. They have to follow the into SFBs and 2 others. SFBs are low cost
priority sector lending targets, including structure banks. They are formed under
the targets on loans to weaker sections. section 22 of the Banking Regulation
RBI received 227 applications for setting Act 1949.
up LABs. 10 were considered for approval
and six were given license under Section 22 Examples:
of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949. Only i. ESAF SFB, Thiruvananthapuram,
three LABs are functioning now. Kerala.
iii. Subhadra Local Area Bank Limited, Payment banks are formed to widen
Kolhapur, Maharashtra. the spread of payment and financial
The member countries consist of developed in India. There are five Urban Cooperative
donor countries and borrower countries. Banks and three Local Area Banks which
International Bank for Reconstruction and function as non-scheduled banks in India.
Development, Asian Development Bank, Small Finance Banks and Payments Banks
African Development Bank, and European have not been licenses under Section 22 of the
Investment Bank are some of the MDBs. Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
Banking Correspondents
and today there only 19 nationalised banks
(2017). Examples:
Banking Correspondents (BCs) are retail
agents engaged by banks for providing a. Nationalised Banks: Indian bank,
banking services at low cost in locations Indian Overseas Bank, Oriental Bank of
other than a bank branch/ATM. They are Commerce.
not separate banks recognized by the RBI. b. Public Sector Banks: State Bank of India,
BC model was introduced by the RBI in IDBI Bank Ltd. and all nationalised
2006 to provide services at door steps. banks
Non-Governmental Organisations or
individuals like ex-serviceman can apply c. Private Sector Banks: Lakshmi Vila
for BCs. The banks engaging BCs are Bank, Karur Vysya Bank, Kotak
responsible for their functioning. A bank Mahindra bank.
in a country can appoint another bank in Note: Bharatiya Mahila Bank was established
a foreign country to act as correspondent on 19, November 2013 to serve exclusively
bank. women members of the public was merged
with SBI on 31 March, 2017.
1. Natarajan. S and Parameshwaran. R.,
2004, “Indian Banking”, S. Chand &
Company Ltd. Publications, New Delhi.
2. Dharmaraj. E. 2005, “Banking Theory,
Law and Practice”, Scitech Publications,
3. Agarwal O. P, 2012, “Modern Banking
in India”, 2nd ed., Himalaya Publishing
House, Mumbai
4. Muraleedharan D, 2013, “Modern
banking”, 3rd ed., PHI Learning Private
Limited, Delhi-92
A. Demand Deposits
Learning Objectives
These deposits are repayable on demand on
To enable the students to any day. This consists of savings deposits
i. understand the primary and secondary and current deposits.
functions of commercial banks
ii. explain the diversified banking 1. Savings Deposits
iii. describe the uses of debit, credit and General public deposit their savings into
smart cards this account. This account can be opened
in one individual’s name or more than one
name. Section 25 companies also can open
Functions of Commercial Banks savings accounts. Business firms are not
permitted to open savings account. The
They render many valuable services. The
rate of interest allowed on this deposit is
important functions of the Commercial
lower than fixed deposits. Interest is paid
banks can be explained with the help of the
following chart on the basis of the amount and number
of days the amount remains credited in
12.01 Primary Funtions the account. The bank provides facilities
The primary functions of a commercial like cheque book, ATM (Automated
bank are of three types. They are: Teller Machine) card etc. There is limit
on number of ATM card withdrawals
I. Accepting Deposits from other bank ATMs only. A minimum
II. Granting Loans and Advances. balance should be maintained in this
III. Creation of Credit deposit account. Otherwise penal interest
is charged. Beyond a number (20 or 60
I. Accepting Deposits leaves) cheque book is available for a fee.
The basic deposit accounts offered by Nomination can be registered. Salary
commercial banks are listed below. In these account is a type of savings account offered
days banks compete with each other to to salaried employees in which zero
attract customers by adding facilities to these balance is permitted. Some banks offer
deposit accounts. Broadly deposit accounts overdraft facility. An account inactive
can be classified into demand deposits and for a long period will become dormant
time deposits. account.
2. Periodic Payment of Premiums, Rent, etc. account should be linked with savings
After instruction from the customers, bank account by the customer. Then the
banks undertake the monthly payment of customer can ask the bank to conduct
insurance premium, rent, telephone bill, online purchase or sale of securities, on
etc. from the accounts of customers. Now behalf him.
a days these payments are made through
6. Preparation of Income Tax Return
electronic clearing system facility offered
by the banks. Banks prepare the annual income tax return
on behalf of the customers and provide
3. Collection and Payment of Cheques income tax related advices to them.
On behalf of customers bank collect the
7. Dealing in Foreign Exchange
cheques deposited into the accounts of
customers from other banks and deposit cash Banks buy and sell foreign currencies on
in the customers’ accounts. Similarly cheques behalf o customers.
issued by a customer is honoured and the
8. Acting as Correspondent
amount paid as directed by the customer.
Banks act as correspondent of customers
Definition of Cheque: According to and receive travel ticket, passport, etc.
Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, “cheque
II. General utility functions
is a bill of exchange drawn on a specified
banker payable on demand”. In addition to primary, secondary and
agency functions, commercial banks
Crossing of Cheque: Drawing two offer some services for the general
parallel transverse lines on the left top of welfare of the customers. They are
the cheque. It implies that the money will called general utility services. They are
not be paid over the counter but through as follows.
bank account only.
1. Issue of demand drafts and bankers’
4. Acting as Executors, Trustees and cheques
Attorneys Demand drafts and Bankers Cheques
Banks act as executors of will of the are issued to public and customers as
customers and implement their will after well. Instead of sending money they can
their death. As a trustee a bank takes care attach these instruments for payment of
of the funds of the customers. Banker educational fees, etc.
signs transfer deed of the properties of the
2. Accepting Bills of Exchange on behalf of
customers in the capacity of attorney to
customers. Customers
Banks accept bills on behalf of customers
5. Conduct Share Market Transactions and make payments to the foreign exporter.
A Demat account should be opened with Afterwards, the banks collect from the
Depository Participant and that demat customers.
6. Gift cheques
2. Merchant Banking
These denomination printed cheques are
Merchant banks do not provide regular
available in attractive design so that it can
banking services. A commercial bank
be presented during wedding, birthday
or its subsidiary merchant bank may
functions, etc.
offer services like project counselling,
7. Reference service underwriting, etc. required for starting a
company. It is called merchant banking.
Business firms can give their bank’s name as
They are mostly stock market related
reference to the new business institution with
services. Merchant Banks are controlled
which they want to establish commercial
by Stock Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
relationship. Banks willingly act as referees
regulations also.
and provide information about the financial
standing of their customers.
3. Retail Banking (Personal Banking)
'LYHUVL¿HG%DQNLQJ It refers to mass market banking which
Functions reaches out to large number of individual
Competition in the banking industry end customers. Apart from accepting
has reduced their profits. Therefore the deposits, their services include personal
commercial banks started identifying and loans, vehicle loans, consumer durable
offering new and diversified financial loans, loans against equity shares, debit and
services. They are purely other than banking credit cards, mortgages, etc.
bank to another bank. ECS credit can be used anywhere. This service is known as mobile
to credit salary, dividend, interest, pension banking.
etc. and ECS debit is used to debit monthly
telephone bills, electricity bills, equated
7. Automated Teller Machine (ATM) and
monthly installments (EMI) payments. For
CDM Facilities
this purpose the account holding individuals
and institutions concerned should fill up A customer can withdraw money anytime,
certain forms and submit to the banks. ECS anywhere in India from the ATM machine
transactions between banks are settled in the using the ATM card given by his/her
current account maintained in the clearing bank. The machine also shows the balance
house. available in the customers’ account, provides
statement print of the few past transactions,
4.CORE Banking Solutions
etc. Withdrawal of money in other bank
‘CORE’ stands for ‘Centralized Online ATMs is restricted and will be charged
Real time Exchange’. In the centralized beyond the specified number of usage. Cash
server of the bank, all the details of all the Deposit Machine Facility is useful to the
accounts of all the branches of the bank public as well as customers to deposit cash
are available. A customer can withdraw into the account anytime. Similarly there
money through cheque at any branch are cheque deposit machines which receive
of that bank throughout the world. cheques at any time.
Similarly anyone can deposit money into
the account. Entry of the transactions is
recorded in the centralized server of the 8.IMPS - Immediate Payment Service
bank in real time and can be seen in all the IMPS was launched by the National
branches of the bank. This facility is called Payments Corporation of India in
core banking solutions. November 2010. IMPS allows funds transfer
5. Internet Banking or Virtual Banking through mobile phone or internet banking
by banking customers and approved non-
Internet banking refers to performing banking partners. Its transactions are on
banking operations through internet, using real time basis. The current maximum limit
computers and mobile phone. This can be
is `. 2 lakhs. It made India a leading country
done by a customer from home or office or
in the world in real time payments in retail
any part of the world and all 24 hours of 7
II. Very Short Answer Questions
I. Choose the Correct Answer
1. What is Mobile Banking?
1. Electronic banking can be done through
2. Briefly explain the need for Debit card.
(a) Computers (b) Mobile phones 3. Briefly explain the term - Credit card.
(c) ATM (d) All of the above 4. What do you mean by ATM?
2. Minimum how much amount can be 5. Write a note on - ECS.
transferred through RTGS?
III. Short Answer Questions
(a) Any amount (b) 50,000
1. What is E-Banking?
(c) 2 lakh (d) 5 lakh
2. Write a short note on - RTGS.
3. The largest commercial bank of India 3. Briefly explain the Diversified banking
(a) ICICI (b) SBI services of commercial banks.
4. Explain - NEFT.
(c) PNB (d) RBI
1. Balaji. C.D. and Prasad. C. 2016, “Principles
of Commerce”, Margham Publications,
2. Natarajan. S and Parameshwaran. 2014,
“3. Indian Banking”, S. Chand & Company
Ltd. Delhi
3. Dharmaraj. E, 2005, “Banking Theory -
Law and Practice”, Scitech Publications
4. Selvaraj. M. 2014, “Modern Banking” -
Bavani Pulications.
Warehouses are designed depending upon
Learning Objectives the nature of the products to be stored.
To enable the students to For example, to keep perishable items like
i. know the meaning of warehouses fruits and vegetables, cold storages are
and warehousing. required. Certain pharmaceutical products
ii. explain the different types of are to be kept under suitable temperature.
warehouses. Liquids like petrol, oil molasses need tanks
iii. describe the functions of warehouses. while grains like barley, pulses, etc. need
iv. know about the various warehousing ventilated halls.
According to J. Stephenson, “a warehouse
in an establishment for the storage or
accumulation of goods”.
The term “Ware” means products or goods. Warehousing
“Warehousing” generally means storage It is an arrangement by which goods are
place or godowns which is located near a stored when they are not needed immediately
factory to keep the raw materials and finished and are kept in such a manner so as to
products. Storage is only a holding place of protect from damage or deterioration.
goods. Whereas a warehouse is located near
the market to perform the other marketing “A warehouse is a commercial building for
functions such as grading, standardization, storage of goods. Stored goods can include
blending, mining packing, etc. The any raw materials, packing materials,
development of science and technology has spare parts, component or finished goods
improved the ways and means of storage. It associated with agriculture, manufacturing
removes the hindrance of time. and production”.
13.01 Meaning of Warehouse and
Warehouse and Warehousing
Warehouse is a place where goods are
Warehouse stored for future use whereas, warehousing
It is a place where goods are stored for is an arrangement of goods. Warehouse
future use and act as distribution centres. is to hold goods for storing purpose only.
Learning Objectives and when they are wanted. Transport is an
To enable the students to integral part of Commerce. It is a means
i. understand the different types of to carry men and materials from one place
Transport (production) to another resulting in creation
ii. explain the services of transport to of place and time utilities. It removes the
business hindrance of place.
iii. know the documents used in
According to K.K. Sexena, ”the transport
system acts with reference to the area it
iv. know about Common Carrier
serves in the same way as a candle does in a
dark room”.
1. Pack Animals
Animals like horse, mule, donkey camel,
and elephant etc., are used for carrying small
0HDQLQJDQG'H¿QLWLRQRI loads in backward areas, hilly tracks, forest
Transport regions and deserts known as pack animals.
The term ‘transport’ includes all the clerical, Generally, the pack animals serve areas
mental and manual occupation involved in which are inaccessible to modern means of
the operation of road, rail, canal, sea and transport. Animal transport has also played
air transport. Goods have no use unless a significant role where there is no road and
they are made available at a place where railway transport.
2. Bullock Carts
It constitutes the predominant form of rural
road transport in India for goods traffic and
to some extent for passengers’ traffic. It
links up the villages with the nearby markets
and railway stations. It carries the produce
for sale to the market and consumer goods
to the villages.
Pack Animals
Pathways Transport
It is the oldest form of transport found
in hilly areas, forest areas and in remote
places. These are used by human beings
for transport.
f) Ropeway Transport
A Ropeway is another means of transport in
naval lifting device. It can be operated in the
place where road construction is impractical
and costly. Certain limit of goods or people
can be transported with the help of (naval
lifting device) electricity. In the hilly remote
Bullet Rail areas ropeway system of transport may be
suitable means of transport.
B. Water Transport
“Water is a free gift of nature’. Human
civilization through gradual application
of science and technology, have utilized
water resources for economic, political
and military activities. Remarkable
advancements are taking place in water
transport due to considerable improvement
in the construction, design motive power,
Hyperloop speed and safety of ships and boats.
Coastal shipping constitutes an important It means the passengers’ and goods have to
means of transport in all countries having cross ocean. Example India export goods to
a long coastline. It is a cheap means of America.
transport for the movement of bulky Ocean going ships may also be divided
cargoes like coal, iron ore etc. to domestic into two, namely Liners and Tramps:
ports of country. Usually, coastal shipping
(i) Liner
An ocean liner is a passenger ship primarily
used as a form of transportation across seas
or oceans. Liners may also carry cargo
or mail, and may sometimes be used for
other purposes (e.g., for pleasure cruises
or as hospitals ship). They sail to schedule,
whether they have a full load or not. They
follow defined routes with fixed places and
times of call. Regularity of service, god sped
and luxurious facilities to passengers are the
specialties of liners.
(ii) Tramps
Tramps are essentially cargo vessels. See
the picture above. They have no set routes.
They do not follow any timetable. They sail
only when they get sufficient load. They sail
at any time and carry cargoes for almost any
International shipping can be between countries that are connected by land. For Example,
Foreign trade between India and Bangladesh. Overseas shipping means the package has to
cross ocean. For Example, International trade between India and South Africa.
The following is the major types of Air transport is a form of travel in vehicles
commercial ships such as helicopters, hot air balloons, blimps,
1. General cargo ship 2. Bulk carriers 3. gliders, hang gliding, parachuting, airplanes,
Container ships 4. Auto carrier 5. Tankers jets or anything else that can sustain flight.
6. Fishing vessels 7. Oil vessels 8. Passengers 'RPHVWLFDQG,QWHUQDWLRQDOÀLJKWV
ships 9. Ferryboats 10. Tow and tug boats
Air travel can be grouped into two general
11. Specialized ships
classifications: national/domestic and
C. Air Transport international flights. Flights from one
point to another within the same country
Air transport is the fastest and the costliest
are called domestic flights. Flights from a
mode of transport. Commercial air
point in one country to a point of different
transport is now one of the most prominent
country are known as international flights.
modes of overseas transport.The modern air
Travelers can use domestic or international
transport has its growth with the invention
flights in either private or public travel.
of Airplane by Wright Brothers.
Advantages of Air Transport
“Air Rescuers” was established in the year 1999 for superior patient transfer through Air
Ambulance and an elevated standard of care and management through Air Ambulance
India. The Air Ambulance services are available in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Hyderabad
and Chennai.
1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d
Learning Objectives 0HDQLQJDQG'H¿QLWLRQRI
To enable the students to Insurance is a contract between the insurer
i. learn the concept of Insurance and the insured under which the insurer
ii. understand the meaning and undertakes to compensate the insured for
principles of Insurance and its types the loss arising from the risk insured against,
iii. know various risks in business in consideration the insured agrees to pay
iv. legal protection through IRDA premium regularly. The person whose risk
insured is called the insured or assured. The
person who agrees to compensate the loss
arising from the risk is called the insurer or
Introduction assurer (or underwriter)
“Uncertainty is inherent in human life” Insurance is a means of providing
Every business is exposed to different types monetary coverage against loss caused by
of risks such as fire, theft, accident etc. Some natural or man-made factors
of the risks can be transferred to specialized
institution known as Insurance Companies.
Insurance substitute this uncertainty “Insurance is a plan by themselves which
by providing financial compensation. large number of people associate and
Insurance is nothing but socialization of transfer to the shoulders of all, risk that
risks. Insurance companies indemnify the attacks to individuals”
loss of the insured. - According to John Merge
Example: Mr. M is a heart patient. But he Example: A businessman gets his sock of
hides this fact to the LIC while taking a life goods insured for ₹ 5,00,000. If the goods
policy. On his death due to a heart attack, are destroyed by the fire, the insurance
LIC can refuse to pay compensation to his company will be liable to pay compensation
legal representative because a material fact for the loss caused to the insured. However,
was not disclosed by the insured. maximum compensation shall be ₹5,00,000
even if loss is more than this.
2. Insurable Interest
The insured must have an insurable interest “The principle of indemnity is not applicable
in the subject matter of insurance. Insurable to life insurance because one cannot estimate
interest means some pecuniary interest in the loss due to the death of a person”
the subject matter of the insurance contract. 4. Causa Proxima
The insured must have an interest in the
preservation of the thing or life insured, The word ‘Causa proxima’ means ‘nearest
so that they will suffer financially on the cause’. According to this principle, when the
happening of the event against which they loss is the result of two or more cause, the
are insured. proximate cause, i.e. the direct. The direct,
the most dominant and most effective cause
Example, a businessman has insurable of loss should be taken into consideration.
interest in his stock of goods. The insurance company is not liable for the
remote cause.
Material Fact
A material fact is one which goes to the root of the insurance contract i.e., a fact is material
if it can influence the insurer in accepting or declaring the risk or in fixing conditions of
insurance or rate of premium.
In the previous example,where ‘fire’ is accident. He gets the insurance claim and
accepted as the proximate cause of loss and if gets the damaged parts replaced with new
there is no fire and goods are destroyed due ones. In this case the damaged parts will
to excessive heat, the insurance company be taken by the insurance company. The
would not be liable to pay compensation. insured has no right over the damaged parts
since they had already got compensation for
5. Contribution the damaged parts.
The same subject matter may be insured
with more than one insurer then it is known 7. Mitigation
as ‘Double Insurance’. In such a case, the In case of a mishap, the insured must take
insurance claim to be paid to the insured off all possible steps to reduce or mitigate
must be shared on contributed by all the loss or damage to the subject matter of
insurers in proportion to the sum assured
insurance. This principle ensures that the
by each one of them. It may be noted that
insured does not become negligent about
in case of multiple insurance, the insured
the safety of the subject matter after taking
can claim the loss from any of the insurers
the insurance policy. Insured is expected to
subject to the condition that the insured
act in a manner as if the subject matter has
cannot recover more than the amount of
been insured. If appropriate steps are not
actual loss from all taken together.
taken to save the property then the insured
Example: A businessman gets his factory may not get the full compensation from the
insured against fire for ₹10,00,000 with insurer.
insurer A and ₹5,00,000 with insurer B. Due
to fire, a loss of ₹1,50,000 occurred. Then, Example: When a factory is insured against
insurers A and B will contribute the loss in fire and theft by insured, insured must take
the ratio of 2:1. A will pay ₹1,00,000 and B all possible precautions and steps to prevent
will pay ₹ 50,000. those from the risk.
6. Subrogation
15.03 Types of Insurance
Subrogation means ‘stepping the shoes on
others’. According to this principle, once Insurance covers different types of risks.
the claim of the insured has been settled, All contracts of insurance can be broadly
the ownership right of the subject matter classified as follows:
of insurance passes on to the insurer.
1. Life Insurance (or) Life Assurance
Otherwise, the insured will realize more
than the actual loss which goes against the 2. Non-life Insurance (or) General
principle of Indemnity. This is because the Insurance
insured cannot make any profit by selling It can be further classified into: (i) Fire
the damaged property Insurance; (ii) Marine Insurance; (iii)
Example: Mr. B gets his motor car insured. Health Insurance and (iv) Miscellaneous
Some of its parts got damaged at a road Insurance.
1. Life Insurance fixed period, the policy will continue till the
Life Insurance may be defined as a contract death of the assured.
in which the insurance company called ii) Endowment Life Assurance Policy
insurer undertakes to insure the life of a
person called assured in exchange of a sum Under this type of policy, the insurer
of money called premium which may be undertakes to pay the assured a specified
paid in one lump sum or monthly, quarterly, sum, on the attainment of a particular
half yearly or yearly and promises to pay a age or on his death, whichever is earlier.
certain sum of money either on the death of In case of death of the assured before
the assured or on expiry of certain period. he attains the specified age, the sum is
payable to his legal heir or the nominee.
Importance of Life Insurance Otherwise, the sum is paid to the assured,
when he attains a particular age. Thus, the
a) Life insurance provides protection to
endowment policy matures after a limited
the family at premature death of an
number of years.
b) It gives adequate amount at an old age iii) Joint Life Policy (JLP)
when earning capacities are reduced. The policy is taken up jointly on the lives
c) Life insurance is not only a protection of two or more persons is known as Joint
but is a sort of investment because a Life Policy. On the death of any one person,
certain sum is returnable to the assured the assured sum or policy money is paid
at the time of death or at the expiry of a to the other survivor or survivors. The
certain period. premium is paid jointly or by either of them
in installments or lump sum.
Types of Life Insurance Policies
Usually this policy is taken up by husband
Life insurance policies are of many kinds. and wife jointly or by two partners in a
Some of them are given below: partnership firm, where the amount is
payable to the survivor on the death of either
i) Whole Life Policy
of the two.
In this kind of policy, the sum insured is
payable only on the death of the assured iv) Annuity Policy
to the beneficiaries or heir of the deceased. Under this policy, the assured sum or
The premium is payable for a fixed period policy money is payable in monthly or
(20 or 30 years) or for the whole life of the annual instalments after the assured
assured. If the premium is payable for a
Life Insurance should more properly be called as “Life Assurance” because the risk insured
here is certain and natural. Only the tie of occurrence is uncertain.
Marine perils can be collision of ship with known as freight insurance. The shipping
the rock, fire, ship attacked by the enemies, company is mainly interested in freight,
etc. These perils cause damage, destruction which it gets either in advance or on the
or disappearance of the ship and cargo and arrival of goods. However, it will not get the
non-payment of freight. Through marine freight, if the goods are lost during transit.
insurance policy, the insurer undertakes to So, to insure the freight, it takes freight
compensate the owner of a ship or cargo for insurance.
complete or partial loss at sea.
A contract of marine insurance covers the
Essential elements of Marine Insurance ship, cargo and the freight.
(c) Health Insurance
1. It is based on the principle of indemnity In mid 80’s, most of the hospitals in India
2. The contract is based on utmost good were government owned and treatment
faith. was free of cost. With the advent of
Private Medical Care, the need for Health
3. The insurable interest must exist at the
Insurance was felt and various Insurance
time of loss.
Companies introduced Health Insurance
4. The principle proximate cause will apply as a Product. Presently the health
to marine loss only. insurance exists primarily in the form of
‘Mediclaim policy’.
Types of Marine Insurance Policies
The three different types of marine insurance Health insurance policy is a contract
policies are: between an insurer and an individual
or group, in which the insurer agrees to
provide specified health insurance at an
1. Hull or Ship Insurance:
agreed upon price (premium).Disability
When a ship is insured against any type of resulting from illness or accident may be
danger, it is known as hull insurance. This peril to family because it not only cuts
policy is taken to indemnify the insured for off income but also creates large medical
losses caused by damage to ship. expenses. Health insurance is taken as
safeguard against rising medical costs. It
2. Cargo Insurance:
provides risk coverage against unforeseen
When a marine insurance policy is taken by health expenditure that may result in
the cargo owner to be compensated for loss financial hardship.
caused to his cargo during the Voyage, it is
Types of Health Insurance
known as cargo insurance. The cargo to be
transported by ship is subject to many risks, There are mainly three types of Health
like risk of theft, loss of goods in voyage, etc. Insurance covers:
The motor casco is a voluntary insurance. It covers the motor vehicle against various risks
such as fire, natural disaster, theft of the motor vehicle or the equipment installed therein,
a breakdown as a result of collision with another vehicle or object on the road etc.
(vii) Rajeswari Mahila Kalyan Bima insurer to insure the whole or a part of risk
Yojana covered by the first insurer. It happens when
This policy envisages to provide relief to an insurance company feels that it cannot
the family members of insured women in bear the entire risk alone by itself. In such
case of their death or disablement due to case, it transfers a part of the risk to other
insurance companies.
any kinds of accidents and/or death and /
or disablement arising out of other factors
iv. Double Insurance
incidental to women only.
When more than one insurance policy is
Terms used in Insurance taken to cover the same subject matter i.e.
risk, then it is known as Double Insurance.
I. Nomination
According to Sec 39 of the Insurance
Act, 1938, nomination is the process of Insurance covers various risks of traders and
appointing or nominating a person or others. Therefore the concept of risk need to
persons by the insured, to receive the be studied. The term ‘business risk’ refers to
payment of the policy, in the event of death. the possibility of inadequate profits or even
The person who is authorized to receive the losses due to uncertainties or unexpected
payment of the policy is called nominee. If events. Risk is different from uncertainties.
the policy matures by expiry of time, the Nature of Business Risks
policy amount is payable to the insured
himself and not to the nominee. Business risks can be understood in terms of
their peculiar characteristics:
ii. Surrender Value
(i) Business Risks Arise Due to Uncertainties
The surrender value is the cash value of the
policy which is payable to policyholder if Uncertainty refers to the lack of knowledge
he decides to terminate the contract. This about what is going to happen in the future.
Natural calamities, change in demand
surrender value is usually obtained from the
and prices, changes in government policy,
paid-up-value by applying a percentage factor.
improvement in technology, are some of the
This percentage factor will vary according to
examples of uncertainty which create risks
the plan of assurance, the original term of
for business because the outcome of these
the policy and the duration elapsed since the
future events is not known in advance.
commencement of the policy. The surrender
value signifies the amount of premiums paid
which is returned to the policyholder at the (ii) Risk is an Essential Part of Every
time of surrendering the policy. Business
Every business has some risk. No business
iii. Re-Insurance can avoid risk, although the amount of risk
It is a contract of insurance, in which an may vary from business to business. Risk
insurer enters into a contract with another can be minimized, but cannot be eliminated.
David beckham, the famous football player from the UK first insured his legs for about
100 million pounds. as he became one of the most populous soccer players in the world, he
insured his whole body for $195 million to cover the risks of injury, illness, and disfigurement.
This policy would cover him financially if he were to lose any of the endorsements that
depended on his looks. $195 is approximately equal to $12,337.65 million.
iii. Four part-time Members (Not more than vii. It also ensures the maintenance of
5 years) solvency margin (company’s ability to
iv. The chairman and members of IRDA are pay out claims) by insurance companies.
appointed by ;the Government of India
Key Terms
Objectives of IRDAI Uberrimaefidei, Indemnity, Causa
1. To promote the interest and rights of Proxima, Subrogation, Mitigation,
policy holders. Surrender value
2. To promote and ensure the growth of
Student Activity
Insurance Industry.
3. To ensure speedy settlement of genuine a) Sanjana insured her factory for ₹5 Lakh
claims and to prevent frauds and against fire. Due to fire she suffered a
malpractices loss of ₹2 lakh. How much amount
she can recover from the insurance
4. To bring transparency and orderly company? Why?
conduct in financial markets dealing
with insurance. b) A factory owner gets his stock of
goods insured, but he hides the fact
Section 14 of IRDAI Act, 1999 lays down the electricity board has issued him
the duties and functions of IRDAI: a statutory warning letter to get his
i. It issues the registration certificates to factory’s wiring changed. Later on, the
Insurance Companies and regulates factory catches fire due to short circuit
them. of wiring. Can he claim compensation?
ii. It provides license to insurance to
intermediaries such as agents and
brokers after specifying the required
qualifications and set norms/code of
conduct for them.
iii. It promotes and regulates the professional
organizations related with insurance
business to promote efficiency in Exercise
insurance sector
iv. It regulates and supervises the premium I. Choose the Correct Answer
rates and terms of insurance covers.
1. The basic principle of insurance is
v. It specifies the conditions and manners, ________
according to which the insurance
a) Insurable Interest
companies and other intermediaries
have to make their financial reports. b) Co-Operation
vi. It regulates the investment of c) Subrogation
policyholder’s funds by insurance
d) Proximate causa
2. ______ is not a type of general insurance II. Very Short Answer Questions
a) Marine Insurance 1. List any five important type of policies.
b) Life Insurance 2. What is health insurance?
c) Fidelity Insurance
III. Short Answer Questions
d) Fire Insurance
1. Define Insurance.
3. Which of the following is not a function 2. Give the meaning of crop insurance
of insurance? 3. Write a note on IRDAI
a)Lending Funds
IV. Long Answer Questions
b) Risk sharing
1. Explain the various types of Insurance
c) Capital formation
2. Explain the principles of insurance.
d) Protection of life
3. Discuss the causes of risk.
4. Which of the following in not applicable
in insurance contract? Reference
a) Unilateral contract 1. Kapoor. N.D. Principles of Commerce,
b) Conditional contract 2. Nael G. Bunni, Risk and Insurance.
c) Indemnity contract
d) Inter-personal contract
5. Which one of the following is a type of
marine insurance?
a) Money back
b) Mediclaim
c) Hull insurance
d) Corgo insurance
1. a 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. d
In a report submitted to the Reserve Bank
of India, Mr.C.S.Kalyanasundaram defines
factoring as “a continuing arrangement
under which a financing institution assumes a) Maintenance of book-debts
the credit and collection functions for its A factor takes the responsibility of
clients, purchases receivables as they arise maintaining the accounts of debtors of a
(with or without recourse for credit losses, business institution.
i.e., the customer’s financial inability to
pay), maintains the sales ledgers, attends to b) Credit coverage
other book-keeping duties relating to such The factor accepts the risk burden of loss of
accounts, and performs other auxiliary bad debts leaving the seller to concentrate
duties”. on his core business.
Around eighty percent of the total amount When the claims of an exporter are assigned
of accounts receivables is paid as advance to a financial institution and the finance is
cash to the client. advanced on the basis of export invoice it is
called as international factoring.
d) Collection service
The factoring process involving the client
Issuing reminders, receiving part payments,
firm, factor and the customer is given below.
collection of cheques form part of the
factoring service. ))DFWRULQJYV)RUIDLWLQJ
A. Meaning
Logistics can be viewed as a logical extension
Logistics Management is defined as ‘Design
of transportation and related areas to achieve
and operation of the physical, managerial,
an efficient and effective goods distribution
and informational systems needed to allow
goods to overcome time and space (from
the producer to the consumer)’. This implies
that an integrated view of a number of
different activities and functions may be
required. These activities are represented
as part of the value chain, called the generic
value chain by Porter. All firms are viewed
as a collection of primary and secondary
The logistics management involves various
decisions that need examination for an
integrated system, they are:
Form Tech
Processing Support
Book- keeping
BPO Services
Data IT Help
Conversation Desk
Date Entry Processing
Explore retail
e-commerce sales
growth worldwide
• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code.
• “STATISTICA-The Portal for Statistics” page will open. Click on “E-Commerce”
menu in the page.
• “E-commerce worldwide - Statistics & Facts” page will open. Under the heading
“E-Commerce Worldwide - important statistics” there are 5 Menus (1) Overview
(2) Digital shoppers (3) Shopping behaviour (4) Mobile retail (5) Digital payment
• Under “Overview” select “Retail e-commerce sales growth worldwide 2014-
2021”. Access to “Overview “ is FREE
• Graphical representation for “Annual retail e-commerce sales growth worldwide
from 2014 to 2021” will appear. If you move the cursor over the bars respective
data will appear. Analyse the data’s. Open other data’s in overview and analyse.
• If you want to download the graph and data as pdf file you can click on the menu
on the right top. Register when you are asked to register for certain free access.
Learning Objectives
To enable the students to
i. have better understanding of the
concept of Social Responsibility
ii. identify the need for studying Social
iii. comprehend on different view points
for and against Social Responsibility
iv. specify various kinds of Social
Business said to be social responsibility of business.
a. Timely and regular payment of wages After learning about Social Responsibility
and salaries. of the business in this chapter, one can
b. Proper working conditions and welfare understand the significance of Social
amenities. Responsibility. The next chapter is about
c. Opportunity for better career prospects. Business Environment and Protection
d. Job security as well as social security like which deals with the organization taking
facilities of provident fund, group insurance, steps to protect both internal and external
pension, retirement benefits, etc. environment for their sustained growth and
e. Better living conditions like housing, development.
transport, canteen, crèches etc.
f. Timely training and development. 6XFFHVV6WRU\
• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code.
• CSRBOX site will open. Click on “NEWS & STORIES” and in the drop-down
menu Select “IMPACT STORIES”
• Scroll down the stories given and select education related CSR activity success
impact story you wish.
• Make a note on it and share it with your friends and teachers about your
• Also Explore CSR PROJECTS in Tamil Nadu.
Step1 Step2
To discern the truth in everything, by whomsoever spoken, is wisdom.
Business ethics may be defined as a set of All business units have realised that ethics
moral standards to be followed by owners, is vitally important for the existence and
managers and business people. These progress of the business as well as the
standards determine the conduct and society. It is very important as it improves
behaviour of business people. Business public image, earns public confidence, and
ethics reflects the conduct in the context of leads to greater success. Ethics and profits
business. go together in the long run. It enhances
the quality of life, standard of living and
Business exists to supply goods and
services to the people from social point .H\ (OHPHQWV 2I %XVLQHVV
of view but from individual point of view, (WKLFV
the primary objective of any business unit Some of the basic elements of business ethics
is to make profit. The individual objective while running a business enterprise are:
should not be in conflict with societal
objective. These two objectives normally 1. Top Management Commitment
contradict each other, as one business
Top management has a very important role
enterprise may be good in individual
to guide the entire organization towards
objective and bad at societal objective
ethical behaviour. The top level personnel
and vice versa. This raises the question
in any organisation should work openly and
of what is right and what is wrong. The
strongly committed towards ethical conducts
subject matter of ethics is concerned with
and guide people working at middle and low
establishing linkages between individual
level to follow ethical behaviour.
good and social good.
2. Publication of a “Code”
Ethical standards are often enacted into
laws. For example charging fair prices Generally organisations formulate their own
to customers, using fair weights for ethical codes for the conduct of the enterprise;
measurement of commodities giving fair it should followed by the employees of the
treatment to workers, earning reasonable organisation. The organisation principles are
profits etc. defined in the written document called code.
The code of conduct covers various areas such
as health and safety in the work place, fair
dealing in selling and marketing activities,
ethical practices in the business etc.
to be profitable. The organisation must employees should follow .It guides them in
provide for an environment where the decision making.
employees are to free to report about the
matters of unethical behaviour. The code of business ethics can include the
4. Involving Employees at All Levels
1. To offer goods at fair prices.
It is the employees at different levels who
2. To supply quality goods and not to deal
implement ethics policies to make ethical
in spurious and sub standard products.
business a reality. Therefore, their involvement
3. To listen to consumer’s complaints and
in ethics programmes becomes a must. For
to reduce them.
example small group of employees can be
4. Not to raise the price of its products
formed to discuss the important ethics policies
of firms and examine attitudes of employees
towards these policies. 5. Not to resort to hoarding and black
5. Measuring Results 6. Not to resort to price cutting with the
The organisations from time to time keep a sole aim of killing competition.
check on ethical practise followed. Although 7. Not to issue advertisement containing
it is difficult to accurately measure the end false information or exaggerated claims.
results of ethics programmes, the firms can 8. To pay fair wages to its employees and
certainly audit to monitor compliance with not to exploit them.
ethical standards. The top management team 9. To provide congenial work atmosphere.
and other employees should then discuss the 10. To design production process in such
results for further course of action. a way as to reduce environmental
&RGHRI%XVLQHVV(WKLFV 11. To keep proper books of accounts and
Code of ethics documents the generally records.
accepted principles of ethical conduct. They 12. To pay taxes regularly.
are statements of values and principles 13. Not to overlook Government rules and
which define the purpose of an organisation. regulations even at the time of incurring
It gives a clear picture of the standards that losses.
Balanced economic development is made
Corporate Governance is the system by possible through transparent management
which businesses are directed and controlled under corporate governance. All Stakeholders
in the best interests of all stakeholders. interests are protected and promoted through
Corporate Governance lays emphasis on corporate governance. Some of the benefits of
ethics, fair business practices, transparency, corporate governance are as follows
discloser and conduct of business for the
benefit of all stakeholders. 1. Good corporate governance enables
corporate success and economic
Corporate governance specific the rights development.
and liabilities of different group of people 2. Ensures stable growth of organizations.
like the chief executives, directors of the
3. Aligns the interests of various
board, managers of different departments
and other stakeholders. This helps to
provide the structure through which the 4. Improves investors’ confidence and
objectives of the company formulated and enables raising of capital.
their performance is monitored. 5. Reduces the cost of capital for
Corporate Governance maintains balance
6. Has a positive impact on the share price
among individual goals, societal goals,
economic goals and social goals. For 7. Provides incentive to managers to achieve
example companies like Infosys, Wipro, organizational objectives.
Reliance, Hindustan Uni Lever Ltd. etc. have 8. Eliminates wastages, corruption, risks
implemented corporate governance codes and mismanagement.
which ensure ethical and efficient conduct 9. Improves the image of the company.
leading to their development.
10. The organization is managed to benefit
'H¿QLWLRQV the stakeholders.
There are different definitions contributed 11. Ensures efficient allocation of resources
by various authors. Some important 12. Creates a strong brand as an ethical
definitions are as follows. business.
European commission urges member At the Federal level, two bills are currently
states to have sufficient number of being tabled which will impose a 40%
independent non-executive or supervisory quota for female Board members of public
directors on Board. G20/ OECD: The latest companies and other regulated entities such
principles encourage the prominent role of as banks and insurance companies.
independent Board members. It states that,
it is a good practice where remuneration
policy and contracts for Board members A bill pending in the Brazilian Senate would
and key executives is handled by a special impose a 40% female quota on the Boards
of state owned enterprises by 2022. IBGC acceptability that good corporate governance
Code of Best Practices (Brazilian Institute is a means to create a business environment of
of Corporate Governance) recommends: trust, transparency and accountability in order
to support investment, financial stability and
i. A formal evaluation process of the
sustainable economic growth. In the global
performance of the Board, of individual
and highly interconnected world of business
directors and of the CEO
and finance where money and corporate
ii. The process to be conducted by the Chair
operations constantly cross borders, creating
iii. Participation of the outsider to make the
trust is something that we need to do together.
process more effective
iv. Evaluation system adapted to each
organization .H\7HUPV
v. Disclosure of the process of evaluation to Behaviour Moral Mechanism
the shareholders Atmosphere Fair Prices Monitor
1.c 2.d 3.a 4.c 5.d
1. Which of the following helps in 1. What is ethics?
maximising sale of goods to society?
2. What do you mean by code?
a) Business success
3. State two ways by which ethics influences
b) laws and regulations behaviour
c) Ethics 4. What is need for Corporate Governance?
d) Professional 5. What are MNCs?
2. Ethics is important for
1. Define business ethics.
a) Top management
2. What do you mean by the concept of
b) Middle level managers business ethics?
c) Non managerial employees 3. Why is ethics necessary in business?
d) All of them 4. What are the benefit of Corporate
3. Which of the following does not ensure Governance to Share holders
effective ethical practices in a business 5. Illustrate with example the working of a
enterprise MNC
a) Publication of a code
b) Involvement of employees
c) Establishment of compliance 1. Explain the different key elements of
mechanisms business ethics.
d) none of them 2. Describe the code of business ethics.
4. The role of top management is to guide 3. Explain the significance of Corporate
the entire organisation towards Governance from the point of
(a) General behaviour
4. Discuss the role of International
(b) Organisavtion behaviour Benchmarking on the working of
(c) Ethically upright behaviour Companies in India
(d) Individual behaviour 5. Describe the benefits of increasing the
5. The ethical conduct of employees leading number of MNCs.
to standard practices results in
(a) good behaviour
1. Business Environment – C.B.Gupta
(b) bad behaviour
2. Business Studies – Dhanpat Rai
(c) ethical behaviour 3. Business Ethics and Values –Dr. Neeru
(d) correct decision making Vasishth and Dr. Namita Rajput
ܓᾶܛܱܠᾲܶܝᾼܱܭᾹܤܸܲܭ ᾁ῀ܩ
An undertaking of one who has wealth in one’s hands is like viewing an elephant-
fight from a hill-top.
Learning Objectives
To enable the students to
i. explain the meaning, nature and
significance of business finance
ii. explain the need for business finance
iii. classify the various sources of
business finance
iv. understand the importance of
savings and investments
need finance for fixed and working capital
requirement. Fixed capital requirements
,QWURGXFWLRQ include purchase of plant, machinery,
The previous chapter highlighted the furniture, fixtures, vehicles, and so on,
importance of insurance. The present while working capital requirements
chapter enlightens the students on the include purchase of raw materials,
concept of Business Finance. Need for the payment of salary and wages, incurring
Business Finance, sources of funds and operating expenses like telephone bills,
the importance of savings and personal carriage inward and outward, electricity
investment avenues, are briefly discussed in charges, premium, stationery, etc. Owner
this chapter. or promoter has to estimate the business
finance and accordingly look for various
“Finance is the lifeblood of any business.” sources for financing the operations of the
No business enterprise can function enterprises. The term sources of funds
without finance. Business enterprises denote the various avenues of mobilisation
of funds for a concern. This chapter throws 1. Business finance comprises of all types
light on each source of capital. of funds namely short, medium and long
term used in business.
2. All types of organisations namely small,
medium and large enterprises require
Meaning business finance.
The term business finance denotes the 3. The volume of business finance required
economic resources employed in business varies from one business enterprise to
enterprises. This term includes money another depending upon its nature and
and credit employed in the business. size. In other words, small and medium
Business finance is mainly concerned with enterprises require relatively lower level
arrangement of cash and credit for the of business finance than the large scale
business enterprises to carry out their day to enterprises.
day operations smoothly.
4. The amount of business finance required
It is clear from the definitions given above differs from one period to another. In
that the term ‘business finance’ is mainly other words the requirement of business
concerned with not only acquisition of finance is heavy during the peak season
funds from various sources but also with while it is at low level during the dull
effective and efficient utilisation of the season.
finance mobilised therefrom. 5. The amount of business finance
determines the scale of operations of
'H¿QLWLRQ business enterprises.
“The finance function is the process 6LJQL¿FDQFHRI%XVLQHVV)LQDQFH
of acquiring and utilizing funds by a
Business enterprise can function effectively
and efficiently only with adequate business
– R.C. Osborn
finance. It cannot expand its business
“Finance is that business activity which operations without business finance. The
is concerned with the acquisition and success of any business firm depends, to
conservation of capital fund in meeting a larger extent, on the manner in which it
the financial needs and overall objectives mobilizes, uses and disburses its funds.
of business enterprises.”
The following points highlight the
- B.O.Wheeler
significance of business finance.
1. A firm with adequate business finance
1DWXUH DQG 6LJQL¿FDQFH RI %XVLQHVV can easily start any business venture.
2. Business finance helps the business
1DWXUHRI%XVLQHVV)LQDQFH organisation to purchase raw materials
The following characteristics can be derived from the supplier easily to produce
from the above definitions. goods.
The duration of such bills of exchange may this type of loan. It is a loan taken on
be ranging from 15 days to 180 days. Instead the security of movable asset.
of holding the bills till the date of maturity,
borrowers generally prefer to get them 7. Mortgage
discounted with the bank. Discounting bills This is a type of loan taken from the bank
of exchange refers to an act of selling a bill to by lodging with the banker title deeds of
obtain payment for it before its maturity. immovable assets like land and building.
Business people raise loans by depositing the
4. Trade Credit title deeds of the properties with the bank.
Trade credit is the credit extended by
one trader to another for the purpose of 8. Loans Against the Securities
purchasing goods and services. Purchaser Banks accept various types of securities like
need not pay money immediately after the fixed deposit receipt, book debts, insurance
purchase. Such credit appears in balance policies, supply bills, shares debentures,
sheet as Trade Creditors, or Accounts bonds of company, document of title to the
Payable. Trade credit is very simple and goods like railway receipt, bill of lading,
convenient method of raising short term trust receipt, warehouse keeper’s receipt,
finance. There is no formality involved in book debt, and so on, and provides loan on
availing this facility. There is no need to the basis of the aforesaid securities.
give any security for trade credit. It is said
to be more economical than bank loans. 9. Clean Loan
Banks provide clean loan to certain
5. Pledge customer of outstanding credit worthiness
A customer transfers the possession of on the basis of their character, capacity and
an article with the creditor (banker) and capability. It simply grants loan without any
receives loan. Till the repayment of loan, the physical security. In other words clean loan
article is under the custody of the borrower. is loan given without any security or with
If the debtor fails to refund the loan, creditor personal security.
(banker) will auction the article pawned and
adjust the outstanding loan from the sale 10. Commercial Paper (CP)
proceeds. Commercial paper (CP) is an unsecured
money market instrument in the form of
6. Hypothecation a promissory note. Corporates, Primary
This is loan taken by depositing Dealers (PD), and All India Financial
document of title to the property with Institutions are eligible to issue Commercial
the banker. Of course the physical Paper. It was introduced in India in 1990
possession of asset property is with under Section 45W of the Reserve Bank
the borrower. If the borrower fails of India Act. It is issued by a firm to raise
to repay the loan amount, the article funds for a short period. It can be issued for
hypothecated will be sold in auction by maturities between a minimum of 7 days
the banker concerned. Business people and a maximum of up to one year from the
hypothecate goods or equipment to get date of issue.
Owner’s Borrowed
The sources of funds can be grouped into
Equity two categories based on generation.
Loan from banks
Loan from Financial 1. Internal Sources
This includes all those sources generated
Public Deposits
from within the business enterprises. For
Lease Financing instance retained earnings, collection
of old assets and so on. These sources There are certain groups or individuals in
can meet only limited needs of business urban and rural areas of Tamil Nadu, and
enterprise. all over India, who lend money informally.
They follow unethical practices of lending
2. External Sources by
External sources of funds include all those i) Charging very high rate of interest on
sources which generate funds from outside daily basis.
the business enterprise. For example issue ii) Collecting back the loans through money
of shares and debentures, borrowings and muscle power.
from banks and financial institutions,
iii) Ill-treating the borrowers to the core,
public deposits, factoring, leasing, hire sometimes leading to suicides
purchase, etc.
iv) Being highly choosy about the borrowers
rather than the project financed.
RI%XVLQHVV)LQDQFH The RBI and the respective governments in
various states have come up with many legal
There are various factors influencing choice control measures, but still they are beyond
of source of business finance. These factors the reach of such measures. For example with
are briefly discussed below the rapid growth in information technology
1. Cost personal financing has undergone a sea-
change. Peer-to-peer lending is very popular
Business enterprises have to analyse the cost among urban salaried class. Sites like https://
of mobilising and utilizing the funds. For enable salaried people to
take an advance at a nominal interest in case
of emergencies.
instance where the interest rate is relatively and capital may lead to the liquidation of
lower, public deposits, debentures, term business enterprises besides damaging the
loan etc. may be desirable options. reputation of the business concern in the
business world.
2. Financial Capacity of the Firm
Financially sound enterprises have capacity 6. Control
to pay interest promptly and return Equity shareholders are real owners of
the capital at the stipulated time. Such corporate enterprises. They exercise
enterprises can go for borrowed source. On complete control over the management of
the other hand, if the firm is not financially the company. If the existing shareholders do
stable, it has to depend on owned sources of not like to lose their control, they must not
fund. issue more equity shares to supplement the
financial resources. Contrarily borrowed
3. Forms of Organisation sources of funds will not disturb the control
The choice of source of fund depends on the exercised by the company management.
form of organisation. Sole proprietor and Hence borrowed source is suitable for
partnership firms cannot issue shares and maintaining the administrative control of
debentures. They have to depend on short the company.
term sources like bank finance, leasing, hire
purchase, factoring, etc. On the other hand 7. Stage of Development
Companies, Government organisations and A new business enterprise finds it hard
Co operative organisations mobilise funds to mobilise business finance than an
both from long term sources like shares, established firm. Therefore it may have to
debentures, public deposits etc. and from rely on owned sources in the initial stage.
short term sources. Once the business enterprise has established
itself in the business world, they can tap
4. Time Period
borrowed source of funds and offer its assets
The period for which business finance is as security there for.
required determines the suitable source.
For instance, where funds are required for 8. Credit Worthiness of Firms
shorter period, bank finance like overdraft,
Some sources of funds like debentures
cash credit, bill discounting, mortgage,
and creditors require the business firms to
pledge, leasing, hire purchase, factoring and
mortgage the assets. This hurts the credit
so on, are suitable sources. Funds required
worthiness of the business concern in
for longer period can be tapped from issue
the financial market. Contrarily business
of shares, debentures, bonds, term loan and
concerns do not have to mortgage its
the like.
assets when they mobilise funds through
5LVN)DFWRU sources like share capital, retained
Owned funds do not invite any risk while earnings, unsecured loans, etc. and
using borrowed funds entails a lot of risk. thereby maintaining good image in the
The probable default in paying interest financial market.
1. Money invested in bank deposits There are three aspects which need to be
facilitates employment generation in considered before investing the money
various sectors of economy and poverty namely liquidity, profitability, and safety.
alleviation. In other words some investments can be
2. The savings invested in bank deposits easily and readily encashed in the market
lead to credit creation in the country without any loss. Such investments are
which in turn promotes industrial and called liquid investments, for example
agricultural development in a country. bank deposits, government bonds,
mutual funds, precious metals like
gold, silver, platinum etc. while certain
other investments cannot be liquidated
immediately but they may fetch higher
returns at maturity. For example shares,
real assets, debentures, public deposits,
fixed deposits, money back insurance
“SAVE MONEY TO SAVE ALL” policies come under this category.
Certain other investments offer higher of various shares traded in stock exchange,
income earning prospects but they are reputation of the company, consistency in
totally unsafe as in the case of gambling, the payment of dividend, the nature of the
horse race, lottery, speculation and so on project undertaken by the company, growth
and so forth. Therefore an individual prospects of industry in which a company
investor has to park the surplus funds is operating, before investing in shares. If
judiciously so as to balance the liquidity, the investment is made for a long time, it
safety and profitability. may yield good return. However there is
equally risky to invest in shares as there is
Following are some of the investment
no guaranteed return therein.
options available to individual investor
6. Post Office Saving Schemes bond and Tax saving bonds. The term
There are different types of postal small bond is used for the debt collected by the
savings schemes namely Post Office government while the term debenture
Savings Account, Post Office Recurring is used when the corporates collect debt
Deposit Account (RD), Post Office Fixed capital from the public.Investment in
Deposit Account (FD/TD), Post Office
bonds is totally risk free.
Monthly Income Account Scheme (MIS),
Senior Citizens Saving Scheme (SCSS)
9. Unit Linked Insurance Plans (ULIP)
Public Provident Fund Account (PPF),
National Savings Certificates (NSC), Kisan ULIP is a life insurance linked product, which
Vikas Patra (KVP), Sukanya Samriddhi provides risk cover for the policy holder
Account (SSA). Investors can choose the along with investment options to invest in
appropriate postal schemes as per their any number of qualified investments such as
needs.Postal investment schemes is the stocks, bonds or mutual funds.
safest investments
10. Bank Deposits
7. Public Deposits Fixed deposits (FD) enable the investor
Public deposits are more beneficial than the to invest the money for a specific period.
fixed deposit in the bank, in the matter of The Fixed deposit can be opened from a
yielding good return. An investor has to minimum period of 7 days to a maximum
select the investment period very carefully. period of 10 years. The fixed deposit
He/she is not allowed to withdraw money holder can take loan against the fixed
before maturity. However the public deposits deposit receipt. The depositor cannot
collected by companies and institutions do withdraw the fixed deposits before the
not offer any insurance benefits. It does maturity date.
not come under the control of the Reserve
Bank of India. The investors who are willing Recurring deposit (RD) account is another
to invest for long term can opt for public investment option for those people who
deposits. earn regular income. This deposit can be
opened for a minimum period of 1 year to a
8. Bonds maximum period of 10 years. The Recurring
deposit holder can take loan against the
Bonds are one of the ideal investment
instalments paid.
options for those investors who would like
to invest their hard earned money safely.
Bonds are issued both by government and .H\7HUPV
public and private sector companies and Business Finance Trade Credit
financial institutions. Mostly there are Leasing
four types of bonds sold in India namely
Personal Savings
Government bonds, Corporate bonds,
Shareholders Mortgage
Banks and other financial institutions
Gokul Steel Ltd is a large and
creditworthy company that 1. What is defined as the provision of
manufactures steel for the Indian money at the time when it is required?
market. It now wants to cater the a. finance
Asian market and decides to invest b. bank
in new hi-tech machines. Since the
c. cash management
investment is large, it requires long
d. none of these
term finance. It decides to raise funds
by issuing equity shares. The issue of 2. Internal sources of capital are those that
equity shares involves huge floatation are ____
cost. To meet the expenses of
a generated through outsiders such as
floatation cost, the company decides
to tap money market.
b. generated through loans from
a) Name and explain the money-market commercial banks
instrument the company can use for c. generated through issue of shares
the above purpose.
d. generated within the business
b) What is the duration for which the
company can get funds through the 3. Debenture holders are entitled to a fixed
instrument? rate of _________
a. Dividend
c) State any other purpose for which this
instrument can be used. b. Profits
c. Interest
d. Ratios
4. Public deposits are the deposits which are
1) Working of chit funds raised directly from ______
2) Finance for bonded labour a. The public
b. The directors
c. The auditors
d. The owners
5. Equity shareholders are the __________
1) Export finance for small entrepreneurs of a company
a. Creditors
2) Financing software companies run by
b. Owners
young graduates
c. Debtors
d. Employees
6. Funds required for purchasing current 4. For which purpose fixed capital is needed
assets is an example for in business?
a. Fixed Capital Requirement 5. What do you mean by working capital
b. Ploughing Back of Profits requirement of business?
c. Working Capital Requirement
d. Lease Financing
1. List out the various sources of financing.
7. Which of the following holder is given 2. What are the different types of short term
voting right? finances given by commercial banks?
a. Debentures b. Preference Shares 3. Write short notes on 1.Retained Earnings
c. Equity shares d. Bonds 2. Lease financing
4. Write short notes on a) owner’s funds
8. It may be wise to finance fixed assets
b) borrowed funds
through ____________
5. Explain any four personal investment
a. Creditors
b. Long term debts
c. Bank Overdraft 3URMHFWZRUN
d. Bills Discounting
1. Visiting a bank in your locality and
$QVZHUV find out from them about the various
1. a 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. b ways in which they provide finance to
6. c 7. c 8. b small business enterprises.
2. Kumaran had started his leather bag
business as a sole proprietor, with a
1) Write a short notes on debentures. capital of ₹10,00,000/-. Now, after
2) What do you mean by public deposits? five years, he has decided to expand
his business in the form a company.
3) Name any two sources of funds classified
As a commerce student, give your
under borrowed funds.
suggestions to find out the various
4) Name any two internal sources of long term financial sources to generate
business finance. funds for his company.
5) State any two factors that affect the choice
of source of finance.
,,,6KRUW$QVZHU4XHVWLRQV 1. Business Finance R.M.Srivatsava,and
1. Define Business finance. others 1996 by Himalaya Publishing
House Mumbai
2. What is pledge?
3. List sources of raising long-term and 2. Financial management Dr A. Murthy
short-term finance. 2016 Margham Publications Chennai 17
International finance plays a pivotal role in DQG,QVWLWXWLRQDO,QYHVWRUV
the international trade and in the sphere of Foreign Direct Investment occurs when
exchange of goods and services among the an investor based on one’s native country
nations. (the home country) acquires an asset or
a company in another country (in host higher rate of growth in national income.
country) with the intention to manage 2. Help in Addressing BOP Crisis FDI
the asset or the company. The investing provides inflow of foreign exchange
company exercises control over decision-
resources into a country. This helps
making in an enterprise located in a foreign
the country to solve adverse balance of
country according to the level of equity
payment position.
shares held by it.
3. Faster Economic Development FDI
The foreign direct investments take the brings technology, management and
following forms marketing skills along with it. These are
1. Establishment of a new enterprise in a crucial for achieving faster economic
foreign country. development of developing countries.
2. Expansion of existing branch or 4. Generating Employment Opportunities
subsidiary in a foreign country. FDI generates a lot of employment
opportunities in developing countries,
3. Acquisition of enterprise located in a
especially in high skill areas.
foreign country.
5. Encouraging Competition in Host
Prior to 1999, FDI was permitted selectively
Countries Entry of FDI into developing
on a case to case basis with a normal ceiling
country promotes healthy competition
of 40% of total equity capital. However a
therein. This leads to enterprise
higher percentage of equity was permitted
in developing countries operating
in the case of high-tech import areas and
efficiently and effectively in the market.
export oriented units. After the Economic
Consumers get a variety of products of
liberalisation, the ceiling was removed and
good quality at market determined price
100% of foreign equities are permitted only
which usually benefits the customers.
in selected sectors.
the GDR through a local custodian. This 2. They are issued only to investors who are
provision can be used after 45 days from American residents.
the date of issue.
3. The depository bank should be located
7. Under GDR, the issuing company in US.
transacts with only one entity for all its
transactions. 4. The approval of Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) of US needs to be
$PHULFDQ'HSRVLWRU\ obtained for issuing ADR.
5HFHLSWV$'5 5. They are sub-classified on the basis of
ADR is a dollar denominated negotiable level of clearance made by SEC.
certificate representing a non-US company
in US market which allows the US citizens )RUHLJQ&XUUHQF\
to invest in overseas securities. &RQYHUWLEOH%RQGV)&&%
Foreign currency convertible bond is a
special type of bond issued in the currency
6WHSV other than the home currency. In other
1. First of all, a company hands over the shares words, companies issue foreign currency
to a Domestic Custodian Bank (DCB) convertible bonds to raise money in foreign
2. Then DCB requests the American currency.
Depository Bank (ADB) to issue the )HDWXUHVRI)&&%V
shares in the form of ADRs
1) FCCB is issued by an Indian company in
3. ADB converts the issue which are in
foreign currency.
rupees into US dollars
2) These are listed and traded in foreign
4. Finally, ADB issues them to the intending
investors. stock exchange and similar to the
3) It is a convertible debt instrument. It
The features of ADR are briefly given carries interest coupon. It is unsecured.
hereunder 4) It gives its holders the right to convert
1. ADRs are denominated only in US for a fixed numbers of shares at a pre-
dollars. determined price.
5) It can be converted into equity or
depository receipt after a certain period.
6) The amount received from the issue
of FCCB should be utilised as per the
guidelines of External Commercial
Borrowing (ECB).
American Depositary Receipt (ADR)
Global Depository Receipt (GDR)
Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
(FCCB) 1. An instrument representing ownership
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI interest in securities of a foreign issuer is
called ___________
a. an ownership certificate
b. a depositary receipt.
c. an ownership receipt
1. Role of World Bank in globalization d. None of the above.
2. The concept of Hot Money 2. Issuance of DRs is based on the increase
of demand in the
a. International market
b. Local market
c. Existing shareholders
1. Possibilities of making the western
and American countries in favour of d. All of the above
Indian Depository Receipt (IDR)
2. Petrodollar system and its future
ܑᾞ῀ܕܨܳܢᾶܲܡᾲܶ᾿ܧܝ ᾁ῀ܩ- 675
In His couplet He advised entrepreneurs
“Do an act after a due consideration of the (following) five, viz. money, means, time,
execution and place.”
The limit of investment in plant MSMEs need not hire professional managers
and machinery/equipment for to run the management on a day to day basis.
manufacturing/ Service Enterprises is In most cases, owner himself manages the
notified as under. enterprises. Hence, timely decision making
becomes easy and effective.
In December 2017 there were 45,67,090 Manufacturing enterprises
SHGs in India. The total number of
Service enterprise
members in SHGs during the same period
Micro enterprise
stood at 5,02,65,933 at all India level.
Small enterprise
The five year plans of the government of Medium enterprise
India has given due recognition to the
Self Help Group
relevance of the Self-help group concept to
implement developmental schemes at the
grassroots level. 3URMHFW
1.c 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.c
1. MSMED Act was enacted in the year
(a) 2004 1) What do you understand by the
manufacturing enterprises?
(b) 2007
2) Give some examples for micro
(c) 2006
(d) 2008
3) What is the aim of NEEDS?
2. MSMEs are important for the nation’s 4) What is a Self Help Group?
economy because they significantly 5) State the investment limit for small
contribute to enterprise in manufacturing and service
(a) industrial production sector.
(b) exports
(c) employment
1. State the investment limit for medium
(d) all the above
enterprise engaged in Manufacturing
3. Self help groups convert the savings into and service sector.
a common fund known as 2. List out the products produced by MSME
(a) Common fund in Tamil Nadu?
(b) Group corpus fund 3. What is the role and significance of
(c) Group fund MSMEs in Indian Economy?
(d) none of the above 4. Explain any three features of Self Help
4. There are ______ distinct modes of 5. What are the different ways in which
credit to Self Help Groups. banks fund Self Help Groups?
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3 1. What is the definition of MSME?
(d) 4 2. Explain the advantages of MSMEs?
3. What are the objectives of SHGs?
5. Investment limit of a micro enterprise
under manufacturing sector does not 5HIHUHQFH
exceed__________ lakhs 1. Business Organisation by Dr.K.Sundar
(a) 10 Vijayi Nicole Imprints Ltd
(b) 20 2.
(c) 25 3.
(d) 50 4.
Buying and selling of goods and services
within the boundaries of a nation are called
internal trade. It takes place between buyers
and sellers in the same locality, village, town
or city or in different states, but definitely
within the same country. Internal trade is
also called domestic trade or home trade.
B. Export Trade
Export trade means the sale of domestic
goods to foreign countries. One of the famous Indian
women entrepreneurs
Examples: is Indra Nooyi She was
born in Chennai and had
1. Export of Iron ore from India to Japan
her bachelor’s degree in
2. Selling of Tea from India to England. Madras Christian College.
3. Export of jasmine flowers from Madurai Master’s Degree in Public Management
to Singapore from Yale University, Masters in Finance
and Marketing from IIM, Kolkata.
Export trade is necessary to sell domestic Occupation: Joined PepsiCo in 1994 and
surplus goods, to make better utilization became CFO in 2001. Earlier she held
of resources, to earn foreign exchange, senior executive positions in Motorola
to increase national income, to generate and Asea Brown Boveri. She was product
employment and to increase Government manager at Johnson & Johnson and
revenue then textile firm Mettur Beardsell.
Awarded Padma Bushan for her business
India’s Important Export and Import achievements and being an inspiration to
Items India’s corporate leadership. She helped
the company to complete 30 billion
Export items: Import items:
dollars worth of crucial deals within the
1. Petroleum 1. Mineral fuels last couple of years.
products including oil
C.Entrepot Trade
2. Jewelry 2. Gem, precious
metals Entrepot trade means importing of goods
from one country and exporting the same
3. Automobile 3. Electrical machinery
to foreign countries. It is also known as ‘Re-
and equipments
export trade’.
4. Bio-chemicals 4. Machinery including
computers E.g. Indian diamond merchants in Surat
import uncut raw diamonds from South
5. Pharmaceuticals 5. Organic chemicals Africa. They cut and polish the diamonds
Who plenteous store of glorious wealth have gained, By them the other two are
easily obtained
%,QGLUHFW &KDQQHO RU 'LVWULEXWLRQ Ingram Iris, Redington, Neoteric, HCL, etc.
7KURXJK0LGGOHPHQ System Integrators (SIs), VARs, Consultants,
i. Contract Distributors or Contract Managed Service Providers (MSPs),
Logistics Independent Software vendors (ISVs) are
also called channel partners.
The large scale producer outsources the
warehousing, transporting and distribution iv. Manufacturer - Franchisor - Consumers
functions to a third party on contract. The
Producers adopt this channel to distribute
contractor may process orders, collect
goods or services in the home country and
payments and carry out customer service
foreign countries. (Read separate chapter on
also. He is paid commission on the basis
Franchising in another lesson)
of turnover. Multi-National Companies
outsource distribution function and v. Manufacturer- Retailer - Consumer
concentrate on their core production
The producer appoints a network of retailers.
The storage, warehousing, transport and
ii. Manufacturer - Value Added Reseller distribution functions are undertaken by
(VAR) or Distributor - Customers the producer himself. Branded and well
established products can be routed through
The VARs receive the products from the this channel.
manufacturers, incorporate them as if their
own products by adding value enhanced
service and sell them to customers. VARs
provide highly skilled technical support
so that the customer can have world class
satisfaction. Microsoft India has appointed
Avnet and Redington as VARs in India. A
solar panel producer may have builders as
VARs and the builders offer solar panel as
additional facility to the buyers of flats, etc.
vi. Manufacturer -Wholesaler - Retailer -
iii. Manufacturer - Channel partner - Consumer
The manufacturer engages wholesalers
An agreement is entered in between the to purchase products from them as soon
producer and channel partner. The producer as the production is over. The storage,
trains the technicians of the partner and warehousing, transport and distribution
provides certification that quality product functions are carried out by the wholesalers.
and service is assured from the partner. These wholesalers contact retailers and
Channel partner and producer work in sell goods in small quantities to them.
cooperation to attain their respective goals. Wholesalers may deal in a variety of products
The USA computer Technology Company from different producers. Finally retailers
Dell has channel partners in India namely, sell goods to individual end consumers.
vii. Producers - Agent - Wholesaler - ,,&KDQQHOV %DVHG RQ WKH 7\SH RI
Retailer - Consumer *RRGVDQG6HUYLFHV
time. Mostly direct channel is operated by reach the consumer at the earliest. e.g.
all producers through branches. Even in Flowers and milk. Technical products which
Information Technology (IT) companies, require pre-sale and post-sale advice from
a software is created and modified to suit technicians should be directly distributed
the customer’s needs. Insurance companies by producer or with middlemen. e.g: Air-
have branches and employ agents to connect conditioners, Washing machine.
with policyholders. Producer’s website
is of greater use in connecting with the ii. Market Characteristics
consumers in services marketing. The size of the market for the goods is
a major factor while selecting the route
,9&KDQQHOV %DVHG RQ 1DWLRQDO DQG for distribution of products. Distribution
,QWHUQDWLRQDO0DUNHWV in large geographical area requires more
The national or country level middlemen middlemen. Middlemen are not required to
are already dealt with in detail in the distribute products in a limited area.
previous paragraphs. The international
distribution of goods and services consists iii. Number of Consumers
of two sub systems. They are domestic Large purchases made by few consumers
distribution system and foreign distribution require centralised distribution. Large
system. There are export merchants, export number of consumers making purchases
trading houses, export agents, state trading in small quantities requires more
organisations, joint ventures, licensees, middlemen.
franchisees etc. performing the functions of
middlemen. iv. Middlemen factor
)DFWRUV,QÀXHQFLQJ&KDQQHO Middlemen who are experienced and have
RI'LVWULEXWLRQ produced more sales are wanted by all
The factors determining the suitability of producers. Long channel naturally increases
a channel for a product distribution are as the cost and price of the product. The
follows: number of layers of middlemen should be
kept to the minimum. The competitor who
is efficient in reducing distribution cost will
i. Product Characteristics
sell more as his price tends to be lower.More
Seasonal products are distributed through the middlemen are lesser will be the level
less layer of middlemen. Non standardized of control and more problems on the part
products that are made according to of the producers. Quality of distribution
customer specifications may be delivered service can be ensured and loyal customer
directly. But standardized products may base can be created with less middlemen.
be passed on through middlemen. Trucks In some areas there may be scarcity of right
which are heavily needed to be distributed middlemen and in some other cases the
with less layers of distribution. The life of policies of producers may be not acceptable
perishable products is limited and should to the middlemen.
and assumes the risk arising from price, retailers scattered over a wide area and
spoilage of goods, and changes in demand. buy goods in bulk from producers. He
enables producers to reach customers
f. Grading Packing and Packaging:
scattered over different parts of the
Wholesaler classifies the goods into
country by distributing goods through
different categories. He grades the goods
retailers located in different areas.
on the basis of quality, size and weight
Therefore producer can concentrate only
etc. He also undertakes packaging of
on production.
goods and also performs the function of
branding. 3. Warehousing Facility: A wholesaler
holds large stock of goods in his private
g. Providing Information: Wholesalers
warehouse or in a rented warehouse. In
provide valuable information to
this way he relieves the manufacturer
retailers and producers. The retailers
from the function of warehousing.
are informed about the quality and type
of products available in the market for 4. Forecasting of Demand: A wholesaler
sale. The producers are informed about collects information from retailers about
the changes in taste and fashions of the nature and extent of demand and
consumers by wholesalers so that they passes it onto the producers and enables
may produce the goods on the basis of them to produce goods according to the
tastes and preferences of customers. needs, tastes and fashions prevailing in
h. Transportation: A wholesaler arranges the market.
for the transport of goods from producers 5. Publicity of Goods: Often wholesalers
to his warehouse and from the warehouse launch advertising campaign to boost
to retailer. Many wholesalers maintain the demand for the goods. Producers
their own trucks, carry goods in bulk get the benefit of such publicity
and add place utility to the goods. and thus enabled to spend less on
6. Financial Assistance: A wholesaler often
A wholesaler provides valuable services
makes advance payments to producers.
to manufacturers, producers, retailers and
He buys the goods as soon as they are
produced. Producers need not lock up
their capital in maintaining huge stock
Services to Producers or Manufacturers of goods.
1. Economies in Large Scale: A wholesaler
7. Risk-bearer: A wholesaler provides ready
buys goods in bulk and, thereby, enables
market to producers by placing advance
the producers to produce goods on a
orders and relieves the manufacturer
large scale. Large scale production helps
from the risk of loss due to fluctuation
to reduce the cost of production per unit.
in demand and storage of goods. He also
2. Assistance in Distribution: Wholesalers reduces the risk by matching seasonal
collect orders from a large number of demand.
Dr. Arokiaswamy Velumani
Landless farmer’s son to owner of ₹2158 crores business empire. Velumani was so
poor that he sought government subsidy to go through school and college. Today,
he is the owner of the world’s largest thyroid testing company, that boasts of 1,122
outlets across India, Bangladesh, Nepal and the Middle East!
He started his career as a shift chemist at Gemini Capsules, a small pharmaceutical company in
Coimbatore, in 1979 and earned a measly sum of ₹150 every month. The curtains came down on
the company three years later and Velumani found himself without a job.
After 14 years of servitude at BARC, Velumani resigned his job. He decided to channel his expertise
in thyroid biochemistry to set up testing labs that detected thyroid disorders. With ₹1,00,000 from
his provident fund, Velumani, at the age of 37, opened a shop in Byculla, South Mumbai.
Thyrocare is worth ₹3,377 crores ( on may 2016 ) and has made its debut on Indian bourses.
Velumani owns a 64% stake in the company, which makes him worth ₹2,158 crore!
But it doesn’t end there for Velumani and his team. Thyrocare is also working towards developing
a subsidiary to focus on cancer screening through molecular imaging.
a) No, I don’t think that company should 3. ----------buy the goods from the producer
follow sales manager’s suggestion and and sell it to the retailers.
start direct business with retailers. a. Manufacturer b. Wholesaler
c. Retailer d. consumers
Itinerant Traders Fixed shop small retailers Fixed shop large retailers
a. peddlers and hawkers a. Street stalls a. departmental stores
b. street traders b. general stores, b. chain stores
c. market traders c. single line stores c. consumer cooperative stores
d. cheap jacks traders d. speciality stores d. supermarkets
e. second shops e. hire purchase and installment
f. mail order houses
g. shopping malls
h. automatic vending machines
i. telemarketing
j. Online shopping
d. Cheap Jacks
Those retailers who have independent shops
b. Street Vendors of temporary nature in a business locality are
The traders sit on the footpath of the road depending upon the potentiality of the area.
or at the end of the road (pavement) and sell They deal in consumer goods and services
their goods such as fruits, vegetables, books, such as shoes and chappals, plastic items,
etc. are called Street vendors. repair of watches, etc.
The retailers who maintain permanent
establishment to sell their goods are
called Fixed Shop Retailers. They do not
move from place to place to serve their
customers. The fixed shop retailers can
be classified into two types on the basis
of the size of their operations. They are: a.
Fixed Shop Small Retailers and b. Fixed
Shop Large Retailers
Fixed shop small retailers are of the
following categories:
4. Speciality Stores
Speciallity Stores deal in a particular type
of product under one product line only.
5. Seconds Shops
These shops deal with second-hand goods
or used articles in a low price such as books,
2. General Stores furniture, utensils, clothes, automobiles, etc.
and also new defective goods.
General Stores sell a wide variety of products
under one roof, most commonly found in a )L[HG6KRS/DUJH5HWDLOHUV
local market and residential areas to satisfy the
The retailers having permanent
day-to-day needs of the customers residing in
establishment and dealing in large scale
nearby localities. They remain open for long
are called Fixed shop large scale retailers.
hours at convenient timings and often provide
They are popular due to urbanisation,
credit facilities to their regular customers. For
modernisation and other reasons. The most
example, a provision store deals in grocery,
common forms of large scale retailers are as
bread,butter, toothpaste, soaps, washing
powder, soft drinks, confectionery, stationery,
cosmetics, etc. 1. Departmental Stores
2. Chain Stores or Multiple Stores
3. Super Markets
4. Consumer Cooperative stores
5. Hire purchase and Instalment Traders
6. Shopping Malls
7. Mail order houses
8. Automatic Vending Machines
9. Tele-marketing
10. Online Shopping
i. Convenience in buying
The departmental stores provide great
convenience to all the members in a
family in buying almost all goods of their
requirements at one place. A large variety of
goods available in all the departments enable
)HDWXUHV customers to save time and no need to run
from one place to another to complete their
i. Large Size: shopping.
A department is a large scale retail showroom
requiring a large capital investment by ii. Attractive services
forming a joint stock company managed by It aims at providing maximum services and
a board of directors. There is a Managing facilities to the customers such as home
Director assisted by a general manager and delivery of goods, execution of telephone
several department managers. orders, rest rooms, restaurants, salons,
children game centres, etc.
ii. Wide Choice:
It acts as a universal provider of a wide iii. Central location
range of products from low priced to very These stores are usually located at central
expensive goods (Pin to Car) to satisfy all places so that more people can approach
the expected human needs under one roof. easily.
iv. Elimination of Middleman the customers. The salaried staff may not
A departmental store combines both the take interest in securing the satisfaction and
functions of retailing as well as warehousing. goodwill of the customers
They purchase directly from manufacturers
and operate separate warehouses. It helps v. Difficult to establish
in eliminating undesirable middlemen A large amount of capital investment and
between the producers and the consumers. a large number of specialised persons are
required to establish a departmental store.
v. Economies of Large Scale Operations
The Departmental stores are organised at a vi. High risk
large scale i.e., buy goods in bulk, therefore Due to central location and large scale
they enjoy the benefit of special discount. operations, risk of loss is very high
In turn, the customers get their goods in
quality and lower price. Change in tastes and fashion and market
fluctuations may lead to heavy loss.
i. High cost of operations
A number of identical retail shops with
A departmental store requires a large similar appearance normally deal in
building with ample parking at a central standardised and branded consumer
place. It has to incur heavy expenditure products established in different localities
on salaries, maintenance of building, owned and operated by manufacturers or
customer services, advertising, etc. As a intermediaries are called as Chain stores or
result, establishment and overhead cost of Multiple shops. In USA, these are known
operations are very high. as chain stores but these are popular as
multiple shops in Europe. They deal only in
ii. Higher prices particular line of product and specialise in
Due to high operating costs, prices of goods the same. Many such shops are in India. For
in a departmental store are comparatively example : Bata.
high. Only rich persons can afford to buy
goods at a departmental store.
iii. Distance
It is located at a central place of a city, away
from people living in suburban areas have to
travel a long distance to reach the store.
A Super market is a large retail store selling A consumers cooperative store is a
a wide variety of consumer goods on the retail organisation owned, managed and
basis of low price appeal, wide variety and controlled by the consumers themselves to
assortment, self-service and heavy emphasis obtain products of daily use at reasonable low
on merchandising appeal. The goods traded prices. Its objective is to eliminate profits to
are generally food products and other low middlemen by establishing a direct contact
priced, branded and widely used consumer with the manufacturers. People belonging
products such as grocery, utensils, clothes, to middle and low income groups , at least
house hold goods, electronic appliances and 25 persons have to come together to form
medicines. For example : The Nilgiris a voluntary association and get it registered
under the Cooperative Societies Act.
gets possession of the goods immediately on The customers may be asked to make full
signing the contract the ownership does not payment in advance or at the time of receiving
pass on till the payment of last instalment. the goods In this arrangement, there is no risk
The buyer prefers to pay a lump sum or a of bad debt. Perishable goods like milk are not
part of the price initially i.e., down payment suitable for sale by mail order. Suitable goods
and the balance in instalments as per the are books, watches, etc.
contract. The seller continues to be the
owner of the article till then. If the buyer $XWRPDWLF9HQGLQJ0DFKLQHV$90
commits a default in payment, the seller is Automatic vending machine is a new form
entitled to repossess the article. It is also a of direct selling. It is a machine operated by
form of credit sale. Only durable articles coins or tokens. The buyer inserts the coin
like television, air conditioner, refrigerator, or the tokens into the machine and receives
washing machines, etc., are suitable for hire a specified quantity of a product from the
sale. machine. AVMs are placed at a convenient
location such as railway stations, airports,
Instalment system is a type of purchase in
petrol pumps, etc.
which the price amount of the product is
not paid initially but in instalments. It is also
called as deferred payment system. Under
this system, title or ownership of articles as
well as possession is passed on to the buyer
as soon as the first instalment is paid. On
default of payment, the seller cannot seize
the article but recover the dues through
Mail order houses are the retail outlets that
sell their merchandise through mail. There
is generally no direct personal contact
between the buyers and the sellers in this
type of trading. Example Aavin Dairy Milk through AVMs
1. Advertisements provide information Shopping malls are developed due to
about the products to consumers change in departmental stores in modern
time. A shopping mall functions in a
2. Order receiving and processing
multi-storey building. Many small to big
On receiving the orders, the goods are shops are commenced under the separate
sent to the customers through the post ownership. Various types of branded
office by Value Payable Post (VPP). goods of daily requirement and luxurious
3. Receiving Payments products are available.Modern facilities
Telemarketing can be divided into two
i. Telephonic Marketing
Potential Customers are contacted through
telephone or mobile to provide information
about the products. Willing customers visit
the office and place the orders. This method
is useful for loan, financing, insurance Because of the absence of middlemen,
services, credit card, etc. No middlemen in showroom expenses, etc. products are available
this marketing and cost reduced accordingly. at cheaper price in comparison to local market.
Customers also get after sales services.
ii. Television Marketing
In this method, customers are attracted &RPPHUFHDQG,QGXVWU\
by providing full information of product $VVRFLDWLRQV
or service through TV demonstrations.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry is an
Customers are given either phone number
association of business and industrial houses
or name of the website to place the order.
like merchants, financiers, manufacturers,
Payments for these products are made
etc. in a locality, region, or state. The main
through two methods.
objective of these associations is to promote
i. Advance payment by debit/credit card. ii. and protect the interest and goals of Indian
Payment in cash at the time of delivery. commerce and industry. These associations
are non-profit making organisation and its
For example- Tablemate and other home
members are institutional members.
0DUNHWLQJ 1. They act as national guardians of trade,
commerce and industry.
The manufacturers or the intermediaries
place the advertisement of their products 2. They act as a catalyst in strengthening
on different media of internet like e-mail, the internal trade of the country.
portal and browser. Sometimes, they have 3. Interact with Government with regard
their own website like Flipkart, Amazon, to formulation and implementation of
Snapdeal. etc. The customers compare related policies.
([HUFLVH 1. What is Retailing?
,&KRRVHWKH&RUUHFW$QVZHU 2. State the meaning of multiple shops.
3. Mention any two benefits of Vending
1. Retailers deal in ____________ quantity
of goods
4. What are specialty stores?
a) Small
c) Medium 1. Explain the features of general stores.
d) Limited 2. Give any four points of distinction
2. Small scale Fixed retailers include between hire purchase system and
__________ installment system of selling.
a) General stores 3. Explain the characteristics of super
b) Pedlars
4. What is meant by ‘mail order retailing’?
c) Cheap Jacks
1. a 2. a 3. b 4. d
Learning Objectives
To enable the students to Literature. There were regular Trade
i. explain the meaning of international Routes across the seas to the distant Jawa
business and Sumatra islands in the east and up to
ii. state as to why international business the Arabian Peninsula in the west. But the
takes place and how does it differ volume of such trade was insignificant and
from internal trade continued to remain so small all through
the middle ages and right up to the advent
iii. describe the scope and benefits of
of the British rule in India. It is only after
international trade
the establishment of the British rule in India
iv. discuss the different types of that India’s foreign trade took a definite
international trade shape.
The previous chapter deals with internal
trade and various types of internal trade
in detail. The present chapter presents the There are some routes of International
basic aspects of international business. It Business before 18th century 1. Salt
enlightens the students on the difference Route-India to Egypt 2.Silk Route-
between internal trade and international China to India 3.Spice Route-India to
business, types of international business, Europe
the advantages and disadvantages of
international business. Let us first shed
light on the meaning and definition of
international business. India’s international
trade is not of recent origin. The various
pieces of literature bear enormous evidence
about India’s foreign trade with other
countries. Evidences about our international
trade are found in the ancient literature of
our country particularly in our Sangam
International trade has become inevitable all natural resources required for its
after the second world war since no country people. Due to varying climatic conditions
remains self sufficient in terms of all prevailing across the world certain resources
natural resources available therein. In other are abundantly available in some countries,
while these resources may not exist or may
not be available to the required extent in
other parts of the countries. This situation
The Cholas excelled in foreign trade paves way for international business. In
and maritime activity, They extended other words countries with surplus resources
their influence overseas to China and have to exchange them with other countries
Southeast Asia.Towards the end of the 9th for its deficit resources. For example, Gulf
century, Southern India had developed countries are super rich in petroleum
vast extensive maritime and commercial resources but they do not have any other
activity. The South Indian guilds played a essential resources needed for human
major role in interregional and overseas existence. Hence they have to exchange the
trade. The best known of these were surplus petroleum resources to buy other
the Manigramam and Ayyavole guilds. essential resources from other countries
The encouragement given by the Chola where they are available abundantly.
court gave impetus to the expansion
of Tamil Merchant Associations such as Similarly some advanced countries produce
the Ayyavole and Manigramam guilds in goods and services of good quality at
Southeast Asia and China. The Cholas, affordable prices using sophisticated
being in possession of ports of both the techniques. The developing countries
west and the east coast of peninsular and least developed countries cannot
India, were at the forefront of these afford to produce those goods with their
ventures. limited technical knowhow. In such a
case international business enables these
words no country is currently functioning countries to buy those goods from advanced
independently as a closed system. Even the countries. This makes it necessary for
socialistic countries like U.S.S.R. China, etc., international business
are now taking concrete steps to capture
In short uneven distribution of
foreign markets for the product abundantly
natural resources across the world
produced in their countries. International
and specialisation attained by certain
trade has become a part and parcel of our
countries in the production of certain
normal economic life of any country.
products push those countries to exchange
goods and services with one another. This
exchange a warrants International trade
or International business.
Countries across the world are endowed
with natural resources of various kinds. Today we live in a world where the obstacles
But no single country uniquely possesses to the exchange of the goods and technology
Basis Domestic Business International Business
1. Meaning Domestic business refers to International business refers
business transactions transacted to the business transactions
within the geographical transacted in beyond the
boundaries of a country boundaries of a country
2. Participants in People / organizations within the People/organizations outside the
Business country participate in business country participate in business
activities activities
3. Mobility of Factor of The factors of production i.e. The factors of production i.e.
Production labour,, capital, technology, labour,, capital, technology,
material, etc., move freely within material, etc., move across the
the boundaries of the country boundaries of the country.
4. Nature of Consumers Consumers are relatively Consumers are relatively
homogenous in nature in terms heterogeneous in nature in
of culture, behavior ,taste, terms of culture, behavior ,taste,
preferences, legal system, customs preferences, legal system, customs
and practices, etc., and practices, etc. prevailing
across the countries,
other countries and export the goods which These trades are briefly stated hereunder
bring them better prices to other countries.
A) Export Trade
7\SHVRI,QWHUQDWLRQDO When the firm of country sells goods and
%XVLQHVV services to a firm of another country it is
On the basis of sale and purchase of goods called export trade. Export trade indicates
and services, international trade can be selling of goods and services from the home
divided into three kinds. They are export country to a foreign country. For Example;
trade, import trade and entrepot trade. It the sale of handicraft, leather products,
has been exhibited in the chart drawn below electronic goods, herbal products, etc., by
Indian company to other countries is known
as export trade.
bringing them into one’s home country. For c) There may not have any bilateral trade
example when Indian enterprise purchases agreement between both the country
petroleum products, electrical goods, d) Importer and exporter may not share
machinery, and medical equipments etc., good economic relation with each other
from other countries, it is termed as Import
1. What do you mean by international
Take interest in export or import trade business?
Try to become exporter 2. What is meant by Export Trade?
3. What is meant by Import Trade?
4. What is meant by Entrepot Trade?
5. Give any two reasons for International
6ãNPTå6ãNÝY>TNà ᾁ῀ܩ
The method of performance for one who has begun an act is to ascertain the mind
of him who knows the secret thereof.
cash incentives, tax incentives and relief, exhibitions too are organized for promoting
institutional support, concessional interest international business. The Government of
rate, infrastructural assistance, loan India has set up several institutions for the
assistance, tax exemptions, tax holidays purpose of promoting exports.
and transport concessions, etc., Trade
Export and Import Bank
delegations are sent abroad to explore export
(EXIM Bank)
potential for various products and services
in various countries across the world. Export and Import Bank which is one of
Bilateral trade agreements are entered into the specialized financial institutions wholly
with foreign countries which offer bright owned by Government of India was set up in
prospects for export. Besides trade fairs and the year 1982 for financing, facilitating and
promoting foreign trade of India. The main on the basis of exports orders and letter of
objective of EXIM bank is to co-ordinate the credit opened in favour of overseas buyer
various activities of institutions and bank
engaged in financing foreign trade. Post-Shipment Financial Assistance.
Main Functions of EXIM Bank Post-shipment financial assistance is an
assistance granted in the form of advances
Main functions of EXIM bank are listed
on the basis of bills of exchange and
shipping documents drawn under letters of
1. It provides direct financial assistance credit. This type of export finance is granted
to exporters of plant, machinery, and right from the date of shipment of the goods
related services. to date of realization collection of export
proceeds for the purpose meeting capital
2. It underwrites the shares, debentures
need, paying insurance charges. ECGC
and bonds of the companies engaged in
premium commission and brokerage to
agent export promotion expenses and so on
3. It provides re-discount facility in respect and so forth.
of export bills for a period not exceeding
90 days against short-term export bill
discounted by commercial bank. Objectives of Export Trade
4. It gives overseas buyer credit to foreign The important objectives of the export
exporters for the import of Indian capital include the following.
goods which are used for manufacturing 1. Facilitating selling of goods to countries
export products. which desperately need such goods
5. It finances export- oriented industries.
2. Expanding the market for goods by
6. It collects and provides market and credit producing them on a large scale.
information about foreign trade to those
engaged in international business. 3. Earning foreign exchange through
Role of Commercial Bank in
4. Helping a country increase the national
International Business
Commercial banks provide financial
assistance in two ways, namely, pre- 5. Creating employment opportunity in
shipment financial assistance and post- a country by promoting of export -
shipment financial assistance. oriented and export related enterprises.
6. Generating revenue for the Government
Pre-Shipment Financial Assistance. in the form of customs and excise duties.
This is the type of assistance given to 7. Promoting mutual understanding and
enable exporters to purchase raw materials co-operation among the nations.
process them and create finished goods for 8. Achieving optimum utilization of
the purpose of export. This credit is given
After the scrutiny of quotation / proforma Indent is prepared in duplicate. One copy
invoice, the buyer who intends to buy the of the indent is sent to the exporters and
goods sends an indent to exporter. The latter second one is retained by the importer and
may either receive the order directly from the kept in his records. There are three types of
indent, namely open indent, closed indent
importer or through an agent who acts as an
and confirmatory indent.
intermediary between the exporter and the
importer. The agent receives commission A. Open Indent
for this intermediating service. An indent
actually points to an order received from It gives complete freedom to exporter to
abroad for export of goods. i.e. sale of goods. choose type of goods, price, quality, method
The indent contains the details in the box. of packing etc.,
to inspect the consignment meant for to importer, This certificate helps the
export. If the inspector is satisfied with the importer to get concessions on import
packing he/she issues certificate mentioning duty on the goods imported based on the
that goods exported adhere to specification bilateral trade agreement between the
made by the exporter. This certificate is countries.
termed as Export Inspection Certificate. It is
required by the customs authorities for the 10. Consular Invoice
shipment of goods. Where the customs duties are charged
on the basis of value of goods at import’s
8. Insurance of Goods
port(ad-valorem basis), the customs officers
Exporter has to arrange for getting the are empowered to open the consignment
goods insured to protect them against the to calculate duties. In order to avoid this
various risks like deterioration, collision, problem exporter obtains consular invoice
immersion, fire, entry of sea water etc., as and sends it over to the importer.
per the instructions of importer if any.
This document is signed by the consul of
9. Certificate of Origin. importer’s country stationed in exporter’s
country. Hence customs officer at the port of
Import regulation of foreign countries may
destination will not open the consignment
require that all this import consignments
and simply access customs duty based on the
must accompany a certificate of origin.
value declared in the invoice. They simply
This certificate certifies that goods which
accept the invoice as true statement of the
are exported have been manufactured in
content of the consignment.
a particular country. In India, Chamber
of Commerce, Trade Association, Export
Promotion Council have been empowered
to issue such certificate. It will be sent
The exporter prepares a commercial In this case documents are handed over to
invoice in respect of the goods shipped the importer only against payment of bill by
in triplicate according to the terms and importers bank
conditions agreed between the exporter
and the importer. Then the exporter Document Against Acceptance (D/A)
submits all related documents like In this case documents are released to the
commercial invoice, insurance policy, importer immediately after he accepts
the bills of exchange sent along with the
Shipped in apparent good condition and order by Tamizhan Enterprises at Chennai in the
Rebel Range’s whereof Udaya Kumar is the master for the Present Voyage the 1000 cases
of goods marked SE-01 to be delivered and conditions subject to the terms and conditions
stated overleaf at the port of Chicago to Pallavan & Co. or their agents upon their paying the
freight for the said goods with the primage and average.
for Mooventhan. Shipping Co.
Dated: 20/Feb/2018
document of title to the goods and agrees from his bank mentioning that the
to pay at maturity date. The exporter’s documents relating to export have been
bank makes payment through importer’s presented to the importer for payment
bank either immediately or at maturity and the payment has been received from
date in the case of usance bill. This amount the importer as per exchange control
is, then credited to the exporter’s account. regulation.
Export Documents
P= Provisional
Source: Annual Report 2016-2017. Ministry of Commerce and Industry Government of India New Delhi
Value in Rs Crore
Rank Country 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
1 CHINA 73,030.43 58,932.74 68,246.12 34,523.14
2 The U A E 259,427.52 263,859.28 283,008.01 151,756.00
3 The U S A 201,852.69 198,140.14 208,939.49 98,227.09
4 SAUDI ARAB 68,029.68 41,796.44 34,253.90 50,685.41
5 SWITZERLAND 6,538.75 6,421.29 94,114.93 16,302.67
6 SINGAPORE 46,061.97 46,456.71 48,153.70 13,680.91
7 GERMANY 83,118.57 79,306.61 6,543.02 26,624.71
8 HONG KONG 24,674.35 23,038.41 23,400.69 2,901.97
9 INDONESIA 28,084.74 18,446.42 28,436.72 11,304.92
10 IRAQ 35,614.11 50,531.32 64,115.09 33,830.51
Total of Top countries 826,432.81 786,929.37 859,211.67 439,837.32
% Share of Top
43.58 45.85 46.46 46.91
OTHER COUNTRIES 1,069,915.60 929,448.66 990,217.07 497,863.92
% Share of other
56.42 54.15 53.54 497,863.92
India's Total exports 1,896,348.41 1,716,378.03 1,849,428.74 53.09
Source: Annual Report 2016-2017. Ministry of Commerce and Industry Government of India
d. Terms of shipping
e. Terms of payments i.e. Letter of credit
Documents against Acceptance (D/A)or
Documents against Payment (D/P)
f. Probable delivery time
g. Validity of offer period
Importer responds to enquiry by sending
proforma invoice
3. Obtaining Foreign Exchange
of credit is issued only for financially sound i) Getting Endorsement for Delivery
importer. Exporter’s bank eventually sends The clearing agent gets bill of lading endorsed
the document to issuing bank which releases by importer in his favour to enable him to
the payment. take delivery of goods and approaches the
shipping company. Where the freight is not
6. Receiving Shipping Document
paid, the clearing agent pays it. The shipping
The importer collects shipping documents company may give a separate delivery order
along with the advice note of shipment after collecting the freight charges or it may
of goods from the exporters. Advice note simply endorse on the bill of lading by the
contains a written message through which importer or by his agent itself as a proof
exporter informs the importer about the payment of freight charges.
dispatch of goods and advise him to make
agreement for taking delivery of goods on ii) Payment of Dock Dues
arrival of goods at the port of destination.
The clearing agent submits two copies of
The captain of the ship informs the dock
filled in Application form to “Landing and
authorities about the arrival of goods on a
Shipping Dues Office. This office levies
document called Import General Manifest.
charges on all the imported goods. The
The customs authorities in turn inform the
clearing agent has to pay Dock charges by
importer concerned about the arrival of
Dock challan. After paying dock charges
goods at the port.
‘Landing and Shipping Due Office stamps on
7. Appointment of Clearing Agents the application form itself with wordings like
Dock charges paid’ or it may issue a separate
There are lot of formalities involved in
receipt called Post Trust Dues Receipt.
clearing the goods imported from the
port. Normally importer does not feel
comfortable with completing the formalities iii) Preparation of Bill of Entry
by himself. In this case he may delegate the Bill of Entry is prepared in triplicate in order
task of clearing the imported goods from to pay custom duty. This document contains
the port of discharge to clearing agent who the details like name and address of importer,
is well-versed in this job. The latter performs the name of the ship, full description of the
the job for a fee. The importer sends all the goods, number of packages, importer and
documents to the clearing agent to enable exporter code (IEC) name of the exporting
him to take delivery of goods after fulfilling country and custom duty payable. Bill of
the customs formalities prescribed in this Entry is issued in three colours. The black
regard. form is meant for non-dutiable goods while
the blue form is meant for the goods within
8. Fulfillment of Customs Formalities
the country and the violet is intended
Clearing agent engaged by the importer for re-export. Import duty is calculated
performs the following activities in on the basis of details given in the bill of
connection with taking delivery of goods entry by customs authorities. Where the
from the port. importer / clearing agent does not know
Total Value_Rs_______________
the exact /and full details about goods the bill is passed over to the port authority.
imported, he will prepare a bill of sight. He He would issue release order.
would provide as much as details possible
about the goods imported to the extent of vi) Getting Delivery From The Dock.
his memory and with specific remark that The clearing agent takes delivery of
he cannot give complete information about goods from the dock after submitting the
the goods imported. In such a case , customs documents like, Port Trust Dues Receipt, Bill
authorities will complete the statement and of Entry and Bill of Lading. If the goods are
import duty only after assessing the arrival imported for re-export, the agent / importer
of goods at the port of delivery. will deposit them in a bonded warehouse
and receives Dock Warrant.
iv) Payment of Import Duty
The clearing agent / importer submits the vii) Dispatching Goods to the Importer
bill of entry and other required documents The agent despatches the goods to the
to the customs authorities. He pays import importer by the rail/ road. He gets Railway
duty in the case of dutiable goods to the Receipt (R/R) or Lorry Receipt (L/R) from
customs authorities. the transporter.
Petroloeum products
4.85 Peral precious semi precious
Drug formulations
66.41 biological
• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code.
• Ministry of Commerce and Industry Analytics page will open. It consists
of Exports, Imports data. By default, Imports data is seen. Import value, Top
commodities, Top ports, Geography wise imports, Commodities across ports are
given as charts.
• If you move your cursor over the chart, it will highlight respective data. For
commodities across ports you have to double click on each commodity for
respective data.
• Similarly you can select Export and analyse the data.
The learned say that the best kingdom is that which knows no evil (from its foes),
and, if injured (at all), suffers no diminution in its fruitfulness.
Learning Objectives
27.01 World Trade Organisation
To enable the students to (WTO)
i. explain the meaning, objectives and International business involved complex
functions of WTO
issues among various countries way
ii. discuss the importance and functions back in 1950’s. A keen need then was
of World Bank felt to establish separate mechanism for
iii. understand the objectives and regulating and controlling trade relation
functions of IMF across the countries around the world. As
iv describe the role of SAARC a result, the General Agreement on Tariffs
and Trade. (GATT) was signed at Geneva
on 30th October 1947 by 23 countries.
It came into effect on 1st January 1948.
GATT was a multilateral treaty. It laid
down rules and regulations for conducting
international trade. GATT achieved many
success but various countries felt the
need to create a new international body
to replace the GATT. The GATT which
remained in force from 1948 to 1994 thus
came to an end with the establishment of
World Trade Organisation (WTO) on 1st
Headquarters of WTO at Geneva January 1995.
International Bank for Reconstruction and The main functions of the world bank are
Development (IBRD) stated below
SDR was created by the IMF in the year 1969 as supplementary international reserve asset.
It is described as paper gold. Initially the value of SDR was fixed to be 0.888671 grams of
fine gold equivalent to one US dollar till the year 1973. After the collapse of Britten Wood
system in 1973 SDR was redefined as basket of currencies. From 1st October 2016 SDR
basket consists of US dollar, Euro, the Chinese Renminbi, Japanese Yen and British Pound
sterling. The value of SDR is regularly posted daily in IMF website.
It is calculated as the sum of specific amount of each basket currency value in US dollar
based on the spot exchange rates observed at noon London time. IMF allocates SDR
to member countries in proportion to their quota. IMF member can exchange SDR
for freely usable currencies by voluntary exchange or as per IMF instructions. Besides
members can borrow from IMF at favorable rate of interest to correct imbalance in
balance of payments.
Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System (LERMS) was introduced in the budget
1992-93. Under the LERMS, Exporters of goods and services and those who are recipients
of remittances from abroad could sell the bulk of their foreign exchange receipts at market
determined rates. Similarly, those who need to import goods and services or undertake
travel abroad could buy foreign exchange to meet such needs, at market determined rates
from the authorised dealers, subject to their transactions being eligible under the liberalised
exchange control system. However, in respect of certain specified priority imports and
transactions, provisions were made in the scheme for making available foreign exchange at
the official rate by the Reserve Bank of India.
II. Very Short Answer Questions.
1. ISC Commerce by S B Gupta - S Chand’s
1. What is WTO? Company Ltd New Delhi.2017
2. What do you mean by World Bank? 2. International Business Theory and
Practises by Ghanshyam Sharma-
3. What is Special Drawing Rights?
Centrum Press-2012
4. What is SAARC? 3. Experiencing International Business
5. What is GATT? Management by Routledge-2017
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A kingdom is that which can bear any burden that may be pressed on it (from
adjoining kingdoms) and (yet) pay the full tribute to its sovereign.
Learning Objectives
services rendered and capital received by
To enable the students to residents in a country and payment made
i. explain the meaning, definition, and by them on account of goods imported,
structure of balance of payments services rendered and capital transferred
ii. explain the meaning, definition, and to non residents or foreigners out of the
structure of balance of trade country.
Purpose of Preparing Balance of
Balance of trade and balance of payment
are important aspects in international trade. Balance of payment is the principal tool
The various aspects of the both the terms for analyzing the monetary position of
have been briefly dealt with in this chapter international trade of a country just like
Receipts and Payments account of enterprise
28.01 Balance of Payments (BOP) revealing the net effect of cash movements
happening in an enterprise during a
particular period.
Balance of payment refers to a systematic
record of all economic transactions between Balance of payments help in framing
the residents of one country and the residents monetary, fiscal and trade policies of
of foreign countries during a particular period country. Government keenly observes
of time. For example, one year. balance of payment position of its important
trade partners in making policy decisions. It
It contains a classified record of all receipts reveals whether a country produces enough
and payments arising from goods exported, economic output to pay for its growth. It is
reported either for every quarter or for a particular period of time, usually a calendar
year. year.”
Net Result Revealed by BOP
Features of Balance of Payments
A Balance of Payment surplus indicates
that country’s exports are more than its The main features of balance of payments
imports and its government and residents are as follows.
are savers. They are in position to have 1. It is a systematic record of all economic
enough capital to pay for its domestic transactions between one country and
production. The country can even lend
certain other countries of the world
to other countries which in turn buy
its products. As a result it boosts the 2. It is prepared for a period of three months
economic growth in the short term. The or twelve months, i.e., usually 12 months
country achieves higher economic growth 3. It contains all receipts and payments
due to higher exports in the long run. both visible and invisible
It builds strong domestic market. This
4. It includes all economic transactions
protects the economy from exchange rate
both recorded on current account and
capital account
A Balance of Payment deficit points to the 5. Economic transactions are recorded
fact that country’s import is more than the according to double entry principle of
export. This situations forces the country to book keeping. Accordingly receipts are
borrow from other countries to pay for its
recorded on credit side and payments
imports. It creates economic development
are recorded on debit side
in the short term. It is just similar to taking
an educational loan from bank to pay school 6. It indicates a country’s position in foreign
fees of children expecting their salary in the trade
future which would help repay the loan. 7. BOP shows a favourable or surplus
position when the total receipts from
foreign countries exceed the total
According to International Monetary Fund, payments to foreign countries. When the
“ The balance of payments for given period receipts from foreign countries are less
is a systematic records of all economic
than the payments to foreign countries,
transactions taken place during the
BOP is said to be unfavorable or in deficit
period between residents of the reporting
countries.” 8. BOP position shows the economic health
of nation just like the thermometer
In the words of Domini Salvatore indicates the temperature of human
“The Balance of payment is a summary body. Favourable BOP indicates
statement in which principle all the records economic prosperity while unfavourable
of the resident of a nation with the resident balance of payments shows economic
of all other nations are recorded during a weakness of a country.
Current Account
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Let king first ask, ‘Who shall the deed perform?’ and ‘What the deed?’ Of hour
befitting both assured, let every work proceed.
The English common law is the base for the Agreement 2(e) Every promise and set
development of Indian Contract Act 1872. of promises forming consideration for
The Act came into force on 1st September each other is an agreement. In short,
1872, and applies to the whole of India Agreement = Offer + Acceptance.
except the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
This Act applies to the usage of trade and Consideration 2(d) When at the desire
lays down the general principles. of the promisor, the promisee or any
other person has done or abstained from
There are two parts of Indian Contract
Act namely
doing something or does or abstains
from doing something or promises to do
a. General Contracts
or abstain from doing something, such
b. Special Contracts act or abstinence or promise is called a
Meaning of Contract consideration for the promise.
As per the Indian Contract Act, 1872, a
Contract 2(h) An agreement enforceable
“contract” is an agreement enforceable by
by Law is a Contract.
law. The agreements not enforceable by law
are not contracts. An “agreement” means
‘a promise or a set of promises’ forming
consideration for each other. A promise
arises when a proposal is accepted. By
implication, an agreement is an accepted
proposal. In other words, an agreement
consists of an ‘offer’ and its ‘acceptance’.
Agreement = offer / Proposal + Acceptance
Contract = Agreement + Enforceability
by law
29.02 Essentials of a Valid Contract thing in the same sense at the same time
“All agreements are contracts, if they are i.e. there should be consensus – ad – idem.
made among parties – by free consent of the Consent is said to be free when it is not
parties, competent to contract, for a lawful caused by coercion, undue influence, fraud,
consideration and with a lawful object, and misrepresentation or mistake.
not hereby expressly declared to be void.”
Sec.10 6. Capacity of Parties (Section 11)
The parties to a contract must have
1. Offer and Acceptance capacity (legal ability) to make valid
There must be two parties to an agreement contract. The Indian contract Act
namely one party making the offer and the specifies that every person is competent
other party accepting it. to contract provided he
Agreement not enforceable by law - Any An agreement which fulfils all the essentials
essential of a valid contract is not available. prescribed by law on the basis of its creation.
For example S offers to sell his car for
Agreement enforceable by law - All essentials Rs.2,00,000 to T. T agrees to buy it. It is a
of a valid contract are available Valid Contract.
2. Executory Contract
A contract in which both the parties are yet For Own Thinking
to fulfil their obligations, it is said to be an 1. A agrees to pay B (Rs.20,000) and in
executory contract. For example A agrees to consideration, B agrees to unload 10 bags
buy B’s cycle by promising to pay cash on of sugar from a truck in 5 minutes. Is it a
15th June. B agrees to deliver the cycle on Valid contract?
20th June. 2. X writes to Y, “As a doctor you treat
my wife without charging, I promise to
3. Unilateral Contract pay you Rs 10,000/-. “X” does not pay.
Advise Y
A unilateral contract is a one sided contract
3. P owes Q Rs.10,000/-for the last 10 years
in which only one party has performed his
and the payment is time barred. P signs a
promise or obligation, the other party has to pro-note for it. Is it a valid contract? If yes,
perform his promise or obligation. give reason
Exercise Answers
(c) Agreement violating legal procedure 1. Explain the essentials of a Valid Contract
(d) Agreement against public policy. 2. Difference between Contract and
4. Acceptance to be valid must
3. Explain the classification of Contract on
(a) Be absolute
the basis of the Validity.
(b) Be unqualified
4. Explain the classification of Contract on
(c) Both be absolute & unqualified the basis of the Formation.
(d) Be conditional. 5. Explain the classification of Contract on
5. A contract with or by a minor is a the basis of the Performance.
(a) Valid contract
(b) Void contract
(c) Voidable contract
(d) Voidable at the option of either party.
1. Promisee – only a promisee can demand comes to an end if the promisor dies. Of
performance and not a stranger demand course in case of other contracts, the legal
performance of the contract. representatives of a deceased promisor are
bound to perform it as provided in Para 2 of
2. Legal Representative – legal
Section 37.
representative can demand Exception
performance. Contrary intention For Example M promises to sell his car
appears from the contract. Contract is of for (Rs. 1,00,000) to N after a week. But,
a personal nature. M dies after 5 days of the contract. M’s
representative will be liable to sell the car to
3. Third party – Exception to “stranger to a
N and N will be liable to pay Rs. 1,00,000/-
to M’s representative.
30.02 Who will Perform the Contract?
iv) Third Person
i) Promisor himself
According to Section 41, if a promisee
Under Para 1 to Section 40, it is laid down accepts the performance of the promise by a
that where it appears from the nature of the third person he cannot afterwards enforce it
contract, the intention of the parties that any against the promisor.
promise contained in it must be performed
by the promisor himself or by his legal v) Joint Promisors
representatives or by any other competent (a) Devolution of Joint Liabilities
person employed by him, then such promise (Section 42)
must be performed by the promisor himself
or by his legal representatives or by any Section.42 of Indian Contract Act lays down
other competent person employed by him. that ‘‘When two or more persons have made
a joint promise, then unless a contrary
For Example X promises to sketch a site intention appears in the contract, all such
map of Y’s house. X will have to perform persons, during their joint lives and after the
this promise himself. Because it requires death of the last survivor, representatives of
the skill of X. all, jointly must fulfil the promise”
vi) Time and place of Performance of Example: A has given an order of supply of
Promise books in July which should be performed
It is only the promisee for whom the within 4 to 5 days of the month of July.
contract is performed. Only the promisee
can demand the performance of the promise
2. Under Section 47, specified time and
under a contract.
place for performance:
For Example: X promises Y to pay Z If the promise is to be performed on a
₹ 10,000/-. X does not pay the sum to Z. certain day, the promisor may undertake
Here Z cannot bind X for the payment. It to perform it without application of the
is only promisee Y who can enforce the promisee. According to the Section 47,
promise against the promisor X. In such a case the promisor may perform
the promise at any time during the usual
Of course, there are certain special cases, hours of business on such day and at the
where a third party can enforce a promise place at which the promise ought to be
though he is not a party to the contract performed.
For example in respect of trust, marriage
settlement etc. In case of death of promisee, 3. Under Section 48, performance on a
the representative appointed by him can ask certain day:
for the performance of the promise under a If the promise is to be performed on a
contract. certain day the promisor may undertake
to perform it after the application by the
Legal provisions regarding the time, place
and manner of performance of a contract promisee to that effect.
Various legal provisions are laid down under 4. Under Section 49, performance of promise
Section 46 to 50 regarding the time, place when no place is fixed and without
and manner of performance of a contract. application:
So, as far as the time, place and manner of
If the promise is to be performed
performance of a contract are concerned it
without application by the promisee
must be agreed upon by the parties to the
and where no place is mentioned to be
contract themselves. The legal provisions
performed of the contract then it is the
regarding these are given below –
duty of the promisor to apply to the
1. Under Section 46, performance within a promisee to provide a reasonable place
reasonable time: for the performance of the promise and
to perform it at such place.
According to Section 46, a promisor is to
perform his promise within a reasonable
time. On the other hand, reasonable For Example: M takes to deliver 1,000
time will depend upon the circumstance kilos of wheat to N on a fixed day. M must
of the case, the usage of trade or on the apply to appoint a reasonable place for the
intention of the parties entering into the purpose of receiving it and must deliver it
contract. to him at such place.
1. Appropriation of Payments
Sometimes, a debtor owes several distinct
debts to the same creditor and he makes a
(i) Time place and manner form payment which is insufficient to satisfy all
the core of the performance of a the debts. In such a case, a question arises as
contract to which particular debt the payment is to
be appropriated. Section 59 to 61 of the Act
(ii) Valid tender of performance
lay down following rules as to appropriation
is always considered to be the
of payments which provide an answer to
performance of a contract
this question.
For Example P owes to Q, among other 2. To identify those who are involved in
debts, the sum of Rs.10,000. Q writes to the process of performance of contract
P and demands payment of this sum. and their legal status
P sends to Q Rs.10,000. This payment is
to be applied to the discharge of the debt
of which Q had demanded payment.
3. Application of payment where neither I Choose the Correct Answer
party appropriates [61]
1. On the valid performance of the
The payment shall be applied in discharge contractual obligations by the parties,
of the debts in order of time whether they the contract
are or are not based by the limitation Act
a. Is discharged
1963, if the debt are of equal standing (i.e.
payable on the same date) the payment shall b. Become enforceable
be applied in discharge of each of these debt c. Becomes void
proportionately. d. Becomes legal
1. Discharge by Performance
Learning Objectives
Performance implies carrying out the
To enable the students to obligation of the contract. Performance must
i. Understand the circumstances be completed according to the real intentions
under which a contract is said to be of the agreement. Performance must be done
discharged. according to time and manner prescribed.
ii. Analyse the impossibility of Performance of contract may be of two types
performance as a mode of discharge namely
of contract.
(i) Actual performance
iii. Perceive the breach of contract as a
mode of discharge of contract. (ii) Attempted performance
iv Absorb the remedies available to
2. By Agreement on Consent
an aggrieved party on the breach of
contract. Agreement between the parties comes to
an end by mutually agreeing for it. Any
contract is created by an agreement, hence
in the same way, it can be discharged by
31.01 Discharge of Contract
an agreement. In this connection the rule
Discharge of contract implies termination of law is as follows. “Eodem modo qus and
of the contractual relationship between quide constituitor, eodem modo destruitur,”
the parties. A contract is discharged if it the meaning of which is that a thing may
ceases to operate and when the rights and be destroyed in the same manner, in which,
obligations created by it come to an end. it is constituted. The consent may be of the
Sometimes, other rights and obligations following types
may arise as a result of discharge of the
(i) Express: Express consent may be given at
contract. These are independent of the
the time of formation of the contract or
original contract.
subsequent to its formation
Modes of Discharge Of Contract (ii) Implied: The contracts are also
Different modes of discharge of contract discharged by implied consent, different
have been provided under different sections modes of discharge by implied consent
of the Act. are mentioned below
31.02 Remedies for Breach of i) When the act agreed to be done is such
Contract that compensation in money for its non-
All parties to a contract are expected to performance is not sufficient
perform their promises. When one party ii) When it is probable that compensation
refuses to perform his promise, then the in money cannot be received for the
breach of contract takes place. The other non- performance of the act agreed to be
party or parties are called aggrieved or done
injured party or parties. iii) When there is no standard for
ascertaining the actual damage caused by
Remedies the non-performance of the act agreed to
There are various types of remedies for the be done
injured parties listed as follows
On the other hand, the court does not grant
i) Recission of Contract. specific performance in the following cases:
ii) Claim for Specific Performance. i) Damages are an adequate remedy
iii) Claim for Injunction. ii) The contract is not certain
iv) Claim for Quantum Merit and iii) The contract is inequitable to either
v) Claim for Damages. party
iv) The contract is of revocable nature
(i) Recission of Contract
v) The contract is made by the trustee in
In case of breach of contract by one party, breach of trust
then the other parties may rescind the vi) The contract is of personal nature i.e.,
contract and thereby the party is absolved contract to marry
from his all obligations under the contract.
vii) The contract made by a company
ultra-vires of its Memorandum of
For Example: M promises N to supply
him a motor car on 1st January 2017, and
N promises to pay for the motor car on 1st viii) The court cannot supervise its carrying
January 2017. N is absolved from paying out
its price.
(iii) Claim for Injunction
(ii) Claim for Specific Performance Injunction is an order passed by a competent
court restraining a person from doing some
In some specific cases if the damages are
act. Injunction can be defined as a mode
not the adequate remedy, then the court can
of securing the specific performance of the
direct the party in breach for the specific
negative terms of a contract. Negative terms
performance of the contract. In such case,
of contract imply doing something, which
the promise is carried out as per terms and
a party has promised not to do. Injunction
conditions of the contract.
is an order which is granted by the court
Generally in the following cases, the court restraining the person to do what he had
grants specific performance promised not to do.
The court may order injunction in the by a party for breach of contract. There are
following cases – mainly four types of damages, such as-
Learning Objectives
To enable the students to
i. know the meaning of direct tax and
its types
ii. understnad the term income tax and
its features Direct Indirect
iii. explain the basic concepts of Income Taxes Taxes
iv understand the heads of Income,
Gross Total Income and Total Income
Government, it is called direct tax e.g.
Income-Tax, Wealth Tax, Capital Gains
32.01 Meaning of Tax Tax, Securities Transaction Tax, Fringe
Tax is a compulsory contribution to state Benefits Tax (from 2005), Banking Cash
revenue by the Government. It is levied Transaction Tax (for Rs.50,000 and above
on the income or profits from business of - from 2005), etc. In India all direct taxes
individuals and institutions. It may be added are levied and administered by Central
to the price of goods, services or transactions. Board of Direct Taxes.
Tax is the basic source of revenue to the ii. Indirect Tax: If tax is levied on the
Government. This revenue is utlised for the goods or services of a person (seller). It
expenses of civil administration, internal and is collected from the buyers and is paid
external security, building infrastructure, by seller to the Government. It is called
etc. indirect tax. e.g. GST.
Types of Taxes
32.02 Income Tax
There are two types of taxes – direct taxes
and indirect taxes. Income tax is a direct tax under which tax
is calculated on the income, gains or profits
i. Direct Tax: If a tax levied on the income earned by a person such as individuals and
or wealth of a person and is paid by that other artificial entities (a partnership firm,
person (or his office) directly to the company, etc.)
iv. Value of perquisite or profit in lieu vi. Agricultural Income (Section 2(1A)
of salary taxable u/s 17 and social Any rent or revenue derived from land
allowance or benefit specifically granted which is situated in India and is used for
either to meet personal expenses or for agriculture purposes. Agricultural income
performance of duties of an office or an is fully exempted from tax u/s 10(1) and as
employment of profit. such does not form part of total income.
v. Export incentives, like duty drawback,
cash compensatory support, sale of Heads of Income [Sec. 14]
licenses, etc., Section 14 of Income Tax Act 1961 provides
vi. Interest, salary, bonus, commission or for the computation of total income of an
remuneration earned by a partner of a assessee which is divided under five heads
firm from such firm. of income. Each head of income has its own
vii. Capital gain chargeable u/s 45. method of computation.
viii. Profits and gains from the business of These five heads are;
banking carried on by a co- operative
(i) Income from ‘Salaries’ [Sections 15-
society with its members.
ix. Winning from lotteries, crossword
(ii) Income from ‘House Property’
puzzles, races including horse races,
[Sections 22-27];
card games and other games of any
(iii) Income from ‘Profits and Gains of
sort or from gambling or betting of any
Business or Profession’ [Sections 28-
form or nature whatsoever.
x. Deemed income u/s 41 or 59. (iv) Income from ‘Capital Gains’ [Sections
xi. Sums received by an assessee from 45-55]; and
his employees towards welfare fund (v) Income from ‘Other Sources’ [Sections
contribution such as provident fund, 56-59].
superannuation fund, etc. Gross Total Income (GTI) [Section
80B (5)]
xii. Amount received under key man
insurance policy including bonus Income from all the above five heads of
thereon. income shall be computed separately
according to the provisions given in the
xiii. Amount received under agreement for-
Act. Income computed under these heads
(a) not carrying out activity in relation
shall be aggregated after adjusting past and
to any business, or (b) not sharing any
present losses and the total so arrived at is
know – how, patent, copyright etc.
known as ‘Gross Total Income’.
xiv. Benefit or perquisite received from
(i) Income from ‘Salaries’ *****
a company, by a director or a person
(ii) Income from ‘House Property’ *****
holding substantial interest or a relative (iii) Income from ‘Business or Profession’ *****
of the director or such person. (iv) Income from ‘Capital Gains’ *****
xv. Gift as defined u/s 56 (2)(vi), and (v) Income from ‘Other Sources’ *****
others. Gross Total Income (GTI) *****
II. Very Short Answer Questions 2. Define Tax. Explain the term direct tax
1. What is Income tax? and indirect tax with an example.
3. List out any ten kinds of incomes
2. What is meant by previous year?
chargeable under the head income tax.
3. Define the term person?
4. Discuss the various kinds of assesses.
4. Define the term assessee?
5. What is an assessment year? Reference
1. V.P.Gaur,, Income Tax Law and
III. Short Answer Questions
Practice: Incorporating Income tax
1. What is Gross Total Income? Act, 1961 As Amended Up –to –Date,
2. List out the five heads of income. (Assessment Year 2017-18) 45th Edition,
Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi 2017.
3. Write a note on Agricultural Income.
2. A. Murthy., IncomeTax Land and
4. What do you mean by Total Income.
Practice: Assessment Year 2017-18, 5th
5. Write short notes on: edition, Vijay Nicole Imprints Private
1. Direct Tax. 2. Indirect Tax Limited Chennai.
3. The Institute of Chartered Accountants
IV. Long Answer Questions
of India, Taxation (Part – I: Income-tax,
1. Elucidate any five features of Income ICAI Bhawan, Indraprastha Marg, New
Tax. Delhi.
• Open the Browser and type the URL given (or) Scan the QR Code.
• GeoGebra Work book called “COMMERCE” will appear. In this several work
sheets for Commerce are given, Open the worksheet named “GST CALCULATOR”
• You can enter Rate of GST and the Amount in the respective boxes and press
• You will get 3 Answers
1. GST amount,
2. If the cost is the amount, you will get the amount after Tax.
3. If you enter the amount Which Includes the GST you will get
split up value Cost + GST.
Differences between Direct Taxes and
Learning Objectives Indirect Taxes
Direct Tax
(Example - Income Tax) Pays
Consumer Govt
Indirect Tax
(Example - Income Tax) Pays Pays
Consumer Manufacturer Govt
register under GST. But the traders having Constitution Amendment Act 2016 was
inter-state business should register and passed and the President’s acceptance was
pay GST even the turnover is below Rs.20 received on September 8, 2016. Under this
lakhs. Special provisions are there in the Act, GST Council, a constitutional body was
GST Act for the 8 northeastern states to be formed to implement GST.
and Himschal Pradesh, Uttarakhand and
Kinds of GST
Jammu and Kashmir.
GST is of three kinds: CGST, SGST/UGST,
Goods and Service Tax
and IGST.
GST Act was passed on April 12, 2017.
GST came into effect from 1st July, 2017. a. CGST - Central Goods and Services Tax
It is the single biggest tax reform since - imposed and collected by the Central
Independence. Several Countries like Government on all supply of goods
Russia, Canada, Australia, Singapore, China, within a state (intra-state) under CGST
etc. have already introduced GST. Act 2017
The right to levy tax is derived from the b. SGST - State Goods and Services Tax
Constitution of India. To permit the Centre - imposed and collected by the State
and the States to levy taxes on the same goods Governments under State GST Act.
and services needed unique amendment (Tamil Nadu GST Act 2017 passed by
to the Constitution. Accordingly 101st Tamil Nadu Govt.)
4. GSTN facility will reduce multiple record this rate will surpass fifteen percent and
keeping, lesser investment in manpower effectively double the tax rate.
and resources and improve efficiency. v. Adoption and migration to the new
5. All interactions will be through common GST system would involve teething
GSTN portal and will ensure corruption troubles and learning for the entire
free administration. ecosystem.
6. Uniform prices throughout the country.
Expansion of business to all states is Key Terms
made easy. Indirect Tax
Value Added Tax
C. To Consumers
Security Transaction Tax
1. Input tax credit allowed will lower the
Excise Duty
prices to the consumers.
Custom Duty
2. All small retailers will get exemption and
Goods and Services Tax
purchases from them will cost less for
GST Council
the consumers.
Constitution of India
Disadvantages of GST
Besides the above listed advantages the
GST is also criticized for many reasons. The
disadvantages of GST are stated below: I. Choose the Right Answer:
i. Several Economists says that GST in 1. Who is the chairman of the GST council?
India would impact negatively on the a) RBI Governor b) Finance Minister
real estate market. It would add up to 8 c) Prime Minister d) President of India
percent to the cost of new homes and
reduce demand by about 12 percent. 2. GST Stands for
ii. Another criticism is that CGST, SGST a) Goods and Supply Tax
are nothing but new names for Central b) Government Sales Tax
Excise/Service Tax, VAT and CST. c) Goods and Services Tax
Hence, there is no major reduction in the d) General Sales Tax
number of tax layers.
iii. A number of retail products currently 3. What kind of Tax the GST is?
have only four percent tax on them. a) Direct Tax
After GST, garments and clothes could b) Indirect Tax
become more expensive. c) Dependence on
iv. The aviation industry would be affected. the Type of Goods
Service taxes on airfares currently range and Services
from six to nine percent. With GST, d) All Business Organisations
4. Compare CGST, SGST and IGST.
1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. d Reference
II. Very Short Answer Questions 1. Awdhesh Singh, 2017, GST Made
Simple: A Complete Guide to Goods and
1. Define Indirect tax.
Services Tax in India (Second Edition)
2. List out any four types of indirect taxes
2. Taxman, 2017, GST Manual, Taxman
levied in India.
3. What do you mean by Goods and
3. Taxman, 2017, GST Acts with Rules
Services Taxes?
& Forms (Incorporating Notifications
4. Write a note on SGST. Issued till 17-11-2017)
5. What is CGST? 4.
III. Short Answer Questions 5.
1. Write any two differences between direct 6.
taxes and indirect taxes. 7.
Acceptance 9ä®
Agreement ;ÜHÛEÝ
Amalgamation ;å[DÜ®
Artificial Person Y@Jä[> FHß
Assessement Year IÜØ© 3Ù©
Assessee IÜØ©Ô¤TUJPß
Agricultural Income ZPNTÙ P±ITGÝ
Barter System HÙCITä² ¯[L
Business YETà
Business Organisation YETà 2[IÜ®
Bonded Warehouse [DJ HÙC>Ô>TÜH>Ý
Business Process Outsourcing(BPO)- YETà ¯[L ®LÚLØCà
Business Ethics YETà YF¯[L>ã
Broker EK>ß
Balance of Payments Y@³ÚEà @I[M
Balance of Trade PßÚE>Ö @I[M
Breach of Contract ;ÜHÛE ¯¶
Commerce P~>Ý
Credit Standing >Cå E¤
Coparceners ·Ø©Ô ¤©ÝH 6²ÜGß
Common Seal YHT« ¯Ú[K
Consumer Cooperatives ¬>ßZPTß ·Ø©L¶@Õ>Õ>ã
Credit Co Operatives ·Ø©L¶ >Cå @Õ>Õ>ã
Commercial Banks P~> PÕx>ã
Cash credit YKTÔ>Ô >Cå
Credit Card >Cå 2Ø[C
Common Carrier YHT«Ö @KÔZ>ä
Causa Proxima (Proximate cause) 2Ù[IÔ >TKDÝ
Channels of Distribution POÕ>à P>ã
Tender ;ÜHÛEÜ ®ã
Tramps ¯[L PJäL >ÜHà>ã
Trade Credit PßÚE>Ô >Cå
Unlimited liability P[KJLTÜ YHT²Ü®
Voluntary Association EåÖ[@JTG 2[IÜ®
Voting Rights PTÔ¤
Valid Contract Y@àMÚEÔ> ;ÜHÛEÝ
Void Contract Y@àMÚE>T ;ÜHÛEÝ
Warehouse HÙC>Ô >TÜH>Ý
Warehousing HÙC>Ô >TÜ®
Way Bill PÖ Ø©
World Trade Organisation 6M> PßÚE> 2[IÜ®
List of Authors and Reviewers
Art Teachers,
Government of Tamil Nadu. This book has been printed on 80 G.S.M.
Elegant Maplitho paper.
Students, Government College of Fine Arts,
Chennai & Kumbakonam. Printed by offset at:
Gopu Rasuvel
Asker Ali
Ramesh Munisamy