Syllabus B.A. History B.A.-I Papers
Syllabus B.A. History B.A.-I Papers
Syllabus B.A. History B.A.-I Papers
I Paper : History of Medieval India
1206 to 1526 A.D.
II Paper : History of Europe
1453 to 1815 A.D.
I Paper : History of Medieval India
1526 to 1761 A.D.
II Paper : History of Europe
1815 to 1945 A.D.
I Paper : History of Modern India
1740 to 1857 A.D.
II Paper : History of National Movement and
Constitutional Development of India
1858 to 1947 A.D.
III Paper : History of Indian Culture
B.A. I
Paper I : History of Medieval India
1206 - 1526 A.D.
Alam Shah - Administrative achievements.
5. Lodhi Dynasty :
Bahlol Lodhi - Accession, main events of reign,
character, assessment.
Sikander Lodhi - Main events of his life, foreign
Ibrahim Lodhi - Domestic policy, foreign policy,
causes of failure, an estimate.
UNIT - 4 :
1. Nature of state, different theories of kingship.
2. Causes of downfall of Delhi Sultanate.
3. Central and provincial administration, army
4. Development of literate and architecture.
Books Recommended
(1) fnYyh lYrur & ,0,y0 JhokLro
Delhi Sultanate - A.L. Srivastava
(2) fnYyh lYrur & ,y0ih0 'kekZ
Delhi Sultanate - L.P. Sharma
(3) iwoZ e/;dkyhu Hkkjr & ,0ch0 ik.Ms;
Early Medieval India - A.B. Pandey
(4) Foundation of Muslim Rule in India - A.B.M. Habibullah
(5) Medieval Indian History - Ishwari Prasad
(7) History of Qaraunah Truks in India - Ishwari Prasad
(8) Growth of Khalji imperialism - Ishwari Prasad
(9) Alauddin's Market Regulation - B.P. Saxena
(10) Chronology of Mohd. Tughlaq - N.H. Rizvi
(11) Firoz Shah Tughlaq - K.K. Basu
(12) Sikandar Lodhi as a founder - A. Halim
(13) The Administration of Sultanate of Delhi - I.H. Quraishi
(14) Some Aspects of Muslim Administration - R.P. Tripathi
(15) f[kyth oa'k dk bfrgkl & ds0,l0 yky
(16) fnYyh lqYrur & ds0,0 fut+keh
Paper II : History of Europe
1453 - 1815 A.D.
2. Commercial Revolution - Causes of Mercantilism,
main thinkers, importance of Mercantilism and
Criticism, Causes of its decline.
3. The Age of Reason - Main intellectuals, salient
features of age of reason, impact of the age of
4. France on the eve of resolution - Political, economic,
religious and social condition, intellectual
5. French Revolution : Causes , Impact on the world.
UNIT - 5
1. Napoleonic Era, Early achievements of Napoleon,
Foreign policy as first consul, Napoleon as Emperor
of France, Continental system, Causes of
Napoleon's downfall.
2. Vienna Congress - Main principles and working,
reconstruction of Europe.
Books Recommended
(1) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & ch0,u0 esgrk
(2) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & vkj0lh0 vxzoky
History of Europe - R.C. Agrawal
(3) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & oh0Mh0 egktu
History of Europe - V.D. Mahajan
(4) History of Modern Europe - Sucheta Mahajan
(5) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & ,e0,y0 'kekZ
(6) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & xksihukFk 'kekZ
(7) Reading in European History - Bernard and Hedges
(8) A Political & Cultural History of Modern Europe - Hayes
(9) History of Europe - C.D. Hazen
(10) A Short History of Europe - J.A.R. Marriot
(11) Europe - Grant & Temperley
(12) Europe - L. Mukherji
(13) Europe - J. Roberts
UNIT - 1 : Sources -
1. Archaeological, literary and historical works.
2. Historiography - different approaches.
3. North India - Political scene.
UNIT - 2 : Babur -
1. Invasion, conquests, personality.
2. Humayun - Struggle, exile, restoration.
3. Shershah Suri - Civil, military and revenue
administration achievements.
Akbar -
1. Conquests, rajput policy, religious policy.
2. Deccan plicy, revolts, consolidation of empire.
3. Revenue administration, mansubdari system,
estimate of Akbar.
UNIT - 3 : Jahangir -
Accession, twelve ordinances, revolts, influence of
Nurjahan, Deccan policy, character of Nurjahan,
Estimate of Jahangir.
Shahjahan -
Accession, early revolts, N.W.F. policy, Deccan
policy, Central Asian policy, War of succession.
Aurangzeb -
Early career, military exploits, religious policy,
Deccan policy, Rajput policy, Revolts and reaction,
Causes of failure of Aurangzeb character and
2. Development of education and literature.
3. Architecture, painting.
Books Recommended
(1) eqxy dkyhu Hkkjr & ,0,y0 JhokLro
(2) Mughal Empire in India - S.R. Sharma
(3) mRrj e/;dkyhu Hkkjr & ,0ch0 ik.Ms;
Later Medieval India - A.B. Pandey
(4) eqxy lkezkT; dk mRFkku vkSj iru & vkj0ih0 f=ikBh
Rise and fall of Mughal Empire - R.P. Tripathi
(5) Shershah and his times - K.R. Kanoongo
(6) Humayun Badshah - S.K. Banerji
(7) Akbar the Great Mughal - V.A. Smith
(8) vdcj egku Hkkx& I, II vkSj III & ,0,y0 JhokLro
Akbar the Great Vol, I, II & III - A.L. Srivastava
(9) tgk¡xhj & csuh izlkn
(10) 'kkgtgk¡ & cukjlh izlkn lDlsuk
(11) vkSjaxts+c & tnqukFk ljdkj
(12) f'kokth & th0,l0 ljnslkbZ
Paper II : History of Europe
(1815 - 1945 A.D.)
UNIT - 1 : 1. The concert of Europe : Its background significance,
causes of failure.
2. The Congress of Vienna – The work of the Congress
and its territorial arrangement.
3. Age of Metternick - Metternick and the Austrain
empire, German confederation and Metternick,
Downfall of Metternick , The holy alliance, The
quadruple alliance , The Congress of Aix- la- chapelle.
UNIT – 2 : 1. Liberal , Democratic and Nationalist
movement in Europe (1815- 1850) – its background
and significance.
2. The July revolution of 1830 – causes, significance
and Impact.
3. The Revolution of 1848 – Louis Philippe’s Home and
Foreign Policy, causes of Revolution, main events and
causes of failure.
Books Recommended
(1) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & ch0,u0 esgrk
(2) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & vkj0lh0 vxzoky
History of Europe - R.C. Agarwal
(3) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & oh0Mh0 egktu
History of Europe - V.D. Mahajan
(4) History of Modern Europe - Sucheta Mahajan
(5) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & ,e0,y0 'kekZ
(6) ;wjksi dk bfrgkl & xksihukFk 'kekZ
(7) Europe since Napoleon - D. Thomson
(8) The Rise of Modern Europe - Hamilton
(9) A General History of Europe - Longman
(10) Europe - E. Lipson
(11) Struggle for Europe - A.J.P. Taylor
(12) Europe - Grant & Temperley
(13) Europe - L. Mukherji
(14) Europe - J. Roberts
(15) Bismarck - A.J.P. Taylor
sBooks Recommended
(1) vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk o`gr bfrgkl & th0,l0 Nkcjk
Advanced History of Modern India - Vol. I - III, G.S. Chabra.
Paper II : History of Indian National Movement and
Constitutional Development
1858 - 1947 A.D.
Constitutional Development :
Books Recommended
(1) vk/kqfud Hkkjr dk o`gr bfrgkl & th0,l0 Nkcjk
Advanced History of Modern India - Vol. I - III, G.S. Chabra.
Paper III : History of Indian Culture
Books Recommended
(1) izkphu Hkkjr ,d izkjfEHkd :ijs[kk & Mh0,u0 >k
Ancient India An Introductory Outline - D.N. Jha
(2) vn~Hkqr Hkkjr & ,0,y0 ck'ke
The Wonder that was India - A.L. Basham
(3) Hkkjr dk bfrgkl Hkkx&1 & jksfeyk Fkkij
History of India Vol. I - Romilla Thapar
(4) Hkkjrh; jk"Vªokn dh lkekftd i`"BHkwfe & ,0vkj0 nslkbZ
Social Background of Indian Nationalism - A.R. Desai
(5) vkt dk Hkkjr & vkj0ih0 nRrk
(6) The History and Culture of Indian People - R.C.Majumdar
(7) Glimpses of Medieval Indian Culture - Yusuf Hussain
(8) Religious and Social Reforms - M.G. Ranade
(9) Art & Architecture of India - B. Rowland
(10) Modern India - Sumit Sarkar
(11) vkt dk Hkkjr & jtuh ike nRr
India Today - Rajni Palm Dutt
(12) The National Culture of India - Abid Hussain
(13) izkphu Hkkjr dk lkekftd bfrgkl & t;'kadj feJ
(14) izkphu Hkkjr dk vkfFkZd vkSj lkekftd bfrgkl & jke'kj.k 'kekZ
(15) e/;dkyhu Hkkjr Hkkx 1] 2 & gfj'pUnz oekZ
(16) Evolution of Indian Culture - B.N. Lunia
(17) Medieval Culture - U.N. Dey
(18) Medieval Indian Culture - A.L. Srivastava
(19) Our Heritage - Humayun Kabir
(20) izkphu Hkkjr dk bfrgkl & >k ,o Jhekyh
(21) Hkkjrh; fp=dyk & jked`".k nkl