Paper I
सहायक पुस्तकें :-
1. प्राचीन भारत का इततहास – मित्तल |
2. प्राचीन भारत का इततहास – कुिााार एवं कुिााार |
3. पोिलटिकल िहस्री ऑफ़ एन्ससयेिाांिा इिन्िया – राय चौधरी |
4. प्राचीन भारत का इततहास – राधाकृष्ण चौधरी |
5. प्राचीन भारत का इततहास – दीनानाथ ववाा |
B . A Part I (Hons)
Paper II
सहायक पुस्तकें :-
B. A - I (Subsidiary)
Full marks: - 100 Duration: - 3 hours
1. Sources of Ancient Indian History.
2. Indus Valley Civilization - town planning, social, economic, and religious conditions.
3. Rig Vedic and Later Vedic period – social, political, economic, and religious conditions.
4. Mahavir Jain & Gautam Buddha - life and teachings.
5. Rise of Magadh Empire up to Nands.
6. Mauryan Period – Chandragupta, Ashoka and the decline of Mauryan Empire.
7. Kushan, Shungas and Satvahana dynasties.
8. Gupta period – Golden age and decline.
9. Harshvardhan - Achievements
10. Arab Invasion of Sindh.
11. Turkish invasion and consequences.
12. Establishment of Turkish rule (1206-1290), Qutub ud-Din Aibak, Iltutmish, and Balban.
13. Expansion of Delhi Sultanate with special reference to Alauddin Khilji.
14. EXpansion of Delhi Sultanate - Tughlaq rule (1320- 1398).
15. Vijaynagar and Bahamani Kingdom.
16. First Battle of Panipat, and establishment of Mughal rule in 1526.
B.A . Part II (Honours)
Paper III
Suggested Reading :-
1. A.B. Habibullah – the foundation of the Muslim rule in India (Hindi).
2. U.N. Day – Government of the Sultanates.
3. A. Mehdi Hassan – The Tughlug Dynasty.
4. H. K. Sherwani – The Bahmani Kingdom of the Deccan.
5. T.V. Mahiggam – Administration and social life under Vijaynagar Empire.
6. G. Yazdani – Early History of the Deccan (Hindi).
7. K.M. Ashraf – A. History of India.
8. Majumdar Roy – An advanced History of India.
9. Chopra Puri & Das – Social cultural and Economic History of India – vol. II (Hindi).
10. Perceival Spear – History of India Vol. II.
11. Dr. A. L Srivastav - The Mughal Empire.
12. R.P Tripathi – Rise and Fall of the Mughal India.
13. Irfan Habib – Agrarian system of the Mughal India.
14. L.W. Moreland – agrarian system of Muslim India.
15. J.N. Sarkar – Short History of Aurangzeb (Hindi).
16. W. H. Moreland _ India at the Death of Akbar (Hindi).
17. G.S. Sardesari – New history of the Marathas.
18. H.N. Sinha – Rise of the Peshwas.
B . A Part II (Hons)
Paper IV
History of Modern Europe (1788-1945)
Full marks: - 100 Duration: 3 hours
1. The French Revolution: Causes, Nature, Works of the National Assembly and Reign
of Terror.
2. Napoleonic Era – rise, of Napoleon his contribution to France and Europe downfall.
3. Congress of Vienna, and Concert of Europe.
4. Revolution of 1830 and 1848.
5. Napolean III: internal and external Policy.
6. Unification of Germany and Italy: Eastern Question, Greek war of independence,
Germany war and Berlin Congress.
7. Tzar Alexander II of Russia.
8. Germany after 1870 - Role of Bismarck.
9. Expansion of Europe in Africa till 1914.
10. World War I – causes and effects.
11. The Treaty of Versailles.
12. The Russian Revolution of 1917: Causes, nature and effects.
13. The League of Nations: achievement and failure.
14. Soviet Russia – Stalin and Lenin.
15. Rise of Fascism in Italy: With special reference to Mussolini.
16. Rise of Nazism in Germany – with special reference to Hitler.
17. Second World War – Causes.
Paper II
Suggested readings:-
1. H.H.Doc well (ed) – Cambridge History of India Vol. V
2. P. Thompson and G.T.Garatt – The Rise and fulfilment of British rule in India.
3. P.E.Roberts – History of British India.
4. Majumdar, Roy Chaudhary & Dutt - An Advanced History of India. (Vol – III)
5. S.B. Chaudhuri – Civil Disturbances under British Rule 1757-1867.
6. L.P.Sharma – Adhunik Bharat (Hindi).
7. Delhi University Publication – Adhunik Bharat Ka Itihas (Hindi).
8. D.R. Gadgil – The Industrial Evolution of Indian Recent Times, 1860-1939 (relevant
9. R.C.Majumdarid – History and Culture of the Indian people (relevant volumes).
10. R.C.Majumdar – The Sepoy Mutiny and the Revolt of 1857.
11. V.C.Joshi(ed) –Raja Ram Mohan Roy and the process of modernization in India.
12. B.B. Mishra – The Indian middle classes.
13. Bisheshwar Prasad – Bondage and Freedom, Vol. 1
14. Chopra, Puri &Das – Social, cultural and Economics History of India Vol. 3(Hindi).
15. J. L. Nehru – Discovery of Indian.
Paper – VII(A) History of China & Japan mid-19th century to mid-20th century.
Full marks: - 100 Duration: 3 hours
1. Opium war and the opening of China.
2. Taiping rebellion: causes & effects.
3. Boxer Movement
4. The Revolution of 1911
5. Genesis and principles of the Kuomintang party.
6. The career and contribution of Dr. Sun Yat Sen.
7. The career and contribution of Chiang Kai-Shek.
8. Rise and growth of the communist movement in China.
9. Opening of Japan
10. Meiji Restoration
11. Modernisation of Japan
12. Sino – Japanese war of 1984-95 and the Russo Japanese war of 1904-05
13. Washington Conference.
14. Japan and Manchuria.
15. Japan and Fall of Japanese imperialism.
Paper – VII Group (B) History of South East Asia (mid-19th to mid-20th century)
(Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Indo-China, and Indonesia)
Paper – VII (C) History of West Asia – mid 19th to 20th century (Turkey, Iran, Iraq,
Saudi Arabia, Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine)
1. Hamidian Despotism
2. Decline of the Ottoman Empire.
3. Yung Turk Movement.
4. Establishment of the Republic.
5. Kamalist transformation of Turkey.
6. Foreign policy of Turkey under Kamal Pasha.
7. Condition of Iran before the accession of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
8. Domestic Policy of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
9. Foreign policy of Reza Shah Pahlavi.
10. British Mandate in Iraq.
11. Rise of Nationalism in Iraq.
12. French mandate in Syria and Lebanan.
13. Palestinian Problem.
14. Creation of the State of Israel.
15. Rise and Growth of Arab Nationalism.
16. Modernization of Saudi Arabia.
17. Achievements of King Ibn Saud.
(A) Rise of the Modern west (15th century to the American Revolution)
(B) History of USA (1776 – 1945)
(C) History of Russia (1855 – 1953)
PAPER – VIII (A) Rise of the Modern west (15th century to the American Revolution)
1. Renaissance; its social roots, city state in Italy , crisis in feudalism, humanism, new
learning and artistic standards.
2. Early colonial Empires: Motives, voyages, Portuguese and Spanish empires,
beginning of the era of colonization.
3. Origins of the European States:-
a. France - Louis XI, Francis X, Charles IX, decline of the Third Estate,
ascendancy of king in council.
b. Spain - Internal unification, Charles V. Dynastic alliances, territorial unity,
revolts of the Knight (1522) and of the peasants (1522).
c. Britain - Tudor despotism, Star chamber, Council, parliament, Trade and rise of
professional administration.
d. Russia - Ivan the Great, Ivan the Terrible, Isolation from the west.
4. Economic development of the 16th Century.
a. Commercial Revolution.
b. Influx of American Silver and the Price-Revolution.
5. European Reformation: Origin, brief course and results, Luther, Calvin and the British
compromise, Counter-Reformation. Thirty Years War and the rise of Sweden.
6. European crisis in the 17th Century: Economic and political aspects.
7. The English Revolution of 1688: Origin, social, economic and political aspects.
8. Nature of the British Revolutionary settlement.
9. Rise of Modern Science: Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, Harvey, scientific method and
organization, Bacon, Descartes, Newton.
10. Mercantilism; major outlines as developed by 1648 and practiced for 150 years in
the 17th & 18th centuries.
11. Economic developments in the 18th century, commerce, industry and agriculture,
background of the Industrial Revolution.
12. American Revolution: origin, result and significance.
13. Transition from feudalism to capitalism; Problems & theories.
Suggested Readings :-
1. Parthsarathi Gupta – Rise of the Modern West
2. J.R Hale – Renaissance Europe.
3. G. Clark – Early Modern Europe
4. M.S. Anderson – 18th Century Europe.
5. C.Hill – Reformation to Industrial Revolution.
6. A. R Hall - From Galileo to Newton.
7. David Ogg – Europe of the Ancient Regime.
8. M. Dabb – Studies in the Development of Capatalism.
9. R. Haltoned – Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism.
10. K.M. Panikar – Western Democracy over Asia.
Suggested Readings: -
1. S.E Morrison & Commager – The growth of American Republics.
2. R.N. Current & other – American History A survey.
3. S.R. Morrison – Oxford History of the United States.
4. J.G Randall and D. Ronald – The civil war and Reconstruction.
5. Pratt – History of the US foreign policy.
6. B.P. Saxena – America ka Itihas (Hindi)
7. P. Mishra., K. Bajpaye and other – Sanyukta Rajya America ka Itihas: Ek Sampurna
Adhyanan (Hindi)
8. A.M. Schlesinger (Jr) – The Rise of Modern America 1865-1951.
9. Richard M. Fox – An Introduction to American Civilization.
10. R.P. Kaushik – Significant Themes in American History.
11. Aglen Nevins – A Brief History of the United States .
Suggested Readings:-
2. H.A. Davis – An outline History of the World.
3. David Themson - World History, 1914-1968.
4. F.G. Pearce – A Outline History of Civilisation.
5. J.L Nehru - Glimpse of World History (also in Hindi)
6. H. G. Wells - The Outline of History.
7. J.E. Swain – History of World Civilization.
8. W. L. Langer – An Encyclopaedia of World History.
9. U.E. Marshall – The Story of Human Progress.
10. Hing Hall – History of Our own Times