ts507 PDF
ts507 PDF
ts507 PDF
Sec. 1 General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7
Sec. 2 Tugs ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Sec. 3 Supply Vessels ........................................................................................................................ 11
Sec. 4 Additional Class Notation SF. Damage Stability for Offshore Service Vessels .................... 17
Sec. 5 Fire Fighters ............................................................................................................................. 19
Sec. 6 Pipe Laying Vessels ................................................................................................................. 24
Sec. 7 Crane Vessels .......................................................................................................................... 25
Sec. 8 Dredgers ................................................................................................................................... 27
Sec. 9 Well Stimulation Vessels ........................................................................................................ 28
Sec. 10 Offshore Service Vessels for Transportation of Low Flashpoint Liquids................................ 31
Sec. 11 Recovered Oil Reception and Transportation ......................................................................... 36
Sec. 12 Pushers...................................................................................................................................... 40
Sec. 13 Pusher/Barge Units .................................................................................................................. 41
Sec. 14 Barges ....................................................................................................................................... 43
Sec. 15 Escort Vessels........................................................................................................................... 47
Sec. 16 Cable Laying Vessels ............................................................................................................... 50
Sec. 17 Standby Vessels........................................................................................................................ 51
Sec. 18 Optional Class Notation SPS (Special Purpose Ships) ........................................................... 54
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Rules for Ships, January 2010
Pt.5 Ch.7 Contents – Page 3
A. Classification 202 Vessels equally intended for more than one special duty
may be assigned a combination of the class notations men-
A 100 Application tioned in 201.
101 The rules in this chapter apply to vessels intended for tow-
ing and pushing, offshore support and other specialised offshore
and harbour services. The requirements shall be regarded as sup- B. Definitions
plementary to those given for the assignment of main class.
A 200 Class notations B 100 General
201 Vessels complying with relevant additional require- 101 Symbols
ments of this chapter will be assigned one of the following L = rule length [m] 1)
class notations: B = rule breadth [m] 1)
D = rule depth [m] 1)
Tug (See Sec.2) T = rule draught [m] 1)
Supply Vessel (SF) (See Sec.3) CB = rule block coefficient 1)
Supply Vessel Basic (See Sec.3) V = service speed (knots) 1)
SF (See Sec.4) s = stiffener spacing [m]
Fire Fighter I (or II or III) (See Sec.5) ss = standard frame spacing [m]
Pipe Laying Vessel (See Sec.6) = 0.48 + 0.002 L
= maximum 0.61 m forward of collision bulkhead and aft
Crane Vessel (See Sec.7) of the afterpeak bulkhead
Dredger (See Sec.8) l = stiffener span [m]
Well Stimulation Vessel (See Sec.9) f1 = material factor depending on material strength group.
LFL and LFL* (See Sec.10) 1) For details see Pt.3 Ch.1.
OILREC (See Sec.11)
Pusher (See Sec.12)
Pusher and Pusher/Barge Unit (See Sec.13)
Barge C. Documentation
Barge for Deck Cargo (See Sec.14) C 100 General
Barge for Oil
Barge for Liquefied Gas 101 Details related to additional classes regarding design, ar-
Escort (n,V) or (n,8,n,10) (See Sec.15) rangement and strength are in general to be included in the
Cable Laying Vessel (See Sec.16) plans specified for the main class.
Standby Vessel or Standby Vessel (S) (See Sec.17) 102 Additional documentation not covered by the main class
SPS (Special Purpose Ships) (See Sec.18) is specified in appropriate sections of this chapter.
B 600 Side scuttles and control of the operation. Identical means of equipment for
601 Side scuttles are not allowed in the vessel's sides unless the release operation to be used on all release stations.
the distance from the lower edge of side scuttles to the design 303 After an emergency release the winch brakes shall be in
waterline is at least 750 mm. Side scuttles in the vessel's sides normal function without delay.
and in sides of any superstructures shall be provided with in- 304 It is always to be possible to carry out the emergency re-
ternally fitted, hinged deadlights and shall satisfy the require- lease sequence (emergency release or application of brake),
ments to Type A (heavy) according to ISO Recommendation even during a black-out.
1751. Fixed lights in skylights etc. shall have glasses of thick-
ness appropriate to their position as required for side scuttles, 305 Control handles, buttons etc. for emergency release shall
and fitted with hinged deadlights which may be arranged on be protected against unintentional operation.
the weather side.
D 400 Testing
401 The towing winch and the total towing arrangement
shall be function tested.
C. Sternframe, Rudder and Steering Gear The emergency release systems shall be tested.
C 100 Rudder force D 500 Bollard pull testing procedure
101 The design rudder force on which scantlings shall be 501 The following test procedure shall be adhered to:
based, shall be calculated as indicated for the main class. The
speed of the ship, however, shall not be taken less than V = 10 1) A proposed test programme shall be submitted prior to the
knots. testing.
C 200 Steering gear 2) During testing of continuous bollard pull BPcont the main
engine(s) shall be run at the manufacturer's recommended
201 The steering gear shall be capable of bringing the rudder maximum continuous rating (MCR).
from 35° on one side to 30° on the other side in 20 s, when the
vessel is running ahead at maximum service speed. 3) During testing of overload pull, the main engines shall be
run at the manufacturer's recommended maximum rating
that can be maintained for a minimum of 1 hour. The over-
load test may be omitted.
D. Towing Arrangement 4) The propeller(s) fitted when performing the test shall be the
propeller(s) used when the vessel is in normal operation.
D 100 General
5) All auxiliary equipment such as pumps, generators and
101 The towing hook or towing winch shall be located as other equipment, which are driven from the main en-
near as possible to the mid length of the vessel. The arrange- gine(s) or propeller shaft(s) in normal operation of the ves-
ment shall be such that the heeling moment arising when the sel shall be connected during the test.
towline is running in the athwartships direction, will be as
small as possible. 6) The length of the towline shall not be less than 300 m,
measured between the stern of the vessel and the shore.
102 Design and scantlings of the towing hook with attach-
ment shall be capable of withstanding a load of minimum 2.5 7) The water depth at the test location shall not be less than
times the maximum continuous bollard pull (BPcont) without 20 m within a radius of 100 m of the vessel.
permanent deformations. 8) The test shall be carried out with the vessel's displacement
103 The design and scantlings of the towing winch with sup- corresponding to full ballast and half fuel capacity.
port shall be capable of withstanding the breaking load of the 9) The vessel shall be trimmed at even keel or at a trim by
winch towline without permanent deformations. stern not exceeding 2% of the vessel's length.
104 The winch towline shall have a minimum breaking 10) The vessel shall be able to maintain a fixed course for not
strength as given in Table D1. less than 10 minutes while pulling as specified in items 2
or 3 and 6 above.
Table D1 Minimum breaking strength of winch towline
11) The test shall be performed with a wind speed not exceed-
Design load Bollard pull (tonnes) ing 5 m/s.
3.0 BPcont BPcont < 40
12) The current at the test location shall not exceed 1 knot in
(3.64 – 0.8 BPcont/50) BPcont 40 ≤ BPcont ≤ 90 any direction.
2.2 BPcont BPcont > 90 13) The load cell used for the test shall be approved by Det
BPcont = Specified maximum continuous bollard pull. Norske Veritas and be calibrated at least once a year. The
accuracy of the load cell shall be ±2% within a tempera-
D 200 Towing hook arrangement ture range of –10°C to +40°C and within the range of 25
to 200 tonnes tension.
201 Towing hooks shall be provided with reliable release ar-
rangement, so that in case of a critical situation, the towline can 14) An instrument giving a continuous read-out and also a re-
be immediately released regardless of angle of heel and of di- cording instrument recording the bollard pull graphically
rection of towline. The releasing device shall be operable from as a function of the time shall both be connected to the load
the bridge. cell. The instruments shall be placed and monitored
ashore, or on board if measurements are transmitted by ra-
D 300 Towing winch dio link.
301 The winch shall be designed to allow drum release in an 15) The load cell shall be fitted between the eye of the towline
emergency, and in all operational modes. The end attachment and the bollard.
of the towline to the winch barrel shall be of limited strength 16) The figure certified as the vessel's continuous bollard pull
making a weak link in case the towline has to be run out. shall be the towing force recorded as being maintained
302 The action to release the drum shall be possible locally without any tendency to decline for a duration of not less
at the winch and from a position at the bridge with full view than 10 minutes (T on Fig.1).
17) Certification of bollard pull figures recorded when run- phone connection, for the duration of the test.
ning the engine(s) at overload, reduced r.p.m. or with a re- 19) The test results shall be made available to the DNV sur-
duced number of main engines or propellers operating can veyor immediately upon conclusion of the test pro-
be given and noted on the certificate. gramme.
18) A communication system shall be established between the 20) For mean breaking strength of the towline, see Sec.2 D102
vessel and the person(s) monitoring the load cell and the and D104.
recording instrument ashore, by means of VHF or tele-
Fig. 1
Bollard Pull Testing
E. Stability and Watertight Integrity The towing heeling arm 'a' shall be taken as the vertical dis-
tance between the centre of propeller(s) and the fastening point
E 100 General requirements of the hawser.
101 The vessel's stability shall be assessed when the towing 103 Criterion
line is not in line with the vessel's longitudinal centre line. The The towing heeling lever, calculated as:
towing heeling moment shall be calculated based on the as- 0.6 BPcont a/displacement,
sumption in 102. The criterion in 103 shall be complied with.
shall not exceed 0.5 times the maximum GZ corresponding to
Guidance note: maximum allowable VCG.
It is acceptable that compliance is demonstrated for actual load-
ing conditions only. The approval will then be limited to the If the maximum GZ occurs after 30°, the GZ at 30° shall be
present loading conditions. used instead of the maximum GZ.
104 Documentation
Additional information in the stability manual on the maxi-
102 Towing heeling moment mum bollard pull, position, heeling force and moment as well
The transverse heeling force from the towline shall be based on as plotting the towing heeling lever on the GZ diagram of the
the maximum transverse bollard pull. For conventional propel- most unfavourable loading conditions.
ler propulsion the transverse force shall not be taken less than Detailed description of stability documentation is given in
60% of the maximum continuous bollard pull (BPcont) ahead. Classification Note No. 20.1.
202 The following documentation related to class notation A 400 Steering gear
SF shall also be submitted for information: 401 The steering gear shall be capable of bringing the rudder
— internal watertight integrity plan from 35° on one side to 30° on the other side in 20 s, when the
vessel is running ahead at maximum service speed.
203 Detailed description of stability documentation is given
in Classification Note No. 20.1. A 500 Safety precaution
501 Exhaust outlets from diesel engines shall have spark ar-
A 300 Towing arrangement restors.
301 If the vessel is arranged for towing operation, the ar-
rangement shall satisfy the requirements given for tugs in A 600 Anchoring equipment
Sec.2 regarding design and testing. 601 Guidance note:
For vessels with class notation Supply Vessel or Supply
Vessel Basic without means for dynamic positioning, but in-
tended for anchoring close to offshore installations/fields, it 202 The deck plating thickness shall not be less than 8 mm.
should be considered to increase the diameter and length of the
chain cables above the minimum class requirements given in Pt.3 203 In deck areas for heavy cargo units (e.g. drilling rig an-
Ch.3 Sec.3. In such case, for operation in the North Sea or areas chors) the deck structure shall be adequately strengthened.
with similar environmental conditions, it is recommended to 204 Stowracks for deck cargo shall be provided. The stow-
have the diameter of chain cables based on an equipment letter at racks shall be efficiently attached and supported.
least two steps higher than the corresponding vessel's equipment
number and length of the chain cables 85% greater than the table The scantlings of the stowracks shall be based on a load not
value corresponding to the increased diameter. less than 6 A [kN], assumed to be evenly distributed on the
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- stowrack on one side of the vessel.
A = total deck area between the stowracks.
Acceptable stress levels for the stowrack scantlings and re-
spective supporting structure resulting from bending moments
B. Hull Arrangement and Strength and shearing forces calculated for the load given above are:
B 100 Ship's sides and stern σb = 160 f1 [N/mm2]
101 Longitudinal fenders are normally to be fitted on the τ = 90 f1 [N/mm2]
ship's at freeboard cargo deck and second deck above. The σe = (σb2 + 3τ 2)1/2
fenders shall extend not less than 0.02 L forward of the section = 200 f1 [N/mm2]
where the deck has its full breadth. 205 Bulwark plating thickness shall not be less than 7 mm.
Additional fenders shall be arranged aslope between the longi- Bulwark stays shall have a depth not less than 350 mm at deck.
tudinal fenders. The fenders may be omitted if the side shell The spacing of bulwark stays shall not exceed 1.3 m. Open
scantlings are increased as specified in 102. rails shall have ample scantlings and efficient supports.
102 The thickness of side plating including bilge strake, up 206 Air pipes, valves, smaller hatches etc. shall be located
to second deck above freeboard deck, is generally not to be less outside stowracks, and shall be protected and adequately
than: strengthened.
207 Scantlings of flush hatch covers in the cargo deck area
4.5 + 0.05L s shall be based on a load not less than the specific design cargo
t = ⎛ -----------------------------⎞ ---- + 2 [mm], minimum 9 mm load.
⎝ f1 ⎠ ss
208 Scantlings of foundations and supports of towing winch
The ratio s/ss shall not be taken as less than 1.0, and L does not and towing bollard shall be based on the breaking strength of
need to be taken more than 90 m. Requirements given for side the towline.
plating in Pt.3 Ch.1 and Pt.3 Ch.2 are also to be complied with Scantlings of foundations and supports of stern roller and shark
as applicable. jaw shall at least be based on 2 times the specified maximum
In way of fender area described in 101, fenders can be omitted (static) working load or the maximum specified lifting capaci-
when the side plating is at least twice that required above, for ty of the anchor handling winch whichever is the greater.
a breadth not less than 0.01 L, along the level of the cargo deck Acceptable stress levels for the scantlings of the supporting
and the second deck above. structure resulting from bending moments and shearing forces
103 Section modulus of frames or side longitudinals shall calculated for the load given above are:
not in any region be less than 1.15 Z [cm3].
σb = 210 f1 [N/mm2]
Z = general requirement as given in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.6. τ = 120 f1 [N/mm2]
All frames up to second deck above freeboard deck, and for- σe = (σb2 + 3τ 2)1/2
ward of 0.2 L from F.P. up to forecastle deck, shall have end = 235 f1 [N/mm2]
connections with brackets. Scallop welds shall not be used in
connections between side frames and shell plating. B 300 Weathertight doors
104 Flat part of bottom in way of stern shall be efficiently 301 The arrangements and sill heights of weathertight doors
stiffened. are in general to comply with Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6. Unprotected
doors in exposed positions on a weather deck for cargo shall be
105 Where subjected to heavy loads when handling anchors made of steel.
for drilling rigs, the stern shall be strengthened. The plate
thickness shall not be less than twice the basic requirement 302 For doors located in exposed positions in sides and front
stated in 102. The deck adjacent to the stern shall be strength- bulkheads, the requirements to sill heights apply one deck
ened accordingly. If a substantial sheathing is fitted on the higher than given by Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6 B.
deck, the requirement may be modified. 303 Doorways to the engine room and other compartments
below the weather deck are, as far as is practicable, to be locat-
B 200 Weather deck for cargo ed at a deck above the weather deck.
201 The deck shall have scantlings based on a minimum car- 304 Where necessary, an arrangement for protecting the
go load of 1.5 t/m2, in combination with 80% of the design sea doors against deck cargo shall be provided.
pressure as specified for the main class. If the deck scantlings
are based on cargo load exceeding 1.5 t/m2, the notation DK(+) 305 For scuttles fitted in weathertight doors, they shall com-
may be added. The design cargo load in t/m2 will be given in ply with E400.
the “Appendix to the classification certificate”. Cargo loads
exceeding 4 t/m2 need not be combined with sea pressure. For B 400 Freeing ports and scuppers
intermediate loads the percentage of the design sea pressure to 401 The area of the freeing ports in the side bulwarks on the
be added shall be varied linearly. cargo deck are at least to meet the requirements of Pt.3 Ch.3
For vessels less than 100 meters, the k factor given in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.6 M.
Sec.7 B101, shall be: The disposition of the freeing ports shall be carefully consid-
Aft of 0.2 L from A.P. and forward 0.2 L from F.P. = 1.5, oth- ered to ensure the most effective drainage of water trapped in
erwise 1.3. pipe deck cargoes and in recesses at the after end of the fore-
castle. In such recesses appropriate scuppers with discharge C 400 Certification of components
pipes led overboard may be required. 401 Cargo pumps for flammable liquids shall be delivered
with the Society's certificate (e.g. pumps for transfer of liquid
mud, fuel oil and base oil).
C. Cargo Handling Arrangement Guidance note:
Other pumps in the cargo systems, including hydraulic power
C 100 General systems, need not to be delivered with the Society's certificate.
C 300 Liquid mud systems 202 Assumptions for calculating loading conditions:
301 Liquid mud carried onboard supply vessels shall have a — if a vessel is fitted with cargo tanks, the fully loaded con-
flash point not lower than 60°C. ditions as described in 201 shall be modified, assuming
first the cargo tanks full and then the cargo tanks empty
302 Means for relief of overflow shall be provided, e.g.
through a non-return valve fitted in a branch connection to the — if in any loading condition water ballast is necessary, ad-
air pipe. ditional diagrams shall be calculated and shown in the sta-
bility manual
The sectional area of the overflow pipe shall be at least twice — in all cases when deck cargo is carried a realistic stowage
that of the filling pipe. weight shall be assumed and stated in the stability infor-
mation, including the height of the cargo and its centre of The section modulus of main frames or ‘tween deck frames
gravity shall, however, not in any region be less than Zmin = 1.25 Z
— where pipes are carried on deck, a quantity of trapped wa- [cm3].
ter equal to a certain percentage of the net volume of the
pipe deck cargo shall be assumed in and around the pipes. Z = general requirement as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.7 C and
The net volume shall be taken as the internal volume of the Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.6 C.
pipes plus the volume between the pipes. This percentage L = rule length [m], but not greater than 90 m
shall be 30 if the freeboard amidships is equal to or less l = span [m]
than 0.015 L and 10 if the freeboard amidships is equal to s = spacing [m].
or greater than 0.03 L. For intermediate values of the free-
board amidships the percentage may be obtained by linear The requirement for Z1 given above refers to frames, which
interpolation have an inclination to the vertical (along the ship’s depth) less
— free surface for each type of consumable liquid shall be as- than 15°. For greater inclinations the requirement given for
sumed for at least one transverse pair of tanks or a single Zmin shall be applied.
centre line tank. The tank(s) to be considered are those All frames up to second deck above freeboard deck, and for-
where the effect of free surface is the greatest. The actual ward of 0.2 L from F.P. up to forecastle deck, shall have end
free surface effect may be applied. connections with brackets. Scallop welds shall not be used in
connections between side frames and shell plating up to second
203 If the vessel is intended to operate in zones where icing deck above the freeboard deck.
is expected, this shall be included in the calculation of the sta-
bility. The vessel must in any service condition satisfy the sta- 102 In the ship sides up to second deck above freeboard
bility criteria set out in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9 including the additional deck, the section modulus of web frames and stringers shall not
weight imposed by the ice. Weight distribution shall be taken be less than:
as at least 30 kg/m2 for exposed weather decks, passageways 1.5 L S
and fronts of superstructures and deckhouses, and at least 15 Z 2
kg/m2 for projected lateral planes on both sides of the vessel
above the waterline. The weight distribution of ice on uncom- If fenders are omitted
posite structures such as railings, rigging, posts and equipment 2.5L S
Z 2
shall be included by increasing the total area for the projected
lateral plane of the vessel's sides by 5%. The statical moment However, it shall not be less than
of this area shall be increased by 10%.
Zmin = 1.25 Z [cm3]
D 300 Intact stability
Z = general requirement in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.7 D and Pt.3 Ch.2
301 The intact stability criteria as given for the main class are Sec.6 D.
generally to be complied with. S = web frame span [m]
302 For the towing condition referred to under 201, the ves- The web frames are assumed to have substantial end connec-
sel is in addition to complying with the criteria under 301, to tions at both ends.
have a maximum righting lever GZ which is 50% in excess of
the heeling lever produced by the most unfavourable pull in the E 200 Support of heavy components
towing line. In the case the maximum righting lever GZ occurs
at an angle of heel greater than 30°, the righting lever GZ at 30° 201 Pillars and girders supporting deck cargo and equip-
ment, foundations for separate cargo tanks, as well as supports
shall be 50% in excess of the above heeling lever.
of other heavy components, shall have scantlings based on the
303 VCG or GM limiting values calculated on the basis of supported mass. The design loads shall not be less than:
the vessel's characteristics in relation to the intact stability cri- For L < 100 m
teria shall be presented in the form of a curve or diagram.
p = 20 q [kN/m2]
304 Where anti-rolling devices are installed the Society shall
be satisfied that the stability criteria under 301 are maintained aft of 0.2 L from A.P. and forward of 0.2 L from F.P.
with the devices in operation. Free surface effects from stabi- p = 16 q [kN/m2]
lizing tanks shall be considered where appropriate.
between 0.2 L and 0.8 L from A.P.
D 400 Stability requirements for heavy lift operations For L > 100 m
401 Vessels, for which the lifting operation is the main, or p = (g0 + av) q [kN/m2]
one of the main functions, shall be checked with respect to sta-
bility requirements given in Sec.7 D200. Vertical force alone
For L < 100 m
Pv = 20 M [kN],
E. Notation Supply Vessel aft of 0.2 L from A.P. and forward of 0.2 L from F.P.
E 100 Ship's sides and stern Pv = 16 M [kN],
101 Section modulus of frames or side longitudinals up to between 0.2 L and 0.8 L from A.P,
second deck above the freeboard deck shall not be less than: For L > 100 m
1.5 L ls Pv = (g0 + av) M [kN]
Z 1 = ---------------------- [ cm 3 ] Transverse force alone
For L < 100 m
If fenders are omitted
PT = 7.5 M [kN]
2.5 L ls 3
For L > 100 m
Z 1 = ------------------ [ cm ]
PT = at M [kN]
Transverse force to be combined with vertical force = 4.5 for deckhouse decks (in way of accommodation).
For L < 100 m s
c = ----------- , minimum1.0
PTC = 10 M [kN]
E 400 Windows and side scuttles
For L > 100 m
401 Typical arrangements complying with the requirements
PTC = g0 M [kN] given below are shown in Fig.2 and Fig.3. In locations not
Longitudinal force alone mentioned in 402 side scuttles only will be accepted.
For L < 100 m 402 In the after end bulkhead of deckhouses and superstruc-
tures, in sides of deckhouses and of superstructures that are not
PL = 6.0 M [kN] part of the shell plating, windows will be accepted in second
For L > 100 m tier and higher, above the freeboard deck. In front bulkheads of
deckhouses and superstructures, windows will normally be ac-
PL = al M [kN] cepted in third tier and higher, above the freeboard deck. In the
Longitudinal force to be combined with vertical force first tier of the front bulkhead above the weather deck (forecas-
For L < 100 m tle deck) side scuttles only will be accepted.
PLC = 20 M [kN] 403 Hinged deadlights shall be fitted to:
For L > 100 m — side scuttles in the vessel's hull (shell plating)
PLC = (g0 + av) M [kN] — windows and side scuttles in the sides of deckhouses and
superstructures up to and including the third tier above the
q = deck cargo load [t/m2] as specified freeboard deck.
M = mass of equipment, heavy components, etc. in tonnes Deadlights fitted in the side of third tier may be portable if
av = combined vertical acceleration as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 they are stored near by.
Sec.4 B600. — all windows and side scuttles in front bulkheads of super-
at = combined vertical acceleration as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 structures and deckhouses.
Sec.4 B700. For tier four and above, unless it is the first tier above the
al = combined vertical acceleration as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 forward weather deck, the deadlights may be portable if
Sec.4 B800. they are stored near by.
Acceptable stress level for the above mentioned girders are: — windows and side scuttles in the after end of bulkheads of
superstructures and deckhouses, casings and companion-
σb = 160 f1 [N/mm2] ways in the first and second tier above the freeboard deck
τ = 90 f1 [N/mm2] — windows and side scuttles in all bulkheads of the first tier
σe = (σb2 + 3 τ 2)1/2 = 200 f1 [N/mm2]. on the weather deck.
E 300 Deckhouses and end bulkheads of superstruc- 404 In the second tier above the freeboard deck and higher,
tures deadlights on windows may be hinged externally, provided
there is easy and safe access for closing.
301 The section modulus of stiffeners and beams shall not be
less than: 405 Deadlights shall be available for each type of window
sited on the front of a wheelhouse that is located on the forward
0.7 l s p 3 part of the vessel, unless the wheelhouse is located on fifth tier
Z = -------------------------- [ cm ] (or above) and is at least two decks above the forward weather
deck. For externally fitted deadlights an arrangement for easy
p = design pressure in kN/m2 and safe access shall be provided (e.g. gangway with railing).
= a p2 for exposed decks and bulkheads The deadlights of portable type shall be stowed adjacent to the
window for quick mounting. For the wheelhouse front win-
minimum 10 kN/m2 for weather decks dows, at least two deadlights shall have means for providing a
minimum 5 kN/m2 for top of the wheelhouse clear view.
= 8 kN/m2 for accommodation decks, aft of 0.2 L from 406 Deadlights for side scuttles and for windows not men-
A.P. and forward of 0.2 L from F.P. tioned in 404 or 405 shall be internally hinged.
6.5 kN/m2 elsewhere 407 The strength of side scuttles with internally hinged dead-
a = 2 for front bulkheads lights and toughened glass panes shall comply with Interna-
= 1.2 for sides, aft end bulkheads and weather decks tional Standard ISO 1751 as follows:
p2 = design sea pressure as given in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.7 B100
and Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.10 C100 as applicable. Type A (heavy): In the hull, in the sides of superstructures
and in the front of superstructures and
302 Beams and stiffeners shall have end connections. Stiff- deckhouses (weather deck tier).
eners on lower front bulkhead on weather deck forward shall
have brackets at lower end. Type B (medium): In the after end of superstructures and in
the sides and ends of deckhouses (except
303 The plate thickness in deckhouses and end bulkheads of front in weather deck tier).
superstructures shall not be less than:
408 For vessels to be assigned with class notation Supply
⎛ t 0 + 0.02L⎞ Vessel windows shall have toughened safety glass panes of
t = ⎜ -------------------------⎟ c [ mm ] thickness determined as given below.
⎝ f1 ⎠
t = --- p β [ mm ]
t0 = 6 for front bulkheads and weather deck forward of the S
lowest tier of the front bulkhead
= 5 for sides and aft end bulkheads and weather decks β = factor obtained from the Fig.1
elsewhere S = safety factor obtained from the Table E1
b = smaller dimension of the glass pane [mm] Furthermore, the thickness of windows should not be taken
p = local sea pressure as given in 301 [kN/m2] less than 10 mm.
When laminated glass panes are used, to obtain the total thick-
ness of the laminated panes, the calculated glass thickness ac-
cording to the formula above shall be multiplied by 1.4.
Fig. 2
Side scuttles and windows in supply vessel with complete superstructure and uppermost forecastle
Fig. 3
Side scuttles and windows in supply vessel with forecastle only
104 Cargo ships not complying with the definition of “Off- 202 The permeability of compartments assumed to be dam-
shore supply vessel” as set out in paragraph 1.2.1 of the IMO aged shall be taken as given in Table B1.
guidelines may not use compliance with additional class nota-
tion SF for exclusion of compliance with application of SO- Table B1 Permeabilities
LAS Ch. II-1, Part B-1. Spaces Permeability
Appropriated to stores 0.60
Occupied by accommodation 0.95
B. Damage Stability Occupied by machinery 0.85
Void spaces 0.95
B 100 Damage stability manual Intended for dry cargo 0.95
101 The damage stability manual shall contain the following
information: The permeability of tanks shall be consistent with the amount
of liquid carried, as shown in the loading conditions specified
— curves for limiting VCG (centre of gravity above keel) or in Sec.3 D200. The permeability of empty tanks shall be as-
GM values for both intact and damage conditions and the sumed not less than 0.95.
resultant curve showing the permissible area of operation. 203 The following damage stability criteria shall be com-
B 200 Damage stability plied with for all relevant damage cases and loading condi-
201 The following damage assumptions apply:
— the final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and
— damage shall be assumed anywhere in the vessel's length trim, shall be below the lower edge of any opening through
between transverse watertight bulkheads which progressive flooding may take place. Such openings
— the longitudinal extent of damage shall be assumed as fol- shall include air pipes and those which are capable of be-
lows: vessels with the length (LF) greater than 43 m, 3 m ing closed by means of weathertight doors or hatch covers
plus 3% of the vessels length. For those with length not and may exclude those openings closed by means of wa-
greater than 43 m, 10% of the vessel's length tertight manhole covers and flush scuttles, small water-
— the vertical extent of damage shall be assumed from the tight cargo tank hatch covers which maintain the high
underside of the cargo deck or the continuation thereof, for integrity of the deck, remotely operated watertight sliding
the full depth of the vessel doors and side scuttles of the non- opening type
— the transverse extent of damage shall be assumed as 760 — in the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to un-
mm, measured inboard from the side of the vessel perpen- symmetrical flooding shall not exceed 15°. This angle may
dicularly to the centre line at the level of the summer load be increased to 17° if no deck immersion occurs
waterline — the stability in the final stage of flooding shall be investi-
— a transverse watertight bulkhead extending from the ves- gated and may be regarded as sufficient if the righting le-
sel's side to a distance inboard of 760 mm or more at the ver curve has at least a range of 20° beyond the position of
level of the summer load line joining longitudinal water- equilibrium in association with a maximum residual right-
tight bulkheads may be considered as a transverse water- ing lever of at least 100 mm with in this range. Unprotect-
tight bulkhead for the purpose of the damage calculations ed openings shall not become immersed at an angle of heel
— if damage of a lesser extent than that specified above re- within the prescribed minimum range of residual stability
sults in a more severe condition, such lesser extent shall be unless the space in question has been included as a flooda-
assumed ble space in calculations for damage stability. Within this
A 100 Classification — the instructions laid down in the Operation Manual for fire
fighting are being followed
101 The requirements in this section apply to vessels intend- — the vessel will carry a sufficient quantity of fuel oil for
ed for fighting fires onboard ships and on offshore and onshore continuous fire fighting operations, with all fixed water
structures. It is intended that these types of vessel shall act as monitors in use for a period of not less than: 24 hours for
additional fire-fighting stations, by providing water to combat class notation Fire Fighter I, and 96 hours for class nota-
fire and in support of ongoing rescue operations. tion Fire Fighter II or Fire Fighter III
Guidance note: — foam-forming liquid for at least 30 minutes continuous
Arrangements for survivor rescue and recovery is not part of the foam production for the fixed foam monitors is stored on-
Fire Fighter notations. board vessels with class notation Fire Fighter III
— foam-forming liquid for at least 30 minutes continuous
foam production by the mobile generator is stored in suit-
102 Vessels built in compliance with the relevant require- able containers onboard vessels with class notation Fire
ments specified in this section may be given the class notation Fighter II or Fire Fighter III
Fire Fighter I or Fire Fighter II or Fire Fighter III. — the crew operating the fire fighting systems and equipment
has been trained in such operations, including the use of
103 The class notation Fire Fighter I implies that the vessel air breathing apparatus.
has been built for early stage fire fighting and for support of — the skill of the crew is maintained by exercises (drills).
rescue operations onboard or close to structures or ships on
fire. The vessel shall be designed with passive and active pro- A 400 Documentation
tection, giving it the capability to withstand higher heat radia-
tion loads from external fires. 401 The following plans and particulars shall be submitted
for approval:
104 The class notation Fire Fighter II or Fire Fighter III
implies that the vessel has been built for continuous fighting of — manual for the operation of the fire fighting installation
large fires from a safe distance and for the cooling of structures and the manoeuvring of the vessel during fire fighting
on fire. — location of adjustable floodlights for illumination when
105 The class notation Fire Fighter III requires a larger wa- the vessel is operating in darkness
ter pumping capacity and more comprehensive fire fighting — location of the high pressure compressor for filling the cyl-
equipment when compared to the class notation Fire Fighter inders of the air-breathing apparatus
II. — location and arrangement of stations for fireman's outfits
— arrangement and location of the fire fighting pumps, their
106 If a vessel has been fitted with fire fighting systems and prime movers and the water monitors including data for
equipment in accordance with the class notation Fire Fighter the monitors
II or Fire Fighter III and has also been designed with passive — foundations for the fire fighting pumps, their prime mov-
and active heat radiation protection in accordance with the ers and the water monitors
class notation Fire Fighter I, then the combined class notation — arrangement and design of seawater inlets for the water
Fire Fighter I and Fire Fighter II or Fire Fighter I and Fire monitor system
Fighter III may be given.
— fire fighting piping systems with specification of pump
107 Vessels not fully in compliance with this section or not characteristics, water flow velocities and corrosion protec-
specifically built for the services intended to be covered by this tion in the pipelines
section but which have special fire fighting capabilities in ad- — system for remote control of the water monitors
dition to their regular service, may be specially considered and — location of hose connections and hose stations for the mo-
reviewed under the intent of this section as they relate to fire bile fire fighting equipment.
fighting. Such vessels, complying with other fire fighter stand-
ards than Fire Fighter I, II or III, and as a minimum Part I of For class notation Fire Fighter I only:
this section, may be given the class notation Fire Fighter Ca-
pability. The standard applied, with relevant data on the ex- — structural fire integrity of outer boundaries, including ex-
tent of this special fire fighting capability will be entered into ternal doors and windows
the “Appendix to the Class Certificate” and such special fire — water-spraying piping system with location of the nozzles,
fighting systems will be subject to annual surveys. pumps and valves etc., internal and external corrosion pro-
tection of the pipelines.
A 200 Scope
201 The fire fighter class notations encompass the following: For class notation Fire Fighter II or Fire Fighter III:
— the vessel's fire fighting capability — particulars of foam generator and containers for storing of
foam-forming liquid.
— the vessel's stability and its ability to keep its position
when the fire fighting water monitors are in operation For class notation Fire Fighter III only:
— the vessel's passive and active heat radiation protection
against external fires. — arrangement of foam monitors including data for the monitors
— foundations for the foam monitors
A 300 Assumptions — arrangement of foam concentrate tank, foam-mixing unit
301 Granting of fire fighter class notations will be based on and piping to the monitors
the assumption that the following has been complied with — system for remote control of the foam monitors.
402 The following calculations shall be submitted for approval: — instructions for use, testing and maintenance of the fire
fighting installations and the equipment (or may be only
— calculation showing the point of balance between the reac- referred to)
tion forces from the water monitors and the forces from the — instructions for operation of the vessel during fire fighting
vessel's propulsion machinery and its side thrusters — plan and records for periodically testing and drills.
— calculation proving satisfactory stability of the vessel
when all monitors are in operation at full capacity in the B 200 Manoeuvrability
most adverse direction for the stability
201 The vessel shall have side thrusters and propulsion ma-
— report on inclining test determining the centre of gravity chinery of sufficient power for adequate manoeuvrability dur-
and the light weight of the completed vessel. ing fire fighting operations.
A 500 Certification 202 Side thruster(s) and main propeller(s) shall be able to
501 Certificates shall be required for the components shown keep the vessel at a standstill in calm waters at all combina-
in Table A1: tions of capacity and direction of throw of the water monitors,
and the most unfavourable combination shall not require more
than 80% of the available propulsion force in any direction.
Table A1 Required certificates
DNV 203 If the system design is such that, in any operating com-
Works Test bination, it will be possible to overload the power supply, a
Components product certificate report power management system shall be arranged. This system
Fire fighting pumps shall include alarm at 80% of available power and automatic
and their prime mov- X action at 100% available power.
ers 204 The operation of the side thruster(s) and the main pro-
Compressors for fill- peller(s) shall be simple and limited to the adjustment of:
ing the cylinders of X
air-breathing appara- — resultant thrust vector for the vessel
tus — possible adjustment of the turning moment
Pipes and valves X — possible adjustment of heading (gyro stabilised).
Foam liquid suitable X Operation shall be arranged at the workstation where the mon-
for its intended use
itors are controlled.
Guidance note:
205 It shall be visually indicated when this workstation has
The definition of the certificates is given in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.4 control. Failure in the control system shall initiate an alarm.
B 300 Floodlights
A 600 Testing 301 As an aid for operations in darkness, at least two adjust-
601 Testing shall be carried out to verify that the vessel, fit- able floodlights shall be fitted onboard, capable of providing
ted with fire fighting systems and equipment, is able to operate an illumination level of 50 lux in clear air, within an area not
as intended and has the required capacities. The height and less than 10 m diameter, to a distance of 250 m. The floodlights
length of throw of the water monitors shall be demonstrated. shall be of high pressure sodium vapour type or equivalent.
The angle of list, with water monitors in operation, shall also
be measured.
602 For notation Fire Fighter I, fire main capacities shall be C. Protection of the Vessel against External Heat
tested as follows: Radiation (Class Notation Fire Fighter I)
— The static pressure measured at the fire hydrant manifold C 100 Passive fire protection against external heat radi-
shall be not less than 0.25 N/mm2 with four (4) jets of wa- ation
ter from hoses simultaneously engaged to one of the fire
hydrant manifolds required in G100. 101 Hull and superstructure shall be constructed of steel. Ex-
— In a separate test, both water monitors shall be tested in op- ternal doors and hatches shall be of steel. Windows in bound-
erations simultaneously with the active heat radiation pro- ary of superstructure, including bridge shall comply with A-0
tection system in operation for not less than one (1) hour class. External platforms and exposed piping systems shall be
or until the temperature of the dedicated fire fighter of steel.
pumps' prim-movers are stabilised.
C 200 Active fire protection against external heat radia-
603 For notation Fire Fighter II, the number of hoses simul- tion
taneously engaged shall be not less than six (6) and for notation 201 The vessel shall be protected by a permanently in stalled
Fire Fighter III not less than eight (8) for the test specified in water-spraying system. Water shall be applied by means of
602. sprinkler nozzles, monitor nozzles and water shield nozzles or
a combination thereof. Vertical sides of superstructures shall
be protected by spray nozzles.
B. Basic Requirements 202 The fixed water-spraying system shall provide protec-
tion for all outside vertical areas of hull, superstructures and
B 100 Operation manual deckhouses including foundations for water monitors, essen-
tial external equipment for fire fighting operations and external
101 The following information shall be included in an ap- life rafts and lifeboats and rescue boats. Water spray may be
proved operation manual kept onboard: omitted for bulwark and rails.
— line of responsibility and delegation of tasks 203 The arrangement for the water-spraying system shall be
— description of each fire fighting system and the equipment such that necessary visibility from the wheelhouse and the con-
covered by the classification trol station for remote control of the fire fighting water moni-
— safety precautions and start-up procedures tors can be maintained during the water spraying.
204 The pipelines and nozzles shall be so arranged and pro- fighting water monitors and the water spray system.
tected that they will not be exposed to damage during the op- 208 All pipes for the fixed water-spraying systems shall be
erations for which the vessel is intended. protected against corrosion both externally and internally, by
205 The fixed water-spraying system shall have a capacity hot galvanizing or equivalent. Drainage plugs shall be fitted to
not less than 10 litres per minute per m2 of the areas to be pro- avoid damages by freezing water.
tected. For areas internally insulated to class A-60, however, a 209 The spray nozzles shall provide an effective and even
capacity of 5 litres per minute per m2 may be accepted. distribution of water spray over the areas to be protected. The
206 The pumping capacity for the fixed water-spraying sys- spray nozzles are subject to the Society's approval for their
tem shall be sufficient to deliver water at the required pressure purpose.
for simultaneous operation of all nozzles in the total system.
207 The pumps for the fire fighting water monitors may also
serve the water-spraying system, provided the pump capacity
is increased by the capacity required for the water spraying D. Water Monitor System
system. A connection with shut-off valve is then to be fitted be-
tween the fire main for the monitors and the main pipeline for D 100 Capacities
the water spraying system. Such arrangements shall allow for 101 The requirements for the various class notations are giv-
separate as well as simultaneous operation of both the fire en in Table D1.
monitors. When determining the necessary quantity of foam 304 Seawater inlets and sea chests shall be of a design ensur-
concentrate, the admixture is assumed to be 5%. ing an even and sufficient supply of water to the pumps. The
location of the seawater inlets and sea chests shall be such that
E 200 Arrangement the water supply is not impeded by the ship's motions or by the
201 The arrangement shall comply with the same principles water flow to and from bow thrusters, side thrusters, azimuth
as given under D201. thrusters or main propellers.
202 The foam generating system shall be of a fixed type with 305 Strums shall be fitted to the sea chest openings in the
separate foam concentrate tank, foam-mixing unit and pipe- shell plating. The design maximum water velocity through the
lines to the monitors. The water supply to the system may be strum holes is not to exceed 2 m/s.
taken from the main pumps for the water monitors. In such cas- F 400 Piping systems
es it may be necessary to reduce the main pump pressure to en-
sure correct water pressure for maximum foam generation. 401 The piping system from the pumps to the water monitors
shall be separate from the piping system to the hose connec-
E 300 Monitor control tions required for the mobile fire fighting equipment.
301 The foam monitors shall be remotely controllable. This 402 The piping systems shall have arrangements to avoid
also concerns the operation of the valves necessary for control overheating of the pumps at low delivery rates.
of water and foam concentrate. The remote control of the foam 403 Suctions lines shall be designed to avoid cavitations in
monitors shall be arranged from the same control room as the the water flow. The lines are to be as short and as straight as
control of the water monitors and the control system shall com- practicable. Pump shall preferably be located below the water
ply with the same principles as given in D302 to D304. Local/ line.
manual control of each monitor is also to be arranged.
In any case shall the net positive suction head (NPSH) for the
302 All shut-off and remote control equipment shall be pump system be designed according to the following formula:
clearly marked.
NPSH available – 1 meter water column > NPSH required
E 400 Monitor design For pumps located above water line an approved self priming
401 The foam monitors shall be of a design approved by the system shall be provided.
Society. Guidance note:
NPSH available is the ship specific available net suction head
(expressed in meter water column - mwc) as function of the ele-
vation of the pump in relation to the waterline deduced for the
F. Pumps and Piping pressure losses in the sea chest and supply piping up to the inlet
flange of the pump
F 100 General NPSH required is the net suction head (expressed in mwc) re-
quired by the pump in question in order to prevent cavitation
101 The arrangement shall be such that the water monitors
will be able to deliver an even jet of water without pulsations ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
of significance.
404 All piping from seawater inlets to water monitors shall
102 The requirements for pumping and piping systems given be internally protected against corrosion to a degree at least
for systems covered by the main class, as well as the require- corresponding to hot galvanizing. Paint is accepted as external
ments for standard water extinguishing appliances and appli- corrosion protection of piping exposed to weather.
ances for fire extinguishing on open decks given for main
class, shall be complied with as far as applicable to systems The part of pipes passing through fuel oil tanks shall have
fighting fires outside the vessel. thickness as for ballast pipes passing through fuel oil tanks in
accordance with Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.6 Table A2. The corrosion pro-
F 200 Pumps tection of the pipes within the tank shall be to the same level as
the internal tank structure, while internal corrosion protection
201 The pumps for the fire fighting system and the machin- may be excluded for this part. A system for drainage the pipes
ery driving the pumps shall be adequately protected, and shall within the fuel tank shall be arranged. Instruction shall be in-
be so located that they will be easily accessible during opera- cluded in the operation manual for draining of these pipes upon
tion and maintenance. completion of a fire fighting operation.
F 300 Seawater inlets and sea chests 405 The piping layout shall be in accordance with good ma-
rine practice with large radius bends, and shall be satisfactorily
301 Seawater suctions for fire fighting pumps shall not be ar- protected against damage.
ranged for other purposes. The seawater suction valve, the
pressure valve and the pump motor shall be operable from the
same position. Valves with nominal diameter exceeding
450 mm shall be power actuated as well as manually operable. G. Mobile Fire Fighting Equipment
302 An interlock shall prevent start or engagement of the
gear for the fire fighting pumps when the water inlet valve is G 100 Fire hydrants manifolds and hoses for external
closed and the pressure valve is open. use
Alternatively, warning by means of audible and visual alarm 101 In addition to the fire hydrants required for onboard use,
shall be given if starting of the fire fighting pumps or engaging fire hydrant manifolds shall be provided on the port and star-
gears for the pumps is carried out with the inlet valve closed board sides of the weather deck. The hose connections shall
and the pressure valve open. This alarm shall be given at all therefore point outwards.
control positions for the start or engagement of the gear for the 102 Vessels with class notation Fire Fighter I shall have
fire fighting pumps. one fire hydrant manifold arranged on the port side and one on
303 Suitable means for filling the water monitors' supply the starboard side, each with at least 4 hose connections.
piping downstream of the pressure valves and up through the 103 For class notation Fire Fighter II the number of addi-
monitors whilst the pressure valves are in the closed position, tional hose connections at each of the fire hydrant manifolds
shall be arranged. positioned on the port and starboard sides shall be not less than
six (6) and for class notation Fire Fighter III not less than in a readily available positions for class notation Fire Fighter
eight (8). I. For class notation Fire Fighter II, the number shall be in-
104 In addition to the required number of hoses for onboard creased to 12 hoses and 6 nozzles and for class notation Fire
use, at least 8 x 15 m fire hoses of 50 mm diameter and 4 com- Fighter III to 16 hoses and 8 nozzles.
bined 16 mm jet and water spray nozzles shall be kept onboard
105 The pressure in the fire hydrant manifold shall be not open deck. The entrance to the fire station shall be clearly
less than 2.5 bar and maximum 5 bar when tested as described marked. The room shall be arranged for ventilation and heat-
in A600 with one length of hose fitted with a standard 16 mm ing.
nozzle fully open on each hose connection on one fire hydrant
manifold. 202 The arrangement of the fire station shall be such that all
equipment will be easily accessible and ready for immediate
106 The pumps for monitors and or water spray system may use.
be used for supply of water to the fire hydrant manifolds re-
quired by 101 providing the capacity is increased so that all H 300 Compressed air supply
connected consumers can be simultaneously served. In such
case connections with shut-off valves shall be fitted between 301 A high pressure compressor with accessories suitable for
the fire main for the monitors and or water spray system in or- filling the cylinders of the breathing apparatuses, shall be in-
der to allow for separate as well as simultaneously operation of stalled onboard in the safest possible location. The capacity of
fire fighting water monitors and/or the water spray system as the compressor shall be at least 75 litres/minute. The air intake
well as hoses connected the fire hydrant manifolds. for the compressor shall be equipped with a filter.
Further, valves to be arranged for independent supply to the
fire hydrant manifolds without having the monitor and or the
water spray in use. I. Stability and Watertight Integrity
107 Hoses and nozzles shall be of a design approved by the
Society. I 100 General requirements
101 The vessel's stability shall be assessed when the water
G 200 Foam generator monitor(s) is (are) in the most unfavourable direction with re-
201 Vessels with class notation Fire Fighter II or Fire spect to stability.
Fighter III shall have a mobile high expansion foam generator The monitor heeling moment shall be calculated based on the
with a capacity of not less than 100 m3/minute for fighting of assumption in 102. The criterion in 103 shall be complied with.
external fires.
202 Foam-forming liquid shall be stored in containers, each 102 Monitor heeling moment
of about 20 litres, suitable for mobile use. The total storing ca- The heeling force 'F' from the water monitor(s) shall be as-
pacity of foam-forming liquid shall be sufficient for 30 min- sumed in the transverse direction, based on full capacity as giv-
utes continuous foam production. en in Table D1.
The monitor heeling arm 'a' shall be taken as the vertical dis-
tance between the centre of side thruster(s) and the centre line
of the monitor(s).
H. Firefighter’s Outfit
103 Criterion
H 100 Number and extent of the outfits The monitor heeling lever, calculated as F·a/displacement,
shall not exceed 0.5 times the maximum GZ corresponding to
101 Vessels with class notation Fire Fighter I shall have at maximum allowable VCG.
least 4 sets of firefighter's outfits.
If the maximum GZ occurs after 30 degrees, the GZ at 30 de-
102 Vessels with class notation Fire Fighter II shall have grees shall be used instead of the maximum GZ.
six (6) fire-fighter's outfits, and vessels with class notation
Fire Fighter III shall have eight (8) fire-fighter's outfits. 104 Documentation
103 The extent of the fire fighter’s outfits shall be as speci- — Additional information in the stability manual on the mon-
fied for main class. Each breathing apparatus shall have a total itor capacity, position, heeling force and moment as well
air capacity of at least 3600 litres including the spare cylinders. as plotting the monitors' heeling lever on the GZ diagram
H 200 Location of the firefighter’s outfits of the most unfavourable loading conditions.
201 The firefighter's outfits shall be placed in at least two Detailed description of stability documentation is given in
separate fire stations of which one shall have access from the Classification Note No. 20.1.
Fig. 1
Stability with loss of crane load
RL1 = Net righting lever (GZ) curve for the condition before
loss of crane load, corrected for crane heeling moment
and for the righting moment provided by the counter Fig. 2
ballast if applicable. Alternative intact criteria
RL2 = Net righting lever (GZ) curve for the condition after
loss of crane load, corrected for the transverse moment
provided by the counter ballast if applicable. WA = The heeling arm due to wind forces (for wind speed see
ΘL = Static angle of equilibrium before loss of crane load. 302).
RL1 = Net righting lever (GZ) curve for the condition, cor-
ΘL may alternatively be determined by the equation rected for crane heeling moment and for the righting
moment provided by the counter ballast if applicable.
ΘL = arctan (TCG/GMt) ΘL = Static angle of equilibrium.
ΘF = Angle of down flooding as defined in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9.
if this results in a small angle of heel.
TCG is then to be taken as the vessel’s trans- Guidance note:
verse centre of gravity before loss of crane Net righting lever implies that the calculation of the GZ curve in-
load, and GMt is the corrected transverse cludes the vessel’s true transverse centre of gravity as function of
metacentric height in the same condition. the angle of heel.
Θe = Static angle of equilibrium after loss of crane load
ΘF = Angle of down flooding as defined in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9.
D 400 Alternative damage stability criteria during
Guidance note: heavy crane lift
Net righting lever implies that the calculation of the GZ curve in- 401 The flooding scenario given in 402 and survival criteria
cludes the vessel’s true transverse centre of gravity as function of given in 403 may be applied in lieu of the damage stability crite-
the angle of heel.
ria according to Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9 and additional class notations for
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- the crane loading conditions when operational and environmen-
tal limitations as listed in D302 and D303 are imposed.
D 300 Alternative intact stability criteria during 402 Accidental flooding of any one compartment bounded
heavy crane lift by the shell or which contains pipe systems leading to the sea
301 The criteria given in 304 may be applied in lieu of the in- shall be investigated for the relevant loading conditions.
tact stability criteria according to Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9 for the crane 403 In the flooded condition the following criteria shall be
loading conditions when operational and environmental limi- complied with:
tations are imposed.
302 The environmental limitation shall at least be specified — the maximum angle of heel shall be less than 15 degrees
as follows: — no immersion of openings through which progressive
flooding may occur
— maximum wind speed (1 minute sustained at 10 m above — the area under the GZ-curve shall be greater than
sea level) 0.015 mrad.
The outlets shall have a minimum height of 4 m above the deck 202 Spaces containing tanks and piping for liquid nitrogen
and located at a minimum horizontal distance of 5 m from shall be equipped with oxygen deficiency monitoring.
openings to accommodation and service spaces.
D 300 Gauging and level detection
203 Vent outlets from acid tanks shall have pressure/vacuum
valves. The outlets shall be provided with flame screens. 301 Tanks for liquefied nitrogen shall have gauging and lev-
el detection arrangements in accordance with Ch.5 Sec.13.
B 300 Access openings 302 Tanks for hydrochloric acid shall have a closed gauging
301 Enclosed spaces containing tanks, piping, pumps and system. A high level alarm shall be provided. The alarm shall
blenders for uninhibited acid shall have entrances direct from be activated by a level sensing device independent of the gaug-
open deck or through air locks from other spaces. The air lock ing system.
shall have independent mechanical ventilation. 303 Spaces containing equipment and storage tanks for the
well stimulation system shall be provided with detection and
B 400 Acid spill protection alarm system for liquid leakages.
401 Floors or decks under acid storage tanks and pumps and
piping for uninhibited acid shall have a lining of corrosion re- D 400 Emergency shutdown system
sistant material extending up to a minimum height of 500 mm 401 Emergency stop of all pumps in the oil well stimulation
on the bounding bulkheads or coamings. Hatches or other system shall be arranged from one or more positions located
openings in such floors or decks shall be raised to a minimum outside the area accommodating the system.
height of 500 mm above.
402 Emergency shut-off valves shall be provided in liquid
402 Flanges or other detachable pipe connections shall be nitrogen outlet lines from each nitrogen tank. The shut off
covered by spray shields. valves shall be remotely controlled from one or more positions
403 Portable shield covers for connecting flanges of loading outside the area accommodating the oil well stimulation sys-
manifold shall be provided. Drip trays of corrosion resistant tem.
material shall be provided under loading manifold for acid. 403 Emergency depressurising and disconnection of the
transfer hose shall be arranged from the central control posi-
B 500 Drainage tion and from the bridge.
501 Spaces housing tanks and pumping and piping for acids
or additives shall have a separate drainage system not connect-
ed to the drainage system for other areas.
E. Liquid Nitrogen System
502 Drainage arrangement for acids shall be of corrosion re-
sistant materials. E 100 Materials
101 The materials shall be in accordance with Ch.5 Sec.2.
E 200 Storage tanks
C. Ventilation
201 The design and testing of the tanks for liquid nitrogen
C 100 Ventilation of spaces containing installations for shall be in accordance with Ch.5 Sec.5 as required for inde-
storage or handling of acid pendent tanks type C.
101 The spaces shall have an independent mechanical venti- E 300 Pumping and piping
lation with a capacity of minimum 30 air changes per hour.
301 The requirements of Ch.5 Sec.6 apply.
C 200 Ventilation of other spaces containing equipment
for well stimulation
201 Spaces containing installations for liquid nitrogen and F. Acid System
liquids containing inhibited acid shall have a mechanical ven-
tilation system with a minimum capacity of 20 air changes per F 100 Materials
hour. The ventilation system shall be independent of the venti- 101 In general Ch.4 Sec.2 applies.
lation system for the accommodation.
102 Storage tanks, pumping and piping for uninhibited acid
202 Ventilation of spaces for storage and handling of dry and shall be of corrosion resistant material or shall have internal
liquid additives will be considered in each case depending on lining of corrosion resistant material.
the flammability, toxicity and reactivity properties of the addi-
tives to be used. F 200 Storage tanks
201 The rules in Ch.4 Sec.5 apply.
F 300 Pumping and piping
D. Electrical Equipment, Instrumentation and
Emergency Shutdown System 301 The rules in Pt.4 Ch.6 apply.
302 The flexible hose with end connectors shall be in accord-
D 100 Electrical equipment or other ignition sources in ance with a recognised standard.
enclosed spaces containing acid tanks and acid pumping
101 Only equipment certified as safe for operation in hydro-
gen/air atmosphere shall be used. G. Personnel Protection
D 200 Vapour detection G 100 Decontamination showers and eye washes
201 Vapour detection and alarm systems for hydrogen or hy- 101 Decontamination showers and eye washes shall be fitted
drogen chloride gas shall be provided in enclosed or semi-en- in convenient locations.
closed spaces containing installations for uninhibited acid. 102 The showers and eye washers shall be operable also un-
der freezing conditions. Temperature control of the water shall I. Operation Manual
be provided in order to avoid excessive temperatures.
I 100 General
G 200 Personnel protective equipment
101 The vessel shall have an approved operation manual
201 Protective equipment shall be kept onboard in suitable readily available on board. The manual shall give instructions
locations as required by the IMO “International Code for the and information on safety aspects related to well stimulation
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous processing.
Chemicals in Bulk” (IBC Code) Res. MSC.4(48) as amended,
for carriage of hydrochloric acid. 102 The operation manual shall give particulars on:
— protective equipment
— storage and handling of fluids and dry additives
— transfer operations
H. Intact and Damage Stability — emergency shut-down and disconnection.
H 100 General
101 The vessel shall comply with the requirements for intact
and damage stability given in Sec.3 D and Sec.4.
for verification of the compatibility between the barrier 103 Cargo tanks situated forward of the superstructure may
and the field component extend to the deck plating, provided dry cargo is not handled in
— maintenance manual as specified in Ch.4 Sec.12 E101, for this area.
electrical installations in hazardous areas shall be submit- 104 Cargo tanks for liquids with a flashpoint of not less than
ted for approval. 43°C may extend to the ship's shell and the deck plating.
407 For documentation regarding: Tanks for other purposes (except freshwater and lubricating oil
tanks) will be accepted as cofferdams for these tanks.
— fire protection, see F
— instruction manual, see I. 105 The spaces forward of the collision bulkhead (forepeak)
and aft of the aftermost bulkhead (afterpeak) shall not be ar-
408 Documentation for the control and monitoring system ranged as cargo tanks nor as cofferdams.
for the following shall be submitted for approval: 106 Cofferdams shall be arranged for water filling.
— cargo tank level measurement system 107 Tanks on open deck may be approved after special con-
— cargo tank overflow protection system siderations in each particular case.
— cargo valves and pumps control and monitoring system 108 Cargoes, which react in a hazardous manner with other
— inert gas control and monitoring system. cargoes or fuel oils, shall be segregated from such other car-
goes or oil fuel by means of a cofferdam, pump room or tank
For requirements to documentation types, see Pt.4 Ch.9. containing a mutually compatible cargo.
409 The following documentation related to class notation
LFL/LFL* shall be submitted for approval: B 200 Access and openings to accommodation and non-
hazardous spaces
— access plan 201 Entrances, air inlets and openings to accommodation,
service and machinery spaces and control stations are, in gen-
A 500 Materials eral, not to face the cargo area.
501 Structural materials used for tank construction, together For vessels with cargo tanks aft of the superstructure, entranc-
with associated piping, valves, vents and their jointing materi- es, air inlets and openings facing the cargo area may be accept-
als, shall be suitable at the carriage temperature and pressure ed provided they are situated at least 10 m from the nearest
for the cargo to be carried, to the satisfaction of the Society. hazardous area.
A 600 Surveys and testing The following provisions apply for such boundaries:
601 Before assignment of class all systems covered by this a) Doors shall be kept closed during loading/discharge oper-
section are as far as possible to be function tested under work- ations. Signboards shall be fitted.
ing conditions to the satisfaction of the surveyor.
b) Port lights or windows shall be of a non-opening type. In-
A 700 Certification of control and monitoring system side covers of steel or equivalent material shall be fitted in
the first tier on main deck.
701 The following control and monitoring system shall be
certified according to Pt.4 Ch.9: c) Ventilation inlets shall be fitted as far as practicable from
the nearest hazardous area (in no case less than 10 m).
— cargo tank level measurement system
— cargo tank overflow protection system 202 For non-hazardous spaces such as cargo control rooms,
— cargo valves and pumps control and monitoring system stores and other spaces not covered by 201, entrances are not
— inert gas control and monitoring system. to be arranged in hazardous area. If air locks are arranged such
entrances may however be accepted.
B 300 Access and openings to pump room and cargo
B. Vessel Arrangement tanks
301 Cargo tanks shall have suitable access from open deck
B 100 Tank arrangement for cleaning and gas-freeing.
101 Cargo tanks shall not be located within the accommoda- Access openings are normally not to be arranged from cargo
tion or engine room area. Engine room and accommodation tanks to other spaces.
shall not be located above tanks or cofferdams.
302 Pump room entrances shall be from open deck. Air lock
102 Where not bounded by bottom shell plating or pump access may be accepted upon special consideration. As a min-
room, the cargo tanks shall be surrounded by cofferdams. imum, continuous gas detection and ventilation of the space
For safe access to and within tanks for low flashpoint liquids will be required.
and adjacent cofferdams, horizontal hatches or openings to or 303 Access entrances and passages shall have a clear open-
within cargo tanks or cofferdams surrounding tanks for low ing of at least 600 by 600 mm.
flashpoint liquids are to have a minimum clear opening of
600×600 mm that also facilitates the hoisting of an injured per- B 400 Chain locker and windlass
son from the bottom of the tank/cofferdam. For access through 401 The chain locker shall be arranged as a non-hazardous
vertical openings providing main passage through the length space.
and breadth within cargo tanks and cofferdams surrounding
tanks for low flashpoint liquids, the minimum clear opening 402 Windlass cable lifters and chain pipes shall be situated
shall not be less than 600×800 mm at a height of not more than outside hazardous areas.
600 mm from bottom plating unless gratings or footholds are
provided. Smaller openings may be accepted provided evacu- B 500 Miscellaneous
ation of an injured person from the bottom of the tank/coffer- 501 Exhaust outlets from diesel engines shall have spark ar-
dam can be demonstrated. restors.
Minimum horizontal distance between the tank side or pipes 502 Surface metal temperatures of equipment and piping in
leading from the tank and the ship's shell shall be 760 mm. hazardous areas shall not exceed 220°C.
es G. Electrical Installations
— the horizontal distance between exhaust outlets from cargo
handling spaces and the ventilation inlets to non-hazard- G 100 General
ous spaces other than accommodation. 101 Electrical installations in hazardous areas shall comply
with the requirements given in Ch.4 Sec.12.
A 400 Documentation — a suitable working deck for use in oil recovery operation
— storage tanks for recovered oil
401 General arrangement plan(s) showing the following par- — pumping and piping arrangement for transfer and dis-
ticulars shall be submitted for approval: charge of recovered oil.
— hazardous areas 102 The vessel shall have adequate stability and floatability
— location of equipment for reception and handling of oil in all relevant operational conditions. The stability and floata-
such as pumps, skimmer, winches, etc. bility properties will be considered in each particular case.
— tanks intended for storage of recovered oil with accesses
— oil tank venting arrangement 103 The visibility from the manoeuvring station shall be
— doors, hatches, ventilation openings and any other open- such that the Master can easily monitor oil recovery operations
ings to hazardous spaces and adjacent non-hazardous both on deck and in the water.
spaces 104 The oil tanks and the deck area, from where the opera-
— ventilation arrangement for hazardous spaces and adjacent tion is performed, shall be as far away from the accommoda-
non-hazardous spaces tion as possible.
— exhaust outlets from machinery 105 Exhaust outlets from machinery shall be located as high
— fire extinguishing equipment and structural fire protection, as practicable above the deck and shall be fitted with spark ar-
see however 403 resters.
402 The following plans and particulars shall be submitted B 200 Fire protection and extinction
for approval:
201 For vessels with cargo tanks forward of the superstruc-
— diagrammatic plan of piping system for handling of oil ture, exterior boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses
— plan showing supporting structures and fastening arrange- enclosing accommodation and including any over hanging
ments for equipment applied during oil recovery opera- decks which support such accommodation, shall be insulated
tions. Reaction forces to be stated to A-60 standard for the whole of the portions which face the
— stability and floatability calculation of the vessel in the op- hazardous areas and for 3 m aft or forward of these, whichever
erating mode, however, see 403 is relevant. The requirement is also applicable for access doors
— operation manual. in such boundaries. Alternatively insulation to A-0 standard
with a permanently installed water-spraying system in compli-
403 Plans of electrical installations giving the following par- ance with 204 may be accepted.
ticulars shall be submitted for approval: Aluminium bulkheads will not be accepted in these bounda-
— drawing(s) showing location of all electrical equipment in ries.
hazardous areas 202 The requirement in 201 is also applicable for vessels
— single line diagram for intrinsically safe circuits and data with cargo tanks aft of the superstructure, provided exterior
for verification of the compatibility between the barrier boundaries of superstructures and deckhouses enclosing ac-
commodation and including any over hanging decks which 309 Any coating in tanks for recovered oil shall be of an oil
support such accommodation, are situated within 10 m of the and dispersion resistant type.
nearest hazardous area.
B 400 Support of heavy components
203 Portholes or windows in the area specified in 201 or 202
shall have the same fire rating as the bulkhead in which they 401 The strength of the supporting structures for equipment
are fitted. The requirement does not apply to wheelhouse win- applied during oil recovery operations can be based on the as-
dows. Portholes or windows which have lower fire rating than sumption that the oil recovery operations will take place in
the required, or that shall be protected by a water-spray system moderate sea conditions.
in accordance with 204, shall be fitted with permanently in-
stalled inside deadlights of steel having a thickness equal to the 402 For cranes intended for use during oil recovery opera-
steel in the bulkhead in which they are fitted. tions, dynamic loads due to the vessel's motions shall be taken
into account. In general the cranes and their supporting struc-
204 Windows in area specified in 201 shall have A-60 integ- tures shall have scantlings based on at least twice the working
rity or be protected by deadlights during oil recovery opera- load of the crane.
tions. Navigation bridge windows in area specified in 201 shall
have A-0 fire integrity.
205 For protection of the working deck area two semi-porta-
ble 25 kg dry powder fire extinguishers shall be provided, C. Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Areas
stored in readily available spaces adjacent to the working deck.
C 100 Definitions
In addition, the vessel should carry two portable foam applica-
tor units with at least 4 portable 20 litre containers with foam 101 Hazardous zone 0:
concentrate, for use with water supplied by the vessels fire
main. a) The interiors of cargo tanks, any pipework of pressure-re-
lief or other venting systems for cargo tanks, pipes and
B 300 Tank arrangement equipment containing the cargo or developing flammable
gases or vapours.
301 Tanks within the accommodation and/or engine room
area of the vessel are in general not to be used for storage of Hazardous zone 1:
recovered oil.
302 Tanks intended for storage of recovered oil are normally a) Cargo pump room.
to be separated from the engine room and accommodation by b) Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which recovered oil
means of cofferdams, tanks for other purposes (fuel oil, ballast pipe flanges and or valves are located.
etc.) or dry compartments other than accommodation.
c) Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces in which oil contami-
For easy access to all parts, the cofferdams shall have a mini- nated equipment for handling of recovered oil are located.
mum width of 600 mm.
d) Areas on the open deck or semi-enclosed spaces on the
303 Where cofferdams are impractical to arrange, tanks ad- deck within a distance of 3 m from oil skimmer equip-
jacent to the engine room may be accepted for storage of re- ment, hoses and valves used for recovered oil handling,
covered oil provided the tank bulkhead is: openings and air pipes from tanks for recovered oil and
openings and ventilation outlets from hazardous areas.
— accessible for inspection
— carried continuously through abutting plate panels, except Hazardous zone 2:
that full penetration welding may be used at the top of the
tank a) Cofferdams and spaces adjacent to tanks intended for stor-
— pressure tested at every complete periodical survey. age of recovered oil, not containing pipe flanges or valves.
304 A tank arrangement requiring removable manhole cov- b) Enclosed or semi-enclosed spaces having access or open-
ers shall be avoided. Open manholes between a maximum of 3 ing into other hazardous area.
tanks may be accepted, provided the manhole covers are re- c) Open deck over tanks intended for storage of recovered oil
movable from ballast or fresh water tanks. and 3 m forward and aft of this area on the open deck up
305 All openings to the tanks (sounding pipes, hatches for to a height of 2.4 m above the deck.
placing of portable pumps and hoses) for recovered oil shall be
located on open deck. 102 Safe areas are areas which are not defined as hazardous
in the above.
306 Tanks for recovered oil shall have suitable access from
open deck for cleaning and gas-freeing. Long tanks shall have C 200 Access and other openings
access in both ends.
201 There are normally not to be access doors or other open-
307 Tanks exceeding a breadth of 0.56 B or a length of 0.1 L ings between a non-hazardous room and hazardous area.
or 12 m whichever is the greater are normally to be provided
with wash bulkheads or similar arrangement to reduce liquid Access doors may, however, be accepted between such spaces
sloshing in partially filled tanks. on the following conditions:
308 The height of tanks for recovered oil shall not be less — the non-hazardous room shall have ventilation overpres-
than 1.5 m. Internal obstructions in tanks for recovered oil shall sure in relation to the hazardous area
be provided with adequate openings to allow a full flow of oil. — the doors are normally to be self-closing and arranged to
The area of one single opening is for that purpose not to be less swing into the non-hazardous space so that they are kept
than twice the sectional area of the discharge pipe. closed by the overpressure
The openings shall be so arranged that the tanks can be effec- — signboards shall be fitted warning that the doors shall be
tively drained. kept closed during oil recovery operations.
D. Arrangement and Equipment 404 The filling line shall be provided with means for injec-
tion of emulsion-breaking chemicals. The arrangement shall
D 100 General be so as to facilitate efficient mixing with recovered oil, e.g. by
injection to the suction side of a pump.
101 The vessel shall be arranged and equipped so as to min-
imize the time needed to make it operational. This implies that For tanks provided with heating coils the requirements may be
systems and equipment for handling of recovered oil as far as dispensed with.
practicable shall be permanently installed.
405 Where permanently installed oil recovery piping is in-
102 Systems and arrangements shall be such that procedures compatible with the normal cargo system, suitable blanking ar-
for and practical execution of filling, venting, discharge, rangements shall be provided.
sounding, etc. will be simple to perform.
406 Parts of existing piping and pumping systems may be
103 All electrical and mechanical equipment for use in haz- used if found to satisfy the general safety principles. Such ar-
ardous areas during oil recovery operations shall be certified rangements will be evaluated in each case.
for operation in gas contaminated atmosphere.
407 The internal diameter of sounding pipes from tanks for
D 200 Ventilation system recovered oil shall not be less than 50 mm. The sounding pipes
shall be located on open deck.
201 There shall be independent ventilation for hazardous and
non-hazardous spaces. 408 For all piping connections other than mentioned above,
blanking-off before oil is loaded into the tanks shall be possi-
202 Non-hazardous spaces adjacent to hazardous areas are ble. The blanking device shall be fitted to the nearest detacha-
normally to have mechanical ventilation with overpressure rel- ble pipe connection at the tank.
ative to hazardous areas. The inlet air shall be taken from a
non-hazardous area at least 1.5 m from the boundaries of any D 500 Power supply and electrical equipment
hazardous area. Also the outlet air shall be led to a non-hazard-
ous area on open deck. 501 Electrical installations in hazardous areas shall comply
with the requirements given in Ch.3 Sec.8.
203 Hazardous spaces are normally to have mechanical ven-
tilation of extraction type, giving at least 8 changes of air per 502 Means for disconnection of electrical supply to non-cer-
hour. tified electrical equipment in hazardous spaces shall be ar-
ranged. Signboards shall be fitted at the respective switches.
The inlet air shall be taken from an area which, in the absence
of the considered inlet, would be non-hazardous. Electrical cables led through these spaces and electrical equip-
The outlet air shall be led to an open area which, in the absence ment in the machinery spaces are exempted.
of the considered outlet, would be of the same or lesser hazard 503 Non-certified safe electrical equipment located in haz-
than the ventilated space footpad ardous areas on open deck shall be disconnected during oil re-
204 Spaces which normally would be regarded as Zone 2 ac- covery operation.
cording to C102 above may be accepted as non-hazardous on 504 The arrangement of power supply to non-permanent oil
the condition that the following special requirements to venti- skimming and pumping equipment is as far as practicable to be
lation in addition to those given in 202 above are complied permanently installed.
For circuits with higher rating, the outlet shall be arranged
— the ventilation capacity shall be at least 20 changes of air from a connection box, provided with a door which is inter-
per hour locked with a switch.
— the arrangement of ventilation inlet and outlet openings in The supply from the main switchboard to the connection box
the room shall be such that the entire room is efficiently or socket-outlet shall be permanently installed, and provided
ventilated, taking special consideration to locations where with separate switchgear with short-circuit and overcurrent
gas may be released or accumulated. protection in each insulated phase.
D 300 Tank venting system 505 Non-permanent oil skimming and pumping equipment
and independent power-packages shall be certified as safe for
301 Ventilation outlets from the tanks shall be led to open operation in gas-contaminated atmosphere.
The outlets shall have a minimum height of 2.4 m above deck 506 The socket-outlet and connection boxes mentioned in
and be located at a minimum horizontal distance of 5 m away 504 shall be located at easily accessible places and in such a
from openings to accommodation and other non-hazardous way that flexible cables are not carried through doors or port-
spaces, ventilation intakes for accommodation and engine lights leading from working deck to machinery or accommo-
room and non-certified safe electrical equipment. dation spaces.
302 Portable ventilation outlet pipes intended for use during D 600 Miscellaneous requirements
oil spill recovery operations only, may be accepted.
601 A portable hydrocarbon gas-measuring instrument of
303 The venting arrangement is in general to comply with approved type shall be provided on board.
the requirements given for the main class.
602 The deck area where handling of hoses and equipment
D 400 Arrangement of piping systems for recovered oil takes place shall be provided with adequate
401 The system for pumping and transfer of recovered oil
shall be located outside engine room and accommodation. 603 A low sea suction shall be arranged for cooling water
pumps for machinery.
402 The transfer system shall be arranged such that simulta-
neous filling and discharge will be possible. 604 Exhaust pipes or any other pipes with surface tempera-
ture exceeding 220°C shall not pass through gas-dangerous
403 For coupling of portable skimming equipment one or spaces.
maximum two filling connections with branch pipes to all
tanks for recovered oil shall be arranged on deck. 605 Signboards shall be fixed by screws, rivets or equal.
A. General ments given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5. For the combined pusher/barge
unit of Type I the longitudinal strength of the barge shall be
A 100 Definitions based on a length L as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1 measured be-
101 A combined pusher barge unit may be of the following tween the bow of the barge and the stern of the pusher.
types: C 200 Connection pusher/barge
Type I. The connection between the pusher and the barge is as- 201 The pusher and the aft part of the barge shall be so de-
sumed to be rigid, i.e. it should be designed to transmit the stat- signed as to allow the pusher to interact with the stern area of
ic and dynamic shearing forces and bending moments in such the barge. The mutual forces between the two structures shall
a manner that the combination behaves like one integrated be transferred by a system of contact surfaces. The connection
structure. of Type I shall be secured by at least one mechanical locking
Type II. The connection between the pusher is free to heave device. For Type II a flexible connection shall be provided.
and/or pitch relatively to the barge. This type of connection
will normally not be applicable under severe sea conditions or 202 The connection forces shall be based on the most severe
in ice-infested waters. load conditions to be expected in service. Wave-induced loads
shall be determined according to accepted theories, model tests
A 200 Classification or full scale measurements.
201 The requirements in the section apply to the combined The loads shall be referred to extreme wave conditions, which
pusher/barge unit. should be based upon wave statistics for the expected route or
service area, in case of restricted service. For unlimited world
202 Combined units built in compliance with relevant re- wide service North Atlantic wave statistics shall be used. The
quirements for main class and the additional requirements in resulting loads shall be given as long term values correspond-
this section may be given the combination class notation spec- ing to 108 wave encounters (most probable largest loads at a
ified in Sec.12 A102. In addition each barge may be given the probability of exceedance equal to 10-8).
class notation Barge or Barge for Oil on the separate class
certificate. Realistic conditions with respect to speed and navigation in
heavy weather shall be considered, also taking into account the
A 300 Documentation general assumption of competent handling.
301 The following additional plans shall be submitted for ap- 203 Direct calculations shall be made in order to evaluate the
proval: stresses in all relevant strength members of the connection be-
tween barge and pusher. Shearing forces and or longitudinal
— 0 of barge and forward part of pusher showing details of bending moments in the sections in question are found from di-
connecting points with supporting structures rect calculations for barge and pusher in still water and in
— details of connecting system. waves. Preloading from locking devices is also to be taken into
302 An arrangement drawing of the pusher/barge unit with
information about the connecting system and the reaction forc- Permissible stresses in the connection are:
es and/or bending moments in the connection shall be submit-
ted, see also Sec.12 A200. Normal stresses: 225 f1 N/mm2
Shearing stresses: 120 f1 N/mm2
A 400 Certificates
401 Det Norske Veritas' certificates will be required for:
σ 0.75
f 1 = ⎛ ---------⎞
— locking devices in Type I connection system for forged and cast steel parts.
⎝ 240⎠
— steel wires or other means of flexible connections (works'
certificate from approved manufacturer will normally be
accepted). 204 All relevant strength members shall have effective con-
tinuity, and details which may cause stress concentration shall
have gradual transitions.
205 Deflections of the structural parts in the connection
B. Arrangement structure and the necessary preloading shall be considered in
order to avoid hammering when the most unfavourable reac-
B 100 Number and position of watertight transverse tion forces occur. Calculations of these deflections shall be
bulkheads submitted.
101 The barge is at least to have a collision bulkhead be- 206 Locking devices and or other connection equipment are
tween 0.05 L and 0.08 L from F.P. and an after peak bulkhead subject to approval. If based on hydraulic operation the con-
at a suitable distance forward of the connection area. The push- necting system shall be mechanically lockable in closed posi-
er shall have a number of transverse bulkheads corresponding tion with remote indication on the bridge.
to its own length, as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 Table A1.
C 300 Local strength
301 Structural members are in general to comply with the
C. Hull Strength rule requirements for hull structures Pt.3 Ch.1 based on the rule
length of the combined unit.
C 100 Longitudinal strength 302 Scantlings of the afterbody of the barge are in no case to
101 The longitudinal strength shall comply with the require- be less than required for the barge in unconnected condition.
302 The thickness of bottom, side and deck plating shall not
be less than:
0.04L- + t
t = 5 + -------------- k
Fig. 1 f1
Wave coefficients
303 The thickness of stiffeners and web plates shall not be
less than:
105 For barges with restricted service CW and CWO may be
reduced as given in Table C1. 0.02L
t = 5 + --------------- + t k
Table C1 Values of Cw and Cwo
Reduction 304 For buckling control of plating, see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 or
Class notation Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.12.
R0 none none 305 The section modulus requirement to local stiffeners and
R1 none none girders is given by:
R2 10% 5% 2
83 l s p 3
R3 25% 13% Z = -------------------- k ( cm )
R4 40% 20%
Note: Regarding R0 - R4, see Pt.1 Ch.2 Sec.1 l = stiffener or girder span (m)
s = stiffener or girder spacing (m)
C 200 Shear strength k = 1 + 0.08 tk.
201 The shear stresses in ship sides and longitudinal bulk- p as given in Table C2.
heads shall not exceed 110 f1 N/mm2. The corresponding re-
quirements to plating thickness of sides and longitudinal σ may be taken from relevant sections in Pt.3 Ch.1 or Pt.3
bulkheads may be found in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D. Ch.2.
202 As an alternative to the calculation of plating thickness 306 The web area of girder ends is given by:
as outlined in 201 the following approximate formula may be A = 0.06 l s p + 10 h tk (cm2)
used: The web area t the middle of the span shall not be less than 0.5
Σ A ≥ 0.1 (QS + QW) (cm3) A.
Above waterline ks (CW – 0.67 h0), minimum 10 603 Acceptable stress levels in the supporting structure re-
Sea pressure 0.8 ks (CW – 0.67 h0), minimum 10 sulting from bending moments and shearing forces calculated
for the load Pb given in 601 or 602 are:
Cargo 0.6 L
10 ⎛⎝ 1 + k ⎛⎝ 0 . 35 – -------------⎞⎠ ⎞⎠ q σb = 210 f1 (N/mm2)
1000 τ = 130 f1 (N/mm2)
k = 1.3 at ends
= 0.8 within 0.7 L midships. Linear interpolation at interme- 2 2 2
σ comb = σ b + 3τ = 235 f 1 (N⁄ mm )
diate positions
ks = 5 at aft end
= 3 between 0.2 L and 0.7 L from aft end
= 8 at forward end
h0 = vertical distance (m) from the waterline at full draught to D. Hatches and Deck Openings
the load point
q = deck loading in t/m2. q shall not be taken less than 0.7 T. If
restricted service k may be reduced by the same percentage D 100 General
as CW given in Table C1. Reduction of CW and k may also 101 Deck openings in barges for unrestricted service shall
be considered if transportation shall take place under spec- have hatch coamings and covers as given in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.6.
ified fair weather conditions.
102 The closing arrangement of deck openings for barges
with restricted service and high freeboard will be specially
Guidance note: considered.
If liquid cargo or ballast shall be carried, the structure should also
be considered as tank structure.
---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e--- E. Steering Arrangement
C 400 Bottom structure E 100 General
401 The bottom structure may be built as single or double 101 If rudder is installed, the rudder and steering arrange-
bottom. ment shall comply with the requirement given in Pt.3 Ch.3
402 The height of a double bottom shall give good access to Sec.2 as far as these rules are relevant for barges.
all internal parts. The height should not be less than 650 mm. When calculating the rudder force, the speed shall not be taken
403 The bottom structure shall be considered as a grillage less than 8 knots.
system being supported by ship sides and/or bulkheads.
The structure is generally to be calculated for a net loading cor-
responding to p (bottom) given in Table C2. Acceptable stress F. Equipment
levels may be as given for stiffeners in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 D.
404 If the arrangement of the barge is such that the net load- F 100 General
ing specified in 403 is considered to be unrealistic, reduced net 101 For equipment, see Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.3.
loadings (i.e. sea pressure-cargo) according to specified load-
ing conditions may be accepted. The reduced net loading
should not be less than 50% of the full net loading given in 403.
405 The bottom in barges with L > 100 m shall be strength- G. Machinery and Electrical Installations
ened against slamming, see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.6 H. In the formula G 100 General
for C2 the ballast draught TBF may be substituted by full
draught T. 101 Machinery and electrical installations are generally not
required. However, if such installations are made, they shall
C 500 Deck structure comply with relevant requirements given in Pt.4.
501 If the deck girders constitute a grillage system, direct
calculations of the grillage shall be made to verify that the
structure comply with the loading specified in Table C2 or oth-
er specified loadings and the stress levels given in Pt.3 Ch.1 H. Drainage
Sec.8 or Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.7.
H 100 General
502 If the deck will be subject to heavy point loads, plans
shall be submitted showing the arrangement and position of 101 For drainage of barges, see Pt.4 Ch.6 Sec.4 G.
loads as well as their magnitude.
It shall be specified if all loading points will be subject to loads
simultaneously, or if there will be some alternative groupings I. Stability
of the loads. For reduction of dynamic loads, see notes to Table
C2, factor k. I 100 Stability requirements
503 Heavy point loads should preferably be supported di- 101 All vessels shall comply with the intact stability require-
rectly by bulkheads. ments according to Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9.
102 The alternative stability criteria as given in 103 and 104 the deck cargo to a point at one half the draught
may be applied for vessels with class notation Barge for
Deck Cargo, under the following provisions: — calculations should be performed covering the full range
of operating draughts
— the vessel is unmanned — the downflooding angle should be taken as the angle at
— the block coefficient is 0.9 or greater which an opening through which progressive flooding
— the breadth to depth ratio is greater than 3.0 may take place is immersed. This would not be an opening
— the vessel has no hatchways in the deck except small man- closed by a watertight manhole cover or a vent fitted with
holes closed with gasketed covers. an automatic closure.
103 The calculations should be based on the following (cor- 104 The following criteria shall be complied with:
responding to IMO Res. A.749(18) Ch. 4.7):
— the area under a righting lever curve up to the angle of
— no account should be taken of the buoyancy of deck cargo maximum righting lever, or the downflooding should not
(unless buoyancy credit for adequately secured timber) be less 0.08 metre-radians
— consideration should be given to such factors as water ab- — the static angle of heel due to a uniformly distributed wind
sorption (e.g. timber), trapped water in cargo (e.g. pipes) load of 0.54 kPa (wind speed 30 m/s) should not exceed an
and ice accretion angle corresponding to half the freeboard for the relevant
— when performing wind heel calculations: loading condition, where the lever of wind heeling mo-
— the wind pressure should be constant and for general ment is measured from the windage area to half the
operations be considered to act on a solid mass ex- draught
tending over the length of the cargo deck and to an as- — the minimum range of stability should be:
sumed height above the deck
— the centre of gravity of the cargo should be assumed at For L ≤ 100 m: 20°
a point mid-height of the cargo For L ≥ 150 m: 15°
— the wind lever arm should be taken from the centre of For intermediate lengths by interpolation
D. Stability
D 100 Stability
GZ (m)
0.8 A
101 The general stability criteria in Sec.2 E shall be com-
plied with. In addition, the stability criteria given in 201 and 0.6
203 shall be satisfied. B
0.4 C
D 200 Stability criteria
0.2 Down flooding pt.
201 The area under the righting arm curve and heeling arm
curve shall satisfy the following ratio: 0.0
0 10 20 30 40
RABS ≥ 1.25
Degrees of heel
RABS= Ratio between righting and heeling areas between
equilibrium and 20° heeling angle. Equilibrium is ob-
tained when maximum steering force is applied from Fig. 3
tug. Total area requirements
202 Heeling arm shall be derived from the test. The heeling
arm shall be kept constant from equilibrium to 20°, see Fig.2.
E. Full Scale Testing
E 100 Procedures
101 A plan with documentation covering the full scale trials
shall be approved prior to the trials being undertaken.
102 The documentation shall include a towing arrangement
plan showing different components in towing gear including
the load cell. Verification of SWL of strong points onboard the
assisted vessel shall be submitted.
103 The escort test speed is 8 knots and or 10 knots. The
speed should be taken relative to the sea. Estimates of current
during the trials may be required.
A. General for the main class taking into account necessary strengthening
of supporting structures for equipment applied in the cable lay-
A 100 Classification ing operations.
101 The requirements in this section apply to vessels special- 102 For catamarans, semisubmersibles and other special hull
ly intended for laying cables on the sea bottom. configurations, the hull structural strength will be specially
102 Vessels built in compliance with the requirements in this considered.
section may be given the class notation Cable Laying Ves-
103 Vessels complying with the requirements for the class C. Anchoring and Mooring Equipment
notation Barge (see Sec.14) and which comply with the re-
quirements of this section, may be given the class notation Ca- C 100 General
ble Laying Barge. 101 The equipment for mooring and anchoring, i.e. anchors,
A 200 Scope chain cables windlass, mooring ropes, etc., are in general to be
as required for the main class.
201 The following matters are covered by the classification:
102 For catamarans, semisubmersibles and other special hull
— hull structural details related to the cable laying operation configurations, the equipment will be specially considered.
— equipment and installations for cable laying 103 Equipment for positioning during cable laying will be
— supporting structures for equipment applied in the cable specially considered.
laying operations
— equipment for anchoring and mooring related to the cable
laying operations
— equipment for positioning during cable laying. D. Cable Laying Equipment and Installations
A 300 Documentation D 100 General
301 The following plans and particulars are in general to be 101 Equipment - to be specified in each case - taking part in
submitted for approval: the cable laying operation is subject to approval with respect to
mechanical and structural strength and material quality.
— plans showing location and supports of equipment related
to cable laying. Reaction forces to be stated 102 For documentation to be submitted, see A300.
— plans showing the structure of loadbearing parts of the D 200 Requirements
equipment as well as calculations documenting satisfacto-
ry structural strength 201 Structural and mechanical elements shall comply with
— plans showing supporting structures for stowed cables. DNV Standard for Certification No. 2.22 “Lifting Applianc-
Maximum weight of stored cables shall be stated. es”, as far as relevant.
202 Transmission gears shall comply with Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.2,
302 Plans to be submitted for approval if anchoring system as required for auxiliary gears.
is installed for positioning during cable laying:
— general arrangement of anchoring system. Anchor line
forces and limiting anchor line angles shall be stated E. Stability and Watertight Integrity
— plan of supporting structures for winches
— plan of force-transmitting structures at points where the E 100 General
anchor lines change direction.
101 All vessels shall comply with the intact and damage sta-
303 The following plans and particulars are in general to be bility requirements as given in Pt.3 Ch.3 Sec.9.
submitted for information: 102 Vessels having a subdivision length (Ls) of less than 80
m and where special personnel are engaged in the special work
— arrangement drawings of the cable laying equipment carried out, shall comply with IMO Res. A.534(13) Code of
— estimated load on components of cable laying equipment Safety for Special Purpose Ships.
— description of operational features.
Guidance note:
Vessels above 80 m should normally comply with the damage
stability and subdivision requirements as applicable for cargo
B. Hull Arrangements and Strength ships. However, if required by the flag authority, IMO Res.
A.534(13) Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships may be ap-
B 100 General plied as an alternative.
101 The hull structural strength is in general to be as required ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
t = 6 + 0.02 L + tk (mm) recovery room with berths, and enclosed space to accommo-
104 Bulwark plating thickness shall not be less than 7 mm. date survivors. These spaces shall be provided with lighting
On the main weather deck the bulwark stays shall have a depth and means to control temperature and humidity suitable for the
not less than 350 mm at deck and positioned at every second area of operation. The survivors may be accommodated in
frame. Open rails shall have ample scantlings and efficient crew spaces, excluding sanitary rooms, treatment rooms, gal-
supports. ley, wheelhouse, radio room, cabins for captain and two crew
105 Scantlings of foundations and supports of towing winch The designed capacity of survivors shall be determined consid-
and towing hook shall withstand a load 0.04 Ps tonnes, where ering 0.75 m2 per person. This includes free floor space and
Ps is the total power of the propulsion engines in kW. Accept- floor space with loose furniture, fixed seating and/or fixed
able stress levels in the supporting structure resulting from beds. Other fixed furniture, toilets and bathrooms shall be ex-
bending moments and shearing forces calculated for the load cluded.
given above are:
Corridors and doors giving access to the treatment room for
σb = 210 f1 (N/mm2) casualties and recovery room shall be dimensioned to allow
τ = 120 f1 (N/mm2) adequate transport of survivors by stretchers.
σe = (σb2 + 3 τ 2)1/2 = 235 f1 (N/mm 2) 202 Sanitary facilities shall be available exclusively for the
survivors. At least one installation comprising a toilet, a wash
B 200 Freeing ports and scuppers basin and shower shall be provided for each group of 50 survi-
201 The area of the freeing ports in the side bulwarks on the vors.
cargo deck are at least to meet the requirements of Pt.3 Ch.3 C 300 Safety equipment
Sec.6 M. The arrangement of the freeing ports shall be careful-
ly considered to ensure the most effective drainage of water 301 The vessel shall be equipped with at least one fast rescue
trapped on the weather deck. boat of type complying with IMO MSC/Circ.809, arranged
and maintained to be permanently ready for use under severe
weather conditions. The launching arrangement shall be a SO-
LAS approved type.
C. Rescue Arrangement, Survivors' Accommo- 302 The following minimum safety equipment shall be pro-
dation and Safety Equipment vided when the vessel has a gross tonnage less than 500:
C 100 Rescue zone arrangement, equipment and facili- — one line-throwing appliance with not less than four projec-
ties tiles and four lines
101 The vessel shall be arranged on each side with a rescue — one daylight signalling lamp
zone with minimum 8 m length. The area shall be clearly — six lifebuoys, 4 being with a self-igniting light and buoy-
marked on the ship's side. Its location shall be sufficiently far ant line (SOLAS approved type)
away from the propellers and clear of any ship side discharges — one SOLAS type approved immersion suit for each crew
up to 2 m below the loaded waterline. member
— one SOLAS type approved lifejacket for each crew mem-
102 Access routes from the rescue zones to survivors' ac- ber plus 25% of the number of survivors for which the ves-
commodation and to helicopter winch zone if provided shall sel is intended to carry.
have slip-resistant deck coating or wooden lining with surface
treatment giving equivalent properties.
103 The ship's side in way of the rescue zone shall be free of
any obstruction, like for example, fenders. D. Care of Personal
104 Satisfactory lighting shall be available along the rescue D 100 General
zone capable of providing minimum illumination level of 150 101 The treatment room shall have adequate equipment and
lux at the rescue zone and 50 lux at 20 m from the vessel. medical supplies.
105 Deck area in way of the rescue zone should preferably be Guidance note:
free from air pipes, valves, smaller hatches etc. However,
Treatment room equipment and medical stores should be ar-
when this becomes impractical, proper arrangement shall be ranged as required by local regulations or based on recognised
provided as protection against personnel injury. standards.
106 Bulwarks or railings in way of the rescue zone shall be of a The vessel shall be provided with blankets in sufficient quantity
type easy to open or remove, to enable direct boarding on the deck. for the number of survivors for which the vessel is intended to
107 A searchlight shall be available on each side and operat-
ed from the navigation bridge. The searchlights should be able ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
to provide an illumination level of 50 lux in clear air, within an
area not less than 10 m diameter, to a distance of 250 m.
108 Each rescue zone shall be provided with a scrambling
net made of corrosion resistant and non-slip material. E. Intact and Damage Stability
109 The vessel shall be provided with power assisted means E 100 General
capable of ensuring careful recovery of disabled persons from
the sea. 101 The vessel shall comply with intact stability require-
ments as given in Sec.3 D and damage stability requirements
110 A decontamination area equipped with a shower system as given in Sec.4.
shall be arranged for cleaning survivors and crew before enter-
Guidance note:
ing the superstructure.
A detailed description of stability documentation is given in
C 200 Survivors spaces Classification Note No. 20.1.
201 The vessel shall have a treatment room for casualties, a ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---
Guidance note: 4.8 and 4.9 of the LSA Code are not applicable to special pur-
DNV considers item 903 to apply only for ships with a gross ton- pose ships.
nage of less than 500 and with a total number of persons on board
less than 200. 906 Where in Chapter III of SOLAS the term “passenger” is
used; it should be read to mean “special personnel”.
B 1000 Radio communications
904 Ships carrying not more than 60 persons shall comply
with the requirements contained in Chapter III of SOLAS for 1001 All special purpose ships shall carry a valid Cargo Ship
cargo ships other than tankers. Such ships may, however, carry Safety Radio Certificate in compliance with Chapter IV of SO-
life-saving appliances in accordance with the passenger ship LAS.
requirements in B902 if they comply with the subdivision re-
quirements in B204 as though the ship is carrying 60 persons. B 1100 Safety of navigation
905 Regulations 2, 19.2.3, 21.1.2, 21.1.3, 31.1.6 and 31.1.7 1101 All special purpose ships shall comply with the re-
of Chapter III of SOLAS and the requirements of paragraphs quirements of Chapter V of SOLAS.
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