Class Notations PDF
Class Notations PDF
Class Notations PDF
JULY 2009
This booklet includes the relevant amendments and corrections
shown in the January 2010 version of Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.
Sec. 1 Class Notations........................................................................................................................... 5
Sec. 2 Historical Class Notations ........................................................................................................ 27
Main changes adopted January 2010 Main changes coming into force 1 January 2010
Coming into force 1 January 2010
• Sec.1 Class Notations
• Sec.1 Class Notations
— In Table C1, a new row has been inserted covering the new class
— In Table C2, the row covering special feature notation EL-1 has notation SPS.
been deleted and the row covering EL-2 has been amended. — In Table C5 the new class notation ESV (Enhanced System Ver-
— In Table C6, new rows have been inserted covering the new class ification) has been introduced.
notations ECA(SOx-A) and ECA(SOx-P). — In Table C6, the new class notation COAT-PSPC(V) has been
— In Table C6, new rows have been inserted covering the new class inserted.
notation SILENT.
Coming into force 1 July 2010
• Sec.1 Class Notations
— In Table C4 the class notation PIMS-HULL has been deleted.
The service is replaced by a planned maintenance system (PMS) Corrections and Clarifications
- hull.
— In Table C6, a new line related to class notation (N) - ship also In addition to the above stated rule requirements, a number of correc-
complying with the requirements of the Norwegian Maritime Di- tions and clarifications have been made to the existing rule text.
rectorate (NMD) or the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD)
has been inserted. The notation (N) may be applied to ships with
class notation CRANE (NPD).
If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person
for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-
sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.
In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det
Norske Veritas.
Amended, Rules for Ships, July 2009
see Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3 January 2010 Pt.1 Ch.2 Contents – Page 3
A. General
A 100 Class notations Table A1 Class notations structure
101 Class notations are assigned in order to determine appli- Construction symbol, see B200
cable rule requirements for assignment and retention of class. Main character of class, see B300
Class notations cover mandatory and optional requirements Mandatory
class Service area restriction, see B400
(see Table A1).
notations Main ship types, survey scheme and class notations
102 Applicable class notations are given in Tables B3 to B6 for additional strengthening, see Table B3, B4, B5
(mandatory notations) and Tables C1 to C7 (optional class no- and B6
tations). Related to ship types, see Table C1
103 Class notations may be given a supplemental symbol. Related to cargo, see Table C2
The supplement is used to identify special requirements or lim-
Optional Related to service area, see Table C3
itations related to the class notation. class Related to survey scheme, see Table C4
104 Examples of typical class notations are shown in Table notations Related to equipment and systems, see Table C5
A2. Related to design features, see Table C6
105 Class notations with no specific survey requirements is NAUTICUS notations, see Table C7
marked with N/A in Tables B3-B6 and Tables C1-C7.
B 1000 Additional mandatory class notations - for main in Pt.5 or Pt.8 will be assigned corresponding additional class
ship types notations for main ship types.
1001 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special serv- Additional mandatory class notations applicable for main ship
ice and found to be in accordance with relevant requirements types are given in Table B6.
Table B6 Additional mandatory class notations for main ship types (Continued)
Design Survey
Class notation Description Application requirements, requirements,
rule reference rule reference
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
bulk cargoes with cargoes of with L < 150 m, unless either
A density 1.0 t/m3 and above HC-A, HC-B*, HC-C, BC-A,
with specified holds empty, at BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
maximum draught. signed
Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
Strengthened to carry dry with L < 150 m, unless either
bulk cargoes with cargoes of HC-A, HC-B, HC-C, BC-A,
B density 1.0 t/m3 and above BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
with all holds loaded. signed
Strengthened to carry dry Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
HC- bulk cargoes with cargoes of with L < 150 m, unless either Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 A N/A
B* 3
density 1.0 t/m and above HC-A, HC-B, HC-B*, BC-A,
with any hold empty at maxi- BC-B, BC-B* or BC-C is as-
mum draught. signed
Strengthened to carry dry Not applicable for
C bulk cargoes with cargoes of Bulk Carrier ESP with
density less than 1.0 t/m . length more than 150 m.
Designed to carry dry bulk Not applicable for
cargoes, applicable for ves-
M Bulk Carrier ESP with
sels not in compliance with length more than 150 m.
Holds may be empty at full
Holds n may be draught where n is the identi- Mandatory for ships with
fication number for each hold class notation BC-A or HC-A Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 N/A
that may be empty
Systems for inerting of tanks Mandatory if installed on
INERT and void spaces within the Tanker for Oil with DWT < Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.11 N/A
cargo area 20 000 ton
Mandatory for Bulk Carrier
Maximum Cargo Designed for a maximum car- BC-A or BC-B designed for a Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5
x.y t/m3 N/A
Density go density x.y in t/m3 maximum cargo density less
than 3.0 t/m3
Ships not designed for load-
No MP ing and unloading in multiple Bulk Carrier Pt.5 Ch.2 Sec.5 N/A
Mandatory for
SPM Single point mooring Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.15 N/A
when installed
Mandatory for
STL Submerged turret loading Tanker for Oil Pt.5 Ch.3 Sec.14 N/A
when installed
C. Optional Class Notations with relevant rule requirements may in stead of the main ship
class notation given in Table B3 and B4, be assigned a corre-
C 100 Class notations - optional ship types sponding optional ship type class notation as given in
101 Ships arranged and/or strengthened for a special service, Table C1.
other than those given in B1000, and found to be in accordance
C 200 Optional class notations - general C 300 Optional class notations related to cargo
201 Optional class notations related to service area, cargo, loading 301 Ships arranged, strengthened and/or equipped for carriage
flexibility, design features, survey scheme, equipment or system may of specific cargoes (and/or cargoes with certain properties) in ad-
be assigned to ships meeting corresponding rule requirements. dition to main cargo type specified by the ship type notations, and
Optional class notations are given in Table C2 to Table C7. found to be in accordance with relevant rule requirements may be
assigned a corresponding optional class notation.
Optional class notations related to cargo are given in Table C2.
C 400 Optional class notations related to service area corresponding optional class notation.
401 Ships designed or strengthened for operation within par- Optional class notations related to service area are given in
ticular geographical or environmental areas found to be in ac- Table C3.
cordance with relevant rule requirements may be assigned a
C 500 Optional class notations related to survey and rule requirements may be assigned a corresponding optional
management schemes class notation.
501 Ships arranged or equipped for alternative means of Sur- Optional class notations related to survey and management
vey during operation found to be in accordance with relevant schemes are given in Table C4.
C 700 Optional class notations related to design features or other optional class notations.
701 Optional class notations, related to design features, pro- Optional class notations related to design features are given in
vide information regarding special design assumptions, ar- Table C6.
rangements or equipment which are not covered by main class
C 800 The NAUTICUS notation 803 Ships assigned the NAUTICUS notation with additional
801 NAUTICUS is a notation describing a standard for in- notations will be given the notation NAUTICUS (notation 1,
formation and information availability based on access to the notation 2, etc.).
Society’s product model software technology. 804 New ships may be ordered with the NAUTICUS (New-
802 The NAUTICUS notation will be assigned in combina- building) notation, see Pt.3 Ch.1. Upon delivery from the
tion with additional notations describing specific features re- yard, the NAUTICUS (Newbuilding) notation is retained
lating to specific documentation standards. Applicable and relevant parts of the newbuilding product model are trans-
notations are given in Table C7 and described in separate sec- ferred to a ships in operation product model.
tions under Pt.3 and Pt.7.
A. Historical Class Notations class notations shall remain extant under the rules in force at
the time the class notations were originally assigned. Survey
A 100 General requirements are those of the latest rules covering the notation.
101 Historically, a number of ships will retain previous class Table D1 gives reference to the last issue of the rules contain-
notations that will not be covered under the current rules; these ing the requirements for such notations.