Rebt - A Powerful Tool For Depression: by DR Sabeela Sajid

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Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of
sadness and loss of interest. Also called major depressive disorder or
clinical depression, it affects how you feel, think and behave and can
lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems. It is a state of low
mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person's thoughts,
behaviour, feelings and sense of well-being.


Depression is a typical and crippling mind-set issue that is influencing

increasingly individuals around the globe. An expected 350 million
individuals of any age experience side effects of depression and around
13 percent of Americans take antidepressants—an assume that
bounced to 25 percent for ladies in their 40s and 50s.


It appears that most depression involves the numbing of emotions,

especially grief, fear, anger and shame. Depression occurs when these
emotions loop back on themselves, having feelings about feelings,
sometimes without limit .


Although scientists agree that depression is a brain disorder, the debate

continues about exact causes. Many factors may contribute to the onset
of depression, including genetic characteristics, changes in hormone
levels, certain medical illnesses, stress, grief, or substance abuse . Any
of these factors alone or in combination can cause depression.

Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness: In a brief - nothing will

ever get better and there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation.
Loss of interest in daily activities: You don’t care anymore about former
hobbies, pastimes, social activities, or sex. You’ve lost your ability to feel
joy and pleasure. Appetite or weight changes: Significant weight loss or
weight gain—a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month.
Sleep changes: Either insomnia, especially waking in the early hours of
the morning, or oversleeping. Anger or irritability: Feeling agitated,
restless, or even violent. Your tolerance level is low, your temper short,
and everything and everyone gets on your nerves . Loss of energy:
Feeling fatigued, sluggish, and physically drained. Your whole body may
feel heavy, and even small tasks are exhausting or take longer to
complete. Self-loathing: Strong feelings of worthlessness or guilt. You
harshly criticize yourself for perceived faults and mistakes Reckless
behavior: You engage in escapist behavior such as substance abuse,
compulsive gambling, reckless driving, or dangerous sports.
Concentration problems: Trouble focusing, making decisions, or
remembering things. Unexplained aches and pains: An increase in
physical complaints such as headaches, back pain, aching muscles, and
stomach pain.


Loneliness and isolation Lack of social support [76-78] Recent stressful

life experiences Family history of depression Marital or relationship
problems Financial strain Early childhood trauma or abuse Alcohol or
drug abuse Unemployment or underemployment Health problems or
chronic pain.

Ranges of lifetime risk for depression: from 6.7% overall to 40% in men,
30% in women.
ii An estimated 17 million adult Americans suffer from depression
during any 1-year period.
iii The treatment of depression is effective 60-80% of the time.
iv In developed countries with well-organized health care systems,
between 44%-70% of patients with depression do not receive treatment
in any given year.
v 9.1% of people report depression at any given time.
vi Women are 70 % more likely than men to experience depression
during their lifetime.
vii African Americans are 40% less likely than Caucasians to
experience depression during their lifetime. viii The average age of onset
is 32 years old.
ix Additionally, 3.3% of 13 to 18 year olds have experienced a
debilitating depressive disorder. If left untreated, depression can lead to
co- morbid (occurring at the same time) mental disorders, recurrent
episodes and higher rates of suicide.

New Classification in the DSMV:

Major depressive disorder

• Disruptive mood Dysregulation disorder [This includes both chronic
major depressive disorder and the previous Dysthymic disorder in the

Other Categories:
○ Premenstrual Dysphoric disorder
○ Substance/medication induced depressive disorder
○ Depressive disorder due to another medical disorder

Relationship Between Depression & Suicide:

Depression is the psychiatric diagnosis most commonly associated with
suicide. Lifetime risk of suicide among patients with untreated
depression ranges from 2.2% to 15%. Some that 15% of patients with
treated depression eventually die by suicide. Depression is present in at
least 50 percent of all suicides. 2% to 9 % of people that have been
with depression in their lifetime will go on to complete suicide, according
to a Mayo Clinic study. Those suffering from depression are at 25 times
greater risk for suicidal than the general population.

Antidepressants & Suicidal Risk:

Since 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ordered all
antidepressant medications carry an expanded black-box warning about
an increased risk of suicidal symptoms in young adults 18 to 24 years of
age. However, as some experts suggest, untreated depression and
psychiatric illness carry a more significant risk: “Estimates of the lifetime
risk of suicide in depressed persons range from 2.2 to 15%.


Although depression is a highly treatable condition, some forms of

depression may not be preventable. That's because depression may be
triggered by a malfunctioning of nerve cell connections in certain brain
circuits. However, the latest medical studies confirm that depression may
often be alleviated and sometimes prevented with good health habits.
Eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and taking time out for
fun and relaxation, may work together to prevent a depressed mood.

What is Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT)?

Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is the first form of cognitive

behavior therapy (CBT) and was created by Dr. Albert Ellis in 1955.
According to the REBT model, people experience undesirable activating
events, about which they have rational beliefs (RBs) and irrational beliefs
(IBs). These beliefs then lead to emotional, behavioral, and cognitive
consequences. Rational beliefs (i.e., helpful/effective beliefs) lead to
functional consequences, while irrational beliefs (i.e., unhelpful/negative
beliefs) lead to dysfunctional consequences. Clients who engage in
REBT are encouraged to actively dispute their IBs and to assimilate
more efficient, adaptive and rational beliefs, with a positive impact on
their emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses. Thus, REBT is a
psychological theory and a treatment consisting of a combination of
three different types of techniques (cognitive, behavioral, and emotive)
you can use to help yourself feel better physically and emotionally, and
to engage in healthier behaviors.

(1) What are Cognitive Techniques?

• Cognitive techniques are specific strategies to change or modify
unhelpful and/or negative thoughts concerning a particular event. (For
example, learning to change one’s thoughts to cope better with one’s

(2) What are Behavioral Techniques?

• Behavior techniques involve learning practical techniques that help
you to cope in demanding or stressful situations, such as depression
and/or loss. Examples of behavioral strategies include learning how to
plan and manage your daily schedule, and learning how to distract
yourself from negative thoughts.

(3) What are Emotive Techniques?

• Emotive techniques are designed to help you change your negative
thoughts by emotional means. Humorous methods, poems, songs etc.
generate feelings that help challenge and change negative thoughts.
Managing Depression with Cognitive Techniques:
The Power of Our Thoughts: • Although we may not always
be aware of our thoughts, they nevertheless can have a strong effect on
how we feel and behave in response to a particular situation or event.

(a) Re-learning our A-B-Cs: • According to the cognitive theory, the

effect that our thoughts can have on our physical, behavioral and
emotional responses to a particular situation can be illustrated using the
following diagram:

A = Activating event or situation that we experience

B= Beliefs or thoughts regarding the situation
C = Consequence: How we feel or act based on these beliefs

• Let’s illustrate this model using an example:

Example 1: Person 1:
A (Activating Situation) = A friend does not return your phone call
B (Beliefs/Thoughts) = “ I must have done something to upset them. I
am such a horrible person.”
C (Consequence/Effect) = Anxious, upset, depressed

Person 2:
A (Activating Situation) = A friend does not return your phone call
B (Beliefs/Thoughts) =“They’re probably just really busy, and haven’t
had time to get back to me yet.”
C (Consequence/ Effect) = Content, neutral

• The above example shows how two people may experience the same
situation (e.g., having a friend not return one’s telephone call), but have
very different reactions to the event based on how they interpret and
evaluate the situation according to their thoughts and beliefs.

(b) How to think in a more positive and more rational way – The
alphabet approach (A-B-C-D-E-F):

Let’s start at the very beginning -

A’s (Activating Events) • On the TOP, on the left hand side, make a
box labeled “A (Activating Events).” • In this box, i would like you to write
about an upsetting event that happened to you today. I have provided
some examples of upsetting events below the box, but you should fill in
examples that are personal to you. • I would like to particularly
encourage you to focus on monitoring the times when you feel
particularly sad or when you are tired/fatigued.
Before we move on to B’s, let’s first focus on C’s.

C’s – Consequences following the events • On the top of the form, on

the right hand side, make a box labeled “C (Consequences)”. • In this
box, i would like you to write the consequences of the event. • There can
be three types of consequences. You may experience one, two, or all of
a. Unhealthy negative feelings .
b. Unhelpful behaviors (e.g., social isolation). These are things you
do that are unproductive or harmful in some way.
c. Negative Physical Consequences of Distress . When people
experience an upsetting event, they may experience some
physical symptoms. For example, if you argue with a friend, you
may find yourself flushed, hot, or shaking.

EXAMPLE: “I feel hopeless and sad, I have stopped trying to exercise,

and I feel even more fatigued.”

OK, now we’ll get back to B.

The Keys to Change - B’s (Negative or Unhelpful Beliefs) • As i have

shown earlier, even though it may seem like an upsetting event (A) leads
you to feel upset (C), this is not 100% true. • In reality, it is not the event
itself that upsets you, it is your negative or unhelpful beliefs (B’s) about
the event that upset you. • So how do you identify your negative or
unhelpful beliefs? • See if your beliefs fall into any of the following
o Demands – Check to see if your thoughts contain the words “must,”
“should,” or “ought”. For example, you might think, “I must absolutely be
able to do all of my errands today and I can not accept not doing it!” or,
you might think “Life should be fair and I can not accept otherwise.”
o Awfulizing/Catastrophizing – Check to see if your thoughts involve
words like “awful,” “horrible,” “catastrophic”, or “terrible.” For example,
you might think, “I had to take two naps today, and that’s AWFUL! This is
the worst thing ever! I’m usually active all day long.”
o Frustration Intolerance – Check to see if your thoughts include “I
can’t stand this!” or the word “unbearable.” For example, you might think,
“I can’t stand being depressed like this!”
o Self - Downing – Check to see if you’re calling yourself names, being
too critical of yourself, or beating up on yourself. Also, check to see if
you’re basing your self-worth on one or two minor things. For example,
you might think, “I was too depressed to take care of my duties. I’m an
insensitive and a terrible person.”
o Other - Downing – Check to see if you’re being too critical of or
beating up on others, or basing your entire judgment of them on one or
two minor things. For example, you might think, “He/she did not do
his/her duties. He/she is totally insensitive and useless.”
o Life - Downing – Check to see if you’re judging all of your life as bad,
just because it’s not perfect. For example, you might think “Life is
worthless because I feel so worn out.”

• Remember, negative thoughts are those thoughts that make us feel

and/or behave in a negative, hurtful, or unpleasant manner (e.g., feeling
depressed, or angry and being shorttempered). • Once you recognize
the negative belief you have about the situation, please write it in the “B”

D’s – Debating your Negative Beliefs • After you recognize your

negative or unhelpful thoughts, the next step is to DEBATE or challenge
them empatically. There are lots of different ways you can do this.
• First, you can ask yourself, “Where is holding this belief getting me? Is
it helpful, or is it getting me into trouble?”
o For example, if your belief leads you to feel upset (e.g., to cry, to feel
depressed), to do things that are unhelpful or harmful to you (e.g., stop
socializing with friends, not following through on treatment
recommendations), or to physically feel worse (e.g., to feel more tired),
then you might decide that your belief is unhelpful.
• Second, you can ask yourself, “Where is the evidence to support my
negative belief? Is it logical?”
o For example, you may think, “I CAN’T STAND feeling so tired. But if I
stop, and really consider this, I realize I can stand it. I’m still waking up
every morning; I’m still taking care of my medical appointments, etc. So
even though I may not like feeling so tired, I can stand it.” • Please write
in box D what you said to yourself to debate and dispute your negative

E’s – Effective/Helpf ul Beliefs • Once you have successfully debated

against your negative beliefs, you are ready to replace them with new
more effective or more helpful beliefs. • Healthier beliefs may sound like
one of the following: o Preferences – These are a healthier, more
rational alternative to demands. Preferences are when you wish for
something, or want it very badly, but do not demand that it must be so.
For example, you might think, “I really wish I had the energy I used to
have, and I am doing my best to have it, but I can accept that sometimes
the things are not the way I want them to be” instead of saying, “I MUST
feel exactly the way I did before I got depressed, otherwise I can not
accept it.”

O Anti - Awfulizing – This is a healthier, more rational alternative to

awfulizing. This is when you can recognize that a situation is very bad,
without thinking it is 100% AWFUL. For example, you might think, “Being
too tired to go to work 5 days a week is really bad, but not the worst
thing ever; at least I know this won’t last forever, and staying at home
does give me more time to catch up with my friends,” instead of thinking
“Feeling this tired is AWFUL, the worst thing possible!”

O High Frustration Tolerance – This is a healthier, more rational

alternative to frustration intolerance. This is when you realize that even
though you may find a situation very difficult, you can stand it. For
example, you might think, “I hate feeling so depressed, but I’ll just keep
finding new ways to cope with it, and I’ll keep going!” instead of thinking
“I can’t stand feeling so depressed! It’s unbearable!”
O Anti - Self - Downing – This is a healthier, more rational alternative to
self-downing. This is when you are able to accept yourself and approve
of yourself, even when you’re not perfect. So for example, you might
think, “Ok, I’m not handling the depressed mood as well as I would like.
I’m usually such a strong person, and now I find myself often nervous.
But I recognize that I’m still a good, worthwhile person, even if I’m not as
strong as I thought.” This thought is a more rational, positive alternative
than calling yourself names like, “I’m a weak, terrible person.”

O Anti - Other - Downing – This is a healthier, more rational alternative

to otherdowning. This is when you’re able to accept others, regardless of
mistakes they might have made, or things they might have done to upset
you. For example, you might think, “I’m pretty upset at my partner for not
listening to me. But I recognize he/she is still generally a person, who
does lots of great things for me.” This is an alternative to thinking
“He/she is not a good listener, and that makes him/her a horrible

O Anti - Life - Downing – This is a healthier, more rational alternative to

life-downing. This is when you’re able to be accepting of how your life is,
even when it is not exactly as you would like it to be. For example, you
might think, “This isn’t how I planned for my life to be, but I recognize
that life is a mixed bag, full of good as well as bad events,” instead of
thinking “Life is meaningless and useless now that I have depression.”

• Please write in Box E your new, more helpful beliefs.

Note: We are NOT asking you to replace your negative unhelpful

thoughts with unrealistically positive thoughts. We do not expect you to
write in fantasies, or positive thoughts that are not grounded in reality. In
order for this technique (called cognitive restructuring) to work, you need
to really believe the new, healthier thoughts you come up with.

F’s – New More Functional Emotions and Behaviors • Now you’re

ready to see the results of all your hard work! • By changing your
negative beliefs into more helpful ones, you should now: o Feel better
emotionally! § For example, you may feel more positive (happier, calmer,
more relaxed), or less strongly negative (e.g., disappointed/sad vs.
depressed, annoyed vs. furious) emotions. o Behave in a more helpful
way! § For example, you may exercise, or socialize with friends, or
pursue a hobby. o Feel better physically! § For example, you might feel
more energetic or have less muscle tension.

Managing Depression with Behavioral Techniques:

(a) Behavioral Techniques (this component is common and a standard

practice in many cognitive-behavioral therapies) • Sometimes when we
have to deal with a stressful or challenging life situation, or when we are
having a particularly hectic day, we may not have enough time or energy
to focus on using the cognitive techniques we have just reviewed (i.e., A-
B-C-D-E-F model) in order to manage our negative thoughts.

• On those days, the simple and brief strategies outlined below are
alternative techniques you can use to help you manage any feelings of
distress, negative thinking, fatigue, or other symptoms.

(1 ) Activity Scheduling/Planning • Some people may begin to feel

overwhelmed by negative thoughts when undergoing their REBT
treatment as they try to fit in all their usual day-to-day activities. The aim
of this section is to help you plan your daily and weekly schedule during
the course of your REBT treatment. Planning your daily and weekly
schedules in advance will help you manage your daily activities,
decrease your negative thoughts, control your level of fatigue, and
overall, help you feel less depressed and more in control of your life.

• Here are the steps we recommend for planning a manageable


(1) First, i recommend that you write down your weekly depression
treatment sessions. When you start your depression treatment you will
find that the therapy team will try to keep your weekly appointments at a
regular time each week (e.g., at 10am). You will also find that your visit
to the therapist’s office will take on average 50 minutes. Keep in mind
when planning your day to allow extra time for traveling to and from the

(2) Second, i suggest that you plan to give yourself 3 daily meal breaks,
for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You may also want to include several
short (about 10-15 minutes) snack breaks during the day.

(3) Third, i recommend that you also slot in at least one 30-minute daily
physical/recreational activity. Pick an activity that you enjoy doing, such
as walking, gardening, or attending yoga classes. Previous studies have
shown that it is helpful to continue to engage in at least low to moderate
levels of physical/recreational activities (such as working out, walking, or
even gardening) during the course of your depression treatment.
(4) Fourth, i suggest that you write down on a blank sheet of paper all
the activities you would like to complete during the course of the day.
Make sure to list your work activities (if you are employed or self-
employed), or your regular home activities if you work from home, as
well as your regular daily chores such as preparing dinner, laundry,
ironing, picking up kids from school, etc.

o Once you have made your list of daily activities, number each activity
in terms of how important it is to you. That is, if you have to go to work
that day, number your work activities as #1, followed by the next
essential task you would like to accomplish. Example 1= work, 2 =
picking up child from school, 3 = preparing dinner, etc.
o Once you have numbered your daily activities, write down each activity
into your weekly planner, making sure you allow yourself enough time to
accomplish each task.

o You may find that you cannot fit in all the activities you would like to
accomplish in one day. If so, we suggest that you put off the activities
that are less important to you (that is, those activities that were further
down on your list, like those you rated a 5 or a 6), and move them to
another day during the week when your schedule is less hectic.
o You may feel tempted to bypass your daily rest (Step 3) or
physical/recreational activity (Step 4) on a particular day so that you can
fit in another activity. We suggest you refrain from doing this, given that
making time for both exercise/recreational activities and relaxation is
important to maintaining a balanced lifestyle. Remember, we all need to
be realistic about what we can and cannot accomplish in one day.
Sometimes it is impossible to try to complete the amount of tasks we
would like to do in a single day. Therefore, set realistic goals for yourself.
This way you can make sure that you do not set yourself up for

(b) Distraction Techniques • Distraction techniques help take your

mind off of your negative thoughts. Some distraction techniques are as

(1) Imagining a Pleasant Image/Scene

o A type of distraction technique you can use to take your mind off of
your negative thoughts and feelings (including fatigue) is to imagine a
pleasant scene. Some examples include:
§ Planning a “dream” holiday. Try to visualize where you would like to
go, who you would like to go with, how you would like to get there, what
you would like to do there, and how much time you would like to spend
in your ‘dream’ place.
§ Remembering an enjoyable vacation you have had. Imagine the fond
memories you have of this vacation. Try to recall the details of the place,
where you stayed, the fun activities you pursued.
§ Visualizing a relaxing scene. Try to imagine a peaceful, serene place
(e.g., lying on a beach somewhere, or meditating in a tranquil garden

(2) Listening to relaxing or enjoyable music tapes, CDs, videos

o You may want to listen to some of your favorite music or watch one of
your favorite movies to relax you, distract you, or lift your mood.

(3) Take a short walk

o Another strategy you could use to distract yourself from unpleasant
thoughts and feelings you may have is to take a stroll. If you are at work,
take a brief walk around your workplace, focusing on the sights and
sounds around you (e.g., pictures, music, etc.). If you are at home, take
a stroll around your neighborhood, or garden. Pay close attention to the
characteristics of things in your neighborhood (such as the color, shape
and size of neighboring buildings; what’s on display in shop windows,

(4) Visualizing a “STOP” Sign

o Try to imagine a traffic stop sign or even a ‘red light’ signal in your
mind when you are feeing overwhelmed or upset by your negative
thoughts and feelings, including fatigue. Follow the instructions of the
stop signal by saying to yourself “stop thinking these negative unhelpful
thoughts” or “stop dwelling on the negative”.

Managing Depression with Emotive Techniques:

Emotive techniques will help you challenge and change your negative

(a) Humorous Methods

o Humorous methods encourage you to challenge and not taking your
negative thoughts too seriously. The following is a rational humorous
song: “When I am so Blue”, written by Dr. Albert Ellis to the tune of “The
Beautiful Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss, Jr.: When I am so blue, so
blue, so blue, I sit and I stew, I stew, I stew! I deem it so awfully horrible
That my life is rough and scarable! Whenever my blues are verified, I
make myself doubly terrified, For I never choose to refuse To be blue
about my blues!

(b) Shame-Attacking Exercises

o You should deliberately seek to act “shamefully” in public in order to
learn to accept yourself and to tolerate the ensuing discomfort. In order
to avoid harming yourself, only minor “infractions” of social rules are
permitted (e.g., wearing bizarre clothes designed to attract public
attention, calling out the time in a crowded department store). Please
discuss this exercise with your therapist, before its implementation.

Other emotive techniques

o You can also use rational emotive imagery, metaphors, poems and
literature, various experiential exercises etc. to change you
unhelpful/negative beliefs into helpful/rational beliefs. Please discuss
with your therapist for these resources.

● Waraich, P., Goldner, E. M., Somers, J. M., et al (2004)
Prevalence and incidence studies of mood disorders: a
systematic review of the literature. Canadian Journal of
Psychiatry, 49, 124 -138. Kruijshaar, M. E., Barendregt, J., Vos,
T., et al (2005) Lifetime prevalence estimates of major depression:
an indirect estimation method and a quantification of recall bias.
European Journal of Epidemiology, 20, 103-111.
_statis tics_depression

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