CTL Report Final

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Contemporary Teacher


JINANE JOMAA – 18369595
Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Objective and Context 2

Goals 3

Recommendations 3

Part I – Unit Evaluation

Unit information 4

Comparative Table 5

Part II – Unit Redesign

Recommendations 8

Part III - Reconstructed Unit

Scope and Sequence 11

Concept Map 12

Assessment Task 13

Unit with annotated changes 14

References 19

Appendices of original documents 21

Executive Summary

Objective and Context

This report has been designed for the Mathematics Department at Erskine Park High School.
Erskine Park High School (EPHS) is a co-educational Year 7 to 12 government school
located in the Western Sydney region. The school community has a relatively low socio-
economic status with an ICSEA value of 977. Of the 957 students enrolled, 5% are
Indigenous and 31% have a language background other than English. The mathematics
classrooms have a diverse range of students, with mixed ability classes in Stage 4, and
streamed classes in Stage 5 (5.1, 5.2 and 5.3). The mathematics faculty has been undergoing
multiple changes since Term 4, 2018 due to the appointment of a new mathematics qualified
head teacher after many years of having an history teacher in that role.

Reference: Statistics and tables above are retrieved from the MySchool Website. Retrieved
from https://www.myschool.edu.au/school/41845


 Identify and address the incorporation of the literacy general capability within the
unit, specifically regarding vocabulary
 Address issues with achieving numeracy standards in mathematics, specifically in the
area of data interpretation and analyses.
 Suggest strategies to build students critical and creative thinking and personal and
social capabilities
 Provide strategies for effective feedback in the classroom through flexible formative
 Alter an assessment task to reflect the changes made and to better assess student

Summary of Recommendations

The following recommendations have been suggested to address concerns associated with a
program for Year 10 5.1 Mathematics class at Erskine Park High School:

 Improve literacy and numeracy capabilities of students through explicit instruction

and visual aids
 Incorporate a variety of problem-based activities that engage students in collaborative
work and enhance critical thinking skills
 Imbed formative assessment strategies across the unit in order to provide effective
feedback to students for their progress
 Alter the summative assessment task to effectively assess achievement outcomes.
 Enhance the functionality of the program through development of a concept map and
sequencing concepts in an interrelated manner.

Part I: Unit Evaluation

Unit Information

At the time that this unit was implemented, the mathematics faculty had no properly
developed unit outline. The program provided was simply a copy of the syllabus for each
stage in the sequence which the school was going to deliver it. Hence, the unit outline
presented in the report is a development of individual work based on the syllabus
requirements and assessment requirements considering it was a revision unit. The report
evaluates this unit and argues for the importance of programming and evaluation for effective

The unit evaluated in this report is a Revision Unit for Year 10 5.1 Mathematics. The unit
covers a range of topics that were assessed in the final exam. The topics cover different
aspects of the three strands of mathematics: Number & Algebra, Measurement & Geometry
and Statistics & Probability. The specific topics included: Algebra, Ratios, Rates, Probability,
Box Plots, Pythagoras’ Theorem and Trigonometry. Students in the class were of low ability
and some faced learning difficulties particularly in mathematics. There were a few students in
the class that were of higher ability and capable of progressing quickly through the content.
Hence, the unit encompasses a diverse range of students in terms of ability.

The following section provides a comparative table which serves to identify the areas of
concern in the unit outline and suggest appropriate changes.

Comparative Table

Area of Strengths of the area of Concerns of the area of Suggested Changes to Research support for the
consideration consideration consideration counteract concerns changes suggested

- Students are given - No vocabulary /key Vocabulary (should be Riccomini et al. (2015)
multiple opportunities to terms mentioned indicated in the unit outline). - Importance of teaching
Literacy explore worded - No mention of practices Some strategies: vocabulary in
problems or goals to improve - Explicit instruction mathematics
- Interpretation of data student’s mathematical - Repetition - Activities for improving
(boxplots) is included literacy (vocabulary, - Mnemonics student vocabulary
although not heavily word problems, data - Game Activities/Flash (explicit instruction,
interpretation) Cards mnemonics, gaming,
Daroczy et al. (2015).
- Vocabulary and word
problem structure affects
students’ ability to
respond correctly
- The unit outline provides - Data interpretation, Box Plots (Further Lem et al. (2015).
many opportunities for although present as a emphasis on the - Many students
Numeracy students to engage in real concept, is not interpretation of box plots misinterpret box plots
-world applications of emphasised and there are (not just indicating facts)) - Using an instructional
mathematical concepts no strategies or - Students can be approach utilising dot
that can be used in their approaches to support introduced to boxplots plots to inform students
daily lives students in this area. The through a dot plot visual understanding of
- Students are also assessment tasks has no representation first to box-plots helps with
involved in data opportunities for student avoid misconceptions their ability to interpret
interpretation for to demonstrate this skill and support them correctly.
contextual problems. (data interpretation). interpretations.

- Provide more
opportunities (examples
and questions) of box
plots in class and for
N/A - Rare opportunities for Problem-Based Learning Anthony & Walshaw
Critical and student to develop or - Incorporating problems (2009)
Creative demonstrate critical and in classes that provide - Providing students with
Thinking creative thinking through students with problematic tasks (open-
higher order/creative opportunities to justify ended problems) gives
problems. their answers, develop them opportunities to
- Students mainly engaged multiple justify, create, and
in surface level answers/approaches, investigate.
procedural work compare them. (Open- Firdaus et al. (2015).
throughout the unit. ended) - Importance of providing
- Final assessment shows - Instead of completing all students with problem-
no indication of problems as a based learning tasks
assessing students class/individually, (non-routine) which
critical thinking. provide students with allow students to think of
opportunities to work multiple solutions and
together and come up work with others to
with solutions justify their answer for
the development of
critical thinking.
- Real-world applications - Lack of opportunities for Class Activities Retnowati et al. (2017)
Personal and of content have been team work and - Providing opportunities - Collaborative learning in
Social included in the unit collaboration amongst for various interactions mathematics is important
Capabilities outline. peers. (Group work only amongst students and when engaging in open-
mentioned once). teachers (whole class ended problem-based
discussions, individual tasks
work/ pair and small

groups) throughout the - Individual learning is
lesson. more effective when
- Students should work as doing worked examples
a group when Anthony & Walshaw
undertaking problem- (2009)
based tasks - Importance of providing
- Students work variety in student tasks
individually when (whole-class,
working on examples. individual/pair/group).
- Outcomes for students to - No explicit mention of Feedback Topping (2009)
achieve have been how quizzes are used for - Incorporating peer - Peer assessment as an
Understanding indicated assessment – is feedback feedback/assessment effective method for
by Design - Assessment through being provided? (quizzes marked/created student learning (teach
quizzes have been - A variety of formative by peers – teaching them self-regulation, peers are
indicated assessment types how to provide formative valued, teachers time
- Application and throughout the unit is not feedback/group tasks) saving)
interpretation questions provided to observe - Providing students with
are present but to a student progress and quality feedback: Where Anthony & Walshaw
limited extent achievement of to go? (2009)
outcomes. Higher-Order Questions - Students’ peer
- Explanation and - Provide opportunities for assessment allows for
interpretation type tasks explanation and greater self-awareness
are barely present in the interpretation activities - Students can create their
unit outline and not at all through problem-based own questions and share
in the final assessment tasks success criteria.
task. - Allow students to - Teacher effective
demonstrate their feedback is focus on task
understanding through not grades (what to do
interpretation/explanatio next)
n-based questions in the
final assessment.

Part II: Unit Redesign


The revision unit designed for Stage 5.1 Mathematics at Erskine Park High School
has been modified to address the issues identified. The unit had limited connections to the
general capabilities (literacy, personal and social capability and critical and creative
thinking). Furthermore, since the unit outline was not really ‘developed’ or ‘planned’, but
rather, was constructed as a sequence of lessons which took place, it does not reflect the
principles outlined by the Understanding by Design (UbD) framework. UbD is a framework
which provides guidelines for educators to construct programs, assessments and instruction
(McTighe & Wiggins, 2012). It involves backward planning, which allows educators to
develop programs by first understanding what it is they want students to achieve. This is done
through a three-step process which looks at desired results, evidence and the learning plan
(McTighe & Wiggins, 2012). UbD emphasise the importance of effective feedback from
teachers to students and similarly effective evaluation of programs and units of work to
ensure progress for the future (McTighe & Wiggins, 2012). It also highlights several
significant indicators for understanding, of which those directly relevant to mathematics
include: explaining, interpreting and applying (McTighe & Wiggins, 2012). Hence, the unit
of work was designed on these principles.

Erskine Park High School (2018) has outlined in their school plan for 2018-2020, that
one of the most significant goals for the school is that “students are critical, creative and
engaged learners who are supported towards personal excellence” (p. 3). This goal is
underpinned by a strategic plan to improve student’s literacy across various subject areas.
Therefore, the goal of the school has been reflected in the changes made to the unit of work
by incorporating opportunities for literacy, personal and social capability and critical and
creative thinking. Furthermore, the significance of these skills and strategies to achieve them
have been articulated for many years in the research field. Underpinned by the UbD
framework, the outcomes that teachers expect from the students particularly are the skills
outlined above.

Although literacy seems disconnected to mathematics, research suggests that

‘mathematical literacy’ is integral to the progression of students in mathematics (Riccomini,

Smith, Hughes & Fries, 2015). In particular, vocabulary is deemed a significant area in
literacy to focus on in mathematics. Students struggle heavily with word problems which
require a mathematical process but use vocabulary which students find difficult to understand
(Daroczy, Wolska, Meurers & Nuerk, 2015). This is due to the fact that words used in
mathematics have different meanings and connotations than when they are used outside the
mathematics classroom. Students need to be able to understand the vocabulary in order to
properly understand word problems and other questions in math (Daroczy et al. 2015).
Riccomini et al. (2015) has suggested a variety of strategies to implement in mathematics
classrooms that have proven benefits. These include explicit teaching of vocabulary, use of
mnemonics, gaming, and repetition. These strategies all aim to increase students’
mathematical vocabulary and literacy and similar approaches have been included in the unit
outline. Such activities or instruction would generally not take up much time in the classroom
but can have long lasting benefits. In the unit outline, these methods (such as explicit
instruction) was usually used at the beginning of a topic to introduce students.

Critical and creative thinking as well as personal and social capability are general
capabilities which all teachers are required to incorporate for students to develop (NSW
Education Standards Authority, 2018). Activities which do not only involve one answer, but
rather require students to justify their responses, investigate and create provide students with
the experiences that can help develop these 21st century skills (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009).
Mathematics often seems like it is a field with one answer, however, incorporating problem-
based learning tasks which provide students with non-routine/standard questions can increase
their value of mathematics whilst enhancing their critical thinking skills (Firdaus, Kailani,
bakar, & Bakry, 2015). Such activities also align with the UbD frameworks’ indicators of
learning which require students to explain, interpret and apply their learning in different
contexts. Retnowati, Ayres and Sweller (2017) have outlined the importance of involving
students in collaborative tasks when working on such activities. They argue that collaborative
learning is most effective with open-ended/problematic questions, whereas individual activity
is most effective with worked examples. Hence, the unit outline provides greater
opportunities for collaborative learning, less teacher directed instruction and more teacher
aided instruction.

With less direct instruction and more collaborative autonomous tasks, it is imperative
for teachers to provide effective feedback to their students. This is one of the core principals
of the UbD framework and also a practice which has been heavily mentioned in the literature

(Anthony & Walshaw, 2009). One interesting method which can help teachers effectively
incorporate feedback is peer assessment. According to Topping (2009), peer assessment can
teach students self-regulation, save time for teachers and be sometimes more effective than
teacher feedback due to value of peers. It also allows for greater self-awareness and
understanding of the topic area in terms of what looks like success (Anthony & Walshaw,
2009). Hence, students are involved in peer assessment in the redesigned unit outline through
quiz marking and debates. Furthermore, with problem-based tasks that involve collaborative
learning, teachers are heavily involved as mentors and guides of learning which involves
consistently giving students feedback and assistance on how they went and where to go next.

Although numeracy is heavily present in the mathematics curriculum, it is important

to realise the weaknesses or limitations of the unit in this area as well. In terms of data
analysis, which is a heavy area in numeracy, it is included in a very limited way in the unit
outline and in the final assessment task. Students are only required to directly read
information from the graph without interpreting context or what the graph or data means.
Specifically, in relation to box plots (which is the data representation covered in the unit),
Lem, Onghena, Verschaffel and Dooren (2013) have outlined students’ common
misconceptions when interpreting box plots and have suggested effective ways for countering
those issues. The method of visualisation through dot plots was discussed as an effective
strategy and is also supported in concept by other research that indicates the importance of
visualising concepts (Anthony & Walshaw, 2009). This can help better students
understanding of box plots and hence their interpretation of the data related to it.

In conclusion, UbD has supported the reconstruction of the unit by guiding a process
built on understanding what students need to achieve and then how they can achieve it.
Teachers need to evaluate their work and programs in order to ensure that their practice is
aligning with the schools’ broader goals in learning and the students’ needs. Evaluation
procedures for the unit has also been included below to encourage teachers to understand the
flexible and changeable nature of programs.

Part III: Reconstructed Unit

Scope & Sequence

Concept Map

Assessment Task

From original assessment task – final exam (linked in Appendices), the following changes
can be made:

 Changing multiple choice questions from 21-30 to short responses – encourages

deeper thinking rather than guess work.
 For Section B Question 1, data remains the same, but questions change to:
o Provide the 5-number summary of the data
o What is the IQR?
o Identify any outliers.
o Do you think the quiz was too easy or too hard for students? Explain.
 Instead of Section B Question 5, replace the question with the following:

Average Minutes Per Night Spent On Homework

0 20 48 60 190

 What percent of the students spend more than 60 minutes on homework per night?
Question retrieved from:
 For Section B Question 6, eliminate the table and ask:
o What is Henrietta’s Saturday hourly rate given that she works for 5 hours
on Saturday.
o If Henrietta wants to earn at least $500 in the week, how many hours does
she need to work? (Multiple answers are acceptable).

Reconstructed Unit

Literacy Numeracy Personal & Social Capability Critical & Creative Thinking Assessment & Feedback
Lesson Teaching Activities / Learning Outcomes Resources
Intro to Ratios Introduction to Ratios: Vocabulary – Explicit Instruction Math Space Pre-
- What is a Ratio? Test on Ratios
- Definition: A comparison of two quantities that have the same unit of and Rates
measure MA4-7NA
- How can they be written: as a fraction, with a colon, in words.
- Defining equivalent ratios
Direct Instruction
- Finding the missing ratio (Equivalent ratios etc.)

Math Space Individual Work

Dividing into Group Activity Quiz (5 Q’s) – Paint Mixing
ratios - Use cubes to divide into ratios – introduction to the concept informally Quiz administered Link
1 (conceptually) at start of lesson https://schools
- Students work in groups to decide how they can divide a quantity into a and peers are equella.det.ns
ratio (without formal understanding) through the use of cubes handed them at w.edu.au/file/e
- Students have a paper with circle A and circle B. Students are asked random to mark 5cbb5d9-73a0-
each time to divide a certain number of cubes into certain groups into and provide 48e8-b2dd-
each circle. This should help them begin to conceptually understand the feedback for 5a99a16ea47a/
lesson focus area. improvement 1/11733.zip/in
Whole Class Activity MA4-7NA
- Paint Mixing Interactive activity to introduce concept formally MA4-2WM

Individual Activity
- Student work on individual questions from interactive resource

- Students can use cubes to aid their understanding
Simplifying Direct Instruction & Student Practice Online Math
ratios and rates - Simplifying whole ratios/ ratios with fractions Space Work
Introduction to Rates: Vocabulary – Explicit Instruction
- What is a rate? Draw on students background knowledge MA4-2WM
- Definition: A comparison of two quantities that have a different measure
- What is a unit rate? – Ratio that is written some number to 1
- Introduction to rates
- Simplifying rates

Revision – Math Rates vs. Ratios Activity (5 minute) Online Math

Space - Students brainstorm what they remember about rates and ratios Space Work
- Have to identify the differences and similarities/connections and provide
examples of each
- Prompt them to also recall unit rates, equivalent ratios and what
fractions have to do with either of them?
2 - Student with the most points wins
Math Space Individual Work
- Students complete Math Space Task on previous lessons
- Teacher provides assistance
Rates Problems Direct Instruction Quiz (5 Q’s)
- Overview and examples of rates problems (better buy etc.) Quiz administered
Class Real-World Task at start of lesson
- Work through real-world example (going on a holiday – car /petrol and peers are
prices/ travel rates/ Currency conversions) with students handed them at
o Students have a worksheet that scaffolds this example – how random to mark
much will it cost me to travel on holiday? and provide
o Provide students with choices for their travel plan (which car? – feedback for
providing different rates at which they use petrol. Which route? improvement
– providing the distances and petrol rates. Which currency
conversion bank? Providing different currency conversion rates.) MA4-1WM
o Students work through as a class with the teacher MA4-2WM

o Students then go again and use other options to see what
difference it makes to their final answer
Activity can be provided in the form of a class debate. Students form into
groups of 3-4 and work collaboratively on solving the worksheet problems
(finding the best travel plan). – If there is ample time after earlier instruction,
students can be given the freedom to search online for the better options rather
than be given them on the worksheet – If a teacher does this, then timing is
significant and students should be given particular time intervals to complete
each aspect. Students at the end present their findings to the class and discuss
why their plan is better than others. Students come to a conclusion as a class on
whose solution was the most appropriate.
Quartiles Introduction to Quartiles – Vocabulary: Explicit Instruction Quiz (5 Q’s) –
- What are Quartiles? Quiz administered
- Students can be helped to remember its meaning through ‘one quarter’ - at start of lesson
divides into 4. and peers are
handed them at
Direct Instruction random to mark
- Finding Quartiles and Interquartile range for all possible cases and provide
- Interquartile range: break up the word, remind them of range from their feedback for
previous statistics lessons to better their understanding of this improvement
3 Student Year Meeting for Work Experience (Half Lesson)
Introduction to Box-Plots Math Space Box Plots
Box Plots - Using a dot plot (students more familiar with, easier to interpret) as a Post-test on Interactive
starting point – can take student data on point of interest Ratios and Rates Site
- Constructing a box plot from the dot plot by dividing into quartiles goo.gl/SzJovG
(students are familiar with quartiles at this point). MA5.1-1WM
Direct Instruction MA5.2-2WM
- Finding a Five Number Summary
- Creating a box plot- labelling the different elements

Heart Rate Experiment

- Students gather data by measuring pulse before and after physical
activity in class and use this to create comparison box plots.

Individual Activity on Box Plots

- Go online and do interactive activity (different levels of understanding
based on students comfort in the lesson – can relisten to an explanation,
or can go to further questions)
Worksheet Teacher should
Revision: - Students complete revision sheet individually (example of first few provide feedback
Probability/Scie questions done by teacher) to students on
ntific - Worksheet should contain their results from
Notation/Signifi o Application examples of probability (Venn diagrams, two- way the post-test and
cant Figures tables, theoretical vs. experimental probability) provide direction
o Experimentation with students with probability (gather their for improvement
data) Students work in groups to gather data around from their for the upcoming
peers in their classroom (their point of interest) and perform exam.
relevant analysis. Students have to consider: the type of
data/what type of questions related to probability can be asked/
how to answer those questions. Teacher should guide students to
4 provide them opportunities for using all three types of problems
(Venn Diagrams, two-way tables and theoretical vs.
experimental probability). Teacher can provide helpful hints for
students struggling around what type of data they should be
looking for and how to go about their solutions.
o Procedural questions with the rules regarding scientific notation
and significant figures
- Individual time on worksheet will give time for teacher to provide
individual support for students struggling
Pythagoras Worksheet
Theorem - Students complete revision sheet individually (example of first few
/Trig/Algebra questions done by teacher)
- Worksheet should contain

o Typical questions requiring the use of Pythagoras Theorem
(finding any of the missing sides in a right-angle triangle)
o Trigonometry questions relating only to the ratios in right-angled
triangle situations (finding the missing angle and finding the
missing side)
o Algebra & Equations (Simplifying, expanding, solving,
Instead of teacher going through answers as a class and students marking their
work individually. Teacher gives time for peers to swap papers and try to mark
their peers’ answers or notice any errors in working out. Teacher should still
provide time to review (since it is final day before exam).
- Individual time on worksheet will give time for teacher to provide
individual support for students struggling

Final Exam


Anthony, G., & Walshaw, M. (2009). Effective pedagogy in mathematics. Available from



Daroczy, G., Wolska, M., Meurers, W. D., & Nuerk, H. (2015). Word problems: a review of

linguistic and numerical factors contributing to their difficulty. Frontiers in

Psychology: Developmental Pscyhology.

Erskine Park High School. (2018). School plan 2018-2020. Retrieved from https://s3-ap-



Firdaus., Kailani, I., Bakar, N. B., Bakry. (2015). Developing critical thinking skills of

students in mathematics learning. Jounral of Education and Learning, 9(3), pp. 226-

236. Retrieved from https://media.neliti.com/media/publications/72687-EN-


Lem, S., Onghena, P., Verschaffel, L., & Dooren, W. V. (2013). The heuristic interpretation

of box plots. Learning and Instruction, 26, pp. 22-35. Retrieved from


McTighe, J., & Wiggins, G. (2012). Understanding by design framework. Retrieved from


NSW Education Standards Authority (2018). Mathematics K-10 syllabus. Retrieved from



Retnowati, E., Ayres, P., & Sweller, J. (2017). Can collaborative learning improve the

effectiveness of worked examples in learning mathematics? Journal of Educational

Psychology, 109(5), 666-679. doi: 10.1037/edu0000167

Riccomini, P. J., Smith, G. W., Hughes, E. M., & Fries, K. M. (2015). The language of

mathematics: The importance of teaching and learning mathematical vocabulary.

Reading & Writing Quarterly, 31(3), pp. 235-252. doi:


Topping, K. J. (2009). Peer assessment. Theory Into Practice, 48(1), pp. 20-27. doi:



Original Assessment Task: Final Exam


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