Eumetupias Jubatus (Schreber, 1776) : 4.1.4 FAO Species Identification Sheets
Eumetupias Jubatus (Schreber, 1776) : 4.1.4 FAO Species Identification Sheets
Eumetupias Jubatus (Schreber, 1776) : 4.1.4 FAO Species Identification Sheets
FAO Names: En - Steller sea lion; Fr - Lion de mer de Steller; Sp - Lobo marino de Steller.
Can be confused with: The large robust bodies of Steller sea lions will allow them to be easily distinguished
from the species of fur seals that inhabit their range. California sea lions (p. 230) are most likely to cause
confusion. Careful attention to robustness, head and muzzle shape, coloration, and the size of bulls will
allow them to be differentiated. Also, Steller sea lion bulls have much smaller, more posterior sagittal crests
than those of California sea lion males.
Size: The maximum length of adult males is about 3.3 m and average weight is 1 000 kg. The maximum
length for adult females is about 2.5 m and average weight is 273 kg.Pups are born at an average of about
1 m and 18 to 22 kg.
Geographical Distribution: Steller sea lions are found from central California (formerly southern California),
north to the Bering Sea, west along the Aleutian chain to the Kamchatka Peninsula, and south to northern
Japan. Throughout their range they are primarily found from the coast to the outer continental shelf.
However, they frequent deep oceanic waters in some parts of their range.
Fig. 477
Biology and Behaviour: Steller sea lions breed in the late spring and summer. They are highly polygynous;
adult males arrive before females and establish territories, which they aggressively and vociferously defend.
Steller sea lions sometimes leave their haulouts in large groups of over 1 000 individuals; however, sightings
at sea are most often of groups of 1 to 12 animals. They aggregate in areas of prey abundance, particularly
around fishing operations, such as trawlers and salmon driftnetters, where they feed on netted, fish and
bycatch. Steller sea lions feed on many varieties of fish and squid, with a decided preference for bottom
species. Apparently, much feeding occurs at night.
Exploitation: Historically this sea lion was sporadically harvested for fat, meat, and “trimmings” (vibrissae
and testes). There was a government-sponsored cull in this century that was pursued with the hope of limiting
population size and its impact on commercially important fish species. Currently however, the Steller sea
lion is suffering a massive range-wide population decline for, as yet, unknown reasons. The chief suspected
cause is the over-exploitation of stocks of pollock in the high North Pacific. Other reasons suggested for the
decline include long term change in ocean temperature, accumulation of human produced toxins, and
disease. It may be that the decline is attributable to the subtle interaction of several of these factors. In
1990, the Steller sea lion was declared a threatened species under the United States Endangered Species
IUCN Status: Vulnerable.
230 Marine Mammals of the World
FAO Names: En - California sea lion (Z. c. californianus), Galapagos sea lion (Z. c. wollebaeki), and
Japanese sea lion (Z. c. japonicus); F r - Lion de mer de Californie; Sp - Lobo marino de California.
Can be confused with: California sea lions share their range with 3 other otariids (Steller sea lions [p. 228],
and northern [p. 238] and Guadalupe [p.240] fur seals). Galapagos sea lions overlap with Galapagos fur
seals (p. 244) and South American sea lions (p. 232). These sea lions can be separated from the similar,
but much larger, Steller sea lion and similar sized South American sea lion, on the basis of head and muzzle
shape and size, and relative size of the ear pinnae. Additionally fore- and hindflippers are relatively shorter
than in the Steller sea lion. (See the Guadalupe, Galapagos, and northern fur seal accounts for more detail
on separating California and Galapagos sea lions from fur seals.)
Size: Male California sea lions reach lengths of 2.4 m, and weights of more than 390 kg. Females only
reach 2 m, and weigh an average of 110 kg. Newborn pups are about 80 cm long and 6 to 9 kg. There is
very little information on the sizes of Galapagos sea lions (estimated weights are 200 kg for males, and 50
to 100 kg for females).
Geographical Distribution: There are 3 recognized subspecies of Zalophus californianus: Z. c. californianus,
in the eastern North Pacific from central Mexico north to British Columbia, including the Gulf of California; Z. c.
wollebaeki, restricted to waters surrounding the Galapagos Islands; and Z. c. japonicus, formerly found in the
western Pacific (off Japan and Korea), but now considered extinct. California sea lions are found in coastal and
continental shelf waters throughout their range. They frequent bays, harbours, and river mouths and regularly
haul-out on buoys and jetties. They can occasionally be found up to several hundred kilometers offshore as well.
Biology and Behaviour: Breeding takes place from May through July (California sea lions), and from May
through January (Galapagos sea lions). Males are highly polygynous and hold territories both on land and
in shallow water nearshore.In California sea lions, most adult males and many subadults and juveniles of
both sexes take part in a post-breeding migration northward from the rookeries. Galapagos sea lions
apparently stay around the Galapagos Archipelago all year.
At sea, California sea lions often raft at the surface alone or in groups. Animals in such rafts frequently raise
their flippers out of the water. California sea lions often “porpoise” when traveling rapidly at sea, sometimes
in large groups. Juveniles and subadults may perform acrobatic and high vertical leaps, and individuals of
all ages surf breakers and ride in the wakes of vessels. California sea lions are often seen with a wide variety
of dolphin and baleen whale species.
California sea lions feed on squid, octopus, and many species of fishes. Because of their taste for
commercially important fish species and their boldness, California sea lions are considered a nuisance by
many sport and commercial fishermen.
Exploitation: Currently, there is no significant direct catch of California sea lions. Many sea lions, however, are
shot by fishermen and certainly many others are taken incidentally during fishing operations.Set and drift gillnets,
in particular, appear to be taking large numbers each year. The total population of the California sea lion in 1989
was estimated to be 160 000 and increasing, about equally split between Mexico and the United States. The
numbers of Galapagos sea lions are unknown. Unfortunately, the Japanese race of this sea lion is now extinct.
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known; extinct (Z. c. japonicus only).
232 Marine Mammals of the World
FAO Names: En - South American sea lion; Fr - Lion de mer d’Amérique du Sud; Sp - Lobo común.
Other scientific names still in use: Oturia flavescens (Shaw, 1800).
Can be confused with: The South American fur seal (p. 246) is the only otariid that regularly shares the
range of this sea lion. At least 5 other otariids occur, mostly as vagrants, within the range of the South
American sea lion: the Juan Fernandez (p. 242) Galapagos (p. 244), Antarctic (p. 252), and subantarctic
(p. 250) fur seals, and the Galapagos sea lion.(p. 230). For each of these, note characteristics of the fur,
mane of adult males, flippers, head and muzzle, and ear pinnae.
Size: Males reach 2.6 m in length and weights of up to 350 kg; females reach 2.2 m and 144 kg. At birth,
pups are 11 to 15 kg and 78 to 85 cm long.
Geographical Distribution: South American sea lions are widely distributed, occurring more or less
continuously from northern Peru on the west side of South America, northward up the east coast to southern
Brazil, including the Falkland Islands. This is primarily a coastal species, usually found over the continental
shelf and slope. They less frequently occur in deeper waters. South American sea lions venture into fresh
waters in rivers and around glaciers.
Fig. 483
Biology and Behaviour: The timing of the breeding season in this species varies by location and latitude.
The earliest breed in September, the latest in March. In many areas the peak is from mid-December to early
February. Most pups are born from early to late January. Generally, rookeries are continuously occupied
by at least some animals, and the species has been described as sedentary. Although there is no known
migration, many animals, particularly males, may disperse widely. At sea South American sea lions frequently
raft alone or in small to large groups. They have been reported in association with feeding cetaceans and
They are opportunistic feeders, taking a wide variety of prey. Their diet includes many species of benthic
and pelagic fishes, and invertebrates such as lobster krill, squid, octopus, and jellyfish (and occasionally
penguins and young South American fur seals).
Exploitation: Humans have exploited South American sea lions for hides, meat, and fat from prehistoric
times to the present. Native peoples, explorers, sealers, and government-sponsored commercial ventures
have taken their toll on sea lion populations at various times.Commercial harvesting continues in Chile,
while throughout its range the South American sea lion is generally regarded as a nuisance and competitor
with local fisheries. Many animals are taken annually in gillnets or are shot or killed with explosive charges
set off near them when they approach fishing nets. Sea lion meat is regularly used as bait in crab trap fishing
operations in some regions. This species may be in danger, at least in portions of its range, from overfishing
of vital food stocks.Historically, more than 300 000 may have inhabited the Falkland Islands alone, whereas
surveys from 1965 yielded an estimate of only 30 000.
IUCN Status: Insufficiently known.
234 Marine Mammals of the World
FAO Names: En - Australian sea lion; Fr - Lion de mer d’Australie; Sp - Lobo marino de Australia.
Can be confused with: New Zealand (p. 248) and Australian (p. 254) fur seals occur within or very near
the present range of Australian sea lions. Australian sea lions can be differentiated from these and all other
southern fur seals based on coloration, lack of dense under-fur, generally shorter pelage (exclusive of the
mane on adult males) and vibrissae, head andmuzzle shape, size of the ear pinnae, and size and shape of
toes on the hindflippers.
Size: Very little information exists, but males reach lengths of at least 2.5 m and weights of 300 kg. Females
reach at least 1.8 m and 105 kg. At birth, pups are approximately 60 to 70 cm and weigh 6.5 to 8 kg.
Geographical Distribution: Australian sea lions are found only around southern and southwestern
Australia. They inhabit islands and the mainland coast, ranging over waters of the adjacent continental shelf.
Little is known of their distribution at sea.
Fig. 486
Biology and Behaviour: Breeding in this polygynous species is unusual for a pinniped, in that pups can
be born at many different times of year. Although little information is available on behaviour at sea, Australian
sea lions are known to porpoise when traveling rapidly, and also to surf beach waves. These seals are
considered to be non-migratory. The greatest distance recorded for a tagged animal is approximately
300 km.
Australian sea lions are known to prey on a wide variety of fishes (including rays and small sharks), squid,
cuttlefish, and penguins. They are thought to concentrate their efforts on shallow-water benthic prey.
Fishermen complain of sea lions robbing lobster traps and fishing nets.
Exploitation: There is no direct exploitation at present, and Australian sea lions are protected throughout
their limited range. Historically these sea lions had a more extensive range in Australia, but they were
severely reduced by 19th Century commercial hunting. In some areas sea lions are killed by fishermen,
directly when they interfere in operations and indirectly when caught in working nets. Entanglement in net
debris, results in necklaced animals and some unknown level of mortality. The population appears to be
IUCN Status: Rare.