Online Compliance System For Energy Conservation Building Code (Ecbc) For Hyderabad

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Frequently Asked Questions

The states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh adopted a mandatory Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC)
for commercial buildings in 2014, applicable to both states after bifurcation. To streamline and modernize code
compliance, the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) has developed a city-wide ECBC online
compliance system. The GHMC Town and Country Planning has integrated building energy efficiency compliance
into the Development Permission Management System (DPMS) for buildings approval. As knowledge partners, the
Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI) and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) along with key experts
have been working with state and city officials to develop and implement the code.

The purpose of these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) is to facilitate the use of the new online ECBC compliance
system. The FAQs are intended for all stakeholders, including building owners, real estate developers, energy auditors,
architects and others. The FAQs include three sections: 1) Energy Conservation Building Code Overview; 2) Online
Development Permission Management System for submitting applications for building construction permissions,
including ECBC compliance; 3) Telangana State ECBC (TSECBC) Technical Guidelines.

Section I the Ministry of Power, Bureau of Energy Efficiency in 2007.

G.O.Ms.No.30 dated, 28.01.2014 can be found at this website:
Energy Conservation Building,Dt.28-01-2014-ECBC.
Code Overview PDF

2. Why is ECBC important?

1. What is the Telangana State ECBC?
New buildings make up a large share of India’s increasing
Recognizing the need to save energy in buildings, the state of energy demand, and as per McKinsey 2010 report, two-thirds
Telangana enacted statewide legislation, Government Order of the buildings that will be standing in India by 2030 have
30, creating the TSECBC in 2014. The code is mandatory and yet to be built. By setting minimum energy levels for most
effective as of December 2014. The objective of the TSECBC commercial buildings, the ECBC will lock in energy savings
is to establish minimum requirements for energy-efficient for years to come while retaining occupant comfort and
design and construction of buildings. It is applicable to newly combating climate change. Telangana and Andhra Pradesh
constructed commercial and non-residential buildings of a represent one of the fastest-growing regions in the country.
certain size or specific use, the technical details are discussed In 2013 the demand for office space in Hyderabad was
in sections below. The TSECBC is based on the national estimated to be 15 to 20 million square feet, up from less than
Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC), developed by 2 million square feet in 2005. Implementing energy efficient
building measures in the two states could save enough shows energy savings above 30% of standard design using the
energy by 2030 to power 8.9 million Indian households a year. WBP method of compliance.

3. What types of buildings does the TSECBC 8. Does water conservation come under the
apply to? scope of TSECBC?

The code is applicable to commercial and other non- No, currently, the ECBC is limited to energy efficiency in
residential buildings that have a plot area of more than 1000 buildings. Water and other conservation practices are very
square meters or built up area of 2000 square meters. The important and are encouraged by GHMC.
code does not apply to factories, individual homes and multi-
family residential buildings. The code is also mandatory for
multiplexes, hospitals, hotels and convention centers even if
Section II
their built up area is less than or equal to 2000 square meters. Online Development Permission
4. Is TSECBC implementation mandatory?
Management System
Yes, the code is mandatory for applicable buildings as 9. What is the Online Development Permissions
per Municipal Administration & Urban Development Management System?
Department G.O.Ms.No.30 dated, 28.01.2014.
Led by the GHMC’s Town and Country Planning office, the
5. Are there inspections during construction to Development Permissions Management System (DPMS) is a
ensure compliance with TSECBC? new online system created by the GHMC with stakeholders
to steamline building approvals. To obtain a building
Yes, in accordance with rules 25 and 26 of the AP/TS Building
construction permission, a building application and ECBC
rules 2012, in addition to scheduled detail inspections,
compliance forms must be submitted through the online
the Urban Local Body may conduct any additional
random unscheduled progress inspections throughout
the construction phase of a building for any new building, 10. Who is required to submit the ECBC online
addition or alteration project to ensure that the building application?
complies with the TSECBC.
The building architect, developer, third party assessor or
6. What are the mandatory code requirements? owner can submit the online application for construction
Are the mandatory requirements necessary permission and ECBC online form.
for both Whole Building Performance or
Prescriptive compliance methods? 11. What documents are required to be uploaded
in the online DPMS?
Yes, irrespective of whether Whole Building Performance
(WBP) or Prescriptive methods are used for compliance, Two key documents are required to be uploaded to the online
the code requires the building to meet a set of mandatory DPMS:
provisions. These mandatory requirements are illustrated in
1. ECBC Design Compliance Certificate issued by the Third
sections 4.2, 5.2, 6.2, 7.2, and 8.2 of the code.
Party Assessor (TPA), which certifies that the TPA has
reviewed the designs and the building complies with
7. What does the star rating system mean under
ECBC provisions prior to construction.
2. Prescriptive compliance checklist or energy simulation
Under the code, the GHMC has a star rating system where report with TPA summary.
buildings qualify for a rating from one to six stars, with
six as the strongest, based on energy savings compared to 12. Who are Third Party Assessors?
a standard design case. One star is achievable when the
building complies with TSECBC using the prescriptive Third party assessors are empanelled energy-efficiency
method. Under the Whole Building Performance (WBP) experts by the State of Telangana based on a model created by
method one star rating can be achieved if energy savings is the Ministry of Power, BEE. Third Party Assessors review and
up to 5% above standard design. The rating will increase with certify that a building complies with the TSECBC both before
additional 10%, 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% energy savings above and after construction. Third party assessors are critical
standard design. Six stars can be achieved if the building to the system since they provide the technical expertise

to developers. Since the third party assessors have a very Section III
important role to play in compliance verification, GHMC
requires all applicants to take ECBC compliance-training and TSECBC Technical Guidelines
qualifying exam in order to be empanelled.
14. What are the TSECBC Technical Guidelines
13. Where is the list of empanelled Third Party
and where are they available?
The Telangana State ECBC Technical Guidelines provide
The list of empanelled Third Party Assessors is available
guidance for interpreting, complying and integrating TSECBC
with the Town and Country Planning office, GHMC and the
GO 30 with the new online Development Permissions
State Designated Agency, Telangana New and Renewable
Management System. The purpose of the guidelines is to
Energy Development Corporation Limited (TNREDCL) in
facilitate and streamline online submissions and compliance
Hyderabad. TNREDCL and GHMC will maintain the list of
with the TSECBC. The guidelines are tailored to local
empanelled Third Party Assessors on their website:
conditions and experiences in Telangana. The GHMC issued
the guidelines based on extensive input and consultation
with real estate developers, architects, key experts and other


Architect and
MEP Consultant
Prepares objections,
Meets Applicant to
Resolve Issues

Real Estate Third Party Online Approval Building Committee

Developer Assessor System Approval

Stage I - 1. 2. 3. 4.
Design Phase

Real Estate Developer RED Submits Design RED Applies for Building APPROVAL Corporation may
(RED) Prepares Design to Third Party Assessor Construction Approval Construction
conduct random
in Consultation with (TPA). TPA Gives ECBC Through Online System Phase
inspections during
Architect and MEP Compliance Certificate Begins
Municipal Third Party
Corporation Assessor

Stage II - Post
Municipal Corporation Municipal Corporation RED submits the data (materials
may conduct additional Issues Building used, certificates etc.) to TPA for
random inspections post Occupancy Certificate physical inspection. TPA issues
issuance of BOC (BOC) Building Construction ECBC
compliance verification certificate
after inspection

Chart Explaining the Online System Process

The TSECBC guidelines should be used in applications for case annual energy consumption. Please refer to Section 7.3
building permissions through the new online Development Prescriptive Requirements under Lighting of TSECBC.
Permissions Management System (DPMS). The TSECBC
guidelines are available on the GHMC website: 20. Is it essential to install a solar water heater
system to meet hot water requirements of the
GHMC DPMS:; building?
As per section 6.2.2 of TSECBC, commercial establishments
Current Guidelines: such as hotels, hospitals and guesthouses with a centralized
pdf/30,Dt.28-01-2014-ECBC.PDF system shall have either solar water heating or waste heat
recovery system for at least 1/5th of the design capacity.
15. Does the installed chiller have to meet the
minimum energy efficiency requirements 21. Is it necessary to put roof insulation overdeck
under the TSECBC, even if the proposed or underdeck?
building energy consumption is less than
It is preferable to put insulation overdeck, as stopping heat at
standard case and the building uses the WBP
source is more effective. However, as long as the roof U-value
method for compliance?
needs are met for the prescriptive approach, either overdeck
Yes, any chiller installed in the building must meet minimum or underdeck insulation may be used.
efficiency requirements, irrespective of compliance methods
or consumption. For minimum chiller efficiencies, please
22. Is cool roof a mandatory requirement?
refer to Table 5-1 of TSECBC.
Under the prescriptive method, providing cool roof is
mandatory with initial solar reflectance of not less than 0.7
16. Is it mandatory to put double-glazed or triple-
and initial emittance no less than 0.75.
glazed glass in the building?

No, it is not mandatory. While complying using the

23. Is it necessary to install glass with low SGHC
prescriptive method, use of permanent shading devices, such
if windows are shaded with trees?
as overhangs and fins can help to achieve required SHGC.
Yes, it is necessary to install glass with low SGHC even if
TSECBC Table 4-4 provides SHGC M-factor adjustment
windows are shaded with trees. The GHMC encourages
calculation. Under the WBP method there is no restriction on
increasing tree coverage and planting in the city. However,
the SHGC of windows in the design.
only permanent shading devices, such as overhangs and fins
can be considered.
17. If the building is naturally ventilated, does it
still need to follow the TSECBC? 24. Can manual shading control be included in
Yes, naturally ventilated buildings are also covered in
WBP method?
TSECBC. Please refer to Section 2.4. Reference Standards of
No, only automatic shading can be included in the WBP

18. Can there be partial compliance to the 25. Can shading from surrounding buildings be
TSECBC? included in WBP method?
No, full compliance of the code is required. As per the GO
No, shading from surrounding buildings cannot be included
MS No. 30 there cannot be partial compliance to the TSECBC
in the WBP method.
26. Where are construction material properties
19. Is it mandatory to install LED lights for available?
Construction material properties are available from supplier’s
No, if the prescriptive method is adopted for compliance the
test certificates. If they are not available with manufacture/
building should meet the Lighting Power Density (W/m2)
vendor/supplier, refer to Appendix A of the TSECBC for
requirements based on Building Area method or Space by
default values.
Space method. If WBP method is used, the proposed design
annual energy consumption must be lesser than the standard

27. What software is available for WBP
simulation? Are there any open-source or
freely available tools?

To meet the requirements of section 10.2.1, Appendix B

of TSECBC, there are many software and tools available,
including eQUEST, EnergyPlus, Design Builder, IES-VE,
Simergy and Open Studio. Of these, eQUEST and EnergyPlus
are free tools.

28. Where is weather data for a specific city

to use in building simulation exercises

The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air

Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE) provides weather data
for Indian locations for simulations. Weather files can be
downloaded from EnergyPlus website at this URL: https://

29. Does emergency lighting load in LPD

calculations need to be taken into account?

No, emergency lighting that is automatically off during

normal building operation and is powered by battery,
generator or another alternate power source is exempted.

30. Can different schedules (such as occupancy

and thermostat) in standard and proposed
design be used?

No, all the schedules must be identical in both designs.

For More Information, Please Contact

Mr. Devender Reddy, GHMC,

+91 98499 04768,

Mr. Rajkiran Bilolikar, ASCI,

+91 97040 87888,

Mr. Sameer Kwatra, NRDC,

+91 97807 93939,

Dr. Vishal Garg, IIIT,

+91 99499 90900,

This FAQ is available online at:

rECoMMEndatIons to sCalE ClEan n report jobs data: Given the importance of employm
EnErgy In IndIa
Other resources: in the Indian market, increasing the transparency an
The overall key recommendations from NRDC and information about the number of jobs created in the
CEEW’s analysis are as follows: renewable energy sector would strengthen public sup
Frequently Asked Questions andRetrofitting Mahindrain
lender confidence Towers:
clean energy.
n Boost Financing:
Online To inject
Compliance Systemnew
forliquidity and reduce the How an Innovative ESCO Model Lowers
costEnergy Conservation
of capital, Building
the Indian Code should develop
government n Timely Policy
Energy Bills implementation: Policy delays and
With No Upfront Cost
(ECBC) for Hyderabad
innovative financing solutions, such as green banks, unpredictable shifts, such as wind energy’s accelerate
green bonds, and infrastructure debt funds for renewable depreciation policies and long delays in solar policies
energy. The government must diligently enforce have recently slowed solar and wind market growth.
Renewables Purchase Obligations (RPOs) and support Both national and state programs must continue to
further development of the Renewable Energy Certificate increase market momentum through timely program
(REC) market
Building to send
a Better clear market signals.
Future: implementation, with predictable timelines for guide
Building Efficient Cities:
Implementing the Energy-Saving auctions, and payments.
Strengthening the Indian Real Estate
Building Code in Hyderabad Market Through Codes and Incentives
building-code-hyderabad.pdf files/real-estate-efficiency-codes-IB.pdf
For more information and to download these reports, please visit:

Taking Energy Efficiency to Saving Money and Energy: Case Study of

international: india

ReeneRgizing india’s solaR eneRgy

New Heights:Reenergizing
Analysis and India’s Solar Energy
auguSt 2014 report
international: india

Creating green Jobs: employment Created

the Energy-Efficiency GreenofJobs: Employment
the Godrej
auguSt 2014 iSSue paper

the Buildings
Financing Created by Kiran Energy’s 20 Megaw
MaRket thRough Financing by Kiran energy’S 20 megawatt Solar plant in

prepared by:
Council on energy, environment and Water
rajaSthan, india

Bhavan Building in Mumbai

india’s rapid growth has resulted in energy demand that consistently outstrips supply. in 2010, as part of its plan
to address the urgent and growing demand for energy by advancing clean energy solutions, the government of
india’s ministry of new and renewable energy (mnre) launched the jawaharlal nehru national Solar mission (nSm)

Sector from the Hyderabad

natural resources defense Council to promote grid-connected and off-grid solar energy. the mission’s goal is to establish india as a global leader in
solar energy through policies that lead to the deployment of 20 gigawatts (gw) of solar power by 2022, enough
to meet the peak demand of delhi—a city of 16 million people—3.5 times over.1 recognizing the vast potential for
© bhaskar deol

Solar Plant in Rajasthan, India

Solar panels at a nSM employment generation in the indian renewable energy sector, the central government has also cited job creation
commissioned power plant
at Jaisalmer, rajasthan
as part of its rationale for the Solar mission.


© Kiran energy
files/efficiencynewheights.pdf energy-solar-jobs-kiran-ip.pdf pdf
Supported in part by: Supported in part by:

Building Smart from the Start:

Spotlight on A Second Wind for India’s Energy
Energy-Saving Making Use of the Roof: Employmen
international: india auguSt 2014 iSSue paper international: india auGuSt 2014 iSSue paper

A Second Wind for indiA’S energy MArket: Making Use of the Roof: employment

Commercial Market: Financing Mechanisms to Generation from Hero MotoCorp’s 8

Financing MechaniSMS to Support india’S Generation from Hero motoCorp’S 80 kW

Office Building in
national Wind energy MiSSion rooftop Solar projeCt in Haryana india
india is struggling with skyrocketing energy demands, declining energy supplies, and peak load blackouts and as prices of solar photovoltaic (pV) electricity approach grid parity with fossil fuels, solar pV is rapidly becoming
shortages that limit energy access.1 the country’s recent economic growth has depended largely on fossil fuels, an economically viable source of electricity. the escalating costs of electricity from coal, gas, or diesel-based
resulting in greater energy security concerns, higher electricity pricing, and increased pollution. at the same time, generation, coupled with attractive government rooftop solar programs, are motivating leading companies to
the Indian government recognizes that wind energy can be a significant clean energy resource. Supported by take advantage of their roofs to generate electricity for industrial and commercial applications. as companies are
initial government policies, India is already the fifth-largest wind energy producer, achieving 20 gigawatts (GW) of learning, not only do rooftop solar projects increase reliable energy supply, but they also create much needed jobs.

Noida, India Support India’s National Wind Mission

installed wind power. Yet, much more can be achieved. India’s wind energy production can grow at least four to five this report takes a close look at clean energy employment generation, using the Hero motoCorp’s 80 kW rooftop

Rooftop Solar Project in Haryana In

times its current level to achieve the country’s 100 gW wind energy potential.2 to achieve the higher potential, the pV project in Haryana, installed by Hero future energies, as an illustrative example.
government announced plans in 2014 to launch a national Wind energy Mission. designing strong policies and
programs that attract investment is essential to scale wind power to reach 100 gW and to breathe new life into
india’s wind energy market.

© bhaskar deol
India’s renewable energy capacity is nearly 13 percent energy installations. Wind energy is also vital to diversifying
of total generation capacity. Of the total renewable energy India’s energy mix and is a viable means to meet demands for
generation, wind energy currently makes up the majority clean, affordable energy that creates jobs as discussed in the
with nearly 70 percent. The country’s 100 GW wind energy 12th Five-Year Plan.
potential—almost half of India’s total electricity generation Investments in the Indian wind market have fluctuated
capacity in 2013—reveals tremendous opportunities for as have government policies. Financiers invested more than
solving India’s energy crisis through a resurgence in wind Rs 18,700 crore ($3.9 billion) in wind energy to add 3,200 MW
© bhaskar deol

Wind mills in Jath, Sangli district

in Maharashtra, india

energy-wind-financing-IP.pdf energy-solar-jobs-hero-ip.pdf
Supported in part by: Supported in part by:

international: inDia

Solar Power JobS:

august 2014 report

Solar Power Jobs: Exploring the international: india

Creating green Jobs: employment Generation

auGuSt 2014 iSSue paper

Creating Green Jobs: Employment

Employment Potential in India’s Generation from Wind Energy in Ind
exPloring the emPloyment Potential by GameSa-renew power’S 85 meGawatt wind
in india’S grid-ConneCted Solar market project in jath, maharaShtra

Blogpost links:
Facing rising fuel prices, threats to energy security, and the need to manage economic growth with pragmatic
consideration of climate change, renewable energy offers a critical solution to india’s burgeoning energy demand
prepareD by:
challenges. Further, renewable energy technologies are more labor-intensive than more mechanized fossil fuel
Council on energy, environment and Water
natural resources Defense Council technologies, as demonstrated in more mature markets, and can provide a tremendous opportunity to create
domestic jobs.1 wind power, constituting the largest share of india’s installed renewable capacity at 68 percent,
is price competitive with conventional thermal power in india. this robust, 30 year old market is expected to be

Grid-Connected Solar Market

© bhaskar Deol

vital to realizing india’s goal of doubling renewable energy capacity in the country by 2017, as outlined in india’s
12th Five Year Plan. This maturing sector also presents an added opportunity to generate significant employment
in the country.
© bhaskar deol

Ahmedabad: Cool Roofs Initiative with 5th Heat Action Plan
supporteD in part by: Supported in part by:

Hyderabad Announces Cool Roofs Initiative with Experts
Building Smart Cities: Online Systems for Energy Savings in Hyderabad
CEEW team: Arunabha Ghosh, Rajeev Palakshappa,
Rishabh Jain, Shalu Aggarwal, Poulami Choudhury
NRDC team: Anjali Jaiswal, Meredith Connolly,
Bhaskar Deol, Nehmat Kaur, Avinash Kar
natural resources Council on Energy,
Copyright © 2017 Natural Resources Defense Council
defense Council Environment and Water
40 West 20th Street thapar house All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be
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© 2014 council or transmitted,
on energy, environmentinand
any Water and natural
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Fax 212 727-1773 +91 11 40733300recording or otherwise, without prior permission.
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