Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of A Compacted Area: Raji - Pushpalatha@

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Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a compacted area

P.Raji1, E. Uma2 and J. Shyla2

1. Hydrosystems and Bioprocess Research Unit, Cemagref, Parc de Tourvoie, BP

44, F-92163 Antony Cedex, France
2. Department of Land and Water Resources Engg.,Kelappaji College of
Agricultural Engineering and Technology,Tavanur,Malappuram,
Kerala-679573, India

Ongoing droughts and water scarcity problems indicate the significance of conservation
of natural water resources. Rainwater harvesting is going to be the most applicable
method to eliminate water scarcity and to meet the escalating demand. Hydrological
analysis is unavoidable in any water harvesting structural designing. A study was
conducted to analyze the rainfall-runoff characteristics by selecting an area of 1.23 ha as
the study area, where prominent runoff occurred during the rainy season. Runoff for
seven storms were measured using a rectangular notch and a relation between discharge
and corresponding head for the notch at the downstream end of the study area was
calculated. The R2 value obtained was 0.98 and the runoff coefficient for the study area
was 0.12. Unit hydrograph from various storm hydrographs were derived and the unit
hydrograph for the storms P1 and P7 were considered for the derivation of representative
unit hydrograph for the studied area. A relation between rainfall and runoff was found out
as Y = 0.2X – 0.85 and the R2 value was 0.98. From rainfall mass curve analysis, a
relation between maximum intensity and duration was obtained as Y = 9X –0.69. The R2
value was 0.95. The results showed that the rainwater recharge structures constructed
based on the rainfall-runoff analyses in the study area enhanced the water table level. The
derived rainfall-runoff relation and representative unit hydrograph will be helpful at any
time to design the rainwater harvesting and recharge structures in the studied area.
Keywords: Water scarcity, rainwater harvesting, hydrological analysis, unit hydrograph


Kerala is one of the states in India with abundance of water resources. Krishnakumar et al.
(2009) conducted a study to investigate the rainfall trend in Kerala and they found out
that there is a decrease in South-West monsoon, even though rainfall received in Kerala
is much above the national average. Small amount of this water is used for productive
purposes due to the lack of water harvesting facilities, especially in rural areas. The
undulating topography is the main reason for water loss to the sea immediately after the
rainy season. Over the years Kerala has progressively moved towards a man made water
management crisis. In 2001, national census figures indicate that only 21% Keralites have

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

access to safe public water supplies. Water scarcity leads to the degradation of human
health, ecosystems, agricultural and industrial output (Postel et al., 1996).

Runoff is the total surface flow from a given drainage area. Before runoff can occur,
precipitation must satisfy the demands of evaporation, interception, infiltration, surface
storage, and surface detention and channel detention. Rainfall duration, intensity and
aerial distribution influence the rate and volume of runoff. Total runoff of a storm is
clearly related to the precipitation intensity. The amount of runoff from a given drainage
area depends on many inter related factors. Watershed characteristics such as slope, shape
and size, cover of soil and duration of rainfall have a direct effect on the peak flow and
volume of runoff from any area (Chandler and Walker, 1998). Intensity of rainfall has
dominating effect on the runoff yield. If the intensity is greater than the infiltration rate of
the soil, then surface runoff is generated rapidly, while in case of low intensity rainfall, a
reverse trend is found. Fernandez (1996) conducted a study to investigate the impacts of
long-term trends and fluctuations in rainfall characteristics as runoff from the Little
Washita River watershed. The land use pattern or land management practices used have
great effect on the runoff. There are a few studies conducted to evaluate the influence of
climatic and catchment characteristics on runoff generation (Faucette et al. (2004), Gilley
et al. (1998) , Zhang (1998)). Savabi (2004) conducted a study to find out the influence of
soil type on runoff generation.

Rain water recharge pits can improve the field availability of water and hence
replenishment of the groundwater table. Runoff harvesting is going to be the most
applicable method for meeting the water demand in the future. Hydrological analysis is
unavoidable in any water harvesting structure design, and hence the present study was
intended to analyze the rainfall-runoff characteristics and to derive a representative unit
hydrograph for the selected rural region for future runoff calculations to design water
harvesting structures. There are different methods for runoff estimation (Mc Cool et al.,
1995), but these sophisticated methodologies are not suitable for rural areas with limited
data. Most of the rainfall-runoff models need historical data for the calibration to get
efficient results. Therefore it is significant to develop simple methodology for the
efficient hydrological analysis for regions with limited data set. Hence, the specific
objectives of the study were runoff estimation, determination of runoff coefficient of the
study area, derivation of intensity-duration relationship of rainfall, to derive a relation
between the rainfall and runoff measured, and finally the derivation of unit hydrograph
(representative hydrograph for the region) from the obtained storm hydrograph.


The study was undertaken in the KCAET campus Tavanur, Malappuram district, Kerala,
India (10°52'30"N, 76°E). Agro climatically the study area falls within the boarder line of
northern zone, central zone and kole zone and climatologically the area is in the low
rainfall area (1000 – 2000mm). The area receives the rainfall mainly from south-west
monsoon and north-east monsoon. Laterite soil is the speciality in this region.

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

2.1 Experimental details

A compacted field having 1.23 ha area was selected for the study, because this was one of
the major areas contributing very good surface runoff to the downstream. It has 0.6%
slope in the north south direction and a cross slope of 0.27% with a cross section of 175
m x 70 m. Due to the sediment deposition; the southern and western sides were partially
covered by vegetation during the study period. To stabilize the slopping side in the
southern boundary of the study area, paving of the slope with stone pitching was adopted.
The downstream portion of the study area consists of a cement concrete rectangular
channel (average cross section of 0.625 m x 0.16 m and 0.2 % bed slope). The total
length of the channel is about 75m. The runoff from the area is conveyed through this
channel and is disposed to a recharge pit.

Figure 1. Cement plastering at the stone pitched area

2.2 Installation of notch

A rectangular notch of crest length 35 cm and height of 25 cm was installed to measure

the runoff generated at the end of the channel. The notch was designed based on the peak
runoff rate expecting from the study area. The peak runoff was estimated using rational
formula given below (Suresh, 2004):

i.e. Q  CIA / 36 (1)

Where, Q = Peak runoff rate in m3/s

C = Runoff coefficient
I = Rainfall intensity in cm/hr
A = Area in ha
P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

The discharge through the notch is obtained by (Bansal, 2005)

Q  2 / 3(Cd 2 gLH 3/2 ) (2)
Q = Discharge rate in m3/s
Cd = coefficient of discharge of notch
g = acceleration due to gravity in m/s2
L = Length of crest in m
H = Head over the crest in m.

The design dimensions of the notch are given in Figure 2 and the installed notch is
shown in Figure 3.
17cm 10cm



Figure 2. Dimensions of rectangular notch

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

Figure 3. Hook gauge at 4H distance from the crest

The calibration of notch was done during a high intensity storm. The initial depth of flow
over the channel was measured using the hook gauge with respect to a stopwatch.
Discharge from the notch was collected in the measuring tank, and then the time taken for
filling the measuring tank and corresponding depth of flow from the hook gauge was

2.3 Rainfall-runoff analysis

The discharge corresponding to the depth of flow taken at an interval of 30 s was

calculated from the discharge-head relationship. Runoff hydrographs were plotted for
each separate storm and the area under the hydrograph gave direct runoff volume. The
channel needs water till the crest level for the initiation of runoff. So this initial amount
of water needed to start the channel flow should be considered to get the total runoff
volume. Also, the rainfall depth corresponding to the storm was obtained from the
rainfall mass curve chart. The runoff depth was obtained by dividing the runoff volume
with area. Rainfall – runoff relationship was obtained by plotting rainfall depth as
abscissa and runoff depth as ordinate. The severity of runoff can be evaluated using
runoff coefficient and is the ratio between runoff and rainfall. The runoff coefficient for
various storms was calculated and the average value was taken as the runoff coefficient
of the area. Runoff coefficient can give some information about the land cover and

2.4 Derivation of unit hydrograph

Unit hydrograph is defined as the direct runoff hydrograph, produced by a storm of

specific duration, resulting from an excess rainfall depth (runoff depth) of 1cm which is
uniformly distributed over the entire watershed area. The unit hydrographs were derived
P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

from the individual storm hydrographs and then we derived the representative unit
hydrograph by averaging the individual unit hydrographs. For more details about the
derivation of unit hydrographs, please refer Suresh (2004).

2.5 Maximum intensity – duration relationship

Rainfall data from 17th June, 2005 to 19th November, 2006 was used to calculate the
maximum intensity for the study period. During this period 88 mass curves were
obtained. As we know the rainfall chart covers a period of 25hrs and hence the smallest
division of the chart is 15min. The maximum intensities were calculated for some
selected durations like 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 2, 4, 6, and 12hrs.
The simple method to find the maximum intensity for a given duration in any storm is
to use a transparent scale with vertical lines drawn on it at a distance equal to the
required duration and to measure the maximum vertical intercept of the mass curve by
sliding it over the chart. Transparent scales for the required durations were prepared
using AutoCAD. The procedure was repeated for the 88 charts. From the 88 charts,
highest value of maximum rainfall depth for each duration was found out. The
maximum intensity was obtained by dividing the highest value of maximum rainfall
depth by the corresponding duration. Rainfall intensity-duration relation was obtained
by plotting intensity along the X axis and duration along the Y axis.


3.1 Calibration of notch

The highest discharge of 31.43 lps was recorded corresponding to a head of 12.20 cm.
The Fig.4 shows the relation between discharge and head. The R2 value was found to be
0.98. A power relation was obtained as Q = 0.7661H1.4503.

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

Figure 4. Head – discharge relationship

3.2 Mass curve analysis

The results of the mass curve analysis were presented in Table 1. Among the seven
storms except the storm P3, all were isolated. For the storm P3, the total rainfall and
durations were 45.25mm and 225 min respectively. For the other storms the rainfall depth
varied from 7.5mm to 17.5 mm and rainfall duration ranged from 15 min to 55 min.
Maximum intensities of these storms were with the range of 30-89 mm/h.

3.3 Discharge estimation

The discharge corresponding to the depth of flow measured over the notch for various
storms was calculated from the equation Q = 0.7661H1.4503. The corresponding
hydrographs were also plotted.

The results obtained by analyzing mass curves and hydrographs of storms under
consideration were summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Results of analysis of mass curves and hydrographs of various storms

Storm Rainfal Duration Runoff Runoff Max. Average Peak rate Time to Antece
l depth of Rainfall volume duration Intensity intensity (lps) peak dent
(mm) (min) (m3) (min) (mm/hr) (mm/hr) (min) Rainfal
l (in
P1 7.50 15.00 9.13 9.00 30.00 30.00 0.61 5.50 10.75
P2 8.00 17.00 10.55 20.50 48.00 28.20 2.64 7.00 16.25
P3 45.25 225.00 102.01 167.00 45.60 12.01 31.43 78.00 33.50
P4 8.00 55.00 9.71 14.00 24.00 8.70 1.72 5.00 66.00
P5 17.50 35.00 37.32 41.00 44.00 30.00 27.8 9.00 73.75
P6 8.75 35.00 11.45 26.00 81.00 15.30 3.70 6.00 36.00
P7 11.50 30.00 9.22 13.00 57.00 23.00 0.71 4.00 0.00

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

3.4 Rainfall- runoff depth relation

The relation obtained can be used for finding out runoff corresponding to any rainfall
occurring in the area. For the study area, the relation was found to be linear. The relation
obtained was Y= 0.2012X- 0.8467 and the R2 value was 0.9851.

Figure 5. Rainfall- runoff relation

3.5 Determination of runoff coefficient

The runoff coefficient is the ratio between runoff and rainfall. Runoff coefficient
obtained with different storms was given in Table 2.

Table 2 Runoff coefficient for various storms

Storm Rainfall depth (mm) Runoff depth (mm) Runoff coefficient

P1 7.50 0.738 0.09
P2 8.00 0.852 0.10
P3 45.25 8.243 0.18
P4 8.00 0.785 0.09
P5 17.50 3.015 0.17

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

P6 7.75 0.925 0.11

P7 11.50 0.745 0.04

Runoff coefficient of the area was obtained as 0.12. There was percolation loss through
the stone pitched area through which the water was conveyed to the channel. As one side
of the channel was the stone pitched area, a portion of the runoff was also lost during
ponding in the channel. So time taken for concentrating flow was high and time taken to
drain the channel was less. As the downstream part of the ground was vegetated more
water was infiltrated. The lower part of the study area was almost flat compared to the
upper part, hence appreciable amount of water was lost due to ponding (standing water at
the downstream part of the study area). These various reasons affected the derived runoff

3.6 Derivation of unit hydrograph

The unit hydrograph obtained for six storms were vary in durations. The durations for
various unit hydrographs were 9min, 20.5min, 14min, 41min, 26min, and 13min. The
duration for the unit hydrograph for the storm P1 and P7 was found to be nearly equal. So
the average of ordinates of these two was taken as the ordinate of representative unit
hydrograph for the area. Unit hydrograph obtained for the area can be used for obtaining
storm hydrograph for any duration and any rainfall depth. The ordinate of representative
unit hydrograph derived was given in Table3 and corresponding data was given in Figure

Table 3. Ordinates of representative unit hydrograph

Time (min) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Ordinate of unit
0 1.53 1.88 0.99 0.25 0.02 0
hydrograph (cumec)

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

Figure 6. Representative Unit hydrograph

In this study, the rising limb of hydrographs skewed to the left and it can give a brief idea
about the shape of the watershed. The shape of the field more resembles to a fan shaped
watershed. Hence the time to peak runoff was less and the rising limb was steeper than
the falling limb. Time taken to reach peak for the six isolated storms was between 4 to 9
min. Even though there was wide variation in the runoff duration, the mainly varying part
was the falling limb rather than rising limb.

The maximum intensities obtained for various durations were given in Table 4 and the
corresponding graph is shown in Figure 7. The obtained relation was Y = 9.0029X -0.6986
with an R2 value of 0.9506.
Table 4. Maximum intensities for different duration
Duration 10 15 30
5 min 1 hr 2 hr 4 hr 6 hr 12 hr
min min min
120 96 87 70.8 44.4 22.2 11.4 7.2 4.8

Maximum I hr intensity obtained was 44.4mm/hr. An inverse relation was indicated

between maximum intensity and duration. The relation gives an idea about the maximum
intensity rain occurring for different durations in the study area. This is essential while
designing any rainwater harvesting or soil conservation structures.

P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

Figure 7. Maximum Intensity –Duration relationship


Rainwater harvesting appears to be one of the most promising alternatives for the
escalating demand of fresh water. Hydrological analysis is the basic criteria for the design
of rainwater harvesting structure. The study was undertaken to do the rainfall-runoff
analysis. The study included runoff estimation from the area, determination of runoff
coefficient and to find out a relation between maximum intensity and duration and a
relation between rainfall and corresponding runoff.
 Runoff rate from the ground was measured for seven storms. (P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6,
 A relation between head and discharge was obtained for the calibration of notch.
The relation was Q = 0.77H1.45 with an R2 value of 0.98.
 Runoff volume estimated for various storms were 9.13m3, 10.55 m3, 102.01 m3,
9.71 m3, 37.32 m3, 11.45 m3 and 9.22 m3respectively.
 A relation between rainfall and runoff was found out as Y = 0.2X – 0.85 and the
R2 value obtained was 0.98.
 Runoff coefficient for the area was obtained as 0.12
 Maximum intensity for durations of 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 1hr, 2hr, 4hr,
6hr and 12hr for the monsoon season was found out by the rainfall chart analysis.
 A relation connecting maximum intensity and duration was obtained as
Y = 9X –0.69. The R2 value was 0.95.
 Unit hydrograph for various storm hydrograph was derived and unit hydrograph
with relatively same duration was taken as the representative unit hydrograph of
the study area.
The runoff measurement for more number of isolated storms was possible if measuring
was done using a stage level recorder. The stone pitched area through which water
flowing to the channel was not fully lined. The unit hydrograph obtained from the storm
P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

hydrograph can be used as a representative unit hydrograph for the area for future runoff
volume and peak runoff rate estimation. The maximum intensity for different duration
can be considered for designing any water harvesting structures for the studied area. The
representative unit hydrograph can be used to generate runoff and based on that water
managers can develop efficient field water management programs and hence considerable
reduction in soil erosion.

Faculty of Land and Water Resources Engineering, K.C.A.E.T. and all friends those who
supported us strongly to fulfill the task are gratefully acknowledged.


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P. Raji1, E. Uma and J. Shyla. Rainfall-Runoff Analysis of a Compacted Area. Agricultural
Engineering International: the CIGR Journal. Manuscript No.1547. umber.Vol.13, No.1, 2011.
Provisional PDF Version.

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