DOI 10.1007/s12517-015-2069-z
Abstract Dera Ismail Khan (DIK) is situated in the Lower till 2020. The simulation revealed incremental drawdowns till
Indus Basin of Pakistan. The land use has been changed in the the end.
canal command area due to irrigation activities near the Indus
River. To check the current status and predict the groundwater Keywords Visual MODFLOW . DIK . Water table depth
levels in the area, the unconfined aquifer has been simulated in (WTD) . Indus River
Visual MODFLOW for a period of 35 years, i.e., from 1985 to
2020. The 2900-km2 area has been modeled with a grid of 500
by 500 m and the depth set to 100 m. The aquifer in the study Introduction
area has been divided vertically and laterally into three and ten
zones, respectively, for the characterization. Water wells and Visual MODFLOW aids in the understanding of flow, trans-
streams were used as the sinks and hydrologic boundaries, port of solutes, and water budgets in the groundwater system
respectively. The model was successfully calibrated in steady for effective management. The earliest analytical solutions for
and the non-steady state. The simulation revealed that the hypothetical groundwater flow systems has been elaborated in
whole simulation can be divided into two phases, i.e., before 1960s by the help of recharge and discharge areas, groundwa-
and after the construction of the Chashma Right Bank Canal ter level fluctuations, surface topography, hydrochemistry, en-
(CRBC), whereas the results were summarized in the form of vironmental isotopes, vegetations, and surface water. (Toth
water table depth maps and groundwater budget calculations. 1963, 1970, 1971, 1972). The steady state models were first
To determine the groundwater sustainability, a conjunctive use simulated for steady state modeling of hypothetically layered
scenario has been employed to simulate the aquifer dynamics aquifers putting the concepts of three-dimensional aquifer het-
erogeneity and anisotropy in the groundwater basins (Freeze
and Witherspoon 1966, 1967, 1968). The transient model was
* Anwar Qadir initiated to determine the impacts of infiltration on the water
qaq212001@hotmail.com table rise and base flow hydrographs leading to the prediction
of maximum yield, pumping pattern, and recharge and dis-
Department of Geology, University of Haripur, Hattar Road,
charge conditions (Freeze 1971). Following these hypotheti-
Haripur, Pakistan cal studies, a large-scale aquifer simulation program has been
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Bahria University,
initiated during 1978 to 1995 by the name of Regional Aquifer
Shangrilla Road, Sector E-8, Islamabad, Pakistan System Analysis (RASA) program of US Geological Survey
Department of Earth Sciences, Quaid-e-Azam University,
(Sun and Johnson 1994). The computer modeling techniques
Islamabad, Pakistan used in most cases were the USGS 3D finite difference model
Department of Basic Sciences, Riphah International University,
(Trescott 1975) and the USGS MODLFOW (McDonald and
Islamabad, Pakistan Harbaugh 1988). A listing of 1105 reports was published from
Department of Geosciences, Faculty of Science, Naruto University of
RASA program in USGS Professional Paper numbered from
Education, National University Corporation, Sun et al. (1997). The Netherlands has also contributed in
Naruto, Tokushima 772-8502, Japan broadening the concepts and methodologies in hydrological
149 Page 2 of 9 Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:149
system analysis (Engelen and Jones 1986; Engelen and storage (Ss), specific yield (Sy), and top and bottom elevation
Kloosterman 1996). In China, several regional groundwater of aquifers are incorporated in the model.
models have been constructed in recent years (Shao et al. Dera Ismail Khan (DIK) is the southernmost district of
2009; Hou and Zhang 2008; Wang et al. 2009, 2010). Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, lying between 31° 15′ and 32° 32′ north
MODFLOW evolved with time in response to its widespread latitudes and 70° 11′ and 71° 20′ east longitudes (Fig. 1). The
usage in industry. Three generations of MODFLOW can be DIK town is situated along the west bank of the Indus River. The
found, i.e., 1988, 2000, and 2005 (Harbaugh et al. 2000; study area is the Chashma Right Bank Canal (CRBC) stage-II
Harbaugh 2005; Barlow and Harbaugh 2006). Several command area, which is situated between the Indus River and
Windows-based graphic user interfaces for MODFLOW have the CRBC covering an area of 2900 km2. The Indus River forms
been developed such as Processing Modflow (Chiang and the eastern boundary of the model. The water from the Indus
Kinzelbach 2001). Visual Modflow (Waterloo Hydrogeological River is diverted in the form of canals for the irrigation purposes.
2001). Groundwater Modeling Systems (GMS) (Brigham Takwarrah Nala is a branch of Tank Zam having perennial flows.
Young University, Environmental Modeling Research Brigham Another stream Gomal Zam is a major command having peren-
Young and Environmental Modeling Research 2000). and nial flows. Sheikh Haider Zaman Nala is the southeastern bound-
Groundwater Vista (Rumbaugh and Rumbaugh 2005). ary of the model and has a negligible perennial discharge. DIK’s
An exponential growth of application of numerical model western boundary is surrounded by the mountains and hills of
flow study has been witnessed in the last 20 years in the world. South Waziristan Agency and tribal area. The highest region lies
The numerical models are used at various scales and for different toward north in the Sulaiman range about 3500 m above mean
purposes such as water management (Al-Salamah et al. 2011), sea level and the lowest point lies in the south near the Indus
surface water and groundwater interactions (Hunt et al. 2003). River and is approximately 152 m high above mean sea level.
contaminant transport (Al-Thani et al. 2004; Halford et al. 2010), The DIK district lies in the domain of hot semi-arid climate.
aquifer response determination (Clemo 2005). recharge study The model is divided into two zones by the CRBC into canal
(Korkmaz 2013; Anderson et al. 2002; Jyrkama et al. 2002). command and non-canal command. The study area consists of
and well head protection (Ahmad et al. 2010; Bolster et al. 2001). three broad hydrogeological zones: (1) the gravels and boulders
In this study, a model has been constructed in visual of the alluvial fan deposits, (2) the silty clay series of the pied-
MODFLOW 4.0 which uses the finite difference technique mont plain, and (3) the Punjab-type sand deposits of the active
to simulate heads at a block centered nodal grid. A three- and abandoned flood plains along the Indus (Hood 1970). In the
layered finite difference grid of 186 columns and 182 rows central, western, and northern regions of the area, the fill consists
was overlaid on the study area with a constant node spacing of of sediments conveyed by the streams and rivers from the con-
500 × 500 m in both x- and y-axes. The model was run initially solidated rocks surrounding the basin to the west. These deposits
with constant head and stream boundaries, but finally, the have extended to the east, where they interfinger with the
model settled down with the stream boundaries for the Indus Punjab-type sand deposits (Malik 1985; Fig. 2). The residents
River, Takwarrah Nala, and Sheikh Haider Zaman Nala of the study area utilize two sources of water: the surface water
(Fig. 1). Various hydraulic parameters including hydraulic and the groundwater. The surface water resources consist of the
conductivity (K), initial heads, recharge, porosity, specific Indus River, streams, and the ponds storing the rain water. The
Fig. 1 Location map of the DIK area showing the modeled area with all of the distinctive boundaries
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:149 Page 3 of 9 149
Fig. 2 The fence diagram of the DIK modeled area showing the variation in subsurface rock assemblages
two main diversions that drain the modeled area are the CRBC adopted from Anderson and Woessner (1992). Visual
and the Paharpur canals. The CRBC command area located in MODFLOW uses MODFLOW 2000 to describe groundwater
the Indus basin receives its water from the Indus River at flow of constant density under non-equilibrium conditions in a
Chashma Barrage and irrigates an area of 0.470 million acres heterogeneous and anisotropic medium according to the fol-
of the DIK (Ahmed 1972). This canal was completed in three lowing equation:
stages, i.e., in 1987, 1992, and 2002.
∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂ ∂h ∂h
To predict the situation of groundwater levels in this area, a K XX þ K YY þ K ZZ −W ¼ S s ð1Þ
∂x ∂y ∂y ∂t ∂z ∂z ∂t
numerical model integrated in a Geographic Information System
(GIS) has been simulated for 30 years, i.e., from 1985 to 2020. where KXX, KYY, and KZZ are the hydraulic conductivity along
The most important tasks undertaken were to conceptualize the the x, y, and z coordinate axes (Lt−l); h is the potentiometric
natural system of the subsurface aquifer system and then the head (L); W is a volumetric flux per unit volume and repre-
simulation to predict the groundwater level changes in the longer sents sources and/or sinks of water (t−l); SS is the specific
term, i.e., 2020. This model will work as a tool for understand- storage of the porous material (L−l); and t is the time (t). In
ing the interaction between the surface and the groundwater and general, SS, KXX, KYY, and KZZ may be functions of space
take necessary measures to prevent the deteriorating effects on (Ss = Ss (x,y,z), KXX = KXX (x,y,z), etc.) and W may be a func-
land and water resources of the study area (Katpatal et al. 2014). tion of space and time (W = W(x,y,z,t)).
Further, this model may be integrated with the climate change Initially, data from Public Health Engineering Department
models to simulate the long-term effects for the future research. (PHED) and Water and Power Development Authority
Consequently, it will provide a baseline for the understanding of (WAPDA) were obtained. Most of the details of the field con-
future groundwater flow modeling and the problem solution ditions are also addressed during the number of field works
regarding the well head protection, water logging status deter- made in the area. On the basis of the data and the relevant
mination, and the determination of optimum well discharges in research, a conceptual model is prepared (Figs. 2 and 3). The
the resembling set of conditions. hydrogeological system of the study area is modeled as multi-
layered unconfined aquifer with variable thickness gently
sloping from mountain regions in NNW to Indus River in
Methodology SSE (Fig. 3). Based on the subsurface depositional unit cor-
relations and the pump screen settings in Fig. 3, the model is
The methodology followed for the current study involved divided into three layers (Table 1). Initial data of aquifer layer
software Visual MODFLOW 4.0 with standard procedures, dimensions, i.e., elevations and lateral extents, have been
149 Page 4 of 9 Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:149
imported in the digitized vector format prepared in Global area. Using the data of annual precipitation of the DIK
Mapper 7.0 and Rockworks 2002 (Fig. 4). meteorological station from Naqvi (1977) and Malik (1985).
The boundaries are assigned in the software by digitizing the recharge was calculated. The rest of the recharge is
and attributing pertaining to the flows, channel widths, stages, through the infiltration from the Indus River, CRBC, and other
and vertical hydraulic conductivities. The area has been perennial streams. Discharge components include the evapo-
subdivided into a three-layered finite difference grid of 186 transpiration and the pumping wells data that are incorporated
columns and 182 rows with a constant node spacing of in this model. The evapotranspiration and pumping wells data
500 × 500 m both in x- and y-axes. The model was run initially have been acquired from the previous literature (Naqvi 1977;
with constant head and stream boundaries, but finally, the Malik 1985) and measured the recent discharge data of selec-
model settled down with the stream boundaries for the Indus tive wells in the study area. The recharge in this model is taken
River, Takwarrah Nala, and Sheikh Haider Zaman Nala. The for the rainfall (Kijne 1996) whereas the recharge from the
CRBC canal has also been modeled as a stream boundary after canals and rivers is addressed separately in the stream bound-
the 1987. Subsequently, ten test wells data obtained from the aries (Fig. 4). A conjunctive use scenario has been simulated
previous reports of Naqvi (1977) and Malik (1985) were used such as the usage of canal water and the groundwater to pre-
to interpolate the properties of the modeled area, e.g., hydrau- dict the groundwater balance in the study area.
lic conductivities, specific yield, recharge, and porosity, using After importing and assigning the respective features in the
Theissen polygon method (Theissen 1911). software, the model has been simulated and calibrated in
The precipitation, river flows, canals, and irrigation steady state in 1985 by modifying the hydraulic conductivities
practices were considered as the recharge source in the study and recharge values in a single time step during several runs
Layers 1 2 3
Z O N AT I O N Zone 1 1.30 × 10−5 0.15 0.3 2.02 × 10−5 0.15 0.32 3.20 × 10−5 1.20 × 10−4 0.35
Zone 2 1.00 × 10−5 0.13 0.33 1.20 × 10−5 0.13 0.34 1.50 × 10−5 1.00 × 10−4 0.35
Zone 3 1.03 × 10−6 0.07 0.37 1.50 × 10−6 0.05 0.36 2.00 × 10−6 2.50 × 10−3 0.38
Zone 4 5.00 × 10−7 0.01 0.4 3.00 × 10−7 0.02 0.403 1.00 × 10−7 2.50 × 10−2 0.412
Zone 5 1.51 × 10−5 0.16 0.31 2.76 × 10−5 0.17 0.32 3.90 × 10−5 1.00 × 10−3 0.31
Zone 6 3.20 × 10−5 0.19 0.3 2.40 × 10−5 0.17 0.33 3.00 × 10−5 2.00 × 10−4 3.60 × 10−1
Zone 7 1.30E-05 0.15 0.34 1.50 × 10−5 0.15 0.36 2.00 × 10−5 1.20 × 10−4 3.90 × 10−1
Zone 8 1.50 × 10−6 0.09 0.39 1.70 × 10−6 0.09 0.4 1.00 × 10−5 1.70 × 10−3 3.70 × 10−1
Zone 9 2.00 × 10−6 0.03 0.41 3.70 × 10−6 0.03 0.405 3.50 × 10−6 2.70 × 10−2 4.32 × 10−1
Zone 10 1.21 × 10−5 0.15 0.31 3.00 × 10−5 0.16 0.3 3.31 × 10−5 1.10 × 10−3 2.90 × 10−1
The K, Sy, and POR describes the hydraulic conductivity, specific yield, and porosity
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:149 Page 5 of 9 149
Fig. 7 The water table depth maps of the years 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020 (a–h), showing the changes in the water table depth
Arab J Geosci (2016) 9:149 Page 7 of 9 149
gaining the higher angles and continue to rise till 2020. In The construction of CRBC in 1987 has divided the whole
general, the drawdowns tend to descend in order from PM 1 region into two parts, i.e., the western bank and the eastern
(8) (water well dried up during the early stage of pumping), bank area. Based upon the concepts of the regional flows, it
(4), (5), (3), (7), (2), (6), (10), (9), and (1). The drawdowns are obliterated the whole groundwater flow system (Toth 1970).
lesser than 5 m in five wells that are located in areas near the The groundwater movement shows that the western side of the
western and eastern parts of the model (Fig. 5). These zones CRBC is an effluent part whereas the eastern bank is an influ-
are prospective zones for the exploitation of groundwater in ent part in most of the cases. The central zone lies adjacent to
the future till 2020. the west bank of the CRBC. So the sensitivity of this zone to
the pumping is an obvious one due to the drainage of ground- prediction results prove the affordability of the short-term in-
water in that direction. crease in groundwater extraction in the DIK aquifer mostly in
Following the drawdown analysis, the groundwater budget the northwestern and southeastern extremities.
in the study area has been analyzed and divided into two
characteristic temporal zones, i.e., pre- and post-CRBC as Acknowledgments The Higher Education Commission is highly ac-
knowledged for providing all the necessary funding for this research
described earlier. In pre-CRBC conditions, the graphs for the
under the Indigenous Scholarship Scheme (No. B 064).
groundwater balance show a moderate rise in the curves for
the storage, recharge, stream leakage, evapotranspiration, and
well discharge (Fig. 9). The storage out shows a constant trend
as compared to the storage in that shows a small rise after
2010, i.e., the prediction period. The evapotranspiration is
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