DBR of Luminous Hosur
DBR of Luminous Hosur
DBR of Luminous Hosur
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Prepared by:
Please note:
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Approval sheet
Revision History
Revision Date Description
IFEC: We have reviewed this document and completed the Document Review Checklist
1.0 INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.1 GENERAL................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.2 GOAL........................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 OBJECTIVE................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
1.4 PURPOSE & SCOPE......................................................................................................................................................................9
2.0 APPLICABLE CODES & STANDARDS................................................................................................................................... 11
3.0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM PRINCIPLES............................................................................................................................. 13
4.0 CLASSIFICATION OF FACTORY FACILITIES BASED ON OCCUPANCY......................................................................................14
5.0 FIRE SCENARIOS & FIRE FIGHTING STRATEGY................................................................................................................... 15
5.1 MAIN FACTORY........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 COMPRESSOR SHED I &II........................................................................................................................................................... 17
5.3 WORKERS/STAFF CANTEEN BUILDING...........................................................................................................................................17
5.4 WELDING WORKSHOP AREA........................................................................................................................................................19
5.5 RAW MATERIALS STORE AREA.....................................................................................................................................................19
5.6 PACKING MATERIALS STORE/EXPORT PACKING / LOADING AREA........................................................................................................20
5.7 WASTE MATERIALS STORE.......................................................................................................................................................... 21
5.8 HUSK STORE............................................................................................................................................................................ 21
5.9 CNC MACHINERY SHED & COLD FORGING SHED............................................................................................................................22
5.10 MAIN OFFICE BUILDING........................................................................................................................................................ 23
5.11 TRAINING CENTER & OFFICE EXTENSION (OLD ADMIN) BUILDING.................................................................................................24
5.12 DIESEL GENERATOR SHEDS (POWER HOUSE BUILDINGS)..............................................................................................................25
5.13 BULK DIESEL STORAGE TANKS (UNDERGROUND BURIED).............................................................................................................26
4.11.1 Vent Fire............................................................................................................................................................................26
4.11.2 Full liquid surface Fire.......................................................................................................................................................26
4.11.3 Bund Fire...........................................................................................................................................................................27
4.11.4 Spill on Roof Fire................................................................................................................................................................27
5.14 SECURITY GUARD ROOMS......................................................................................................................................................28
5.15 TWO WHEELER & CAR PARK SHEDS........................................................................................................................................28
5.16 DESIGN CENTER OFFICE BUILDING...........................................................................................................................................29
5.17 SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT (OPEN CONSTRUCTION)..................................................................................................................30
5.18 TRANSFORMER YARD............................................................................................................................................................ 31
5.19 LP GAS PLANT.....................................................................................................................................................................32
5.20 AMMONIA GAS STORAGE SHED..............................................................................................................................................33
6.0 KEY ASSUMPTIONS AND BASIC FIRE PROTECTION RULES.................................................................................................. 35
6.1 KEY ASSUMPTIONS.................................................................................................................................................................... 35
6.2 BASIC FIRE PROTECTION RULES....................................................................................................................................................36
7.0 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM DESIGN PHILOSOPHY.............................................................................................................. 38
7.1 FACTORY AREAS........................................................................................................................................................................38
7.2 PACKING MATERIALS & OTHER STORAGE AREAS.............................................................................................................................40
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1.0 Introduction
1.1 General
This conceptual design basis report describes the design basis used for Fire protection system to be
provided for the fire protection of Battery manufacturing factory facility for M/s, LUMINOUS Power
Technologies Private Limited located at Soolagiri, Hosur, India.
The purpose of this Design Basis Report (DBR) is to summarize the necessary fire detection & alarm
system and manual / automatic fire protection system requirements as per NBC of India Part-4 Fire &
Life Safety Code, NFPA, Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue services department and other applicable codes and
standards for the protection of entire facility to limit or prevent escalation of a fire, to avoid risk and
minimize the property damage. This document also identifies the minimum code requirements that
will provide an acceptable level of fire safety measures referring to the applicable codes, chapters and
sections in detail.
1.2 Goal
The main goal is to provide the sustainable fire protection system to protect the employee’s life,
property and environment.
1.3 Objective
The overall objective of the Fire Protection system for the entire project is to provide systems or
equipment which will provide means of mitigation in the event of fires so as to reduce the risk of
escalation for the facility and extinguishing of fires.
In order to protect life, the environment and asset the fire protection systems are designed to:
The fire detection & alarm system and fire protection system that are designed, installed, tested &
commissioned shall be in accordance with the relevant local code NBC of India 2016(National Building
Code of India) part IV, NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) fire safety codes & standards to
protect the employee’s life, products stored, equipment’s and machineries from fire emergency and
from other emergencies.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
This document defines the requirements according to the relevant codes and related sub standards.
The local authorities may apply additional requirements and/or may approve in certain cases of
deviation from the codes and standards. Deviations from this document can only be authorised by
the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
This report is a fire protection philosophy summarising and explaining the requirements associated
with the fire protection that are applied to the Luminous Power Technologies Pvt. Ltd., Battery
manufacturing plant facility at Soolagiri, Hosur, India and in particular:
The extent of fire protection system scope covers the following plant facilities and associated
All the systems shall be designed and installed in accordance with the requirement of Authority
having Jurisdiction (Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue Services Department), Tariff Advisory Committee (TAC)
guidelines, International Codes and Standards particularly in accordance with the following NFPA
NFPA 111, Standard on Stored Electrical Energy Emergency and Standby Power Systems
NFPA-820, Standard for Fire Protection Wastewater Treatment and collection Facilities
NFPA-850, Recommended practice for Fire protection for Electric Generating plants and
High Voltage Direct converter stations
The Luminous Battery Manuafcuring plant shall be designed to provide a safe operating environment
for equipment and personnel. This shall be achieved by laying equipment out with separation and
segregation to minimize the risk from fire and explosion and selection of suitable equipment and
materials. Hazardous areas shall be identified during design stage and suitable equipment selected
for use in such areas.
The principal constituents of the fire protection system are active firefighting system and fire
detection and alarm system. A manual and automatic fire detection and alarm system shall be
provided with detection devices selected to suit particular risks and with a control system designed to
provide operating and fire brigade staff with sufficient information to identify and respond correctly
to any fire detected. Automatic and manual fire extinguishing systems shall be provided to limit the
consequences of fire in major items of the plant and minimize resulting reductions in operation
Passive fire protection, explosion protection, explosion prevention, shut down, depressurization
system, deflagration by venting systems along with the preventive measures are not addressed in this
document as the same is not covered as part of this report.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
As per NBC of India, Part 4 Fire & Life Safety, clause 3.1.8, LUMINOUS Battery manufacturing plant
shall be classified as “Group G Industrial Occupancy, Sub Division G3 High Hazard Industries” and in
addition, ANNEX B (Clause 3.1.8), Broad Classification of Industrial Occupancies in to different degree
of hazard, Battery manufacturing is classified under “ LIGHT HAZARD”.
However, according to the use or the character of occupancy in accordance with NBC part 4, since,
LPG gas is stored in the LPG yard in industrial storage containers and handled within the plant facility,
the Luminous Battery manufacturing facility shall also meet the requirements of “Group J Hazardous
The minimum requirements of firefighting Installations shall be in accordance with Table-7 in Part 4
Fire & Life Safety, NBC of India 2016.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
In general, the carbon steel / alloy steel used as raw material for the production chains are a non-
combustible metals and poses no fire related hazard by itself. But, the process activities in the plant
facility presents explosion combustion hazard due to use of flammable gases such as LPG/Ammonia
fuel for furnaces, oils used in quenching tanks during heat treatment process, diesel used for electric
power generators, lubricating oils and greasing etc which can generate an excessive fire threat and
explosion within the enclosed process equipment in milliseconds. A significant risk associated with
flammable gas explosions is that a small spark can create a shock wave that disturbs a LPG/ammonia
gas cloud layer in case of leakage within the facility. Industry is provided with recently updated tools
to manage such risk in the form of Standards published by The National Fire Protection Association
The factory facility consists of Raw materials store, pressing machines, lathes, Pin cutting machines,
forming machineries, hardening machines, tempering, thumbling machines, shot peening machines,
surface treatment, furnaces / quenching tanks for heat treatment, assembling machineries, greasing,
packing machinery lines & finished chains store, stationary/other consumable store, UPS room
including offices, laboratories and other support service facilities such as new diesel generator sets
for electric power generation and MCC room.
Fire Scenarios:
The credible major fire scenario in the main factory facility might be due to either one or combination
of following:
1. Electric spark due to overload or poor cabling/wiring terminations short circuit that might ignite
the combustible materials and/or flammable & combustible liquids and gas vapors;
2. At Furnaces / Quenching oil tanks during heat treatment process;
3. Un detected / Unattended flammable gases such as LP gas / Ammonia leaks from the storage
tanks, storage cylinders, piping/hose joints that will form vapour clouds at lower levels and these
clouds can be ignited and lead to explosion of cylinders if an ignition source is present in a layer or
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
within vapour cloud. These vapour cloud materials represent a considerable fire & explosion risk
and increased fire & explosion risk and increased consequences during a fire;
Fire detection system that can detect smoke and/or heat , Gas detection system that can detect LPG
& Ammonia flammable gases and an automatic/manual fire extinguishing system shall be made
available for the protection of factory facilities as listed below:
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the process plant in case of fire.
2. Turn off the LPG/Ammonia gas supply automatically in case of gas leak is detected by the sensor.
3. Fire water applied from first aid fire hose reels & fire hydrant system installed within the facility.
4. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of entire factory areas including below and
above false ceiling levels.
5. Exposure protection using water streams from fire hydrants for process plant building.
6. Automatic clean agent (FM-200) gas fire suppression system for the protection of MCC room,
server room, UPS room, electrical switch gear rooms etc.
7. Automatic fire (smoke / heat-multi sensor ) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm
sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations throughout the facility.
8. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
9. Application Dry powder for flammable gas fire extinguishing purposes.
10. Application foam or CO2 fire extinguishing media for extinguishing fire from
flammable/combustible liquids such as diesel, quenching oil, lubrication oil, grease etc..
11. Adequate drainage shall be provided for safe disposal of fire water used for fire extinguishing to
prevent environmental pollution and liabilities issues.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Compressor shed I &II consists of electrical motor driven air compressors, electric / electronic
controllers, power & control cables, piping, valves and other instrumentations. Air compressors sheds
/ plants consist of Class B & Class C materials. The credible fire scenario in the compressor sheds
might be from electrical motors, controllers, cable terminations due to excessive temperature that
will ignite and electric spark due to overload or cable short circuit from the electric motor and the
electrical controllers itself.
1. Fire water shall be applied from fixed water sprinkler system nozzles installed at ceiling level.
2. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for buildings exposed to heat
3. Automatic fire (smoke/heat-multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm
sounder flashers shall be provided in the utility building.
4. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
Canteen building is a single storey building consists of kitchen, dining and other related amenities
including LP gas cylinders used for cooking. Except the kitchen and LP Gas cylinder storage areas, the
fire scenarios can be classified as ordinary combustible fires. The fire scenario in the kitchen and
cylinder store shall be classified as flammable gas fires and combustible liquids fires. Un attend LP gas
leaks from the cylinders, piping/hose joints will form vapour clouds at lower levels and these clouds
can be ignited and lead to explosion of cylinders if an ignition source is present in a layer or within
vapour cloud. These vapour cloud materials represent a considerable fire & explosion risk and
increased fire & explosion risk and increased consequences during a fire. The other credible fire
scenario in the canteen is from electric spark due to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite
the flammable and combustible liquids within the kitchen and cylinder store.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1. Automatic shut off provision of the LP gas supply upon detection of LP gas within the cylinder
store and kitchen.
2. Turn off electric power supply to the canteen building in case of fire & gas detection.
3. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
4. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of canteen building including both room voids
and above false ceiling voids.
5. High temperature operating range sprinklers shall be installed within the kitchen areas.
6. Automatic fire (smoke / heat) detectors (including both room voids and above false ceiling voids),
manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations
in the canteen building.
7. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
8. Automatic wet chemical fire suppression system for the protection of kitchen hood, duct and
appliances(where required).
9. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
10. Automatic LP gas detection system interfacing with fire alarm system.
11. Provision of wet chemical fire extinguishers and fire blanket in the kitchen.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Welding Workshop area consists of general mechanical & electrical engineering machineries used for
fabrication such as welding machine, welding booths, drilling machines, cutting machines, grinding
machine, lath machine, gas cutting sets using acetylene / propane and oxygen cylinders etc., and
other ordinary combustible materials and combustible liquids used for lubrication purposes. These
materials represent a considerable fire risk and increased fire risk and increased consequences during
a fire. The other credible fire scenario in the workshop is also from electric spark due to overload or
wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the workshop in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of workshop.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the workshop facility.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
Raw materials store consists of carbon steel / alloy steel rod/flat coils, spare parts required for the
plant are stored in the hard plastic trays in single or double row racks, bulk carton boxes, lubrication
oils, etc. The maximum storage height is 3.0 mtrs. The fire scenario inside raw materials store can be
classified as ordinary fires due to ordinary combustible materials and large quantities of combustible
lubricating oil. Combustible materials may be solids or liquids stored in drums and cans. These
materials represent a considerable fire risk and increased fire risk and increased consequences during
a fire. The credible fire scenario in the store is from electric spark due to overload or wiring short
circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire in
typically shorter period releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders will try to
extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels inside the store.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the store in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of store.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the store facility.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
Packing materials such as carton sheets/boxes, polythene sheets, other packing accessories are
stored in this shed including packing of finished goods for export and loaded in to the trucks. The
maximum storage height is 3.0 mtrs. The fire scenario inside these sheds can be classified as ordinary
fires due to ordinary combustible materials and where Greasing tanks are located at ground level of
packing area involves Class B fire. These materials represent a considerable fire risk and increased fire
risk and increased consequences during a fire. The credible fire scenario in the store is from electric
spark due to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials and greasing
tanks. Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire in typically shorter period releasing large
quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders will try to extinguish incipient fire using portable fire
extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels inside the sheds.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the sheds in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of store.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the facility.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Waste materials store consists of cotton wastes and other combustible hazardous wastes stored as
bulk on the floor. The fire scenario inside waste materials store can be classified as ordinary fires due
to ordinary combustible materials and large quantities of oil/grease contained cotton wastes. These
materials represent a considerable fire risk and increased fire risk and increased consequences during
a fire. The credible fire scenario in the store is from electric spark due to overload or wiring short
circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire in
typically shorter period releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders will try to
extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels inside the store.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the store in case of fire.
2. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of store.
3. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the store facility.
4. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
5. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
Husk is stored in bulk form and in polythene / gunny bags in a shed located beside the main factory
shed. The fire scenario inside husk store can be classified as ordinary fires due to ordinary
combustible materials. These materials represent a considerable fire risk and increased fire risk and
increased consequences during a fire. The credible fire scenario in the store is from electric spark due
to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate
to uncontrolled fire in typically shorter period releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
responders will try to extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose
reels inside the store.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the store in case of fire.
2. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of store.
3. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the store facility.
4. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
5. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
The fire scenario inside the CNC machineries shed & cold forging can be classified as ordinary fires
due to ordinary combustible materials. The type of fire can be classified as Class A, Class B (due to
lubricating oil used) and Class C (Electrical fires). These materials represent a considerable fire risk
and increased fire risk and increased consequences during a fire. The credible fire scenario in the CNC
machineries & cold forging sheds is from electric spark due to overload or wiring short circuit that will
ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire in typically shorter
period releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders will try to extinguish incipient fire
using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels inside the sheds.
Fire Fighting Strategy for CNC Machineries & cold forging shed:
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the CNC & forging machines / sheds in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of sheds.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat – multi sensor) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire
alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations in the facility.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Main office building is single storey administration offices building. Unless combustible materials are
stored or handled inside the office buildings, the fire scenarios can be classified as ordinary fires.
Normally, Office building consists of ordinary combustible materials and computers and other office
equipment’s & stationaries. The credible fire scenario in the office is from electric spark due to
overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate to
uncontrolled fire in typically 10 minutes, releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders
will try to extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels inside
the office building.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the main office building in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of offices including both room voids and above
false ceiling voids.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat) detectors (including both room voids and above false ceiling voids),
manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations
in the offices building.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Automatic clean agent (FM-200) gas fire suppression system for the protection of server / UPS
7. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Training center & office extension building is single storey offices building. Unless combustible
materials are stored or handled inside the office buildings, the fire scenarios can be classified as
ordinary fires. Normally, Office building consists of ordinary combustible materials and computers
and other office equipment’s & stationaries. The credible fire scenario in the office is from electric
spark due to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire
can escalate to uncontrolled fire in typically 10 minutes, releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially,
the responders will try to extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire
hose reels inside the office building.
Fire Fighting Strategy for Training Center & Office Extension (Old Admin) Building:
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the training center and office building in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of offices including both room voids and above
false ceiling voids.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat) detectors (including both room voids and above false ceiling voids),
manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations
in the project office building.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Automatic clean agent (FM-200) gas fire suppression system for the protection of server / UPS
7. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
The diesel generator sheds (power house buildings) consists of diesel engine driven power generator
sets & control switch gear panels, radiators, diesel fuel day tanks etc.
Fire Scenarios:
In general, diesel power plant facility involves Class B (combustible liquids) & Class C (Energised
Electrical) materials. The credible fire scenarios are in the large machines, operating at high speeds,
high temperatures and high pressure, contain large quantities of combustible fuel & lubricating oil
and therefore constitute a major fire risk.
DG Power house consist of Diesel Generators and electrical control panels involving Class B & Class C
materials. The credible fire scenario in the power house is from diesel engine due to excessive
temperature that will ignite diesel fuel and electric spark due to overload or cable short circuit from
the alternator and the electrical controllers itself.
1. Turn off the diesel generator and Isolate diesel fuel supply line to diesel engine from the day
tank / bulk storage tank.
2. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
3. Portable / trolley type foam fire extinguishers shall be placed in diesel generators area, near
diesel day tank / bulk storage tank areas & diesel pump station areas at strategic locations.
4. Foam shall be applied from fixed foam water sprinkler / spray system nozzles installed at roof
level for the protection of generators area.
5. Automatic fire (heat / flame) detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder
flashers shall be located at strategic locations throughout the facility.
6. Linear Heat sensing cable detectors shall be placed on each cable tray in cable trenches.
7. Automatic clean agent (FM-200) gas fire suppression system for the protection of control room
switch gear room including above false ceiling voids & cable trench voids.
8. Application of foam over small spillage fire within the diesel tank areas and diesel pump station
area from foam (foam master units) hose stations.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
9. Fire hydrants distributed around the power house facility for manual fire fighting purposes from
safer distance.
10. Adequate drainage shall be provided for safe disposal of fire water used for fire extinguishing to
prevent environmental pollution and liabilities issues.
11. Diesel Containment Dike shall be constructed for the diesel storage tanks to withstand the
capacity of diesel tank volume in case of any leakage from the tank.
The Bulk diesel storage tank is placed underground buried within the concrete sump and a pump is
provided to pump diesel to day tanks and to fill drums.
Fire Scenarios:
The product stored is diesel oil having >60deg.celcius flash point, classified as Class-II combustible
liquid. The storage tank is buried underground covered by sand. Therefore, less chances for the
mixture in the vapour space of the storage tank to reach its flammable range as there is limited
chances for the tank exposed to adjacent fire.
Vent fire
Full liquid surface fire
Bund fire
Spill on roof fire
The underground horizontal storage tank is provided with an emergency vent suitably sized for the
worst case relieving scenario to prevent overpressure under all relief conditions. When the internal
vapour pressure increases due to adjacent fire, the vent releases vapour mixture cloud to outside. If
the vapour cloud gets ignited, that will lead to flash fire travelling back to the tank that will set full
liquid surface within tank.
Fire Scenarios and fire fighting strategy will be similar to vent fire. Explosions may occur due to this
accumulation of flammable vapour beneath the roof. Normally fire occurs in the fixed roof tank, due
to atmospheric disturbances such as lightening or due to excessive temperature created by the
exposure fire.
The other credible fire scenario is bund fire due to leakage from pipe joints, flange joints, valves seals.
The expected leakage range will be small if it can be stopped by closing valve. However, if leakage
occurs in a location which cannot be isolated, the leakage can only be stopped by transferring the
inventory of the tank to other storage; leakage will be more and will create liquid pool within the
dyke around the storage tanks. This liquid pool can generate enough vapour pressure at high
temperature in summer at ambient conditions to cause a flammable vapour cloud outside the bund.
Igniting flammable vapour cloud will lead to a flash fire, travelling to the origin and set liquid pool
surface on fire. Full rupture of the storage tank is rare and not considered credible scenario.
Overfilling the tank leads to a spill on the roof / within the dike. The liquid exits the tank through the
pressure relief or hedges and spill over the tank dike area. Fire scenarios and fire fighting strategy will
be similar to the bund fire.
1. Isolate Storage Tank by closing an Emergency Isolation Valves (EIV) on the filling truck side.
2. Application of foam in to the tank over the liquid surface fire from foam master unit / foam
3. Application of foam over small spillage fire within the dyked area from foam master unit / foam
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Security Guard rooms are a single storey building. The fire scenarios can be classified as ordinary
fires. Normally, Gate room building consists of ordinary combustible materials and computers and
other office equipment’s & stationaries. The credible fire scenario in the office is from electric spark
due to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the combustible materials. Incipient fire can
escalate to uncontrolled fire in typically 10 minutes, releasing large quantities of smoke. Since, the
gate house is 24 hours manned building, the responders can extinguish incipient fire using portable
fire extinguishers.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the Guard rooms building in case of fire.
2. Automatic fire (smoke / heat) detectors (including both room voids and above false ceiling voids),
manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations
in the guard house building.
3. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
4. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
Fire Scenarios:
Two wheeler and car ark sheds are shelter type constructions used to park automobile vehicles. Since
all the vehicle consists of petrol and diesel fuel, electrical accessories, plastic, leather PU foam resin
type furnishings, which are classified as Class A, Class B & Class C fire materials.
Fire Fighting Strategy for the Two Wheeler & Car Park Sheds:
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the plant building in case of fire.
2. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
3. Application foam extinguishing media in case of flammable liquids fire.
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Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
4. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for buildings exposed to heat
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Design Center Office building is a single storey offices type occupancy building. Unless combustible
materials are stored or handled inside the office buildings, the fire scenarios can be classified as
ordinary fires. Normally, Office building consists of ordinary combustible materials and computers
and other office equipment’s & stationaries while change rooms consist of cloths. The credible fire
scenario in the office is from electric spark due to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the
combustible materials. Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire in typically 10 minutes,
releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the responders will try to extinguish incipient fire using
portable fire extinguishers or first aid fire hose reels in the building.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the design cnter office building in case of fire.
2. Fire water is applied from first aid fire hose reels installed within the facility.
3. Automatic wet sprinkler system for the protection of design center office including both room
voids and above false ceiling voids.
4. Automatic fire (smoke / heat) detectors (including both room voids and above false ceiling voids),
manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be located at strategic locations
in the building.
5. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
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Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Sewage treatment plant consists of electrical driven pump sets, pump set electric / electronic
controllers, power & control cables, piping, valves and other instrumentations. sewage treatment
plants consist of Class B & Class C materials. The credible fire scenario in the treatment plant is from
electrical motors, controllers, cable terminations due to excessive temperature that will ignite and
electric spark due to overload or cable short circuit from the electric motor and the electrical
controllers itself.
5. Turn off the electric power supply to the plant building in case of fire.
6. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
7. Manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers shall be provided in the effluent
treatment plant.
8. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for buildings exposed to heat
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Fire Scenarios:
Transformer yard is an open type construction where oil cooled, outdoor type transformer is placed.
Transformer involves Class C (Energised Electrical equipments, transformers, electric cables etc)
materials and Class A (electric cables & controllers when power is disconnected) & B (combustible
liquids used for transformer cooling). The credible fire scenario is from transformer due to excessive
temperature that will ignite cooling oil in the transformers which may leads to explosion and electric
spark due to overload or cable short circuit from the transformers and the electrical controllers itself
which will ignite the combustible materials.
Incipient fire can escalate to uncontrolled fire, releasing large quantities of smoke. Initially, the
responders will try to extinguish incipient fire using portable fire extinguishers or the automatic fire
suppression system to control and extinguish the fire in the transformer.
1. Turn off the electric power supply to the transformer in case of fire.
2. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media from CO2 or Dry Powder fire
extinguishers for electrical fire.
3. Automatic deluge water spray system for the protection of transformers.
4. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants for building exposed to heat
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
LP Gas plant consists of 2 Nos of 5 MT capacity steel tanks are located above ground level in an
isolated area away from the other plant facilities. LPG tanker unloading gantry and pumping station is
located beside the storage tanks.
Fire Scenarios:
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is gas at normal room temperature and atmospheric pressure. LPG
liquefies under moderate pressure, readily vaporising upon release of the pressure. This property
that permits transportation and storage of LP Gases in concentrated liquid form, although they are
normally used in vapour form. LP Gas is an extremely flammable (explosive) gas which can easily be
ignited by heat, sparks or flames. It will form explosive mixtures with air.
LP Gas vapours are heavier than the air, if leaks in a LP Gas system occurs, the gas has a tendency to
sink down and accumulate at the lower level and the gas vapours may travel to any enclosed area and
to an ignition source and thus poses a risk of explosion and fire.
If LP Gas storage cylinders / containers exposed to a fire may vent and release flammable gas through
the pressure relief devices. If the venting capacity of a containers pressure relief vent is not able to
release the pressure built-up due to the heating, the container will explode and the ruptured
cylinders may rocket.
1. All the electrical equipment’s and wiring within 4.6 mtrs from all directions from the LP Gas
storage tank fitting / connections, tank vehicle loading & unloading, filling connection point and
gauge vent opening shall be approved and suitable for NEC, Class-I, Group-D, Division-1 ie flame
proof or explosion proof type.
2. Automatic shut off provision of the LP gas supply upon detection of LP gas within the plant area
and as well as in the main factory shed at discharge points.
3. Turn off electric power supply to the LP Gas plant areas and adjacent buildings in case of fire &
gas detection.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
4. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media Dry Powder fire extinguishers
for LP Gas fire.
5. Automatic LP Gas leak detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder flashers
shall be provided in the plant.
6. Fire water is applied from fixed deluge water spray system nozzles installed around the tanks for
cooling of tanks thus to prevent explosion including truck tanker unloading gantry and
pumping/PRDB manifolds at LPG plant.
7. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants and water monitors located
outside the fence from safer distance and for buildings exposed to heat radiation.
8. Automatic LP gas leak detection system shall be interfaced with fire alarm system.
Ammonia Gas cylinders are stored in a naturally ventilated shed beside the main factory shed. The
same will be shifted to another location beside the Husk store room in future as per the information
by the engineer in charge of RCIPL. The ammonia cylinders are connected to a common manifold and
piped to furnaces through PRDB.
Fire Scenarios:
Ammonia is a highly flammable gas and Un attend gas leaks from the cylinders, piping/hose joints will
form vapour clouds at lower levels and these clouds can be ignited and lead to explosion of cylinders
if an ignition source is present in a layer or within vapour cloud. These vapour cloud materials
represent a considerable fire & explosion risk and increased fire & explosion risk and increased
consequences during a fire. The other credible fire scenario in the canteen is from electric spark due
to overload or wiring short circuit that will ignite the flammable gas in the cylinder store.
If Ammonia Gas storage cylinders / containers exposed to a fire may vent and release flammable gas
through the pressure relief devices. If the venting capacity of a containers pressure relief vent is not
able to release the pressure built-up due to the heating, the container will explode and the ruptured
cylinders may rocket.
1. All the electrical equipment’s and wiring within 4.6 mtrs from all directions from the Gas storage
cylinders, fitting / connections, tank vehicle loading & unloading, filling connection point and
gauge vent opening shall be approved and suitable for NEC, Class-I, Group-D, Division-1 ie flame
proof or explosion proof type.
2. Automatic shut off provision of the Ammonia gas supply upon detection of gas within the cylinder
3. Turn off electric power supply to the ammonia Gas store areas and adjacent buildings in case of
fire & gas detection.
4. Application of electrically non-conductive fire extinguishing media Dry Powder fire extinguishers
for LP Gas fire.
5. Automatic Ammonia Gas leak detectors, manual fire alarm call points and fire alarm sounder
flashers shall be provided in the store and in main factory shed at discharge points.
6. Fire water is applied from fixed deluge water spray system nozzles installed within the cylinder
store shed for cooling of cylinders thus to prevent explosion.
7. Exposure protection using water hose streams from fire hydrants from safer distance and for
buildings exposed to heat radiation.
8. Ammonia gas leak detection system shall be interfaced with fire alarm system.
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Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
The design of the facility is assumed to be compliant with the applicable codes and standards
standard good engineering practice. Where applicable, sectionalisation and emergency isolation
valves are provided to limit fuel from flammable & combustible liquid & gases storage facilities in
case of an emergency.
Response to major accidents is provided by the nearest Fire station of Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue
services department. On site a First Intervention Team (FIT) will provide the initial response and hold
out until fire department / brigade team arrives to the plant. The First Aid Equipment (Fire
Extinguishers, Hose Reels, Fire blankets, Fire Hydrants) is limited and waiting for the arrival of the fire
brigade will delay in response to incipient accidents. The potential delay in response will drive certain
decisions on the design of fire protection system.
All equipment within units containing flammable & combustible liquids and gases is to be protected
by the application of water/foam against possibility of thermal radiation flux from adjacent fires.
Exposure protection shall be provided for all the facility. In general, fixed water spray / sprinkler
system and / or fire hydrants / water monitors are the preferred method of providing water coverage
for exposure protection.
In order to determine the fire water flow rate and pressure, fire water demand shall be established
based on the worst case fire scenario which shall be considered in the single largest fire hazard within
the facility.
Passive fire protection, explosion protection, explosion prevention, shut down, depressurization
system, deflagration by venting systems along with the preventive measures are not part of this
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
The basic rule in fire fighting system is to provide adequate water supply as per the maximum water
demand required to extinguish fire in worst case fire scenario. The maximum fire water demand of
the RCIPL facility shall be based on the maximum credible fire scenarios. The following are the
credible fire scenarios to taken into account to determine the maximum fire water demand required
during worst case fire scenario. The highest fire water demand shall be the flow rate of fire pump set
to be provided for supplying fire water for fire fighting purposes.
The maximum fire water demand for the factory area protection shall be the sum of:
2. In case of fire at Packing Material Store area, the following will apply:
The maximum fire water demand for the protection of store area building shall be the sum of:
3. In case of fire at Diesel Generator Sheds (Power House Building), the following will apply:
The maximum fire water demand for the protection of Diesel Generator Sheds(Power House) shall
be the sum of:
a) Fixed foam water sprinkler / spray system for diesel generators area
b) Hose stream demand from Fire Hydrant or water monitors provided for fire control & exposure
protection (Hose stream)
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
The maximum fire water demand for the protection LP Gas Plant of shall be the sum of:
a) Fixed deluge water spray deluge system for the LPG storage bullets, truck unloading gantry, LPG
pumping station & piping PRDB manifolds
b) Hose stream demand from Fire Hydrant / water monitors provided for fire control & exposure
protection (Hose stream)
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Factory process areas consist of class A, B & C fire hazards. Each type of fire hazard shall be dealt in
unique way of techniques to aid fire fighting operations. The primary aim of fire fighting in factory area
is that to extinguish and prevent the spread of fire throughout factory process areas and storages
adjacent to factory and the neighbourhood facilities.
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of factory area based on
Extra (High) hazard group-1 occupancy classification in accordance with NFPA-13. Where the ceiling
void is more than 800mm in height, sprinklers shall be installed in both above false ceiling and below
false ceiling. The minimum design density of discharge shall be not less than 12.2 LPM/M2 over the
area of not less than 232 Sq. mtrs of floor area.
In addition, factory area shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire hydrants shall be
installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Fire hose house cabinets with hose and
nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant to aid fire fighting operations. Internal standpipe system
consists of fire hose reels shall be installed within the factory facilities as per NFPA-14. In addition,
foam master units (foam hose station) shall be placed beside the quenching oil tanks in heat treatment
process areas & diesel storage tank area to aid fire fighting operations in case of fire involving
combustible liquids (Class B fire)
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed within the
factory area as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Automatic smoke / heat detectors (multi-sensor) shall be provided throughout the factory areas.
Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall be protected by automatic smoke detectors
and remote response indicators shall be provided at ceiling level to verify the smoke detector is on fire
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided throughout the factory
facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
All electrical and electronic equipment’s rooms such as server / IT rooms shall be protected by an
automatic clean agent (FM-200) fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA-2001.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
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Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
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Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Packing materials & other storage areas consist of class A, B & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire
fighting in cold storages is that to extinguish and prevent the spread of fire to other process areas
equipment’s and adjacent structures and the neighbourhood facilities.
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of packing materials and
other storage areas including below and above false ceiling levels. Sprinkler system within the storage
areas shall be based on Commodity Class IV & Group A plastic (where the products stored in solid
plastic) classification in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design density of discharge shall be
based on the storage height and type of storage and type of sprinkler heads used for protection.
In addition, storage area shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire hydrants shall be
installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Fire hose house cabinets with hose and
nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant to aid fire fighting operations. Internal standpipe system
consists of fire hose reel shall be installed within the storage facilities as per NFPA-14. In addition, foam
master units (foam hose station) shall be placed beside the greasing tanks in packing area to aid fire
fighting operations in case of fire involving combustible liquids (Class B fire)
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed throughout the
storage facilities outside the cold store areas as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Automatic smoke / heat detectors (multisensor) shall be provided throughout the storage facilities
including concealed spaces above false ceiling except cold storage areas. Where the ceiling void is
more than 800mm in height shall be protected by automatic smoke detectors and remote response
indicators shall be provided at ceiling level to verify the smoke detector is on fire alarm.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided throughout the storage
facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
CNC Machines / Cold Forging building facilities consist of class A, B & C fire hazards. The primary aim of
fire fighting in these buildings is to control & extinguish fire. Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall
be provided for the protection of these buildings based on ordinary hazard group-2 occupancy
classification in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design density of discharge shall be not less
than 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 139 Sq. mtrs of floor area.
In addition, CNC machines/Cold Forging buildings shall be protected by external fire hydrant system.
The fire hydrants shall be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Fire hose
house cabinets with hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant to aid fire fighting
operations. Internal standpipe system consists of fire hose reel shall be installed within the canteen
facilities as per NFPA-14.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed CNC
machines/cold forging buildings as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Automatic smoke / heat (multi sensor) detectors shall be provided in these plant buildings. Manual fire
alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided in the utility plant facilities as per
NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Canteen building areas consist of class A, B & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire fighting in canteen
building is to control & extinguish and prevent the spread of fire from and to the neighbourhood
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of canteen building based on
extra hazard occupancy group-1 in kitchen area and ordinary hazard group-2 occupancy classification
in dining halls & store areas in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design density of discharge
shall be not less than 12.2 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 232 Sq. mtrs of floor area of kitchen
and minimum design density of discharge shall be not less than 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less
than 139 Sq. mtrs of floor area of dining hall & store. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in
height shall be protected by automatic sprinkler system.
In addition, to protect the canteen building shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire
hydrants shall be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Fire hose house
cabinets with hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant around the canteen building
structure to aid fire fighting operations. Internal standpipe system consists of fire hose reel shall be
installed within the canteen facilities as per NFPA-14.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed within the
canteen buildings as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes. In addition, wet chemical fire
extinguishers and fire blanket shall be provided in the kitchen area.
Automatic smoke / heat detectors shall be distributed based on hazard occupancies & usage activities
throughout the canteen buildings facilities. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall
be protected by automatic smoke detectors and remote response indicators shall be provided at
ceiling level to verify the smoke detector is on fire alarm. Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm
sounder / flashers shall be provided throughout the canteen building facilities as per NFPA-72 to
initiate fire alarm system manually.
Wet chemical fire extinguishing system shall be provided for the protection of kitchen hoods, cooking
appliances and ducts as per NFPA-17A where provided. LP gas leak detection with ex. proof type LPG
leak detectors near gas outlets & LPG cylinder area shall be provided. Emergency Gas shut off switch
shall be provided in addition to automatic shutdown in case of fire alarm or LPG leak detection
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
Welding Workshop shed consist of class A, B & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire fighting in
workshop and store is to control & extinguish and prevent the spread of fire from and to the
neighbourhood facilities.
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of workshop based on
ordinary hazard group-2 occupancy classification in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design
density of discharge shall be not less than 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 139 Sq. mtrs of
floor area.
In addition, the welding workshop shed shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire
hydrants shall be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Internal standpipe
system consists of fire hose reel shall be installed within the workshop shed areas as per NFPA-14. Fire
hose house cabinets with hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant around the
workshop shed to aid fire fighting operations.
Portable / Mobile Trolley type fire extinguishers consist of Dry Powder & CO2 shall be distributed
within the workshop shed as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided throughout the
workshop facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Main office building areas consist of class A & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire fighting in the
main office building is to control & extinguish and prevent the spread of fire from and to the
neighbourhood facilities.
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of main office building based
on light hazard group occupancy classification in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design
density of discharge shall be not less than 4.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 139 Sq. mtrs of
floor area. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall be protected by automatic
sprinkler system.
In addition, office buildings shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire hydrants shall
be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 60 mtrs. Internal standpipe system consists of
fire hose reel shall be installed within the office facilities as per NFPA-14. Fire hose house cabinets with
hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant around the administration buildings structure
to aid fire fighting operations.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed within the
administration buildings as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Automatic smoke / heat detectors shall be distributed based on hazard occupancies & usage activities
throughout the offices building facilities. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall be
protected by automatic smoke detectors and remote response indicators shall be provided at ceiling
level to verify the smoke detector is on fire alarm.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided all throughout the
administration building facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
All electrical and electronic equipment’s rooms such as server / IT rooms shall be protected by an
automatic clean agent (FM-200) fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA-2001.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Training Center & office Extn (Old Admin) building areas consist of class A & C fire hazards. The primary
aim of fire fighting in the main office building is to control & extinguish and prevent the spread of fire
from and to the neighbourhood facilities.
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of office building based on
light hazard group occupancy classification in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design density
of discharge shall be not less than 4.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 139 Sq. mtrs of floor
area. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall be protected by automatic sprinkler
In addition, office buildings shall be protected by external fire hydrant system. The fire hydrants shall
be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 60 mtrs. Internal standpipe system consists of
fire hose reel shall be installed within the office facilities as per NFPA-14. Fire hose house cabinets with
hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant around the administration buildings structure
to aid fire fighting operations.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed within the
administration buildings as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Automatic smoke / heat detectors shall be distributed based on hazard occupancies & usage activities
throughout the offices building facilities. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in height shall be
protected by automatic smoke detectors and remote response indicators shall be provided at ceiling
level to verify the smoke detector is on fire alarm.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided all throughout the
administration building facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
All electrical and electronic equipment’s rooms such as server / IT rooms shall be protected by an
automatic clean agent (FM-200) fire suppression system in accordance with NFPA-2001.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Diesel generagtor sheds (power house) facility consists of class B & C fire hazards. Each type of fire
hazard shall be dealt in unique way of techniques to aid fire fighting operations. The primary aim of
fire fighting in diesel power plant is that to extinguish and prevent the spread of fire to other process
equipment’s and adjacent structures and the neighbourhood facilities.
Diesel Generators area of power house shall be protected by an automatic foam water spray /
sprinkler system with density of discharge rate not less than 10.2 LPM/M2 over the surface area as per
NFPA-16 & NFPA-850.
Portable fire extinguishers of Dry Powder & CO2 type fire extinguishers shall be distributed throughout
the power plant facility as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes. In addition, Mobile foam
trolley in the diesel day tanks, bulk storage tanks area & diesel pump station areas, CO2 trolley near
the panel & alternator area, Dry powder trolley fire extinguishers in the transformer area shall be
provided as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
In general, to protect the generator plant building facility structures external fire hydrant shall be
provided spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs. Standpipe system shall be installed within the generator
power plant facilities and structures as per NFPA-14. Fire hose house cabinets with hose and nozzles
shall be placed near each fire hydrant around power plant facilities to aid fire fighting operations. In
addition, a foam master unit (foam hose station) shall be placed beside the bulk diesel storage tank in
generator area to aid fire fighting operations in case of fire involving combustible liquids (Class B fire)
Automatic heat detectors and Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be
provided throughout the generator power plant facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system
manually. Linear Heat sensing cable detectors shall be provided for each cable tray in the cable
Automatic clean agent (FM-200) gas fire suppression system for the protection of control room switch
gear room including above false ceiling voids & cable trench voids
All fire alarm system / electrical equipment’s / devices and wiring shall be approved for use in
Hazardous locations Class I, Division 1 or 2 in the diesel generator hall and/or where required.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
To prevent fires due to lightening, the metallic parts of equipment’s / services including structures shall
be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780, Standard for installation of lightening protection
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
Pvt. Ltd.
At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Diesel storage tank consist of Class B fire hazard. A primary aim of fire fighting in flammable or
combustible liquids storage areas is that to prevent the spread of fire from the tank which is under fire
to adjacent areas and the neighbourhood facilities.
In order to protect the fire on liquid surface area of buried underground storage tank, a foam master
unit (foam hose station) shall be placed beside the bulk diesel storage tank in generator area to aid fire
fighting operations in case of fire involving combustible liquids (Class B fire)
In addition to the primary means of protection, there shall be Mobile Trolley type fire extinguishers
consist of Dry Powder & Foam agents to extinguish small fire due to products spillages in and around
the tank.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided all around the tank yard
along the dyke wall as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually. All fire alarm system /
electrical equipment’s / devices and wiring shall be approved for use in Hazardous locations Class I,
Division 1 or 2 where required.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the storage tank, fuel pump & piping shall be bonded properly as
specified in NFPA-780, Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
Security guard rooms consist of class A & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire fighting in the guard
rooms building is to control & extinguish and prevent the spread of fire from and to the
neighbourhood facilities.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder & CO2 type shall be distributed within the
security guard rooms as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided in the security guard
rooms as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Oil cooled Transformers involves Class C (Energised Electrical control panels, transformers, electric
cables etc) materials and Class A (electric cables & controllers when power is disconnected) & B
(combustible liquids used for transformer cooling). Each type of fire hazard shall be dealt in unique
way of techniques to aid fire fighting operations. The primary aim of fire fighting in the transformer is
that to extinguish and prevent the spread of fire to other process equipment’s and adjacent structures
and the neighbourhood facilities.
Oil cooled transformers shall be protected by an automatic deluge water spray system with density of
10.2 LPM/M2 over the surface area of transformer body & conservator tank and 6.1 LPM/M2 over the
bottom surface area of non-absorbing ground.
Portable fire extinguishers of Dry Powder & CO2 type fire extinguishers shall be distributed throughout
the substation facility as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
In addition, Mobile CO2 trolley in switch gear room, Dry powder trolley type fire extinguishers in the
transformer area shall be provided as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes.
In general, to protect the transformer yard / substation facility equipment’s and structures external fire
hydrant shall be provided. The fire hydrants shall be installed around the plant facilities spaced at a
distance of 30 mtrs. Fire hose house cabinets with hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire
hydrant around substation facilities to aid fire fighting operations.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided in the transformer yard
as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the metallic parts of equipment’s / services including structures shall
be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780, Standard for installation of lightening protection
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
LPG plant areas consist of Class B & C fire hazards. The primary aim of fire fighting in LP Gas plant area
is to prevent explosion by colling LP gas storage tanks, control & extinguish and prevent the spread of
fire from and to the neighbourhood facilities.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Automatic deluge water spray system shall be provided for the protection of LPG storage bullets, LPG
unloading gantry, LPG pumping/PRDB station with density of 10.2 LPM/M2 over the entire surface.
In addition, the LPG plant facility shall be protected by external fire hydrant / water monitor system.
The fire hydrants shall be installed around the facilities spaced at a distance of 30 mtrs outside the
fence areas. Fire hose house cabinets with hose and nozzles shall be placed near each fire hydrant
around the LPG plant to aid fire fighting operations.
Portable fire extinguishers consist of ABC Dry Powder shall be distributed within the LPG plant facility
as per NFPA-10 for first aid fire fighting purposes. In addition, Mobile Dry powder trolley type fire
extinguishers in the truck gantry & tank area shall be provided.
Manual fire alarm call points & fire alarm sounder / flashers shall be provided throughout the canteen
building facilities as per NFPA-72 to initiate fire alarm system manually.
LP gas leak detection with ex. proof type LPG leak detectors near gas outlets & LPG cylinder area shall
be provided. Emergency Gas shut off switch shall be provided in addition to automatic shutdown in
case of fire alarm or LPG leak detection activation.
All the electrical equipment’s and wiring within 4.6 mtrs from all directions from the LP Gas storage
tank fitting / connections, tank vehicle loading & unloading, filling connection point and gauge vent
opening shall be approved and suitable for NEC, Class-I, Group-D, Division-1 ie flame proof or
explosion proof type.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all conductive
equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1.39 General
This Fire water system design parameter section provides the fire water system demand requirements
for mainly the following areas of protection where highest fire water demand is expected based on the
hazard occupancy and worst case fire scenarios:
Internal stand pipe system and external Fire hydrants are recommended for the supplemental hose
stream protection of factory building.
Fire water demand requirements for the Factory building fire protection shall be calculated based on
the following assumptions:
1. In case of fire in Factory building, automatic wet sprinkler system shall be in to operation with
design density of discharge 12.2 LPM/M2 over the area not less than 232 M2 of floor area.
2. Portions of adjacent area / structures shall be cooled with water depending upon the area exposed
to heat radiation, wind direction and intensity of fire.
Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for Factory building E: C+D = 3255 LPM + 1893 LPM
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
Internal stand pipe system and external Fire hydrants are recommended for the storage spaces for the
supplemental hose stream protection. Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as
per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for cold store E : 2609.6 LPM + 1893 LPM
1.42 CNC Machine & Cold Forging Sheds Fire Water Demand
Automatic wet water sprinkler system shall be installed to extinguish a fire in the CNC Machines/ Cold
Forging machines sheds. Sprinkler system shall be designed in accordance with NFPA-13 based
ordinary hazard group-2. The design density of water application rate over the surface area shall be at
the rate of 8.1 L/min/m2 over the area of 139 sq.mtrs.
Fire hydrants are to be recommended for the supplemental hose stream protection of these sheds.
Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for Utility building E : 1294.78 LPM + 947 LPM
Automatic wet type sprinkler system shall be provided for the protection of canteen building based on
extra hazard occupancy group-1 in kitchen area and ordinary hazard group-2 occupancy classification
in dining halls & store areas in accordance with NFPA-13. The minimum design density of discharge
shall be not less than 12.2 LPM/M2 over the area of not less than 232 Sq. mtrs of floor area of kitchen
and minimum design density of discharge shall be not less than 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area of not less
than 139 Sq. mtrs of floor area of dining hall & store. Where the ceiling void is more than 800mm in
height shall be protected by automatic sprinkler system.
Internal stand pipe system and external Fire hydrants are recommended for the supplemental hose
stream protection of canteen building.
Fire water demand requirements for the Canteen building fire protection shall be calculated based on
the following assumptions:
1. In case of fire in canteen building, store / dining areas, automatic wet sprinkler system shall be in
to operation with design density of discharge 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area not less than 139 M2 of
floor area.
2. In case of fire in canteen building, kitchen areas, automatic wet sprinkler system shall be in to
operation with design density of discharge 12.2 LPM/M2 over the area not less than 232 M2 of
floor area.
3. Portions of adjacent area / structures shall be cooled with water depending upon the area exposed
to heat radiation, wind direction and intensity of fire.
Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for canteen building E:3254.96 LPM + 1893 LPM
1. In case of fire in workshop, automatic wet sprinkler system shall be in to operation with design
density of discharge 8.1 LPM/M2 over the area not less than 139 M2 of floor area.
2. Portions of adjacent area / structures shall be cooled with water depending upon the area exposed
to heat radiation, wind direction and intensity of fire.
Automatic wet water sprinkler system shall be installed to extinguish a fire in the workshop building.
Sprinkler system shall be designed in accordance with NFPA-13 based on ordinary hazard group-2. The
design density of water application rate over the surface area shall be at the rate of 8.1 L/min/m2 over
the area of 139 sq.mtrs.
Internal stand pipe system and external Fire hydrants are recommended for the supplemental hose
stream protection of workshop shed.
Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for Workshop area. E : 1294.78 LPM + 947 LPM
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1.45 Main Office/Old Admin Building/Design Center offices Fire Water Demand
Automatic wet water sprinkler system shall be installed to extinguish a fire in the offices buildings.
Sprinkler system shall be designed in accordance with NFPA-13 based on light hazard. The design
density of water application rate over the surface area shall be at the rate of 4.1 L/min/m2 over the
area of 139 sq.mtrs.
Internal stand pipe system and external Fire hydrants are recommended for the supplemental hose
stream protection of offices building.
Fire water demand requirements for the offices buildings fire protection shall be calculated based on
the following assumptions:
1. In case of fire in offices building, automatic wet sprinkler system shall be in to operation with
design density of discharge 4.1 LPM/M2 over the area not less than 139 M2 of floor area.
2. Portions of adjacent area / structures shall be cooled with water depending upon the area exposed
to heat radiation, wind direction and intensity of fire.
Fire water demand for sprinkler system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for offices building. E: 655.38 LPM + 947 LPM
Fixed low expansion foam system shall be installed to extinguish a fire in the Diesel generator shed
(power house) building. A primary means of fixed foam water system with foam spray nozzles installed
at ceiling level of the power house generator set hall as per NFPA-16. The foam application rate over
the surface area shall be at the rate of 10.2 L/min/m2 for the minimum period of 10 minutes duration
over the design area of 232 M2.
Fire hydrants are to be recommended for the supplemental hose stream protection of power house
and other adjacent utility areas. Foam monitor shall be provided for the protection of bulk fuel tank.
Foam / water demand for foam water sprinkler / spray system shall be calculated as per the design
criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for Diesel Generator Power plant E : 2721.45 LPM + 1893 LPM
Automatic deluge water spray system shall be installed to extinguish a fire in the oil cooled
External Fire hydrants are recommended for the supplemental hose stream protection of oil cooled
transformer protection.
Fire water demand for deluge spray system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required for one transformer E : 427 + 947 : 1374 LPM (363.01 GPM)
Automatic deluge water spray system shall be provided for the protection of LPG storage bullets, LPG
unloading gantry, LPG pumping/PRDB station with density of 10.2 LPM/M2 over the entire surface.
External Fire hydrants / Fire water monitors are recommended for the supplemental hose stream
protection of LPG plant.
Fire water demand for deluge spray system shall be calculated as per the design criteria below:
Total fire water demand required E : 1338.75 + 1893: 3231.75 LPM (853.8 GPM)
1.49 Conclusion
In view of above calculations, it is clear that the single largest worst case fire scenarios are as follows:
1. To Extinguish Fire in the Main Factory Shed, fire water required is 5,148 LPM (1,360 GPM);
2. To Extinguish Fire in the Kitchen area of Canteen, fire water required is 5,148 LPM (1,360 GPM);
3. To Extinguish Fire in the LPG plant, fire water required is 5,148 LPM (1,360 GPM);
In firefighting philosophy, single largest fire incident occurrence shall be considered determine the
minimum flow rate of fire water in a factory facility.
Accordingly, the highest flow rate of fire water demand required for single largest worst case fire
scenario is 5,148 LPM (1,360 GPM) for Main Factory Shed. The flow rate of proposed fire pump set
for the entire facility fire protection shall be equal to higher than calculated fire water demand.
However, as per the letter Ref. No. 8043/E/2017, dated:05-09-2017, issued by Tamilnadu Fire &
Rescue Services Department, Fire Pump capacity is 2,280 LPM (600 GPM) only, which is much lesser
than the required flow rate for RCIPL facility as per the National Building Code requirements.
Though Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) is DFO, Dindigul District, Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue Service
Department and their recommendation / decision is the final and minimum flow rate required, as a
Client, RCIPL can propose higher capacities to meet the requirements of local & international fire
codes & standards which exceeds the requirements of AHJ (Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue Services
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1.50 Recommendations
In view of above calculations and conclusions, it is recommended to propose 5678 LPM (1500 GPM)
capacity fire pump set.
Fire pump sets shall consist of 100% electric driven main pump set and 100% diesel engine driven
stand by pump set. In case of shortage electric power source, both the main & stand by fire pumps
can be diesel engine driven type.
1.51 General
The purpose of fire water system provisions is to provide an adequate water supply for automatic and
manual fire fighting operations within the RCIPL facility continuously for the specified period of time.
Fire water system is provided for controlling & extinguishing fires, emergency cooling of tanks and
equipment’s and producing fire fighting foams.
Fire water supply will be provided from an automatic fire water pump set consists of 1 nos of electric
driven main fire pump set and 1 nos of diesel engine driven stand by fire pump set and 1 nos of
electric motor driven jockey pump set complete with all accessories as per NFPA-20. The fire pump set
flow & pressure shall be based on the fire water demand for the worst case fire scenario in accordance
with the applicable fire codes & standards.
As per the fire water demand, the fire water pump set design flow shall be 1500 GPM @ 10 bar such
that to achieve 7 bar pressure at farthest hydraulically most remote point which shall be calculated as
per hydraulic calculations.
The fire pump sets shall be of UL listed / FM approved type complete with all accessories as per NFPA-
20, Standard for the Stationary Fire Pumps Installations.
In case of shortage electric power source, both the main & stand by fire pumps can be diesel engine
driven type.
Water hammer (Air vessel) arrestors shall be designed and provided to eliminate water hammering
effect due to surge or spike of water caused when sudden stoppage of the water while flowing at
certain pressure. The water hammer arrestor shall be ASME replaceable bladder pre-charged hydro-
pneumatic tanks for commercial and industrial water systems that shall effectively control water
hammer shock and pump start-up and shut-down water surge.
LUMINOUS Power Technologies
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
The fire water tank shall be constructed in accordance with NFPA 22, Standard for water tanks for
private fire protection.
This section of the code stipulates requirement for sizing and design of water supplies for the internal
& external fire suppression system demands. The water supply serving internal & external fire
suppression system is capable of providing the required water pressure and flow for a prescribed
duration of not less than 4 hours as per National Building Code, Table 23, for Hazardous Buildings (J),
High Hazard Occupancy category buildings/factories and shall be stored in two compartments.
Maximum Fire Water Demand Required at Source : 5,148 LPM (1,360 GPM)
Proposed Fire Water Pump Sets capacity : 5,678 LPM (1,500 GPM) @ 10 BAR
: 360,000 Gallons
Fire water reserve shall be calculated from the anti-vortex unit to the domestic water pump suction
outlet in case the fire water tank or bottom of tank overflow outlet line. The fire water pump sets and
fire water tanks are located on the same level such that the fire pumps gets flooded water to its
suction connection. Fire water tanks shall be constructed and fitted with all required instrumentations
as per NFPA-22 and Fire & Rescue Services Department requirements.
Fire water storage tanks are automatically filled in case of the level inside the tank decreases. Water
level indicators shall be provided for water level reading and in addition low water level switch shall be
installed in both compartments and to be interfaced with pump controller / fire alarm system for
It’s recommended to provide chemical dosing package facility for the dosing of chemicals to prevent
biological growth in the storage tanks and if required anti-corrosion chemicals into the fire water
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
A network of fire water mains is provided by forming a ring main to have redundancy in fire water
feeder main to supply fresh fire water to fire hydrants, monitors, fixed deluge water spray system,
foam system, water sprinkler system, foam water spray/sprinkler system, first aid fire hose reels and
foam hose reels for fire fighting within the RCIPL facility.
The fire water main shall be routed preferably above ground and routed underground where the fire
water main passes through road crossings / access paths. In case of a portion of fire water piping is
isolated for repair / maintenance, the fire water supply be made available through an alternate route
without leaving the major portion of entire facility without fire suppression system. Adequate isolation
valves to be provided for the sectionalisation of fire water network and Fire water main shall be in
accordance with NFPA-24.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1.55 General
Intelligent / addressable type fire detection & alarm system shall be designed & installed in
accordance with the latest edition of NFPA-72 and NFPA-70 and initiated through:
1. Manual fire alarm call points near each exit of utility buildings and all around the facility such that
travel distance does not exceeds 61 mtrs;
3. Linear Heat Sensing cable detection for cable trays and cable trenches;
A manual fire alarm call point (Break glass unit) box shall be provided in the natural exit access path
near each required exit from an area.
Additionally manual fire alarm boxes shall be located so that, no horizontal distance along the dyke
wall exceeding 200 ft (60 m) shall need to be traversed to reach a manual fire alarm box.
Fire alarm manual call points for outdoor installations shall be of weather proof type and where
located in the hazardous areas shall be suitable such classifications.
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Addressable / Intelligent type smoke detectors shall be provided within the plant facilities and utility
buildings including offices, store, lab, utility service rooms, etc.
Probe type heat detectors shall be proposed in the generator rooms, kitchen / pantry’s, diesel pump
room, fire pump rooms etc where there is chance for the availability or production of visible or
invisible smoke particles / hot gases or fumes during normal operating conditions within the room.
All water sprinkler alarm check valve assembly, water spray system deluge valve assembly & foam
system deluge assembly are fitted with a water flow alarm pressure switches which shall be
interfaced with the fire alarm system through an interface module for monitoring and to initiate a fire
Fire alarm notification shall be made through audible visual alarm by means sounders and strobe
lights distributed throughout the facility.
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1.58 Interfaces
The fire alarm system shall be interfaced with the following systems / equipment’s for monitoring and
control purposes.
1.59 Cabling
The fire detection and alarm system cabling shall be fire resistance rated (fire proof) cabling within
steel conduit if unarmored or FLRS armored cabling having conductor size not less than 1.5 sq.mm for
data/signal and not less than 2.5 sq.mm for notification appliances & power cabling including
emergency /exit lighting system.
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All fire alarm system / electrical equipment’s / devices and wiring shall be approved for use in
Hazardous locations Class I or Class II, Division 1 or 2 as per the site requirements and as
recommended in design drawings and specifications.
Static electricity hazards shall be minimized by the permanent bonding and grounding of all
conductive equipment’s as per NFPA-77, Recommended practice on Static Electricity.
To prevent fires due to lightening, the structures shall be bonded properly as specified in NFPA-780,
Standard for installation of lightening protection systems.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
1.61 Recommendations
The complete Fire Detection and alarm system shall be designed, installed, tested, commissioned and
maintained in accordance with requirements of NFPA-72 and Tamilnadu Fire & Rescue Department
Authority requirements.
The recommended fire alarm sequence of operation and firefighting system operations are detailed
below which is generic and the same may be customized to suit the facility operation and
management according to the site conditions and requirements.
Upon activation of a manual call point, smoke or heat detector shall initiate:
a) Manual activation of the evacuate signal throughout the facility by the management;
b) Automatic Alert signal in the adjacent buildings / facilities;
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) Facility management
notify to the Civil Defense Authority by phone call (If connected);
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) Facility management
notify to the Civil Defense Authority by phone call;
d) Activation of corresponding unit smoke control / ventilation system(if connected);
e) After a period of 3 minutes the alert signal in the adjacent fire affected zone (other buildings)
shall change default to Evacuate signal unless otherwise the fire signal is reset by the
management followed by the fire investigations.
f) All areas, circulation spaces & ancillary areas in the fire / smoke zone evacuated;
g) Facility management liaises with the Civil Defense Authority and evacuates the entire facility if
a) Automatically initiate the “Evacuate” signal in the building (fire / smoke zone);
b) Automatically initiate the “Alert” signal in the adjacent fire / smoke zones (other buildings);
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) Facility management
notify to the Civil Defense Authority by phone call;
d) Activation of particular unit smoke control / ventilation system (if connected);
e) After a period of 5 minutes the alert signal in the adjacent fire affected zone (other buildings)
shall change default to Evacuate signal unless otherwise the fire signal is reset by the
management followed by the fire investigations.
f) All areas, circulation spaces & ancillary areas in the fire / smoke zone evacuated;
g) Facility management liaises with the Civil Defense Authority and evacuates the entire building if
2. Fire Detection within LPG Plant/ Diesel Tank farm / Diesel pump station areas:
a) Manual activation of the evacuate signal throughout the facility by the management;
b) Automatic Alert signal within the adjacent fire / smoke zones (utility buildings)
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) facility management
notify to the Civil Defense Authority by phone call;
d) Manual activation of deluge water spray system for cooling of the tank on fire and adjacent
buildings for exposure protection.
e) Manual activation of foam deluge system for extinguishing fire inside tank.
f) Manual activation of foam monitors to extinguish fire within the bunds area.
g) Manual activation of water monitors to cool the adjacent facilities for exposure protection.
a) Automatically initiates the evacuate signal throughout the facility by the management;
b) Automatic Alert signal within the adjacent fire / smoke zones
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) facility management notify to
the Civil Defense Authority by phone call;
d) After a period of 3 minutes the alert signal in the adjacent fire affected zone shall change default to
Evacuate signal unless otherwise the fire signal is reset by the management followed by the fire
e) All areas, circulation spaces & ancillary areas in the fire / smoke zone evacuated;
f) Facility management liaise with the Civil Defense Authority and evacuate the entire building if
g) Manual activation of deluge water spray system for cooling of the tank on fire and adjacent buildings
for exposure protection.
h) Manual activation of foam deluge system for extinguishing fire inside tank.
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i) Manual activation of foam monitors to extinguish fire within the bunds area.
j) Manual activation of water monitors to cool the adjacent facilities for exposure protection.
a) Automatically initiate the “Evacuate” signal in the tank farm area (fire / smoke zone);
b) Automatically initiate the “Alert” signal in the adjacent fire / smoke zones (other buildings);
c) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Fire Department control room (or) Facility management
notify to the Fire Department Authority by phone call;
d) After a period of 5 minutes the alert signal in the adjacent fire affected zone (other buildings) shall
change default to Evacuate signal unless otherwise the fire signal is reset by the management
followed by the fire investigations.
e) All areas, circulation spaces & ancillary areas in the fire / smoke zone evacuated;
f) Facility management liaises with the Civil Defense Authority and evacuates the entire building if
k) Manual activation of deluge water spray system for cooling of the tank on fire and adjacent tanks or
buildings for exposure protection.
l) Manual activation of foam deluge system for extinguishing fire inside tank.
m) Manual activation of foam monitors to extinguish fire within the bunds area.
n) Manual activation of water monitors to cool the adjacent buildings for exposure protection.
a) Automatically initiate the “Evacuate” signal in the tank farm area (fire / smoke zone);
b) Automatically initiate the “Alert” signal in the adjacent fire / smoke zones (other buildings);
c) Fire Signal sent to the control panel;
d) Initiates Auto dialer & sends fire signal to Civil Defense control room (or) Facility management notify
to the Civil Defense Authority by phone call;
e) Management staff move to the fire affected area;
f) After a period of 3 minutes the alert signal in the adjacent fire affected zone (other buildings) shall
change default to Evacuate signal unless otherwise the fire signal is reset by the management
followed by the fire investigations.
g) All areas, circulation spaces & ancillary areas in the fire / smoke zone evacuated;
h) Facility management liaises with the Civil Defense Authority and evacuates the entire building if
g) Automatic activation of deluge water spray system for cooling of the tank on fire
h) Manual activation of deluge water spray system for cooling adjacent tanks or buildings for exposure
i) Manual activation of foam deluge system for extinguishing fire inside tank.
j) Manual activation of foam monitors to extinguish fire within the bunds area.
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At Soolagiri, Hosur, India DATE : July’2018
k) Manual activation of water monitors to cool the adjacent tanks for exposure protection.
1.62 Purpose
These requirements are intended to provide sufficient illumination of public areas so that safe
occupant evacuation of the facility and firefighting operations may occur.
This section of the code stipulates that emergency lighting be provided in the following locations:
enclosed staircases, fire control rooms, automatic power generator rooms, fire pump rooms, exit
access corridors and elevators.
Emergency lights are required to be provided in accordance with section 7.9 of NFPA-101, along the
means of egress such as corridors, emergency staircases, exit passage ways etc.
Emergency lights shall come ON when the normal lighting fails, eg. in case of a power failure.
The projected lux level and back-up power of the emergency and exit lights has to be verified.
At the time of maintenance of emergency lights and changing one power source to other sources, the
delay time shall not be more than 10 seconds.
Standby power for emergency lighting and evacuation signs is required to provide continuous power
for at least 90 minutes. Exit signs are required to be located at emergency exits and exit access doors.
Exit signs are also required to be located such that no point in an exit access corridor is more than
30.5 meters (100 feet) from the nearest visible sign.
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Emergency illumination shall be provided for not less than 1 1/2 hours in the event of failure of
normal lighting.
Emergency lighting shall provide initial illumination not less than an average of 1 ft-candle (10.8 lux)
and, at any point, not less than 0.1 ft-candle (1 lux), measured along the path of egress at floor level.
Illumination levels shall be permitted to decline to not less than an average of 0.6 ft-candle (6.5 lux)
and, at any point, not less than 0.06 ft-candle (0.65 lux) at the end of the 1 1/2 hours.
Emergency illumination shall be provided not less than 1½ hours in the event of power failure.
The emergency lighting system shall be arranged to provide the required illumination automatically in
the event of any interruption of normal lighting due to any of the following:
(1) Failure of a public utility or other outside electrical power supply
(2) Opening of a circuit breaker or fuse
(3) Manual act(s), including accidental opening of a switch controlling normal lighting facilities.
The emergency lighting system shall be either continuously in operation or shall be capable of
repeated automatic operation without manual intervention.
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Exits, other than main exterior exit doors that obviously and clearly are identifiable as exits, shall be
marked by an approved sign readily visible from any direction of exit access.
Exit stair door tactile signage shall be located at each door into an exit stair enclosure, and such
signage shall read as follows:
It shall be installed adjacent to the latch side of the door 60 in. (152 cm) above the finished floor to
the centerline of the sign.
Access to exits shall be marked by approved, readily visible signs in all cases where the exit or way to
reach the exit is not readily apparent to the occupants. Sign placement shall be such that no point in
an exit access corridor is in excess of 100 ft (30 m) from the nearest externally illuminated sign and is
not in excess of the marked rating for internally illuminated signs.
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1.66 Purpose
These provisions are intended to provide an adequate backup power supply source for the facility fire
and life safety systems in order for the facility / building occupants to evacuate the facility and
provide the necessary firefighter rescue operations.
This section of the code stipulates an independent power supply to be provided for critical fire and
life safety systems in case of a fire emergency.
As per NFPA 101, clause11. “An emergency standby power supply shall be provided and
connected to the following: